Business Use of Vehicles (2024)

Written by a TurboTax Expert • Reviewed by a TurboTax CPAUpdated for Tax Year 2023 • February 13, 2024 8:34 AM


If you use vehicles in your small business, how and when you deduct for the business use of those vehicles can have significant tax implications. It pays to learn the nuances of mileage deductions, buying versus leasing and depreciation of vehicles. Special rules for business vehicles can deliver healthy tax savings.

Business Use of Vehicles (5)

Key Takeaways

  • The cost of operating cars, SUVs, and pickup trucks that are used for business activities typically are deductible along with the costs of vehicles used as equipment (such as dump trucks) and vehicles used for hire (such as taxi cabs).
  • For most vehicles you can calculate expenses using the IRS’s standard mileage rate (65.5 cents per mile for 2023, 67 cents per mile for 2024) or by adding up the actual expenses (gas, oil, tires, repairs, etc.) for the business use of the vehicle.
  • A vehicle used for business may be owned by the corporation or by an employee. The method of claiming the deduction will differ depending on the ownership of the vehicle.
  • If your business leases a vehicle, you can use either the standard mileage or actual expenses method to calculate the deduction. However, if you use the standard mileage rate, you cannot switch to the actual expense method in a later year.

Some important questions

The deduction for using vehicles in your business can sometimes be significant, so it's important to make the following decisions:

  • Is it better to use the standard mileage rate as your deduction or the actual expenses incurred for a vehicle used for this business?
  • Who should own the vehicle? The business, the business owner or theemployee?
  • Should the business buy or lease the vehicle?

Here's a general overview

Business vehicles are cars, SUVs and pickup trucks that are used for business activities.

Luxury Autos

Congress decided years ago that the taxpayers should not subsidize extravagant vehicles used by business. To prevent that, the law squeezes otherwise allowable depreciation deductions for “luxury cars.” But don’t think Rolls Royce or Ferrari. Congress has a much less extravagant view of luxury.

For new and pre-owned vehicles put into use in 2023 (assuming the vehicle was used 100% for business):

  • The maximum first-year depreciation write-off is $12,200, plus up to an additional $8,000 in bonus depreciation.
  • For SUVs with loaded vehicle weights over 6,000 pounds, but no more than 14,000 pounds, 80% of the cost can be expensed using bonus depreciation in 2023.

For 2024 these amounts change to:

  • The maximum first-year depreciation write-off is $12,400, plus up to an additional $8,000 in bonus depreciation.
  • For SUVs with loaded vehicle weights over 6,000 pounds, but no more than 14,000 pounds, 60% of the cost can be expensed using bonus depreciation in 2023.

Keep good records

The IRS is very fussy about writing off the cost of vehicles, so if you plan to take a vehicle deduction, keep a detailed log of your business miles and other expenses if you want to write them off, too.

Standard mileage rate versus actual expenses

Whether to use the standard mileage rate or actual costs is a numbers game.

  • The more economical the vehicle is to operate, the more likely it is that the standard mileage rate will give you the bigger deduction.
  • The higher the operating costs, e.g., gas, repairs, tires, etc. the more beneficial the actual cost method is likely to be.

Standard mileage rate

The IRS allows employees and self-employed individuals to use a standard mileage rate, which is 65.5 cents per mile in 2023 and 67 cents per mile for 2024.

To use the standard mileage rate for a vehicle that you own, you are required to use this method in the first year the car is available to use for use in your business. Then, in later years, you can switch between the standard mileage rate and actual expense method.

To determine the number of miles driven for business you need two numbers for each business vehicle:

  • The total number of miles the vehicle was driven during the year
  • The total number of miles driven just for business

Tracking your total mileage for the year is simple. Write down the odometer reading on the day that you start using a vehicle for business and on the last day of the year.

Miles that count as part of your business mileage deduction include the number of miles actually driven for business. For example, miles driven:

  • To visit a customer or meet a client
  • To the bank, office supply and computer store for business reasons
  • To meet with your accountant or lawyer on business matters

Some travel is not considered business-related:

  • Driving from your home to your workplace and back is commuting. It's not deductible on either your business or your individual return.
  • If you stop at the store on the way home from a business trip, the remaining miles from the store to home are generally considered personal mileage, so you usually can't include them.

You can also deduct interest on an auto loan, registration and property tax fees, and parking and tolls in addition to the standard mileage rate deduction, as long as they are business related.

Actual vehicle expenses

If you decide to use the actual expenses method, additional auto-related expensesare deductible, such as:

  • Gas and oil
  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Tires
  • Registration fees and taxes*
  • Licenses
  • Vehicle loan interest*
  • Insurance
  • Rental or lease payments
  • Depreciation
  • Garage rent
  • Tolls and parking fees*

*Also deductible if you choose the standard mileage method.

The percentage of use (based on miles) that the vehicle is used for business determines the deductible portion of these expenses.

Here's how the math works:

Let's say your gas, oil and repairs came to $3,000 for the year. Fees and taxes were $500. Loan interest and insurance were $1,500. If it's an old car, there is no depreciation write-off. Your total "actual" expenses were $5,000.

  • $3,000 + $500 + $1,500 = $5,000

Your total mileage was 18,000 and documented business miles were 16,200. The business-use percentage is 90%.

  • 16,200 miles / 18,000 miles = 0.9
  • 0.9 x 100 = 90% business use

If you use the actual expenses method, you could deduct $4,500 (90% of $5,000).

  • $5,000 x 0.9 = $4,500

If you use the standard mileage rate, your 2023 deduction would be $10,611.

  • 8,100 miles x 65.5 cents = $10,611 for the year

In this case, the standard mileage method gives you the bigger tax benefit. The business-use percentage usually varies from year to year. Operating expenses are annual expenses and do not affect subsequent years.

TurboTax Tip:

Even if you use the standard mileage rate deduction, you can still deduct interest on an auto loan, registration and property tax fees, and parking and tolls, as long as they are business expenses.


This is the amount of the vehicle cost you can deduct over time since the entire cost is not typically able to be deducted in the year that you purchase it. The standard mileage rate includes an amount for depreciation and reduces the adjusted basis of the vehicle when you decide to sell or otherwise dispose of it. In the example above, it works out this way:

  • 2023 Standard Mileage Deduction: 16,200 miles x 65.5 cents per mile = $10,611.
  • Equivalent Vehicle Depreciation included: 16,200 miles x 28 cents per mile = $4,536.

If you use the "actual" expenses method and the vehicle was acquired new in 2023, the maximum first-year depreciation deduction, including bonus depreciation, for an auto in 2023 is $20,200.

In the example above, your depreciation on an auto would be limited to the business-use percentage of 90% times the maximum 2023 first-year maximum of $20,200, or $18,180.

Since depreciation accumulates, each year's business mileage affects the adjusted basis of the vehicle. The adjusted basis will, in turn, be used to determine the gain or loss when the vehicle is sold, so keeping good records is essential.

Note: In order to use the standard mileage method, you must choose this method in the first year the vehicle is placed in service. In later years you can choose to use the standard mileage rate or actual expenses.

The ownership dilemma

Self-employed owner (sole proprietor)

The owner can choose to use either the actual expense method or the standard mileage rate method subject to the rules outlined above.

If an employee uses their personal vehicle for business,

  • The employer typically reimburses the employee for the business mileage incurred at the standard mileage rate.
  • The amount received for documented business miles is not taxable to the employee and vehicle expenses are deductible by the employer.

Note: If you are a single-member LLC and file a Schedule C with your personal tax return (Form 1040), you are considered a self-employed owner for tax purposes.

S Corporation/C Corporation

A vehicle used for business may be owned by the corporation or by an employee (even a shareholder employee). The method of claiming the deduction will differ depending on the ownership of the vehicle.

Vehicle owned by employee

If the employee (including a shareholder employee) uses their personal vehicle for business on behalf of the corporation:

  • The employee can submit a request for reimbursem*nt to the corporation.
  • The corporation can then reimburse the employee based on the standard mileage rate.
  • The corporation gets a deduction for vehicle expenses paid.
  • The reimbursem*nt is not reportable as taxable income to the employee.

For tax years prior to 2018, if the employee is not reimbursed for business travel expenses, the employee:

  • Can claim an unreimbursed employee business expense deduction as a miscellaneous itemized deduction on Schedule A of Form 1040.
  • Can use the actual expenses or standard mileage method to calculate the deductible amount.

Beginning in 2018, unreimbursed employee expenses are no longer deductible.

Vehicle owned by the corporation

A corporation must determine the deduction for vehicles it owns based on actual operating expenses. The corporation is also limited by the business-use percentage of the vehicle.

The corporation can deduct all of the operating expenses of the vehicle without regard to the business-use percentage, if the personal-use percentage is treated as income to the employee.

  • This is typically the case when you get the use of a company car as an employee benefit.
  • The corporation's deduction for the personal-use percentage is treated as an employee compensation expense.
  • The employee's income for personal use of a corporate vehicle is determined based on the market value of the vehicle, not on the actual or standard method used to determine the deduction of the cost to rent a vehicle, for example.


The rules are the same as an S Corporation, with one exception: A partner/member who has unreimbursed auto expenses as a requirement of the partnership/LLC agreement can typically claim the deduction on Schedule E of Form 1040 rather than on Schedule A.

Note: It's generally simpler for a business to allow an employee (even a shareholder, partner, or member) to use their personal vehicle and submit an expense reimbursem*nt request. This eliminates a substantial amount of record-keeping for the employer.

Buy or lease?

You can use the either the standard mileage or actual expenses method for a leased vehicle. However, if you use the standard mileage rate, you cannot switch to the actual expense method in a later year.

    • If you use the standard mileage rate for a leased vehicle, the lease payment amount is not deductible.
    • If you use the actual expenses method, leased vehicles are not depreciated. Instead, the business portion of the lease payment is deducted.

Annual income inclusion amount

When the value of the leased vehicle is above a certain amount, you must also subtract an "income inclusion" amount from the deductible amount of your lease. This income inclusion rule is an attempt to equalize the tax benefits from leasing and owning business vehicles.

  • For vehicles first leased in 2023, the threshold is $60,000. This threshold increases to $62,000 for 2024.
  • Income inclusion amounts vary depending on the lease amount and the number of tax years during which the leased vehicle was in use for business.
  • The income inclusion amount increases each tax year for five years.
  • The IRS releases income inclusion amounts each year for vehicles leased and put into use in that year.
  • IRS Revenue Procedure 2023-14 includes the 2023 table of income inclusion amounts.

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Business Use of Vehicles (2024)


How do you prove business use of a vehicle? ›

You must track your miles as written evidence of your business mileage. Keep a calendar in your car or log the miles on your phone. You should include the number of miles per trip, where you went, the date, and the business purpose.

What makes a vehicle business use? ›

Business use generally means travel between two business destinations, one of which may include your regular place of business. Typical trips that are deductible include: travel from one job to another.

Can I write off 100% of my business vehicle? ›

If you use your car only for business purposes, you may deduct its entire cost of ownership and operation (subject to limits discussed later). However, if you use the car for both business and personal purposes, you may deduct only the cost of its business use.

What evidence is needed to support the use of a car for business? ›

The best evidence for claiming the deduction for business use of a vehicle is a written record kept during the time the business miles are driven. This can be a written log, spreadsheet, mileage tracking app, or something similar. The record should include miles traveled, destination, and business purpose.

How do I prove vehicle expenses to the IRS? ›

Taxpayers should also retain receipts, invoices and other documentation to show cost and establish the identity of the vehicle for which the expense was incurred. For depreciation purposes they need to show the original cost of the vehicle and any improvements as well as the date it was placed in service.

Can I use my personal vehicle for my LLC? ›

Yes. However, using a car for business and personal reasons may reduce your overall tax deductions. For example, you won't be able to deduct any mileage acquired through personal use of the vehicle. So, you'll need to keep track of business mileage vs.

Can I write off my car if I use it for work? ›

"If you use your car exclusively in your business, you can typically deduct all of the car expenses," said IRS representative Sara Eguren. If you use your car for both business and personal purposes, you'll need to divide your expenses based on your mileage for business and your mileage for personal use."

Can you write off car payments for LLC? ›

Yes, an LLC can write off a car purchase as long as it is used for business purposes. The exact amount of the deduction will depend on whether you use the standard mileage rate or the actual expense method.

How to write off a vehicle as a business expense? ›

If you're a business owner, or self-employed, you can deduct your business-related car expenses using a Schedule C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss from Business. If you're a farmer, you can use a Schedule F (Form 1040) Profit or Loss from Farming to deduct your farming-related vehicle expenses.

What are the IRS rules for company vehicles? ›

Driving a company vehicle for personal use is a taxable noncash fringe benefit (aka benefit you provide in addition to wages). As a result, you generally must include the value of using the vehicle for personal reasons in the employee's income and withhold taxes.

How does the 6000 lb vehicle tax deduction work? ›

The 6,000-pound vehicle tax deduction is a rule under the federal tax code that allows people to deduct up to $25,000 of a vehicle's purchasing price on their tax return. The vehicle purchased must weigh over 6,000 pounds, according to the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), but no more than 14,000 pounds.

Can I buy a car as a business expense? ›

If a vehicle is registered to the owner of an SMLLC and is used more than 80% for business purposes, then they may be entitled to a vehicle expense deduction on Schedule C of their personal income tax return. You can purchase, lease, or finance your vehicle.

Do you have evidence to support business use claimed? ›

You should keep adequate records to prove your expenses or have sufficient evidence that will support your own statement. You generally must have documentary evidence, such as receipts, canceled checks, or bills, to support your expenses.

When three vehicles are used for a single business, what expense method must be applied? ›

Question: When three vehicles are used for a single buisness, what expense method must be applied? a. the actual expense method must be used for all vehicles.

What is the benefit of buying a car in your business name? ›

The main advantage is that you separate your personal and business assets when buying a car as a company. For example, you protect yourself from being sued if your vehicle gets into an accident. Optimizing maintenance costs is the primary goal of any limited liability company.

How to claim your car as a business expense? ›

One method of calculating the business use of your car is to total your actual expenses—gas, oil, insurance, vehicle depreciation, etc. —and multiply that amount by the percentage of miles you drove for your business (not personal use).

What is the IRS rule for personal use of a company vehicle? ›

Under IRS general rules, all use of a company car is considered personal use unless the employee documents the business use of the car. Personal use of a company vehicle generally results in taxable wages for the employee.

How much of a car can I write off for business? ›

You could write off all or some of your original purchase price after the first year, using the Section 179 deduction. This special deduction is an IRS Tax Code section that allows business owners to write off the allowed purchase price of your car in the year it was purchased or financed.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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