Broken Dreams and Broken Bonds (To Be Restored) - Here_forAgood_time - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Kacchan Chapter Text Chapter 2: I hate you (but not really) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: The power of friendship Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Apollo? Is that you? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Day one of the f*ckery Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Depression, Allmight and our Gay’s Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Why are you here? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: I roll up with the LGBT~ Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: The hunger games (Kidz bop version) Part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: The hunger games (4kids version) part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: The hunger games (YouTube kids version) part 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: The hunger games: last part Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Don’t think about the past, it’s always there anyway. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Unpaid child labor Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Getting nasty in an alleyway Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: An emotionally constipated nerd Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Netflix and chill (trying to comprehend life edition) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: My mother wants me dead Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Alcohol isn’t the answer, it’s the solution Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Allmight is a little bitch Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: And they were roommates Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Fruit salad with a dressing of trauma Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Crippling oxygen addiction Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Total Drama Island Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: Kacchan

Chapter Text

There sat a small boy, skinny and pale, making his already tiny body smaller. He cowered over his desk, breath uneven. He was flushed, too embarrassed and anxious to stutter out an explanation.

He was a boy with green, bushy hair. Big emerald eyes viewing the world as it was, not how he wanted it to be. Sure, lies are so, so comfortable, but the truth goes above anything else. Right? He missed the times of ignorance, the times of innocence and hope.

The laughing around him stopped as their teacher continued with his announcements. Izuku didn't hear what was said, his heart pounding in his ears and bruises stinging him just a bit more. He steadies himself. It's fine Izuku, everything is fine. Lies. It's all a lie.

He hears the bell, he doesn't move. Maybe today, just today they'll leave him alone. They don't. They never do. Something slams down on his desk. The sweet and familiar scent of caramel enters his nose. He hears shouting from his friend. Friend? Izuku knew that the blond didn't think of him like that. That didn't stop him. Kacchan was his friend. In a cruel way, but he was better than his lackeys. His insults and explosions were bittersweet. He almost liked them. The only pain that felt nice was from Kacchan.

He hears the older scoff, shouting something to his helpers and promptly leaves him. His voice was nice too. It was loud, but it was a light at the end of the tunnel. God, he sounds like an obsessive stalker doesn't he?

Kacchan definitely thinks he's a worm, something to stomp on for amusem*nt as it dies. His god is cruel to him. And he loves it. It makes him feel alive.

Izuku stands up, packs his things and walks out of the classroom, oblivious to the harsh words of others, to the shoves they give him and the gum they try to throw into his hair.

He was disappointed, having not received his daily dose of adrenaline and tired, but he was always tired and nobody cared. He walks out of the school, going to the house he lived in. Or maybe 'lived' was too strong of a word? Whatever.

He felt his body fall, pushed aside by his Kacchan. For a second he allowed this pain to be bliss. He listened to the blonds every insult. "f*cking Deku! Move you f*cking nerd!" That wasn't much but it was good enough.

He was a useless Deku. His mind had somehow twisted the insult into praise if it came from Kacchan. He was pathetic.

The blond continued home. Izuku tried to find the will to stand up. What if he just stayed there? Maybe a car would hit him. Maybe he'd die of the cold that night? Probably not. With a sigh he stands up, not bothering to check if he was hurt. The constant humming of pain was pleasant. It was comfort.

He stood in front of his house, not remembering how he got there. It didn’t matter. He fumbled with his keys, in no rush to open the door. He knew nobody would greet him.

Izuku was a smart kid. That’s what his mom told him. Was it true? His teachers begged to differ. He took out a graded paper from his backpack, placing it on the kitchen counter. He glanced at another paper that had already been on the table. His mom had left an encouraging note, saying something along the lines of “You did well!” Izuku smiled.

His mom was never home. She always worked. He knew why, but that didn’t make him feel better about it.

He made himself a cup of instant ramen, slurping it down while he did his homework. The house was quiet. Who needs background noise if their head was never quiet? Izuku didn’t.

Bakugou Katsuki didn’t care. He forced himself not to care. He didn’t want to be weak. He was never weak. Not like that useless Deku. The guy who always took whatever you threw at him. Katsuki wasn’t like that. He couldn’t be like that.

He looked at Deku. He looked at those way too bushy green curls. He looked at his past friend, the annoying loser who was hunched over his desk.

The teacher just told them their test scores. Aloud, not asking if they wanted their grade to be announced to the entire class. Deku got a 57% on a math test. It wasn’t even the lowest grade in the class, yet everyone laughed at him and him alone. Everyone but Katsuki.

He knew the nerd was good at math. Something didn’t add up. It wasn’t the first time the explosion boy noticed it. Deku, despite being an annoying quirkless loser, was smart. Not as smart as Katsuki. He was smarter than Katsuki. But he got sh*tty grades, barely passing classes. At first Katsuki thought that the nerd didn’t study. But his notebooks were filled to the brim with notes. He snatched them way too many times not to notice.

Katsuki realized something in the past month. Not only the students were bullying the loser, it was everybody. It didn’t feel right. He noticed that a few other students also got that type of treatment. Never as severe as Deku, but they still did. All of them had something in common. People thought they were weak, or weird or whatever.

It was wrong. He did a bit of research about the subject. He didn’t like the numbers. Sure, he hated Deku, his mere presence was annoying, but he didn’t want him dead. The world apparently did. It’s a wonder that Deku wasn’t dead.

Katsuki didn’t care.

After the class ended, he went over to the nerd. He slammed his fist down on the other boy's desk, a desk covered in insults and threats, and started going on his usual spiel. He didn’t want that the others bullied his Deku. He knew by now that for some f*cked reason his insults didn’t affect the nerd as much.

Katsuki didn’t care.

He waited for Deku to get out of the classroom, telling his ‘friends’ to go already. Nobody bothered Deku when he did it for them. The nerd sat there, a blank unnerving stare going right through Katsuki. He eventually got up and left.

Bakugou trailed behind him as the greenette got his usual treatment, ready to step in if they went too far.

He didn’t care.

He continued to follow the nerd, half of their way home was about the same. The nerd stopped, not moving. Katsuki got ahead of him, he needed to get home after all… f*ck it. f*cking Deku. He went back, seeing those green eyes, dull as ever. He grabbed his shoulder and shook the nerd. He didn’t respond. f*cking Deku! He shoved the nerd harshly. The guy fell, but he let out a grunt. That was something. "f*cking Deku! Move you f*cking nerd!" He yelled out. Deku lay there, sprawled on the ground. He was so f*cking annoying! He was trying to be nice damnit! Respond!

He didn’t care.

He really didn’t care.

He stood there for 5 minutes, waiting for his Deku to stand up. He didn’t. Katsuki went home. f*ck him if he didn’t want to stay there the entire day! Hopefully nobody would try to kidnap the guy. People really liked kidnapping quirkless kids for some reason.

He swore he didn’t care.

Izuku woke up. It took him a while to realize but he did. He opened his phone, it was 5am. An hour before his alarm. Izuku stood up nonetheless, doing his morning routine without much thought. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, put on his uniform and made himself breakfast.

He squeezed his arms, feeling the dark bruises sting. It felt so nice.

It was 5:30 am, Izuku was wide awake. His mind seemed to be the clearest in the early morning hours. He took out his hero analysis book and used this clarity to analyze some new videos.

He loved analyzing heroes and villains alike. Heck, even people around him got their own pages. He had 13 notebooks filled to the brim with his thoughts. They were his most prized possessions. They were a part of him. He spent hours every week pouring out his mind and soul into them. When analyzing, he only thought about the people's quirks, nothing else occupying the space between his ears. These moments were peace.

He looked with pride at his work, a page discussing a new hero, Kamui Woods, a rough sketch decorating the page. His mind wondered.

He thought about Kacchan. His bully had gotten weirdly soft lately. He got softer on him physically, a fact Izuku disliked, and the blond's eyes were always set on him. It was strange. Kacchan's gaze didn't burn anymore, it felt… warm? Kinda like his mother's eyes. It was so incredibly strange.

He squeezed his bruise again.

Izuku had been walking under a bridge when it happened. His day wasn't too bad until the teacher decided to be himself again.

The school day was nearing it's end, only ten minutes left on the clock. His teacher brought out a stack of papers. "I wanted to discuss your essays about your future" He said, dead serious.

Just to immediately abandon the stern look he had on his class, throwing the papers in the air with no intention to pick them up. "But we all know you kids just want to be heroes anyways!" He exclaimed, the class cheering. It was funny to watch half of the students rally, like the guy guessed right, while the other half took part in the cheer just to not be excluded. Well, except Izuku and Kacchan. Izuku because he was uninterested in the physical harm he would get for wanting to be a hero. Kacchan probably because it was obvious he would be one, maybe he was even slightly pissed their teacher threw away his work like that.

"Damn right! I'll be the best f*cking hero you've ever seen!" Kaccan yelled behind Izuku, perfectly timing it to be when the class started to quiet down. Izuku always wondered if it was all just a performance.

The student around the blond agreed, the teacher too, despite the fact that Kacchan swore.

"Just you extra's wait!" was the last thing he got to yell before their useless teacher finally asked for them to quiet down.

Izuku was of course fully aware that his Kacchan would make it. He even planned on compiling some of his notes and showing them to his friend. He wouldn't appreciate the gesture but he could always try.

"I see here that Bakugou and Midoriya are applying to UA! Let's wish them good luck!" The class didn't have to ask what that meant, they knew. All eyes turned to Izuku, predictors cornering their prey. It looks like he'll have to make sure it didn't scar too much.

Kacchan reacted, springing up from his seat to look at Izuku. His expression filled with anger, his eyes filled with concern. Not that his class knew. He was the only one who could read Kacchan like that. It was beyond confusing. Or maybe he just delusioned himself into believing that he could read the blond? Maybe it was disgust or even pity? Only time could tell. Maybe, just maybe his obsession didn’t hate him completely. Whatever it was was viewed by him and him alone. It made him feel special.

“You think they accept you? The best you can do is enter the general course! You’ll never be a hero!” Izuku twisted it into a compliment, Kacchan thought he was smart enough for the general course of a prestigious high school!

Kacchan continued with his colorful insults until the bell rang, the class laughing alongside him. The bell rang and students left, the teacher left, Kacchan stayed.

"Deku? Are you really going to try?" Kacchan sounded a bit annoyed.

"I will."

"Just train a bit beforehand, you have the internet, use it! You f*cking nerd" He turned away, not waiting for Izuku’s response.

"O-okay, I'll do my best!"

This conversation felt wrong for both of them. Words way too kind for both of them. Kacchan sounded genuine and gentle, at least compared to his usual brash self. It felt unnatural and wrong. Yet Izuku smiled as his blond walked out of the room.

Kacchan had a point. He should start training. He'll get some dumbbells on his way home.

For the first time in a long while Izuku felt motivated to do something. Anything. Kacchan accepted him! He was worth something! Kacchan cared!

He left the school, in high spirits, a small smile seemingly permanent plastered on his face. The sour looks he got didn’t matter, Kacchan cared!

He skipped along, ignoring the glaring eyes on his back.

He went under a bridge, on edge but not turning back.

That was a mistake.

Katsuki was annoyed. He wanted this day to be over already. They were practically doing nothing and were not allowed to go home, what kind of bullsh*t is that??

Although Katsuki would never admit it, he liked to read romance manga. Not because he found them cute, but rather because they were the perfect way to relieve stress. Tooth rotting fluf mixed with stupid characters he could whisper scream at was f*cking awesome. He saw a new manga on his way to school that caught his interest. It was the first time he saw a romance manga with only male characters on the cover. His interest peaked. He really wanted to know how the f*ck that worked. Maybe have a little laugh. You never know.

So he sat there, daydreaming about his future purchase when the teacher finally decided to do his job and teach. That f*cker took out a stack of paper, acting all serious just to throw them in the air. Katsuki realized that they were the essays they wrote about their future. It pissed him the f*ck off, because god damnit he put a lot of effort into it. f*cking jackass.

Of course the idiots in his class cheered like they just saw an amazing magic trick. f*cking extra’s. Except Deku, he at least had some f*cking brains. Deku probably wrote one hell of an essay too. How was this guy not fired yet? The f*cker definitely never even thought of actually reading them.

Of course Katsuki took this opportunity to brag about his amazing quirk and his practically certain career as a hero. Screaming his anger out was better than punching another hole in the wall, his old hag really didn’t like the last time he did that.

Their useless teacher mentioned another small thing, the f*cking bastard.

"I see here that Bakugou and Midoriya are applying to UA! Let's wish them good luck!"

He did that on purpose. Asshole.

Wait a second. Deku?

He jumped up from his seat unconsciously, quickly realizing and pretending to be furious.

Why? He heard that people almost f*cking died in the f*cking entrance exam for the hero course. Did Deku have a death wish? …

He didn’t want to know the answer to that.

Bakugou did the only thing he thought he could in this situation, insult the nerd. But why did the f*cker look like he didn’t mind at all. It was creepy. Did Deku like it or something? Weirdo.

Izuku couldn’t breathe, every time he tried he was met with goo. What’s happening? He heard a voice, so muffled he couldn’t make it out. Was he dying? But he was going to buy dumbbells! Kacchan just acknowledged him! What about his mom? He couldn’t leave her!

He clawed at the slime, fought back as hard as he could to no avail.

This was it.

Life apparently thought the opposite. Because just a few seconds later he woke up, loud voice booming in his ears. He felt his cheek being slapped ever so gently.

“Wake up!”

He opened his eyes and met the man he dreamed of being for his entire life. Allmight, the symbol of peace ushered him to wake up.

Izuku’s life didn’t feel real most of the time, now he was sure that he was genuinely going crazy.

“Allmight?” He asked, because there is no way this was real, maybe he died?

“Aha! I see you’re alive! Very well, I have to hand this villain to the authorities!” The man was just as loud as he was on TV, only now he was in civilian clothes, a few bottles filled with sludge hanging around the man’s waist.

Wait! No, he can’t leave yet!

“A-Allmight? C-can you s-“ He scrambled for his notebook, just to find the hero already signed the thing. This is awesome! Allmight let out his signature laugh.

“Of course I did, my boy! Anything for my fans! Now if you excuse me I need to go!” The man prepared to jump away.

No! He still needed to ask something!

Izuku jumped and latched onto the number one hero’s leg as the man jumped without thinking. This was his only chance!

Allmight looked down at his leg in the middle of his jump, surprised to see the young boy he saved clinging to his leg. “This is very dangerous! Let go!” He yelled in a slight panic.

“I can’t! I’ll die!” Izuku yelled back with difficulty as he tried not to die a second time that day.

“Oh! Right!” The man landed on a nearby rooftop, shaking the boy off. “That was extremely dangerous! Never do that again! I have to go-“

“I… I just need you to answer one question for me! Please Allmight. Can I be-“ Izuku stopped in his tracks as the singular unit of pure muscle disappeared, just to be replaced by a meth addict. The greenette flinched back with a yelp. What. The. f*ck?

“Where is Allmight?!!”

Skeletor tried to answer but instead blood came out of his mouth. Was he okay? Wait a second. That is Allmight! He has the same eyes and almost the same hair. Maybe it had something to do with his quirk? After all Allmight’s quirk was still heavily debated among quirk experts. Maybe his quirk enabled him to gain huge amounts of muscle upon activation? No, muscle alone wouldn’t do it. Maybe it was a transformation quirk that coupled with an emitter type? That would explain why the guy was never seen in public and seemed to appear out of nowhere! He simply blended with the crowd! He always wondered how the hero bought groceries, online shopping for everything was a possible solution but this was way more interesting! Oh crap, he said all of that out loud didn’t he?

The man in front of him seemed a bit overwhelmed. “Well I- I never thought about it too hard? But yes, my boy! I am Allmight! Civilian form.” The man seemed relieved. “Can I trust you to keep this a secret young… what is your name?”

“Umm, Izuku Midoriya” Izuku was a bit surprised the man accepted his mumbling without scrutiny.

“Ahh yes, can I trust you with this young Midoriya?” The man smiled when he nodded. “I’ll take my leave now if-“

“NO!” Izuku yelled in the heat of the moment. As soon as he realized he just yelled at the symbol of peace he clasped two hands in front of his mouth. He immediately apologized. “I-I just wanted to know if”, he took a deep breath. “I wanted to know if I could be a hero even without a quirk!” He bowed down, not wanting to face his idol. Izuku knew how pity felt, and he felt it from Allmight. Oh no.

“Young Midoriya, I don’t think you could be a hero without a quirk, it’s very dangerous work. I’m sorry but you’d just be a liability. You could probably still be”

Izuku knew deep down that Allmight was right. It didn’t make it easier to accept. He didn’t hear the rest of the man’s speech, or even notice Allmight left the rooftop. He just stood there, not moving.

Right. He didn’t have a chance from the beginning. Allmight said it, his teachers said it, his mom said it. He couldn’t be a hero. A quirkless kid like him couldn’t. He knew all along, but really, why did even Allmight say it? Wasn’t it enough that no one supported him? He never envisioned a future where he wasn’t a hero. He didn’t know what he could be instead. Izuku was aware of how quirkless people were treated, they couldn’t even get a job at a fast food joint! What was he supposed to do?! He couldn’t do anything! That’s why he always clung to heroism, to avoid the reality that not even McDonald’s wanted someone like him! Life is cruel. Too cruel.

Izuku looks at the railings of the rooftop. He stays and stares at them for a while. And leaves the rooftop just like Allmight had an unspecified amount of time ago.

Chapter 2: I hate you (but not really)


Bakugou actually trying to be a good person for once.


I suck at actions scenes but I tried my best! And that’s all that matters :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Katsuki pushed his conversation with Deku to the corners of his mind. He had manga to buy. Spotting it in the store he looked around to make sure no one saw him near that section. He came closer, reading the cover. ‘Sasaki and Miyano’. Huh. Sounds interesting enough. He flipped through the pages, trying to find a female lead and failing to do so. Weird. Then he found a page where the taller boy was blushing at the shorter one. Oh yea, gay people exist. He forgot that for a sec. You know what? f*ck it! Let’s buy it.

Walking out with his purchase after the cashier gave him a weird look. But whatever, Katsuki got the same looks when he bought the regular romance sh*t. Judgemental f*ckers.

On his way home Katsuki felt uneasy, he didn’t know why but he did.

Somebody watched him as he entered the alleyway he took as a shortcut.

He kicked a plastic bottle by accident.

Izuku walked home slowly, Allmight’s words repeating over and over again in his head. He had a good day until this. He finally had a good day! The universe probably just hates him. For every happy moment the worst day imaginable took place just after it.

He walked past a store. Oh right, Kacchan told him to work out, maybe he should check something out? Never mind, even Allmight said he couldn’t be a hero.

Kacchan did. He smiled, remembering their exchange. Kacchan was so kind!

You know what? He’s going to try anyway! If his favorite person thought he was worthy, he was the worthiest of them all.

Then he heard something very familiar. Explosions. A commotion. Could it be?

His legs moved on their own, running to the area where he heard the familiar sounds.

Wasn’t that the guy that attacked him earlier?

There’s a kid in there!


Another loud explosion erupted from the big ball of sludge, a stream of profanities came along with it. A spiky hair blond struggled against the villain’s hold.


It’s Kacchan

Izuku struggled to breathe as he watched his only friend fight for his life. He messed everything up, didn’t he? First his dad left because of him, then his friends, and now Kacchan. He f*cked up, again. He should’ve never asked, he’s just a quirkless nobody. Why would Allmight care about people like him? Why did he think that? His teachers were right, he was stupid. Izuku’s vision was getting darker as his lungs just didn’t want to breathe. Kacchan, Kacchan! He was in danger! Izuku couldn’t just give up! He wouldn’t give up! He had to save Kacchan!

He watched as the heroes did nothing. They waited for someone more suited to arrive. But, Kacchan didn’t have that time. He was dying.

Izuku listened to another gut wrenching scream. Another explosion. The blond was his pain, that much was obvious, but the screaming, Kacchan never yelled out of pain.

The goo looked at the crowd, treating everyone with a mere glance.

It had eyes.

Izuku eyed a few smaller chunks of concrete on the ground. He could do this!

He launched forward, grabbing the pebbles and slipping past the police.

His eyes were definitely a weak spot! They had to be!

He threw the concrete with everything he could muster at the monster before him. The villain screeched, lashing out at Izuku. In doing so the sludge retracted from the blond. Good! He was making some progress!

Izuku dodged just in time, in the corner of his eye he saw a half broken glass bottle. He could stab him with it! Avoiding another slimy maybe-hand he jumped and rolled for the bottle, feeling small shards of glass rip his skin. He grabbed the bottle and stood up, he will save Kacchan! He charged the ever moving vomit green being, aiming for his eyes.

Kacchan took this opportunity to escape, the villain too distracted to pay attention to the blond. He ran a bit before abruptly stopping, the flash of green and black catching his attention.

“Deku! What the f*ck are you doing?” The explosive teen yelled, running straight behind him. Trying to prevent him from doing… this.

Understandably so, since he was running straight at the villain, armed with only a broken bottle and spite.

When Izuku woke up, there were a bunch of heroes waiting to have a stern talk with him. Allmight had come in and taken care of the villain before he died from sheer stupidity.

Kacchan was nowhere to be seen, hopefully being treated for his injuries.

The big man himself was gone too, leaving the bruised middle schooler to be scolded by the barrage of heroes that refused to try saving his friend. He had to try and save his friend instead, and for that crime he got chastised. Sometimes he wondered why he wanted to be a hero so badly if this was what they did instead of comforting civilians or helping with the collateral damage.

This wasn’t the first time he had to sit through something like this, he was used to it, glad that the heroes didn’t know he was quirkless he slipped away. God knows they would berate him even more.

This day was exhausting. He was attacked by his teacher, then a villain, then helped his childhood friend escape from the same villain. Honestly if even one more thing happens he will pass out. And he still didn’t have that work out material. sh*t.

Just as he was about to turn a corner, he met Kacchan, slightly bandaged but otherwise fine. The blond stood in front of him, blocking the path. Scowling, as he usually did.

“K-Kacchan! Are you…. you know…” Maybe Kacchan ran away from the nurses just to curse him out?

“I’m fine” The older boy scoffed. His crimson eyes were looking deep into his. The usual anger replaced with something the greenette couldn’t quite place.

“Why the f*ck did you do that? How stupid can you be?” The words were sharp like a knife, cutting right into his own worries and doubts. Plus they were coming from Kacchan.

“I-“ Izuku didn’t know what to say.

“Spit it out! I don’t have all day!” The blond ‘encouraged’.

“I couldn’t watch you die, I had to do something.” He averted his eyes, avoiding the judgment in the other’s. Tears were treating to spill from his eyes. Confronting Kacchan broke the dam, letting the river of emotions leak from his eyes.

The bully didn’t respond. Instead he clicked his tongue against his teeth.

Neither of them dared to utter a word for the longest time. Uncomfortable silence between them, a cicada singing in the background. It felt out of place in the city.

“Come to Dagobah beach, 6 am tomorrow. Don’t. Be. Late.” With that Kacchan leaves.

Izuku stays, a bit too stunned to respond. Did Kacchan want to beat him up where they won’t find him?

It would be insanely stupid to actually go.

Katsuki was f*cking tired. Fighting that villain was hell. He shutters at the mere thought. That guy was pure nightmare material, or wet dream material, it all depends on who you ask.

And, like a moron, he suggested to train with Deku. God dammit. f*cking amazing move jackass! You’ll probably kill him because he couldn’t do a flip on his first try or something. This was a horrible idea.

It was a f*cking miracle that they were both alive. Stupid deku. Was he actually suicidal? The idiot tried to save him, and f*cking succeeded too. The heroes there were a bunch of assholes. Honestly everyone was a f*cking asshole. Damn this place is messed up.

Now he offered to help the nerd. Help. After all these years he probably didn’t even deserve to make amends like that. Deku would accept it of course, the loser was obsessed with him. He was obsessed with the nerd too, the bitch took up 50% of his thinking everyday by just existing. f*ckkkkkk.

The moment he enters his home, his old hag hugs and berates him at the same time.

Dinner is loud, the two blonds of the house arguing while the lone brunette listens to it with slight amusem*nt.

He finally gets to lay down, thanking god that he doesn't have school tomorrow.

Unpacking his stuff he remembers the gay romance thing he bought. f*ck it, let’s read a little.

He takes it out of his bag, thankful to see it intact. He opened the manga and started reading. Soon he realized it was a pre-quirk manga, with no mutation quirks in sight. Explained the old ass tech. It kinda felt like reading an Inception thingy. The main character read ‘bl’ aka the thing he was apparently reading. At least he wasn’t the only guy reading this type of crap.

At the halfway point he noticed that he hadn’t lashed out at the main couple a singular time yet. Weirdly, sorta enjoying the manga? f*ck.

That night Katsuki ordered the rest of the volumes. f*ck. The thing had him hooked. Usually he never actively looked for the second volume to the romances he read. He was never invested enough. In translation, this sh*t good.

Not that he was gay or anything, really he wasn’t. He just liked this one.

Nope, not gay.

His mom was finally home this evening! She was worried about the villain situation, and came home! Awesome. Izuku loved his mom. She may be absent most of the time, but when she was there she was the best mom! She’d cook him his favorite food, talk about school with him and cleaned the house for him sometimes. It was really great.

The moment he stepped foot in the house he was hugged by his mom, telling him how worried she was, how she was glad he was alright and how much she loved him.

He quickly changed and cleaned himself up. Removing the tiny pieces of glass was hard, especially if he had to do it with small tweezers that were meant for splinters. But it wasn’t that bad, it hurt less than one time when some kid trained his freezing quirk on him. His fingers almost fell off that day. He had worse.

Inko had made katsudon, his favourite dish. “Enjoy sweetheart, you earned it.” She told him. “Besides that, how is Katsuki? I haven’t heard about him for a while. How is he?” She asked, getting seated to start eating.

“He is fine, I guess. Ummm, he, well Kacchan was the one that was attacked by that villain…” He trailed off, not knowing what else to tell her.

His mom looked at him with wide eyes. “Oh poor Katsuki! I’ll have to call Mitsuki later, is he alright?”

Izuku scratched his neck. “I-I think so, he didn’t have a lot of injuries.” He took a bite out of his pork. “K-Kacchan even invited me to hang out with him tomorrow!” He rephrased it, because she didn’t know about their rather strained relationship. Besides, he was actually kind of happy that Kacchan wanted to hang out with him, even if it was to beat him up or yell at him.

Inko’s eyes lit up. “Oh that’s a great idea! You kids haven’t been hanging out that much lately. I was getting worried you stopped being friends!” She laughed. Izuku laughed along.

They both ate in a comfortable silence.

“How was school?” Inko began. “Are your grades alright? Just remember your mama is always here to help!” That was a lie.

He smiled. “My grades are pretty okay.” Lies. “Kacchan’s are too!”

“Aww that’s great!” And the conversation ended.

Izuku woke up at 5 am. He put on some comfortable clothes, brushed his teeth and ate an apple for breakfast. It was Saturday, so he could do whatever he wanted. And so he set out, leaving a note behind for Inko. Let’s just hope Kacchan just wanted to talk.

Nervously he made it over to Dagobah beach, shivering in the morning cold. Due to anxiety, he forgot to take a coat with him and thought it would’ve looked weird if he suddenly turned back. So no coat for him.

Kacchan was already there, also without a coat in a black tank top and army green shorts. Was he warm thanks to his quirk? No, his quirk made him sweat nitroglycerin, or something very similar to it, so it couldn’t keep him warm. Maybe it was a mutation? Izuku also inherited a spice tolerance from his sperm donor, who could breathe fire. Maybe Kacchan had someone with a fire related quirk somewhere in his family tree? That could be possible, but quirks have only existed for 200 something years. If he remembered correctly aunty Mitsuki was a 4th gen quirk user, so it was unlikely. Maybe Kacchan-

“Shut the f*ck up! I didn’t invite you to do your sh*tty creepy muttering!”

Oh, he did it aloud once again. Oops

“S-sorry Kacchan” He bowed, so deep that he almost hit his head on the pavement.

Kacchan started walking away, Izuku followed, struggling to keep up when the blond ran. “Kacchan wait!” He continued behind him, only now noting that those were workout clothes.


He was trying to help him. Kacchan wanted to help him, not curse him out.

Izuku would cry of happiness, but right now he was kinda busy running like his life depended on it. Still, he was smiling. They entered the beach, the sand and random piles of garbage making it harder to run. The explosive boy finally stopped when they reached the water. At least he wouldn’t need that coat anymore.

“So, nerd. You still wanna be a hero?” The blond asked, not turning to face him. Sweat made his shirt and hair stick to his skin. He panted like a dog, trying to breathe. He may have ran away from bullies before, but this was different. He composed himself. Izuku was determined.

Conviction ran through his voice. “Yes. I do.” It was true. Despite everything, he would prove he was going to be a hero. The greenette was going to show the world he could do it. It’s not like Izuku had much of a choice. Everyone would hate or pity him no matter what he tried. Might as well attempt to do the thing no one wanted him to do. The depression he went through gave him a lot of time to think. When his mom cared about him for once when he was younger and took him to a mental health professional, he was diagnosed with it. Not that they would treat him of course. So many days and nights spent looking at a ceiling did something to him. He still liked heroes, just not as much. There were faults in the system, his research led him to it. Once after he analyzed an Endeavour rescue operation, he noticed the property damage and dug through the internet. That was the day he, as an 11 year old, discovered that there was something wrong. The world view change really opened his eyes. He was going to change stuff. A lot of stuff. That or he would die trying.

Kacchan just sighed. He turned to him. The blond, unlike Izuku, was barely breaking a sweat. Now that he thought about it his childhood friend was ripped. Well, as ripped as a 14 year old could be. “Let’s make sure your weak ass doesn’t die during the exam. Right now a goddamn butterfly could blow you over.” Izuku wanted to protest, but Kacchan didn’t let him. “Shut up and do as I say, or I’ll f*cking explode you pathetic ass. Understood?” Izuku nodded frantically, grinning like a madman.

“Good, now, see that rubber band? Bring it to me.” The blond sat down on an old dishwasher.

Izuku looked at the band, it looked heavy. Still, he did what he was told and brought the thing, with some struggle to the older boy. It may have been only like 50m between Kacchan and the rubber, he still felt his arms burning at the end. The morning sun directly behind the spiky haired boy, making him look like almost a god as he came closer. And it hurt his eyes. A lot. He tried to set it down, but Kacchan stopped him. “With your legs dumbass, not your back. You wanna snap like a glowstick?” Riiiiight! He adjusted his pose.

“Now bring me another one.” And so he did.

This continued until his arms were on fire and they had a dozen of them. Kacchan continued telling him to do things, like run and attempt to move a broken fridge. With a break for water every now and then of course. An hour later, Izuku was sprawled on the sand, breathing heavily while his ‘sensei’ (in this particular instance) came back from a jog along the shore.

“You’re already tired?” The blond asked, leaning in over him.

“I suck at sports! Okay?!” Izuku was more irritable when he was tired, a fact that seemingly surprised Kacchan. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Kacchan.” He hid his face in his hands. He yelled at his friend! Damnit.

“Whatever, give me your phone.” The blond replied, trying not to yell. Kacchan was really trying to be nice for some reason.

He sat up, and handed over his phone. He waited patiently for Kacchan to finish.

“What’s the password?”

“Two, zero, zero, four.”

The blond paused. “My birthday? Why the f*ck is THAT your password??”

Izuku fumbled. “Well I- I thought that my birthday would be too obvious for my p-phone, so I used yours.” It was half true, the other half was that when he got the hand-me-down phone, he was analyzing Kacchan so his b-day was kinda the first thing that came to mind.

The blond rolled his eyes. He typed something in and threw the phone back. It landed in Izuku’s lap. On he saw a new contact added to his phone. He had Kacchan’s phone number!

“Don’t f*cking ghost me.” Was all he said before walking away.


I want you guys to know that Baku reading BL is actually important for the plot. Kinda.

Chapter 3: The power of friendship


Honestly the title says it all.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Katsuki didn’t exactly know what compelled him to help the nerd. Maybe it was the whole ‘saved his life’ thingy. Maybe it was the fact that he has been such an ass. Maybe it was something else. Whatever it was, he was grateful for it. Watching Deku struggle was funny as hell. The f*cker was seemily happy that Katsuki was helping the guy. Happy for f*cks sake. It was a change from the spacey pale boy he saw every day at school. At school Deku was a whole ass different person. Staring off into a random wall at every chance he got, always defensive when he walked, scared to be seen by others.

But he got to see ‘Izuku’ for the first time in years. Sure, Deku tried his best not to mumble too much, or not make him upset in any way, always polite and sh*t. But after a few weeks, he didn’t flinch as much. He talked more. Lashed out. He was an actual person when they were training. Every day after school and on early weekend mornings they met at the trashed beach to train. Recently they even started sparring with each other. Although he couldn’t really call it that, he was more so learning him how to pack a punch and land without breaking any bones. The bitch was a fast learner too. Katsuki could almost call it ‘fun’.

Whatever. Maybe he was just getting emotional or something. The loser got all his Deku germs on him. f*cking disgusting.

Forget about sh*tty Deku! Now he has manga to read!

He stomps over to his bookshelves, taking the newly purchased ‘The Stranger by the Beach’ out between the boyxgirl romances he had liked previously. He didn’t know what kind of drug they put into those BL’s, but he didn’t care at this point.

It was all kinds of new and exciting, tho he was still recovering from ‘Banana Fish’, he really should have listened to those warnings.

Katsuki knew he shouldn’t read this sh*t. His mom wasn’t exactly a fan of the ‘live style’ of gay people. If she found even one of them they would have one hell of a talk. And he really didn’t want to talk. Right now he wanted to ride the high and read, consume more stories about these tragic little gay men.

Not that he was gay. Not at all. He just liked to read it. Nothing wrong with that. Not at all.

Izuku was happy. It’s been a while since he could say that with confidence. Sure, school was still hell, his entire neighborhood whispered behind his back and the occasional alleyway beating still happened. But he was happy. Kacchan spent time with him, he was genuinely helpful, which is more than he could say about most adults in his life. It made him feel this funny warmth inside his chest, and he loved it. The blond sent him a work out schedule, along with healthy and nutritious recipes. Gone were the days of instant ramen and plain rice! Food was actually enjoyable to eat now. He also felt the progress! He felt the exercises becoming easier before Kacchan made them harder. He could actually feel himself getting better!

His mom had gotten a day off this week! They were going to hang out clean, and watch a movie! He really looked forward to it. They had so many things to talk about. For the first time in his life he had something fun and real to tell his mom. Inko would probably be happy with it too, she always liked to pretend to listen to his rambling.

His mom worked so hard, she deserved that the house was just spotless as like she liked it. And so he vacuumed, mopped and scrubbed every crevice of the apartment. He even prepared ingredients for her favorite food. It was going to be great!

Never mind.

She got called in on her day home. Inko didn't come back until 9 pm. The salmon teriyaki he had prepared was cold. She still ate it, telling him it was delicious. Like always.

The next day he was a bit less enthusiastic during training. He was sure Kacchan noticed, but just didn't ask him about it. Good. He didn’t want to talk.

It had been a good two months since he and Deku started training together. He was wrong, that wasn’t Izuku, this was the real Izuku. The nerd rambled, he joked around, shoved him playfully, brought in his own techniques he got from YouTube and laughed a lot. This was the kid he remembered from his childhood. When they went to buy ice cream after a session, he asked him to talk to the cashier. When Deku did a sleepover at his (Deku’s) place once they talked all night about heroes, their sh*tty teacher, their parents. Deku actually complained about aunty Inko, he criticized some asshole heroes and their teacher. He even got bold enough to ask him to play some dumb survival game with him. The f*cker stopped being afraid of him. Like at all.

Deku’s training also started to pay off, he noted when the guy took his shirt off during training. Sure, he wasn’t even close to Katsuki, but it was definitely working. The greenette was covered in sweat, glistening in the sun. He had gotten broader. His skin was riddled with freckles and scars. The absolute bitch looked f*cking beautiful from this angle. The blond watched the nerds every move when they sat on the ground. He was breathing heavily, and for some reason Katsuki was too.

“Is everything alright Kacchan?” Oh sh*t he had been staring. He looked away, slightly embarrassed. f*ck.

“Yea m’fine”

That day it was Katsuki’s turn to stare at the ceiling, just for different reasons. Because f*ck him, he actually thought that f*cking Deku was beautiful. Deku! Maybe those BL’s were turning him gay?

A quick google search later left him with some questions. So it turns out nothing turns you gay, you’re just born that way. Asking google if he was gay just showed him a bunch of those bullsh*t quizzes. Wow google, you helped so much.

Nah ain’t no way he was actually gay. It was a one time thing. Plus he thought that about mother f*cking Deku. He was just going insane. That was the only reasonable explanation.

But can you blame him?? That nerd looked so hot- no no no no no no.

f*ck. He was really just gay. Time to google what slurs he was allowed to use now, you know, just in case.

A teenage boy is a teenage boy after all. f*ck you.

And after that he had to do the ye old erase search history just in case. He spent a while googling random heroes to fill that sh*t again to avoid suspicion. You see, Katsuki was a true intellectual.

That did explain why he liked the BL’s more, huh.

It hurt. He felt another kick to his ribs. It hurts.

“What are you brats doing?” A voice said, one that could easily belong to some kind of goblin. The guys that were having fun, aka hunting down the quirkless kid for sport, scurried away like the rats they were.

The person that just entered the alleyway sighed. “You okay?”

Izuku didn’t hear too much hostility in the man’s voice, so he finally got up from his fatal position on the ground. The man looked, for the lack of a better word, shady. He was dressed in all black, hoodie covering his hair and casting a shadow on his face. The only details of his face that were visible were incredibly crusty lips and the light blue hair that stuck out against his rather emo wardrobe.

Izuku nodded. “I’ve had worse.” He simply stated, like that wasn’t worrying at all.

The emo laughed. “I’m sure you’ve had, what were those NPC’s bullying for anyway?” He seemed utterly bored.

“Oh, you know, not having a quirk.” Izuku decided to trust the guy. He was too tired to care. Sleep was a bitch sometimes. Kacchan was also leaving his mark on him. Just a few weeks ago swearing was an occasional oopsy daisy. Now it was a conscious choice. And the sarcasm, he was getting a healthy dose of that too. Let's just view it as a pro, not a con.

At that the blue haired guy paused. After a few seconds he hummed. “How does it feel?”

So he didn’t care, good to know. “I don’t know, how does having one feel?”

The man scoffs. “Fine, keep your secrets… What do you think about heroes?” The emo probed, he finally got to see the man’s eyes. They were red, just like Kacchan’s, except Kacchan’s were pretty, this crusty guy’s definitely weren’t.

“Some of them try, others don’t.” He continued the stream of vague sh*t.

“Personally I hate them all.” The guy said, a hint of anger sounding through his voice.

“They didn’t save you either?” Izuku was aware that he should have been less bold with the guy, that he should have ran away too. But it hurts, and he’s tired. So god damn tired.

The emo jumped back, his hand before him in a defensive pose. Probably an emitter type. Five point activation?

It didn't matter, the greenette sunk to the ground, sitting up against a wall. The guy visibly relaxed at that. "How did you??"

Izuku shrugged. "I personally dislike, Endeavor, Mount Lady and Allmight, to name a few." He moved on. Might as well just talk until he got used to the pain.

The man chuckled, but in that weird way villains did in movies. "I hate Allmight too! And here I thought you were another dumb NPC." He should've felt offended at that, but living with Kacchan in your life did do something to you. And why was the emo calling people NPC's? "How 'bout you join me? We could burn this down together!" He smiled, childlike enthusiasm shining through a man that definitely didn't have a childhood.

"Sorry, can't. I'm not really into villainy." This guy was definitely into it.

Emo guy simply scoffed. "You're loss."

Awkward silence. He hated awkward silence.

"Wanna play games with me? I need a player two." That totally didn't sound creepy.

"Are you aware you're inviting a minor to your house?" He watched the emo guy… blush?? What was reality at this point?

"sh*t, yea that sounds weird."

"You definitely don't have any friends."

"I saved you brat! You probably don't have any either! Why are you bullying me??!"

"As a matter of fact I do have a friend!"

The guy actually let out a screech of pure frustration. "I should've left you to the wolves! You f*cking cheater!"

"But you didn't!"

It's funny how easy it is to communicate with people you know nothing about. The moment that the chemistry is there, the conversation flows like water.

"I have to go" He stands up, then motions vaguely to himself. "I have to patch this up."

"Fine, scramble away you douchebag."

The guy let him go, free of charge! Nice.

Now let's hope they never meet again.

Next week the same sh*t happens again. And the emo saves him, again.

“Well well well, who do we have here?” Izuku managed to stumble over to a wall for support.

“Like, I get that you’re a villain and all, but did you really just use the classic villain line?” He wiped his bloody nose with a sleeve.

The man shrugs. “I thought it was funny.”

And so they chat a bit. Now he actually has a name for the guy. Shigaraki. The guy was definitely lonely. The man could talk for hours about video games. The only thing stopping him from doing just that was Izuku’s need for medical treatment. They said their goodbyes, and he knew from that moment onwards Shigaraki would definitely search him out again. And he did. Every time he got the punchbag treatment in a shady alleyway, he came to his rescue. Honestly, he wasn’t bad to have around. At a certain point they started calling each other ‘buddies’ or ‘pals’. The greenette sometimes wondered if reality collapsed that day he met Allmight. After all, he and Kacchan started talking again and he befriended a villain. If someone had told him that just a few months ago he wouldn’t have believed it. At all.

Shigaraki was a good guy, a little misguided sure, and the man definitely at least tried to kill someone at some point, but he did save him and he liked cats. All people that like cats are pretty much automatically good people anyways, so how bad could he possibly be?

He probably shouldn’t have, but honestly this entire friendship was a ‘shouldn’t’ or a ‘why’ for both of them so f*ck it. They went to an arcade together once. Shigaraki was a master at so many games that they could choose like 3 prizes at the end of their two hour hang out session. He was allowed to get one of the cheaper ones and chose a key hanger of a manga explosion sound effect. It reminded him of Kacchan.

At some point they exchanged phone numbers just in case, so now he had 3 contacts! Yeah that is kinda sad, but it was better than nothing.

Shigaraki was a great support tho. The whole situation was honestly just funny at this point. The kids that beat him up now mock him for needing to be saved. The thing that they didn’t know about, was that by now he could pack a pretty mean punch. And they were outside of school grounds. Needless to say they didn’t bother him again.

It was amazing how fast his life improved thanks to Kacchan. Even though he was still ignored and bullied at school, and his grades didn’t improve all that much he was truly happy. He had friends now. He was actually worthy of something. And that was enough for him.

“Why did you start training me?” He asked Kacchan once. They were taking a break underneath a tree. Both of them were sweaty and chugging water like their life depended on it.

“So that you dumb ass wouldn’t f*cking die taking the exams. I don’t want blood on my hands man, would be bad for my career.” Izuku laughed. Of course. That was such a Kacchan reason.

“The f*ck you laughing about?”

“Nothing! Nothing! I don’t know why I asked.” He smiled, he was so incredibly grateful.

“Thank you Kacchan, thank you for being my friend.” The blond seemed like he wanted to protest.

“This is what friends do, right?” He looked down, his smile feeling wrong. “It’s just been so long Kacchan. I’ve been alone for so long. I forgot how nice this feeling was.” His eyes were beginning to feel a bit wet. “You want to know a funny thing about the past 10 years? I’ve never stopped seeing you as a friend. I know it’s stupid. But you were the only one that stayed. I think you might be the first person that helped me even though you knew I was quirkless. Thank you.” Tears fell onto the grass below.

Kacchan was completely quiet.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Izuku didn’t think, he just jumped in and hugged the older boy. Kacchan froze, but didn’t push him off. Awkwardly he put a hand on his back, patting it. Izuku chuckled. This was the only thing the blond couldn’t do. Comfort.

“You really are a stupid Deku.”

Katsuki didn’t know how to feel about that confession. It was so f*cking sad. It came out of nowhere too. f*cking Deku. And they f*cker dared to hug him. Who gave you the right to do that??

Nonetheless, he liked that hug, it has been a long time since someone did that he was going to punch that loser for it. Bitch ass. He supposed that he should thank him, but he wasn’t going to stoop that low.

Oh yeah, plus the little sh*t helped him discover that he was indeed, gay. Cringe. Ewww. Why did it have to be Deku? There were so many way prettier men out there and got his awakening from the biggest loser of them all. f*ck him.

His mom asked him something. “What?”

“Invite Izuku over! I haven’t seen him in so long, we should eat dinner together.” Aha. The old hag wanted to meet the nerd. Aunty and her have been best friends since high school, so it wasn’t that surprising. “Fine.”

And so Izuku got dragged away the moment the school bell rang. Everyone assumed it was for a beating, so of course nobody stopped the blond. He let himself be swayed away without any questions or resistance. Well that was until he noticed they were going to Kacchan’s house. “K-Kacchan, why are we going to your house?”

“My old hag wants to see you. You’re eating dinner at my house so don’t be a bitch.”

Aunty Mitsuki wanted to see him! That brought back some memories. He hasn’t seen her in the last four years. He liked her. She was loud, just like her son, but she cared, unlike his mom most people. And he’ll get to see Kacchan’s room. He wondered how much it had changed since he was there last time. Well it’s been a long time since he was allowed in there.

“Can I text my mom?” Kacchan let him go and stopped.

After a quick exchange the blond snatched his phone. “Hey!”

With a quick middle finger his friend booked it. Izuku took chase.

In the end they wrestled in Kacchan’s front yard. The younger was obviously losing, but he was trying. The phone was long forgotten somewhere in the grass, it was just them and their dirty uniforms.

“Boys! What the hell are you doing?” Aunty Mitsuki stormed out of the house, looking more disappointed than angry. They immediately stopped and pointed at each other.

“He started it! He f*cking tackled me first!” Lair!

“Because you STOLE my PHONE!”

“BOYS!” She stopped both of them. “That’s enough! Look at your uniforms for f*cks sake! Katsuki, give him something to wear, I’ll wash them.”

They did what they were told, not without Kacchan’s eye roll but they did.

He got clothes from the blond and changed. Kacchan didn’t look at him the entire time, weird. Once again, he noted that Kacchan was ripped.

Only after he changed did aunty properly greet him.

They ate spicy curry. It made his eyes water but it was so, so good.

Uncle Masaru explained with pride that his son made them dinner often, including the curry. He thanked Kacchan, but the guy dismissed him. Then they talked about school. Even though he tried to word the situation better than it was at first, his friend shot that down in an instance. They ended up complaining about the unfair treatment Izuku got from the teachers.

“I f*cking compared his answers to mine and it was almost the same, but those f*ckers gave him 20% less!”

“I remember I punched one of my bullies back once and they gave me a week of detention while they got two days. Two days!”

Aunty and uncle listened in horror as the boys criticized the entire schooling system. Then they asked the unfortunate question. “Does Inko know?”

At that Izuku went silent. She probably did. There is no way she didn’t notice the amount of bandages and painkillers she had to replace monthly. His grades. His mood. His eye bags. Inko decided to ignore it all. Kacchan answered for him.

“She does.” He simply said. The table became quiet.

“We are going upstairs.” The blond announced. He put his and Izuku’s bowls in the dishwasher and went upstairs. The greenette followed.

The nerd went suspiciously quiet at the old hags question. When he looked into those emerald green eyes, they were the usual dull green he saw at school. Oh sh*t.

“She does.” He ate as fast as possible. The nerd needed to get out of the room now.

In his room Deku sat down on his bed. He stared at the floor. “I’m sorry Kacchan, I should’ve said something.”

“Deku, you stupid f*ck, it’s not you fault aunty’s a bitch.” Izuku Deku hummed.

“I know.” A pause. “And don’t call her a bitch. She’s trying.”

“Trying my ass, she isn’t even home 80% of the time. I get ‘work this’ and ‘work that’ but not even two jobs would require that much time. She is a bitch.”

The nerd had the nerve to be angry at him, not his mother but him. “Kacchan, don’t, just don’t.”

Katsuki sat down next to him. “Fine.” He didn’t know how to get Deku to admit it, or how to help him with it. He didn’t even know why Deku didn’t want to admit it. So they sat there in complete silence.

“I didn’t know you read manga.” So he was going to avoid the subject. Fine. Whatever. See if he cares.

“It’s just a hobby.”

“What do you read?”

“Romance.” He wasn’t ashamed of that too much. The Yaoi was more questionable.

Deku looked surprised. “Romance?”

“Have a problem with it? It’s funny.”

The loser accepted that answer without question. “I thought you’d read shonen or battle stuff.”

Katsuki used to think that too, until he accidentally bought one. Addictions man, addictions.

“f*ck you.”


I made Bakugou one of us because I can and you can’t stop me. Plus I felt the need to insert some more of that teenage boy energy into them, cause I can.


Chapter 4: Apollo? Is that you?


Entrance exams


Glory to our lord and saviour, auto correct.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The entrance exam was on the horizon. Just 6 more months. It was approaching rapidly. Izuku had to train even harder. And he did. He asked his mom if she could put him in parkour classes, and after just 5 minutes of convincing she caved. He also finally realized he needed a weapon. Something for long and close range combat. He was quirkless after all, he needed something to even the playing field. At first he thought that a gun would be nice, that was until he discovered that it’s really hard to get one legally in Japan. It would be really suspicious if he could wield an illegal weapon. Maybe something like a bow and arrow? They were very versatile, easy to come by (or at least easier than guns in Japan) and something he could train with on the trashed beach. Izuku also needed a short range weapon, because just a bow and arrow wouldn’t help him if a villain was running straight at him. Knives? But he didn’t want to accidentally kill anyone, with knives you’d have to learn anatomy to not end up in prison. Doable, but very hard to do in just 6 months. Maybe something like brass knuckles? But wouldn’t that interfere with the bow? Maybe Kakute rings instead? He wouldn’t have to put them on all his fingers, so he could still use his long range weapon without problems. From what he’s seen on the internet they also look kinda cool. Kacchan always told him that his style was horrendous. It could be an improvement? He honestly wanted to have another weapon next to that, something like a baseball bat or something more practical like a Kusari Fundo. Maybe later, he couldn’t do too much at a time, he still had homework to do.

So he ordered a bow, one on the smaller side for now and some arrows. He quickly realized that the bow he ordered wasn’t what he wanted. After an in-depth scanning of Wikipedia he came up with the Gakgung, the Korean Bow. They are smaller than longbows, so he could easily incorporate it into a hero costume. They are also incredibly strong. The only problem was the price. Even pre-quirk they weren’t produced all that much, and now they are only made on custom order in India for some reason. He found one that went for around 800$, or around 123 thousand yen. That was around half of his moms monthly salary. Welp, there goes all his research. That was until he mentioned it to Kacchan, and man, he forgot how rich the blond’s parents were sometimes. Kacchan and his mom offered to pay for it, in return for doing chores around the house until the exam. Izuku didn’t want to take their money like that, and he knew that doing chores wasn’t enough to pay them back for it. He still accepted the deal, not without promising himself to pay it back in the future. There’s still a chance that he wouldn’t be accepted into the hero course, but the general course could still provide him with a stable income. He was definitely going to pay it all back.

Until that bow arrived, he trained with the other cheaper bow on scraps of metal and plastic to improve his aim and train his muscles in the right places. He also got himself a thumb ring designed for archery. A cheaper one too, he hoped that the hero course would get better costumes, so he could simply ask the art and support course for better materials. His thumb started really hurting after a while so it was a necessity.

When the Korean bow finally came through, he was ecstatic to try it out. Kacchan wasn’t really present when he had trained with his bow, so the surprised look on his face was one hell of a sight. Sure, he couldn’t shoot things that were far away with precision quite yet, but he was getting really close.

His parkour training was slowly paying off too. He started parkouring on his way to and back from school. Or anywhere really. His days were completely filled with training, studying and his small social life. It was fun. He loved it. The rush of adrenaline he got from jumping between buildings, the satisfaction of hitting his target with his bow. The late night hang out sessions with both Kacchan and Shigaraki. The Bakugou family had taken him in with open arms, to the point where he slept over at their house almost every weekend. They felt more like family than Inko ever was. He was the happiest he’s been his entire life.

The nerd was improving by a lot. It was really hard to believe that the kid from just a few months ago and Deku were the same person. The way he could shoot a bow now was kind of awesome. He knew the loser felt guilty for not being able to pay them back, but honestly this type of view was plenty enough in his opinion. Katsuki knew the nerd would try to pay them back for it, so for now they just let him doing chores to prevent that the f*cker died of guilt. His family wouldn’t accept that money back anyways, they knew about Inko’s rather unimpressive income. It was a favor. The old hag had seen Deku train only once, and decided that “If he needs anything, tell me.” She had already decided that she had a son-in-law a second son, and would give the world to him. f*cker won his mom. They also started compiling sh*t for a lawsuit against Aldera middle school behind the nerds back. No way in hell would Deku try to do it himself, the sh*t was way too polite for that.

Not like he wasn’t improving too. Now he had a sparring buddy that could take a punch without whining. He couldn’t do much quirk training because it was illegal. Like very illegal. Somehow the nerd had an advantage in his quirklessness, he only had to train his body, Katsuki didn’t get to f*cking train the other half of his physical prowess because of bullsh*t laws. What about using quirks as self defense? Would you still get charged with assault then? As it turns out you can if the injury to your attacker is great enough. He was seriously starting to consider anarchy at this point.

“What if we just clean this entire beach? Just ‘cause?” The stupid Deku asked when they arrived at their usual sparring spot. They choose a place between the heaps of trash so the nerd could use his parkour skills too.

“The entire f*cking thing? Are you stupid or something?” Katsuki asked, with a smirk on his face. He had already decided to do it.

Izuku had a hard time sleeping that night. It was a day before the exam and tensions ran high in the Bakugou household. He was sleeping over, because they stayed up so late that aunty Mitsuki had deemed it unsafe for him to go back home by himself.

“Kacchan, are you nervous?”

The blond was facing away from him. The greenette was on a futon next to him.

“No, now shut the f*ck up.”

“Do you think I’ll make it?”

“Donno, probably. Now sleep .”

“Sorry Kacchan.”

“What did I tell you about f*cking apologising for everything?”


“Say one more thing and strangle you with this pillow.”


“That’s it! You’ve lost your BREATHING PRIVILEGES!!!”

“Kacchan wait! I’m-“

Before he could finish his sentence, Kacchan leaped from his bed, pillow in hand and tried to force it on Izuku’s head. He rolled out of the way before he met his fate, taking his own pillow with him. The moment the blond landed on his futon, he jumped on top of him to slap him with the white slab of cotton and feathers. Kacchan blocked his attack and swiftly took away his position on top by throwing him against the wall.



They stood before the unnecessarily tall UA gates. They were both nervous, both making multiple attempts at reassuring each other that ended in either disaster or something so uncomfortable neither would dare to ever speak of it.

Katsuki wasn't nervous. Not at all f*ck you. Just why did they make these gates so god damn big? That Nedzu guy was just a bitch with an inferiority complex. Or he was compensating for something. Either way he already hated the guy.

The moment they stepped inside he knew this place was an absolute maze. All of the hallways looked exactly the same. At least he and Deku weren't the only ones that were blindly following the signs leading to the exam. All of the doorways were freakishly tall too. This place was a nightmare.

They had two hours for the written exam. It was all basic knowledge. Really f*cking easy. The nerd somehow finished before he had. Bitch. They still had like half an hour to spend f*cking around on campus before the physical exams. There was some kind of bird headed guy in the waiting area with them, and of course the nerd couldn't stop himself and started asking the guy about his quirk. The f*cker was practically vibrating with excitement writing in that little notebook of his.

He just sat there and observed. He wasn't here to make friends, he was here to pass.

They were finally allowed to go. Deku looked like he could cry. He put a hand on the nerd's shoulder.

"Don't f*cking cry, you'll be fine. Just kick ass and don't finish last." Deku nodded.

They were going to have separate exam grounds. f*ckkkkkk. He had wanted to be there with him to make sure the nerd didn't accidentally kill himself out there. f*ck this school. And he could’ve just been a vigilante, goddamn hero propaganda!

There were a lot of people there. It freaked him out. Big crowds and Izuku didn't really mix well. Usually big crowds meant bruises and cuts.

They were back in the room they took the exam in, but now the lights were out. They were the only ones from Aldera there so they got to sit next to each other. Kacchan's presence really calmed him down.

Someone stepped on stage. Present Mic??? Oh my god it was Present Mic! He was a huge fan! Every time the pro hero hosted on the radio he listened. He had like 10 pieces of Present Mic merch in his room, 3 of his posters replaced the previous Allmight ones. The man had such a positive and nice public person that it was hard not to love the guy.

"Hello little listeners! Are you ready?"

The silence was deafening. He felt sorry for the pro.


For that one moment he let his anxiety go. f*ck yeah! He may have been the only one, but if no one was gonna do it, he would. He felt the eyes of others on his back. After all these years they stopped affecting him. Present Mic was visibly happier at the singular reaction he got. He probably did this every year. Poor guy.

"That's the spirit! The exam will go as follows…"

The hero explained how there were four types of robots. They were worth one, two or three points. After the inquiry of a blue haired guy with glasses the banana of a man explained that they 'shouldn't worry about the zero pointers, because they were simply there as an obstacle' which definitely means he had to avoid the things at all costs.

He got spit from Kacchan. With his emotional support gone he was literally trembling. In the group to the exam grounds, he saw another girl that was as nervous as him. Talking would probably help.

"You're nervous too?" He asked the brown haired girl with chubby cheeks. He somehow managed to do it without his voice breaking.

She looked surprised. "Yeah, it’s just the vibes here are soooo tense.” She smiled. Kirby was a bit more relaxed, her shoulders finally released that pent up tension from this entire ordeal.

He saw Present Mic climbing onto his little platform.

“Good luck!” Was the last thing he got to say to her before the hero started announcing.

Izuku had admitted only one of his weapons to UA, because that was the limit. He chose his Korean bow with a few dozen arrows. UA allowed it.

He had the bow in hand and the arrows savely in a neat archery bag. Thanks to quirk technologies he could stack more arrows in there than before. It did mean the bag was quite heavy.

The moment Present Mic yelled go, Izuku sprang into action. He ran while also stringing his bow. Maintenance.

The greenette saw his first target the moment he turned into an alleyway in the huge fake city. He took an arrow, a deep breath and shot. The arrow pierced right through the machine's exposed wires. It stopped moving. Two points.

And so he continued, sniping the bots down from an elevated position on the outskirts of the city. Every time he saw that another potential student in danger he shot that bot down too. Like that he managed to get around 43-46 points. He still had around 20 arrows left so honestly he was doing pretty well. The bots here were thinning out tho, and there wasn’t much time left. He decided to go to the center of the city to see if there were any left there. Along the way he helped out a few people that got cornered or trapped. He was down to 13 arrows.

That’s when the entire city shook. Something big was coming from the back of the exam area. He saw the other participants running away, must be the zero pointer. He wanted to go back too, but he heard a scream.

Underneath some rubble was the girl he talked to earlier. There was no way for her to get away. sh*t.

Izuku poked a pressure point on his arm. It hurt. Pain means adrenaline. And with adrenaline the human body could do a hell of a lot more.

He saw the zero pointer approaching. It was massive. UA got way too much funding.

The greenette ran, took an arrow and aimed. He was glad the machines were designed to be easily breakable. He missed. sh*t.

Another arrow, it hit! It wasn’t enough to stop it.

Another arrow. Another arrow. He fired in quick succession, over and over again at the exposed cords. It slowed down.

He fired his last arrow. It stopped.

But he didn’t have time to be relieved. It started falling. Right onto the girl.

He swooped in and lifted the rubble she was under. The girl scrambled away. Her leg looked broken. sh*t.

He took her arm and threw her out of the way. Izuku heard metal clash against concrete. He jumped.

The exam was over. Katsuki did pretty well. He destroyed around 30, maybe 40 robots. The average number of points per robot was two, so he got around 60 points for sure. Pretty f*cking neat.

The only problem was that he couldn’t find the Deku. The blond went to the fake city, because apparently UA could just build those, where the nerd took his exam. He wasn’t out yet. Katsuki had to go all the way to the medical area to find him.

At least the dumbass wasn’t dead.

“Deku! The f*ck did I tell you about dying???”

The nerd looked down. “Sorry Kacchan.” He at least had the decency to look guilty. The loser looked mostly alright. Just a ton of scrapes and bruises. His bow layed next to him, unstrung.

An angry old granny… that’s Recovery Girl. Recovery Girl came to them, swinging her needle shaped cane at him. “Be quiet young man! You’re disturbing my patients!”


He smacked the nerd.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“Being stupid.”

“Fair enough.”

Recovery Girl just shook her head, muttering something about the youth.

The nerd got discharged just a few minutes later, after some well deserved scolding from the old woman and her healing quirk magically healing everything. On their way home the nerd rambled about how cool her quirk was. Katsuki listened, for some funky reason the f*ckers voice was weirdly comforting to listen to. Reality is a f*cking lie.

Only when they got to his home did he get the full story about what happened. They went out for dinner, dragging the nerd with them. He ‘didn’t want to disturb them’ or something. Bullsh*t.

His old hag asked them about the exam, and boy oh boy, why in the hell was the little sh*t such a f*cking angel?? Deku was like the impersonation of kindness or something. He explained something about ‘his legs moving on their own’ and ‘I had the same feeling when Kacchan was attacked’. He ignored the weird stinging in his chest when he heard those words.

Deku was bullied his entire life, yet here he was being the noblest of them all. f*cker. He was an absolute f*cking bitch.

Then he started talking about wanting another f*cking weapon. Some kind of chain with weights. He already had his fists and a goddamn bow. What else do you want???

Somehow his parents thought it was a good idea. Is he the only normal one at this table?

At least he got to eat pizza. sh*t’s amazing.

That night Deku slept at his own house. Which was a f*cking stupid idea, ‘cause the nerd would probably have a panic attack or something if they left him alone. Guess he’ll have to make a call later.

Izuku had a hard time falling asleep. He was so anxious about the entire exam thing. What if they took just one look at his file and decided that he was unfit for the school? What if they only let him apply as a joke? What if he woke up tomorrow and the past 10 months were just a dream? If UA didn’t accept him, would Kacchan just abandon him again? What if Kacchan started hating him again? Did he f*ck up? Why was he even born? His dad wouldn’t have left them, they could’ve been a happy family. Maybe he should have taken his classmate’s advise-

His phone rang.

It was Kacchan.


He could almost cry from happiness.

“Kacchan! I’m-” He struggled to keep his voice in check. “I’m so glad you called!”

“Jesus Deku, the f*ck are you crying about.”

He was crying. He was such a crybaby. “I’m just- Kacchan what if I don’t make it? What if they-“

“Shut the f*ck up. It's fine. You said you got like 40 points right? That’s plenty. Now stop panicking for f*cks sake.”

Kacchan was so good at comforting him. In his own special way but still.

“O-Okay.” He wiped his tears.

“Good, now tell where we’re gonna go to celebrate when we get in. I don’t want to stand in a f*cking queue so pick a place and I’ll book it.”

“Paintball?” He said, because honestly he always wanted to try. If his best friend believed they got in, they got in. Why did he even panic in the first place? It was going to be alright. He still had to pay Aunty and Uncle back for the bow.

“Finally! Your first ever good idea! I’ll beat your f*cking ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week! Just you wait!” The blond yelled before hanging up.

Kacchan was the nicest person he had ever met.

That probably sounded really depressing.


Can you tell I did a sh*t ton of research of that first part? I hope you can cause that’s an hour of my life I’m never getting back.

Chapter 5: Day one of the f*ckery


UA is a interesting place.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

So you’re telling me YOU are gonna be a f*cking hero?” Shiggy asked. They were hanging out in a public park at who the hell knows am, like you do.

“Yeppers, I’m gonna change the system from the inside. It’s easier and completely legal! Unlike how some people try to do it." He looked mister crusty lips with a silent glare. "Plus I get to meet people with cool quirks. It’s a win for me.”

“You are aware that you’re friends with a villain right?” Izuku nodded. “Why are you telling me this then? What if I kill you so you won't catch me huh? The f*ck did I tell you about trusting people like me?!"

The greenette winked. “I don't care, it's you. I am not that scared of you. Plus I can get you out of trouble, only if you were falsely accused and stuff. Heroes have that power, you know?”

Shigariki smiled. “See! This is why I didn't kill you!”

Izuku chuckled. Knowing the man for a while has taught him that he could threaten you without meaning to. Apparently not talking to anyone with good intentions for most of your life had negative consequences. Who would’ve thunk it.

“Don’t forget that I can’t shield you from the cops if you kill somebody on camera.”

“Yeah yeah whatever, like I’m that stupid.”


“You little!” Shigaraki tried to tackle him and failed. Izuku got pretty good at dodging surprise attacks thanks to someone.

“Which school are you going to anyway?”

“A good one.”

“That’s not an answer!”

“You’ll see.”

“I know where you live!”

“And I could hand you over to the police!”

“You have nothing on me!”

Izuku showed the emo a USB stick. “Are you sure about that?”

Shigaraki stopped attacking him afterwards. He wondered why.

It was kind of funny, one the one hand Izuku was the biggest hero fanboy, on the other hand he technically had connections to the underground. Only technically. You can’t prove anything. He can tho. The blue haired man had hooked him up to a few rather illegal computer courses, and when a man can’t sleep he’ll do anything to keep himself busy. At least that was Izuku’s strat, caffeine could do wonders after all. How he was still functioning, he had no idea. Probably sleeping at Kacchan’s house. Not like Inko checked up on him through the night. Kacchan did.

Hacking was another great skill to have, even if he wasn’t the best at it yet. Baby steps, baby steps.

“If they don’t accept you for quirk related reasons, come to me.” Shiggy told him after a while.

“I’ll think about it.”

He was at Kacchan’s place when the letters came.

“Katsuki! Izuku! The letter’s here!” He and Kacchan were reviewing hero costume designs when aunty called them.

They both looked each other in the eyes. They both nodded before jumping up to get downstairs as fast as possible. He jumped out of the window, and the blond took the stairs like a boring civilized person. He swung through the open door. Izuku was victorious this time around. He got a sour look from Kacchan. Aunty looked mostly unimpressed. “Izuku, why?”

“It's the fastest way.”

She just sighed and gave her son his letter. Oh yeah, he had to get his from his house. “Kacchan wait! I’ll get mine too!”

He didn’t wait for a reply and sprinted over to his house and back with the letter. He was way too excited and nervous to note that it was probably fine if he just opened his letter at home. This was a moment he wanted to share with Kacchan.

“Jesus kid, are you sure you don’t have a speed quirk or something?” He shrugged. He wished.

His friend looked annoyed that he had to wait. But whatever, this one time he was allowed to be selfish.

“You first.”

“Fine.” Kacchan opened his envelope, inside of it was a little disk. “The f*ck?”

He put it on the dinner table, and forth came an actual hologram. UA had way too much money.

“Congratulations! Young Bakugou, you have been accepted into the hero course! With a whopping 72 points you came in second place! We welcome you into class 1A!”

Allmight?? What the hell was he doing here? Was he going to be a teacher? Izuku was sure that the hero did not possess a teaching license.

Not that it matters. Kacchan got in! He hugged the blond tightly, not without a whine of protest. Aunty joined the hug. “You got in! I knew you could do it!”


After some more praise from both of them, tension took root in the room.

Now it was Izuku’s turn. The greenette hesitated. What if he failed?

He failed to notice the leaderboard on the hologram. So did everyone else.

He opened his envelope slowly. Everyone in the room held their breaths in anticipation.

The moment the disk hit the table, a hologram appeared.

“Congratulations! Young midoriya, you are in the UA hero course! Not only are you our first quirkless student, you also got first place on the exams!” The leaderboard got shown again. He was above Kacchan. How?? “You got a total of 45 villain points which would be enough on its own, but you also scored an additional 40 rescue points! You see, the exam allowed you to get secret points by helping your fellow participants! You’re going to be an amazing hero!” With a thumbs up the hologram faded away.

He made it. He made it into UA. He started crying from sheer happiness.

“I f*cking told you!” The blond hugged him, A rare sight. Aunty Mitsuki was amazed. Izuku had actually done the thing everyone told him he couldn’t. He wasn’t allowed to dream according to some, yet here he was living it. He could die happy now.

They celebrated, because f*ck. Deku did it. He f*cking did it.

To be completely honest, Katsuki didn’t know if the nerd would get in. The nerd did get more points than him by pure luck. Secret point system? He really hated that school.

He and Izuku the loser stayed up all night, going over their hero costume designs once more and searching for that weird chain weapon thing Deku wanted. They got some ‘juice’ from his old man too. Not a lot, just a can or two. It tasted like piss, but it did really loosen their screws. Doing illegal things the day you learn you’ll become a celebrity super cop, very smart moves here.

The f*cker was surprisingly eager to drink. The sh*t?

“How the f*ck did you chug that?”

The nerd just shrugged, like that was an appropriate answer. fa*g.

What? He was allowed to use it.

They had a fun night overall. The only problem was waking up the next day. Just because Deku was an insomniac or something didn’t mean he was. Katsuki needed his 7 hours of sleep every night. The alcohol did not help that sh*t. His head hurt. Responsible adults everyone!

“Daaad, why the f*ck did you give us beer?” He whined during breakfast. The bigger question what why the f*ck he even took it.

“I wanted you boys to have fun before the entire hero thing. When I was your age I went to parties, you know?” And there he goes, dropping more dad lore. At least that wasn’t as bad as the thing about his serial killer neighbor.

“Kacchan, why are we so boring compared to your dad?” The nerd was still here. f*cking great.

“Oh Izuku! You haven’t heard what I did back in the day! When I was your age-“ The old hag told the story of a hobo in the woods that sold amazing weed, and somehow married one of his clients that just so happened to be her older cousin. Honestly what the f*ck? Hopefully the media will never find out about this when he becomes a pro hero, cause the tabloids are going to run him and his family into the dirt.

“Now I feel really boring.”

“You’re going to be a pro hero, and you have a traumatic backstory to match so chill the f*ck out.”

“What if we also do a fun crazy thing-“

“I won’t allow that! We told you this as a cautionary tale, not an instruction manual!” For some reason he doubted that was his old hags actual intention.

“Yeah, just come to us if you need something to drink, I’d rather have you throw up and get smashed under our supervision than out in the wild.” His father added.

“I’ll remember that for the future.” The f*cking nerd said. The f*ck you mean for the future?! Was he truly the only one that wasn’t drawn to crime like Allmight superfans to torn off pieces of his costume on eBay?

“We have our paintball thing to get to so I can beat your ass, now shut up and eat faster!”


He was wrong. The nerd won every. Single. Round. f*ckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

They walked to UA together, because how was he supposed to live without his emotional support Kacchan? They went extra early because “That place is a maze, and I don’t want to be late on my first day, sh*t would be embarrassing.”

That turned out to be true. They got through the front gates around the time some of the staff arrived and finally got to their class half an hour later.

In the class Endeavour’s son and the blue haired guy from Present Mic’s opening speech were already there. True main character style they chose the seats next to the windows in the back. Because they could. He hoped no one would disturb them, and as we all know hope is useless.

They were just talking about some new hero critical YouTube channel when the stuck up kid made his way over to them.

“I would like to request you take your dirty shoes off the desk! This is disrespecting UA property!” He made some kind of weird robot-like moves with his hand while lecturing Kacchan.

“And I would like to request that you mind your own f*cking business sonic!” And there he goes.

“That crude language is very unheroic!”

“I’ll show you crude when I shove-“ He tapped the blond shoulder. “What.”

“Kacchan, can you please not.” The blond scowled at him.

“I’m sorry, but we don’t really care about school property. Don’t you see how big this place is? UA has enough money to feed a small country. Now please leave us.”

The guy was too stunned to speak and left them alone. You could almost hear the gears turning in his brain.

“Damn Deku, didn’t think you had it in you.” His friend laughed.

“I almost died there, this was scarier than that one time the guy with a mental quirk that gave you nightmares bullied me.” Izuku was trembling, that was really scary.

Kacchan laughed. He felt some concerned eyes on him, but he couldn’t figure out to who they belonged.

More students started dribbling in. The Kirby girl came over to them and thanked him. For some reason Kacchan really didn’t like that. She left really quickly after the blond used his favorite intimidation tactic, the unnerving constant eye contact trick. He really did hate everyone but him. Izuku liked it somewhat, even if he didn’t know why.

In the end, all seats were filled with no teacher in sight. Some complained, the more extroverted started searching out potential friends and the other’s sat in complete silence. Izuku and Kacchan had a debate about the hero killer Stain’s beliefs, to the dismay and horror of some of their classmates.

Izuku spotted something on the ground behind the teacher's desk. Something horrendously yellow was sticking out.

“Kacchan, I think I found the homeroom teacher"

“The f*ck? Where?” The blond looked around confused.

The greenette made his way over to the yellow. Some protest from his fellow students was dismissed. A sleeping bag?


Oh it’s just their teacher.

“Finally one of you brats used their brains!” The homeless looking man roze up like a vampire out of his hiding spot. Izuku skedaddled back to his seat.

The class’ chatter died in an instant.

“Hello, my name’s Shouta Aizawa. I will be your homeroom teacher for this year.”

The class couldn’t believe it. This was their teacher? A hobo? Was he even qualified??

Izuku however already knew who this man was. Eraserhead, an underground hero that fights almost completely quirkless. He liked to fade away in shadows, like most underground heroes, and let the limelight heroes get their celebrity treatment. He admired the man, but the last time he met his idol wasn’t too fun.

He was positively surprised however that an underground hero was their homeroom. Maybe then at least some further heroes would show appreciation to other branches of society.

“Put on your sports uniforms and meet me on ground beta.”

The stuck up sonic guy spoke up. “What about the tour?”

“UA gives teachers freedom, and I’m using said freedom to not give you kids a tour. Now go on and put on your uniforms.” Their new sensei seemed to default to the most monotone and bored voice for everything. Mood.

Let's hope the guy wouldn’t just out him like that in front of the class.

He recognised their teacher. The nerd loved to ramble on and on about the guy. Katsuki started to understand why. Sure, fighting villains almost quirkless was rad as f*ck, but also having that ‘I literally don’t give a sh*t’ vibe made him instantly better.

They had changing rooms? Good, he loved privacy. sh*t, it’s another communal changing room. He sighed. And here he thought that the school had enough money for something better. Or maybe they wanted to build comradeship? That’s even worse!

The nerd looked kind of nervous.

Oh yeah, the scars. He had a f*ck ton of those. Deku couldn’t just use the ye old excuse called ‘oops I’m kinda clumsy’ with that sh*t. He would have to tell all the boys in their class about the extra toe joint. He remembered vividly how that turned out last time. He didn’t even remember the nerd’s old man, or the teachers that let him make some of the scars Deku had to hide. The world was f*cked.

So that’s why he stood in front of the nerd while he changed, Deku looked real grateful. They were in a corner, talking to each other to avoid suspicion. Everything was going nice and dandy, until sh*tty hair wanted to talk.

“So you’re Kacchan right?” The f*cker asked.

“No, and never f*cking call me that! I’m Katsuki Bakugou! Better f*cking remember it” The nerd was breathing faster. sh*t.

“But the green haired guy keeps calling you- oh there you are! Hi!” He spotted the loser. Was he blind or something that he didn’t see him before?

“H-Hi. K-Kacchan and I are c-c-childhood friends so…” He forgot how much he hated it when Deku stuttered.

“Oooooh I get it, so Deku is also a nickname?”


“Okay now go the f*ck away.”

“Whoa dude chillax, I just wanted to talk!” The guy really seemed like he had no bad intentions. Didn’t change the fact the nerd was panicking.

“Yeah but we don’t so f*ck off.” With that he finally backed off. The nerd managed to change already.

“Thanks Kacchan.” Deku f*cking whispered to his ear. A shiver ran down his spine.

“Don’t mention it.” Keep your cool Katsuki, keep your cool.

The loser waited for him to change too. He felt his face heat under the greenette’s eyes. sh*t. f*ck this gay sh*t. f*ck itttttt.

Izuku didn’t feel like telling them yet. First he wanted his class to know him, not his quirk status. He wanted to be confident and just say it like a badass, but he didn’t have the guts. UA did have a strict anti-bullying policy. So he could, but he also couldn’t. The last time he told his classmates about it he came home with a bloody nose to his mom crying. Let’s just say he didn’t want to repeat that.

Kacchan was his hero, another thing he had to pay him back for. He didn’t even have to ask him. Kacchan is amazing. The blond was weirdly red in the face after he thanked him.

Aizawa sensei was already waiting for them, a baseball in hand. He and his best friend stood off to the side, distancing themselves from the class. No need to talk to people if you already have friends right?

“UA is a bit different about teaching. Remember these types of tests in middle school? Like throwing as far as you can and running quirkless? Well here you’re allowed to use your power, you guys want to be heroes, so you’ll have to learn how to do it well. Bakugou, go stand in that circle.”

Kacchan did what he was told with his signature angry face. “And what now?”

Sensei tossed the ball to the blond. “Throw it, while using your quirk.”

Explosion boy did what explosion boy does best, yell and explode stuff. A large explosion erupted from his hands and the ball when flying.

Their teacher pulled a device out of, somewhere, and showed them a large number, 701 meters. The class stared in awe. Kacchan was amazing after all.

“This is what some of you are capable of. We’re going to do all the same standard fitness tests you’ve all done before, but now you’re allowed to use your quirks. Oh and the one that comes in last gets expelled”

And that was what they did. Some of the weaker students feared for their lives, so Izuku knew he wouldn’t come in last. If they were nervous about their physical capabilities, he could pass without a sweat. Some people relied on their quirks for everything, he didn’t. He couldn’t.

Eventually he got about average scores on most things, allowing him to finish 5th last. An invisible girl finished last because, like how was that supposed to help? Good for sneak attacks sure, but she herself was invisible, not her clothes. It wouldn’t be all that ethical or comfortable if she just went around naked. Had she even thought it through when she applied? Or maybe she was like him? He could admire that. Hopefully she didn’t want to be a limelight hero, cause the creeps will be attacking her relentlessly. In addition if she just put on dark clothing, she’d be invisible in the night while being warm and covered. Oh sh*t he got caught up in thinking again. Kacchan was giving him that look he always gave him at times like this. He didn’t know if the blond minded the muttering or not, but he didn’t yell at him or anything. Kacchan was weird sometimes.

Some of the other girls were comforting the floating uniform when Aizawa sensei announced it was all a logical ruse to make them perform better. It definitely wasn’t, the things he heard from teachers on campus when they were searching for the classroom this morning told him that the underground hero would definitely do it. So he liked this class. It appears Izuku will have to look more carefully at the students too.

The rest of that school day was f*cking boring. Introductions from their other teachers and bullsh*t like that. Thankfully no one got to know about Deku’s little secret just yet. The bitch was looking all mischievous after that exercise thingy. Why? He had no clue. The nerd had his little notebook on him during lunch break and analysed the f*cking invisible girl. Why her??

Katsuki got to look in those once and that was enough. The f*cker showed him like five pages dedicated to him alone. They were really in-depth, he almost had a mental breakdown after that. Seeing his entire life and personhood scribbled into a notebook wasn’t pleasant.

Whatever. It's time to go home.

Izuku Deku is sleeping at his actual house tonight. He'll be kinda lonely without the bitch around.

No he won't. Shut the f*ck up!

Sometimes Katsuki had a hard time believing that he was actually friends with Deku of all people. His only friend.

Time is f*cking scary.


Just so I won’t jumpscare you guys I will be including some art of my own creation in the next chapter for costume designs. These will be more simple sketches, so I will probably add more sh*t in the future when my drawing tablet finally charges.

And yes I will be changing Bakugou’s costume too, mostly because I don’t believe everything on his costume is necessary and I have my own little touches to add. I’m not exactly a big fan of most of the costumes in canon.

Chapter 6: Depression, Allmight and our Gay’s


Once again, I outdid myself with this title tbh.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

There he was, alone in his house. The lights are off, the room only illuminated by a lone computer screen. Posters with all types of heroes line his walls. Clothing is thrown in random corners, long forgotten to the one who wore them. Empty pre-made coffee cups stack in towers around his desk. It doesn’t matter, no one comes here but him anyways. He sits there, in the middle of the night hunched over a notebook. His eyes hurt. It doesn’t matter.

He rewatches the clip once more. He brushes his hair out of the way. It’s getting too long. He can’t be bothered to cut it. Aunty said it looked nice.

He looked at the corner of his glowing cube. 2:21 am. It’s still early.

He should be sleeping. He should be training. He should be doing something else.

f*ck it. Another clip. More notes. Simple sketch.

He looked at the corner of his screen. 3:00 am. It’s still early.

The fan of his computer is loud. The voices in his headphones are too loud. He takes them off. The fan, the god damn fan is so loud.

He plopped onto his bed. He should have showered.

Why was he feeling like this? He had friends now. He had people that wanted him around. Why did this feeling stay? Didn’t he have what he wanted? He worked so hard for it. It wasn’t enough.

This house wasn’t a home. This room was. This room was the only place he didn’t have to be something, someone, he could be nothing.

It was nice to be nothing.

Why was he nothing? Why was he so ungrateful? He got in. He’s going to be a hero. He was friends with Kacchan again. Why wasn’t it enough?

The ring in his ears was loud. It was a present from Kacchan. He got it on his seventh birthday. Wasn’t he lucky?

His scars stung.

His eyes and mouth were dry.

The ceiling stares at him. It mocks him.

It should be white. It is dark grey.

He wasn’t allowed to feel like this anymore. He didn’t have a reason anymore.

Sometimes he missed the old days. Then he used to have a reason. The idea that he was useless. The idea that he should be dead. They had rotten deep into his brain. The moment he’d try to cut it out, would be the moment he stopped functioning.

He wanted to squeeze his bruises. He had no bruises to squeeze.

He had school tomorrow. He should be sleeping. Maybe it was the coffee?

The ringing is loud. Too loud.

He puts his earphones back on. Playlist on shuffle. That usually helped.

He felt like this more and more lately. Why?

A song plays.

He doesn’t hear it.

The words are all matted.

The ceiling stares at him.

He stares back.

He wants to scream.

He cannot.

The nerd looks worse for wear today. The f*cker probably forgot to sleep again. They’re walking to their train.

“Did you sleep?”

“Nah, not really. Sleep is for the weak.”

Katsuki sighed.

“You’re sleeping at my house tonight.”

The nerd didn’t respond. Fine then.

The train arrived. They sat next to each other. Deku leaned on him.

f*ck, the sh*t fell asleep.

“You’re so f*cking stupid, Izuku.” The blond sighed again.

He has to nudge the nerd after a while.

“Wake up. We’re here.”

The nerd blinked. Little sh*t.

“Wake the f*ck up please.” Deku woke up.

“You said please?”

“Oh f*ck you you little c*nt.”

The loser just smiled.

They got out of the train, and had to walk just a bit longer to get to UA.

“Thanks Kacchan.”

“Whatever.” He averted the nerd’s eyes. His face felt hot. f*ck this gay sh*t.

Shouta Aizawa was a good man. He may be rude and unconventional, but he cared about his students. The moment the man saw Izuku Midoriya, he was intrigued.

The observation room was chatty. His coworkers were choosing their favorites, even if they weren’t allowed to. It was fun to bid on the kids future sometimes, at least that’s what some of the other pro’s seemed to think.

Shouta saw robots with arrows in them. Weird. It was an unusual weapon choice, but he could dig it.

“Who’s the kid with the arrows?”

Nedzu, the sly rat he was, immediately pulled some footage on screen. It was a small child, in a bright red hoodie. The ?boy? sat on a roof, sniping down robots from a remote position. Smart.

“Can you-“ The rat pulled up the application file of the child.

Izuku Midoriya. Quirk: None.

The man was surprised, he was sure that the kid would have some kind of aim or munition quirk or something.

He wanted him in his class.

He watched the kid stop the zero pointer, at first he thought the greenette wanted to show off. But no. He saved another participant.

Aizawa’s friends were a bit freaked out when they saw the man smile.

Shouta was taking a nap before his classes, like one does, when the first few students showed up. It was nice and quiet, until it wasn’t.

Midoriya entered the class talking with another student, Bakugou. They looked like friends.

Iida, another another student, tried lecturing them.

He got shot down by Midoriya.

Then the boy said something that he found concerning to say the least.

“I almost died there, this was scarier than that one time the guy with a mental quirk that gave you nightmares bullied me.” And his friend laughed.

Midoriya used to be bullied.

Of course he used to be bullied, he’s quirkless for f*ck’s sake. He’ll have to find out how severe it was and let Hound Dog have a talk with him. For now let’s not assume things.

Izuku was tired. It’s not too bad tho, he had worse.

Kacchan was so kind. He helped him, provided a shoulder to sleep in. The next time they had to write an essay about who their hero was, he’d choose Kacchan.

Class was pretty quiet, because no one was there quite yet. Except for Sonic and Todoroki, he’ll have to get used to that.

Sensei was in his probably usual position behind the desk on the ground in that atrocious yellow sleeping bag.

“Kacchan, you’re comfortable.”

The blond looked at him like he was crazy. “The f*ck does that mean?”

“You’re naturally warmer than most people due to your quirk, and you have the perfect muscle ratio! You’re also bigger than me, so when I layed on your shoulder it was comfortable.”

Kacchan went a bit red in the face. “Why the f*ck are you telling me this??”

“Donno, felt like it… oh and might be useful information for future girlfriends.”

His friend looked almost offended. “I’m gay you stupid f*ck.”

“That explains a lot.” He simply remarked. Because it did.

“The f*ck you mean??”

“You know, like you going tomato mode every time we change together.”

“No I don’t!”

“Sure buddy.”

Allmight was going to teach them today. Yikes.

“I AM HERE!” The class was amazed by the hero. He not so much, neither was Kacchan, Todoroki didn’t seem too impressed either.

“Today we are going to do battle trials! Please change to your hero consumes and meet me on ground beta!”

At that the excitement levels in the class reached their peak. Every student here had designed their own hero costume, and everyone was excited to see them and try them on. That wasn’t any different for him and Kacchan, they have spent months perfecting their costume ideas.

Just like the day before his friend shielded him from curious eyes while he changed. Izuku decided to go all in on the archery theme. He had a skintight black bodysuit that was mostly fire and bullet proof. Then some looser black pants for mobility and a utility belt for food and basic medical equipment. High combat boots for good grip during parkour and a nice kick to anyone who asked for one. A vest with extra armor over his chest area. A shorter cloak, dark gray for camouflage in the dark of the night city. The cloak had a cap to hide his very easily to spot and recognise green hair and a greenish bandana just in case for toxic gasses and overall coolness. And a nice bag made with some kind of quirk tech, kinda like what he had for the exam but way smaller. His arms were bare, because cloth could interfere with archery. And he had his Kakute rings on too. Honestly he only took them off for school. They were really practical. He got another Korean bow from UA, but that doesn’t mean sh*t, he loves his bow okay? It was extensible and not made out of wood. He preceded his wooden one way more, cause it’s his baby.

He knew he looked extremely emo, but black was the best color for underground heroes. He wanted to be a twilight hero, so he also needed a theme for marketing purposes.

Kacchan had gone in a similar but totally different direction. He wanted to be a limelight hero, so it made sense why. Of course a lot of black stayed in his design, but that was for aesthetic purposes. He had arm coverings that mostly resisted fire and the accompanying g-force from his explosions, just because he made them doesn’t mean he was completely immune to them. He had rather big bracelets on, that both supported his hands better during big output and served as storage for access sweat, in case a bigger explosion was needed. Kacchan had a face mask that mostly covered the area around his eyes that served no purpose other than ‘being cool as f*ck’. He had a kind of gas mask against any abnormal fumes his quirk could produce in combination with other quirks and chemicals. Kacchan also had some noise canceling earphones that kinda looked like explosions. Bottom wise their costumes were mostly identical, except the blond had some extra knee protections. Oh yeah and shoulder protections. Overall he looked good. That mask did serve a purpose.

“You coming?”

Yeah right! The exercise. “Mhm.”

Allmight stood before them, all big, Izuku wondered how many people knew it was partially a transformation quirk, not only emitter.

“Alright young heroes! We are having battle trials today-“ bla bla bla, villain and hero team, bla bla bla, hide fake bomb, bla bla bla, draws.

Okay, got it. Oh he’s in a group with the Kirby girl! That’s pretty nice.

“What the f*ck? I got sonic??”

“R. I. P. Good luck with that.”

“Wow yeah thanks jackass.”

Allmight said something again. He had to fight Kacchan. Hell yeah!

They took one look at each other and knew exactly what they were gonna do.

Izuku strolled over to his teammate. “Hi!”

Her eyes lit up when they made eye contact. Weird. “Oh it’s you! I guess we never introduced ourselves!”

“Oh yeah! We haven’t, I’m Izuku Midoriya.”

“Ochako Uraraka, my quirk is zero gravity!”

That was the moment he made a mistake, he let his guard down. A huge hand fell onto his shoulder.

“Young Midoriya! Would you like to sit this one out?”

Don’t touch me. “No, why would I?”

“You know, it could be dangerous! You don’t have a quirk after all!” The idiot shouted. f*ck.

The class stopped talking. Izuku was four again, surrounded by his peers, they all hated him. He wouldn’t let it happen again.

“Allmight, respectfully, f*ck off.” He said. Uraraka stared at him in awe. The muscular bunny cosplayer himself was baffled too.

“Uraraka, can we discuss our strategy somewhere else?”

The girl looked hesitant. “I guess.”

They walked out of sight. Kacchan is definitely extremely proud of him now. f*ck he has to breathe.

“So you know, I don’t care that you’re quirkless.” Wow, that really helps, thank you.

“Thanks. About the strategy, Kacchan, sorry Bakugou, will definitely come right at me, I suggest that we split up, you take sonic, I’ll take Kacchan.”

She nodded. “I don’t want to be on the other end of those explosions anyways. Good luck!”

“Good luck to you too, let’s kick some ass!“

"Okay, four eyes! Listen to me carefully, I want to beat Deku’s ass and you’re gonna let me! You can take that gravity girl or whatever.”

Iida looked hesitant. “Why do you want to beat the quirkless ki-“

“Shut the f*ck up you bigoted f*ck! Deku here is just as capable as the rest of us got it? I trained the f*cker myself after all.”

Iida kindly shut up after that.

“I suggest we place the bomb on the upper floors, to make it harder to get to.”

“Predictable but gives me enough place to f*ck with the nerd, sounds good enough.”

Sonic looked relieved at that??

They did just what they planned, hiding the bomb on the highest level. The bell rang, signaling that Deku just entered the building. f*cking finally! He had wanted to fight with the sh*t with his quirk since forever. Pesky laws. Deku had terrain and weapon choice in his favor the whole time. Now he got to use his weapon.

“I’m going, make sure pink cheeks doesn’t come close to this place.” Four eyes nodded. He wasn’t too bad if he just shut up.

Katsuki snuck down, trying to be as quiet as possible. He knew the moment the nerd would hear him he’d get an arrow through his hand. Deku was ruthless when it came to fighting. He had to go to the hospital at least a few times after their sparring sessions. And that was without weapons. f*cker.

Another flight of stares. At least he didn’t have to worry that the nerd would try and take the bomb, their little fight was way more important than this sh*tty battle exercise thingy.

He turned around a corner. The nerd released an arrow. It cut deep into his cheek. Deku already had another arrow in hand. f*ck.

Katsuki raised his hands in defense. Another arrow. He almost dodged it. It cut above his eyebrows. Blood dared to flow into his eyes. The f*cker did this on purpose.

“Using cowardly tricks now Deku!?”

The other simply ran. So that’s how you want to play this huh? The blond took off after him.

Another goddamn corner. This time he was ready with his hands in a defensive position. Try to win with the velocity of this!

He got punched square in the face.

He stumbled back, the rings had left a scratch on his nose and under his eye.

f*ck it! You want to do it like that? “Choke on this!” He heard Allmight yelling into the intercom. f*ck off! He set off a huge explosion in the nerds direction. Deku dodged the blast almost completely, but he did get blown into a wall from the sheer force of his explosion.

The nerd smacked right into the wall. He fell down and didn’t move.


“Deku, you fine?” He got closer to check on him.

He got a kick to his stomach. Goddamn nerd and his tricks.

The air left his longs, leaving him to heave on the ground. “Are you giving up?”

f*cker. “You-“ cough “wish.”

For that he got a kick to his back. He didn’t try to stand up again. This was probably good for Deku, now people wouldn’t underestimate him. He’ll let him win this one time.

“The hero team wins!”

And sonic failed. Whatever.

Maybe he was a bit too harsh on Kacchan? He only got a few bruises and a second degree burn. The blond had bruised ribs, a few deep cuts on his face that would probably scar and first degree burns on his hands from his own quirk. Thankfully Recovery Girl was there.

They got back to the observation room, where a few classmates congratulated them both on their skills.

Uraraka looked kinda worried, that was until she saw that Kacchan had a few new scars on his face.

“You’re okay! How did your part of the mission go?”

“Pretty good! I managed to restrain Kacchan just before you touched the bomb. Good job on that by the way.”

She blushed. “I just did my best! I guess we’re just a good team.”

Izuku nodded. “Yeah, we did do a good job.” He thought for a moment.

“The next battle is starting!”

Alright, he’ll ask later. Kacchan took his hand. “What’s the matter?”

“I hate that I have to say this, but good job.” Kacchan…

He hugged the blond. “Let go of me!” His friend tried to push him off to no avail.

“You’re so kind.” He whined.

He heard a few of the girls giggle at that.

Kacchan just gave up and let himself be hugged. He won!

Pink cheeks and sonic sat with them at lunch. Why? He had no idea.

“I just rewatched our portion of the exercise, and I must say I’m impressed!” God damn loud f*ckers.

“Thanks! Me and Kacchan have been training together for a while, so this was kind of the perfect opportunity to spar with quirks.” Of course the nerd would want to chit chat.

“I heard that you guys are childhood friends right? It must be nice to have a friend like that here.”

“It sure is! Kacchan may look grumpy but he’s amazing!” Only for you dumbass.

“Could we be friends too? I don’t want to be all alone here, you know.”


He’ll just let the nerd do all of the talking. If he wants more friends, sure, whatever, see if he cares. He does.

“I watched your part of the exercise too! Iida, no offense but your impression was hilarious. Try becoming a comedian if this hero thing doesn’t work out for you.”

The sonic f*cker stuttered before coming up with a thank you.

“Uraraka, you’re pretty good at sneaking around even in that type of bright costume! What kind of hero do you want to be?”

“Well I want to be a rescue hero! I wanted to do the same as my idol, 13.”

“I’m following in my family's footsteps! My older brother is Ingenium.”

“Ingenium? He’s an amazing hero! I have some merch of him back at my house. 13 is pretty great too!”

And after that it was some of that fan girl gibberish he didn’t bother listening to.

“And Bakugou? What kind of hero do you want to be?”

“A f*cking great one!”

“Kacchan wants to be a limelight hero. He was kind of set up to this the moment his quirk came in. It is an amazing quirk and-“ Deku started going off about how amazing he thinks the blond is.

After a while he had to stop the f*cker cause he was forgetting to breathe.

“Deku shut the f*ck up! I think the extras get it.”

“Kacchan, I’m just telling them the facts!”

“Well stop it! You’re almost as embarrassing as the old hag!”

“But you love us anyway!”

“f*ck you.”

The extras just kinda sat there and listened awkwardly.

“And you Midoriya?” Sonic asked

“I’m a hero out of spite.”

“Spite?” Pink Cheeks questioned as if it was hard to understand.

“Spite! According to the statistics I should be either dead or homeless at this age. According to most of my past classmates I should be either dead or homeless too. So if everyone hates me for something I have no control over, I’ll become the best hero to spite them. To prove to them that I’m worth it! Oh yeah and I also want to advocate for quirk and quirkless discrimination. Be the positive change you want to see in this world.” The f*cker said in the most casual way you can say that type of sh*t.

It’s almost chilling, how the nerd states it like a fact.

The extra’s seem to think that too.

“I think I have to rethink my entire life tbh.”

Deku had the nerve to look confused.


“Usually people just ignore the things you think about all the time you stupid bastard.”

“Honestly me being a bastard would explain why my dad left me.”

“He left you because you’re f*cking quirkless.”

“I know, it's just funnier if I say it that way.”

Sonic and pink cheeks looked like they were on the verge of a mental breakdown.

He laughed in their faces, cause this was f*cking hilarious to witness.

He made new friends today!

Somehow, and even tho f*ckmight outed him today the amount of angry eyes staring at him had only increased by like two or three people. Because he was pretty sure the third person, Todoroki, was just incredibly confused. Honestly Todoroki looked confused almost all the time.

If he forgot about the depression this morning and Allmight being an ass, this day was almost fantastic.

Kacchan was kinda weird today though, almost like he was mad at him for something.

He didn’t know what it was.

At least he got to sleep at Kacchan’s house tonight.

Uncle had made amazing ramen.

“Kacchan, can I sleep with you tonight?”

“You already sleep with me dumbass.”

“No I mean like in your bed.”

Kacchan turned red. “Why the f*ck would you want that?”

They were both already in their pyjamas.

“I slept really well on your arm on the train today, so I wanted to see if I could get better sleep if I got to do it again for a whole night. I swear just tonight! I didn’t really sleep at all last night so…”

The blond sighed. “Fine f*ckface, just don’t touch me too much.”

Well that didn’t f*cking happen. The nerd was fully cuddled up to him. f*cker.

At least he was asleep. f*cker.

Deku was a goddamn bastard. f*ck that guy.

f*ck. Deku.

Oh god not like that! Shut the f*ck up brain!

Katsuki suffered for his life decisions for a while before he too fell asleep.

This is here because I don’t know how to else to put it here.

Hereyou have the art I made for this. I spent like half an hour trying to post that image but it didn’t work so here you have it on my TikTok instead.


I struggled so hard with those images.

Chapter 7: Why are you here?


The USJ.


This chapter was kinda hard to write.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku had the best sleep of his short miserable life. Too bad it’s a one time thing.

Why are there reporters in front of UA?

“Can you give a statement about Allmight?”

“Is Allmight really a teacher at UA?”

Aha, that’s what this was.

“Kacchan, I have an idea.”

“Oh f*ck not again.” Izuku got in front of him and sacked through his knees.

“Why not? Just hop on.”

“I hate you.”

“No you don’t.”

Kacchan hopped onto his back. They went a bit around the school, where less reporters hung around and Izuku just climbed the fence with the blond on his back. Usually this would take like a few seconds to climb, but his friend weighed him down, so the reporters had the time to film them. sh*t.

“We’re allowed to use quirks inside of UA, so I’ll throw you down.”

“Bro! f*ck you.” Kacchan definitely didn’t like that idea, too bad.

When they got on top of the fence, Izuku turned around, smiled at the reporters and gave them a middle finger. Then he promptly dropped Kacchan into UA before jumping down behind him.

The blond slowed himself down with an explosion, Izuku rolled.

Kacchan laughed “Okay nerd, that was f*cking amazing. Ten out of ten would do again.”

“See! You don’t hate me at all.”

A huff “Whatever.”

When they got to class, the usual two plus tokoyami, where already there. Aizawa Sensei was there too, the greenette considered buying his teacher a different sleeping bag. Sorry not sorry, but the yellow hurts his eyes.

“Can’t UA just publicly say that it's true or something, do a Q&A and be done with it?” The blond complained aloud.

“Apparently not, I heard Nedzu is a smart guy. Ask him.”


He chuckled. Kacchan could be a baby sometimes.

“Hi Iida!”

“Good morning Midoriya, how are you doing?”

“Pretty good, you?”

“I am good as well.”

“Hi Tokoyami, say hi to dark shadow for me.”

The bird headed fellow nodded in response.

He and Todoroki made eye contact, Izuku greeted him with a nod. The dual haired boy was again, confused, but nodded back anyway.

“Oi! What about my good morning??”

“I literally slept in your house.”

“Ungrateful little sh*t.” Kacchan made little explosions. So that's how you want to play it?

“Oh no. I’m getting flashbacks. Help me.” He said, mimicking Aizawa’s dead inside voice.

“f*ck you.”

“Nah I don’t like you like that.”

“Giving you confidence was the biggest mistake of my life.” The blond said, blushing. It was really fun to tease Kacchan like that.

That moment Kirishima made his way into class.

“Woah, and I thought I’d be here first.”

“Actually, when do you even arrive?” He asked Iida.

“My brother drops me off at around 7.”

“Seven?!” Everyone but Todoroki yelled in surprise, even Tokoyami.

“School starts at 8:30??? I wake up at 7!” The red head exclaimed.

“Is this sh*thole even open at that hour?”

Iida nodded.

“I get dropped off around seven too, is that weird?”

“I thought we came here early, you guys apparently just wake up when the sun comes up.”

“So it is weird.” After a few seconds he added. “Am I weird?”

The classroom erupted in laughter. Even Tokoyami and sensei snickered. The poor guy stared into the distance in the midst of a crisis.

“Don’t worry Todo! It’s actually really manly!”

“What does coming here at 7 have to do with being manly?”

“That’s just something Kirishima likes to say instead of cool or praiseworthy.” Izuku explained, because was really starting to feel sorry for the boy.

“Oh, well thank you Kirishima.”

More people appeared. And more. Oh yeah, it was almost time. He got to speak with Dark Shadow and Tokoyami again. That was nice.

Aizawa sensei finally decided to start the day by rising from the ground in his cryptid ways. “Okay brats, that’s enough. We have things to do.”

It was funny how different the nerd was between 1A and middle school. Turns out the f*cker could be a social butterfly. He made connections with half of the goddamn class already. They were on day 3 of the school year.

f*cking ambivert powers.

Whatever. He still hung out with him. It was fine.

The f*cker slept in his bed, so he was obviously winning with these extras.

Winning? The f*ck.

Katsuki will never dare to admit that having the nerd in his bed was nice. Maybe he just needed a weighted blanket. Yup, that was definitely it.

On a different note, sh*tty hair was trying to befriend him. He was surprisingly okay with that fact.

Another another note, Uraraka is a bitch. She keeps trying to get close to Deku. It annoys him to no end.

All her blushing and giggling really pisses him off.

Why? He didn't know.

It was a Friday, they were loaded into a bus to go to a different location, the USJ. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint, was an amazing building containing different zone’s simulating different disasters. From floods to earthquakes to city wide fires, the place had it all. The facility was the size of a small village, aka huge. Izuku looked at the dome in the distance with wonder. It was so cool that they got to see and even train inside! Unfortunately all the scoundrels that were in the bus with him didn’t seem to think so. Kacchan shot him down every time he tried to talk to him about it. Even Uraraka, who liked listening to his rants, looked uncomfortable when he went into the exact parameters of the building. Why did he know so much about the USJ? That’s where he trained his hacking skills! Even if most of the info about it was public, a good chuck wasn’t. He got a hold of that chunk and wanted to brag about it a bit. Sadly, no one was interested.

He sat between Kacchan and Iida, across from Kaminari, Asui and Uraraka. It was pretty nice.

“Hey Midoriya, you and Bakugou are childhood friends right?” He nodded at Asui’s question.

“So why does he call you useless? It’s been bugging me for a while.”

“Useless? I always thought it was like dekiru! You can do it! You know?

“It actually does mean useless, Kacchan noticed that that’s how you could read my name and has been calling me it ever since. It started out as an insult but honestly right now it's just an inside joke."

“Insult?” She sounded concerned.

“Yeah I used to bully the nerd. I was f*cking stupid as a kid.”

“It wasn’t that bad to be honest.”

“You still have scars from that! What did I tell you about downplaying this sh*t!”

“But I forgave you already!”

Kacchan sighed.

“Midobro and Bakubro kinda fight like an old couple!”

The class laughed, he laughed along.

The blond hid his face in his hands. He would feel bad for him, but he really doesn’t.

It’s just really funny to look at. It makes him feel something akin to ‘lmfao’ and warmth. It’s kinda weird, but he likes it.

Just for clarification he whispered something to Kacchan. “Btw don’t worry I don’t think of you that way.” Because he was 92% sure that was the case.

Okay, 88% sure.

Nah like 80, no 70% sure he didn’t like him that way. Yeah we’ll go with 70.

“Thanks for the info asshat.” His friend didn’t seem too happy about that.

“I’m not saying you're not attractive, I’m just saying I’m not attracted to you.” Because that was true, Kacchan was extremely good looking.

“Oh f*ck off.”

“Okay, sorry.”

The conversation got cut short.

“We’re here brats! Get out and wait inside.”

The place was, like he said, huge. The glass dome towered above them. Glass didn’t seem like the best choice for such a facility, but UA had probably reinforced it so much it was impossible to shatter or something. One of the few things he couldn’t find were specifics on the windows.

“Oh my god that’s 13! Do you think I could ask them for an autograph?” Uraraka asked, almost squealing.

“Idc but if you can I’ll have to get one too!” They whispered to each other.

“Hello kids! Today you’ll get your first look into the USJ! Although I’m sorry to inform you that you won’t get to train here just yet, first you’ll have to learn all of the procedures and repercussions that accompany the different zones!” The hero was leading them further inside the building, telling them about all kinds of trivia about the facility. Izuku already knew the fun facts but it was nice to hear from the pro. They spoke with enthusiasm about the place, and he could respect that.

Kacchan however was his usual annoyed self. “Why the f*ck did we put this sh*t on then?”

He huffed out of his nose at the comment.

He did not have an answer for it however.

Why did they put their hero costumes on?

Then something just popped up behind 13. It was a thick purple smoke. Swirling and thickening behind them.

“What’s that?”

Aizawa sensei and 13 turned just in time to see a man made out of smoke come out of the mist and… Shiggy?

The f*ck are you doing here?

He took his hood off, just in case. He knew the man could be brutal, so maybe he would be less gory if he saw his friend in the crowd.

Let’s just hope that this won’t turn out like the bloodbath he walked in on once.

More villains started pouring in.

He and Tomura made eye contact.

Both of them had the exact same word on their minds. sh*t.

f*cking villains showed up.


Deku looked like he’s seeing a ghost or something like that. Weird.

The homeless man that was their teacher jumped into the crowd of villains, taking them all on at the same time. Not ideal for the guy, cause he was an underground hero for f*cks sake, the sh*t was used to surprise attacks. 13 stayed behind, protecting him, Deku and the extras.

The mist and hand kink guys went around the crowd towards them.

“We came here to kill the symbol of peace! Now where Is he!?” The most cranky ass voice screamed at them.

“Sorry! He isn’t here with us!” Deku? The f*ck are you doing? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU APOLOGIZING TO THAT GUY?

“Really?” The f*cker paused.

“Well maybe if we kill a few of you brats he’ll show up!” What kind of thinking process is that??

f*ck this guy! He charged at the emo lookin ass, but never got the chance to punch him. Because instead mist guy spread some of himself onto him, f*cking disgusting. Deku screamed his name behind him.

Suddenly, Katsuki was in the earthquake simulation place, together with sh*tty hair.

“The f*ck? Teleportation? Motherf*ckers!”

Wait. Where the f*ck is Deku? sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t-

“Bakubro, calm down.”

Right, the nerd can handle himself.

Some of those extra villains spotted them.

“sh*tty hair, be my shield.”


“You heard what I said!” One of the f*ckers got closer to them, so he gave them some nice nitroglycerin powered g-force for breakfast.

Unfortunately, he had to cooperate with the red haired f*cker.

Fortunately, the bitch knew how to pack a punch.

These bitches were surprisingly easy to beat.

They eventually met up with candy cane hair and bird head. Good, not everyone here was incompetent.

Something big was happening by the fountain in the middle.

They had to get there.

Katsuki saw some familiar green in the distance.

In the middle of the battle field. Really Deku? f*ck.

Iida got away. Good, he could alarm the other pro heroes about Shiggy. Izuku got swallowed by the smoke.

“Are you okay kero?”


“Call me Tsu.”

“Oh f*ck no! I got up here with the quirkless kid?”

Aha, Mineta. One of the only people in class 1A that seemed to have a problem with quirkless people. And gay people. And trans people. Honestly he was just an ass.

“Well f*ck you too.”

They were on a boat in the flood zone. Great.

Villains surrounded the boat. They all had aquatic quirks.

“Mineta? I have an idea.”

“I’m not listening to people like you.” He ignored the grape f*cker.

“Throw some of your balls in the water, I don’t care where.”

“Why would I-“ Tsu gave him a look.

“Do what Midoriya says.”

The midget at long last did what he was told.

“YOU IDIOT! WHY DID YOU THROW THOSE BOMBS IN THE WATER? WHAT IF IT SINKS THE SHIP??” He yelled, loud enough for the villains in the water to have heard him.

“But I did what you told me to do!”

Izuku ignored him. “How fast can you swim while taking me and Mineta with you?”

“Pretty fast, I think.”

“Then could you please help us out of here?”

“Hey! Where was my please?” Mineta was sad. See if he cares.

They both ignored the grape. “Sure.”

And that’s how they made their great escape. The villains were still convinced that they had thrown bombs into the water so the trip was completely safe.

At shore some other villains tried to assault them with little luck. He sure loved his bow. The wooden one was still better tho.

Mineta looked at him with horror after that. Was he afraid of blood or something?

At the main plaza, sh*t was going down.

Aizawa sensei’s movements became sluggish, at least compared to the beginning of the fight. The man was still fighting the army of low league villains.

Shiggy was monologuing about society and Allmight. It was a rant he got to hear a lot during his time with the gamer.

He even corrected some of his points according to a few tips the greenette had given him. It was almost endearing. Almost.

“Stay back, I’ll help Sensei.”

Tsu nodded, Mineta looked at him like he was crazy.

He probably was a tad insane.

Arrow, aim and shoot.

Arrow, aim and shoot.

He shot down two villains from the crowd Azaiwa was fighting. In the feet of course, pretty good way of stopping someone without them bleeding too much. It may do some damage to the tendons in your feet, but they weren’t as necessary as your hands.

Shigaraki looked up at him. He had a pleading look in his eyes, one only Izuku could pick up on. It’s almost like he was saying that he didn’t want to hurt his friend.

Izuku looked back with the same plea.

Tomura sighed. He said something to his misty friend.

The man, although he lacked facial expression, very clearly refused.

Another misty portal appeared, and out came the stuff of nightmares. It was a giant, muscular bird man with exposed brains. Izuku always tried his best to not be repulsed at someone’s appearance, especially in the age of quirks. But yeah, that dude looked f*cked up.

“Nomu! Get rid of eraser head!” But you like eraser, why are you doing this?

The birdman set eyes on his target.

No you won’t! Izuku got another arrow, he took out one of the special ones covered with paralyzing poison. He shot the big man in his hand.

The toxin was intended to act immediately. The guy continued slowly walking towards his prey.

This wasn’t good. A regeneration quirk coupled with that kind of muscle mass could be serious trouble.

‘Nomu’ grabbed his sensei by the head mid fight. The remaining villains cheered.

He picked him up, just like that. Like it wasn’t a grown ass man he snagged.

Bird man was about to yeet his favorite teacher into a nearby rock.

Izuku drew another arrow. He aimed it at shigaraki. He was extremely sorry for this.

The greenette shot just past his friend, lightly skimming his arm with the point of his arrow.

‘Nomu’ stopped, dropped Aizawa and jumped towards him instead. sh*t.

A wall of ice stopped the giant man. Todoroki!

“Nomu! No! Eraser head! Get him!”

Todoroki, Tokoyami, Kirishima and Kacchan arrived as support.

He didn’t have time to be relieved. ‘Nomu’ was still attacking his sensei.

The creature, because at this point Izuku wasn’t sure it was even sentient, made its way over to the underground hero in the blink of an eye.

He aimed at the brain of the monster this time. He hit!

He was too late, the nomu kicked their teacher across the main plaza.

Luckily, the brain damage did appear to affect the creature at least a bit.

Kacchan saw it too and attacked the creature’s brain.

Shiggy was weirdly calm, and he was losing. That never happened. Something is wrong.

The monster blocked the blond. It lost an arm. The arm grew back.


Kacchan dodged a blow.

He realized something. “It has multiple quirks!”

He shot another arrow at the monster. And another.

Todoroki helped keep the creature in place by impaling him with a spike.

His best friend kept the attention on himself with his quirk, letting Izuku put as many arrows into the monster's brain as he could.

"Oops, I guess I'll have to go back now. Kurogiri, open a wrap gate."

He and Tomura will have to have a long talk after this.

The nomu was slowing down. It stopped with a last arrow.

"Do not fear, because I am here!"

Allmight. The heroes have come to save them.

But the nomu was already dead, the main villain already fled and most of the villains were defeated.

The heroes came after all of the action.

Katsuki was mad. Angry.

They were late. The villains got away.


At least the nerd was fine.

Deku was breathing heavily, bow still in hand. He stared at the monster with… empathy? The hell.

"it's over. It's fine. We f*cking survived."

"I know." Deku finally put his bow down.

"I killed something just now, Kacchan."

"You sure did. You saved us nerd."

Medics and heroes came through the main gate. The place was filling up.

"Kacchan, I'm sleeping at my place tonight."

That probably was a horrible idea. The nerd wasn't well now. f*cking bitch.

That night he spent worrying about the f*cker. Hopefully he wasn't doing anything stupid.

Inko wasn't home yet. Good.

Izuku stole a bottle of wine from his mom's cabinet.

He didn't want to think about the entire situation. He'd have to confront Tomura about this.

The only way this was possible was human experimentation. He knew the kind of people that made up the biggest percentage of missing cases.

Those people had to endure weeks of torture at the hands of true monsters. The actual and only real villains.

Izuku didn't want to feel sorry for the creature. He didn't want to break the news to Shiggy about how it was made.

He didn't want to think. Auntie and Uncle are going to be disappointed in him tonight.

Kacchan too.

Life sucks.

He should've just taken the chance back when he had it. But here he was.

Izuku fell asleep with an empty bottle of red wine next to him.

Life truly sucks.

I made even more Arthere.


Fun fact! I’m writing this on my school IPad :)

Chapter 8: I roll up with the LGBT~


BFF’s forever and some gay shenanigans. Oh yea Allmight’s there too I guess.


About last chapter, can you tell I don’t like writing action scenes? I kinda suck at it too.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku woke up with a headache. It made sense why, after he did drink an entire bottle of wine in one sitting yesterday.

He took some painkillers and took a nice, long cold shower.

His brain was filled with static. For a few hours after he woke up not one coherent thought was formed. He was floating somewhere, not exactly in his body. It didn’t matter, it felt nice.

He finally snapped out of it when he got a text.



Are you coming? Meet me at the park.


Yes. Bring some booze.



Izuku finally changed out of his school uniform, he’ll have to wash it later. He put on a hoodie and sweatpants. It was warm outside, he didn’t care.

He left the apartment through a window, making his way to their meeting spot with parkour. It made him feel less anxious.

Tomura was already there, a six pack of some cheap beer in hand.

They sat down on their bench, one that was placed behind some bushes. The bench itself was long forgotten by the government.

An awkward silence fell.

“You should have told me which school you were going to, brat.”

“I wanted it to be a surprise. You’d find out while watching the sports festival.”

“That would be kinda funny.” The man admitted.

“Do you know how that Nomu thing was made?”

“No, sensei doesn’t share that type of stuff with me.”

He released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. So his friend didn’t know. Good.

“Why?” The man asked.

“It had multiple quirks right? It was obedient. It wasn’t sentient. Those were multiple people smashed together. If it obeyed orders like that, it couldn’t be the first.”

Tomura was silent.

He didn’t dare to look the man in the eyes. “I don’t really have a problem with you wanting to kill Allmight, tho I don’t support it either. You attacked a class filled with children to achieve your goal. I know empathy isn’t your strong suit, but I honestly thought that you were better than that.”

He felt tears drip down his face. “And I know it’s kind of stupid to expect that from you. You’re a villain after all.”

He looked at the villain beside him. The man also didn’t have the courage to look at him.

“I don’t want to fight you Tomura. You’re an amazing friend to have around. I don’t want to lose you because of this.” His voice broke.

“I’m so f*cking stupid.”

Tomura sat quietly the entire time. A butterfly flew by, it was really pretty.

“Izuku. I don’t really know what to do.” The emo said after a while.

He laughed through his tears. “I don’t know either.”

“I guess we’re both noobs then.”

“I guess we are. This game sucks.”

“It does.” Tomura opened a beer and handed it to the greenette.

He took a few sips. After some time it stopped tasting all that bad.

“I’ll try to stay away from UA.”

Izuku smiled at his aluminum can. “Thanks man.”

“I can’t promise you anything.”

“I know.”

The nerd wasn’t home. sh*t.

He had knocked repeatedly on the door for minutes. No one answered.

Where was Deku? Does he not want to open up or something? f*cking asshole. He’ll stay there, he’ll wait for the nerd to come back. The f*cker always came back. It didn’t matter how many times he was beaten or forgotten, he always showed up the next day. No matter how f*cked he was, he always showed up with that annoying smile of his.

He was a constant in Katsuki’s life, a constant that he needed. Izuku was like a light that tried to make everyone happy. He was dim around people that hated him and bright around the people that wanted and needed him. He was bright for him, for the person that didn’t deserve that light the most.

Deku was the first person he had ever cared about. The only person whose opinion truly mattered. Even when they fell apart, that little shine in the f*ckers eyes was the biggest ego boost he could wish for.

He was the only person Katsuki could ever see as a lifetime partner. Someone who he’ll want around for the rest for his life. It didn’t matter if the nerd liked him, or even wanted him around, as long as he was there it was alright.

It was Izuku that pulled him out of the water when everyone thought he didn’t need help. He used to be so ungrateful for it, he really, really hated the brat that he used to be.

Izuku made him realize that he was wrong and allowed him to become better.

He loved the nerd for some f*cked reason. Or maybe it was all for the right reasons. Who cares.

f*ck being gay, f*ck Deku, f*ck you and f*ck me. He just wanted to stay by the nerd’s side.

The fact that he realized this in front of the f*ckers apartment. He was f*cking pathetic.

sh*t, he was in love with the nerd. With Deku of all people.

What is life?

He saw some green on the fire escape. Deku?

There he was, the object of his lifelong obsession, beer in hand coming up the wrong stairs like a delinquent.

“Deku, where the f*ck have you been?”

“A friend.” Since when did any of the stuck up extras have the courage to drink?

“He’s not from class 1A, he’s a guy I play games with sometimes.” That was news.

“Since when the hell do you have friends like that?”

“He helped me once, we hung out, he’s chill. And he can legally buy all kinds of stuff!”

Deku has a grown ass man as a friend. The f*ck.

“Let’s go inside.” The sh*t didn’t elaborate, he just went on with his sh*t. c*nt.

The house was spotless, like always. No family photos anywhere, like always. The house looked like something from an IKEA blog, not a place where actual people lived. Last time he was here, aka a few months ago, the house looked exactly the same. It felt uncanny, not even the kitchen looked different, everything neatly hidden, not a food item in sight.

They went to the nerds room. That place looked too lived in. It was a mess, clothes and empty cups and bowls placed in stacks on top of each other, different energy drinks covering almost an entire wall as an attempt at ‘decoration’. Notebooks scattered across the desk and floor. The bed was covered in plushies, blankets and pillows. The curtain was always closed.

The last time he was here it looked slightly better. Less cups and junk. He offered Deku to help him clean up, but apparently the nerd liked the disorder. Something about scratching his brain in the right ways, like that meant something.

They sat down on the bed, Deku took another sip from his near empty can.

“So why did you come?”

“To check up on your stupid ass.”

“Kacchan! That’s so nice of you~!” Great, he was drunk. Deku hugged him, and didn’t let go.

“You’re so nice to hug Kacchan.” f*cker. His face got warmer.

Izuku snuggled into him. Clingy bastard.

Why was he always on and on about him being nice to hug??

“Kacchan, I really like you~!” Goddamnit. Did he have to realize he liked the f*cker just now?

“Whatever, can I get something to drink you f*cker?” Let go of me! He was dying, literally dying from embarrassment. It’s good that the nerd didn’t see his flushed face.

“Okay!” Deku picked him up. Like full on fireman style like he was nothing. He forgot how strong this bitch was. Goddamnit. At least Izuku was somewhat fine.

He let himself be carried. He didn’t care, not at all.

Deku plopped him down on the couch to get Katsuki something to drink.

“We have water, vodka and wine.” Wow, great options.

“Water.” At least the nerd wasn’t cuddling into him anymore. That was going to be one hell of an awkward boner.

The greenette gave him his water and hopped onto the couch next to him.

A soothing silence fell. Deku was brushed up against him.

“Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could like girls and boys?” The nerd suddenly asked, weirdly f*cking serious.

Did Deku not know about bisexuality? How the f*ck do you spent so much time on the internet without knowing about that??

“Deku, you stupid bastard, you can.”

“Really?… That was an option THIS ENTIRE TIME??!”

His poor ears.

Katsuki felt the strong need to slap himself in the face. And Deku.

“How the f*ck didn’t you know about that?”

“I donno, I never thought you could actually do that.”

“You’re f*cking stupid.”


Conversation died once more, this time for just a few minutes.



“If we don’t find anyone by the time we’re 30, let’s get together.” Seriously? He had to wait 15 years? He sighed. You win some, you lose 15 years.

“Sure, whatever. I’m f*cking handsome tho so I have no idea how that would happen!” Smart f*cking move Katsuki, that’s how you attract someone, by telling them that you could easily have someone else. Really, that one brain cell is working overtime.

“But do you want to?”

“Why the f*ck not?”

The nerd f*cking nuzzled into his shoulder. The f*cker was lucky he was allowed to touch him like that. And he f*cking liked it.

Katsuki fell, and he fell hard.

“I’m going to have to advocate for gay rights too now. And f*ck it let’s add trans rights to the list as well” And of course Deku was thinking about the future.

He hasn’t mentioned this before, but f*ck was it hot when the nerd swore. Honestly how had he not realized he had the hots for this bitch sooner? Denial is one hell of a bitch.

He should’ve known since mister cuddles over here was his gay awakening.

Yeah, that talk he had with Kacchan was really embarrassing.

Turns out you can like both?? Apparently it’s called ‘bisexuality’ and honestly it explained a lot of his childhood. He discovered that there were actually a plethora of options for attraction. sh*t’s awesome.

He slept at Kacchan’s place that night.

He got to talk with Shiggy and sleep at the Bakugou household, so honestly he won this day. He got to sleep in Kacchan’s bed again. It was great. The blond just had the perfect body temperature to sleep with, can you blame him?

The next day Iida and Uraraka wanted to meet up. That was also pretty nice. He got to see most of his friends that weekend. Unfortunately he got to hear that Hagakure and Aoyama had to go to the hospital after the attack so he sent the blond a ‘get better soon!’ text. Apparently Hagakure wasn’t the biggest fan of quirkless people either, so screw you too.

Uraraka was her usual blushy self, which is probably the reason Kacchan called her pink cheeks. She was nice to chat with. Iida was incredibly funny to witness on a daily basis, something the guy didn’t seem to realize himself. His new friends were plenty of fun to just hang out with.

The only downside to the Sunday was that his best friend kicked him out of bed in the morning. Asshole.

The next day school started again. He and his defeat the nomu team got congratulated on their swift and fast victory against the creature. Aizawa sensei was slightly bandaged after the entire ordeal but was otherwise fine.

They had a nice sparring session during hero training, and oh god he missed that nice spike of adrenaline when he got hurt. Especially Kacchan, his explosions did the most damage so of course he liked them the most.

The sports festival was coming up too. Just two weeks more and he would be able to show the world that he was the best at beating the sh*t out of his peers.

Honestly the whole idea of the sports festival was kind of stupid but what can ya do?

Now he finally had bruises to squeeze again! That’s the important part. When you’re home alone, pain becomes your only company. He didn’t want to be alone anymore.

He wasn’t alone anymore. He had more people than just Kacchan to rely on.

He still preferred the blond tho.

Toshinori Yagi was a simple man. He fought villains, taught students and tried to be nice and considerate. He is the symbol of peace and has been just that for the longest time.

But here he stood, terrified of a child. He looked at the sparring sessions he put his students up to. They were doing pretty well, especially for kids that didn’t know how to fight beforehand. Except two. Young Bakugou and young Midoriya both had high academic scores. At least in UA, in middle school the younger of the two seemed to be struggling.

The two of them sparred differently than others, with experience, knowing what the other will do and acting accordingly. These children have been sparring together for a while now from what he knew. One had a flashy explosive quirk, the other had none. And somehow the one without a quirk was more brutal in his approach. He fought through burns and what looked like a broken arm without flinching, giving the young man he was sparring with a bloody nose and breaking a few fingers.

Young Bakugou was supposed to have an advantage. They fought as equals.

He offered the greenette a quirkless spar, to which the boy responded with a “Nah, I wanna have a real fight for once.”

Was young Midoriya suicidal?

He saw the determination in the young boy’s eyes. No, he wasn’t.

Wait, he’s seen that look before.

When Toshinori came home that evening, he looked at a news article from a year ago. That was it! He had saved the two boys from a villain attack.

In the article they mentioned that a classmate of the blond boy who got attacked tried to save him but didn’t help at all. That wasn’t true, from what little the pro hero remembered from the incident young Midoriya had helped quite a lot. He’ll have to look into that news outlet.

He had wanted to congratulate the young boy for his achievements, but failed to find him after the attack.

The way the boy looked at him was off. He didn’t look happy to see him, but he wasn’t hostile. The boy was offensive towards him. Like he expected the pro to try and attack him and put him down. That wasn’t the man’s intention by any means, he just wanted his student to be safe.

Young Bakugou seemed to hate him. It was bizarre. He hadn’t interacted with the young man before, but he hated the symbol of peace anyway. Usually villains had a grudge against him, never aspiring heroes. Luckily the blond was really enthusiastic about becoming a hero, so he definitely wasn’t a spy.

Overall the boys were a mystery. Allmight wasn’t planning on letting the boys spar with others a lot.

Deku was a f*cking masocist. He was 99% sure about that because you’re not meant to be smiling like a maniac every time you get hit. At first Katsuki thought the nerd was just used to pain or something, but the bitch f*cking ran into his explosions without giving a sh*t about the consequences.

After that sparring session he had to ask the f*cker.

“Deku, why the f*ck didn’t you f*cking stop?”


“The spar.”

“Oh! Pain gives you adrenaline, adrenaline gives you extra strength. I wanted to use your explosions to my advantage!”

That just sounds like a longer way to say ‘I like pain’ if you ask him.

“That’s so f*cking stupid.”

“But it works!”

“You know that even Recovery Girl leaves scars right?”

“I don’t mind if I got them from Kacchan. The scars I get from you are pretty.”

The other boys that were changing with them shuffled away, some of them mumbling something about leaving the lovebirds alone. f*cking pricks!

He had to turn away to hide his face cause, the f*ck kind of sh*t was that? Kinky f*cker.

“What kind of mentally ill are you?”

“The fun kind!” Broooooo.

The sports festival was approaching at a rapid pace. Turns out two weeks were an incredibly short amount of time. He and Shiggy got to meet up again before the event took place.

“Shiggy!” He ran towards his friend. They finally met at Shigaraki’s house. He did have to go through one of those mist portals to get there just in case. After that heartfilled talk in the park they finally trusted each other enough for an actual meetup.

He hugged the guy, who was clearly incapable of showing affection in any way, which was probably dangerous. But meh, he’ll be alright.

The mist man was there too, behind the bar, oh yeah this was actually a whole bar, cleaning glasses. He was fixated on him.

“Hi.” Tomura replied, cause the man really had no idea how to respond.

He let him go. “So we're playing video games right?”

“Yes, I invited some of my teammates to play mario party with us. They’ll be present on a discord call, so don’t be a bitch and be nice”

“I’m guessing they won’t be nice?”

“They don’t need to be nice to little pricks like you!”

The mist man spoke. “Young master, may I check the boy first?”

“I can leave my rings on the counter as long as you pinky promise not to steal them.” Young master? Damn Tomura had some interesting coworkers.

“Why? I think it’s perfectly fine.” Shigaraki responded to the man, clearly annoyed.

“Masters orders, and no the rings are fine.”

“Whatever, I’ll go set it up.” The emo disappeared into a hallway.

“Boy, sit down.”

He sat down at the bar. Now that he had a look around it was very nice, it was an old school bar with all kinds of comfortable looking seats and couches. The atmosphere was very mysterious. He liked it.

“So you are the friend young master has been talking about?”

“I believe so.” He said nonchalantly, he wasn’t afraid of the villain. After all Shiggy was probably his superior, so he couldn’t lay a hand on him anyway. From what he knew the sensei guy was kinda like Tomura’s adopted dad. Only kind of.

“Aren’t you a hero student? From the class we attacked a few days ago?”

Izuku nodded. “I am.”

The yellow splits the man had for eyes thinned. “Shouldn’t you be wanting to arrest the master?”

Damn, the guy was going directly to the point. “I’ve been friends with him for a while, nobody died and he promised he’ll try to stay away from UA, so I’m chill.”

“You are a weird young man.”

“Like I haven’t heard that one before.”

The somewhat hostile exchange came to an end.

“Do you want something to drink?”

“Sex on the beach please.”

“I won’t give you alcohol.”

“But Shiggy gives me alcohol.”

“Well, I won’t.”

“Tch, responsible adults are so boring.”

“But we’re at least smart, something you can’t say.”

“I’m offended! You’re being ageist!”

“I’m a villain.”

“I’m Izuku by the way.”

“Kurogiri, and don’t hurt the young master.”

“I have no intentions to do so”

“Good, you may go now, I’ll tell the master you’re not a bad influence.”

“Thanks, greet him for me.”

“I will.”

Mario Party time!

At that moment Izuku didn’t know that said master was watching him with curious eyes.


Character moments weee!

Why would you give them physical trauma when psychological trauma exists? :D

Chapter 9: The hunger games (Kidz bop version) Part 1


Sports festival time!


I apologize that the action scenes may be lacking.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The weekend before the sports festival, Deku dragged him out to shop with the extras. f*cking bitch.

He had to f*cking go around a shopping mall with sh*tty hair, pikachu, raccoon eyes and Deku's sh*tty duo. And Icyhot also showed up as well for some reason.

They were so f*cking loud!

Deku befriend raccoon eyes at some point, a pairing that will f*cking kill him one day. Now that she was aware of his parkour abilities, she was set on learning him how to dance. The f*cker thought it was funny and complied, so now they were stuck in the middle of a mall, dancing to some random sh*t Pikachu blasted from his phone.

The greenette tried his best to do exactly what pinky was doing, he of course sucked ass at it.

A crowd of people came to watch. They laughed as Deku failed to mirror pinky and cheered when he succeeded.

You think that's interesting? Katsuki will f*cking show them!

His parents had loved to put him in break dancing classes for most of his childhood. Sure he didn't do it anymore, but that muscle memory still kicked in no problem. For once in his life he was thankful to his parents for something.

He took the dance floor, much to everyone’s surprise.

Deku stopped to cheer him on.

Why not? Let’s throw some backflips into this as well.

He danced with raccoon eyes for a while, and she wasn’t too bad herself.

Everyone from their little group was laughing and even trying some of their own dance moves. The crowd was really hyping them up. The fun continued until a mall employee asked them to leave.

All of the extras were less tense after that. Pinky was more of a nuisance now, wanting to know his phone number or something. Whatever.

He gave it to her.

“Can I try too?” Todoroki asked Ashido.

They were walking towards an ice cream shop for one last group activity before they departed home.

“Dancing? Oh my god yes! I can give you lessons!”

Todoroki smiled. This was a moment in history!

“I’ll bet you’ll look so cool! Good luck with Ashido.” Izuku encouraged the dual haired guy, just because he seemed somewhat unsure.

“Don’t think you can get away from me that easily! You’re taking the lessons with him!”

“I do not remember having given you any verbal confirmation to your offer.” He said defensively.

“I did give you a choice tho?”

“Oh great heavens!” He put his hand dramatically over his head, making both Ashido and Todoroki laugh. Well, Todoroki huffed out of his nose in amusem*nt, but it counts.

“I’m going to have to ask my father if he is alright with me training with you.”


“He says dancing is for girls.”

Izuku took out his phone and started recording. “Could you repeat that?”


“I’m starting a case against endeavor.”

Ashido looked taken aback, while Todoroki was perfectly content with helping.

“You can’t just ask that!”


The pink girl looked on in disbelief as her new student helped with a case against his own dad.

“Nerd! The usual?”


Kacchan was already paying for their ice cream.

“Damn Mido! You got a sugar daddy!” Ashido yelled, getting the entire group's attention on the blond, who had two ice cream cone’s in his hands and was actively licking the second one that clearly wasn’t his.

“Nope, I’d say it’s more like friends with benefits.” At that reactions varied.

Kacchan was blushing like crazy, Mina and Kaminari were giggling like two middle school girls, Iida looked somewhat appalled, Uraraka was generally red too, Kirishima was laughing his ass off and Todoroki was, like usual, confused.

They weren’t even out and about but the crowd was already going haywire. This was going to be so f*cking exhausting. Plus he was already tired due to a certain someone giving him Wattpad worthy scenarios to fantasize about. Mother f*cker. BL’s we’re a curse!

The even loud as f*ck voice of Present Mic boomed through the stadium and the rest of the campus. This man could cause a f*cking earthquake if he wanted, sweet ka-Jesus. It announced that they could enter the arena.

Deku was next to him, fiddling with his uniform.

He took his hands as the mass of hormonal teens took off to do the same as a gladiator did, just without the killing. They wouldn't get lost like that.


Flashing lights blinded the dumbasses up front.

Midnight, whipped the air announcing the wheel of fortune that was totally rigged, according to the nerd at least.

Deku had an iron grip on his hand.

"The number 1 on the entrance exam will give us a speech now!"

Why were they never informed of this?

Good job miss pro hero, you made the anxious loser perform in front of the world.

"K-Kacchan help-" was all the nerd could stutter before he got pushed to the front by the rest of the public. Midnight helped him onto the stage. f*ck.

"Um, L-let's do our best! We all want to prove something today, and we’ll do just that! Have fun, don't get too injured and go plus ultra!"

He managed to say something pretty motivating on the spot.

The f*cker jumped off stage right into Katsuki's arms to make his escape. The blond helped his friend of course, catching him with ease. Deku stayed close with his back to him after that, like he was scared to get pushed to the front like a rag doll again.

He got a sizable applause, so at least he didn't embarrass himself too much.

Katsuki hugged the nerd from behind, to which the little sh*t sunk into him happily.

"Well said! Now let's spin the wheel!"

Obstacle course. f*cking awesome. Really bravo, great idea.

Turns out that course was f*cking huge. They had to walk five minutes to get to the start of the thing. Of course he did so walking hand in hand with his friend, to make sure they wouldn't lose each other of course, nothing else.

There was a very narrow space they had to get through just after the start line. Obstacle one.

Deku wasn't nervous anymore, instead he was scheming some devious sh*t.

The yellow man started his loud ass countdown.

Let's f*cking go!

He was so glad Kacchan was there, otherwise he might have fainted. His body heat really helped to ground him.

Okay, so that was the first obstacle? He could do that.

All of the students ran, some with speed quirks got through the narrow path before the rest could, and after that came the human traffic jam. A situation Izuku won’t be participating in, because he will simply do this very neat little trick called using his brain!

He jumped up against a wall and then onto the students, using the sea of heads to jump over the people mass. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Todoroki trapped them? Perfect! Now they can’t run away. He would apologize, but right now he had a race to come in win!

Going for number one is stupid, all the past years there was a penalty for first place in the second round, and he had no intention of getting that disadvantage. Izuku was already at a disadvantage, he didn’t need to add to it.


Goddamn robots.

Too bad they didn’t allow support items for the hero course students except if it was absolutely necessary, which apparently his only defense wasn’t. He was still kinda sad about that. He really wanted to kick ass with his bow.

Dodge time!

Is that a zero pointer?

There’s more of them. Like five more.

Nedzu, why?

Todoroki! My man! Good job! The quiet boy had frozen the zero pointers in a way that allowed them to pass through.

Izuku managed to squeeze past just before the robots collapsed. He was somewhere in the top 10 now. Maybe. No time to look at the leaderboard.

Bottomless pit.

Wow, great. And there goes Kacchan, flying with that awesome quirk of his.

Wires? Could’ve been worse.

He ran across the very thick wires that spanned between the islands of not void. He almost slipped like a few times, but he was alright. The real problem was the other kids jumping across. They were really distracting. One girl even had a jetpack.

Oh sh*t, he slipped for real this time.

Never mind, he has arms!

The greenette caught himself just in time to not find out what was on the bottom of the pit. The rest of the way, aka two more wires, he went monkey style. It was way more draining but also way more fun.

Honestly these obstacles weren’t that hard as long as you leeched off others. Remember kids, being a parasite is very good for you! (And only you.)

And for the last fun surprise we got, of course, mines. Because really, why not?

Let’s hope those cod games he played with Shiggy helped him now.

He ran around the slightly darker spots of earth, hoping to not find out how those things felt.

That didn’t last long, oopsy.

These things don’t hurt all that much! They mostly just cause you to fall over or get blown away without a lot of damage.

That’s perfect!

Instead of avoiding the mines, he now just used them as speed boosters.

Okay, maybe hanging out with Shiggy too much wasn’t healthy. He was starting to talk in video game terms now. Yikes.

The winner got over the finish line, so now he could go through the gate back into the stadium without worrying!

He sped up for that last portion and…

He got in fifth! Not too high, not too low. Perfect.

Todoroki somehow got first, Kacchan second, Iida third and that jet pack girl fourth.

He saw a camera fly closer, he flipped it off. Get that pesky media!

He found Kacchan, and congratulated him of course.

"That was amazing Kacchan!"

"Of course it was!"

"Congrats Todoroki!" He waved at the guy.

The dual haired boy waved back with a small smile on his face.

His best friend got in between him and his other friend.

"Poor Todoroki, he won't know what hit him."


"First place means penalty in the second round!"

Damn, Deku was right, Icyhot is damned.

Ten million points.

So that was why the nerd didn't even try to get first place. Makes sense.

He felt kinda bad for the guy. But not really.

The next thing on the menu was a cavalry battle. Everyone got some silly lookin bands with their points on it.

They could’ve just made them spar in front of a camera and give that to pro heroes that were willing to intern them. But nooooo, UA needed that clout, f*ck them kids. Was it really smart to give away the names and quirks of future pro heroes like that? He could have chosen Koketsu instead of this bullsh*t.

Never mind that, he had sh*t to win.

He and Deku exchanged one glance. Guess who already has a teammate?

The greenette and him got even closer together, because his personal space was also his crushes personal space, and vice versa. Duh.

"Kacchan, let's get Iida for mobility and maybe momo as a shield?" The f*cker already had a plan. Should he even be surprised at this point?

“Sure whatever.”

“Iida! Wanna team up!?”


The robot f*cker came over, not even surprised that he was also in a team with Deku.

“I take it Bakugou is also in this alliance?”

“Mhm! Do you think Yaoyorozu wants to join?”

“I think I saw her teaming up with Uraraka and a girl from the support course.”

“Bummer.” The nerd started muttering about all the different options. So now it was Katsuki’s time to employ his ‘friend’.

“sh*tty hair! Come here!”

Let’s just take a guy he could trust. The red haired bitch was so f*cking happy when he called for him. Weirdo.

“Of course I’ll join your crew!” He didn’t even need to ask.

“Great! Welcome on board Kirishima!”

The plan was as follows, Iida will be in the back in case of higher speeds being needed, Kirishima and Deku at the front as shields. Katsuki on top, because he was essentially a long and close range weapon. Honestly this setup was pretty nice. It f*cking sucks that Deku isn’t allowed to use his bow, sh*t would be great too. The blond really wanted to get that ten million, but both Deku and sonic advised against it. If they just made sure they didn’t lose any of their points, they would definitely make it to the next round. Kinda boring but fine.

Tomura sat there watching, for the first time in his life, not to observe the weaknesses of his potential enemies but instead to cheer on a friend.

Sensei was pretty quiet when he told him about his new friend, but didn’t discourage him from meeting the boy.

Was it weird that he was friends with a guy that was almost a decade younger than him? Definitely. Did he care about that? Hell no. Izuku is chill, can you blame him?

Kurogiri was doing his usual ‘I’m a real bartender’ shtick by cleaning glasses behind the bar.

Both sensei and his babysitter flinched when he cheered Izuku on for getting fifth place. He didn’t care, sometimes he was allowed to do something other than being a villain and playing video games. With his greenette friend he got to experience a lot of sh*t he always wanted to try as a teen. This was his first real friend after all.

He sent a few encouraging texts to the hero student. Not like he could read them anytime soon, but he guessed this was ‘nice’ or something. It was kinda like a life chat replay for the greenette.

On the screen he saw Izuku flip the camera off, aka comedy gold.

Then his friend went off to an angry looking blond. Probably that Kacchan he talks about so often.

The two of them were very close, not only as friends but also physically close.

Do friends usually do that? It’s not like he would know.

That’s more what people in movies did when they liked each other. Not like he would know. He was like 90% sure he was on the Ace spectrum, so don’t ask him.

Anyway, it’s good to store that little bit of information away for later, you never know when you need to tease or mock someone. Just because of his friendship he didn’t stop being a villain.

They got into their positions. It was time to fake it till you make it.

Midnight yelled “START!” and they took off.

Izuku’s plan was simple, pretend like you’re trying to get the ten million without actually trying. The real goal is simply defending their own points. This way they didn’t look suspicious and nobody would notice and copy their strat.

It was going pretty well, Iida was speeding them up every time they needed that boost, Izuku and Kirishima punched anyone who came too close in their stomachs or faces, the former doing it with way more confidence than the other. The icing on top, Kacchan, blasted and yelled away, scaring off other groups with ease.

That was until some annoying blond guy from class 1B came after them with the most pretentious smirk ever.

From what he knew, he could copy quirks. It would be bad if he took Kacchan’s quirk, but he could take his ‘quirk’ without any issues.

They came from his side, perfect.

“Kacchan, don’t let that guy touch you!”

The group 1B students were rushing at them, the blond on top yelling something about being better than 1A. Dude, we’re in the same school in that same course, what is your problem? Izuku blocked a blow that was going directly at Kacchan.

It looked like the privileged kid was trying to activate his ‘newly acquired quirk’ only to not find anything to activate. “What the-“

That’s what you get! Explosion to the face mother f*cker!

The rest of their precious 2 minutes was spent on going behind Todoroki’s team and trying to dodge any stray ice.

When the round ended, they were still second on the leaderboard without having gained or lost any points. Mission accomplished.

The ten million were now in the hands of Uraraka’s team, you go girls!

Todoroki managed to have enough points to pass thanks to his other teammates, who were a purple haired guy with insane eye bags, Tokoyami and Ashido. They were an interesting combo. The dude with eye bags looked kinda chill but also traumatized, so he’ll have to befriend that guy some time soon.

There was finally a break after that, and they really did need that break cause he was starving. No breakfast does something to ya. How he hadn’t passed out yet he had no idea. Oh yeah and water. He’ll need some of that too.

Then Todoroki asked him to talk.

Deku was going somewhere with icyhot. sh*t.

He knew it was wrong, but followed them nonetheless. What the f*ck did that candy cane f*cker want with his Deku?

He hid in the shadows behind a corner, and the bitch that stole his friend away started to speak.

“Midoriya, are you Aizawa’s secret love child?”

“What?” What? The f*ck kind of question is that?

“No? My secondary parental unit left me when I was four.”

“Oh… are you positive it wasn’t sensei?”

“Yeah? My sperm donor’s hair was white.”

“Just wanted to make sure.”

Then the two were silent for a while. What the f*ck did he just witness? Who starts a conversation like that?

“Have you heard about quirk marriages?” That sounded bad. Quirk marriages used to be very popular for a while, it was like the olden days again, where people from powerful families literally bought poor people with powerful quirks into their family bloodline. The entire business is nasty as hell, and it still happens to this day.

This was the moment Katsuki started hating Endeavor. He didn’t give a sh*t about that f*cker, but they things that man did were f*cking disgusting.

And that guy was allowed to be number two hero? He will help Deku with that case against him cause god this was bad.

As the bitch continued trauma dumping his fist clenched and he was seething with rage. f*ck Endewhor*.

“That is why I can’t use my fire, the moment I do that I obey my fathers will. I refuse to do that.”

It was quiet once more, and he heard icyhot’s footsteps coming towards him.

Deku spoke slowly, choosing his words very carefully. “Todoroki. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I- sh*t you might have just out traumatized me.”

The nerd took a deep breath. “I’ve been quirkless all my life. I have been shoved and pushed and kicked simply because people didn’t like what I am. You have, so much power, the thing I wished for most of my life. That is probably why I admire Kacchan so much, because he is everything I ever wanted to be. You could probably win this using just half of your quirk, that’s true. But it’s unfair. It’s so unfair to all of us that worked so hard to get here. I understand why, but Todoroki, that quirk is yours now. It was always yours, your quirk is ice and fire. You are yourself only, and your quirk is yours only. Don’t allow the thing you hate to weigh you down like that, if I did that I would’ve never come this far. I would be another number in the statistics, another funeral nobody attended. Please, use it whole, because if someone like you can’t, then what the hell am I doing?” He said in a shaky tone.

Izuku didn’t wait for a response, he left.

He saw Katsuki. He was mad. He had never seen the nerd mad before.

“You, come with me.” He hissed at the blond.

Oh f*ck.

They went into a broom closet. Deku closed the door behind them.

“Katsuki, what the f*ck were you doing?”

This was f*cking terrifying.

“I was making sure the-“ He got punched in the face. Not all that hard, but it hurt more than anything he had ever experienced before.

“Why were you listening in on us? Am I not allowed to be alone at all? And you stayed when Todoroki poured his heart out to me? I thought you were better than that!”

It was Katsuki’s turn to be angry. “What the hell!? I was making sure that icyhot wasn’t doing anything to you! What if he tried to isolate and hurt your stupid ass?!”

“What, you think I can’t protect myself? I…”

Deku was truly hurt. His sour expression and sharp eyes said it all, and it hurt.

“Do you still see me as a useless Deku? Did you start training me just so you wouldn’t have my blood on your hands? Is that what I am to you? A charity case?”

Katsuki was left speechless. “Deku…”

“Well? Do you really think that?”

No, he was just jealous. He couldn’t admit that. Not yet. Not now. He was too big of a puss* to do it now.

“I see.” The nerd said, and left.

He had f*cked up. Royally f*cked up.


Btw I wanted to give you guys some juicy drama to make this more exciting so here you go!

I made some interesting matchups for the one v one’s so hopefully that will be a bit better.

Chapter 10: The hunger games (4kids version) part 2


First round of the one v one’s


I was making some brackets for this fanfic and I swear to GOD, why all these childeren so sexualized!? I canttttt. T-T

Also once again action and I don’t mix well. Please forgive me for my lack of skill. I am trying, and struggling.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku sat with Iida and Uraraka at lunch that day. They clearly wanted to ask why Kacchan wasn’t there. “We had a small fight.” Seemed to be enough of an answer. They still noticed he was visibly and audibly less there.

He really didn’t know how to feel about this. It was incredibly rude to Todoroki to stay there. The boy was trauma dumping for probably the first time in his life and the blond had no right to witness it. On the other hand it wasn’t that strange for his best friend to follow him, in the past that saved him quite a few times. But now he could defend himself, now he could fight back. Did Kacchan really think he was that weak? Did he forget all their training, all their sparring?

He had no idea what to feel. Was he supposed to be mad? Be happy? Feel betrayed? Sad maybe?

After a while he broke and consulted his friends about the matter, without telling them what exactly Todoroki talked about. They agreed for the most part, but Uraraka said he didn’t give the blond enough time to properly explain himself. What if it was accidental and he was too stunned to leave? Iida thought much the same, and suggested talking to him. They were right, of course. He shouldn’t have been so rude to Kacchan, he really should’ve listened to his friend.

But that was when the lunch break ended. sh*t.

They went to their classes' special spot in the stands. Kacchan wasn’t there, since his fight would be after Todoroki’s one with a girl from class 1B. sh*t.

They took their seats and Present Mic announced that the fight will be starting in five minutes. Great, five more precious minutes of pure guilt. Awesome.

Mina was betting on who would win, so he put in like two hundred yen for Todoroki. Not like he actually knew who would win, since he has no data about the vine girl. Except her quirk, but to know who would win a personality, fighting style and amount of experience would be required. A quirk really didn’t say all that much about a person. He doesn’t know anything about her in those aspects, so good luck Todoroki.

Daddy issues came up on stage, on the other side Shiozaki. He really hoped that Todoroki would use his fire, cause he’d have a huge advantage with that. Plant matter and the reaction of fuel and oxygen didn’t mix well with that. At least he assumed her quirk was actually made out of plant, not keratin. Is hair easily flammable? Probably.

Midnight started the countdown. He already had a notebook in hand. Time to analyze!

“3, 2, 1, Start!”

Green vines shot towards Todoroki in a flash. The boy barely managed to block it with his ice. The problem was that now he was unable to see his enemy. Too bad ice isn’t all that see through, especially not in that form, too many air bubbles got caught in the ice for it to be even remotely possible.

Shiozaki used that to her advantage, running toward the ice read to completely cover her opponent in spiky vines. Two main streams of green came from both sides. She herself disappeared in her own quirk. It was a pretty smart move. Hide while the one you’re fighting can’t see you makes you harder to make out.

The bi colored hair quirk user had to put up two more walls in between him and the spikes. He trapped himself. The only exit lead him straight out of bounds

The moving sea of green maneuvered to one side of the walls. Now both of the contestants were unseen by the audience.

Spikes of ice shot out between the walls. They hit nothing. They shot out from both sides, so the guy had no idea where his opponent really was. At last the sentient mass of greenery found a way in.

They immediately shot back, set on fire, Shiozaki screamed. The ice was melting, slowly revealing a cut up Todoroki.

He looked scared, genuinely terrified.

The vines attacked again, going straight at him. Once again they had to retreat due to being set on fire.

Izuku was glad Todoroki listened to him at least a little. Endewhor* seemed to be quite happy too, yelling some sh*t about “THIS IS WHAT I MADE YOU FOR!” Like ewww.

The girl revealed herself by accident, trying to manage her scorched hair-quirk. Todoroki took that as an opportunity to deal the finishing blow. A block of ice hit her and sent her out of bounds.


Yay! He won a bet!

Todoroki simply walked off the stage, not staying for his applause.

Now he had a lot more notes about their quirks too! This was going to be a blast to take apart! It helped him almost forget about his confrontation with his best friend.

Icyhot won the first round, which means he’ll get to fight that bitch in the next round. f*cking finally!

Now let’s beat that frog girl. He needed to blow off some steam after that fight he had with Deku.

He got called on stage. Time to kick some frog ass!

She didn’t look all that intimidating, but that doesn’t mean sh*t. Deku looked completely harmless too, and the f*cker sent him to the hospital a few times.

“3, 2, 1! Start!”

He took this chance to attack first. He launched forward, using his quirk to propel himself towards his target.

Frog girl was fast as f*ck tho, cause she dodged to the side really quick. She tried to throw him out of bounds with her tongue the moment she touched the ground.

Fat chance! He wrapped his hands around the tentacle like appendage, and activated his quirk.

The girl groaned in pain. Her tongue unwrapped from him really quick. Good.

He had to stand still to think, hands raised just in case. Asui was really quick on her feet, so he couldn’t just plunge towards her mindlessly. That way he might just accidentally run out of bounds like an idiot. Maybe he should try long range instead? His aim was still kinda sh*t but it was better than chasing after her.

He prepared himself to fire.

Frog girl saw his stance and readied to jump. sh*t.

Welp, here goes nothing. He shot, and Froggy jumped.

He missed.

He tried again.

He missed again.

“Looks like someone having trouble getting a hit!” Shut the f*ck up you sentient banana!

He got an idea.

He shot again, just to immediately fly up to her mid jump. “Take this!” He blasted her right in the face.

She fell out of bounds. He fell after her.


She looked really bad. Katsuki was angry, but he wasn’t a monster. He kneeled down to her. “Good fight frog girl.”

She didn’t look like she had any all too serious wounds, her nose was bleeding tho. Asui looked at him with no hostility, she smiled.

He held his hand out for her, she took it. “You too Bakugou.” She croaked.

Kacchan won! Good that he put all the money he won before on his best friend, because that probably doubled again. Not that he didn’t think Tsu couldn’t win, he just wanted to support his friend. After they clear this up he’ll have ice cream or something to buy as compensation.

He got called on stage. Yaoyorozu stood on the other side of the battleground. He waved at her, she waved back.

He kinda wanted to ask her for something pretty funny. He was feeling silly.


Instead of charging, he walked over to his opponent. A deed that put her on guard.

“Yaoyorozu, I have an idea!” She stopped.


“Yep! What if we make this into a sword fight?”

She looked unsure. “Do you think that's okay?”

“I checked the rule book and there wasn’t anything that said we couldn’t do it.”

She nodded. “I think it might be fun.” Momo wasn’t taking this too seriously as well. As expected of the smartest kid in their class.

“What is happening? What are they-?! Is that a sword?!”

To be frank, he never really thought he would get this far into the tournament. It’s not like any hero will want him to intern there anyway, the moment they'd look at his file they’d be like ‘nah not this one’ and skip him entirely. He may as well dick around a bit.

Yaoyorozu gave him his sword, and they stood face to face.

He went for an upper right strike, she blocked.

The fight was incredibly clunky, both of them had no idea how to exactly wield the weapon. It was a comical sight to behold. They laughed their fair share while doing it. Life was presumably supposed to be fun. Let’s do whatever then.

Right side, block. Stab, missed. Sweep to the legs, and they both fell.

Eventually they dropped the metal chunks and fought the regular way, they were getting nowhere with the weapons.

It took a while before the girl could make anything, so the only thing he had to do was keep on punching and kicking her so she couldn’t do anything.

He underestimated her. Momo made a shield at lightning speed. It was probably made out of a singular metal.

Every single blow he tried got blocked, painfully. He was getting pushed back. sh*t.

He stopped his offense, and switched to the old and reliable ‘running away’ strat. He ran back to their swords and picked one up. He kicked the other one out of bounds as a precaution.

The raven took her chance and ran at him with her shield in front of her. That was exactly what he wanted! He stuck the melee weapon deep into a crack in the cement behind him. She was getting real close now.

At the last moment he jumped against the sword and used the momentum to fly over her head.

Yaoyorozu had no time to turn around, and got kicked with both his feet at once.

She lost her balance. Great.

His foe fell and hit the ground. The plate of metal fell on her face. She fell unconscious.

Midnight checked Yaoyorozu and stuck a thumb in the air.

“IZUKU MIDORIYA WINS THE MATCH!” Please don’t say his full name on life television. He wanted to go underground. When I catch you Nedzu.

“Are you alright?”

No response. He helped her up and carried her to the med bots.

He found out from raccoon eyes that the nerd bet on him and won.

f*cking Deku, first he makes him feel bad and then he wins money thanks to him.

He’s coming up to the stands now. Katsuki can’t help but feel nervous. He’ll have to apologize and explain now. He really didn’t want to do it in front of the extras.

Sonics and eye bags fight was about to start. f*ck that. His relationship with Deku was way more important. f*ck what he said a few weeks back, the nerd had to like him or life just felt wrong. He couldn’t be just an acquaintance, he had to stay close friends with the sh*t or he wouldn’t feel complete. The guilt that’s eating him alive hurts. f*cking Izuku.

He looked intently at the door to their section.

Pink cheeks gave him an encouraging smile.

He’ll apologize and explain and be done with it. That’s it. No need to be scared.

Deku opened the door and looked him in the eyes.

“I’m sorry!” “I’m f*cking sorry!” They said at the exact same time.

The class turned their attention to them. They giggled and chuckled away the moment their collective brain cell processed what had happened.

f*ck this was embarrassing. They really did act like an old couple. Maybe one day, who knows.

Deku was red as f*ck too, good. He started shuffling back out the door, and Katsuki followed.

The nerd hid his face in his hands. Good, he wouldn’t see the blond. It was so cringe how red he had gotten. f*cking extras.

“Kacchan, I’m sorry, I know why you followed me. I was riled up after hearing what Endeavor had done and I took it out on you.” Deku collected himself and bowed deeply.

Of course he would think he was in the wrong here.

“Don’t be you f*cking dumbass! I should be the one apologizing. I should have left.”

Deku looked up at him. He was smiling.

“Are we okay now?”


They looked at each other for a few seconds, both clearly happy, even if the blond didn’t look like it.

They went back to the stands. Luckily the assholes were focused on the fight.

Iida was walking out of bounds. Willingly.

“What happened?” The nerd asked.

“It’s crazy dude! The 1C guy yelled at Iida and then he just walked away!” Pikachu explained.

Is Iida really that fragile mentally??

“Mental quirk? Requires a verbal response maybe? Intimidation? It could be a sort of brainwashing quirk? Leading tactic against that quirk would be not responding. Maybe it required eye contact? Do not make eye contact.” And bla bla bla. Where did he get that notebook from? Did he just pull a pen out of his hair? Deku really is a god damn mythical creature.

A mental quirk would make more sense. Sonic wasn’t that weak.


The next fight was a strange one. Jet pack girl fought copy guy. To call it a fight was a stretch. It was more so a exposition with an unwilling assistant.

The girl had a speaker and everything, presenting a variety of inventions. The blond duch*e had no way to fight back. He clearly relied on his quirk, unfortunately his opponent had a weaker quirk that served no use in battle.

At the end of that puppet show the girl walked out of bounds on her own.

He didn’t have the chance to make any notes whatsoever. He had a nice laugh with Kacchan however, and that was plenty.

Kirishima and Mina fought next.

Since Ashido wasn’t there, he took over collecting the bids. He bid all his money on his predecessor at the job. Kacchan bid on his friend and a lot of other people bet too on the manly shark. It was sad to see everyone bid on Kirishima when Ashido was clearly going to win. He shrugged, more money for him.

The fight started off in Kirishima’s ‘favor’, he hardened up and punched the pink girl, knocking her back to the line and scratching the arm she had used to block. She was bleeding already.

He charged again, and slipped. Mina had strategically sprayed acid on the ground around her while she got knocked back.

She did a little victory dance while Kirishima struggled to stand up while maintaining his hardened form. If he turned off his quirk, the acid would actually burn him. Kirishima didn’t stand a chance from the beginning.

The acid burned through the concrete, slowly sinking the poor red head into the stage.

He yielded.


Izuku was rich! He had enough money now to buy four milkshakes from his favorite coffee shop! After this is over he’ll take Kacchan there with him. And maybe the winner too if he knows them. Unless he or Kacchan won.

It took a while before they successfully rescued Kirishima, melted cement was really tricky to work with apparently.

Now it was Uraraka’s turn.

Of course he bid all of his previously won money on her. It was all or nothing. Kacchan was just as hyped as him and bid like 1000 yen on her too. Iida was starting to look a bit concerned about that business.

His friend fought with Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, the guy that should definitely sue his own parents for that name.

That fight ended pretty quickly too, Uraraka had to touch him only once and he was flying out of bounds. Literally.

That was the thing about the first round of the one v one’s, sometimes you have no idea what kind of quirk you’re fighting against, so you can easily be sent out of bounds with just a touch.

That also the reason that the most exciting fights are between people who know each other well. ‘TOP 10 MOST EXCITING UA SPORTS FESTIVAL FIGHTS’ are always filled mostly with third year fights. Second years are the least watch due to not introducing anyone new and also not being as interesting to watch.

It was actually a good thing only third and second years made it into those compilations, that way students who aspire to go underground don’t stay in the public memory as long.

There is a reason why underground heroes capture more villains per hero than limelight heroes after all. The great element of surprise.

The last fight for the first round was about to start.

Deku won every bet he made. Damn.

He couldn’t care less about most of the fights, he watched the show off one and his friend’s fight, the rest he just zoned out. He let the nerds ever present muttering run in the background as he enjoyed that little touch they shared every now and then.

He bet a few times, for the fun of it, not really caring about what happened with the money afterwards.

He let his hand rest on top of the nerd's hand, the greenette didn’t notice.

He’ll have to think of a way to beat icyhot. His ice wouldn’t be much of a problem, that sh*t can be blasted away. The only problem was the fire. Katsuki wasn’t fire proof at all, he only was a bit more resistant against it then most people, but he could still get burned. Luckily the f*cker was still too traumatized to use the weapon that was most effective against him.

He heard some cheering. Bird head won against the big hands.

The nerd was cheering too, mostly because he now had like 4000 yen. The nerd was incredibly happy about it. It was nice to see him smile.

Now that he admitted his feelings to himself, life was so much f*cking easier.

He almost didn’t care if Deku won. Almost.

f*ck he really is smitten.


Sorry for any inaccuracies with the currency, I was converting euro’s into yen without taking the cost of living into consideration.

Chapter 11: The hunger games (YouTube kids version) part 3


Almost done with the sports festival!


I believe this chapter is a tad better than the previous one so enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Time to f*cking win. Icyhot won’t know what hit him.

Katsuki stepped into the blinding lights of the arena. Hundreds of flashes, cheers and snacks filled his senses, thousands of heads turned to see him, millions of eyes watched him. He was an attraction now. Times like this made him unsure about the entire limelight hero thing.

The blond was supposed to love the glory, but this just felt like being a monkey in a cage. This wasn’t fun, this was unnerving.

He had to win this, he really wanted to fight Deku. Usually when they f*cked each other up it was for pure funsies, now it was for pure unadulterated funsies. Plus now they had a reason. Icyhot had absolutely no right to fight his Deku.

He’ll smack the sh*t out of candy cane if he has too. The nerd was his to fight in the semifinals, and the only person he’d allow to win this f*ckfest.

Sentient banana man did his announcing sh*t, Aizawa sensei actually said something this time, most of the audience had already forgotten that he was even in the booth. That included Katsuki, he nearly flinched at the monotone voice.

“3, 2, 1, START!”

Icyhot wasted no time and shot almost an entire glacier at him. The f*ck? Thankfully he could just do his usual boom boom to get not get f*cked in the ass by the ice no problem. He was kind of trapped on the other side of the glacier now. f*ck. At least he wasn’t out of bounds just yet.

Let’s just fight ice with fire and f*cking destroy this thing!

And that’s exactly what he did. He made the structure crumble away bit by bit. Until it fell.

The f*cker tried to remake it, and he destroyed it all again. f*ck you!

Chunks of ice littered the area, in and out of the square.

Then Icyhot had a revelation or something. Now he tried to impale him with giant spikes of ice. The dumbass did not think of the kids watching this at all. What if it hits? Do you really want to kill somebody today??

He dodged it all, getting closer and closer to the bitch himself. The amount of ice he had to deal with slowly increased. It was getting colder. sh*t, if this continues he’ll have no way to blow his opponent to smithereens. He has to act quickly.

He was close to candy cane now, so he jumped towards the f*cker. Eat this!

Icyhot was too surprised to fully block, so he got a nice fist to his face. The stupid guy forgot to move away from the line during his attack. He didn’t fall out of bounds, he got blocked by a chunk of ice strategically put behind him. sh*t!

Time to blow the f*cker up! Small explosions littered his palms.

Icyhot had the exact same idea as him and lit up like a firework.

“f*ck you!” At least the ice was melting now, the heat made him sweat again.

Candy cane’s eyes widened, and his fire was going out.

The blond charged. Icyhot was too shocked to see him coming.

That’s when Katsuki hit him, absolutely f*cking destroyed anything in that general direction of the stage and shot Todoroki out of bounds.

A faint cheer was heard, but not a lot of people dared to applaud the amount of destruction he caused.

Cementos managed to contain most of the explosion he made, his hands hurt like hell.

Candy cane fell unconscious and hit his head in a weird way.

He might have overdone it.

He helped the bitch to the bots, can’t just leave him there like that. He might have to apologize or something later for this.

Kacchan was brutal, but he couldn’t really blame him, Todoroki was pretty strong.

They should hang out with the guy more, he clearly needed to catch up on all that socializing he missed. Izuku could probably say the same, but let’s just ignore that.

He had to fight Shinsou now, hopefully he guessed correctly with the verbal or eye contact activation. Just don’t look, and be quiet. Aka just do the same things he’d been doing all his life already anyway. See? Trauma is totally very useful!

He got called up on stage. The cheers he and the 1C student got were quieter than the one Kacchan and Todoroki had gotten. They didn’t have flashy quirks, and one of them even had no quirk (not that the audience knew that), so of course their fight would be less cool or something.

He always thought that these types of fights were fun to watch, you could learn so much from seeing students duke it out without the special effects reducing your render distance. Sorry, sight. Shigaraki’s language was really infectious.

The student opposing him had a smirk on his face.

He smiled back, and gave him a little wave. Just like he had done for Yaoyorozu.

The smirk disappeared off his opponent’s face.

“1, 2, 3, START!”

He got ready in a battle stance, his eyes on the guy's chest to avoid his eyes. Shinsou just walked up to him. Maybe he was like him in the last round? He relaxed too.

“What big shot? You think I’m that easy beat? You hiding some big flashy quirk under there? You think this is funny? That you can beat me without using it? Is this a joke to you?!”

He wanted to respond, but quickly stopped. Verbal response. Good to know.

He looked the purple haired boy in the eyes. He smiled, and shook his head. Izuku pointed a finger at himself, then put two fingers in a X shape against each other. No, and he didn’t have a quirk.

His opponent failed to understand. He just sighed. “Alright, you try hard.” He jumped into action, suddenly coming on with a kick.

Izuku blocked, and punched Shinsou in return.

The guy hissed, holding his shoulder where he was hit. “Jesus man, a strength quirk?” Nope! Thanks for the complement tho.

He punched again, kicked again, dodged. He pushed his fellow student out of bounds with each blow he made, not flinching back at any pain caused by the other. It was nice to be hit.

With a final push he won the round.


“Good match! By the way I don’t have a quirk! Sorry to disappoint.”

The guy looked at him like he was crazy. “You’re not kidding?”

“Nope, I got the extra joint and stuff.”

If his class knew, and they didn’t hate his guts (for the most part), then others knowing wouldn’t matter. He would always have Kacchan anyway. Kacchan was all he needed.

“sh*t man, you hit hard.”

“I try! Now let’s get you to Recovery Girl.”

It was raccoon eyes’ time to fight with the pretentious asshole from 1B.

He bet on her, cause f*ck that guy. The nerd did that too when he came back, taking over for Mina again.

He was yapping about the guy he just fought. “His quirk is actually really cool! He can brainwash people after getting a verbal response from them! Like imagine all the hostage situation that could be solved with that!” Oh my f*cking god shut up!

To be completely honest, pinky won this with ease. Her quirk didn’t affect herself at all, but it did affect the bitch, so was doomed from the start.

One touch, one trial at activation at the battle was over.

Sonic excused himself and didn’t come back. Weird.

The next fight was between bird head and pink cheeks. Interesting combo.

He bet some on the emo guy, Deku bet on Uraraka. f*cker always bet on his friends.

“We got to show the girls some support! Did you forget I was raised by a single mother?”

“Is aunty even a mother at this point?”

“Yeah I know, but still. I’m a feminist.”

“How the f*ck do you function again?”


The fight started. Bird head let his pet loose on pink cheeks. She evaded it.

Dark Shadow clawed at the girl, she got hit. But she also managed to touch the bird.

Bird number two wasn’t affected by her quirk, bird number one however, was. He flew up.

Pink cheeks won this round with relative ease, gaining only a deep scratch on her forearm.

Damn he’ll have to look out for those fingers, cause one good touch and you’re basically f*cked. Katsuki didn’t realize just how overpowered that quirk really was.

Like what can a villain even do if they’re flying into the stratosphere?

Deku cheered for her. Why the f*ck would you do that?? f*cker.

Was he jealous? No not at all! He was so f*cking jealous.

It was the moment they were all waiting for, time to have a nice sparring session on national television! Izuku was compelled to get some bad wounds just to make it harder to censor. UA and the hero commission could suck it.

Not like Kacchan would allow that, but it would be kinda funny. Was it weird he thought that was funny?

He and his friend parted to their own corners with a smirk and a handshake.

“Good luck, you’ll need it.”

“You’ll need it more jackass.”

Most people in the audience probably thought that this fight would be boring. one has a cool ass quirk, the other has minor strength enhancement or something. It’s obvious who’s going to win this right? Right?

The stage is set. The people are watching. He’ll prove something today even if he loses. All of Aldera Junior high will have seen this and will know to never bother him again. This is going to be a moment remembered by only a group of people, and that group will never dare to forget it.

His first and last day in this arena has to be fun for him. And it will.

Mic’s voice thundered through the air, the smell of cement and sweat entered his nose.

On the other side he saw red eyes, angry and ready to do it. He and Kacchan nodded to each other.


He got ready, arms in a defensive position.


The blond did the same.


He took a deep breath.


They ran, he hit.

He received a blow to his abdomen. The scent of burnt flesh riddled the air. It hurt so good.

He punched Kacchan in his face with so much force that his nose broke.

The blond readied a big explosion. He dodged.

The crowd gasped.

Kacchan had ranged attacks, but he did not. Curse UA. He wanted his bow really badly now.

He made his way towards the older boy again, scraping his arms on the hard ground while jumping and rolling his way between the loud blasts.

He had picked up a few loose pebbles from the ground.

Once he got close enough he threw the pieces of concrete in his friend's face.

Fight foul or die. Or something like that. He kicked Kacchan in his disorientated state, kicking him to the ground and getting him closer to the white line separating him and his victory.

He wanted to drag the blond to and over the line, but he got pulled down by his arm instead.

His opponent kicked him mid fall in his chest, pushing out all the air in his lungs.

He sprawled out on the ground, closer to his demise than he was comfortable with.

His head hurt.

Kacchan screamed something.

sh*t he had to dodge. His vision began blurring. The greenette probably got a concussion.

He had worse.

The heat of his impending doom got dangerously close before he could evade. sh*t.

He was far away from his opponent again. Now he had to do the same thing as he had done before, just with a concussion and the fresh third degree burn on his stomach torn open from the kick he had received. Something dripped down into his mouth. He tasted the familiar sweetness of blood.

It was kind of bothersome but he managed to creep closer again.

Kacchan got better at aiming. He got hit a few times in his legs. It hurt. He was fine.

It hurt good.

He made an attempt to throw himself at his best friend.

The blond dodged.

The last thing he saw before his vision faded to black were Kacchan’s deep crimson eyes.

Kacchan’s eyes are so pretty.

There’s a reason his favorite color is red.

The moment his victory was announced he got the f*ck out of there. The stupid idiot needed medical attention now.

He looked bad, like really f*cking bad. He himself wasn’t all that okay as well, but the nerd looked like he was on the verge of death. It scared the sh*t out of him.

He picked Deku up and got him over to Recovery Girl in an instant.

The grandma took him in really quickly without asking too many questions. Usually the witch got really pissy when this type of sh*t happened.

Izuku woke up some time after he got hooked up to the IV.

Stupid Deku making him worry.

The f*cker smiled at him.

“Did I win?”

“No, you stupid f*ck.”

“Oh… good luck in the next round! Win this for me.”

“You know I will.”

The dumb sh*t fell unconscious again.

“You can go now sweety, I’ll take care of this dumb young man.”

“Good. Thanks granny.”

“You can come to visit him later. I know how boys get when their crush gets injured.”

Katsuki froze.


“After some years taking care of you brats you just know.” She smiled at him. It was kinda f*cking creepy. That woman never smiled. “I won’t tell anyone. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you.”

He left to wait for his last match. He had to win this for Izuku now.

Damn. Izuku looked like sh*t at the end of that. Shigaraki was slightly confused about their relationship.

Sure, he may not know a lot about human interaction no thanks to someone but he did watch a sh*t ton of tv in his youth (whenever he could that was) and knew some stuff thanks to that.

At the beginning of the sports festival he was sure that that Kacchan guy was some kind of boyfriend of Izuku’s. I mean, they were literally so close to each other whenever the camera captured them.

He had felt betrayed at his friend's lack of trust about his little boyfriend.

But honestly, with how oblivious the greenette is he wasn’t so sure that the boy even knew he was in a relationship.

Now he was wondering if they just had a weird hom*o erotic rivalry type of thing? Abusive relationship? Just bro’s? What the internet called a bromance? He didn’t know.

The blond guy seriously f*cked him up, but he didn’t hold back either. Tomura was glad Izuku wasn’t his enemy, cause if he was he would be seriously f*cked. No quirk and still going forward like a machine.

He took down a Nomu with a bow and arrow for f*ck’s sake.

Not gonna lie, that's pretty impressive. Sensei wasn’t too thrilled when he heard him fanboying about his enemy but whatever, he’s allowed to have some fun now and then. No matter how incredibly grateful he was to sensei, the man wasn’t all that good of a role model. He thanked the greenette for that revelation.

He scored pretty good on his first ever friend. Kurogiri didn’t mind him, sensei didn’t really care all that much about his friendship.

It made him question his villainy.

Back on track, he’ll have to ask Izuku about that entire thing with his best friend.

He came back to the rest just in time to see the fight between Raccoon eyes and pink cheeks. The only fight he actually had to look at to prepare for the grand finale. He had to win this sh*t after all.

Their previous victories were due to their opponents having quirks that weren’t all that compatible with their quirks. Now they actually had to do sh*t.

Pink cheeks was trying to get closer while not getting burned by acid and pinky was trying to keep the other at a distance. It kind of resembled his fight with Deku in a way.

Gravity girl found some loose chunks of junk from the previous fight and used her quirk to send them over to raccoon eyes, releasing her quirk just before they hit her.

Mina got smacked across the arena. She didn’t get up anymore.


How is this legal? He was all for a nice beating, don't get him wrong, but UA letting teenagers mutilate each other seemed like going too far.

Even for him. And that said something.

They got a bit of time to roam before the last and final battle. He came back to ask the granny how Deku was doing. He met pink cheeks there, doing the same he did just a few minutes ago.

Raccoon eyes and the nerd were out cold in beds next to each other. Damn it looked f*cking sad.

“Are the idiots doing fine?”

“They are stable, yes. They’re both too tired for my quirk right now I’m afraid. I’m keeping both of them for the night.”

The brunette let out a sigh of relief. “I was kinda worried, I did hit her really hard.”

“Good move by the way.” She looked at him with wide eyes.


“I’m gonna win.”

“Sure you will.”

“The f*ck do you mean by that??!”

“No shouting next to my patients!”

Katsuki scoffed. “But you’re doing it too right now.”

“Oh go away you brats. You’re disturbing the peace.”

He left, closing the door with a hard smack.

Pink cheeks soon followed.

“Let’s just do our best!”

“What the f*ck do you think I was doing before?”

“Good point.”

He let out an amused huff.

“Really tho, good move. Brutal as hell, didn’t think you had it in ya.”

“Are you hitting on me?” She asked nonchalantly.

“The f*ck? No? I’m gay.”


“The f*ck does that mean?”

“So you and Midoriya are together?”

His face heated up. “No! He doesn’t like me like that.”

“Omg you like him!”

“Yea? So? What’s with you and Iida then?”

“We’re just friends! I think of him more like an older brother.”


“Midoriya likes you too, you know?”

“Yea, sure.” He replied harshly.

“No but like he definitely does! I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

“… You really think that?”

“I’m sure of it.”

“f*ck I wish you were right.”

“You could try! The worst he can do is say no.”

Katsuki knew that wasn’t true. He could lose a friend. He could lose the most important person in his life. Not like he could just tell her that. She wouldn’t understand.

“Why do you even give a sh*t?”

“It’s great for gossip! Me and Mina were hoping you guys would be our first class couple!”

“Of f*cking course.”

They passed a clock. It was time to get back to their entry points. “I’m going, I have something to win.”

“Me too! What a coincidence! Good luck!”


They parted ways.

f*ck pink cheeks. Why did she have to be right??


Can you tell I’m running out of creative chapter names? Please give me suggestions! I just need one more for the next chapter. :D

Chapter 12: The hunger games: last part


Last fight!


This chapter is just a bit fruity, for good measure ;)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Katsuki was going onto that damned stage one last time that day. Time to f*ck pink cheeks up! He had to win this sh*t for Deku now.

He had to fulfill his fallen comrade’s final wish!

The audience was as loud as ever. Even louder than usual because these were the finals. It hurt his ears.

He slowly devised a plan to win this sh*t. He’ll have to be patient and careful. He can’t use his quirk too much, that will just give the girl more firepower. He can’t let her touch him, that will make staying in bounds so much harder. It’s not impossible, he can navigate with explosions, but that will be difficult as f*ck.

He has to take her out really quickly. He was still f*cked up from his fight with Deku, Recovery Girl patched him up a bit and healed him ever so slightly, but it still hurt like a bitch. In terms of condition his opponent was way better off. She was only mildly fatigued, he was already really f*cking tired and injured.

This fight was not all that in Katsuki’s favor, all things considered.

He has to win the damned thing for the nerd tho.

So he will.

For Izuku.

Uraraka eyed him with a fierce grin, he returned it. Remember you bitch, you have to win this.

Midnight started her countdown.

“3, 2, 1, START!”

They shot forward, the blond ready to force her out of the ring in the first few seconds. He can’t let her get close or let this go on for too long. He doesn’t have the strength to do that.

KABOOM BITCH! He was hoping to take her out with this one blast.

No loud ass voice announced his win.

He f*cking failed. His hands were f*cked. f*ck!

Pink cheeks took advantage of his enraged state by creeping closer in the smoke. He couldn’t see her. f*cking bitch!

She can’t stay in that sh*t for too long, that gas isn't all that healthy to breathe in. She has to come here sooner or later.

He stayed vigilant, quickly rotating around in hopes of spotting the predator before he became the prey. Where the f*ck is she??

Something moved in the corner of his eye.

He evaded her just before she could reach him. sh*t.

He used his quirk in her general direction. He had to win this!

It hit. He heard her groan. The smoke was clearing now. She wasn’t there.

Where the hell is pink cheeks!?

He spinned around rapidly. Where is she??

“Where the f*ck are you hiding?!”

He didn’t see her, but she did touch him. f*ck.

His body floated. He propelled himself into the air, just to not let his opponent push him out of the square. God this felt wrong. He felt nauseous. He levitated above the stage.

With the smoke completely gone now, he saw a piece of the arena heading straight for him. He destroyed it before it could get close to him.

Another rock hit him. f*ck. Leg may be broken now. Good he doesn’t have to walk anymore. Bet you ain’t ever seen an asshole fly!

He lightly pushed himself back to the ground, carefully avoiding any rocks and pebbles going at him at lightning speeds.

His hands hurt so much.

His leg hurt so much.

He got close enough to her to give her one last good blast. His arms couldn’t handle any more.

Katsuki saw her running at him. Hasta la vista baby!

The world went white. He closed his eyes.

The blond hit the wall around the stage.

Izuku woke up, only to see Kacchan in the medical room with him. Everyone who’d stand on the podium to receive medals was here, getting patched up and healed well enough to be present on stage.

The room was quiet.

Ashido and Uraraka sat next to each other, not exchanging a word.

His best friend sat on the foot of his bed, back faced to him.

Recovery Girl was shuffling around somewhere in the room. He couldn’t see her.

“So, who won?”

Nobody answered.

“Did I miss-“

“Pink cheeks did.”

He sat up, the burn on his stomach stung. “Congrats Uraraka!”

“Thanks Mido.”

“Why are you kids so stiff? It’s over! Celebrate, cry, just stop being so gloomy! That’s not going to heal you!” Recovery girl yelled at them in flustation. She was somewhere ahead of him.

But she was right of course. Why were they so grumpy?

“We all did a good job guys! I thought that I’d get eliminated in the first round!” He tried.

“You too? Man, I really thought I was the only one!” Ashido helped.

“Unlike you insecure losers I knew I’d get here!”

“Kacchan, shut up! Just because you’re amazing doesn’t mean we are!”

Ashido and Uraraka giggled. Huh?

“Is something funny??!”

“Oh nothing, continue.”

“It’s just cute you know?”

“The f*ck is cute?!”

“You’re little ‘friendship’”

“Granny?? I thought you wouldn’t tell!”

“I’m afraid you’ve unfortunately landed a tough cookie to crack.”

“Huh??” He was getting more and more confused by the second.

“Shut the f*ck up Deku! The adults are talking!”

“Hey! I’m only a few months younger!”

Ashido leaned closer, using one hand to shield her mouth from Kacchan’s view as the blond continued his beef with their teacher. “They’re talking about your obvious crush on Bakubro.”

… his what?

“I don’t have a crush on Kacchan??”

Why was everyone so quiet?

“You don’t get all warm and fuzzy when you're with Bakugou?”

“I mean yeah but that’s a normal friendship thing?”

“Bakugou dear, I'm very sorry for you.”


“Did I say something wrong?”

“What did I do??”


Allmight handed out the medals because of course they would choose that f*cker.

His head and hands and leg hurt like a bitch.

Deku was one hell of an oblivious bastard.

He had gotten second place.

God f*cking dammit.

He had one goddamn job. ONE GODDAMN JOB!

His crush apparently has been in love with him so long he thinks that’s what friendship is? Is he attracted to all his friends?? Is he poly or something??

The symbol of peace gave him a hug, f*cking eww. He didn’t react, he was on international television after all.

So what was he supposed to do now? Flirt with the nerd until something, anything happens?

He got his f*cking medal.

Should he give up?

Allmight continued to pink cheeks.

No, he can’t give Deku up. He was way more than he deserved anyways. He should be happy.

He’ll just have to wait.

The f*cker won’t be able to say it ain’t romantic if they kiss. Or f*ck. Whichever comes first.

The crowd cheered for the last time. f*cking finally.

Izuku had gotten third place with Ashido.

The medal was pretty nice.

They returned to the nurse’s office, because they were all still kinda f*cked up. Not that the greenette minded his pain, he had worse. He did feel sorry for the rest.

He still had that money he won, so he bought something from the nearby vending machine for the rest. Some spicy chips for Kacchan, sweets for the girls and a candy bar for himself. Plus four soda's. And bao bun for their healer.

It was kinda weird when he came back, his friends sat in a circle whispering to each other, heck, even Recovery Girl was with them.

“Guys? I’m back with the snacks.”

They whipped around. He felt like he intruded on something.

“Umm, should I go?” This felt an awful lot like middle school.

“No no! We were just discussing, ummm, my fight with Bakugou!”

“Yeah! Like it was so cool!”

Recovery Girl just sighed and shook her head.

“Okay! I need to rewatch that fight anyways! I still need to update my notes on your quirks.” He went along with their obvious lie.

The three teens looked relieved.

What was happening?? Maybe it had something to do with what he had said earlier? Was it weird? He’ll have to research it all. What was friendship? What did that warm feeling mean? Did he really like Kacchan? Can he like Kacchan?

He may have to study human psychology for a bit. Maybe being an outcast member of society wasn’t good for a child’s mental development? Who knows?

He got his healing kiss from the school’s nurse, and promptly fainted on the spot.

When he woke up it was already dark outside, Kacchan was there too, on a bed next to him. They were still at UA.

Izuku moved to Kacchan’s bed and let the warmth of the blond's body comfort him.

He stared at the ceiling, trying desperately to get his sleepy brain to work. The clogs didn’t even budge.

He gave up and closed his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.

He didn’t, but he also didn’t feel like moving away from his best friend. So he stayed.

Hours slowly flew by before he finally stood up from bed to retrieve his phone from his bag.

The greenette laid down next to Kacchan again.

Tomura had texted him a bunch. He read through all of the messages and responded with thanks and appropriate emoji’s.

His mom had sent him a quick congratulations a few hours after the end of the festival. He left her on read.

Aunty and Uncle both sent them some congrats and a get better message. He smiled and sent some heart emoji’s back.

With that out of the way he decided to research what he could about what happened today.

The first results were a bunch of ‘Am I Gay?’ quizzes.

Great. That helped.

Wait. It did.

He googled a bit about how platonic relationships should look and yeah, maybe he felt a bit more for Kacchan.

Did he have a crush on his childhood best friend?


He skimmed through another article.

Almost definitely.

Well, that does explain some stuff he guessed.

He remembered a promise they had made that one time when he was drunk. Now he just has to wait 15 years until he can be with his best friend. If somehow Kacchan magically stays single for that long. There is no way in hell somebody as perfect as Kacchan would want to be in a relationship with someone like Izuku willingly.

That settles that! Time to hover around his crush until that happens.

That’s a terrible strategy isn’t it?

Is he supposed to move on? But he just figured this out!

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why is this so hard?? He could have just been a hikikomori or something. Human interaction is overrated anyway. He survived ten years of his life without it so honestly why not just continue that trend?

That’s such a stupid idea! He can’t just do that.

What if he just becomes an alcoholic real quick to forget about this entire thing? Or a drug addict? It can’t be that hard to find drugs right?

That’s an even worse idea! Why was the second thing he could think of substance abuse??

Maybe he should just try this mystical thing called flirting? Maybe? Like, he only looks like a half dead corpse on a good day! His personality isn’t that bad either!

Is it though? Izuku personally thinks he doesn’t look all that attractive at all. He’s been described as ‘cute’ before, but that’s more something a kid would be. He is 15 years old!

Maybe he should just follow the advice of his past classmates and find a nice tall bridge- no no no no no!

What if he just asks our almighty lord and savior google?

‘Show them that you’re interested.’

But that means flirting! Google hast forsaken thee!

‘How do you flirt?’

Endless results for YouTube tutorials popped up. And a wikihow article. Just great! Be cOnFidEnt! Talk for yourself! Some people have anxiety! This was his dearest friend! What if he closes him?

He stared at the ceiling in his mental panic. The blond shifted. His arms wrapped around Izuku.

The storm that was his mind was overtaken by a nice summer day's warmth. The ocean’s waves gently tickled the shore. No more was the guilt and panic. In came the wind of comfort.

Kacchan was amazing.

He woke up with the nerd in his arms. When the f*ck did that happen?

Deku was snoring in his embrace, head buried in his chest. He could squeal like a high school girl.

He looked so f*cking cute oh my f*cking god.

Calm down Katsuki! Get your ass together!

His arm felt stiff, but he had no desire to move even an inch. He was really thankful the nerd trusted him enough to just do this.

He looked down at the dumb f*cker in his arms, at those messy ass curls.

Izuku’s touch felt nice, his body felt like it was meant to be next to Katsuki’s.

His heart was racing.

Katsuki Bakugou was supposed to be cold, angry and uncaring. Yet here he was having a panic attack because the love of his life his crush was cuddling with him. If that isn’t pathetic he doesn’t know what is.

He let himself sink into the comforting heat that was Izuku. Pulling him closer, as if he was afraid the nerd would disappear if he let go. He wanted to hug the nerd into him permanently, so that this warmth and this feeling could stay forever.

f*ck UA, f*ck the old hag, f*ck the hero system. This was all he wanted in life. This was all he needed.

Deku stirred, those damned emerald green eyes looked into his in their disorientated, sleep drunk, half lidded state. It was adorable. He smiled slightly, Izuku smiled back. “‘Morning Kacchan.”


He looked away, because damn this stirred something in his chest.

The nerd didn’t mind, used to how rude the blond could be. “How late’s it?”

There was a clock in the corner.

“It’s seven in the morning.”

“Mhm… three hours. Jippee.”

“That ain’t enough you dumbass.”

“Maybe.” He stared off into the distance.

They were both awake, they should’ve untangled themselves by now. They didn’t, not until Recovery Girl came in to check on them.

They were free for the following two days, the sports festival for the other years was going on and all the teachers were way too busy with that to do their actual job.

After that morning with Kacchan they didn’t really talk to each other. Not that he minded that, the blond had all the right to think the entire sleeping in one bed thing was weird. He felt a bit sad, but what can ya do?

Ashido- sorry Mina asked him to come over to her house, he originally wanted to obsessively analyze the second years but he could just do that later. He was quite surprised to see Todoroki in front of the girls house as well. That was until he remembered the dancing thing… that’s why she wanted him to take work-out clothes with him. In hindsight it made sense.

Mina lived in a house that was pretty similar to Kacchan’s, just slightly smaller in a considerably less nice neighborhood.

The inside was warm and cozy, filled with posters, cushions and family photos. She looked a lot like her mother, and had the horns from her father. He did notice that he only ever saw her mother in older pictures. He wondered if something happened to her.

The girl's dad came to greet them, slightly weary of the two teenage boys. That worry quickly disappeared when Izuku introduced himself cheerfully and the other politely nodded along when the greenette spoke for him.

“I heard that my little girl wanted to train with you?”

“Well, I’m not so sure that’s what we’ll be doing. She mentioned something about dancing before the sports festival.”

“I asked her to teach me how to dance, it sounds fun.” Todoroki spoke for the first time.

“I was kinda forced into it.” He scratched the back of his head.

Mina’s dad laughed at that. “That does sound about right!”


That day Izuku learned a very important lesson, that he didn’t suck at it, Mina even said “You aren’t too shabby, some more practice in ass shaking will make you pretty nice to look at.” so that probably meant something. Poor Todoroki however was stiff as hell, not grasping the rhythm of the songs at all.

Mina wasn’t deterred by it at all, in fact she promised more lessons to come.

He had to admit it was a little bit fun to do, not that he would ever dare to go anywhere to show off his skills anyway. He’d definitely be the laughing stock wherever he went. Or maybe nobody cares if everyone there is drunk? Who knows? He certainly doesn’t. Drinking has been a lonely game for him.

After that he had the chance to play at the arcade with Tomura. That was fun.

He ended his day by going to the Bakugou household. They welcomed him warmly, letting him eat dinner at their house. He was also allowed to sleep over, a chance he gladly took.

He fell asleep next to Kacchan, on the ground, secretly wishing to return to the bliss of the blonds arms.

Maybe he should try flirting tomorrow?

Hopefully he could laugh it off as a joke.

He should just stay quiet.

He’ll try anyway.


I really did not think that the sports festival would take up this many chapters. I let Ochako win cause the girl deserves some love!

I’m totally not projecting on any of these characters at all! 🙂

Chapter 13: Don’t think about the past, it’s always there anyway.


Flashbacks, flirting and meeting new people.


I don’t think it’s big enough to put in the tags, but the italics are about quite sensitive topics such as grooming and abuse of authority, so I suggest skipping them if you don’t want to read that.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Katsuki awoke to the strangest sight. The idiot stood in front of his mirror, whisper-screaming to himself. Deku passed around in circles, in argument, with his f*cking reflection.

It was so f*cking weird he didn't even attempt to interrupted the scene. He listened to the rant as best he could. Maybe he could make fun of him about this later?

"-is a stupid idea! That's not-"

"-kill myself to avoid the-"

"-idea! Join the goddamn-"

"-not possible! He would never-"

"-overtake the government-"

"-sex appeal, which I do not-"

Okay that did not help. No matter how much he tried, he could not find a way to string any of that together. The f*ck? What do you mean: overtake the goddamn government??

"Oi! The f*ck are you talking about?"

The nerd visibility jumped at that, almost crashing into his desk. He looked at the blond with wide eyes.

"Kacchan!" His eyes were switching focus constantly. "I wasn't talking about anything! I was…" The nerd had no way to explain sh*t.

"Whatever." He stood up, dressed in only the bottom of his pyjama's. Deku looked away? Why?

"Don't touch the kitchen, I don't trust you anywhere near my pans." The other boy nodded in response, still not meeting his eyes.

Aside from that sh*t, the day went on smoothly, aside from the fact the bitch had his t-shirt on. One of his favorite t-shirts.

Sure, the nerd had borrowed his sh*t before, but never like this. Never without question, or any blushing. He even saw the nerd nuzzling into it.

Katsuki really, really, really liked seeing that. A confident Deku was a very, very good looking Deku.

Why that delicious bitch suddenly did that he had no clue, didn’t stop him from staring.

Was the nerd trying to bully him? Why? What the f*ck?

He was kind of glad that he wouldn’t have to face the nerd tomorrow all that much, school was sometimes a good thing. Only sometimes, because that damned Nedzu guy made the place hell.

Back at school, he got a long ass pile of people who wanted him.

As an intern, what else did you think? Deku got like a couple of offers, a thing a lot of their classmates got really confused about. Idiots.

“But, you were third! I got eliminated in the first round and I have more!” sh*tty hair yelled like the stupid mother f*cker he was.

“I knew from the beginning I wouldn’t get a lot.” The nerd sighed, some of the denser motherf*ckers had their eyebrows so high they almost flew off their gaping faces.


“Mido you came so far tho…”

“It’s probably because of the entire quirkless thing, people really don’t like that extra toe joint.”

Mister homeless man interrupted that conversation. “Midoriya, come with me.”

Izuku nervously trailed behind his teacher. Why would sensei call for him? His mind flashed back to all the previous times a teacher had pulled him out of class. They weren’t pleasant memories. He didn’t have many pleasant memories period, to be honest.

“Midoriya! Come with me now!” One of his teachers shouted. Which one he had no idea, time managed to blur her face.

Some people in his class snickered. Aha, they had blamed something on him again.

He stood up from his desk, the fiery gaze of his ‘friend’ burned into his back. He limped his way through the door, much to his class's amusem*nt. He couldn’t help it, it hurt too much when he tried to stand properly. He didn’t even remember why it hurt, not now, and not in the past when it had happened.

He walked behind her in silence, eventually ending up in an empty classroom. It was always the empty classrooms. She closed the door behind him. He heard keys rattling from behind. He couldn’t escape.

“Now now, I know it was you who broke that window.” She sat on her desk. Her voice allowed no space for reason. He couldn’t defend himself, she wouldn’t believe it anyway.

“Listen Midoriya, I know that your kind has behavioral issues and such, but I don’t want to see that type of criminal activity in my school.” She wasn’t the principal, she was a mere educator. He didn’t point it out, a week or more of detention was enough.

He didn’t dare to speak against it, she wouldn’t listen, no one ever listened.

She stood up, and strolled to him. She got way too close to his liking. In a whisper she continued. “I’m not your enemy, I actually really like students like you.” Before he could process that sentence, a hand cupped his cheek.

“I would be willing to forget it if you do me a favor~”

He froze.

He remembered how he could feel her breath on his face, how her eyes looked at him.

That was the day he stopped believing in authority figures completely. He didn’t revisit this moment after.

She didn’t do much, but he never looked her in the eyes again, a notion he got bullied for.

He was around twelve when that happened.

She got fired for inappropriate talk with students the next year.

No one knew what happened that hour. He himself never quite processed it.

He remembered touch, almost never on his bare skin. He remembered words that never reached his brain. He remembered those eyes, looking at him like he was the forbidden fruit. Her classes got really awkward after that.

Or another time.

He laid on the ground, tried, beaten up and bruised. Blood poured from his nose. The sting of some quirk poking his sides. Izuku felt empty.

His primary school teacher walked past.

“Midoriya, get up.” He did what he was told.

He found himself in an empty classroom, after hours. His teacher punched him. He let it happen. He couldn’t fight back. His eight year old body didn’t have the strength to fight back. He remembered that this teacher did that every now and then, picking him up after finding him in an already bad state, and adding to it. Mutters about him being unevolved trash, worthless child and a parasite escaped the man’s lips every time he punched and kicked his child self around. If he was honest it was a pretty genius idea, beating someone up after the someone was already beaten up. Who would believe that tale? Especially from an attention seeking quirkless kid.

Back then he still naively thought that some adults cared. He tried to tell people, he really did, but nobody believed him. Not even his own mother, playing it off as him exaggerating.

He was alone.

No one was there to help.

No one gave a damn.


Lost in thought, he didn’t realize they had arrived at Hound Dogs office.

“I know it’s sudden, but I would like you to have a talk with our campus therapist. Don’t worry, this is a one time thing, we just wanted to make sure that everything was alright after overhearing some rather concerning jokes.” Aizawa sensei explained, as if he was aware of what Izuku was thinking.

Oh boy, he did not want to talk about his feelings. What's in the past is in the past, no use crying over spilled milk right?

He reluctantly got into the office, where he tried his darn best to not start panicking.

He was alone with a teacher again. In a closed off room, with only two ways to escape.

He tried to chalk it up to paranoia, the way the walls slowly closed in and the air got heavier. His mind flooded with memories he'd rather forget.

There is no way they could do something like that in UA right?

At some point, Hound Dog made his way into the room. The greenette had no idea how much time had passed since he was brought there.

The therapist made the usual introduction, asked some base level questions. He was kind of glad it wasn't anything more complex. He was way too busy concentrating on his breathing to process any advanced or nuanced inquiry.

He couldn't slip up. He did not want to end up in this room ever again. That particular time with that female teacher swarmed his mind. The body responding to his teacher was far away, he instead wondered about the day in greater detail than he had ever dared to before. The memory had sat untouched on a shelf with other things that he didn't want to think about until now.

For some reason this specific setting made him dust off that time. Sure, he knew it happened but he never quite explored it.

She had tried to take advantage of him. Izuku somehow realized it just now. Before he simply saw it as harassment and maybe sexual assault in a way, the pedophilia aspect of it never crossed his mind before. It made sense, he was a desperate bullied kid after all. One that no one really cared about at the time. He should be surprised that she was the only one that tried.

Hound dog let him go at some point. The relief he felt at that moment was like a wake up call. He thanked the man for his time and went back to his class.

He arrived at an empty classroom. The greenette did not like that. Not after the recollection from before.

Glancing at the clock he discovered that he was very late for his next class.

Huh, it didn't seem like a long time. That's a shame, he hadn't had the chance to read through his offers yet.

He apologized to Present Mic for his absence, and the man didn’t punish him. All in all, UA was really nice in that aspect, the teachers cared. They were watching a video clip in English, so the room was made darker to make it more visible.

He took his place next to Kacchan again. He took the blond's hand, as an attempt at comfort. Kacchan let him, so he didn’t let go.

“What did he want?”

“He took me to talk with Hound Dog.”

“And? Did they give something for your stupidity or what?”

He snickered. “Kachaaaan! Don’t be meannnnn.” Izuku whined. His friend just responded with a co*cky smirk.

The older boy continued his work while Izuku leaned on his shoulder.

“I don’t think I’ll be going back there again.” He said after a while. Kacchan shot him a look.

“I don’t like being alone with teachers.” The greenette confessed. “It made me remember some things…” At that his friend wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer.

“Want to talk about it?”

He shook his head. The blond grunted in acknowledgement and studied some vocab, keeping that arm just where Izuku wanted it to stay. Kacchan was truly amazing.

It would be really nice to have Kacchan as a boyfriend if he was this considerate to a friend. How did it take him so long to figure out he liked his childhood friend? Maybe because he was his only friend for so long he had no idea that it didn’t fit under the umbrella of friendship. It did explain why he only liked his Kacchan that way. He figured he just wasn’t as close with Uraraka or Iida, this did explain it. And he didn’t know about the entire bisexual thing.

The clock said he had five more minutes until lunch. Maybe? Yep.

He wrapped an arm around Kacchan’s waist too, and pushed his head into the blond's neck. Izuku was really glad that they sat at the back, so nobody would see his embarrassing attempt at flirtation. The blond got noticeably slower in his movements. Hopefully he wasn’t harassing his best friend.

“Kacchan, did you know you smell really nice?” sh*t, that sounds kind of creepy doesn’t it? Especially when he whispered that in the other's ears. God this was so embarrassing. Don’t waver just yet.

The blond one took a deep breath. Yeah okay he definitely went a bit too far. He was just copying the movies! He wanted to move away, but the arm around his waist didn’t let him.

“It’s the nitroglycerin dumbass.” So Kacchan didn’t mind?

“I guess. It doesn’t change the fact that it smells nice. It was really nice when we slept together.” He was trying, he really was.

Even with the room still dark for the clip they were watching, he saw a blush spread across his crushes face. Was he doing this THE RIGHT WAY?! YIPPEE!

“Don’t phrase it like that asshole! The extra’s might get the wrong idea!” The blond whisper screamed back.

Oh, that explained the blush. Wait what did he say again?


That’s when his confidence jumped off a bridge. He gave Kacchan his private space back, the muscular arm no longer preventing him from escaping.

“Sorry Kacchan!”

The bell rang.

“And? How is he?” Aizawa asked his coworker. The conversation had taken a while longer than both of them expected.

“Midoriya seems like a good kid, he was polite and stuff. The problem is that I’m not quite sure I was talking to him. ” Hound dog stated, eyebrows furrowed.

Shouta gestured for the dog man to continue.

“I’m certain he does not like teachers. The boy was on edge the entire time we spoke.” The pro took a deep breath. “He didn’t trust me at all.”

“Should I try talking to him instead?” Aizawa suggested.

“You could try. I highly doubt you’ll get anything out of him. For now just observe him. Midoriya needs to be shown he can confide in us first.”

The underground hero nodded.

He hoped that the problem child would choose to intern under him. It was a crime that the boy didn’t get more offers. He got in third without a quirk, that should say something.

The nerd almost gave him a f*cking heart attack. Why was he being so flirty all of the sudden? First the shirt now this. If he didn’t know any better he’d think that Deku was actually trying to make Katsuki respond. There had to be a logical explanation for this bullsh*t! But what could it be? Was the nerd using him as practice? Was this just teasing? Was he trying to make icyhot jealous?

Wait, the nerd liked him right? Did he finally realize it?

You wanna play that game? Alright you f*cking f*cker! Bring it on!

Tomorrow he’ll start flirting back, let’s see how the nerd is going to fair against his superior skills! He has read enough BL’s and romance sh*t to win this!

Was he making this a competition for absolutely no reason? Yes he was. Did he care? Of f*cking course not!

The following week was an absolute disaster. The extra’s caught on too. f*ckers. He got a lot of encouraging glances thrown his way, like he needed that. He definitely needed that.

And there were also those damn internships. Woohoo, working without being paid, fun as hell. He chose master denim of course, he was the highest in the hero ranks he could get. Deku tried to talk him out of it for some weird reason. The greenette himself chose to intern under the homeless man. Some bullsh*t about underground heroism and stuff. Whatever nerd.

Icyhot and Deku were hanging out a bit too much though. As a matter of fact, the f*cker spent a sh*t ton of time with his other friends. He should be happy for the nerd or whatever, but he sure as f*ck wasn’t. The f*ck were they even doing with his Deku hah? Jealousy seeped through every time the f*cker hung out with the others.

Maybe he was taking the guy for granted? What if Deku ditches him? He can’t let that happen. Katsuki made sure the dumbass slept at his house the entire weekend before the internships. The greenette didn’t bitch about it. He did leave to play games with that grown ass man he was friends with on Saturday, and he came back at like 11 pm completely wasted. He should look out for the nerds' drinking habits. sh*t’s unhealthy.

He stepped out of the now familiar purple of the warp gate. Izuku was surprised to see more than two people in the bar. Some of them got into a defensive stance immediately, until Tomura came up to him. “League, this is Izuku, he’s chill.”

A blond girl with pigtails and very sharp teeth stepped into his personal space. “Hi! I’m toga! You’re cute! Can I have some of your blood?” She was followed by a black haired man with countless purple scars.

Izuku felt quite overwhelmed. “Umm, sure? Later?” Toga was ecstatic at his willingness. The other man eyed him with suspicion.

“Thank youuuu!” She turned to the rest. “I like him!”

“Toga, leave him alone! He’s here to play video games.”

A man in mostly civilian clothing, except for a black and gray mask questioned him. “Aren’t you the boy from the sports festival? We should kill you!

“I’m a UA student, yes.” The atmosphere around the bar changed. Except for Toga, she didn’t really care all that much.

"Don't mind the noobs, the others are waiting for us. We have to fight the ender dragon today, remember!" Shiggy dragged him away before he had the chance to nerd out and ask everybody questions about their quirks.

They joined the Minecraft server, where the rest of their gaming friends were already waiting. Actually they were just random people that Tomura had met in various multiplayer games but whatever. The group had adopted Izuku as the little brother, a position that made stealing diamonds and iron out of chests completely legal. That in exchange for being the but of the joke sometimes.

After their weekly session of gaming, and a few deaths while trying to kill the dragon because of chaotic and uncoordinated attacks, he finally got to converse with the other people.

“So can I get my blood now?”

“Sure.” He stuck his arm out, wrist up.

“Don’t overdo it!” Shigaraki yelled out in warning when the girl cut into his arm. It was kinda awkward for him, but she probably needed it due to her quirk. Izuku wasn’t one to discriminate against weird quirks.

After a few moments she stopped her vampire-like craze and thanked him. “It’s fine! I know how hard it is for people with blood related quirks to get what they need.”

“How did you know~” She asked, incredibly amused.

“Just a hunch.” He shrugged. Why was social interaction so much easier with villains?

Tomura brought some bandages. “Izuku’s pretty smart. Only about quirks though, the brat sucks at video games.”

“Well F you too.”

“Just say f*ck, what are you a baby or something?”

The burnt man strolled up to their little group. The crusty man did his best to bandage the wound.

“Really? What’s my quirk?” He asked, a mocking smirk on his face. He had overheard them.

He glanced the man up and down. “Fire or acid, I doubt it’s transformation.”

“Damn Shiggy he’s good, gonna recruit him?”

Tomura had wrapped what was in his eyes enough bandage, and to everyone else way too much around the cut. “Nah, he doesn’t want to.”

“Izu and what’s your quirk then?” Toga asked.

“Don’t have one.”

“Damn, that’s rough buddy.” The fire/acid user commented. Izuku had to roll his eyes.

“Yeah, I know.” He was sensing some serious parental issues from this room.

That put the other people in the room at ease. Rude.

He got to know a few others, and they pretty quickly accepted him as one of them. They also offered him alcohol, so they were automatically good people in his eyes. Kurogiri was okay too, mainly because he and Magne were the only responsible adults in the group. It was kind of funny that both he and Himiko got to drink alcohol from them this one time anyways.

He drank a little bit and had a fun evening overall, having a few new pages added to his notebooks. The villains appreciated his enthusiasm about their rather obscure quirks.

He returned to the Bakugou household pretty early, at least for his standards. Kurogiri didn’t want to ‘cause your guardians stress’ and sent him off before he got to play and lose at poker. Bummer.

Let’s hope that aunty and uncle aren’t still awake.

Kacchan looked at him with disappointment, which would’ve hurt if he wasn’t the giggly type of drunk.

He fell asleep in the blonds arms.


Why think about the sh*t you went through when you can just forget? :D

Yes, the title is a Mitski reference, thought it fit here. If anyone’s wondering it’s from ‘Cop Car’.

Btw thanks for all the kudos! We’re almost at a hundred and it’s nice to know so many of you enjoy my amateur writing!

Chapter 14: Unpaid child labor


It’s time for some internships!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Deku had a massive f*cking hangover the next day, of course the stupid bastard drank too much. The f*cker couldn't even eat breakfast properly, gagging at just the smell of the sh*t he cooked. The homeless man will have a f*cking sh*tty time. An irritable Deku is a very sassy Deku. At least his parents weren’t home.

All of the extras thought it was a good idea to crowd the local train station to say their goodbyes. Really f*cking stupid but whatever.

"Bye bye Kacchan! Don't miss me too much!" The greenette waved.

"Oh f*ck you!" He yelled back, stepping into his train with his heavy ass coffer.

He took place in the back, the train was too full for him to sit in anyway. After a few moments the group of extras moved away, after that it was just a sight of city blocks that slowly turned into vast fields.

Even if he didn't show it, there was a hum of excitement going through his body.

What kind of man was the number 4 hero? He really wanted to train under the best of the best, he could've chosen someone with a similar quirk to him like the nerd had suggested, but f*ck that. He can just do that in the future right? For now he wanted to explore the hero industry from the top, see what kind of people he was dealing with. He wanted to come as high as possible in the ranks, what better way to do that than with connections and knowledge? That way he can also assist Deku with his goal. Looking back at it, the system definitely needed some refining. Just look at what happened to his best friend for f*cks sake. sh*t could've been avoided if the teachers tried to stop it. Good that that lawsuit his parents were cooking up was almost done.

It was kind of funny in a way, Katsuki always had the impression that he was the more ambitious one of the two. Deku wanted to be a hero, he wanted the number one spot. That was until he realized just how much harder it was for Izuku, and with all the other goals his crush had in mind… He'll help of course, he agrees with it too. Now that he wasn’t a spoiled little brat with a superiority complex anymore, the blond saw what Izuku wanted to do as a good thing.

And Izuku wanted to do a lot, he wanted to fight for better treatment of basically everyone who needed it. He had seen the plans the nerd had made in order to slowly change public opinion on things once he was a pro hero. They were pretty f*cking genius, the bitch could definitely be one hell of a politician. It was probably good he wasn’t, that nerd could move people easily. If he wanted the nerd could start a f*cking cult and convince everyone to join. Look at the f*cking circle of friends he had already made. Deku had a type of charisma that could enchant even him for f*cks sake. It made sense that the little sh*t didn’t want to go completely underground, with pro hero status came a celebrity status. Celebrities hold a lot of power in the public opinion. He himself also played part in the plan, as a pillar that would inspire others once he took his place in the top ten. The nerd had involved his friends too. He wouldn’t be surprised if Deku reached out to already existing pro’s to get some things started already.

When the f*ck did that f*cker even sleep? How in the hell did you do so much sh*t in a year?

The city where his internship would take place slowly came into sight, ducking up from behind the horizon. It was similar to the Musatafu in a lot of ways, that was nice.

A few minutes later he met a sidekick of the pro hero, who promptly led him into the city. The young woman that picked him up didn’t speak much, which was a blessing. Katsuki wasn’t one for social interaction, thank you very much.

His head hurt. His stomach felt funny. Darn Dabi! Having a drinking contest with a teenager, who would do such a thing? It was a wonder that Kurogiri didn’t stop it the moment he saw what was happening.

His friends slowly dissipated one by one, leaving him behind with Aizawa sensei.

When Iida left, with a really hateful aura around him, he took to looking his teacher directly into his eyes, waiting for a sign that they were moving. When they finally did, it was without a word. It was fine, he never had a good connection with his teachers anyways. Besides, his head still hurt. It probably wouldn’t be the best if his teachers picked up on his drinking habits. Not his fault that his mom left wine around unsupervised around a depressed teen. It was a wonder that his twelve year old self didn’t die of alcohol poisoning.

He soon discovered that his sensei didn’t have an actual agency, at least not one where he could sleep. Instead he got taken to UA, was told to put his stuff on the side for now and change into something sporty.

Izuku hoped that he would be able to train with his bow again, he didn’t want to get rusty at the sport he adored. Walking out with shorts and a lose shirt he was met with Shinsou.

“You’re interning under Eraserhead too?” That’s nice! He wasn’t alone, and maybe Aizawa wouldn’t notice his hangover.

“Mhm.” The sleep deprived teen answered with a blank expression. He was fidgety, his hand’s playing with the strings of his shorts.

“Cool! Is he your favorite hero too? He sure is mine! It’s soooo annoying that there is almost no merch of him anywhere. I get the underground thing but come onnn.”

Shinsou looked surprised. “I like him too.” The guy answered shyly. He was much tamer than his sports festival persona.

“Are you brats done with the chit chat?” The monotone voice of their teacher spoke behind them.

The purple haired boy tensed while Izuku just nodded, after a while you get used to it. Turning to sensei they met the man in some work out clothes too, instead of the baggy hero costume they were used to. The greenette never knew the man was so muscular before, he’ll have to update his notes on him.

“So, today I’m gonna see what you can already do, after that we’ll move to the place you’ll be sleeping. Since I usually patrol at night we’ll be doing the same. Not tonight, but tomorrow.”

The two nodded.

“Can I use my bow?”


A bright smile spread across his face, but it hurt his head even more so he quickly stopped. Aizawa raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment. Nevertheless, his bow was laying dusty for far too long.

“So Midoriya wants to go underground too?”

“Nope! I plan on going twilight! It will make me a public figure with a bit of influence and make me viable for market deals! I need to make more money than underground to donate to good causes.”

Both Shinsou and Aizawa didn’t expect that.

“You’re thinking really far ahead.” Their teacher simply commented.

“Well it feels nice to have a plan.” He responded with, he didn’t feel like elaborating further, his headache wasn’t helping. Until just a year back, he didn’t feel like he really had a future, so he had a lot of planning to do. It felt safer that way. In addition, having a goal to strive towards makes him almost forget about his depression. Almost.

Aizawa nodded in response. “I suppose it is.”

He addressed them both now. “Well, let’s start with some simple sparring.”

Shinsou wavered, not sure what to do under the man’s expecting gaze. The boy shot a look at Izuku. Izuku smiled and got into a defensive posture. Something in the sleep deprived guy clicked as he too took a stance, one far sloppier than the greenette’s.

Shouta hadn’t seen Midoriya spar just yet. He had seen the sports festival but he didn’t expect this violent attitude to shine through during sparring too. Imagine his surprise when one of the kindest kids in his class gave his other student a kick so hard that Recovery Girl had to be called in immediately. The fight played out rather comically after he called start.

The two stood a meter away from each other, the soon to be hero course student exuding anxiety while the other gave him an encouraging smile.

“Go on!” He didn’t feel like standing here all day.

The fight was over before it even started. Midoriya made one step forward, Shinsou attempted to punch. Before his fist touched anything he received a hard and precise kick in his side.

“sh*t!” And he went flying.

The greenette was almost horrified when his opponent fell down. Like he didn’t expect to win so easily.

“You okay?” His problem child probed.

“Not really.” Shinsou grunted while trying to stand up. That was that. While the spar was really short, it was informative. The quirkless boy knew what he was doing, he simply had no restraint. The quirked boy had no clue how to fight, relying mostly on his quirk to get things going.

“I’ll get Recovery Girl, you brats stay here.”

When he came back he got to hear an interesting story.

“-was kind of an asshole.”

“Damn, that sucks. And you guys are best friends now?” The confusion in the boy’s voice didn’t escape him.

“Yes! In the last year he turned around! Kacchan is the best! He is really kind if you get to know him.” Kacchan? Isn’t that what Midoriya calls Bakugou?

“Are you sure? Sorry Midoriya but he really doesn’t look…” Shinsou hesitated. “Approachable?”

“Looks aren’t everything! What about not judging a book by its cover? He’s really sweet and considerate, and he cooks really well. He is really nice to hug too.”

“Geez, you sound kinda obsessed man.”

“I am!” That was the moment he and his coworker came in. Recovery Girl rushed to his student side, asking him the basic questions and patching him up. Meanwhile the greenette shuffled his way to Shouta.

“Sorry Aizawa sensei, I kinda forgot I wasn’t sparring with Kacchan.” He bowed apologetically.

He sighed. “It’s fine, we’ll talk about the patrols instead.”

He side eyed his student, who was awfully relieved at that.

“You should sleep more.” Midoriya shot him a sharp look.

“I could say the same to you sensei.” So you’re playing this game?

“I have work at night, I don’t think you can say the same.”

The look the boy gave him wasn’t too pleasant. “I’m sorry if I want to not waste one third of my life sleeping. I aspire for one fifth.”

Right, the kid didn’t trust teachers.

His coworker was done healing his student. Said student looked even less awake now than he had before. Chiyo gave him a nod and the greenette a sharp glance while going behind them. Back to teaching it was.

Recovery Girl stayed in the back, mostly because she had not much else to do. Most of the student body was off to internships and those who remained were second years and up, who harmed each other far less. It was always the first years that didn’t know how to properly control their quirks. Shouta wished they offered courses about that in middle schools, after all he had to solve a lot of quirk accidents. All those incidents could be solved so easily if people were just taught basic control over a part of their body.

Midoriya helped Shinsou on his legs and he explained some of the basics. General intern procedures, what to do if something goes wrong and answering a myriad of questions from both boys. Just like that an hour slipped by and passed. One main issue was, that the mere fact a quirkless student applied for internships caused a lot of legal loopholes the quirkless student could slip through. The boy found a lot of them in his lecture. Apparently, vigilantism only counted as such if it involved quirk use. It was causing him a headache.

“No, that does not mean you can intervene. You are supposed to observe first, act second.”

Shinsou’s uncertainty had ebbed away, and was now replaced with annoyance.

“But it is completely legal!” Midoriya replied optimistically.

“That doesn’t make it safe.”

The boy rolled his eyes. “Neither was my upbringing and here I am.”

Shouta face palmed. He heard Chiyo chuckle in the background. Great, bickering with his students, just

“Mido, bro, can you please stop?”

“Fineeeee.” The unusually grumpy teen finally submitted.

The pro hero sighed again. He’ll be needing a lot of coffee to deal with these little demons.

Best Jeanist is a f*cking asshole. Generally a bitch.

Deku was f*cking right. He and the stuck up prick with no fashion sense were an awful match.

When he finally got to the agency mister walking denim advertisem*nt shushed him when he politely asked where the villains were at. The man left no place for argument or even playful bickering. The extras seemed incredibly f*cking pleased when they saw him shut up. f*cking assholes. The professional annoying bitch made him feel like he had no choice in sh*t. That choice being being himself. Excuse you that he was naturally violent.

Now he had to walk around in the worst goddamn hairstyle ever. At least they were patrolling so he wasn’t dying of boredom. Too bad he can’t f*ck anyone up.

“Why the f*ck do I have to have my hair combed?” He asked the f*cker in front of him.

“Heroes are public figures, we have to appear accordingly.”

That was a bullsh*t explanation. “What about Endeavor? Or hawks? You don’t see them trying to look like goody two shoes.”

Best Jeanist didn’t even spare him a glance. “That is their public image, my public image is different to theirs. Since you’re under my care you will adapt to me.” Bla bla bla.

Katsuki hated to admit that there was a point somewhere in there. Deku made him f*cking soft.

“Why did you choose my agency if you don’t care for my style of work?” Some middle schoolers looked at the hero in awe.

“I wanted to see the top, the best of the best, not some hair salon.” He replied harshly, sparing but a look at the little brats.

“I see.” The tall ass lanky ass motherf*cker said, more like an afterthought than an actual reply.

For now he had seen jack sh*t of what he wanted, and it’s already been a day! He wanted to see more of the politics and brand deals and sh*t. The nerd had drilled into his head that he had to be prepared to live as a celebrity, so he would do just that, but noooo, gotta look presentable. f*cking dweeb.

Some commotion happened up ahead. If he can’t fight he might as well look. Even if he didn’t like the man he had to admit that the control he had over his quirk was proficient at least. Deku had pestered him about it enough. Best Jeanist had an incredibly difficult and deadly quirk. Controlling fiber makes for a perfect way to restrain someone or even cut them in half, the only way to avoid being f*cked in the ass by that quirk is to be butt ass naked and have everyone around you be butt ass naked too. There were a few other ways too but that scenario was the funniest.

The robbery, (who robs anything in broad daylight??) was handled swiftly.

Aizawa sensei was amazing! He got to watch the man in action and even assist with some minor things and it was the coolest thing he’s ever seen. He was glad he and Shinsou had both their admiration for the pro and their past to bond over. Shinsou was a pretty fun guy to be around and he can’t wait to have him in their class.

Their sleeping schedule turned upside down since they had to stay up until three every night for patrols. Well, not that it changed all that much, all of them had some type of sleeping issues already. He felt like he was back in those ten months of intense training, with no room to breathe and think. He loved it. The other insomniac had some issues adjusting to the harsh training. He felt a little bit sorry for him, just a little.

Their days went as follows; wake up around 9 am, get ready and train between 10 am and 12 pm. Then they had an hour long break, after that two more hours of sparring. Lastly they got some lessons on the entire hero industry before their six hours of patrolling. Izuku wasn’t entirely sure that’s how internships were supposed to look like but he didn’t complain. His fellow trainee did have some problems with it, but after a quick explanation he stopped.

The past three days were incredibly fun all things considered, the only thing he disliked was the lack of time to research and analyze.

Today however they had something different planned. Sensei was taking them to Hosu for a change! Hosu was a densely packed city with a plethora of heroes keeping the crime rates low. It was perfect for internships and making connections. Aizawa sensei also wanted them to have a change of scenery to practice parkour. The purple haired boy was learning fast considering he had no prior training in the department. Professional training, because running away from bullies grants you some skills anyways, Izuku would know.

Maybe he’ll even get the chance to meet Iida! He was wondering how the guy was doing. His brother had an encounter with the hero killer and miraculously survived, and he felt bad he wasn’t there to console his friend a lot. The greenette didn’t like that Iida went to a city where the hero killer was in right now, it was concerning. He didn’t have the chance to voice his concern over the matter.

He had been chatting with Shinsou when a loud crash happened somewhere nearby. The train shook at the impact.

Panicking voices arose from the civilians that were with them. He looked at Aizawa for guidance.

The man had a scowl on his face, already on his feet with his scarf ready. He and the other student followed his example. They already had their hero costumes on, which gave Izuku quick access to his bow.

Another metallic smash blew the wall of the train open to reveal a creature Izuku hoped to never see again. It was a Nomu.

Shigaraki what the f*ck?! Brooooooo!


A little cliffhanger for you guys!

Chapter 15: Getting nasty in an alleyway




I’m so sorry for the delay! I had this chapter ready to go yesterday but my wifi wasn’t working.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

sh*t!” He yelled, dodging an oncoming block of whatever the f*ck.

Best Jeanist was fighting some bitch and he was told to evacuate the area. Well now the villain douche canoe rubbed two brain cells together and tried to grab him as a hostage. Real smart f*cking move. And the dude abandoned his clothes to counter the pro hero, so he was being chased by a butt naked middle aged man while a bunch of fibers were following them. What the f*ck? What kind of situation even is this? Katsuki did not sign up for this.

“Intern! Run this way!”

“I’m f*cking trying!”

“Don’t run away boy! I just need you to escape!”

“f*ck you! What are you a pedo?!”

“What? No! I’m not a fa*g you brat!”

“How is that the issue here?!” He dodged another chunk of something.

“Bakugou! Run around the block!”

“Stupid hero! I can hear your- sh*t.“

f*cking finally! Why didn’t master denim just give him permission to use his f*cking quirk? Bitch.

With the (maybe) pedo captured, he and his fake parental supervision had to wait around for the police to show up and take him.

“Good job.”

“With running away?”

“No, you did well with evacuation.”

“I did?”

“You could have been… more polite in your approach but it worked.”

“Fu- Frick me if some of them fu- dumbasses didn’t want to move away with their phones.”

“That I do agree with.”

He chuckled. Damn this was way more eventful than the past few days. The police got there a few minutes after. Best Jeanist got a loud ass notification on his phone.

“It’s a Nomu!” This was bad. To be honest, he forgot that his agreement with Shiggy only applied with attacks directly aimed at UA, this was completely okay. For their friendship, not for anything else really.

Luckily the creature only tore a piece of the vehicle off and flew away. The civilians calmed down when sensei showed them his hero license.

“Brats, help with the evacuation efforts and do not engage in combat unless absolutely necessary. Yes Midoriya, that also applies to you.”

The trio jumped down from the train cart onto the street, where panic and havoc spread wide and far across Hosu. People were screaming and running, taking shelter in alleyways to avoid the attention of the Frankenstein like monsters. Smoke cluttered the air in the distance, cars layed crushed and pools of blood scattered across the street. A bit further down the road a group of local heroes cornered a Nomu, fighting a seemingly impossible fight.

Aizawa sensei sped off to help the already present heroes, leaving him and Shinsou to help any civilians in need.

“I’m going to the alleyways, to see if someone needs medical help.” Izuku said calmly, leaving this entire situation to be processed later. He had basic medical equipment in his utility belt, he could help a lot of people.

“I’m coming with you!” Shinsou stated eagerly.

He nodded at the other boy and they ran to the places where the citizens of the city, the ones that unfortunately happened to be on the street when this all started, hid. They found a few people that could be treated with the simple tools he had at his disposal, and a lot of people that couldn’t be helped with what they had. There was a little boy with a broken arm somewhere in there that they had to console for a while. His mom thanked them for giving her son an improvised cast and pain killers and they continued their work.

A loud explosion rocked the surrounding buildings and he and Shinsou got separated. Izuku had no luck finding his partner so he gave up and continued his quest to help anyone who needed it. The concrete jungle didn’t help all that much, it was a real maze. He didn’t live there, he had no idea how to navigate the place. Every street looks the same.

The greenette sent Tomura an angry face while he wandered around the empty neighborhood. He looked up from his phone to see… Iida?

He had a view into an alley where the hero killer-

The hero killer?



“How long is it?” He whined, getting inpatient.

Turns out, some f*ckery was happening in Hosu and Best Jeanist got called in as back up. He had to verbally fight his way into this car. Deku was there. Deku said he was going to Hosu today. Deku is a stupid motherf*cker that will definitely die if he doesn’t arrive on time. Now he sat in the back of a minivan with some sidekicks on their way to the city.

“An hour.” The driver replied with a hint of irritation in his voice.

Goddamn it, that’s way too long.

“Don’t worry Bakugou, I’m sure your friend is okay.” One of the extras tried.

“You don’t know him, but I do. The sh*t is probably fighting the Nomu head on or something stupid like that.”

“Come on it’s definitely not that bad.” The bitch tried again.

“We’ll see.” He huffed out.

Izuku, don’t you f*cking dare die. Not now.

Iida had gone after Stain. Of course, sure, super smart.

The hero killer lifted his katana above Iida’s unmoving body. No you don’t. He took an arrow and shot at the man’s arms. Unfortunately for him Stain was fast. Now he had a serial killer glaring straight at him.

“I really don’t like killing kids.” Don’t do it then! He took another arrow.

“Leave him alone!” That probably won’t help but it’s worth a shot.

“Midoriya?? Run away! This is my fight!” Shut up!

He slowly but surely got closer to the hero killer, in this type of place he got to use his parkour skills. The villain chuckled coldly. “Why would I? I’m just ridding the world of another fake hero.” That was stupid logic.

His fingers hurt from holding the bow in this position.

“He’s 15, people can learn.” The lunatic didn’t look all that pleased with the answer.

“Midoriya! Run!” Iida, shut up please.

“It’s better to get rid of the rotten apple than to try and cure it.” Another awful argument. That metaphor is trash.

“So you’re telling me you didn’t make mistakes when you were 15?” Stain looked taken aback by the comment. “With your logic you should’ve killed yourself.” That didn’t help, the man’s scowl deepened.

“Watch your mouth, hero wannabe.”

“Why? Or what? You’ll kill me slower? I’ll let you know I’m a masoch*st.” That wasn’t entirely true. It totally was.

Stains face twist to one of disgust. Perfect! An opening! He let go of the arrow aimed directly at the man’s neck.

The hero killer is fast, but not that fast, the projectile skimmed the killer's shoulder. They were only a few meter’s apart now. A pair of intense eyes stared at him. It was kinda freaky.

Blood dripped down the side of the ninja turtle’s arm as they both stared at each other like deers in the headlights. Izuku retracted his bow slowly, while Stain drew his second katana. Even Iida shut up, feeling the tension between them.

“You play dirty, boy.”

“And you don’t?”

He wished he had learned how to throw knives instead, damn the costs of it. He was so stupid, arrows can kill too! He had to learn anatomy anyway! He just wanted to look cool! That would’ve been way better. Goddamn stupid bow!

He readied his fists, Kakute rings feeling awfully cold against his skin.

The hero killer did not appreciate his comment. “Don’t you want to become a hero?”

The man was weary of him. Of quirkless little Izuku. “So what? It’s not like I have a quirk to defend myself.” This may have been a stupid move.

Once again he managed to surprise Stain.

“Midoriya, please leave, this is my fight.” Iida tried, with way less conviction than before.

“Iida, no offense but please shut the f*ck up when I try to save you.”

“You should listen to your little friend, be glad I haven’t stabbed you.” The hero killer cut in. He thought the man would ease up at his confession, but he seemed even more on edge.

Izuku would’ve laughed if he wasn’t on the verge of fainting from stress. He should probably call in some help. There is no way the guy that killed so many won’t see him taking his phone out. Damn.

“Why aren’t you stabbing me? Do you really think a quirkless teenager can stop you?” Angry people are stupid people, let’s agitate the hero killer.

“I’m not stupid boy.”

“Really? Could’ve fooled me.”

“Midoriya what are you doing?” Being reckless and suicidal, you know the usual.

How long until the serial killer will try to add him to his kill count? This stare off was starting to be exhausting.

Stain’s eyes squinted at him, and his expression didn’t get any less sour.

Stain was gone. sh*t.

He saw something from the corner of his eyes. Izuku jumped back, earning himself a few more minutes on this planet. A blur of iron flashed in front of him.

There was a dumpster behind him. Good. Now that the hero killer stopped being a glitch for a fraction of a second he jumped forward, fist almost colliding with a certain noseless person.

That might have been pretty stupid.

A kick to his stomach mid fall wasn’t all that appreciated. Wait, it was! Adrenaline was nature’s superpower!

He hit the ground painfully. Not like he had any time to recover. He rolled away, broken glass poking his sides as a katana stabbed concrete.

He had to stand up quickly. He threw his feet in the air, using his arms to twist his body towards the hero killer, landing a nice smack on the man.

Now the greenette had two feet firm on the ground with Stain nowhere in sight. Why was he fighting the flash again?

“Midoriya behind you!” Oh yea, to save this idiot.

He ducked, placing his hands on the ground and kicking hard behind, his hard shoes finding light armor in their course.

A rattle and hard metallic bang. He might just marry that dumpster after everything is over.

He turned around to once again miss the man. Never mind, he wants a divorce. Why hast thou forsaken thee?

“Are we there yet?”

“Bakugou if you don’t shut up we’ll throw you out.”

“My Deku senses are tingling.”

“The f*ck does that meannnnnn.”


Where is Midoriya? He just found Shinsou but the other boy was nowhere to be found.

Shouta helped subdue the Nomu successfully. A new thing he learned today was that his quirk canceled out at least one quirk of those creatures depending on where he looked. Some of the other heroes informed him that a total of three Nomus have been spotted in the city, and they just killed the one who just didn’t die until he turned that off. That left the flying one and the counter one. He parted with them to find his interns.

Shinsou was easy to find, helping a civilian out of a smashed car.

“Where is Midoriya?” The raven asked after getting the woman to safety.

“I don’t know, I lost him after something blew up a few streets back.” The boy informed him.

“I’ll go search for the problem child, follow me.” He took off after getting an affirming nod.

Shouta went for his favorite transportation method, the roofs. Maybe just maybe the boy wasn’t fighting a villain on his own again.

He could move again!

Iida needed to help Midoriya. This was all his fault.

“Your brother got into an accident.”

That’s bad, it’s the second time this month. Tensei should really stop getting injured this easily.

“And he promised to be more careful.” He sighed.

“He-“ his mothers voice broke. Tenya got chills all over his body. “Tensei got attacked by the hero killer and-“ Mom cried. His blood ran cold. “-the doctor’s are trying to save him.” He heard her weep.


Tensei? His big brother?

His big brother couldn’t die. He was a hero. His hero. The hero killer had no right to take that away.

He needs to go to him.

Tensei will live.

He can’t die.

Not like that.

Not now.

His brother didn’t die that day. But he could never be a hero ever again. Tensei couldn’t walk anymore.

The hero killer killed his hero. He had to pay.

That was idiotic, for a number of reasons. Now that he was here, saved by his friend he cooled down a bit. He could never beat a serial killer on his own. Even Midoriya struggled with it. He was committing an act of vigilantism. How did he get this far?

Native was passed out somewhere in the alleyway. Midoriya didn’t look too good and Stain was on top of a dumpster, all too ready to attack.

He scrambled to his feet, the movement alerting both his friend and foe.

“I’ll help you!” Was all he got to say before the hero killer went in for the kill.

He saw a madman going right at him. He couldn’t do anything.

That madman’s face got squashed by a fist of none other than his savior.

Quickly, he kicked the man too, using his quirk to boost the attack significantly. He heard a crack.

The hero killer fell, and didn’t get up.

“Thanks Iida! Next time do that a bit faster.” Exhaustion and irritation were strongly present in Izuku’s body and voice.


“Make sure there is no next time.” He said, completely serious. The other boy kindly shut up. “Call some pro’s, tell them I did it. It’s not vigilantism if it’s quirkless.”

Iida nodded and did what he was told. For now he lost his talking privileges for the stunt he just pulled. Izuku was totally going to be drinking tonight. This was hard work. And the emotional damage. All in all this entire debacle was a 2 out of 10 experience.

There was someone else on the floor. Native?

“Are you okay?”

“Not really.” Good, he wasn’t dead yet.

“Iida, please tell me why you didn’t inform me that a hero got caught up in your shenanigans.”

“I-… I forgot.”

“I dearly hope Aizawa and your brother will scold you for this.” The guy had the decency to look guilty.

They took the chance to get all the weapons they could away from Stain, lest he wakes up.

It took an eternity before someone arrived, and of course it had to be Endeavor. The man probably just wanted to claim the hero killer as his catch. At least he brought Todoroki with him. The flaming pile of garbage didn’t seem too happy that he was the one to bring the famous serial killer down.

“WHERE IS THE HERO THAT ACTUALLY DID THIS?!!” Endeavor pointed at Stain, who was bound tightly by a rope and had his weapons scattered around the surroundings.

“I did.” Iida could be kicked out of the hero course for this, he couldn’t since this was clearly just self defense. He was still mad at the guy for what he did, but that was no reason to ruin his future.

The grown ass man was furious at the teen. “QUIT LYING BOY! THERE IS NO WAY SOMEBODY LIKE YOU COULD DO THIS!!” Todoroki stood helplessly at his fathers side. The man’s entire surroundings were melting from the sheer heat the man was producing.

“What do you mean ‘somebody like me’?” He was going to play dumb, there were three witnesses. The man couldn’t do anything to him.

“You know exactly what I mean. Native, congrats.” Instead of yelling he got to hear pure condensed rage. He spat out the last two words like they were slurs, and stopped screaming because it was attracting people.

Native shook his head. The man was compliant, he heard what they said. Izuku has a new hero he was going to plaster all over his walls. “It was the boy's work.” With a smile he added. “That was really brave, kid.”

The heat intensified. Ignore that.

“Midoriya!” He heard two familiar voices. Shinsou and sensei. They came running to him.

“What did you do?” Aizawa gave him a stern look.

“I defeated the hero killer.”

“What?!” Both sleep deprived males shouted out in surprise.

“Now we're here.” Best Jeanist stated, with a tinge of annoyance.

“f*cking finally!” The moment the van doors opened he was gone, the pro hero be damned. The nerd sent out a location in the group chat just now, and that was where he was headed. He heard some shouting from the extras. f*ck off!

Katsuki had never run so fast in his life. The love of his life could be in danger damnit.

He got to the location in record time, only to see his crush completely fine, verbally fighting with the number 2 hero. That was not what he had expected.

“I get to keep the credits for this! I haven’t broken any laws!”

“Like I’d believe your kind.”

“Can you say that again? Need to get that recorded, you f*cking bigot.”

“What the hell did you just call me?”

“Endeavor, can you calm down. You’re fighting a minor on this.” Aizawa?! What- oh yeah internships.

There was a body on the ground. Stain? The f*ck?

Icyhot was shuffling away from his father.

Sonic was sulking in the background and eyebags was consoling him. What the f*ck happened?

The blond didn’t get the opportunity to ask.

“You people are f*cking pathetic.” A cold voice said, shutting everyone up. The hero killer got up from the dirty sidewalk at some point. The look he was giving the gathered heroes and heroes in training was deadly. It sent shivers down everyone’s spines.

“How dare you call yourself a hero?” He spoke directly to angry fire man. “It is filth like you that I tried to get rid of! Liars and assholes that do this only for fame! None of you deserve the title of hero except for that quirkless boy.”

The air was heavy. The man didn’t even have any weapons, he was bleeding out of his nose, yet he instilled primal fear into everyone present.

“There is only one man I’d let defeat me. Allmight is the only one worthy enough! He is the only true hero! I will not let trash like you live! Fear me fakes! Fear me cowards! I will end all you unworthy! Take my word for it!” Was the last thing they heard from the man. He collapsed to the ground.

Endeavor was scared sh*tless. His best friend trembled, being only an arms reach of the hero killer when he fell down.

Katsuki couldn’t stop his legs if he tried. His arms wrapped around his Deku. The nerd didn’t even stop to look who it was. He knew. He sunk into his touch.

It was alright now. The Nomu’s were dead. Stain was down. The battle was over.



I may or may not have forgotten something.

Chapter 16: An emotionally constipated nerd


After math Hosu.


I’d like to think that Bakugou actually kinda respects Best Jeanist in the end. At least in my universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tomura took one look on the screen of his phone and immediately knew he may have f*cked up. Izuku sent him a singular text. He never does that. He got one mad emoji, and it was just after he released the Nomu’s onto the city. But how could that brat have known what was happening that fast?

He got his answer that evening, when Izuku sent him a selfie from the hospital. He was smiling and holding up his hand with a peace sign. With a “this your work?” caption.


Damn, sorry. Why the f*ck where you there anyways?




Oh. That sucks for you


3 days of hell wooohoooo :D

The attack was a failure, Sensei planned this stunt to help their publicity. What’s the point of doing sh*t if nobody knows about it? But next morning the news yapped on and on about the hero killer. Stain got himself captured by Izuku of all people. Some reports claimed it was Endeavor instead. Not that he gave a sh*t. The doc was less than pleased to hear his precious Nomu’s got killed.

Nomus were amazing from a purely strategic standpoint, they were like loyal NPC’s with high durability. Perfect to send out into enemy territory without losing any actual allies. They just cost a lot of time and money. Money that Sensei had plenty of.

The biggest problem was where they came from. Shigaraki may be a villain, but he was still human, no matter how much Sensei and he himself wishes he wasn’t. Izuku’s haunted eyes after the attack on UA told him enough. He too was one of society's undesirables, just like the rest of his newly acquired teammates. He wouldn’t go as far as to say he was fearful or even that he cared about nameless quirks faces, but he was disturbed. Every time one of the creature’s eyes looked at him he felt an emotion he didn’t know how to name. It was annoying and it weighed him down. Emotions are trash. He felt the stares of a dozen people, and he hated it. He never liked the Nomu, and after a while he grew to despise them.

Izuku got hurt again. His first ever friend once again got hurt because of him. That doesn’t feel right.

He sighed.

“What’s wrong mister hand fetish?” Dabi. God f*cking damn Dabi.

“If you call me that even one more time I will turn you into dust.” Tomura said, scratching his neck out of irritation.

“Chill man, I was just asking a reasonable question!” The burnt piece of emo bacon responded, holding his arms in front of himself like he was denying some bullsh*t accusations.

“f*ck you. The brat got caught up in the attack.” He told him anyway.

“Izu?! Is he okay?!” Toga appeared out of nowhere.

“Oh yeah, the news guy said something about that.” The walking impersonation of daddy issues shrugged off. Don’t pretend you don’t like the kid. You do. Everyone does.

“He’s fine. The brat’s pretty durable.”

“Phew! We can’t let Izu die, he’s my favorite blood bag!”

“The kid is kinda funny.” Even purple guy admitted.

He just rolled his eyes. Goddamn idiot’s

He and Iida had to spend the night at the hospital because of some reason. Kacchan stayed too, also because of some reason. Not that he didn’t like it, otherwise he’d have a horrible time falling asleep. Kacchan is really incredible, he’s doing this for a friend… too bad it’s not something more.

Iida genuinely apologized in the morning, which was good. Izuku was pissed after not getting his well deserved stress relief. Luckily for the guy’s sorry ass he had his emotional support best friend by his side. He was allowed to go home the rest of the week after that. Allow is a strong word, more so forced by a certain worried teacher. It felt surprisingly nice to have an adult genuinely concerned for you. His mom had sent him a simple ‘are you okay?’ text in the evening the next day. The greenette was sure Inko only knew what was going on in his life because of her coworkers congratulating her on his achievements. What does she even do all day outside of work? Izuku wouldn’t be surprised if she had started a second family or something. At least she still paid the bills, he was running low on alcohol though. He’ll ask Shiggy to buy some for him, as compensation for this entire thing.

The police tried to run some spiel about it being illegal and giving the credits to mister flaming temper tantrum that morning. But it wasn’t, or at least the version he and Iida agreed to run with. There were a lot of people that didn’t believe the official story anyway, claiming that a quirkless kid had no way to do it. Not that any media outlet used his real name in the reports, instead stating he was a “quirkless UA student” making it blatantly obvious to everyone who knew him who they referred to. Good. Once he has a hero name he’ll start a social media account to get publicity as soon as possible. The was going to be the first quirkless hero, and he was going to wear that badge with honor.

“Deku, don’t do anything stupid.” Kacchan gave him a stern look. They were parting, the blond needed to go back to his internship.

“I wont Kacchan.” He gave his best friend a smile. He was dismissed from the hospital a few minutes ago, Iida got to go hours ago.

Kacchan… hugged him? He hugged back, slightly confused. Not like he minded, hugs from Kacchan were the best. Too bad the blond will be gone for tomorrow, he’d like to sleep over at aunty and uncle’s place.

Since everyone was off to internships he’ll have to hang out with the league more. Being alone for too long brings him back… to his childhood.

Loneliness is familiar and comfortable. He knows it very well, he has been alone for ten years of his life. Ten years, of which the last four were a blur except the occasional memory or two. He remembers that time very well too. Every day bleeding into the next one, all the same. Living with the false hope that his mom loved him. Living with the half-broken promise of staying together forever. Living with the guilt of living. That dark place has been his friend. That ache of his uncomfortable skin has been his remedy. That void deep inside him has been and always will be his default. Maybe it was good that he’ll get a few days alone. As nice as friendship and the stuff is, it’s also exhausting.

He took the train home, accompanied by Aizawa sensei. Shinsou had gone back to his foster parents for that day.

The ride was mostly quiet. Aizawa brought him all the way home. He finally spoke in the elevator to his level.

“How are your parents?” The man asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

“Good I guess, I’ll ask dad if he comes back with the milk.” He joked. The grumpy man did not find the comment amusing.

“And your mother?”

“I’ll ask her next time I see her.” Sensei raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t see her often?”

“Not really, she isn’t home a lot, single mother and stuff. She needs to work most of the time.” He phrased it like he used to when he believed the lie. She’s just too busy. She just has to go on business trips so often.

As if. He hasn’t seen her since before the sports festival. And that was almost a month ago.

They got out of the elevator.

“I see.” The man replied with some hesitancy. “I actually wanted to speak to your mother.” That does explain why his teacher followed him all the way here.

“I’ll let you know when she’s available.” He answered dryly.

“Good.” Their conversation came to an end when he took out his keys.

“Well, thank you sensei for bringing me here. I really enjoyed our internship.”

“No problem kid.” Aizawa sensei then got his hand on top of his green haired head. He- he ruffled Izuku’s hair. His teacher walked away before he got the chance to respond.

The greenette blanked. What was that? Uncle Masaru did that sometimes. Did Sensei see him as a nephew? Did he do it accidentally? Did this mean something? When uncle did it it felt natural, this felt alien. Not bad per se, but not nice either. Does it mean something? Google help.

‘move your hand backwards and forwards through it as a way of showing your affection towards them.’ - Collins Dictionary.

Affection? Was sensei a pedo?

NO! WHAT? No that was DEFINITELY NOT the case.

He’ll just ask Shiggy later. Yep. Let’s forget it for now.

He took out the last bottle of alcohol in the house. Let’s just forget this sh*t.

Needless to say he was concerned. Deku, the f*cker that he is, went out of his way to fight the hero killer. Why? Like really is it so hard to not do that? ‘But I needed to save Iida!’ Oh f*ck off. He ended up with bruised ribs and some other minor sh*t. Does Izuku want to kill him? Giving him heart attacks and sh*t.

That night in the hospital he sat there for hours, hours of barely sleeping to make sure his nerd didn’t run off to do something stupid. Deku mumbled something about not having anything to drink before he fell asleep. Katsuki was furious at Inko, for letting her angel of a son be comforted by alcohol instead of a mother. Izuku was way too good for her, just like he was way too good for him. Why had he not realized it sooner? If he just wasn’t such an asshole as a kid.

Now he was back at Best Jeanist’s side. The man hadn’t scolded him for running off, nor for his clear lack of sleep. The blond was grateful for that, he does need more sleep to function than people like the cryptid he calls his best friend.

“So? Why did you run off?” The tall man asked with some sample of curiosity.

“The kid that fought the hero killer, I know him.”

“I see.” He didn’t comment any further.

“Would you like to intern at my agency again?” The question came out of nowhere.

“What? I don’t know. I was planning on interning with someone with a fire quirk next.” He admitted. After a while the guy wasn’t too bad to be around. He’d grown some respect for the man in the past few days. He even tried to not swear in front of him.

“That would be wise.” Too bad the guy’s mouth is covered, it’s harder to see what the man’s feeling.

“I’ll tell my nerdy friend that he should put up more of your posters on the walls or something, don’t be too offended.”

He heard the man huff out of his nose.

His head hurt. The house was quiet.


He reached out for his phone. It’s Friday already? 4 am? The hell happened to the last 10 hours of his life? Why is his bed so hard? Oh, it’s the floor. Hi floor.

He vaguely remembered that Aizawa sensei brought him here. After that he had no clue what happened.

Izuku moved his leg. It feels weird to have those. He sat up, knocking a glass bottle over with his arm. Huh?

His eyes registered the outline of his desolate and neglected room. How did he get there? He tried to stand up, just to fall back immediately, the glass bottle sliding away when he landed.

f*ck it, let’s sleep on the floor. He ignored the hunger brooding in his stomach. He ignored the dryness in his mouth. He ignored the aching of his body.

He didn’t fall asleep. Of course. Why would he?

He’ll call someone. Have a nice talk and go back to sleep. Wait, isn’t everyone else sleeping now? sh*t.

His hand tapped on Kacchan’s contact anyway. He didn’t wait long, probably. It did feel like an eternity.

“Deku? Why are you calling now? It’s four in the morning.” Kacchan’s voice is so cute when he’s sleepy. He heard the other yawn. Don’t you dare squeal, don’t you dare squeal, don’t you dare-

“I can’t-“ His voice was so raspy it shocked him. He cleared his throat. “-can’t fall asleep.”

“You have some type of insomnia, you dumb f*cker.”

“I’m sorry Kacchan. I don’t know what to do.”

“Sleep, analyse. I don’t know.” The blond sounded slightly irritated.

“I can’t. I wish you were here.”

At that his love was silent. Nevertheless he continued. “You make everything so much better just by being there. Like you always know what to say and you’re so kind. You yell at me when I’m stupid and you’re so nice and warm. I kinda wish I could cuddle with you again. Like you’re crazy comfortable, I’d sell my left leg to be held like that again. No, not my left leg, both of them. And I’ll add in some of my limited edition fatgum merch too. Nah nevermind that merch is way too valuable, some of my old limited edition Allmight merch. Yeah, that’s a fair bargain. Do you know any satanic rituals perchance? Just to know. Maybe it’s just cause I lacked parental love in my childhood? I heard that could be the case. Should I study psychology after I’m done with hero work? Will I even live that long? Heroes usually don’t make it till retirement. Damn. Maybe I should change my career choices? No, hero work is way too fun. I won't be able to laugh in those teachers' faces if I become a therapist. That’d be really funny, show up at their doorstep just to laugh at them. Flash my beautiful hero license like bang! And you said I couldn’t do it! Suck on my-“

“Deku, please just sleep.”

“Why? Oh yeah it’s 4 o’clock.”

“How the f*ck do you forget that?”

“I was talking to you. See! Kacchan makes everything better! I don’t need Recovery Girl cause I have you!”

He heard his love groan. “You f*cking dumbass. I’ll be home tomorrow. Then we’ll sleep together.” Sleep together? Like sex? That would be okay-

NO IT WOULD NOT! He hasn’t researched how to do that yet! Maybe he’ll get nervous and do something stupid! Nope. “K-Kacchan I-I don’t think we’re ready f-for that yet!”




“I mean I’m not against it-“

“Deku shut up.”

Oh sh*t, he may have crossed a line there. “I mean not against sleeping in one bed with you!” He tried to remedy.

“Oh, yeah, sure. Whatever. I’m going back to sleep.”

“Good night-“ The blond hung up.

Well, that was a disaster.

“Kid, you should sleep more.” A permanent sidekick of Best Jeanist pointed out.

“Fu- It’s not my fault, a friend called me in the middle of the night.” He replied, sulking at the back of the morning patrol. The extra was some middle aged bitch ass with a minor mind control quirk. What was his name? He had no f*cking clue.

“Really? You youngsters are really wild. Back in my day kids slept all night.”

“He has sleeping problems due to trauma.” That wasn’t entirely true, but he wanted to make the man feel bad. Katsuki f*cking hates the ‘back in my day’ bullsh*t.

“Oh…” The man shrunk back. “So why did he call?”

“None of ya business.” Why did he even want to know? Jeez.

“But we heard you screaming in the middle of the night. I feel like I get to know why I woke up at such an ungodly hour.” Oh yeah. His face went a bit hot.

“To complain about not being able to fall asleep. He’s just an ass like that.” He said, looking away. The bitch didn’t need to know he was blushing like an idiot. After all, his idiot had insinuated something he had fantasized about before. He may or may not have rode that high to the end of the road. God that was embarrassing.

“I’m pretty sure I heard you scream something about perverts. What’s up with that?” He could almost hear the amusem*nt in the old ass skeletor’s voice.

“He was being stupid and misunderstood what I was trying to say. Is that good enough for ya?”

“I suppose it is.” He sighed. “Boys will be boys.”

The f*ck does that mean?

“Izu! You’re back!!” He was practically tackled by Himiko.

“Izuku! It’s nice to have ya back kid! Go the f*ck away!”

“The kid’s back!” He heard Spinner yell. He has been here like once before. Chillax. For some reason villains really like him. Even Stain said he was worthy, honestly he didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing.

“f*ck off! He’s here to play games with me!” Tomura yelled, like someone was trying to take away his toy.

“But Izu has to give me some blood!” The girl whined.

“Don’t worry guys! I’m staying for a few hours. Himiko, I'll get you that blood, after gaming.”

“Aww thanks! You’re blood’s delicious too!” She said, staring at him all dreamy.

“Umm, thanks?” He said, because how do you even respond to that?

“Want a beer broccoli boy?” Dabi asked him from his seat by the bar. Kurogiri gave the man a glare.

“Can’t, I’m sleeping over at Kacchan’s place tonight.”

“Kacchan? Who’s that? Your friend?” The blond jumped up and down from excitement.

“I guess? Kinda…” He wondered where Compress and Magne were.

“What do you mean kinda? Just tell them he’s your boyfriend.” Tomura teased.

“Izu has a boyfriend already?” Himiko pouted. “And I wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend.” He mumbled to herself, waddling away with her arms crossed.

The way his face seemed to glow with heat earned a few laughs around the bar. They planned this! This was a double attack!

“Tomura, please send me back!” The emo just chuckled in response.

What is this? Hell?


Let’s just say this chapter was my attempt at being funny. And writhing angst because there is never enough angst ;)

Chapter 17: Netflix and chill (trying to comprehend life edition)


A nice, quiet weekend. Or is it?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Good luck with the rest of your career.”

“Same to you.”

After a week of long hours patrolling, note taking and training Katsuki was free to go back home. Back to his old hag, his dad and Deku. He had learned a lot that week, in the end his regret about the choice disappeared. Best Jeanist was alright, kinda stuck up in some ways but he was a good hero. The man did spend way too much on clothes to his liking, the financial department made sure he knew about that. They tried to make him convince the pro to stop with his expenses. He didn’t help with sh*t, it wasn’t his problem. And the hair was a bit tacky too. He had to comb it down a few times a day, because apparently his hair didn’t like being tamed like that.

The train ride was long. The landscape outside changed from gray to green to gray. The sun was going down.

His parents were happy to have him back. The old hag prepared dinner and didn’t bother him about helping to set the table.

“The nerds coming over tonight.”

“Izuku! That’s good. I have to give a stern talk to that boy. Fighting the hero killer? That’s absurd!”

His dad laughed. “Go easy on him dear.”

“He already got his talk from me. Don’t bother him about it.”

“You did? Good. Izuku has no self preservation, talk him into having some.” She said, stirring something.

The bell went off. He almost broke the sound barrier with how fast he made it to the door. He opened it to see the f*cker he fell in love with. It was good to see that the nerd was okay after a day without supervision.

“Hi Kacchan!” Those bright emerald eyes and that goddamn smile could blind him if he wasn’t used to them. How did he ever hate this guy? Yaoi and BL, his gods. Thinking about it made him realize that he hasn’t read anything gay (except his own texts) in a week. That’s a tad too long for his liking.

He took Deku’s hand almost unconsciously to get him into the house. Katsuki was starting to get touch starved, no thanks to the bitch in front of him. He pulled him in, which the f*cker didn’t even mind, and pulled him closer. Not like a hug or something, just because he knew about Deku’s feelings doesn’t mean that the nerd himself figured it out yet. But he did, and if he has to he will do whatever in his power to get the nerd to respond back. The flirting from the greenette last week didn’t flow over his head either. He had a chance and he will take it.

Deku took off his shoes while babbling about some random game he played. He tuned it out to enjoy the voice of his nerd instead.

“Welcome back Izuku!” He heard his mother yell.

“Thanks for having me!”

The evening went on as it usually did. They talked about the internships, about work and a bit about the attack in Hosu.

He and Deku went upstairs to watch a movie. They were so close to each other that it was practically cuddling. It was so f*cking nice. The heat, the closeness of it all. Once again his imagination had no problems making him think about sh*t he shouldn’t be thinking about.

Izuku fell asleep on him, the blond debated himself for over 10 minutes about moving the nerd before actually doing it. He placed the nerd in his bed, instead of the dusty ass floor.

Should he join the greenette or sleep on the greenette’s futon? He knew his Deku liked it and all, but was it okay to just do if he didn’t get consent? Besides, what if he woke up with morning wood? That’d be awkward as hell. But it is really nice to do. And the nerd always liked it. He even said that over the phone call. It should be fine.

He closed his laptop and cleaned up their mess before actually going to sleep. They didn’t even get till half of the movie.

He was tired, Izuku was tired. Knowing the nerd he hasn’t slept well this entire week.

He plopped down next to his crush after changing into his pajamas, aka just the pants because who needs shirts?

His skin touched Izuku’s, and it felt fuzzy and nice and he wanted more. He wanted to hug the nerd in a way their entire bodies would be touching just to feel this more. Call him greedy all you want but it was nice. The teenage hormones gave him a boner just from the cuddles, he promptly ignored the bitch that was his body. Right now he had his Izuku, and that was all he needed.

He looked at those bushy green curls on the top of his best friend's hair. He wanted to kiss the top of the guy's head. He didn’t and wouldn’t, because that would be going too far. His momma raised him well, he drank the respect women juice all his life and now he’ll apply what he learned to his love.

He fell asleep shortly after, having pressed the nerd's body against his. f*ck the arm that was going numb, f*ck Izuku for being so perfect and f*ck him for wishing to never let go.

Izuku woke up in his favorite place, Kacchan’s arms. He didn’t exactly remember falling asleep, but he did remember watching some random sci-fi movie. It was nice and warm, under the covers, his head just under the other's chin. The arm under his ribs did sting a bit, but that’s alright because it was Kacchan. Kacchan could do whatever he wanted to him if he wanted and he probably wouldn’t care too much. A broken arm? He probably didn’t mean it, or he deserved it. Maybe he got stuck somewhere and the only way to save his life was by breaking an arm? Unlikely but possible.

He didn’t dislike his scars, and he had plenty of them scattered all across his body. A year ago he would have told anyone that asked that he hated all of them, except the ones Kacchan made of course. Now he could confidently say that he liked all of them. They were a part of him just like his obsession with Kacchan. This broken body of his was his after all. It was him. And his best friend liked him, made him like this. He cared for him. What more could he ask for? If Kacchan thought he was worthy he was, if Kacchan liked him he loved himself. Was it unwise to entrust his entire self esteem to one person? Definitely. Would he even dare to change it? No. Kacchan was his god, he has been since they met. A shining star at his side. He would get burned if he got too close, but he didn’t care. He wanted to touch the light in front of him and now that he could he would never let go, no matter how much it hurt. Let it hurt, because he knows that means he exists. Pain was a constant in Izuku’s life and Kacchan was a constant in Izuku’s life. He could manage. He could push on.

All of the love he had inside him went directly to the blond. His mother didn’t care for it. His other friends had plenty on their own. Kacchan didn’t mind it, so he gave him all of it. The day he saved Kacchan was the day Kacchan saved him. If one of them died that day, both of them would have. If Kacchan died before him he would be soon to follow, out of his own volition. A world without him is a world not worth living in.

His philosophical musings were cut short when the blond moved.

“Good morning Kacchan.” He whispered softly, hugging the older boy closer.

“Mornin.” His friend’s loud voice replied, both of them making no attempt to untangle.

“Did you sleep well?” He spoke, keeping his voice low in volume.

“Mhm.” Kacchan hummed.

“We should do this more often.” He stated, not really expecting a reply.

“Sure, whatever.” The other replied dismissively, also squeezing him closer. Maybe a little bit too hard.

"Kacchan, I can't breathe.” It was a bit of a hyperbole.

Kacchan flipped over to his back, easily taking him with him. Now he was on top of his crush, being hugged in a way that made it ‘impossible’ to escape. “Better?” It was.


They laid still for the longest time, both awake, not ushering a word. Aunty called them down at some point. They changed into some comfortable clothes, both looking away with a semblance of red on their cheeks. They got downstairs almost at noon, which meant that Izuku probably slept longer today than he has done all week, excluding the night at the hospital.

“What took you kids so long?” Uncle Maseru asked them. Aunty probably just left for work.

“The bed was too comfy.” He said, slightly smirking when he shot a look at Kacchan.

“I don’t know about that, personally futons ain’t really my thing.” The man remarks, flipping to the next page of the paper.

“Oh no I slept in Kacchan’s bed.” He saw the blond’s face turn red. He had to stop himself from laughing.

“Really? That’s surprisingly kind on Katsuki’s part.”

“Mhm. Kacchan is really warm after all, he’s really nice to hug!” Uncle chuckled.

“He got it from his mother. Big factor in marrying her.” Kacchan’s dad said, unusually smug for the kind of man he was. His son was shying away from embarrassment.

“Shut up both of you.” And they both laughed. The blond gave him the middle finger and stomped off to the kitchen.

Uncle looked after him with fondness. “My son is kind of a weird one isn’t he?”

“Just a little, the healthy amount.” The man huffs out of his nose.

“Well put.” The man lays his newspaper on the dining table. “Izuku, how are you and Katsuki doing?”

“Us? Great actually! Kacchan made a few friends, they're pretty cool too! One of them even gives me dance lessons sometimes. I also made a few friends, one of them owes me a cafeteria lunch actually-“

“I meant like you two. You boys.” Uncle interrupted.

“Oh? Us?” Izuku thinks about it for a few seconds. Their relationship is good, they are close friends now. Hopefully even something more. “Everything is fine, I guess. We’re pretty good friends and stuff.”

The man raised his eyebrows. “You guess?”

“We had a little fight during the sports festival, but that was about it.” Now it was the greenette’s turn to be confused. Not that he showed it. He didn’t exactly know what the man was getting at.

“Izuku, do you like my son?” He didn’t expect that.

“Yes? He’s a really good friend-“

“No, do you like like my son?” Oh. Like that.

He glanced over at his friend, who wasn’t paying attention to them at all. Kacchan was very busy with beating some eggs into what were probably going to be omelets.

He turned back to the blond’s dad. “I do sir. Very much.” The man didn’t seem surprised at all.

“And how is that going for ya?”

Izuku finally sat down at the dining table. He frowned. “Well, I don’t know? We agreed to get together when we’re both 30 if we don’t find anyone but that isn’t really… anything.” He fiddled with his fingers. He never actually voiced his thoughts like this before. Except when he was alone and could talk to himself out loud as much as he wanted. It felt very different to actually say it to someone.

Uncle nodded. “That’s a good start! I have friends that did that when they were younger, and honestly they're one of the best couples I know.” That was nice to know.

“So, you’re okay with it?” He asked, because he really really needed to know.

“Why wouldn’t I? Mitsuki has some… thoughts about relations like that that I don’t agree with. But you’re all okay with me kid. I’m sure that if she sees you two being happy together she won’t mind. Katsuki is a stubborn child, you should know that by now, but he always liked you. You were the only kid he always wanted to play with back in the day. I think you two could be really happy together. Even if it doesn’t work out I don’t see you ever falling apart far. Katsuki is always so happy around you.” The man looked down at his mug. “I know you’ll treat him right. Go for it kid.” He encouraged the greenette to court his son.

Stomping came back, accompanied by a smack of two plates against the wooden table with two delicious looking and smelling omelets. “Eat.” And he did.

“It’s really good!” He complemented the blond. Because it was.

“Of course it is. I made it.” Kacchan replied with a satisfied smile, plopping down in the chair next to him.

They ate their food quickly, hoping to go on to spend the day together quietly.

Inko arrived home for the first time in a month. She spent less and less time there, and that was completely fine. Ever since Hisashi left her and Izuku this place felt awful. She was tired of Izuku, the boy always came back bruised and empty, it was a pathetic sight. Lately he has been better, but that didn’t change much. She looked at the clean and neat house with some satisfaction. Her boy may be a bit down most of the time, but he kept his promises.

Her house was spotless, the only thing that could be cleaned was a small layer of dust upon some of the lesser used area’s. Hisashi liked it when it was clean. She hasn’t seen her husband in years now. He left the house the day they came back from the doctor and the last thing she got from the man were divorce papers, already signed by him. It took a while before she signed them too and sent them back. She knows she shouldn’t be blaming her son for being born, but she does. For a while after the love of her life left her she came back from work hoping that Izuku got lost somewhere and maybe just maybe her husband would come back. The boy learned how to be independent really early, which meant she could stay at work longer. She didn’t need to stay that long, she made enough money. The child support she got was sufficient for whatever Izuku needed. She just didn’t want to see her son.

Inko doesn’t hate her son. She can’t. The boy really did try his best to be a good son. He cleaned the house just how she liked it, he made her her favorite food sometimes, he came back with wrongly graded papers. He tried so hard but she couldn’t bring herself to love him. He looks so much like Hisashi it hurts.

Izuku wasn’t home now. He was probably at Mitsuki’s place. She sighed. In a way she was glad her son was gone, it was so hard to face him after all this time. He stopped trying to get her to acknowledge him. He stopped leaving notes. He rarely responded to texts and never told her where he was. It’s like he stopped caring about her. Inko was aware of how selfish she sounded, but she wished he didn’t stop. He was still her son after all. Her only child and the only thing she had left from Hisashi.

As she walked through the empty apartment her eyes fell upon Izuku’s door. She hasn’t been in there for a few years now. She lived with who was essentially a stranger. Somebody that she used to care about, like a high school friend she cut ties with. The woman trusted Izuku to keep his room clean, to study and stay out of trouble. this one moment she wondered, for the first time in a very long time how her boy was doing. He stopped using the medical kit as much in the past… year? God the time goes by fast.

She puts her bags on the ground, and pushes that door. Who even is her son?

The sight shocked her. Unlike the neat house, the room was a mess. The floor was littered with papers, merch and ramen cups. The chair was well used, just like the bureau. The desk cluttered with papers, pens, coffee cups and… was that one of her cheap wines? Looking around, the dimly lit room was full of empty alcohol bottles, some covered in so much dust that they must have sat there for years, all empty. His bed was made, at least. The walls and shelves were covered by hero merch. No Allmight in sight. Odd. She spotted a few drawings here and there. More instant ramen. Clothes slung about. The room didn’t smell nice either.

All she could do was stare at the effects of her negligence. Inko didn’t understand. Why was this place so dirty when Izuku cleaned the rest of the house so thoroughly? She closed the door again.

She truly was a terrible mother. She has been for the last ten years.

“Move that ass more Mido! Todo, I know you’re trying but you gotta relax!” Mina yelled at them. Why did he even come? He could’ve just stayed at Kacchan’s place. But noooo, he wanted to dance. How absurd is that? He sucks at dancing!

“Midoriya do I smell doubt? Don’t be a puss*!” The pink girl had way too much energy. They were trying to perform a dance routine. Mina said it was good to learn at least one so you know how it’s supposed to feel. He never expected that learning the dance to a three minute long sporadic pop song would be this exhausting. It was the fifth time that day they were doing this and he was sweating buckets.

With the song ending two teenage boys dropped to the floor breathing like they just ran a marathon in a sprint. Mina, the absolute master of the craft that she was, was still standing.

“Mina, I- jezus.” He took a deep breath. “Can we end it for today?”

The girl brought her hand to her chin and stroked it like she had a beard and was contemplating something. “You know what? Sure!” Todoroki let out a sigh of relief, so quietly it was hard to hear.

They packed up and thanked her father for everything.

He was exhausted and sweaty. A nice and long cold shower would be great about now. He rode back home, overhearing some young couple talk about heroes. It was nice to hear about heroics from an outside perspective sometimes.

He opened the door to his apartment. He smelled… food? That was odd, he didn’t remember making anything before he left.

He saw another pair of shoes next to his.

Inko was back.

It has been a month since he had last seen his own mother.

He’ll do what he has always done. Be kind but never affectionate. Izuku put up his best smile and entered the living room.

“Izuku, I’m back. I made Katsudon.” She simply said, not turning around to face him.

“That’s nice.” He tried his very best to keep the edge out of his voice.

This was going to be a very long evening.


This chapter may or may not be a nothing burger. Not a lot happened but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyways.

Chapter 18: My mother wants me dead


Mama Midoriya.


This chapter is a bit of an emotional roller coaster.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

So how have you been?” His birth giver starts.

“Good, I made some new friends.” He won’t go into detail, this woman doesn’t deserve that. He’ll mention his friends though, just so she knows he doesn’t need her.

“That’s nice, are they kind?” Apparently this time Inko wanted to keep the conversation going.

“They are.” He did not look up from his plate. The Katsudon was amazing. Short answer, he tried to indicate to her that he didn’t want to talk. His message did not come across.

“Good. Will I meet them?” He kept on smiling.

“I don’t think you’ll have the time for that.” He chuckled slightly. It was a snide remark disguised as a joke.

“Good point.” She laughed back. This was so uncomfortable.

“And how have you and Katsuki been?”

“We’re friends, he’s nice.”

“So you guys are friends again? Why did you guys even grow apart?” Well f*ck you too.

“He bullied me for a while. He stopped last year.” Izuku felt his mothers eyes look at him in shock.

“I didn’t know that.” She simply stated, like that was a sufficient response to learning your son has been bullied for years.

“He had an epiphany after looking at the statistics.” He’ll press her for it. f*ck being nice.


“Suicide and hom*ocide related deaths for quirkless people.”

“Oh.” Her voice got suspiciously quiet.

“Apparently I’m supposed to be dead according to them.”

She didn’t respond.

“I’m going to change that. I’ll be the hero I’ve never had.”

The conversation fell flat. A painful silence filled the air between them.

He had done it. He told her what he wanted to tell her all those years ago. The greenette finally got it off his chest. Instead of the relief he had hoped for, all he got was a void. In his dreams she started crying and apologizing to him, or she’d lash out or something. But he got nothing. No tears, no yelling and no guilt. He got silence.

He didn’t ever finish his dinner and threw it in the trash. He was still hungry, having barely skimmed the meal because of his mother’s presence. He washed his bowl and chopsticks, put them in the drying rack and went to the bathroom. He threw all of his sticky sweaty clothes on the floor and hopped into the shower. The greenette turned on the water as warm as it could go. It stung his skin and made old scars burn. Those he had from Kacchan burned especially hard, like a warm blanket of comfort.

Izuku had no idea how much time had passed since he got under the shower, nor did he care. His mind was blank, his chest was a void devoid of any emotion. He got out of the shower feeling empty. Reality spun around, just out of his reach.

He felt like a husk. Like he was back in his 13 year old body.

When he came out of his room the next morning, the woman responsible was gone. It was time to go back to school.

Deku looked like sh*t. The bags under his eyes looked like sh*t. His hair looked like he slept with it without drying it. Before the f*ckers eyes met him, the unnerving empty stare from middle school was back.

The f*ck happened?

“You look f*cking awful.” The f*cker smiled.

“I know. I didn’t sleep tonight.”


“At least I think I didn’t, honestly last night is a blur.”

So the nerd has been drinking again. God damnit. “You should stop drinking that much.”

“What? I wasn’t drinking yesterday?”

Well that didn’t make sh*t better. “You take drugs now?”

“No??? Where would I even get those?” Is that really the issue here?

“Well I don’t know, your gamer friend?”

“He doesn’t do drugs, I’d have to ask Dabi or spinner for that.” Who the f*ck are they?

“Whatever.” Katsuki gave up with a facepalm. This nerd is hopeless.

They chatted a bit on the train, mostly about the little details from their internships. The school day was pretty uneventful all things considered. They had to write an essay in English about their internships, which is just boring as f*ck. Midnight came by during heroics and law and such to help them pick a hero name. Apparently they were supposed to do that before their child labor fun but the school was too busy with ‘hero stuff’ aka they forgot somehow.

Katsuki was very tempted to go down the lord explosion murderer route but Deku talked him out of it. It could’ve been the sh*t. Damn Deku. The f*cker himself wasn’t all that creative either. The quirkless hero, Apollo. God of archery and a bunch of other sh*t. The bitch explained something about knowledge and protection of the young? Like that means anything. It was quite the bold move to add the quirkless part to it, even Midnight tried to talk him out of it. The greenette put forth a too strong and well structured argument for her to disagree so he got away with it.

The blond eventually came up with two names, it was either going to be Dynamight or Nitro. Both sound cool. Both reference nitroglycerin in some way. But Dynamight does have more power to it. Nitro sounds more like a dog name or something. And he ain’t no f*cking bitch. Dynamight it was. Deku mumbled something about him not being very creative either, a comment he ignored because f*ck you. The rest of their classmates came forth with some bullsh*t too, a lot of it being approved. The f*ck kind of name is ‘can’t stop twinkling’? That’s such a f*cking mouthful. Icyhot bastard went with his actual name, a choice Deku was fuming to talk him out of. The rest was fine, except grape juice because that was actually ridiculous.

After that Aizawa bitch-sensei announced a final exam. f*ck. More studying. His idiot friends looked all panicked. Dumbasses. He offered to help some of the worthless bastards after his crush nudged him to it.

These were going to be a few very long weeks. Apparently anyone that failed either part of the finals would be disqualified from participating in the summer camp, instead you had to go to summer school. That’s just rude.

The day ended with him dragging the nerd to his house because the condition he found him in this morning was abysmal. Someone has to care for the nerd, god knows his mom won’t. His parents were completely fine with him staying again. Deku had like a few articles of clothing permanently here, including a pair of pj’s. Honestly the nerd lived here like 30% of the time. Nobody here minded, the whole family adored the bastard.

After dinner and some studying, an activity Deku didn’t really participate in all that much, he sat him down for a talk.

“So tell me, what happened yesterday?” Of course he would ask. Kacchan is so nice.

“Inko came home.”

“Did she do something? Do I need to get the shovel?” Kacchan is so sweet.

“No, she just talked with me. And I- well I told her about you bullying me and basically told her to her face she was a terrible mother. And she- she didn’t even react.” He told the truth. Just thinking about it made his insides hollow. “I wanted her to be angry, or sorry or something.”

“So I do need the shovel?” He chuckled, albeit a bit forceful.

“No.” The blond raised an eyebrow. “I promise.”

Kacchan sighed. “Come here.” And he did. His best friend dragged him into a hug. The touch was sudden but welcome.

“Your mom’s a bitch.” His love whispered in his ear.

“She is.” He agreed. They stayed like that for a while. It felt like Kacchan opened up a dam. When he was alone not a single teardrop fell from his eyes, now that he had someone who could see it and care they fell like a river. All of those years of numbness overruled by one guy. The silent tears made the black tank top his childhood friend was wearing wet. Comfort and warm big arms, chin and spiky hair poking his shoulder and neck, a collarbone he could rest on. That was all there was and all he wanted. God he wishes he had something to drink right now. He didn’t want to be too much. He didn’t want to be not enough. But here he was in a soothing embrace. Just him and Kacchan. No thoughts, just Kacchan.

“My legs are getting sore.” He laughed through his tears.

“Mine too.” Kacchan admitted but didn’t let go.

The words ‘I love you’ hung on his tongue and he was too scared to let them go. Uncle told him to go for it. He couldn’t. For Kacchan he was a coward.

He picked his friend up, and laid him down on the bed only to join him moments later. He was blushing, Kacchan was blushing. Izuku snuggled into his best friend, letting the physical contact be his remedy. He felt a hand in his hair, it felt nice. He slept like a baby.

The nerd was a real mess. His chest was wet from tears of all things. Izuku looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. Almost like this guy couldn’t break his arm if he wanted.

Not to kill the mood or anything, but being picked up came out of nowhere and it made him feel things. It was still pretty early, it only being 7 pm, but he didn’t want to move. Katsuki was completely fine with Deku falling asleep on him like this. Maybe this could become their new norm? He sure hoped so.

Somewhere along the line he fell asleep too.

In the morning he was met with his loud ass alarm and Deku almost jumping out of bed at the sound. The dumbass fell off the bed with a loud thud.

“Calm down, is my alarm.” He mumbled, stepping out of bed.

“Ohyeahrightsorry.” The nerd excused, hands covering his face as he lay on the ground. His ears were red from embarrassment. Katsuki sighed and stepped over the ball of red and green on the floor.

They changed in silence again, never looking at one another.

For the next few weeks everyone in their class got busy studying, even he himself did. Rumors about the practical exam circulated through both 1A and 1B. Some upperclassmen told Mina about ‘expecting to see something again’ and the two classes went wild with speculation. The common theory became the robots from the entrance exam, but Monoma and a group of other 1B students claimed Mina was lying. They were largely ignored by literally everyone.

Shinsou started making appearances in their heroics classes. Allmight was avoidant after their first time when he told the number one hero to ‘f*ck off’. The fellow ‘who needs sleep’ guy took notice of this and avoided the pro hero as well. He also took to talking to Kaminari a lot. Mostly involuntarily but still.

He spent a few night’s at Kacchan’s place because Inko was home more than usual lately. Maybe her boyfriend broke up with her? Who knows. He got a few more chances to hang out with the league (plus they were building a huge medieval castle in Minecraft with the others so he had to participate). All in all the month or so was going great. He didn’t drink all too much because of studying and did more parkour training in his free time instead. Izuku got himself a new aspiration of getting even better at shooting, or even trying out throwing knives (an attempt that went catastrophically wrong, landing him in Recovery Girl’s office and giving him a pretty cool looking scar on his shoulder).

Time got into a nice productive flow again. Just how he liked it. Just like the training in middle school, just like the preparations for the sports festival and just like the three days of internship with Aizawa sensei. Little time to think and ponder and worry, only time for work, analysis and study.

Everyday was productive and about the same. That was until his mother asked him to have dinner with her again, just a week before the start of the exam’s. She had been staying home a lot lately after work, which forced him to spend more time at Kacchan’s and at the league’s headquarters. He reluctantly agreed, because he couldn’t think of a good excuse to say no.

It felt wrong, to see her trying to connect with him at least a little. He packed some essentials just in case before their dinner. What if she wants him out of the house? He won’t complain. Izuku has a place to stay, two even.

After he arrived home that Friday, his nose was greeted by the pleasant scent of miso ramen. His mom greeted him, he did the same and sped off to his room. There he filled his backpack with all his school supplies. His trusty bow was already at the Bakugou household, so he didn’t have to touch it. After all, he still had a debt to pay off to the family. It felt wrong to keep it at his own house. He packed some extra clothes and underwear into a second backpack he had lying around from his earlier middle school days. He packed his savings and notebooks in it too with some difficulty. After a lot of fiddling around with his belongings Inko finally called him out for dinner. Even though the food smelled amazing, he was getting nauseous just looking at it.

“Sit down, before it gets cold.” His mother instructed him. He nodded and sat down.

To his surprise, the meal got eaten in absolute silence. The usually empty house got filled with the sounds of chopsticks hitting their bowls and slurping. No attempt at eye contact was made by either party. It felt awkward. Maybe he panicked for no reason?

A few more minutes of silence were starting to get overwhelming, like the calm before the storm. He spoke up just to shake that feeling off his chest. “So, did you get promoted?” His bowl sat almost empty before him.

“No?” The confusion and surprise in her voice didn’t ease sh*t.

“I thought that that was why you could spend more time home.” At that she was looking scared. Like she didn’t expect he was going to ask her about it.

“No, no, I just-“ The cat got her tongue.

“So your boyfriend broke up with you?” Her eyes widened.

“No! I- I haven’t dated since your father.” She admitted. That cut his leading theory on where she was most of the time to shreds.

“Why are you even here?” f*ck it all. He had the right to be frustrated, she left her four year old child alone.

Inko put her chopsticks down. She didn’t even dare to look him in the eyes. “I want to make it up to you.” Her voice said quietly.

“Make up what?” He wanted to hear it from her.

“You know, all those years. I was so busy with work-“

“Inko, we both know you weren’t working all that time.” His birth giver had the audacity to look offended.

“Don’t speak like that to me, young man.” Her words cut, but he wouldn’t let her do this.

“Why? Am I supposed to respect you? I don’t remember you ever being an actual mother to me, I see no point in calling you mom.” He was getting angry, and Inko was getting pretty upset too.

“I pay the bills around here! I gave birth to you! Is that not enough?” Her hands turned into fists. He eyed them with caution.

“It’s not. You were supposed to be there for me. I don’t care that you hate me for what that man did, he left us both! You came back to this empty house with me. You lost your husband? So what? I lost both of my parents because of something I can’t even control!” It was turning into a screaming match. He didn’t care. This is something he has been sitting on for years now.

“Don’t speak like that about your father!”

“Why? Why can’t you hate him? He left us mom! He left us because of a stupid doctor's note!”

“How could I hate him?! He was my everything! Just because you were born the only person that cared for me left! Don’t you understand Izuku?! This is all your fault and you can’t even be grateful for the fact I didn’t leave you!” Her chair fell over when she stood up. He was blind to it all.

“Grateful? Grateful for a mother who saw her son coming home with bruises and cuts every. Single. DAY! And who did nothing? All because of someone who left you the moment he thought you cheated or whatever the f*ck else he thought?! He didn’t even have the decency to put me up for adoption or something. He left you without a second thought the-“ His head got blown to the side. His cheek started stinging. He thought he was prepared for this. He was beaten way worse than this so often and yet this hurt more.

He heard Inko take a deep breath. “Izuku, let’s just leave this in the past okay? We’re never going to agree on this anyway, let’s agree to disagree.” She tried.

The void. It came back, crushing whatever compassion he had for this woman.

“Really?” He looked her in the eyes, meeting a very determined mother. “We’re going to solve the problem by avoiding it? Again?” Rage like he never felt before filled his words with venom. “You aren’t my mother, I’m not your son.”

“You can’t just-“ He cut her off.

“I can and I will. I’m going to become a hero without you. Just go back to leaving me here, like you did before. You can’t just show up again in my life ten years after you left a bullied, quirkless child alone without at least apologizing.”

“I suffered too just-“

“Why do you always make this about yourself? I was four. Four!” With this he left the room. He took his two bags and left through the window.

He’ll go to the league for now. He doesn’t want to face Kacchan just yet or he’ll break in his arms again. He doesn’t want to cry. He just wants to forget.

He hates his mom.


I made Inko a bit egotistical in this. She’s not a monster, but she can’t admit to her flaws. Aka I’m attempting realism again.

By the way the title is a reference to a song by the same name, I feel the song fits Izuku in this fic pretty well.

Chapter 19: Alcohol isn’t the answer, it’s the solution


Everyone in this has some problems, especially the league.


Disclaimer: author has never been drunk, they have however been around drunk people. This is due to legal reasons, not because of author being a puss* (I swear).

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He was chilling with Spinner, the rest of the league off doing whatever the f*ck they do in their free time. Since the entire Hosu business they haven’t done much but kill a few people for info. He got the mission to search among UA records for ‘abnormalities’ with quirk mutations for some reason. That left the rest of his teammates with nothing to do, resulting in the bar being more of a hang out lounge than a secret villain hideout. To be honest they could probably get away with actually running a bar if he and Kurogiri hid from sight if anyone dared to sneak in. This place would just look like ya average shady bar, and there are plenty of those around. Unless the games lied and he was just stupid.

He and the lizard man sat on the couch playing a racing game when he got a text. He doesn’t really get texts unless it’s Dabi, trying to annoy him, his online friend group discussing waifu’s in their discord server or Izuku asking to come in. He’d take the gamble and reach for his phone as soon as the round is over.

“Wait a sec, I got a text.” He received a groan in return.


Can I stay for tonight?

He did a double take. Izuku never actually stayed, no matter how drunk the teen was. “Kurogiri, open a gate for Izuku.” He commanded the man. His nanny subordinate did what was asked of him, and just a few seconds later his friend appeared in the bar. He had two backpacks filled to the brim.

“Thanks.” The kid had a red cheek.

“Welcome back Izuku, how ya- what happened?” Lizard bitch finally looked up from the screen.

“My birth giver. I don’t wanna talk about it. Can I have some Vodka?” He walked over to the bar, leaving his bags behind the couch. “Or bleach, whichever is closer.” The emptiness in the 15 year old’s voice was haunting to hear.

“I’m not giving you bleach.” Kurogiri did comply with the vodka request. Spinner shot him a look. Neither of them knew what to do. Shigaraki didn’t have- well he had a sister once. As far as he was aware the ninja turtle wasn’t around kids all that much either.

“Wanna…” the man didn’t know what to say and never finished the thought.

“Wanna play with us?” Izuku downed an entire shot in one go. He’ll just offer the kid an outlet.


Soon they played a few rounds with a very grumpy and irritated teenager. Some of the others turned up as the day started fading into the next. Reactions to this red cheek varied from concern to cheap jokes to death threats upon the one that hurt their little brother. Everyone asked for names, nobody received any.

Somehow the greenette managed to snag the rest of the 40% alcohol content clear glass bottle, retaking shot after shot until they were left with a giggly little boy. Compress took away the half empty bottle from the brat and he didn’t even notice. Toga acted a bit funny after she drank his blood too.

Dabi was asked about weed a few times that night. Needless to say the company was weary of their youngest friend. It started getting disturbing when Izuku told them stories about what his teachers had done to him in the past. Or when he took his shirt off and told them the stories behind his scars. The most vile part was when he described one of the people that did it to him as “kind” and “my favorite person”. Everyone asked for names again, no one received any again.

He knew the kid was f*cked up, he met him by saving him from a bunch of bullies. But this is another level of f*ckery. It almost sounded like that one tragic character from an RPG’s all the girls simp for.

Around 5 in the morning, with only him, the greenette, Dabi and Kurogiri awake, the alcohol wriggled one last piece of information out of the boy.

They were watching some cooking show on YouTube, at Kurogiri’s request.

“Inko makes pretty good food.” The teen randomly said after half an hour of complete silence.

“Inko? Who’s that? Ya little girlfriend?” Mister gets no bitches teased. The f*cker was higher than Mount Everest.

“Nah, it’s my momma.” He and his sentient mist shared a glance.

“You call her by her name? Duude, my dad would kick my f*cking ass for that. Bet she’s chill A F.” Ugly ass emo laughed.

“Not really, she slapped me when I called ‘er that.”

“She did what?!” This makes sh*t ten times worse.

“Only slapped? Luckyyyyy.” Shut up stoner, this isn’t about your trauma.

“Does she do that often?” The only functional adult asked, his yellow eyes looked more like yellow lines with how much he was squinting.

“Nahhh, usually she be goneeee. Working or some sh*t. Like she was gone for like a month after the sports festival.” That isn’t any f*cking better.

“Wished my piece of sh*t dad was gone like that too! That would be so chill.” Shut up.

“My dads gone too! He left for milk after my quirklessness diagnosis.”

“Damn kid you lucky as helllll.” This place is a mental illness cesspool, a therapist would come out of this place a millionaire.

Tomura kept himself sober for the most part, just in case Izuku needed him. Now he could do nothing but wish death on the brat’s parents. And a drink ‘cause he can’t deal with Dabi’s sh*t.

“Inko’s very very sad the dick left ‘er, and blames ME! Like bitch, I didn’t ask to be born?!”

“Preach my brother!” Dabi, for f*ck’s sake. He did agree with him this time, but shut up.

“Why does everyone here have parental issues?” He had to ask, after all he himself was also a part of the childhood trauma gang.

“I don’t” Kurogiri butted in.

“Yeah but you just spawned in one day.”

“… I hate to admit that might just be true.”

“REALLY? That’s literally so cool!”

“Dang, imagine that. You livin the dream my dude.”

“Honestly that would be kind of nice.” Even he admitted. You can’t kill your entire family by accident if you don’t have a family.

“I must confess that it is indeed very nice after hearing what you all have gone through.”

“Is your dad still alive?” Izuku asked the one and only bitch.

“Yeah, he’s like a pro hero. Is really hard to kill.”

The youngest of them looked like he just lagged and got stuck on a loading screen.

“Dabiii you f*ck! Look at what you did! You broke the brat!”

“I didn’t do sh*t okay?”

“Endewhor*?” Izuku whispered.

Now it was burnt bacon’s turn to lag. “How the f*ck did ya know broccoli?”

“Am friends with Todoroki, he trauma dumped on me once.”


“Mhm yep, mentioned something bout an older brother that was deaded by mister flaming trash.”

“sh*t kid, you smart ass hell.” What the f*ck? Dabi was the number two hero’s son? That’s news.

Huh, that did explain some things.

“And just when I thought you couldn’t get any more emo it turns out daddy issues are your driving factor in villainy.”

“Oh piss off you motherf*cker.”

“Don’t worry Dabi, your secret's safe with me. Unless Todo gets me drunk than you’re f*cked.” Izuku ‘reassured’ with a smirk.

“Maybe I should kill ya just in case?” The greenette and daddy issues laughed about it like maniacs.

“No killing in the bar, kill in the basem*nt or it will get in my rug.” Kurogiri, my man, that is not our biggest concern here. Or maybe just maybe the man was in on the joke, which is impossible because the guy never had and never will have a sense of humor. Probably.

“Speaking about killing, can I kill your mom?” He asked the drunk teen.

“Nah, I don’t want them to trace it back to you.” Still a hero, even if talking about killing his own mother. How inspirational.

“Not gonna lie, good idea, let’s kill her for our next mission.” Purple f*cker suggested.

“Pleaseeee don’t, who’s gonna pay for my house then?”

“Good point.”

“We can always try to kill Izuku’s second parental figure.” The mist man put forth the brilliant idea.

The greenette let out a long and deep sigh. “Do whatever you want with the bitch, I’m gonna pass out.”

“Hear that? We got permission!” Zombie yelled a bit too loudly.

“Sssssshhhhhhh! You’ll wake the rest!” He whisper-yelled.

The brat did indeed pass the f*ck out after that. Morning came and went. Noon woke him up with giggles and whispers. Toga was in line to get disintegrated.

“What the f*ck do you mean he’s gone?!” His old hag yelled downstairs. What was that about? She doesn’t usually yell over the phone. Speeding down the stairs he met his dad, probably on his way to console her.

“Inko he’s not here! Unless-“ Mom was about to yell something upstairs when she saw her son and husband enter the living room. “Katsuki is Izuku here?” Her voice softened slightly when she saw their confused faces.


She got back on the phone. “Katsuki says he’s not here.” Mom hummed along as intelligible gibberish bullsh*t filled the house. “You do that. We’ll search for him too.” She hung up.

“What happened?” He asked, still hoping that it wasn’t what he thought it was.

“Izuku ran away from home. Inko had a fight with him and he disappeared.” His mother gave him a serious look. “Do you know where he might be?”

Well it is exactly what he thought it was. Damnit.

“I’ll ask the school group chat.” He sent something to the stupid nerd first, but it did not receive. Well sh*t. Next he asked the 1A group chat if they knew where his idiot was. His dad was calling Deku but no one picked up. Katsuki read through the responses he got, nothing for now. Goddamn it, Izuku, where the f*ck are you?

His head hurt like a bitch and his vision was slightly blurry. Food smelled absolutely disgusting. He was the last of the couch trio to wake up.

“Welcome back sleeping beauty.” The scratchy voice of his friend came from somewhere behind him.

“How late is it?” Izuku sat up, having to immediately grab his head due to an intense spike of pain.

“Like two in the afternoon. You missed lunch.”

“I’m never drinking again.” He groaned.

“Sure buddy.” Tomura set a glass of water and some pills on the coffee table in front of him.

“Thanks.” He took all the pills in one go. Headaches are the worst. The glass was empty in a matter of seconds. “Where’s the rest?”

“How the f*ck should I know? They just sleep here.” The villain plopped down next to him.

He hummed. He sprawled out on the couch, hoping it would somehow ease the pain.

“Next time you’re allowed a max of three shots.” Shigaraki informed him, mumbling it like an afterthought.

“Three? Can you make it six?” He pleaded.

“Four and that’s it.”

He wanted to laugh, but that hurt too much. Instead he let out a pained hiss. “Who knew you could be responsible?”

“One of us has to be. We’ll be taking turns.”

He chuckled, only to be forced to whine from the pain piercing his skull. “Stop being funny. It hurts. Can you give me my phone?”

“No.” The man responded, probably grinning like the bastard that he was.

It took a while before his brain remember that his phone was in his school backpack, and it took even longer to remember where he even put said backpack. His phone was littered with notifications and missed calls. He muted it after he left the house and kinda forgot about it one fourth of the bottle down.

He got calls from Kacchan and his parents, actually most of them were from the Bakugou’s. He got a few from his mom, the school, the 1A group chat and his school friends. sh*t.

He typed a quick response to Kacchan, about staying at his gamer friend’s place. To none of his surprise the blond responded immediately.


You’re okay and you text back now?.??? We were worried sick you bastard! The old hag is almost wailing from relief you bitch.


Sorry! I was hung over.

Actually I just woke up!


God f*cking dammit. Sleep at our place tonight.


I will, don’t worry. Just promise Inko won’t be there.


She won’t.


Thanks :D

See you later

He then sent a message to the group chat to notify that he was in fact fine and not joining a cult like some of his classmates had theorized. Why was a cult even their best guess?

“I’m sleeping somewhere else tonight.” He stated, making eye contact with the man next to him.

“Just don’t go back to your bitch of a mother.” He froze. Did he… tell them? Oh god they will kill her.

“Don’t kill Inko please.” He pleaded rather calmly. Mostly because the only thing in him stopping him from letting them was his heroic spirit. Does she deserve to pay after 10 years of neglect? Of course. Does she deserve to die for it? Not really.

“We won’t. You did give us permission to kill your sperm donor.” Shigaraki was weirdly agreeable about this.

“Can you not kill him too?” He tried.

“Nope, Burnt bitch is already searching for him. The rest of the dumbasses know too. You can try to talk em out of it.” That smirk told him that Hisashi Midoriya was a lost a case.

A beat of silence spanned across the room.

“Brat. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Bout my mom?” It was kind of heartwarming that this murderer cared about him so much.


“I was kinda used to it I guess. And she never really hit me before.” Shigaraki’s expression remained relatively neutral. It was misleading.

“You sure we can’t kill her too?”

He sighed. “Yes.”

“Ughhhhhh I really wish I could kill that bitch.” Tomura groaned.

Sometimes Izuku wondered how he became friends with a villain. He was literally studying to become a super cop and here he was hanging out with a bunch of criminals. The bunch treated him like a little brother, and while that was endearing in a weird way, it did lead to his biological father coming on their hit list. The greenette should’ve probably tried harder to save his dad, but his head still hurt like all hell and he didn’t know the man. He left that skeleton in the closet for later.

He took his stuff, thanked the present league members for the night, left some blood for Toga and got warped in front of the Bakugou household.

A knock on the door got him bolting down the stairs in a matter of seconds. And there the nerd was, all fine with his eye bags just as dark as when he had last seen him. The nerd may have texted that he was fine, but seeing him in person was just so much better. The f*cker f*cking dared to be surprised when he hugged him.

“You’re a little bitch.” He breathed, a bit too relieved to care about Deku’s arms wrapping around his back. He wished he could kiss the bastard. He really did.

“Hello to you too.” The dumbass whispered back, like this hug was something forbidden, like they weren’t in his front yard for the world to see.

“Izuku! You brat!” His mother joined their hug, and so did his old man but without yelling.

“Aunty, Uncle I’m really fine.” The nerd tried to reassure them while also trying to not get crushed by 3 people.

The old hag pulled away. “You’re telling us everything.” It sounded more like a command rather than a request.

They took him inside, because in no way in hell would they have this type of conversation where everyone could hear them.

With some hesitance Izuku proceeded to tell them about the dinner and his gamer friend’s house with the seven roommates. The problem was that he was leaving a lot of information out of it. He was especially vague about the dinner that made him go away in the first place. No one was buying it.

“Izuku, please just tell us what Inko talked about.” His dad tried, with the support of his wife. “We just want to know.”

“Well, she…” He didn’t look them in the eyes. The blond, who was seated next to his crush, gently put his hand on top of the greenette’s under the table. His hand was grabbed and properly held by the other.

“She told me she wanted to make amends. I asked her why she was spending so much time home if she didn’t get a promotion and well… I directly told her I knew that she wasn’t working all this time.” Deku took a deep breath. “I called her by her first name, she didn’t like it. I- I told her I don’t respect the woman that never acted like a mother to me, she used the birth giver argument and it just spiraled. We argued about Hisashi leaving and-“ The nerd cut himself off abruptly. He just stared ahead, squeezing his hand in an attempt to find comfort.

His parents gave each other a look. He squeezed back.

“We understand. You can stay here as long as you like.” The old man told Deku. “As long as Katsuki doesn’t mind.” His dad smiled at him.

“Of course, Deku can stay.” Izuku ran little circles on the back of his palm with his thumb. He kinda wished he could stay forever.

“We’ll set up the guest room for you tomorrow.” The old hag offered. He saw both his dad and the nerd give her a quick side glare. Huh.

“No it’s alright! I can stay in Kacchan’s room. It’s more fun.” Deku refused the offer without a second thought. It sent a jolt of happiness through Katsuki that he had to shrug off.

“Alright. Just tell me if you become sick of the brat.”

“I will?” The greenette said like he didn’t understand why or how he could get sick of him. f*ck he loves this dumbass.

It was still before dinner, so he and his not-boyfriend went upstairs. It was hard to express just how both mind boggling happy he was the nerd was actually going to live here and how f*cking disgusted at himself he was for thinking that. Inko, the bitch, had hurt Izuku enough for him to run away. That is pretty f*cking hard to do considering all of the other sh*t the nerd has been through. And here he sat, serenading in his mind to get to see his childhood friend every morning.

So they sat in his room, next to each other on the bed. Together in a nice quiet comfort.

“Kacchan, she slapped me.” The nerd confessed in a whisper.

“She did what?” The amount of sheer, pure rage those 4 words awaked in him was insane.

“She slapped me and afterwards tried to make me agree to disagree about dad.” Deku continued, voice flat.

“That bitch.” The pure toxin in his tone didn’t scare his crush, only getting him closer.

“I hate her.” Those were some incredibly strong words for Izuku standards. The green curls draped over his shoulder.

“You should.” He agreed, putting an arm around the greenette’s waist and pulling him closer.

“I should.” It was like Deku was trying to convince himself of that fact. This absolute angel couldn’t even bring himself to fully hate his bitch of a mother.

Izuku was way too good for him.

He was too good for this world.


The league respects privacy and will give space or comfort to each other if needed. This also applies to their honorary little brother. (I just want them to be happy T-T)

Chapter 20: Allmight is a little bitch


Exam time!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku spent the weekend at his crush’s house, he came back to his place on Monday. Kacchan tried to convince him to stay longer, but he didn’t want to be too big of a burden on the family, he still hasn’t paid them back for his beautiful Korean bow. The days he did spend at their house were spent with Kacchan in the blond’s bed, either studying or cuddling or both. To be honest, he is already so jealous of whoever will date his best friend in the future. His flirting attempts have been met with some responses, which led only to him looking like a fresh tomato. Kacchan teased him about it saying that he had the hair to match the red, which led to a few pillow fights. Only one pillow was harmed during those intense battles, and they had to buy a new one on auntie's orders.

Having arrived home he found no one, to literally no one’s surprise. No notes, no trash in the trash can and an empty fridge. No trace of human life, just like it always looked. He wished he stayed at Kacchan’s, simply because this felt just as wrong as it always did. He already missed the blond. But he couldn’t just feed off auntie and uncle like a parasite, instead he’ll feed off his sh*tty mother. He also didn’t want to interrupt Kacchan in his studies. Izuku’s preferred method of studying was going to classes, remembering it, flipping through the textbook a few times before the test and doing it. The strat was working really well. At least for him. His classmates, both past and present, didn’t believe him. Only his best friend did, because he witnessed it first hand. He’s thankful he’ll never have to get a higher education after UA or he’d have a really hard wake up call.

The written exams started on Wednesday, and the practical took up all of Friday. The class of 21 children had a Monday and Tuesday so filled with studying that their classroom's trash can contained what could only be described as a Caffeine graveyard. 21, because Shinsou would be participating in these exam’s to pass on to the hero course, a thing that should’ve happened months ago already. His practical was going to be a bit different according to Aizawa sensei.

Aoyama had a mental breakdown somewhere in the middle of all that. Seeing him fold left the atmosphere so gloomy it scared Present Mic who dropped by. Luckily their teacher was in the room with them to ensure their ear’s safety. He himself simply observed and offered help to anyone who’d ask. Helping made him remember everything he had to, so this was honestly just a way of studying for him.

The first day of exams was hard. It wasn’t undoable, but the amount of groans of pure frustration he heard around him when they turned the page told him his classmates couldn’t relate. It was mostly math, history and heroics history, all elements he was great in due to his nerdy nature. History was the only thing he really struggled with, mostly because he forgot some important dates.

Day two was harder, due to the nightmare that was modern literature and the amount of noise people made during the heroics and law exam.

The real challenge was the last day.

Their theory about the robots was so far off it was on a different planet. They had to fight the teachers. Full on pro heroes. Some of them would even have to fight the rat himself, Nedzu. Actually no scratch that, someone had to fight Allmight. The f*cking number one hero.

That was the first time he was on the same page as his peers with the sheer amount of fear he had for his grade. At least they got to fight them in pairs, so as long as he didn’t get Mineta or Hagakure he was fine.

“Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku against Allmight.” He didn’t know how to feel about that. On one hand, he was fighting with Kacchan. On the other he was fighting the symbol of peace, a man who didn’t particularly like him. They were going to need a plan.

He, the nerd and All f*cking Might sat in their little bus waiting to get out to their fake city. The f*cking ride was so goddamn awkward due to mister blond idiot and his Deku having some beef. They have a plan, it’s good for now. They don’t need to talk, but Katsuki was getting seriously agitated about this bullsh*t.

“Deku, how are you and your little gamer friend doing?” He’ll just talk these few minutes through or he’ll blow up the entire goddamn vehicle. Whichever is the most stress relieving.

“Good I guess, it’s kinda funny cause I’m pretty sure he and his roommates see me as some kind of little brother now.” That was definitely a good thing.

The big ass blond just eyed them, looking weirdly uncomfortable for such a mountain of pure muscle.

“Interesting. Is that a good thing or are they being assholes?”

“Nah, they're good. They are plotting a murder for my sperm donor so I guess they care.”

Katsuki chuckled. “About damn time, maybe you should let me help? That bastard needs a good ‘little’ pounding.” He cracked his nuckles and Deku chuckled.

Allmight was slightly confused but kept quiet.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, you don’t have a criminal record yet.”

The blond’s eyebrow shot up. “You’re friends with criminals?” The thought was extremely funny. Deku, the angel of a man and a bunch of delinquents.

“Well… I wouldn’t say that they are criminals. They just have a few too many drugs laying around for them to have a clean record. They’re really good people! It’s just that life hasn’t been too kind to most of them.” The nerd vaguely explained, like he himself didn’t know exactly what kind of scuffle with the law they had. Except the drugs.

It looks like his best friend was friends with criminals. Huh. “You don’t have to justify sh*t, as long as they're nice to you I really couldn’t care less who they were.” Which was true, he didn’t care. There are so many people that hate the f*cker just because of his extra toe joint that any that don’t are almost automatically good people. Or at least good people to Deku.

“Really? I- Maybe I can introduce you guys to each other once?” Izuku was fiddling around with his mask, clearly nervous about the idea.

“Sure, why not?” It’s probably good to get to know the grown ass adult friends that his future boyfriend made. That didn’t really ease the nerd for some reason.

“I’ll talk to them about it first. They can be a bit hostile at times.” The greenette explained, scratching the back of his neck.

“Sure, take your time. Ain’t no pressure.” The bus stopped.

“We have arrived!” Allmight sprung up, getting out of the bus as soon as possible.

“Don’t take it easy on us will ya? We want a fight not a pity party!” He yelled after the pro hero who just sped away into the concrete jungle.

Deku hugged him one last time before going into serious mode. The hug was nice and all, but he was really really wishing he could just kiss the nerd.

“Remember the plan?”

“Of course I f*cking do, it’s pretty straight forward.” He smirked, and Deku smiled back. “You still wanna do the wish thingy? Cause I already know what I’m making you do.” He said as seductively as he could. It sounded so weird coming from his mouth.

Izuku just laughed with a little blush on his pretty freckled cheeks. “Are you sure? Bet my idea is even worse than yours.” sh*t, the f*cker responsed in kind. His face responded in kind as well.

“Whatever, let's just do this.” He turned away to hide the effect this stupid nerd had on him.

A loud ass signal told them it was time to mingle and try to mangle the ‘villain’ in the city. Or do the much saner option of skedaddling the f*ck out of there before the experienced adult pro hero that was at least twice their age mangles them.

Maybe in another universe he would choose the less sane option of getting beat up by mister muscle bunny, but here he already impressed the person he wanted to impress, there was no need for that one brain cell bullsh*t. Besides, someone had to make sure Izuku didn’t go over his quota of at least one serious injury or stupid impossible battle per big event. Those claims of masocism in the sh*t probably had some f*cked up trauma roots that nobody will ever discuss anyways, so let’s make sure he doesn’t die while being a self sacrificial kinky bitch.

Who’s stupid idea was it to put freshman teenagers in a fight against the number one hero? Weights my ass, with whatever the f*ck Allmight’s quirk was those things won’t make any goddamn difference.

The pair sped off to the nearest fire escape, the nerd getting up and he himself staying down because he had no idea how to parkour without his quirk. Using his quirk is like pointing a big red arrow towards their location with how loud that sh*t was. They had half an hour to get from point A to B. The disappointment they felt when they didn’t get intercoms was immeasurable. Thankfully they found a way to communicate anyway, just with very limited words.

He had to wait for a while for his first message to drop. Something quite soft hit his head. It was a piece of bandage wrapped around a small stone. Since Deku was the one with medical equipment in his costume and he had to send messages downwards, they went with the very limiting option of writing stuff on pieces of bandage with blood. It was kind of gross, but they didn’t have time or resources for something better.

Two stripes of red and a X through an H. The nerd would select a target for them to get to from his Birds Eye few and they would have to get there undetected. Katsuki wasn’t allowed to use his quirk at all, in case they needed a big ass explosion at the end. This time he had to go two blocks forward and stop at a hospital. Easy enough if he doesn’t use the main street. He looked up just in time to see Deku jump between buildings.

After a lot of carefully sneaking and getting through the first block in the shadows, he heard the first boom. Izuku had fired a very special arrow somewhere far away as a decoy. Which means the nerd was already at the hospital. A few moments later he got to the alleyway behind said hospital and found his next clue. This time he had to go left and behind an electronics store.

This continued for a while without interruption, with the occasional explosion in the distance and Allmight’s shouting about cowards, boohoo go cry about it bitch. There were a few times where he caught a glimpse of the man, speeding between buildings and searching but never finding.

Eventually Deku got down from the height and went on to stalk him in the shadows for the last part. The nerd was way better at the sneaking around sh*t than he was. The announcement that they had 10 minutes left almost scared him to death. That was when they noticed the ‘villain’ sitting in front of the exit looking a bit bored.

“sh*t, what do we do now?”

“We can use plan B with the ending of plan A?” Izuku suggested. The thing with plan B was that it was really f*cking embarrassing, so just at the mention of it he flushed red.

“No! Just- just use one more of those explosive arrows.”

The nerd shrugged, then fired an arrow all the way to the other side of the main street. Since the exit was right at the end of said street, Allmight shot up from his seat on a trash can immediately and went zooming over to the source of the noise. That was their chance.

Both he and his teammate ran as fast as they could, trying to reach the exit before Allmight saw them.

Needless to say Allmight decided to f*ck them over by body slamming Deku, sending the nerd on a collision course with him and landing them both nice and snug in a wall.

“You thought that you could get away from me, weak heroes?! There-“ Shut up, everything hurt. He tuned out the pro hero in favor of standing up. Somehow Deku was already on his feet, a trail of blood coming from the corner of his mouth.

The greenette gave him a soft smile, then he turned to Allmight, who was still monologuing, and shouted on the top of his longs. “You see, it all started when I was four years old!” Plan C, trauma dump. It worked, with the muscle man giving them a baffled look.

Izuku made eye contact with him for just a second. Okay, so it’s time to use plan A.

“I got diagnosed with the extra toe joint if you know what I mean!” Allmight, the dumb f*cker didn’t move and listened to their monologue like it was some type of right villains and heroes had. Maybe this entire industry was just a bunch of theater kids running around and getting paid?

He got his ring ready, doing so as subtly as possible behind his back.

“-beat up every day by my classmates. With my mother working long hours-“


He took Deku’s hand and used his quirk to get the f*ck to the exit. Their victory was just 10 meters away when he felt a big ass hand around his neck. f*ck.

Katsuki threw his best friend to the gate, helping him gain momentum with one last blast.

“Not so fast young-!” The number one hero’s voice was a bit strained. Izuku hadn’t crossed the finish line. He stared right into the big man’s soul with that empty look he had in his middle school days. The nerd’s entire knees were open from scraping along the asphalt and he was all other kinds of f*cked up from the explosion he made. By all accounts he shouldn’t have looked this intimidating. But he did.

With one swift move the nerd readied his bow. An arrow pointed right at the pro hero’s head. Deku’s face never shifted away from the face of a dead man.

“This is an arrow with quirk suppressing drugs. They work fast.” Izuku said, voice empty. Allmight’s grip on his neck loosened.

“I have plenty of these with me.” Katsuki felt like he was missing a piece of information. With Allmight stunned like this he could escape. He still had a second ring filled with explosive sweat. This was his chance.

With one last blast he shot towards his crush, zooming past him and passing the exam. The nerd passed the exam just a second later.

“Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku passed the practical exam!” The speakers yelled at them. They did it!

He did have to resort to secret plan D, one he didn’t share with Kacchan. Plan D: exploit the biggest weakness of your opponent. What was Allmight’s biggest weakness? His civilian identity. Since he had a transformation quirk the quirk suppressors would reveal it to the entirety of 1A and staff. It was a bit of a dick move he’ll admit, but passing was more important than how Allmight felt about himself. He outed him as quirkless to the class, so this is kinda like karma. Plus he really really didn’t like how Allmight grabbed his Kacchan.

He grinned at the blond, Kacchan grinned back.

“I won.” The greenette rolled his eyes.

“You did.” He smirked. “What kind of weird sh*t do you want me to do for you pretty boy?” sh*t, f*ck, that was so embarrassing. Maybe flirting wasn’t really his thing? Never mind, it worked! The blond turned a very nice shade of red.

“Goddamn it Izuku” His best friend mumbled. Izuku?

Never in his life had the greenette expected that his name could sound so… nice? from somebody’s mouth. He had no idea why but it made him feel things.

Recovery girl arrived at the scene to find two beat up blushing teen boys.

She just looked at them with knowing eyes and did her check up. As always he was pretty beat up, the condition of his legs especially bad. Not only were they glazed by an explosion, but also dragged across enlarged floor sandpaper aka asphalt. All in all it looked pretty nasty. Kacchan looked a bit better with only bloody hands and a few bruises. The healing process knocked him out cold for just a few minutes this time.

Gathering in the control room with the rest showed him clips from their fights, it got his notebook feeling heavy with knowledge. Sato, Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari and Sero failed, he comforted them with a shoulder pat and a promise to analyze why they failed, a gesture they really appreciated.

The number one hero avoided eye contact with him at all costs. It was incredibly annoying, he just wanted to apologize for earlier. Just because he didn’t like the man didn’t mean he couldn’t show basic human decency.

After the announcements were over he did apologize. Allmight waved him off saying it was okay, still not making eye contact.

That day he was going to sleep over at the Bakugou household, to fulfill his end of the bet. Honestly he was still disappointed plan B never came into fruition.

Strolling over to Kacchan’s house he tried and failed to extract any info about the thing he’d have to do.

“Do I have to buy you something?” He asked the blond.

“No. Shut the f*ck up. I won’t tell you until we’re in my room.”

“Please just tell me!” He pleaded, trying his best puppy eyes, to no avail.

“I will explode your ass if you keep nagging me like this.” Kacchan warned with a scowl.

“Aww.” He did give up eventually, not feeling like going to the hospital again.

They sped up the stairs and only briefly greeted Uncle.

The door to the blond’s room shut with a bang.

Kacchan took a deep breath.


For anyone wondering about the aforementioned plan B: Kiss in front of Allmight to cause confusion.
It was Izuku’s idea btw.

Chapter 21: And they were roommates


(Mostly) fluff


This chapter was inspired by my own experiences for some extra realism (gotta love some of that realism).

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He never knew you could be so terrified of a child. But here stood the number one hero, the symbol of peace, frozen in place. Empty murky green eyes penetrating his very soul. The only times when he actually felt this type of horror was with All For One.

An arrow pointed between his eyes. He was faster than arrows. He was faster than bullets. Even now in his weakened form, he could still easily be categorized as one of the fastest heroes in Japan.

“I have plenty of these with me.” The child in front of him said, somehow managing to make him suppress a flinch. Him, Toshinori Yagi, dudded by many as the greatest hero of all time.

He avoided the child the rest of that day, even though the student searched him out to apologize for threatening him in that way. It was nice and all, but he really didn’t want to look that kid in the eyes ever again. Those were the eyes he only ever saw on people close to death.

Toshinori saved plenty of people, hundreds even, but he also failed to save so many. As a hero he’s seen plenty of death, other heroes, villains and civilians, all of them. It horrified him every single time.

To see something like that on a living breathing person was… he has only seen that look on two other people. All for one and a friend from the past he lost. The friend committed suicide.

He didn’t want to think about why someone so young even knew how to make his face look like that. Either the boy has seen this type of behavior himself or…

Aizawa noticed this. The young hero was extremely perceptive like that.

“I’d suggest keeping your dislike of quirkless people hidden from the public.” The underground hero told him out of nowhere once the students got out.

“What do you mean Eraserhead? What gave you that idea?” He didn’t realize he gave off that impression.

“Is there another reason you avoid problem child that much?” Problem child? Does he mean Midoriya?

“Young Midoriya doesn’t really like me all that much I’m afraid.”

The younger raised an eyebrow. “Does he have a reason?” There was something strangely protective in the teacher’s voice.

“I don’t think so? I have tried to be accommodating for him as well as I could during my lessons.” That was apparently the wrong thing to say. The raven looked at him with narrowed eyes.

“What does ‘accommodating’ entail?”

“I offered to go softer on him multiple times to ensure his safety. The boy didn’t take me up on any of them though. I was afraid Young Midoriya might have been suicidal, but he just seems to like a challenge.” He told his worries to the other. The other did not appreciate his consideration much.

“So you othered him?” It felt like the younger hero was accusing him of something.

“I didn’t want the young boy to be injured. I had a friend who was quirkless back in the day, fragile like a leaf. He hurt himself so many times.” The friend he was referring to was himself, before his sensei found him and gave him One For All. Even back then, all those years ago he couldn’t become a hero without a quirk. He was afraid Midoriya would have the same problem.

The raven's red eyes dug into his skull. “So you used a singular past experience to base your belief on a group of people?”

Aizawa may just have a point there. It was his experience, but he was only one man.

“I never thought of it that way.” He confessed, because it was true.

His fellow teacher just continued to look at him with thin eyes. “Guess you didn’t.”

He swallowed thickly. This was probably a stupid idea. No it wasn’t. It was a great idea! Deku felt something for him right? They confirmed it after the sports festival! Like there was no f*cking way that nerd could change how he felt for him this quickly. Right?

Those f*cking gorgeous emerald eyes looked at him with curiosity.

Here he goes.

“I want to kiss you.” He finally said, after years of looking and wanting he finally said it. He did it. See here you f*ckers! Katsuki Bakugou ain’t a puss*!

The nerd smiled. “You know you could’ve just said yes when I proposed plan B right?” Izuku had this smug look on his face and f*ck it but he just wanted to kiss that sh*t right off his face.

“f*ck you… Is that a yes?” His best friend?? looked ecstatic. Before he knew it, lips touched his and it was heaven. Hands wrapped around his waist and drew him closer. It felt new and weird and nice. f*cking amazing even. Every touch on his skin felt electric. It was what he had dreamed about and so much better.

Izuku broke the kiss, much to his dismay, and gave him the brightest smile ever. “Is that what you wanted?” f*ck you.

“It-“ His face felt so hot he f*cking needed to turn away before he melted. “It was.”

He felt another kiss on his cheek. “Bonus for good behavior.” f*ck. He felt like he might just pop a boner right here and there. He was screaming at his f*cking body to not ruin the mood. He heard a giggle next to his ear and strong arms pulling him in. Goddamn it.

He was the bigger one in this relationship! The yaoi lied! f*ckkkkk youuuuuuuu.

“Kacchan you alright?” Izuku asked in a tender whisper. f*ckkkkkkkk. This f*cker was trying to kill him.

He did it. He kissed Kacchan. Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh-

Get yourself together! He pulled the blond closer. It was all fine, see? Kacchan looks like how he’s feeling, so he has to act like the bigger man. It would be an asshole move to also start panicking.

“Kacchan you alright?” He asked, because really what was the next step in this? In movies this is like the main goal and then it ends, unless it’s a different kind of movie and then it begins.

He felt a nod against his shoulder. Nope, the next step in this scenario is definitely not sex. But they could tho, Izuku had educated himself on the matter in the past month, maybe a bit too well. Well he already knew most of the stuff anyway from the time Midnight was his celebrity crush in middle school. That fandom showed him things 12 year old Izuku probably shouldn’t have seen. Can you blame him though? What do you do when you’re a kid with no friends? You go on the World Wide Web of course! It’s also the reason why he’s largely desensitized to gore. And he looked pretty gory too plenty of times, so he guessed that also could’ve been-

“What are we?” Oh wait, he’s here. Kacchan’s here. He kissed Kacchan. Oh yeah. How the hell did he even forget that?! Stupid coping mechanisms.

“We can still be friends if you think boyfriends is too much.” He suggested, because either way his brain is still overheating.

They stood like that for a while, both a blushing mess just hugging in the middle of the blond’s room.

“Boyfriends.” The older finally spoke.

He kissed the shoulder his face was smushed in. “Boyfriends.” He wanted another real kiss. f*ck this was overwhelming. His insides were a slurry of fuzziness and needles. The absolute silence between them was deafening.

“Kacchan, since when?” He broke the silence, not daring to get out of the others sweet embrace.

“sh*t, since like forever I guess.” The blond mumbled into his shoulder. Forever? That’s a pretty long time.

“Me too.” So they were just both oblivious and insecure idiots after all. He should’ve just asked Kacchan out for a date earlier, the moment he realized his feelings. Maybe then this moment would’ve been a bit more graceful.

“Kacchan can I kiss you again?” He just really wants to feel like that again. Like he’s floating.

The blond responded by initiating the gesture this time. He has been yearning for this for longer than his affection became clear to even himself. His boyfriend’s (that sounded so nice) lips were so nice to the touch. So soft and warm. Weren’t they supposed to feel that way though? Like they were both- STOP GETTING SIDETRACKED!

He had to tilt his head upwards to reach the blond’s mouth, because he hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet. Not like it mattered, he was kissing the boy of his dreams. He wanted to go further, to not stop at this type of tender kiss. He won’t, in love matters he is a coward.

“Kacchan, I-“ Is it too early to say I love you? It probably is. “Can you open your mouth a little bit?” He mumbled into the kiss. his boyfriend did what was asked of him, and so he applied his weird collection of knowledge in a good way. He had practiced kissing like this a bit, but doing it with Kacchan felt so much better and different. The blond was lost in what to do, but the little groans of joy told him he was eager and more importantly liked it.

It was very clear that both of them were holding back the teenage hormones and years of pent up lust for each other. Right now they just held each other nervously, having not a clue where to put their hands and if what they were doing was good or bad. The only guidelines they were following was the internet, Yaoi and a feeling.

Izuku was starting to get dizzy from the lack of oxygen, but he really did not want to pull away. For all he cared he could just die happy right here and there. Kacchan pulled away first, breathing hard, with a flushed face and wide eyes.

“f*ck you’re good at this.”

He was heaving too. “I trained.” He confessed with absolutely no shame. “For you.” He added, just because you won doesn’t mean you can just stop flirting.

“Of course you did.” Kacchan rolled his eyes. “You f*cking nerd.”

“Guess we can f*ck in the near-“ his beautiful boyfriend kissed him again. “Shut up.” He got told as the blond sloppily tried to kiss him back the same way he did.

Once again they kissed until they were about to faint, once again he felt amazing and warm. Maybe even a tad horny but that’s a feeling to put aside for now.

“DINNER TIME BRATS!” That scared the sh*t out of him. They broke apart, both still flushed.

“Do we tell them?” He asked, because that was the first thing he needed to know.

Kacchan sighed. “Not yet.” Noted.

Izuku was a f*cking amazing kisser. They ate dinner and the only thing he could think about was the hot make out session they had just earlier. Food barely made it down his throat. He was full of energy and this ache to get back up there and continue where they left off.

Before that he got to listen to a rant about the first term finals. The old hag asked him about it and he went of like the f*cking nerd he still is.

Honestly he didn’t expect to get a boyfriend today, he expected a little kiss on the cheek and some teasing, not a tongue down his throat. Both were welcome tho. Actually scratch that, he preferred this much better. He can’t wait to just go to school and show those extras that he got the best f*cking boyfriend around. Deku is just a generally amazing person, so having the cute, handsome smart little dweeb to call his in more than just thought was great, f*cking amazing even. Now let’s make sure they grow old together. The nerd was better looking than him and he had a better personality, plus he had to compete against both men and women to keep this f*cker by his side. It was a battle he was prepared to fight.

He and his boyfriend made eye contact. Izuku winked at him. He smirked back. This felt like sharing a dirty little secret. The secret being that they have been dating for approximately half an hour now.

With dinner done they sped back upstairs. With the door closing the nerd immediately tackled him onto his bed into a hug.

The dumb sh*t chuckled. “Now I can steal more of your clothes.” How that made his f*cking heart skip a beat. This bitch is going to f*cking kill him.

“Whatever, you look good in them anyways.”

“My first compliment! Time to print it out and frame it.”

He huffed out in amusem*nt.

“So when did your dumbass realize huh?” He asked, because just after the sports festival the nerd was convinced that they were just best buds.

“After the sports festival, I did some research.” Of course he did.

“I’m not surprised at all.”

Izuku chuckled again. “Kacchan knows me so well.”

“Of course I f*cking do.” After years of most of your ego being tied to one person he better be.

“And you? When did you know?” The nerd shifted so they could cuddle.

“At the beginning of this school year.” He admitted. It took the f*cker to concern him to no end before he did.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“Not confessing sooner.”

He sighed. “You know I could’ve confessed too, right? We’re both just stupid.” Katsuki admitted. The nerd really had a gift for blaming himself.

“I guess.”

They didn’t kiss anymore after that, even though he still wished to taste more of Deku after so long. They talked and cuddled, both a bit giddy with happiness and too scared to try anything. He’ll need to sleep at least a few nights to fully register the fact that Izuku was his, he liked him back and knew it. After all those months of looking from the sidelines he got to join the nerd by his side and couldn’t be happier about it.


I got a boyfriend.


Really? The blond right?


Yep! And he wants to meet you guys.


As long as you keep him in check you can. I’ll tell the rest to try and not kill your little boyfriend.


Thanks! You’re my savior \(^▽^)/

He looked down at his brand new boyfriend. It was the middle of the night and Kacchan fell asleep on him. It didn’t bother him all that much, he still managed to reach his phone to scroll through while he petted the blond’s spiky hair.

Just a few hours ago he was fighting the number one hero, now he’s snug with Kacchan. It’s kinda incredible how well and fast that went.

Honestly it didn’t really matter which one of them won the bet, he was going to ask for the same thing anyway.

In the morning their domestic little scene continued uninterrupted, with both of Kacchan’s parents gone they went around being incredibly clingy with no repercussions. His boyfriend made him pancakes for breakfast while he complained about a new feature in a game he and Shiggy played. Over their pancakes he changed topics to something more relevant.

“I asked my gamer friend if you could come with, and he agreed!” He told the blond enthusiastically. The other just looked at him with a type of ‘that’s my partner for ya’ look.

“Great, anything I have to know about them before getting to know your scary criminal friends?”

He ignored the teasing tone. “Yes actually, remember that villain that we fought in the USJ?”

“What about them?” Kacchan looked at him with suspicion.

“Well the warp guy and villain with all the hands? They are friends with me.” He mentioned as casually as he could.

“What? The f*ck?” The blond looked at him like he didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

“They didn’t know I was in UA! I didn’t tell them because it was supposed to be a surprise for the sports festival. And then they attacked and they couldn’t go back because Shiggy has his sensei and he has to follow the orders from above but he promised me to never attack UA again, or at least try to not attack UA again but they attacked Hosu and didn’t know I was there so-“

“Deku, breathe.” Oh yeah, he forgot about that.

“You’re not mad?” He asked. He was literally friends with someone who tried to kill them in the past. Well killed is a strong word.

“No, it’s- should I be surprised? It’s fine or whatever, you nerd.” Kacchan made a face like he didn’t just sleep 8 or more hours and instead slept the much healthier 4 aka tired.

“Good, by the way all of the roommates are villains.” He mentioned really quickly. “One of them will ask you for blood, she has a blood quirk and kinda needs it to remain sane, or at least as sane as she can be. Kurogiri is very nice as long as you respect him, he’s the mist guy and one of two only responsible adults. The other is Magne, she’s awesome, you can usually find her in a Hawaiian shirt. Twice can be a bit odd sometimes but if you just ignore the second voice he’s alright. Dabi is a bit of an ass, so I imagine you guys won’t like each other all that much. If you smell any weed it’s probably his or Spinner’s. Spinner really idolizes Stain so you may butt heads there. They won’t attack you unless provoked. Except Himiko, she just likes stabbing people. There’s also mister compress, he’s very nice and will show you magic tricks if there is any or no reason for it.” He spewed the fountain of information at his boyfriend without warning, leaving Kacchan overwhelmed with it all.

“Anything else?” The hesitation in the blond’s voice went ignored.

“Tomura has a pretty destructive quirk and talks a lot in video game lingo.” He added after some thought.

They finished their breakfast without much more conversation, due to Kacchan not being awake just yet and having had to process actual information.

It was time to introduce a few people to each other, and kiss his boyfriend as much as possible before the end of this weekend.


Sending my condolences to anyone who has seasonal allergies, stay strong brothers.

Chapter 22: Fruit salad with a dressing of trauma


Katsuki meets the in-laws! And a bit of shopping.


I feel like the fanfic writer curse is already affecting me, and I’ve been writing for only 2 months TwT.

Happy pride month everyone! Remember to be proud in spite of everyone who thinks you shouldn’t :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Katsuki looked at the black-purple mist in front of him with distrust. Izuku said it was safe and all, but the last time he’d seen this type of sh*t was during a traumatic experience. You can’t f*cking blame him for being hesitant.

“C’mon!” Deku however jumped through that sh*t without a single thought.

Well f*ck it, he jumped though as well. Better to just do it, he ain’t no chicken.

“Izuuuuu! You’re back!” A blond girl was hugging his Izuku. “And you’re the boyfriend?? You’re so lucky!” She jumped to him with some type of endless energy. She had a knife? SHE HAD A KNIFE! He dodged the blade just in time.

“Awww you’re no fun.” She pouted. Well f*ck you too! He got his hand ready for some exploding.

“f*ck yo-“

“Himiko please! Don’t stab him.” The greenette asked the f*cking psycho.

“Okie!” She drew back. “I’m very sorry Izu’s boyfriend! I’ll stab you next time!” She promised with a wide smile. He was left with his hand drawn and ready with no opponent to fight.

“Is that the one that stabs?” He remembered his boyfriend mentioning someone like that in his rant. He didn’t expect for her to try and stab him right away! Who the f*ck does that?

“Yep!” His Deku took some type of weird needle thingy and stuck it in his arm with once again zero hesitation.

“Don’t talk about me like I’m not here, it’s rude.” The girl that literally just tried to make him into a shishkebab pouted again.

“So is stabbing people.” He deadpanned.

“But I didn’t stab you! I tried to! There’s a difference.”

“I hate to admit she may be right.” The little sh*t said with a smirk.

“f*ck both of you!”

“Threesome??? Sure!” The girl yelled. What? No!

“You brats are way too young for that.” A raspy ass voice entered the room. The man that came in looked almost exactly like how he did during the USJ, just without the hand on his face.

“Not true! I’m almost 18!” Himiko chimed in.

“I don’t even want to do that sh*t with you. I’m gay.” Why is saying ‘I’m gay’ so satisfying?

“Okay okay I get it.” She slumped down a bit.

“I think you know who that is.” Izuku motioned over to the villain.

“And you’re Kacchan aren’t ya?” The emo asked him.

“It’s Bakugou for you.”

“Awww you guys have nicknames for each other? That’s adorable!” The blond girl recovered very quickly from her earlier gloominess.

“Alright Bakugou, I won’t be saying sorry for the USJ, your boyfriend scolded me for that already. I will say that if you hurt the brat I will personally murder your entire family.” So that was what Deku meant with the younger brother treatment.

“I wasn’t planning on that anyway, besides he can and has broken my arm a few times.” He assured the villain. He was kinda digging this vibe.

“Kacchan! That was training.” The nerd playfully shoved him to the side.

“Yeah whatever, I’m just saying you’re strong as hell.”

“Thanks to you!”

Himiko squealed and the emo gagged.

“Don’t do that disgusting romance sh*t in front of me! I have seen enough waifu wars on our discord server already!”

“It’s not disgusting at all Shiggy, it’s beautiful!” Shiggy? That is f*cking amazing.

“Weren’t there supposed to be more of ya?” He questioned. Like Izuku mentioned 8 people. These are not 8 people, in fact he’ll go as far as to say this were one fourth of the people mentioned.

“Their just f*cking around somewhere, I don’t know.” The man in black shrugged.

“Kurogiri isn’t here either?” Deku asked.

“Nope, he is out gathering info for me.”

“Aww, I wanted to introduce my boyfriend to the rest.” He shuffled a bit closer to the greenette to provide comfort.

“They'll be back by ten, don’t worry bout it.” The man ruffled Izuku’s hair.

“Me too!” Himiko went ahead and also ruffled the green curls. The nerd being ruffled giggled.

“f*ck off he’s mine.” He drew his boyfriend closer to him, only to also ruffle his hair. sh*t’s soft as f*ck.

The door to the bar opened. “I’m back with some beer!” In stepped a man so scarred he rivaled Deku in centimeters skin covered by scar tissue alone. The man took a peak inside the room and his icy blue eyes targeted him in an instant.

“Broccoli, that’s ya little boyfriend?”

The nerd nodded.

Another man followed, this one looking an awful lot like a ninja turtle. “Izuku has a boyfriend?”

“Yea, didn’t you get the memo?” Scarred guy asked the lizard.

“Nope, I have my phone on airplane mode most of the time to save battery.”

“Dude that’s like straight up psychopathic.”

“No it isn’t! You kill people.”

“That’s just a hobby man, what you do disgusts me. And you kill people too!”

“No I do not! I haven’t killed anyone yet.”

“Not gonna lie, I don’t know who has the moral high ground in this.” Deku teased from the sidelines. He gave the needle thingy from earlier to him.

“The f*ck is this?” The two grown men continued to argue while putting away the groceries.

“Blood for Himiko.” He took one look at the psycho girl, who was just sitting on her phone now that the bar got more crowded. With a sigh he donated some blood to the cause as well.

“So this is where you spend your time?” He took one good look around the old style bar.

“Yep. I don’t know why but they are just really nice to hang out with.” He looked at the scene with a little shine in his eyes. f*ck his boyfriend is gorgeous.

“I’m gonna get us something to drink. Anything specific you want?”

“Just a co*ke.” He shrugged.

“A drink, they don’t have that drug here I’m pretty sure.”

“Yes, the drink, co*ke. You know that black liquid.” The f*cking dumbass forgot about the existence of co*ke. He’ll tell you the entire known life of like twenty heroes but common foods? Nah who needs that knowledge right?

Izuku fumbled a bit. “O-oh yeah right. C-coming right up!” He walked away to the bar with a red face.

He just looked after the dumb f*ck he’s dating while shaking his head.

The scarred dude took his turn to bother him. “What should I call ya kid?” This guy looked even more emo than the last one.

“Bakugou, and you?” Let’s just engage in socializing or whatever, if Izuku likes them he has to know them.

“Dabi” The f*ck kind a name is that? Wasn’t there like an old trend with a similar name?

“Did your parents name you that? They must hate you.” He attempted a snide comment, which only resulted in a nod.

“They didn’t name me that but they do hate me.” Aha, explains sh*t.

“Is that a thing everyone here has or?”

“I guess. You?”

“Nah, my parents are good.”

“You’re the only one here then. Maybe except for Kurogiri, that guy just spawned one day.” He won’t even try to question what that means.

Izuku got back with a glass of co*ke and a glass of water. Never mind, that is vodka, the odor of that sh*t shot through his nose like a bullet.

“Broccoli, this guy’s fine. I approve.” Who the f*ck are you to do that?

“Thanks.” His boyfriend responded like he was allowed to do that after all.

“Oh yeah by the way sorry for last week, I was kind of an ass when I was high.” Dabi said nonchalantly, like he wasn’t actually sorry.

“It’s fine I have no memories of that night.” Deku shrug off.

The rest of that evening he got to know more cryptic little weirdo’s. Magne was kinda nice tho. He got a lot of alcohol offered to him, and he took none. His nerd however just took whatever and got all giggly and flirty. The f*cker was incredibly embarrassing, making the rest of the company laugh and or cringe several times. He won at poker a few times, much to everyone’s dismay. Everyone accused him of rookie luck, it was f*cking hilarious. Dabi and Twice tried to kill him a few times, and all he could do was laugh maniacally at his win. The Shiggy guy started teasing Deku about having a sugar daddy, a statement the dumbass confirmed by mentioning his bow. From that moment on everyone just dubbed him sugar daddy and he didn’t hear his name again. It was incredibly irritating, but Deku laughed whenever they called him that. The nickname stayed.

He and Izuku kissed, they got applauded. He tasted bitter like vodka, sweet like liquor and smelled like a winery. But somehow just because it was him, he loved it.

He could kinda get why the nerd liked this place so much. This random group of people felt like a family, a dysfunctional one, but still a family.

At the end of the night the mist guy appeared and most of the adults got scolded. He got a handshake and a glare that sent chills through his body. He felt like a fiancé in one of those romance comedy movies where he was being accepted by the family of his soon to be wife. Which means he was winning this sh*t, one day into the relationship and he already got to meet the parents of his partner. Nice.

He did get to see those unsolicited magic tricks, and they were actually pretty impressive. Not like he’d ever tell Compress that.

It was a fun night, much more fun than his introverted ass anticipated.

The night was blurry again. He was slurring his words, rambling about something he himself had no understanding of. It was fun with the league, they were really nice and all, but now he was with Kacchan, his boyfriend, which was even better. He was leaning on him a lot as they walked back from the warping spot to Kacchan’s house. He liked being so close to the blond, and admitted that shamelessly.

Shamelessly he threw his lips against the ones of his lover the moment the door closed behind them and shamelessly he pinned his lover to the wall. The kisses were warm and fuzzy, lighting him up with an electric energy that fueled his passion more.

“Izuku, my parents-“ He tore away, grabbing the blond firmly by his hand and dragging him upstairs. Gone was the restraint and insecurity from yesterday, he wanted to let his drunk self do whatever he wanted. His drunk self wanted Kacchan.

Having closed yet another door, he clashed into his boyfriend yet again. He pushed the other on the bed, kissing as much as he could. With one hand exploring whatever it could and the other supporting him, he made Kacchan squeal and groan. The sound was f*cking holy. His lips trailed off Kacchan’s mouth, down to suck and bite away at the sweet skin on his lover's neck.

“Izuku f*ckkk” The blond whispered in his ear. f*ck that was hot.

“Y-you’re drunk.” The blond almost whimpered.

“So?” He stopped his kisses in favor of falling on top of his boyfriend to hug him tightly. “I want to kiss you~” He giggled.

“It’s going too fast.”

“I can be slow.” He smiled sheepishly.

Those crimson eyes looked at him with an intensity he wanted to keep for himself forever. He felt special when his Kacchan looked at him like that. Red is suck a pretty color.

“I don’t want to yet.” The blond admitted.

Oh, okay. That’s fine. He rolled off his boyfriend to lay down next to him. A touch of clarity wiped away all more daring thoughts.

“Sorry Kacchan.” Kacchan was right, he was moving too fast. God he was moving way too fast. With the excitement of their touch still radiating between he resorted to a soft kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek. “We shouldn’t be doing it anyway, we don't have condoms yet.”

The blond mumbled something along the lines of “f*ck me I chose too well.”

He giggled, kissing Kacchan’s cheek again.

The nerd fell asleep first this time around, he lay awake with a boner. Holy f*cking sh*t, Deku attacked him like he was some fine steak. He really did want to do it, but it would feel incredibly wrong if he was sober and his boyfriend not. And like the nerd mentioned, they don’t really have the things to do that just yet. Izuku wanted him like no one ever had, and it was goddamn beautiful. Words cannot express how much he loved the hunger in his boyfriend’s eyes.

Today was a bit too much for his brain to handle, their first day as a couple was eventful as f*ck. First being all sweet, then meeting f*cking villains and now Deku layed next to him, passed out after going further than he ever anticipated. They were still fully clothed, sweaty from the stress of a poker match and a passionate make out session. He didn’t get up to change, he was too tired. He dozed away on his side facing Izuku.

The rest of the weekend went a bit less eventfully, their classmates thought it was a good idea to go shopping for the sh*t they’d need for that summer camp sh*t. On their way there Izuku got a f*cking amazing idea.

“Let’s not tell them.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Let’s just not tell them and then kiss when we’re already on the campsite.” Deku had a devious little smirk.

“You wanna prank them? When did you grow the balls to do that?” He laughed along. That would be funny.

“When we got together! I feel like I can do anything now!” The nerd shouted, catching some glances from the crowd around them.

“Let’s also play it off like ‘that’s just what best friends do’” He added his own two cents. “Can’t wait to see pinky and pink cheeks freaking out.”

“Yes! ‘Kacchan and me? Huh? We’re just best friends, I don’t like him like that’” They broke into snickers while stepping through the rotating door of the local mall. It was easy to spot their class, seeing as they had a rainbow of hair colors together. Honestly he won’t be surprised if half of these f*ckers turn out to be some flavor of queer, they already look like a pride flag anyways.

“Midobro! Bakubro! You’re here!” Dunce face shouted, getting the attention of all the other extras.

Soon he got separated from the nerd, getting dragged off by sh*tty hair and raccoon eyes. Soy sauce face and Pikachu joined them and off they go to the amazing world of ‘mall’. The most exciting place on the planet.

First Pinky dragged them to a makeup store, he wasn’t necessarily against it. His parents were fashion designers, so he got to do a few photo shoots in his youth. Makeup was kinda a standard in that industry and he looks pretty f*cking good with some eyeshadow or eyeliner. Of course raccoon eyes got super excited when he started actually looking through the supplies for some eyeliner to try out because why not? The other three had no clue what to do with themselves in the store, except sparky, who immediately dashed over to anything horrendously neon colored. Pinky recommend him a makeup brand, making his shopping bags just a few grams heavier.

Next they went to a more general hobby store for the things they actually needed for that camping sh*t. Of course the stupid dumbasses just bought a bunch of useless stuff too, like glitter. Pikachu and Raccoon eyes were scheming something about a ‘glitter bomb’, an idea he quickly made them forget. Glitter is one of the most f*cking annoying things in the world and he does NOT want that sh*t plaguing all his personal belongings. And it’s really f*cking bad for the environment, it’s just a bad f*cking product.

They ran from one store to the other, buying useless crap left and right and spreading chaos for the poor minimum wage employees. He had to scold the idiots a lot, because you are not f*cking allowed to just be rude to costumer service like that. Mama didn’t raise a pig after all, she raised a well mannered, well spoken ‘gentleman’.

Eventually he encountered Deku’s little squad in a gaming shop, one nobody but the nerd knew how to navigate. Duct tape wanted to check out some bullsh*t in there, and now he and his boyfriend were in a heated debate about microtransactions in video games. The rest of their groups just looked around the store, floating about looking at covers of games they had no clue about.

“Do you know what Midoriya is talking about?” Pink cheeks asked him. They were looking at the same section with games with a blue rim.

“Not a singular f*cking clue.” He picked up a game with zombies on the front.

“I’m starting to get why you call him a nerd.” She remarked before picking up a racing game.

“Because he’s a f*cking nerd, the little sh*t can ramble on and on about bullsh*t.”

“Sometimes it’s interesting tho! He analyzed my quirk for me once and it was so amazing!” Oh boy.

“Wait until you see his notebook, he has notes on your quirk in there for sure. And your personality. And your life choices. And your ancestry for quirk research purposes.” He half joked. Deku didn’t include life choices, the rest…

“Really? That’s kinda creepy.” She laughed off.

“No sh*t. Every time I see that sh*t I’m glad he isn’t a villain or society would be f*cked.” That was true, the possibility does scare him sh*tless. f*cking imagine what that midget might have done if he didn’t stop bullying him.

“Probably. How’s your weekend going?” Small talk, f*cking great.

“Fine, you?”

“Pretty good as well! I spared enough money to buy more than just rice for dinner!”


“Mhm! Since UA provides lunch I don’t have to give out that much money on food anymore, and I can buy myself a snack once a week.” The brunette said like it was no big deal.

“That’s… sad.” So pink cheeks is poor as f*ck?

“I guess.” She shrugged off, and put the game back.

Frog girl came to them to tell them Deku and Duct tape are done talking.

The shopping sh*t continued, only this time the group split in a few different ways. He and Izuku got to be alone for a while. The greenette dragged him to a clothing store and told him about a way to make their prank even funnier, matching t-shirt. He got the even better idea of buying two wildly different ones, and sharing them on camp and seeing when the others will notice.

Their plan was starting to look more and more fun the longer they schemed about it. They even considered getting a matching pair of underwear for sh*ts and giggles, until they both realized how f*cking embarrassing that sh*t could be.

Getting out they bumped into none other than… Shiggy?


I’m not going to make the minors do anything 18+ in this fanfic, but I am considering a short more smutty aged up sequel to this if I feel like it.

Chapter 23: Crippling oxygen addiction


Shiggy has a mental breakdown, children go camping.


What came first, the mental instability or the the effects of mental instability?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With the brats gone the rest of the league slowly but surely dozed off on the couch or retreated to their rooms. Tomura did so too, going back to the dimly lit small room he called his. It wasn’t the biggest, actually it was one of the smaller rooms in the building, but he liked it that way. Video games, consoles and collectibles filled all shelves available, leaving little space for the books sensei made him read in his youth about strategy and money management. He read them, but learned way more from managing stores in simulators about those things anyway. They lay forgotten in a pile of other garbage he’ll never use again. He felt a bit bad about disrespecting his sensei’s gifts like that, but it wasn’t enough to make him do something about it. He slept on a futon on the ground, one that was surrounded by walls of comics and manga making it look nice and ‘cozy’. He had one closet, where all of his clothes lay mostly unused. He preferred his 3 or so hoodies, all black and well worn and a few pairs of sweatpants. They felt better on his skin than tight formal clothing.

He sighed looking at his little corner, the one part of his life that sensei gave him complete freedom in. Befriending Izuku and his sugar daddy was and always has been a part of his life he didn’t fully understand. He found the brat by saving him in the first place, what did that make him? Killing people is still pretty fun though, so he can’t be too righteous. Killing people is fun when they’re little bitches, not exactly when they're completely innocent. Killing kids feels real bad too. Don’t vigilantes do that type of stuff? Killing bastards only?

Not like he can do that. Sensei did so much for him, he saved him when those f*cking heroes didn’t. But Izuku is going to be a hero, and he’s basically the ideal of that profession, the exact type of person Stain was talking about. Unlike him he doesn’t have a criminal record, has a strong moral code and the past to sympathize with people like him. He can’t be the only one right? Like Eraserhead, he’s pretty cool. Eraserhead also has all that, which is why he likes him so much. Shigaraki had the feeling that that man would save him too, if he saw his child self wandering the streets covered in blood. At least he hoped so, he hoped so really hard when he first discovered the hero a few years back. Sometimes he clung to bits and pieces of his past, of the little things he remembered. He had a sister. They wanted to become a hero duel. Father didn’t like the idea. Sometimes he wondered what could’ve been. It’s a dream that will never come true. Sensei cared for him too, sensei gave him everything he had and made him everything he was.

Somewhere amidst his moral dilemma he fell asleep. The morning he woke up he was ashamed and furious at himself for even daring to question his sensei like that. The man scratched away at his neck until his fingers were painted red and sticky. f*ck. He wanted to kick something or kill someone, just to feel a bit better. Tomura wouldn’t, he couldn’t go out like that, he looked pathetic. Bloody and angry at everything including himself. Angry that he was disappointing sensei, angry he was blaming his first friend for this and angry at himself for even existing. He could just destroy sh*t in his room, but everything in here was too valuable to destroy.

Eventually wrath shimmered out to be replaced with shame and regret. He got some bandages and wrapped them around his throat haphazardly, he checked if they weren’t staining already with his phone camera. With that he put up his hood and walked straight out for some fresh air.

“Kurogiri, warp me to a random mall, I don’t care where.”

With that he appeared in an unfamiliar place, he wanted to just get lost in the crowd and walk around in circles for the right amount of stimulation from the noise. Making a few rounds and focusing on random conversations around him he bumped into someone.

It was Izuku and his sugar daddy. Huh. Interesting coincidence.

“Tomura? What are you doing here?” His friend looked mildly alarmed.

“Walking I guess, is that not allowed?” His confusion must have been really apparent, because it calmed the greenette down immediately.

“Damn that’s crazy, I didn’t think you’d actually go outside. No offense.” He sent a glare to the blond, one that was received with a snicker.

“You can come with- never mind. What if the class sees you? They’ll freak out. You should probably go.” And the concern came back.

“You brats are here with your whole damn class?” That’s a thing people do?

“Yeah, Raccoon eyes came up with the stupid idea and the rest of the extras went along with it.” The blond said, clearly opposed to the idea. Let’s not question what the hell Raccoon eyes was.

“But Kacchan it’s fun!” Izuku shuffled closer to his boyfriend and nudged him with his shoulder.

“For your ass, not for me. I don’t like anyone in our class.”

“That’s not true! You hang out with Kirishima and Mina sometimes.”

“Whatever, the point is the idiots are here and they know who you are.”

That is kind of a problem, he doesn’t feel like killing people today. Not anymore, his homicidal urges calmed down a bit by now. “Yea I’ll call Kurogiri to take me back, the police are a pain in the ass.”

They nodded.

“Kacchan, find the others, I’ll go with Shiggy to a back alley or somewhere.”

“Fine, just don’t do anything stupid. Both of you.” The Bakugou kid walked away, leaving him and his friend alone. The greenette took him by his arm and put his own hoodie up too. They slowly made their way out of the mall into the streets, avoiding any potential run-ins with the hero brats. They almost made it out with only a few close calls, until somebody called Izuku.

“Midoriya! Where are you going?” A female voice shouted behind them. His friend turned around to face them while he froze in place. This is the exact moral dilemma he was hoping to avoid.

“I’m just going to a smaller store outside the mall! My mom asked me to pick up something for her!” A sloppy quick lie came out of the greenette’s mouth.

“And who’s that?” The voice was really close nearby.

“My cousin! I accidentally bumped into him here so we wanted to chat a bit.” Another lie.

“A cousin? That’s nice! Hi! I’m Ochako Uraraka.” He turned around as well, holding his head low and he waived.

“He has social anxiety! I don’t think he wants to talk.” He was starting to think that dealing with the cops was easier than this crap.

“Oh… I’m sorry. I’ll go back to the rest then. By the way me and the girls are at that cafe with the lava cake, so come to us when you can!”

Both of them let out a deep breath when the girl left. The pair continued walking to the nearest back alley without any other encounters.

“Thanks I guess.” He said, kind of relieved that he encountered the brats first. Dealing with this moral sh*t was enough, thank you.

“No problem! Wouldn’t want you to get arrested, or to kill more people, or both.” The greenette laughed off, even though both of them felt simultaneously off put by the suggestion.

The purple-black mist finally took him back to the league’s hideout. f*ck. The walk achieved nothing. He was once again left alone with his own thoughts.

That was close. He felt bad for lying to his friend, but it was a necessary evil. Tomura was a bad person, but they’ve been friends for a year now. The man helped him, introduced him to a lot of new things and people and taught him about the underground in a way that made him understand, not hate the people that were a part of it. He was eternally grateful for everything the villain had done for him. But he couldn’t really support him. Killing people is still bad.

Izuku got back to the mall, immediately going to the cafe Uraraka mentioned. Most of their class was already there, waiting for their drinks and pastries. He joined Uraraka, Tsu, Iida and Todoroki.

“We can organize a pillow fight!” Uraraka suggested.

“We’ll have to make sure to set concrete ground rules to ensure a safe pillow fighting experience.”

“There are rules? I thought you just threw the pillows at each other.” Todoroki asked, clueless as ever.

“There is a bit more to it ribbit, you can also beat each other up with the pillows. That’s how I do it with my younger siblings to establish dominance.”

He took a seat at the table. “Establish dominance? Aren’t you the oldest one?”

“Iida, Todoroki , you also have siblings right? You guys can confirm that the oldest one is allowed to bully the younger ones right?”

“I… we’ll yeah, that is true.”

“I don’t know, I didn’t really interact with my older siblings until I was fourteen.”

"FOURTEEN?! How?? Don’t you live in the same house?”

Todoroki proceeded to trauma dump on them, even though he was just simply talking about his life. By the end a few new people joined the Endeavor hate club.

Kacchan joined the table too, only to not speak a word and hold his hand under the table. It was quite nice. They got their drinks, ordered some of that lava cake the place was famous for and continued talking. Eventually Mina and Kirishima took their chairs and joined in the circle around the coffee table.

The pink girl took something out of his boyfriend’s bag. It was some type of makeup, he wasn’t sure. Izuku wasn’t very knowledgeable about these types of things. What he did know was that it was pretty impressive and that Kacchan looked really good with it. Like stunning. He was starting to regret their prank, because he wanted to kiss the blond here and there just to make sure no one else would want to steal his beautiful boyfriend away from him.

Uraraka offered to do his makeup too, and without much thought he agreed. Why not? Turns out he doesn’t like it. Don’t get him wrong, the girls did an amazing job with how little time and resources they had. Kacchan’s face really said it all, but he did not like how it felt on his face.

“It feels weird.”

Mina frowned. “Weird like good weird or weird like bad weird?”

“Bad weird?”

“Maybe you’re just not used to it?” Tsu offered.

“You probably just have sensory issues with it, don’t stress about it. It’s normal.” Kacchan really does know everything.

“That could be it! My aunt also has some issues like that! She looks so pretty in makeup but doesn’t wear it often because she doesn’t like how it feels.” Mina confirmed his boyfriend’s suggestion.

“That’s good to know.” He laughed off, scratching the back of his neck. That’s another new thing he learned about himself. Unfortunately he’ll have to wait until they get back home to wipe it off. He was enjoying the look the blond was giving him, a lot. Once again he really really wanted to kiss his boyfriend until that fresh makeup stopped looking so clean and neat. The greenette’s brain was going dangerously close to the R-rated section.

After an hour the day for their teenage asses was ending, since dinner and stuff had to be attended to. Thank god, because the skin on his face was starting to feel horrible. He had unconsciously been scratching his face to get it off, making that eyeliner he had smudged way too much for saving. Kaminari remarked that he looked incredibly emo like that, and the class laughed.

Having returned home, or better said Kacchan’s home, he raced to the bathroom to get it off his face. He didn’t know what to use though, so his boyfriend had to help him find something.

At the end of the day he got to lay nice and warm against his lover.

“Kacchan, I love you.” Izuku said, without thinking about anything at all. The blond, who was just petting his hair, completely froze. “Is something wrong?”

“I- f*ck Deku you can’t just say that outta nowhere!” The older pushed him off his shoulder.

“What?” He fell, while Kacchan stood up with a red face.

“I wasn’t ready! I-“ The blond stormed out of the room. He could do not thing but stare. What did he say?

Stomping came back and his boyfriend plopped down next to him again, arms folded with a pout.

“I love you too you dumb f*ck.” Oh.

Well sh*t. He turned into a ripe tomato and curled up into a ball. The green-red ball of embarrassment let out one long groan containing like 5 emotions at once, 4 of which he couldn’t even name.

His cruel boyfriend laughed about his embarrassment. Fair enough.


“YES! FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME YES!” He yelled, checking nonetheless. They had to wake up early as f*ck tomorrow to get on the camping sh*t.


Izuku ran circles around his room. Did he have everything? Wait no! He needs another notebook just in case. And three extra pairs of underwear just in case. Maybe he should take a few extra shirts? It’s warm so he’ll sweat through them really quickly! He’ll need a charger too! 2 chargers ideally, so he can lend it out to classmates in need, they cannot just keep using poor Kaminari for this.

The greenette looked frantically around his room for one more item. He found it! A small bottle of incredibly strong vodka, like 70% type strong. He got it from Tomura on his birthday and has been keeping it ever since.

His phone went off.


“ARE YOU READY?!” He threw his phone across the room.

“What happened?” Kacchan’s voice boomed from the speaker. His ears hurt. Izuku picked the phone back up.

“Can you please not yell into my ears? It hurts.”

“Oh yeah, sh*t. Sorry. Do you have everything packed? Don’t forget about a toothbrush and sh*t.”

“Yes Kacchan, I have it packed.” He rolled his eyes. It was kinda cute the blond went out of his way to remind him.

“Good, the old hag told me to remind you.”

“My future mother-in-law cares about me! Yippee!” Another good thing.

“Mother-in-law? Nerd, we can’t marry, sh*t’s illegal.” He had to ignore the joky tone his boyfriend was speaking in.

“In Japan! Nobody ever said anything about another country, plus I’m gonna do so much activism that it will become legal by the time.”

“Oh sh*t you’re serious? Do I have a say in this?”

“Nope. Not at all.” The greenette giggled.

“Have fun Katsuki!”

“Don’t kill anyone you brat!”

“I WON'T!"

“Bye house, I’ll be back.”

He found the nerd on their way to the train station. Deku had three duffel bags with him and they were all chock full of sh*t. He only had one. What the f*ck did that dumbass even pack? Asking that question was a mistake. His boyfriend packed literally anything and everything, and some extras ‘just in case’.

Even the hobo looked at the nerd like he was crazy. Because he was crazy. And this is the guy he chose to be obsessed with for the rest of his life.

Like usual only they, Sonic and Icyhot were already there.

“Are you also excited to continue learning?” The four-eyed dipsh*t asked.

“Mhm! It’s so cool we get to actually go out into the wild for these types of things! This is going to be the first camp I go to where not everybody hates me! I wonder how different that is from usual.” Like usual Deku dropped a bomb of information on their unsuspecting classmates.

“Midoriya, I advise you to seek therapy.” At least mister engine legs gave a sh*t.

“You won’t convince him, I’ve been trying for a year.”

“I don’t think I really need it. Besides, I don't think my mom can afford it.” Izuku tried to write off with the obvious lie. Obvious to him, Sonic doesn’t know how sh*tty Inko really is.

“UA has a councilor! Hound Dog will definitely take you.” Iida still tried.

“Hound Dog is pretty nice.” Icyhot chimed in for the first and probably last time.

“I was in his office once, but they didn’t ask me back so it’s probably fine.” The nerd shrugged.

Katsuki saw his teacher side eyeing the greenette at that statement.

“I see.” No you don’t, you f*cking four eyes. You have glasses for a reason.

“Whatever. Any ideas where the other extras might be?” It wasn’t that early now was it?

“No clue.” Look at that, great mister daddy and mommy issues spoke again. What a rare sight.

“Uraraka informed me she was on her way.”

Bird head appeared out of the shadows. “I’m here as well.”

Four eyes jumped.

“It’s you.” It took the f*cker a millisecond to recover.

“Revelry in the dark.”

“Once again, does that mean anything?” Aaaaand bird bitch was gone.

“I think it’s funny.” Deku commented.

“Of course you do.” He put a hand on his face. “Of course you do.” This was already tiring.

Somebody hugged him from behind. The blond got ready to attack only for it to be Raccoon eyes.

“Hello Bakugouuuuu." She let go before any of her well deserved explosions landed.

“Mido, Iida, Baku and Todoroki in one spot? I must be in heaven!” Sonic was so put off guard he didn’t even reprimand the girl.

“I’m gay, back off.” He hissed back.

“Kacchan be nice!”

“What? It’s the truth!”

“I know, I know! You guys are just eye candy.” She grinned.

“I feel objectified.” Four eyes confessed.

“Sorry!” Raccoon eyes tried to save her sorry ass. Too bad for her he was ready to kill a bitch today.

He did not get to kill a bitch today, Deku threatened his make out rights.

The bus finally arrived after all of these extras took hours to get there. They loaded their sh*t into the vehicle and off they went on a grandiose adventure to a summer camp. Can’t wait to sleep in one cabin with twenty hormonal teenagers. Sounds fantastic.

For now he’ll just hold his boyfriend’s hand.


Who likes the dadzawa trope? I do ;)

Chapter 24: Total Drama Island


The lovebirds go camping, lore comes forth and kids are tamed.


We hit 200 kudo’s! I’d like to thank everyone for reading and everyone for commenting and making my day!

On a sadder note I know that the past chapter was lacking in that juicy humor goodness, but I hope this one’s a bit better.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Are we there yetttt?”

“I swear to f*cking god if you ask that sh*t one more time you’re returning to you family in pieces.”


“But it’s been so looooong.”

“Kaminari, I’ll have to agree with Bakugou on this, asking every five minutes won’t bring us any closer or make us any faster.”

“I know. It’s just we’re like in the middle of nowhere and-“

The bus slowed down. There was some confusion about it until Iida suggested that this was a quick break spot. Glancing at sensei made him question that theory. The man had that glint in his eyes he had when planning something annoying, he’d seen it plenty during their internship.

A mirage of groans sounded from the class, with almost everyone complaining about their legs. Izuku did so too, because god this felt horrible. He heard Aizawa sensei huff out in amusem*nt, which means that something will definitely happen.

Something happened. More specifically the Wild Wild puss*cats happened. At first he was really excited, because it’s the Wild Wild puss*cats! He loves the hero team to death, they are incredibly good at their job and have the most wholesome of interviews. But then they yeeted the class off a cliff. It’s not like he was never pushed off things in the past, but it still hurts. Still better than stairs, stairs leave you broken and bruised. At least he could use that sweet adrenaline for something useful, like running, a lot of running.

The class organized themselves into squads to keep each other safe, he was the leader of squad B, containing Kacchan, Kaminari, Sero and Hagakure. It was really hard to get the invisible girl to cooperate, especially with the remarks she was throwing at him and having to restrain Kacchan from killing people a second- no, actually third time that day. Eventually she complied, after he saved her from one of the mud monsters Pixi-bob made.

They got promised lunch, lunch became dinner after a long long way across the gigantic forest that belonged to the hero team. UA took extra repercussions after that attack at the start of the year and put them on private property. It made the fact he could just text the villain they were hiding from kinda funny. The food was delicious, like the best thing ever. Maybe it had something to do with him forgetting to eat breakfast?

There was a little kid at the campsite. He looked angry. When he tried to approach the boy he got punched in his crotch. Now he had to restrain Kacchan while dealing with the intense pain of getting punched in the balls. Mandalay apologized for who was apparently her nephew.

They got hot springs. f*ck yeah! The only problem was that his classmates weren’t fully aware of just how scarred he was. Kacchan always stood in front of him in the lockers and his hero costume didn’t reveal much skin. Well, it wasn’t like he could hide that forever.

“You sure nerd?” They were the only ones left in the changing rooms.

“Yep. It’s fine. They’re just scars.” The greenette nodded, hoping that his boyfriend wouldn’t make it too big of a deal.

“I’ll kill anyone that-“

“You don’t have to, really. It’s fine if they ask.” He reassured Kacchan, and himself. He kissed the blond on his cheek and walked out into the hot spring.

He ran up to the water, threw his towel off and jumped into the warm water as fast as possible. Yells of protest could be heard from surrounding classmates, as the hot water splashed them in the face. Kacchan followed him soon after, earning another few yells and a laugh from him.

“That’s not cool!”

“It’s a safety hazard!”

“Relax sonic, nobody got hurt.” Maybe except for him, because the scars on his back, shoulder, arm and left leg hurt a lot due to the quick change of temperature.

Nobody asked about them, because he was still fully submerged, except for his head.

“You okay?” Kacchan asked him. The blond could probably see how uncomfortable he still was. He tried to relax and sat down on the carved out underwater ledge

“Why would he not be?” All eyes turned to him. This was feeling an awful lot like middle school.

“Midoriya…” Todoroki looked at him with wide eyes. sh*t, he might have triggered something for him.

“It’s fine guys! It’s all in the past. I’m not in middle school anymore, or elementary, or kindergarten.” He probably made it worse by going down the timeline.

“Kindergarten? That early?” Ojiro yelled out in surprise.

“I mean it wasn’t the teachers yet, just the other kids.”


“Okay they only singled me out.”

“That’s so messed up dude.”

“Did you sue them? My brother can help you with that.”

“I can give you one of my father’s credit cards-“

“We’re here to help-“

“Why are you guys crying over the quirkless-“

“Bro why didn’t you tell us? We-“

Everyone tried to help, except for Mineta. It was really nice of them and all, but it was a bit too much. With every comment he shrunk back into Kacchan’s side. They were way too loud.

“SHUT THE f*ck UP! You’re stressing him out.” Kacchan, that marriage is coming for sure.

Everyone started apologizing at once, which made the girls on the other side of the fence question what happened. Aizawa sensei came out to check for the noise and honestly he just wanted to disappear at this point. It was too loud. He stood up, took his towel and left for the changing rooms.

The brats were yelling again. Goddamnit. Shouta had just been chatting with the puss*cats about the camping arrangements when his students started getting really loud for some reason.

“Sorry, I’ll check on them.” He excused himself and reluctantly got up to see what the hell those kids were doing. The pro hero heard it coming from the boy's side, so he went outside and found the boys closing in on Midoriya, apologizing for something he missed. The greenette looked really uncomfortable. He wanted to get the kid out of there, but the problem child went himself.

The kid was covered head to toe in scars. He looked like a veteran in the hero industry, not a mere student. The bullying was much harder than he previously thought. His student shot past him in only the towel straight into the changing rooms.

“Stay here, I’ll go to Midoriya.” His other students tried to protest, but he shut them down with a glare. Bakugou looked extremely worried for his friend and angry at the rest. “Bakugou don’t kill anyone.” Hopefully the brat wouldn’t do anything stupid.

He got back into the changing rooms, and found the kid staring off into nothingness with such a blank expression, no kid should have that.

“Problem child.” Midoriya looked up at him. Murky green.


“What happened?” He won’t ask about the scars just yet, the greenette doesn’t trust him.

“Nothing really, they were just trying to help.” The boy defended his classmates first.

“And that didn’t help.” He sat down across the kid.

“It was just a bit too much. They had good intentions.”

“Good intentions or not, they made you feel bad.” Midoriya was awfully selfless. To the point it harmed him.

“It’s just, I don’t want them to make a big deal out of this.” He gestured at himself.

“They care about you kid, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah but all of these are old news and…” The greenette’s eyes trailed off. “…well it’s just a part of me.”

Shouta sat and listened attentively. “I get that. I used to be bullied when I was younger.” The boy looked at him with disbelief.

“My quirk isn’t exactly conventional, some people hate it when I use it on them.” Midoriya’s eyes widened in understanding.

“I know how hard it can be to get help, or trust people that wronged you before.” There were tears in those green eyes. “But you can talk to me, I’m here for all my students.”

The kid wiped away the tears and with a deep breath he got himself together. “Thanks sensei.” Another deep breath. “You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had.”

“Sounds like all of them were crap.” It made the boy cry and laugh at the same time.

“They really were.” He said with a smile, bright like ever.

The hero smiled back. He stood up. “Get yourself dried off kid, you’ll catch a cold.” He ruffled the boy's hair and got out of the room. He wiped his wet hand on his pants. Hopefully the kid will come to him sometime soon. Midoriya is a good kid, he really was, and he cared a lot about his friends and everyone around him. He deserved better.

All the man could do was wait until the greenette wanted to talk, if not to Hound Dog then at least to him. Midoriya has gotten a bit more comfortable with him since the start of the year, so it’s going the right way. Being a hero all the time is hard, and sometimes people forget that.

The hobo left. Good, teachers stress Deku out. Katsuki got out of the hot springs as well, the awkward atmosphere was killing him.

He found the nerd with red eyes and a smile on his face. Mister homeless man wasn’t completely useless.

“You good?”

“Y-yeah, I guess?” Don’t sound so unsure, they’re your emotions for f*cks’s sake.

“I don’t have to kill anyone?” That earned him a giggle, it spread like butter through his body.

“No, sensei was alright.”

“Good.” Both of them did their usual ‘changing without looking’ thingy, he dragged the nerd out of the cabin as soon as he could. The nerd let him, like he always did. The blond let go once they were following one sold trail into the forest. Izuku did not want to let go, so instead they walked hand in hand through the woods.

The place was nice and peaceful, just what the idiot needed.

The two walked in blissful silence, enjoying the last rays of sunlight. They eventually found a way onto a nearby cliff. Without a single word to each other they decided to go up.

“Huh?! How did you guys find my secret spot??” The annoying kid was here. He looked at Deku. The nerd smirked at him.

“By being gay obviously.” That’s how they were going to play this? Sure. Anything to distract the nerd from being a train wreck.

“Yeah, so go back brat. Isn’t it past your bedtime anyways?” Kind of a sick hiding spot for a four year old. Is he a four year old?

“Screw you guys! This is my spot! Find your own gay spot.” The kid stuck his tongue out at them.

“Kota right? We can just hang out together, we won’t interrupt whatever you’ve been doing if you don’t interrupt us alright?” Of course his boyfriend chose the friendly route, personally he’d just scare the kid back to where he belongs, but this is safer. It’s getting dark, and that's just a little kid. What if he falls off or trips? One of those puss* cat people can probably locate him but still.

“What? I don’t want to hang out with a bunch of hero wannabes. I was here first.”

“Hero wannabes? You got a grudge?” The f*ck did this little child know?

“I hate heroes.”

“Like all or do you have someone specific?”

“All of course! They're just so selfish! Never really there when you need them, they’re a joke.” The brat kicked a stone off the cliff.

“Who did they fail to save?” Deku was like three steps ahead of them already. He was looking at the kid with pure empathy.

“Nobody! f*ck off!” Weird hat kid took another rock from the ground and threw it at his boyfriend. Izuku hit a nerve.

Deku, the f*cking angel of a man he was, took the hit without trying to dodge it. He sat down on the ground with his legs crossed and nudged him to do the same. Katsuki didn’t argue, curious to see what his brilliant f*cking boyfriend had to say. The brat was confused.

“I’m Izuku Midoriya. I’m quirkless and I want to become a hero.” That made the kid even more baffled. The emerald greens turned to him.

“Katsuki Bakugou. My quirk is explosion and I’m going to be a hero.” He had no idea what this was going to accomplish, but in his obsession he trusts.

With both of them looking at the kid, expecting him to join them, he caved and sat down as well.

“Kota, my quirk is water gun and I’m going to be a firefighter.” The child mumbled.

“I want to become a hero, and be the hero I didn’t have.” Izuku continued. The kid’s eyes widened a bit at this.

“I’m going to be a hero to help as many people as I can with my quirk.” Power, as he learned from his past mistakes, holds a lot of responsibility. A responsibility he failed to adhere to. Somehow this method worked somewhat. The kid calmed down at least.

“I’m.. I will become a firefighter and be awesome.” The kid concluded with a straight face. “And to help people.” He added as an afterthought. Kids are kids.

“Firefighter? That’s a really cool profession. Definitely in my top five things to be if the hero thing doesn’t work out.” The friendship approach. This man will be a f*cking amazing father if they ever decide to adopt kids.

“Firefighters are pretty f*cking awesome.” He had to admit. The muscles on those guys are crazy, reading anything involving firefighters is a real treat. How would Izuku look in that?

The brat’s eyes lit up like fireworks. “Right! They put out these big fires with just water, and sometimes even other things! Did you know some fires have to be put out with special f… fog? Bubbles?” He trailed off, a bit like Deku does sometimes. “Foam! They use special foam! They also save cats that are stuck in trees! I want to save cats too.” There are two types of people in the world, those destined to own at least two cats at any time and the rest of us mortals.

“Cats are really cute too! Did you know-“ The pair spoke about cats for the following half hour. The sun actually set but the moon was bright enough for them to see. Katsuki chose to sit there in silence, admiring his boyfriend in peace. He looked beautiful when talking about the things he liked.

Eventually hobo sensei came to get them back, he was really chill about them walking off into the forest together like idiots and talking to the kid. They got back to the camp at 11 pm, everyone else was asleep already. To be honest he was tired too, but somehow Izuku wasn’t. The nerd kissed him goodnight and proceeded to not go to sleep. f*cker.

With Kacchan asleep he snuck outside again. Not that he wasn’t exhausted, he just didn’t feel like sleeping yet. Usually at this hour he’d be at the league or analyzing something or someone. He didn’t have his laptop with him though. With all the lights out it was hard to see, so he couldn’t even write in his notebook.

In the cover of night he wandered around, locating the kitchen, training grounds, the other cabin where 1B resided and Shinsou. They spotted each other and waved.

“Hi.” He started, walking up to the purple haired boy.


“Why are you up?” Midnight small talk. Woohoo.

“The same reason you’re up probably.” The insomniac replied nonchalantly.

“Yeah…” Well this was awkward. “How do you like the class?”

“They're okay, kinda too loud but it’s fine. Weirdly accepting too.”

“They are! I was surprised too! When Allmight outed me I was so sure everyone would turn on me.”

“Allmight? Damn. He’s kinda stupid isn’t he? Just a little bit.” The guy looked around as if they were discussing something highly illegal.

“Yeah. I don’t think he did it on purpose. It’s more so he’s unaware of the people around him? I guess being the symbol of peace does something to a man.” Izuku wasn’t entirely sure that was true, but it would be inline with the man’s persona.

“I guess. Never really thought bout it. Like ego boost or something right?” Yeah, his fellow goblin was tired. Sleep deprived even. Wonder how?

“Probably. I don’t know him personally, so I can’t really say much.”

Shinsou nodded in response.

“Hey Midoriya, do you think they have coffee around here?”

“They don’t, I checked.” The trees admitted.

“Bummer.” The guy replied.

“That’s too bad, could use that stuff tomorrow.” The greenette sighed.

“For real, like how are we supposed to function?” The insomniac shook his head.

“It’s a serious problem I will address tomorrow, you brats give me a headache.” The trees complained.


The trees? Why are the trees speaking?

“Sensei? Why are you up there?” Shinsou looked at him like he was crazy. That was until a dark figure jumped down from the branches, it made the guy flinch.

“Sensei? What are you doing here?” Their teacher was frowning.

“Can you kids stop with the questions? I can’t sleep, like the both of you.”

“Sorry sensei.” “Sorry sensei.” They both apologized simultaneously.

“About the coffee, I’ll go shopping tomorrow for some.” Two very monotonous sounding cheers came from the boys.

“And go to bed, you won’t find anything interesting here. Just try to fall asleep.” Aizawa sensei waved them off.

“But it’s so boring to just lay there.” Shinsou groaned.

“And I can’t even cuddle with Kacchan because we’re pranking the classsss.” He groaned in unison.

The man took a deep breath. “Well just spar until you’re tired or something.”

“But then we’ll be dirty and I don’t wanna wash again.” Izuku complained. The hot springs are too much work.

“I don’t know what you brats want from me.”

“As a veteran insomniac you must have some hidden wisdom to share with us.” Shinsou tried.

“I usually just patrol or take pills.” The pro hero sighed when he saw their pleading eyes. “I won’t be giving you any pills.” At that the rather down mood returned.

“Why not? Can’t be stronger than the stuff I raided from my mom’s medical cabinet when I was ten.” The argument wasn’t appreciated by his teacher.

“I didn’t die, I’m still fine.”

“The more I know about your life the sadder I become.” The purple haired boy commented.

“It wasn’t that sad, just inconvenient.” He shrugged off.

“Inconvenient? Bro you’re more scarred than my mental health.”

“It’s only physical injuries, I got used to them. Besides, like fifty percent of my life is one long blur so I don’t even remember most of it.”

“Like I said, I feel bad just hearing about any part of your life.”

The pro hero sighed again.


The google doc was glitching so hard I had to make another one TwT

The school year in my country is ending and I have zero plans to study for the tests, so wish me luck.

Izuku and Shinsou are a golden pair, adding Aizawa makes for a golden ‘I don’t give a sh*t trio’ and I absolutely love it.

Broken Dreams and Broken Bonds (To Be Restored) - Here_forAgood_time - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.