4.9: Investments (2024)

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}}}\) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    4.9.1 Investments Overview

    A company may have idle cash that it does not need immediately for its current operations. Just like individuals, a company may seek to invest this money so that its value grows over time. Rather than placing the cash in checking or savings accounts in banks, where interest rates are relatively low, companies may choose to invest in other corporations or government entities for potentially higher rates of return.

    One option is for the company to invest in equity securities, which involves purchasing stock in other corporations. Equity is actual ownership, and stock can be considered a receipt that confirms that ownership. The investor buys a number of shares of stock at a purchase price per share. The investor becomes a partial owner of the corporation and is called a stockholder.

    The stock investor may then benefit in two ways. First, the investee (company invested in) may pay dividends, which are payouts of profits, to stockholders. Secondly, the market value per share may increase over time, and the investor may experience a gain on the value of the shares owned. Although there is not necessarily a guarantee of dividends or appreciation of the value of the shares of stock owned, these are the two main incentives that attract companies and individuals to invest in stock. There is no repayment due date on the ownership of shares of stock.

    Investments in stock may be classified as either short or long-term assets, depending on the length of time that the buyer intends to hold the equities. Short- term stock investments held for less than one year may be called marketable securities and appear as a current asset on the investor’s balance sheet. Long- term investments in stocks are held for more than one year—often many years—by the investing corporation. These are listed in the Investments section of the firm’s balance sheet.

    A second investment choice for the company is debt securities, such as corporate or governmental bonds. Bonds are loans made collectively by smaller lenders, such as other corporations and individual people, to a corporation. The people or companies who invest in corporate bonds are called bondholders. They do not become owners of a corporation like stockholders do; they are just lenders.

    Bondholders lend their money to corporations in order to be paid interest on the loan amount throughout the number of years in the term of the bond. Interest on corporate bonds is often paid semi-annually—every six months. On the maturity date, bondholders are repaid the original amount that they loaned the corporation.

    Investments in bonds may be classified as either short or long-term assets, depending on the length of time that the buyer intends to hold the investment. Short-term bond investments held for less than one year may be called marketable securities or trading securities and appear as a current asset on the investor’s balance sheet. Long-term investments in bonds are held for more than one year—usually many years—by the investing corporation. These are listed in the Investment section of the firm’s balance sheet for most of their life and only become current assets within one year of their maturity date. Long-term investments in bonds are classified as either held-to-maturity or available-for-sale securities, which will be explained in the following section.

    Certain types of stock and bond investments may be sold at breakeven, at a gain, or at a loss, similar to the sale of fixed assets. Again, it is important to note that any gain or loss is incurred on an investment transaction is outside of what occurs in normal business operations. When a gain or loss on the sale of an investment is recognized in the same transaction as the receipt of cash, it is considered a realized gain or loss, because it occurs only at the time of the sale and is based on the amount of cash received.

    Other types of stock and bond investments are adjusted to fair value, or the current trading price on the open market, throughout the time they are owned by the investor. Adjustments just prior to preparing financial statements may result in reporting a gain or loss, but in this case any gain or loss is considered unrealized since a sale has not transpired and no cash has been received yet. These concepts will be elaborated on in the discussions of investments that follow.

    The following Accounts Summary Table summarizes the accounts relevant to investing in stocks and bonds.

    Asset Investment in ABC Stock Investment in ABC Bonds debit credit debit


    Stockholders’ Equity Unrealized Holding Gain – Available-for-Sale Securities credit debit credit


    Contra Stockholders’ Equity Unrealized Holding Loss – Available-for-Sale Securities debit credit debit


    Revenue or Gain Dividends Revenue Investment Income Interest Revenue Gain on Sale of Investment Unrealized Holding Gain/ Loss – Net Income (if credit balance) credit debit credit Income Statement YES
    Expense or Loss Loss on Sale of Investment Unrealized Holding Gain/ Loss – Net Income (if debit balance) debit credit debit Income Statement YES

    4.9.2 Investments in Stock

    A company may invest in the stock of other corporations if it has no immediate need for its cash. A separate account that mentions the unique name of the corporation for each stock investment is used. For example, a company might invest in the stock of three other corporations and use Investment in ABC Stock, Investment in Home Depot Stock, and Investment in Delta Airlines Stock as their three distinct asset account names. (On the balance sheet, these individual investment accounts may be combined in the Marketable Securities listing for short-term investments and/or the Equities Securities listing for long-term investments for an efficient presentation.)

    There are five possible journal entries related to investing in stock, as follows:

    1. Purchase the stock investment
    2. Receive dividend payments
    3. Recognize net income of the issuing corporation 4. Adjust to fair value
    4. Sell the stock investment

    Each stock investment is accounted for using one of two methods, either the fair value through net income method or the equity method. The choice for each investment depends on the percentage of another corporation’s outstanding shares that the investing company purchases.

    If a company purchases less than 20% of another corporation’s outstanding shares, the fair value through net income method is used. Investors who own less than 20% of the outstanding shares are not considered to have significant influence over the company they are investing in. An example would be the purchase of 1,000 shares of another corporation that has 100,000 shares outstanding. The investor owns only 1% (1,000 / 100,000).

    If a company purchases between 20% and 50% of another corporation’s outstanding shares, the equity method is used. Investors who own between 20% and 50% of the outstanding shares are considered to have significant influence over the company they are investing in. An example would be the purchase of 40,000 shares of another corporation that has 100,000 shares outstanding. The investor owns 40% (40,000 / 100,000).

    The purchase of more than 50% of another corporation’s outstanding shares is considered a consolidation and will not be discussed.

    Two versions of the five journal entries related to investing in stock are illustrated side by side in the journal entries that follow. The transactions on the left illustrate the fair value through net income method where the investor owns 10% (less than 20%) of the outstanding shares. Those on the right show the equity method, where the investor owns 25% (more than 20%) of the outstanding shares. Explanations are included.

    1. Purchase the Stock Investment

    There is no difference between the fair value through net income and equity methods when stock is purchased. The accounts used in the journal entries are identical under both methods.

    Your Corporation purchases 5,000 shares of ABC Stock for $10 per share. ABC Corporation has 50,000 shares outstanding, so Your purchases 10% of those shares. Your Corporation purchases 5,000 shares of ABC Stock for $10 per share. ABC Corporation has 20,000 shares outstanding, so Your purchases 25% of those shares.
    Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit
    Investment in ABC Stock 50,000 Investment in ABC Stock 50,000
    Cash 50,000 Cash 50,000
    Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is increasing. Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is increasing.
    Cash is an asset account that is decreasing. Cash is an asset account that is decreasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock debit balance: $50,000

    Carrying amount per share: $10.00 ($50,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 10% (5,000 / 50,000)

    Amount: $10 x 5,000

    Investment in ABC Stock debit balance: $50,000

    Carrying amount per share: $10.00 ($50,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 25% (5,000 / 20,000)

    Calculation: $10 x 5,000

    Ledger account balance: Ledger account balance:
    Investment in ABC Stock Investment in ABC Stock
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

    2. Receive Dividend Payments

    One difference between the fair value through net income and equity methods is seen when the issuing corporation pays cash dividends.

    Fair value through net income method

    Under the fair value through net income method, the investor simply reports dividend receipts as revenue. The Dividends Revenue account is credited.

    Equity method

    Under the equity method, dividend receipts are reported as a reduction of the investment account. The investing company’s significant ownership percentage results in a transaction that is analogous to the corporation paying itself.


    Your Corporation receives $5,000 in dividends from ABC Corporation.

    EQUITY method

    Your Corporation receives $5,000 in dividends from ABC Corporation.

    Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit
    Cash 5,000 Cash 5,000
    Dividends Revenue 5,000 Investment in ABC Stock 5,000
    Cash is an asset account that is increasing. Cash is an asset account that is increasing.
    Dividends Revenue is a revenue account that is increasing. Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is decreasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock debit balance: $50,000

    Carrying amount per share: $10.00 ($50,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 10% (5,000 / 50,000)

    Investment in ABC Stock debit balance: $45,000

    Carrying amount per share: $9.00 ($45,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 25% (5,000 / 20,000)

    Ledger account balance: Ledger account balance:
    Investment in ABC Stock Investment in ABC Stock
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
    5,000 45,000

    3. Recognize Net Income of the Issuing Corporation

    Another difference between the fair value through net income and equity methods is seen when the issuing corporation reports net income.

    Fair value through net income method

    There is no journal entry under the fair value through net income method, where the percentage of investor ownership is not considered significant enough to participate in the issuing company’s earnings.

    Equity method

    Under the equity method, the investing corporation owns such a significant percentage of the issuing corporation’s shares that it actually takes ownership of its percentage of the issuing corporation’s net income and reports it as its own. In this case, Your Corporation owns 25% of ABC Corporation’s outstanding shares, so it recognizes 25% of ABC Corporation’s net income ($100,000 x 25% = $25,000). This results in an increase in the value of the investment account as well.


    ABC Corporation reports net income of $100,000.

    EQUITY method

    ABC Corporation reports net income of $100,000.

    Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit
    Investment in ABC Stock 25,000
    Investment in ABC Stock 25,000
    NO JOURNAL ENTRY REQUIRED to account for ABC net income

    Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is increasing.

    Investment Income is a revenue account that is increasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock new debit balance: $70,000

    Carrying amount per share: $14.00 ($70,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 25% (5,000 / 20,000)

    Calculation: $100,000 x 25%

    Ledger account balance: Ledger account balance:
    Investment in ABC Stock Investment in ABC Stock
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
    25,000 70,000

    4. Adjust to Fair Value

    Fair value through net income method

    A third difference between the two methods is that the carrying value of the investment under the fair value through net income method must be adjusted to fair value at the end of each accounting period. Fair value is the current trading price of the stock on the market, which is readily available for public corporations in financial newspapers and online sites.

    For investments that involve less than 20% of the issuing corporation’s outstanding stock, a gain or loss is recorded if fair value is different than carrying value. However, it is an unrealized gain or loss since the investment has not yet been sold and there are no cash proceeds yet. The investment account is debited if the fair value increases, and an unrealized gain is recognized by crediting the Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account. These accounts in the journal entry are reversed and an unrealized loss results if the fair value of the investment declines.

    The Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account appears on the income statement under a category heading called other comprehensive income section, after the net income line. An unrealized gain is added to net income and/or an unrealized loss is deducted from it to arrive at the final income statement amount of comprehensive income. Unrealized gains and losses are treated similarly to realized gains and losses—which occur when the stock is actually sold for cash—in terms of arriving at the final income statement amount. The Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account is adjusted at least annually to reflect the current trading price of the stock investment.

    Equity method

    For investments that involve 20% or more of the issuing corporation’s outstanding stock, there is no adjustment to fair value.


    The fair value of the 5,000 shares of ABC Corporation stock is $12.00 per share at the end of the accounting period.

    EQUITY method
    Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit
    Investment in ABC Stock 10,000
    Unrealized holding Gain / Loss - Net Income 10,000

    Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is increasing.

    Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income is a gain that is increasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock debit balance: $60,000

    Carrying amount per share: $12.00 ($60,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 10% (5,000 / 50,000)

    Amount: 5,000 x ($12.00 fair value – $10.00 cost)

    NO JOURNAL ENTRY REQUIRED to adjust to fair value.
    Ledger account balance: Ledger account balance:
    Investment in ABC Stock Investment in ABC Stock
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
    5,000 45,000

    3. Recognize Net Income of the Issuing Corporation

    Another difference between the fair value through net income and equity methods is seen when the issuing corporation reports net income.

    Fair value through net income method

    There is no journal entry under the fair value through net income method, where the percentage of investor ownership is not considered significant enough to participate in the issuing company’s earnings.

    Equity method

    Under the equity method, the investing corporation owns such a significant percentage of the issuing corporation’s shares that it actually takes ownership of its percentage of the issuing corporation’s net income and reports it as its own. In this case, Your Corporation owns 25% of ABC Corporation’s outstanding shares, so it recognizes 25% of ABC Corporation’s net income ($100,000 x 25% = $25,000). This results in an increase in the value of the investment account as well.


    ABC Corporation reports net income of $100,000.

    EQUITY method

    ABC Corporation reports net income of $100,000.

    Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit
    Investment in ABC Stock 25,000
    Investment in ABC Stock 25,000
    NO JOURNAL ENTRY REQUIRED to account for ABC net income

    Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is increasing.

    Investment Income is a revenue account that is increasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock new debit balance: $70,000

    Carrying amount per share: $14.00 ($70,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 25% (5,000 / 20,000)

    Calculation: $100,000 x 25%

    Ledger account balance: Ledger account balance:
    Investment in ABC Stock Investment in ABC Stock
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
    25,000 70,000

    4. Adjust to Fair Value

    Fair value through net income method

    A third difference between the two methods is that the carrying value of the investment under the fair value through net income method must be adjusted to fair value at the end of each accounting period. Fair value is the current trading price of the stock on the market, which is readily available for public corporations in financial newspapers and online sites.

    For investments that involve less than 20% of the issuing corporation’s outstanding stock, a gain or loss is recorded if fair value is different than carrying value. However, it is an unrealized gain or loss since the investment has not yet been sold and there are no cash proceeds yet. The investment account is debited if the fair value increases, and an unrealized gain is recognized by crediting the Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account. These accounts in the journal entry are reversed and an unrealized loss results if the fair value of the investment declines.

    The Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account appears on the income statement under a category heading called other comprehensive income section, after the net income line. An unrealized gain is added to net income and/or an unrealized loss is deducted from it to arrive at the final income statement amount of comprehensive income. Unrealized gains and losses are treated similarly to realized gains and losses—which occur when the stock is actually sold for cash—in terms of arriving at the final income statement amount. The Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account is adjusted at least annually to reflect the current trading price of the stock investment.

    Equity method

    For investments that involve 20% or more of the issuing corporation’s outstanding stock, there is no adjustment to fair value.


    The fair value of the 5,000 shares of ABC Corporation stock is $12.00 per share at the end of the accounting period.

    EQUITY method
    Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit
    Investment in ABC Stock 10,000
    Unrealized holding Gain/ Loss - Net Income 10,000

    Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is increasing.

    Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income is a gain that is increasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock debit balance: $60,000

    Carrying amount per share: $12.00 ($60,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 10% (5,000 / 50,000)

    Amount: 5,000 x ($12.00 fair value – $10.00 cost)

    NO JOURNAL ENTRY REQUIRED to adjust to fair value.
    Ledger account balance: Ledger account balance:
    Investment in ABC Stock Investment in ABC Stock
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
    10,000 60,000 5,000 45,000
    25,000 70,000
    Ledger account balance:
    Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss - Net Income
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    10,000 10,000

    5. Sell the Stock Investment

    Fair value through net income method

    A final difference between the two methods is on the sale of the investment. The carrying value of the investment under the fair value through net income method must be adjusted to fair value at the time the shares are sold. The investment account is debited if the fair value increases, and an unrealized gain is recognized by crediting the Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account. These accounts in the journal entry are reversed if the fair value of the investment declines.

    Equity method

    For investments that use the equity method, there is no adjustment to fair value at the time of sale.


    The fair value of the 5,000 shares of ABC Corporation stock is $11.60 per share at the time the shares are sold.

    EQUITY method

    NO JOURNAL ENTRY REQUIRED to adjust to fair value

    Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit
    Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income 10,000
    Investment in ABC Stock 10,000

    Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income is a loss that is increasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is decreasing.

    Amount: 5,000 x ($12.00 carrying value – $11.60 fair value)

    Your Corporation sells all 5,000 shares of ABC Corporation stock for the fair value of $11.60 per share.

    Your Corporation sells all 5,000 shares of ABC Corporation stock for $15.00 per share.
    Account Debit Credit Account Debit Credit
    Cash 58,000 Cash 75,000
    Investment in ABC Stock 58,000 Investment in ABC Stock 70,000
    Gain on Sale of Investment 5,000

    Cash is an asset account that is increasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is decreasing.

    Cash is an asset account that is increasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock is an asset account that is decreasing.

    Gain on Sale of Investment is a revenue account that is increasing.

    Investment in ABC Stock debit balance: $58,000

    Carrying amount per share: $11.60 ($58,000 / 5,000)

    Number of shares owned: 5,000

    Percentage of shares owned to outstanding: 10% (5,000 / 50,000)

    Amount: 5,000 x $11.60

    Cash amount: 5,000 x $15.00

    Investment amount: debit ledger balance

    Gain amount: 75,000 – 70,000

    Ledger account balance: Ledger account balance:
    Investment in ABC Stock Investment in ABC Stock
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
    10,000 60,000 5,000 45,000
    2,000 58,000 25,000 70,000
    58,000 0 70,000 0
    Ledger account balance:
    Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss - Net Income
    Date Item Debit Credit Debit Credit
    10,000 10,000
    2,000 8,000

    4.9.3 Investments in Stock on the Financial Statements

    The investment in stock accounts appear in the assets section of the balance sheet. Those that are intended to be sold or traded within one year are current assets. Those that are intended to be held for more than one year are categorized as long-term investments.


    The Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account appears on the income statement as part of other comprehensive income. It represents the amount of gain or loss on investments that have not yet been sold, but whose fair value has changed since their initial cost. A fair value greater than cost represents an unrealized gain; a fair value less than cost represents an unrealized loss. The Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account is adjusted over time, particularly before financial statements are prepared, to update the unrealized gain or loss amount based on the most current fair value.

    The Gain on Sale of Investment and Loss on Sale of Investment accounts that represent actual gains and losses from the sale of investments are not used for stock investments that are less than 20% of outstanding shares. This is because the Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account is updated just prior to the sale to bring the investment account to fair value, which is the amount of cash received from the sale. Therefore, no realized gain or loss is recognized at that time.


    For investments that involve 20% or more of the issuing corporation’s outstanding stock, there is no adjustment to fair value and the Unrealized Holding Gain/Loss – Net Income account is not used.

    The Gain on Sale of Investment and/or Loss on Sale of Investment accounts appear on the income statement as other income. These represent realized gains or losses that result from the sale of stock investments under the equity method.

    The following table includes financial statements with select accounts for a company that holds equity investments.

    Comprehensive Income Statement Balance Sheet
    Revenues $XXX,XXX ASSETS
    Expenses XXX,XXX Current assets:
    \(\ \quad \)Income from operations $XXX,XXX \(\ \quad \)Marketable securities $XXX,XXX
    Other income and expenses: Long-term investments:
    \(\ \quad \)Dividends revenue XXX,XXX Equity securities XXX,XXX
    \(\ \quad \)Investment Income 2 XXX,XXX
    \(\ \quad \)Gain on sale of investment 2 XXX,XXX
    \(\ \quad \)Loss on sale of investment 2 (XXX,XXX)
    Net income $XXX,XXX
    Other comprehensive income:
    \(\ \quad \)Unrealized holding gain/loss on investments 1 XXX,XXX
    Comprehensive income $XXX,XXX

    1 related to fair value through net income method securities

    2 related to equity method securities

    4.9: Investments (2024)


    What is the best investment with $5,000? ›

    1. S&P 500 Index Fund s. Investing in an S&P 500 index fund is one of the simplest and most effective ways to participate in the growth of the U.S. stock market over the long term. ...
    2. Nasdaq-100 Index ETFs. ...
    3. Sector ETFs. ...
    4. Thematic ETFs. ...
    5. ESG ETFs. ...
    6. BDCs. ...
    7. REITs.

    How to invest $100,000 for quick return? ›

    If you want to put $100,000 into a short-term investment, here are six options worth considering:
    1. High-Yield Savings Account. ...
    2. Money Market Funds. ...
    3. Cash Management Accounts. ...
    4. Short-Term Corporate Bonds. ...
    5. No-Penalty Certificates of Deposits (CD) ...
    6. Short-term U.S. Government Bonds.
    Mar 7, 2024

    How much is $1000 invested today at 6 interest would be worth? ›

    Answer: $1,000 invested today at 6% interest would be worth $1,060 one year from now. Let us solve this step by step.

    How much invested to make $300 a month? ›

    If you're looking to generate $300 in super-safe monthly dividend income, simply invest $32,000 (split equally, three ways) into the following three ultra-high-yield stocks, which are averaging an 11.28% yield.

    How can I double $5000 quickly? ›

    For a quick return on a $5,000 investment, consider options like stock trading, especially in high-growth sectors or investing in a diversified mutual fund.

    How to invest $1,000 dollars and double it? ›

    Here's how to invest $1,000 and start growing your money today.
    1. Buy an S&P 500 index fund. ...
    2. Buy partial shares in 5 stocks. ...
    3. Put it in an IRA. ...
    4. Get a match in your 401(k) ...
    5. Have a robo-advisor invest for you. ...
    6. Pay down your credit card or other loan. ...
    7. Go super safe with a high-yield savings account. ...
    8. Build up a passive business.
    Apr 15, 2024

    How to turn 100k into 1 million? ›

    If you keep saving, you can get there even faster. If you invest just $500 per month into the fund on top of the initial $100,000, you'll get there in less than 20 years on average. Adding $1,000 per month will get you to $1 million within 17 years. There are a lot of great S&P 500 index funds.

    How to turn 10k into 100k? ›

    Let's have a look at the best ways to turn your 10k into 100k:
    1. Invest in Real Estate. ...
    2. Invest in Cryptocurrency. ...
    3. Invest in The Stock Market. ...
    4. Start an E-Commerce Business. ...
    5. Open A High-Interest Savings Account. ...
    6. Invest in Small Enterprises. ...
    7. Try Peer-to-peer Lending. ...
    8. Start A Website Blog.
    May 15, 2024

    How can I double 100k? ›

    The classic approach of doubling your money involves investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds and is probably the one that applies to most investors. Investing to double your money can be done safely over several years but there's more of a risk of losing most or all of your money if you're impatient.

    How long will it take $1000 to double at 6 interest? ›

    This means that the investment will take about 12 years to double with a 6% fixed annual interest rate. This calculator flips the 72 rule and shows what interest rate you would need to double your investment in a set number of years.

    How many years will it take $1000 to grow to $1800 if it is invested at 6% compounded quarterly? ›

    It will take 9.87 years (to two decimal places) for $1,000 to grow to $1,800 if it is invested at 6% compounded quarterly.

    How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

    Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

    How to make $3,000 a month in dividends? ›

    If the average dividend yield of your portfolio is 4%, you'd need a substantial investment to generate $3,000 per month. To be precise, you'd need an investment of $900,000. This is calculated as follows: $3,000 X 12 months = $36,000 per year.

    How much money do I need to invest to make $500 a month? ›

    Some experts recommend withdrawing 4% each year from your retirement accounts. To generate $500 a month, you might need to build your investments to $150,000. Taking out 4% each year would amount to $6,000, which comes to $500 a month.

    How long in years will it take a $300 investment to be worth $800 if it is continuously compounded at 12% per year? ›

    Thus, it will take approximately 8.17 years.

    How much will I get if I invest $5000 in mutual funds? ›

    Consider a situation where you invest Rs. 5,000 in a mutual fund offering annual returns of 12%. If you invest in this fund for 15 years, you will earn a sum of Rs. 25 lakhs.

    Is $5 000 enough to start investing? ›

    Buy commission-free ETFs

    A $5,000 investment gets you past most standard mutual fund and index fund minimums, which typically hover between $1,000 and $3,000. But one or two mutual funds do not a diversified portfolio make.

    How to save up $5,000 dollars fast? ›

    Ways To Save $5,000 in a Year
    1. “Chunk” Your Savings. The first step to saving $5,000 in a year is to break down your savings goal into manageable portions. ...
    2. Automate Your Savings. ...
    3. Save in a High-Yield Saving Account. ...
    4. Track Your Cash Flow. ...
    5. Boost Your Earnings. ...
    6. Declutter for Cash. ...
    7. Evaluate Your Subscriptions. ...
    8. Challenge Yourself.
    May 3, 2024

    What can I invest 5 dollars in to make money? ›

    How Can You Invest With Just $5?
    • Buy Penny Stocks. Traditionally, a stock that traded for less than $5 was known as a penny stock. ...
    • Buy Fractional Shares. ...
    • Use a Micro-Investing App. ...
    • Start With Your 401(k) Match. ...
    • Invest More With Every Raise. ...
    • Watch Out for Fees. ...
    • Choose Fractional Shares Over Penny Stocks. ...
    • Invest Consistently.

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    Article information

    Author: Nicola Considine CPA

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6079

    Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

    Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Nicola Considine CPA

    Birthday: 1993-02-26

    Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

    Phone: +2681424145499

    Job: Government Technician

    Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

    Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.