How To Create And Modify Matlab Legends (2024)

Matlab legends help make your plots easier to understand by providing context and labeling data series. Knowing how to effectively use legends can elevate the clarity and impact of your visualizations. This skill is essential for anyone who frequently works with Matlab for data analysis, visualization, or engineering applications.

Article Summary Box

  • Matlab legends enhance data visualization by providing context and labeling, crucial for plots in data analysis, visualization, and engineering applications.
  • Customization options for legends include positioning, text and symbol modification, and adapting to plot changes, ensuring clarity and precision in representation.
  • Handling multiple data series and subplots effectively with legends is essential for coherent and comprehensive data presentation.
  • The article also covers interactive features like draggable legends and hover effects, adding a dynamic layer to Matlab plot interpretation.
  • How To Create And Modify Matlab Legends (1)
  • Creating Basic Legends
  • Modifying Legend Properties
  • Handling Multiple Data Series
  • Interactive Legend Features
  • Best Practices For Legend Design
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Creating Basic Legends

  • Positioning The Legend
  • Customizing Text And Symbols
  • Handling Long Labels
  • To create a basic legend, you can use the legend function in Matlab. This function takes in the names for the data series you want to label.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);legend('Line 1');% plot with a single line labeled as "Line 1"


    After plotting your data, call legend and pass in a string or a cell array of strings to label your data series.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);hold on;plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9]);legend('Line 1', 'Line 2');% plots two lines and labels them as "Line 1" and "Line 2"

    Positioning The Legend

    By default, Matlab places the legend box in the 'best' location to avoid covering data. However, you can manually set the position.

    legend('Line 1', 'Location', 'northwest');% positions the legend at the northwest corner of the plot

    Customizing Text And Symbols

    The appearance of text and symbols in the legend can also be modified.

    legend('Line 1', 'Fontsize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold');% sets the font size to 12 and makes the text bold


    This approach gives you the flexibility to adjust font size, style, and even the orientation of the legend text.

    Handling Long Labels

    If your labels have long text, they might get clipped. To prevent this, you can adjust the box size.

    h = legend('Very Long Line Label');pos = get(h, 'Position');set(h, 'Position', [pos(1) pos(2) 0.3 0.1]);% adjusts the legend box size to fit the long label

    Modifying Legend Properties

  • Modifying Marker Symbols
  • Adjusting Text Properties
  • Dynamic Legend Updates
  • Customizing Interactivity
  • One common adjustment is altering the legend box itself. You can change the border color or make it invisible.

    h = legend('Line 1');set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'r');% sets the border color of the legend box to red

    Modifying Marker Symbols

    You can also alter the marker symbols in the legend to make them more distinguishable or better match the plot.

    h = legend('show');hL = findobj(h, 'type', 'line');set(hL(2), 'Marker', 'square', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'g');% changes the marker symbol to a green square in the legend

    Adjusting Text Properties

    Manipulating text properties is equally straightforward. You can change font attributes, such as size, style, and color.

    h = legend('Line 1');txtObj = findobj(h, 'type', 'text');set(txtObj, 'Fontsize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold');% sets the font size to 12 and text to bold in the legend

    Dynamic Legend Updates

    If you're adding or removing plot lines dynamically, the legend can be updated on-the-fly.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9]);h = legend('Line A');newLine = plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);% adds a new plot lineset(h, 'String', {'Line A', 'New Line'});% updates the legend to include the new line


    Updating your legend dynamically can be a powerful feature when working on complex, evolving visualizations.

    Customizing Interactivity

    Matlab also allows interactivity customization for legends. You can make the legend draggable, or even disable interactivity.

    h = legend('Line 1');set(h, 'Interpreter', 'none', 'Box', 'off');% turns off the LaTeX interpreter and the box, making the legend plain text and borderless


    This is particularly useful when you need to create a static legend that should not be modified by the end user.

    Handling Multiple Data Series

  • Individual Legends For Subplots
  • Using Auto-Update Feature
  • Legends For Complex Plots
  • Grouping Legend Entries
  • When you're dealing with multiple data series, a single legend can encapsulate all the labels.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);hold on;plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9]);legend('Line 1', 'Line 2');% creates a single legend for two data series


    This example showcases a single legend used to label multiple lines.

    The legend function conveniently groups these series.

    Individual Legends For Subplots

    Subplots often require distinct legends. Each subplot can have its own legend by calling legend within each subplot's context.

    subplot(1, 2, 1);plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);legend('Subplot 1');% legend for the first subplotsubplot(1, 2, 2);plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9]);legend('Subplot 2');% legend for the second subplot


    Each subplot has its own independent legend, allowing you to clarify the data being represented.

    Using Auto-Update Feature

    Matlab's auto-update feature can keep the legend current even when you add or remove data series from the plot.

    h = legend('AutoUpdate','on');plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);hold on;plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9]);% auto-updates the legend when a new line is added


    The legend will automatically update when new data series are added, eliminating the need for manual updates.

    Legends For Complex Plots

    For complex plots involving multiple types of data representations like bars, lines, and scatter plots, you can still create cohesive legends.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);hold on;scatter([1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9]);legend('Line Series', 'Scatter Series');% a single legend for both a line plot and a scatter plot


    This demonstrates how to create a single legend that encompasses different types of data plots, ensuring coherent visualization.

    Grouping Legend Entries

    Sometimes itโ€™s necessary to group entries in the legend to make the plot more understandable.

    line1 = plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);hold on;line2 = plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9]);line3 = plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 8, 27]);% Group multiple lines under one legend entrylegend([line1, line2], 'Group 1');% Groups line1 and line2 under the same legend entry named 'Group 1'


    This technique is useful when you have multiple lines that should be interpreted as part of the same data group.

    Interactive Legend Features

  • Draggable Legends
  • Highlight On Hover
  • Adding Context Menus
  • Toggleable Line Styles
  • Matlab allows you to create interactive legends where clicking an entry can toggle visibility of that specific data series.

    hPlot = plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);hLegend = clickableLegend('Line 1');% enables clickable legend functionality for the plot


    With a clickable legend, viewers can focus on specific data series by clicking the corresponding legend entry to hide or show it.

    Draggable Legends

    Draggable legends are convenient for rearranging the legend box without re-running your script.

    hLegend = legend('Line 1');hLegend.UIContextMenu = [];set(hLegend,'Units','normalized','Position',[0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1]);% makes the legend box draggable


    Now you can manually move the legend box within the figure window to better suit your visualization needs.

    Highlight On Hover

    Matlab doesn't natively support hover effects, but you can create custom callbacks to highlight data series when hovering over a legend item.

    hLine = plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);hLegend = legend('Line 1');set(hLegend, 'UserData', hLine, 'ButtonDownFcn', @highlightOnHover);% sets up a callback to highlight the line when hovering over the legend


    This requires defining a custom highlightOnHover function to handle the highlighting, providing an interactive element to your plots.

    Adding Context Menus

    You can enhance user interactivity by adding context menus to the legend items for additional options.

    hLegend = legend('Line 1');cMenu = uicontextmenu;uimenu(cMenu, 'Label', 'Option 1', 'Callback', @yourCallback);set(hLegend, 'UIContextMenu', cMenu);% adds a context menu to the legend with one option


    Adding a context menu allows users to right-click on the legend to access additional features or actions related to the data series.

    Toggleable Line Styles

    With some additional coding, you can allow users to toggle between different line styles directly from the legend.

    hLine = plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], 'LineStyle', '-');hLegend = clickableLegend('Line 1');set(hLegend, 'UserData', hLine, 'ButtonDownFcn', @toggleLineStyle);% allows line style to be toggled through the legend


    You'd have to write a custom toggleLineStyle function, but it can be a useful feature for users wanting to adjust visualization on-the-fly.

    Best Practices For Legend Design

  • Opt For Horizontal Legends
  • Limit Number Of Items
  • Use Color And Markers Wisely
  • Maintain Consistency
  • Consider Legend Position
  • A primary rule of thumb for legend design is to use descriptive but concise labels. This improves readability and understanding.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);legend('Velocity vs Time');% uses a descriptive but concise label


    Opt for labels that clearly communicate what each data series represents, without being overly verbose.

    Opt For Horizontal Legends

    In cases with few items, a horizontal legend can be more space-efficient and visually appealing.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);legend('Data Series 1', 'Orientation', 'horizontal');% sets the legend orientation to horizontal


    This organizes the legend items horizontally, making better use of available space.

    Limit Number Of Items

    Avoid overwhelming the viewer by limiting the number of items in your legend. Stick to essential information.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);legend('Essential Data 1');% includes only essential items in the legend


    If the plot has too many lines, consider grouping them or using other methods to simplify the legend.

    Use Color And Markers Wisely

    Combine colors and markers to differentiate series clearly, especially in black-and-white prints.

    plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], '-o');legend('Velocity', 'Color', 'blue', 'Marker', 'o');% combines color and marker for clarity


    Using both elements can enhance legibility and accessibility, making your chart easier to understand at a glance.

    Maintain Consistency

    Keeping a consistent style for legends across multiple plots or figures makes your work look more professional.

    legend('Data Series 1', 'FontSize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold');% keeps a consistent style for multiple legends


    This includes the font size, style, and even the placement of the legend box within each figure.

    Consider Legend Position

    Lastly, always position the legend so it doesn't obscure important parts of the plot.

    legend('Data Series', 'Location', 'southoutside');% positions the legend where it wonโ€™t obstruct the data


    Finding the optimal position ensures that both the plot and the legend can be viewed clearly.


    Visual Differentiation in MATLAB Plots Using Legends

    Dr. Nora, a meteorologist, was working on a research project comparing monthly average temperatures over a decade in New York and Los Angeles. To represent her findings effectively, she used MATLAB to plot her data.


    Solution with MATLAB Legends

    Dr. Nora utilized MATLAB's built-in legend function to differentiate between the two data series.

    years = 2010:2020;NY_temps = [32, 35, 40, 42, 45, 44, 43, 40, 41, 42, 43];LA_temps = [60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 65, 66, 67, 65, 66, 65];plot(years, NY_temps, '-o', years, LA_temps, '-x');xlabel('Year');ylabel('Avg Temperature (ยฐF)');title('Monthly Average Temperatures: New York vs. Los Angeles');legend('New York', 'Los Angeles');



    By incorporating the legend function, the plot clearly showed two distinguished lines with respective markers ('o' for New York and 'x' for Los Angeles). This added clarity made it easier for viewers, especially non-scientific audiences, to understand and interpret her findings without ambiguity.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Is the Purpose of Using Legends in MATLAB Plots?

    Legends provide a key to help readers understand which graphical shape (line type, color, marker) corresponds to which data series within a plot. It aids in distinguishing between multiple data sets displayed on the same graph.

    Can I Change the Legend's Position After Plotting?

    Absolutely. In MATLAB, you can reposition the legend by using the 'Location' property. Common options include 'north', 'southoutside', 'northeast', etc.

    How Do I Adjust the Font Size of My Legend?

    You can modify the font size with the 'FontSize' property. For example: set(legend,'FontSize',14); would adjust the font size to 14 points.

    My Legend Is Overlapping My Data. How Do I Prevent This?

    You can either manually reposition the legend using the 'Location' property or you can enable draggable legends to manually position them in a suitable area.

    Can Legends Be Added to 3D Plots in MATLAB?

    Yes, legends can be added to 3D plots such as surf and mesh plots in the same way they're added to 2D plots.

    Letโ€™s test your knowledge!

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    How To Create And Modify Matlab Legends (2024)
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