Fall 2021 semester recap (2024)

And just like that, another semester is complete. The IU Indianapolis community has accomplished so much since August, and there is a lot to be proud of. Campus was happy to be back in person and student favorites -- like WOW and Regatta -- made a return. Here is a look back at everything that happened this fall.

Ball Hall Dedication

(June 28, 2021)

After a few years of important renovations and updates, Ball Residence Hall was re-dedicated and ready for students to move in. Renovations to the residence hall included updating student rooms with in-room air conditioning and heat control; updating mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems; and making exterior improvements.A ceremony was held to celebrate this historic renovation.

Student Living

The semester kicked off with over 2,000 students living on campus. Many participated in Residential Based Learning Communities (RBLC), where 578 students got to live and connect with students who shared the same major or similar interests. Residence halls were able to host more in-person events and immerse students into IU Indianapolis’s community.

Weeks of Welcome

(Aug. 21– Sept. 2, 2021)

During Weeks of Welcome, over 15,000 students went to 78 fun-filled events that were hosted all over campus. Students acclimated to a new semester, connected with resources and learned about all that campus life has to offer. With the 43rd annual Ice Cream Social, IU Indianapolis Spirit Day, the Student Involvement Expo and much more, the room to grow was endless.

Student Organizations

This fall, 173 new members joined IU Indianapolis's fraternity and sorority life community. Students also explored their interests and got involved with 698 registered student organizations, which are all featured on The Spot. These organizations brought a lot of great experiences and opportunities to campus by hosting 1,226 events for students to enjoy.

Campus Recreation

Exactly 886 Jaguars stayed active by participating in fall intramurals like sand volleyball, badminton and flag football. With a campus recreation membership in hand, around 5,000 students could also stay fit by working out in the IU Natatorium, Jaguar Campus Recreation Facility (The Jag) and NIFS.


(Sept. 25, 2021)

Back on the canal for the first time since 2019, the free festival and highly anticipated canoe race made its debut for students, faculty and staff. During the 13th annual Regatta, IU Indianapolis was able to exemplify the energy of an urban campus while showing school pride and kicking off a new academic school year.

President Pamela Whitten Inauguration

(Nov. 5, 2021)

The IU community took part in this significant milestone as Pamela Whitten became the first female president in the university’s history. The inauguration festival held in the Campus Center gave Whitten a warm welcome, filled with entertainment, activities and prizes.

Stressbusters Week

(Dec.5–10, 2021)

Health and Wellness Promotion, along with campus partners, helped students unwind before finals by hosting their annual Stress Busters Week. Over 20 in-person events, and even fan favorites -- dog therapy, the coffee bar and arts and crafts -- made a return.

Description of the video:

Text, Fall 2021.

A man sits at a desk and takes a Zoom call from a computer.

Students walking through campus.

A woman moves into a dorm.

A woman does homework in the library.

Students play sand volleyball outside.

Two women are playing frisbee outside.

Students play billiards.

Students move into a dorm.

Text, 2,000 students.

Residential halls are shown empty.

Text, 578 students.

Residential dining area is shown empty.

Students are standing outside getting photographed in front of a Weeks Of Welcome sign.

Text, 15,000 students.

Students stand in line outside.

Text, 78 events.

Hands are shown putting event bracelets together.

A man is painting.

Students are dancing in the Campus Center.

Students are playing in the Campus Center.

The jaguar mascot is at an event outside.

Students are decorating mugs.

Students are eating ice cream.

Text, 698 organizations.

A man writes on a paper at an organization table.

Two women sit at a table and wave.

Students float in a pool.

Text, 1,000 events.

Students show off their Regatta crafts.

A Regatta sign is shown on the sidewalk outside.

Students are shown in the water getting ready for Regatta.

Two women row a canoe in the water.

Students pull a canoe through the water.

Text, 886 Jags.

Students play soccer on a soccer field.

Students play basketball on a basketball court.

Cheerleaders dance with the jaguar mascot in the Campus Center.

Students and staff gather in the Campus Center.

Students paint pumpkins at a table.

Students and staff cheer.

Pamela Whitten is welcomed on stage in the Campus Center.

A dog is petted by students.

Text, 20 events.

Students get their card scanned.

Students take food from a table.

Students talk and eat at a table.

A dog walks up to the camera.

Text, Thanks jags.

Campus is shown outside.

Students and staff wave as they work at a booth outside.

Text, I U P U I, Division of Student Affairs.

Fall 2021 semester recap (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.