Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1936, p. 1 (2024)

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1936, p. 1 (3)

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the georgetown herald seventieth yew of inibkcmlboa the georgetown herald wednesday evening august i2tl 1936 1 50 per annum in advance 200 to xsjt tne georgetown herald urmwr of um- cumuu wdj neiaper auodauoa cn r tunc tkfc luuttitr iuhi uu lg fcm 1 i nyirx 1m hwynto fel wl lwmtr ruiulam unity ol tjn ll u l i-uar- kind ktmu iaurfkvr huady gjk hurik iu u4 cil fc how to make iced tea kfc d i i l j sou mk to k m u hali iw afcwh i il hdlljiu ma i n im liiii ii vuh lt mdi pmt i lii i i sl anvil tambmaiakvauhki ox jaabwuhli h ctm m u i in mai s lj ic salada jbwji- f narsckfcle o t walker ro orromcrmkct kycskurr srccxaust u 4 bcoaars bauic sroaue ixcnvi may srd ac lxavk caxmbglctowm ballv i a hi 11a5 aja ias pko ias pa 1110 pa yto aja ais ja- ujtt lh 125 jua 415 pja- cas pn- kasterm taojuu txatk lunerariea pliniwwl o al fru united slate- and tonci conttomrny directory luhay oajl kjc fwf q thawtra bkltf mill w atfcttnkxv at iljlmaom am fimimm maiay feat mnl umw kloaty to iu ww ac w c oalant fcurrkuar aac ootesonul block mala lit qborgolowil tv0tt 13 pa do uc i wuln klotlout icts a tlkttck wlm tnudirr ltd k irlur umh ler i rye begin tu twlnklr altu tlw jy of liewnng irai him seen u battijj rfy wruiklr i think if tr ruld f lr us uh huirvn fur ivrr ku- it would never b a morning wlieil tlw blmrlal xjrui ik j atnl it urr- if 1 p timikj itkxx ixr ku tk hhtn jw rlvrvffkil ulctv uj ttiat v in ur ruy it im u-t- tc ul ttiwl trtl tif itoc ui miry or bw ijrful wlwll u muliwr imjlt l lutkrl uurll i ittollinr rti tmr trariu aud ttmthij tntiwj u lxtutaco uui tvi ihr tlmpr u tlir city and tllr kenkknti ucafurfui but uif kilichu i nnd tur mnlllnfi ad ahd taugltb acttkihr trarap ttwn i kho jjvtv hd- a ihi rotd um- iockt ol lr mtuuu live imllu ouj lillxll uei aiul rxullaiiuy i uib too ik had a rau hi wav rtwn live cliiackke kt hl humor and thr ulory ol ht labor aiul i know bryottd tjucotion uit un- lrcd it la ok ttfiahbura and tnr iit and tattrfiovrr xod i inct twly kmlttan ipiikliutf oy and jttjrlkt la each line our lloy l rtlcti sowing and reaping c oljif n tkx f c0j t 1m1 til i aca i- iwtl drcifvrd m- almlborvtrr uull he tal 7 cnlalutu i cum uaiur uhc1i u aith lity jjcllllul iituh jcl lmt ihr hium ttwl k in u du- crrat kcuiiuxm tw kiwi mluli ui nw let ttuulvti vl u t thy jurin lh tlur f t vtw lkjioi iuvc laliu ui iatcl ty tb canada ut kitml oii an a racw over fifty dot- inilnl nrrimi ium mrlital to niich ivu khni u tnuotl in m tilt if tmprrkmf n 3 la llhr- lut iimiv the inrira illl jlr ij brms ulotxl in tht uiitl juu uiki cjlaud hlu tr t titpl d lu be dlfjnuuri ubnvll llw iilh u mjk- rttlitr a jm liu wuj tall oilic fit but tlir loitt tru l tomrfill lrnt v a lioiui ul1 it atiimj all uw tn re rnttllv bimiirf l lt im unbuukl fr1r in ullrv iijvji fmcijmi lll alcikhol il utl on ud wdlo llubitunl iv itf 1 hul l tumnuiii bill lt uku nu u udihcttoii 1t if tlijil aw mr uur ujirto of ukroluil lnvwim jddwi in thr m hj- f b iiu hit to th habit mmllurl utnrli t mxi-tuu- vjt- ul ulto hti brnjin wi drlnki i j but itqtotkatl ul riirtuvli dniiikaijl- k i david j howell promotes novel competition in strawberries lb tmny frvml if ilavld j ii will wh 1 l iiuim iurl u few liui ut j l tukt unu hinirlf a uriu 111 ynli liiultithl ui hi uud to irjtij tllut hi- l uliy utkl uw j m u uiut a- uifcil pimimrfiu uit nil rt u of lh locullty bi which bftjlaul umif a kir i ulallrd otd it i vl4ii1 1 lilu iii di- il in li tl ilrrmlut- wimi lirvrr tu hrrrlf luu kks ua irx unif ike mail 111 ktkb and ttirrr uil bud ill nitxlj 111 rnid ahat uaknt him uu vuch iimuu troui tin 1 lut tli- color oi hl c5es tiwj lvy from buml tie nrvrtr jdiirrt 111 in ki hy ik i5 dby baia aui a ivjibuard jjilrta aj well ai iit 1 til luvr tot olio tbnrliru occu ioil 1j ilvjt dxiukdia cur tntxkiati and liuhltlli iw j- uu alu havf btrnr acixtiovnt bnrua u wtcn toother liad a letter then tlw fra and doubts lluo trievo hor and the ihouund- or thlns tiu dreullnc though u10 allenco iaui to lee her ttvcfi i wbji unto tier chuckw w kud morning lie could litter r alti jrdii coukl lwt oeuftvu lur si r and over one thin jujwn alcohol tlml ihrj urr miuuu- u w h had told them tf uie un wlil uey vnd rxw lblo uie uuhlk dlvrwitlnur il u- hiwalrd aiul u j hi j- cnmbn martin mr aw- trciiurj tlanfor if a nw drinker uikumh tniwili dl tir- at bftdy aiul brrrl mr ijuvld j oxll of urrry or an lublldl drinker beoomtst in 1 mbwl ahni iuv irom urlunif unauir m iuuli urratujnd a hovel loxkated fur hi u claim u be el chtrj lf irininatioii roni lltlon nl cohlbc uatttn ed for hi ociel our rtc5ul j jikhtmcnt and dlirtuvn arc l tcduclhkh irb- ar oftered for n j u1k11 datkl was why like a tral lir wanders round 1 fcuuluiul uuiuun bcfucw when deeeiit tolk in bed arr umuui ui hvr hi uo- ikuud lu witru i h ihb bird all apart lln uoiaktfut iraabrrru 111 ft jcllm f hla heart pi and t liryiiu u11 ud ad i iu find what toakea it krow larfv tiji i n uy tu a man wiwa h o jt with nantr uair 0u1ll hl xuwucn he like ttirn uirtnki until it t1 be ieem iu unit brk or niofc wlven wuey menuonti tn loo wtreeo johuu uwn u taktrn irutnwtuit jnuti that ae fco*k tn hfa rr wfini jjtne nw irl rpaa iripplflg by wluit makr him order quail 00 ljkst tlien call on orna wuknown nil and clve her a rood calling down flecauvn the toali jiij tnu brown iliu wttei lie dlne wltlh smnm blonde orih imk- juurilul of june- da mr hwlhod u far from rienliric li younif taili or woman or a chronic alcoholic set drunk and duorderly the- drone artn of the lav make an arrat tj10 iirtionw u taken to fc imlt rell awln aober ue uriaorterj aiiurar tn a nolice court a fine is bnwurd if tile twlioinr iuls money to iwy ouwirxlie a iu entenoe iuls to be hervrd at sic lo and dimro umuu1 we not think of uw ofteikder at a tmtieiit aj bike mentally kick to be cared for by a doctor or a mini- terf in only oiie hundrtxl lounl itood iychlatrut may tr a liquor rd by froqueiit or itkttl but ikh alaay lmmoovnu- u uf ufihtil tlikt many ur rinl tlit ihei hai acqulfed aialill of depndiicl uiwui hie druff from which fiu- cnixot free thenvelvn ror tli ream it l true tliat alooliol i for uimt u luihli oimlmi diutf and utcoluil mldlctt are common wherever uloolillc bever atei are benerally available tj wlu doetuix even know his banc i 7 rf t rmlji j haln beans hiiu hhm bet hfe qardkw f- ikuewkjutf iiul itral luttrwt uai ukeii by re2i i w waer when n- uetil of coniu martin alio are nuwwiuit make- n tlw- mwli uf hutrkcliiui a very uouiiliful liurm j at j truwberrl ih tnl ire orvununtioil aa curried nut hi mr how til wlui tin uirxrt uf mr j u ckai chairman of uuj 1 awky gulvikok uwmimca ooojc ac krw haaty txt uwar1 oaok oordoa oraydon ttl aoda bt uwta uatou kl uaiwim lobiaw balldaa braawioa vtaaphom kr kl wat80m djul auka qam uour to katftot ttiaffcuy a wl nielsen ua var u i i tojay aakj dadviv t fen to wkniue rruu ury haiti satl jofcj kted nw york bo ill b- ucl ta iwm kc ul u to ibod totut ojili rnlkej uutm notluime j for u aaoawal ihoti ltekacfecrtu liu w ltmqf oialakbba tall wtlk craku 100 kdkled ava i lb6w yau otaj by lelftjiko f tkwi u ju4 wkat radjy katoodv ha a a btu ij ka fomud ia dtatakkce a aney ubeolaltc nmgna tral ki buudvr ill amwlera vbraxm of sveltu boota la t at a a aj ujt lw tmlu lar km it ly jw al ajjl day sunday or cohld ie her mile reiumlng and ddlet wliote dornhkanon by aiooliol her eyrt beahi to alblrrt i the result of thirty years ot drink lrt police court meukoda of her eyns bcin to klbien could lie know the joy h klvtx lwr uien he twver would forvt lier aivl jicil tuer have to wonder why sik dortji t t a letter acton mr and mrs j c matthews and mlus lleletl ourarider have returned from a live week trip through color ado mew mexico and tvxas while in tvui they attended tne texas oen lennlal exposition at dallas the engagement is announced of florence lenora eldcnt daughter of j kelllngton and the ute mrs kell- ington of ttockwood to oeorr kd- wlu wtion only son of mr and mra ttobert wabvon of nagawrya uie marriage tn take place quietly the latter part of aurult- mx llarold swackliamer left to day to take- over lhe outlet in conned uoti with live funeral liome lie luu purchaxwd la hamilton mr and mrs oorg e emery of toronto are now living in ac ton and are rtkilna tmpormrily hi th ridetvce of lrtncipal and mr d a majftae mr emery a uu new oen- tral secretary of acton yjjtca aid u now planning live rail program and activities of this otamunlly uulltu- uon jua as toon as a raklettcl avauahle mr and mr emery will rw mov to acton ttiey will be cord udly welcomed to th vommunlty and its actlvluea which centre o urgely now about the yjjtca ttve nw secretary u a wuualifled vmcji man lie will be proent with the uoard at tlve meeting next week to tt tlve acuvlttos planned ryee lva liitf hae you renewedr dr devans uucnukv iwac sura xray i thim ottu mr llulihi h uouia 1 y3 u m frank petch rn iin ur tw vj imwilumrbaasnma ml monuments pollock a ingham u to cuk wu gk out tnanaot bur jwork in ortwwabi commercial printing ol all kinds we can give you satisfaction tkgraraetowpberam tea uhj 39c cnwirnnr 1 w coffee 21c punch 19c v4i parowax 11c ak rings g w 10c iwihj4 cert0 27e 2 lb biscuits pc bio cornedbeef 2 lojt vji cheese 2 htm 27c dw lj rd sody salmon r- 17c whip 19c i ckneltl ivuuil i butter 2 25c nw clov ihoneys39c cheese wj 21c oum s0j4 wafers 11c 0i o lo cjy slices 10c eatorst skoaia of domestic 2 a ceajrt a iu ajw ovaltine t cowaat pvtfvcttoh 38c cocoa i-t- 24c t learnt rj lumi tea 27c ev4fvbmj milk 3 i- 25c tl ptcwja lauadvy soap surprise 4 19c for ootcii sjt chips0 235ci piw soap ivory 2 13c j carrolls free delivery dcullng with drink oltenders were dc vld before pyclvology tuul discover- nl liy tain drink and liow uiey may be freed from the liahlu tlve number of iwpeaurs in police court casfes drmon tratec liow inetfectlve our luvent method ll cluaaakla kiiafchty irvcreaiinnly in modem civuixation we are members one of another so ciety is our organism we are all bound together in the one bundle of life we need to be at our bet all tlie time school teachers are import ant hecaumt they train the young lawyers magltrales and judges are concerned with juulce which is vrsry acred surgeons phjsjclans and iiurji liave ll drpendliig upon their iklll good electrician nroted ua from arve good plumbers protect us against tpldemici street car conduc tor bu- drivers locomotive englneero and air pllol- uc xcponsibl for the mtctj uf tlvelr passengers iwlcemen nrctnn assssors and registry ofoclali guard our property ministers organ uls and choir leaders are entrusteo ltli live conduct of worship mat runs of jieltert directors ol mental hoipltals victorian order of nurse oclai welfare workers uxr all touch ing human lives bcu of uvblr so cial renonsibllltia all those workers art expected to be very very temper ate rw many of them one establish ed ca of intoxication might mean dismissal would it not be good cttiacnhip if every one in tlw- com m unity felt an equal rnonjuuilyr my own blo js many people claim tluit mild later of alchollxatkui are lagimate a li tlnguljied iteichologut says tint lie would not uuik of taking a xlas f beer in tlve momlns because it would liana ui hl workhig power but he can jrt no harm in the evnlruf after a hard da fatlgulnr work in taking a glos of jierry and a glas of chant iiagne at a merry dinner party after which nouuns but light conversatlor and miljc were planned for uie rut of tlve evening ror the forgetting of sorrow and car lie regards the mod erate ue of alcoliol as an ally and not an enemy lie writos if wine can overcome and uipprou the con xlouns of the little mlerid and of the drudgery of life and thus set free and relnrorce the unchecked enthusl am for the dominant ideas if wine can make one forget the frictions and ur and give again tlve feeling of unity and frlcuonles power by all mean- let us ue this helper to civil lxstlon this oatfes tne cjue plausib ly for moderate drinking but who can guarantee that tlve ue of bover- ae alcohol will remain moderate f go often it lead- to exoes the per onal question to answer is this in the lord run will liquor let me down caim aa4 ktfet ct an investigator wtu lia devoted many years of reasearch to a tudy of uie narcouc effects of alcoliol affirms uiat he is ready to rut the whole case of total abkunence on public health alone -he- dos not overlook the fl i nancul waste and moral injury from uie widespread ue of beeragf alco liol but he uilnks that uie most 1 effective argument in our scientific j age is tlie effect upon health the flight food value in alcoholic never agos can in no 1 hae you ftr utcd u mnnilnij council und capt- jaines of tiollce court wlvrre drunks art wuhnnouui thtre were- 16 enbrin tried ull of r ror quality j a cltlwn- ju t when ure ac if tht llrt prhe class a ue was uuiv r uhtn ijy mr iiowlii and uie lecond the liquor habit o matter of a 4l bj itlae- for acre ob- cla- liiqiiilty und flavour talnrd iruin uil liroceeds tlon uf unplaced mill carried out 11 mr tujulrv ilfler uie judglnfi mr liovnll vihu otiencd uie cere- 1011j jtplatiied hl reauul for hold 111c tlu comjwtluun and adored to pitem u cap if uie compeutkin be- oinic an annual event tlu ufcuiu wire clasa for slxe 1 1 l ur it c1u 2ius mr ii cubb new traffic control syiexrf 3rd w a norman class li for to r- rt l j quality and fuvourlt mr u wy- o be tstabusned bom ind ilr r c taylor sra mr h ihigjcy toronto augut wh- motorll and mr gill fir t nrixe a inning pound lrctcar ridrrs who become annoyed of fiuit comir eight berru at eucbuntering a red light alien prior to ilic prcentatlon of priaes i litre l no crotret trafllc hi jgh cupt jiunc watenuouui congrat and who ieel uiat uil l an un ulated uvu groauir on uiclr fine fruit ne arj wa- tl of ume will hartl und jild uie judga- mrs trvw liave uil ource of annoonce re icorrbe martin capt james water- moved b a nea robot jtm which mouth and mr iloweu bwrynabor according tn t reducus aocluvnts had lud uie greatest dlfnculty in facllltalcr traffic flow and lessen uie nijlu thtlr final decilon lie- alao municipal cotl of traffic control nogied it would be an annual event ttil new truffle actuated control llmnk- were aocorded to mr how- ajumute doc clenufu knowledr about certain 111 effects uf bfvtrage ulco ivnl upply sufficient motive power for total aliuneiicet are you concerned about canadiai liquor xkiuiuopuont him boastful whn he talk 111 find all tliis ihm let hla go lltcaujj- you i love him sol inlfueracc of tne hoaxm til and all upporters of uvc event by m cleave wlio in turn uil uuuiked bj mr j delve an auction conducted by mr tjlulre vlceclialruian of council jieldcd ci i lid ur squirts uvouiht it uould give combe martin for flung publicity ylcia la been adopted by uie de partment of highway for ontario and il ue ulll be tandardlied uirouglvout uie province at heavy trainc lntesection as an important lep in lh department a new high way ardy program ttvc flrt installation has just gone into operation at niagara rails ontario at uve bridge und victoria inurecuon believed to be one of uie mott dangerous in canada in uiat ihl prcsenl a netwoik of railway and trect car track a well as two inter- eclina highways tnal are uiorough will allen and ml fvclyn nar fares ror a neavj now ot tourlt motor nuttr of lut itoclicwtcr ll y traffic to and from canada and thcited with hlr and ua 1 united stales white on friday lat wherea- uie prent cigind light mr and mtv w 1 duutce- are on a fixed urac cliodule mil ton and her ilcr the robot ytem adoiiled b the de her on jock foster of toronto chljd the uaplusefi toward reorrcaity iiartmcn of illghwajs tor ontario hojart pcmling tlieir acouon of ten helpfulnen kimjneis sensulveuex tn the signal lighu actuated by uie pass age uf the vehicles themehe ald milton wide reaching a- may be the in fluence of uve kchool in its relation a cliarucur uie ilome- touai ever rank flrt in il determiwative power into tlve life of uie child lias passed liliv leal mental atvd txvoral inberit- onces of unnumbered geocrauoos heredity t ttve modern uudmt b quite rej to coiifets uiat the more w know about it the lets we know about it tti last word u yd to far poktn dill uve individually acouired quail tt of tlve chads parents ver inay bellee ar- not more than a relatively small part of wmat u liosusecw yet the training the edu cation of uve child fall primarily upon the parents who hare to deal wiui the bodice bdnds and aouls committed to them with many an tn heritance for which uvcy are not r- ponible true it sometimes uiat wlvtre the parents hay given of their bu in ndelity and in wisdom in counsel and example some slrangw twitt in the nature of the child bark- inif back nobody knows for how many 3 generation has appeared to mak their work almou a faildre children there are we grant who are nae wporl in our gardens bearing scarcely any trace of uvcparwvlage that the home luis given uvtna- some blorancn into unexpected beauty of eharacter some so far as we can see halo dis appointing unlovelineii- and sonve- tlnvc b clilld has one out from a honve whote career has imned to liave no other explanation than that round in uve words of goethe ilappy uie man whom uw gods loved before he was born dut where as tn the home are planted in uve human mind and heart uvoe seed whose harvests yield the rrult of good and evil drawn from leonard j uie oil earlier generations kave given uve parerits to culuvatev where as barnard ol j in ute itome grow most naturally into mrs j poster live character within the soul of the armstrong of uie northern fclectric company who l upenlona the liutallatloil uimugliout ontario traffic detectors arc iilaced well back from tlve signal equipped intersecuon th pj age of uie vehicle ooabluitjcui a coniuct with uie control meohanum this alamlnf tlve right or way by mean of the standard trafttc ignalswr coining green amber and red the afcty veiling uo and time jiving fuctnni arc pox llcularly notloeablc vnere uierc l a marked irreflularliy in uie volume ol trainc the traffic flow thu per- mltui g cro trallic to ue the inter section wlthcut irrllaiinir delay thl robot system l aio being in tailed near finney creek ontario wlveic uie no 8 and no jo provincial highways cro and at yongc and feiftgle streets near newmarket an ouier heavily ueu trafflc artery lead uvg frwm toronto to muskaka and other northern vacauon arvo tei installatloiv arc al- being made at ottawa and wlnnljieg the lem is in effect at so interecuoru tn uon trea where a urvey hou tlw num ber vf colli ion accident at thex point iiah been rwluced s3 per cent prtncliial featun l that cur appruarhtjig a rrd light are luvcn the right uf way im mediately unl trafflc on the other ihorounhfure t udng the inter ectiou waiting car days motoring in muuco*kii dr ii il mcdonald of kilbride wo appointed medical ileolut officer for nlu townlilp at a salary of woo a yvar on tuosday lat about twenty frlel met at uie home of iylerday others claims to their inhereot rlchl 4 fellow tnortalsr where too as tn the home ar acquired the onooaitci of thbse nobler and nner fjiaracter- ljlcs lack of refpect for law and order resentment of ealablished mr and mrs j u kirvg auuiarlty uve habit of unkindly cnti cnlng and presented ul clun bigotry prejutfee agalntt lhofi or color or creedt as the twig is bent pleasant j o is the treeinclined is as true of cards i ute child in uve home as of the ap- mablc sprowl wlui a set of ovenwareiof different race from ordcc churcli cnolr in honor of j that old ayimc morriage liaised ploiuui alter which lunch was ervcd i ling in uie orchard or the oak in thet cu art tie butt uirown in roadside forett ttve relation of the home to wheat fllki were blamed for two area cliaracter rvirmatlonr it is that of in vhl dltrlcl over uie weekend tlu potter to the clay of the punur pifly mun worked hard for several of trees to te tree he plants uve houn to extlnguuh a blaxe uiat do- uiat clay a well as tree presents little troyed 4x acrx of wheat on uie f arm lreilaance to uve simpers hand con flic mcarumr kilbride while pared with uiat which the will of imllar lire defrayed everal acre on ilic farm of lindsay hornby champion vol to be oatdane down the clilld may offer if it l in uie home that chanvier ur receives the shaping inxtueaoas that are o largely to determine what it is to be if justice kindncas revcr- tiin for life abhorrenc of war are 10 be maintained if love of peaod and recognition of uie claim of all ea ones human fellows to he treated a one would w ish to be treated wera all wlirre i live 4id uie ivx un we irew a pumiiklli jj blb uiat u when wi cut it my ulft- ued one hair the circ*mstances of breed andurth ol it for o cradle and color and creed reversed if thea wlii lulled tlu man front i are the elements hi cliaracter that chlcoin tliat nothlnu a few day make for lifes upremet valuos uvtn rltht h re two full grown police re found ajcep on ne beat are given uie right of way und pro- orue be coiuldered eeel ul the llrt break in the onpn m equivalent to uve nutrient value afjlralnc the right of wav revert at ni the food taken at an ordinary meal 1 the flrt opport unity to the thonmh alcoliol l uele in the performance i fare on whlcli ihr eonllnuou traffic of muscular work lahoralory tests was interruptnl und uie ilmlni of the wiui animals indicate uiat excwdvc signal perkxl l automatically adjust u of alcoliol by parents may caue tt by the vehicle uiemelvri in danger to uie survival of offprtrm and their dejrendant for everal gen era lion- all other effects of alcohol are secondary to the effects upon the this manner the irritation uf un neceuin d lay l removed luce thrre l no time in w hlch ihr inter jetton t not in uc if uierc l trafnc iiren mr meeb hut my dear all treat moled you know mr unl y iltnry und wlven you l t to be u great man i luui t bject l ur nvolln eltlier oat electricity i uvc any mianliu to you clarence only in bananas potatoes 7ilbjor25c onions sawj aaj ury 3lblorioc cun veuow nice ubce sutl xttrt hbd julry nk su oranges ual juicy nu 2s 1 c doz lemons urer l full or 6 u 19c tomatoes apples and olher fruits uc urtr lw full or jaire special prices carrolls a limited urely wlui uvfm as iiart and parcel of the child character must go th con uit ration for tlve rights of all t lint world of animal life we speak of a our kindred earner bom endowed like u wlui the capacity to suffer no cliaracter atained wuh the tauu of cruelty can be other than a menace to man aiul hat cruelty tked a mulutude of fomirf tn man inhu manity to man lias been added the immeasurable and tragic burden he lm- laid upon the animat wutj which lu iia come in contact are clilldren naturally cruel r many of uirm are often cruel without hclnc oiuixlou of it teach the child to love the wood- and nelds uve lk and the bird to uunk of his horse rr dug- or family pets as ids trteod und iou have not only awakened tn hl ou one of uie clvoleem of uis virtue- but you liave added to his cajiarlty for liapplnes a hundredfold cow on rock lfcfee fed a week john k moore of esqueeing towav- jilp uund one his cows which had wandered avay on a rocky ledge pi relied precartoujy on uve thba atltfe or nothing with tb leg broken a it wo imp- jtile- to move th uuiniul wlllvoul fkruver endangering its pojllon mr moore and hk uw decided uiat tlvey would aluaapt to utve tin cow medical altriltiau till k wo able to get out of us prwllcahmul it 4lf hu y made pllnu out of branches of a nearoy ire and after the animal was bandaged securely anied gra and water and live nec- u4iry accejuv for a sick cowa ttuulprt aivd 1 ir a week carefully 1j i ded it i liudnt tlve hrart to kill the poor heol mr moure stated even uvtvugh it eetoed to be fallbur the animal was worth ad and after all wuh rare uierc were un chuoaw to ove ihfct it would recover sufrtekently to be moved to a uif- lutaardoua poaltiou hvever live dtioomtoft wa loo mucin fur tier and thursday uit altf died not being able lu dig a grate in uvd rocks mr lbmire clraled a sivaoe atafcf covered uvc body wlui a load of rock oavt wlvo e pec l only grauiode or hls iiurouly 11 unnv fci ecrtabuy euullrd lq thai f


Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1936, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.