Las Vegas Daily Optic from Las Vegas, New Mexico (2024)

61Y US YOUR ORDER for fish. Now Is the time to get good Hamburg Roll Herring, Extra Fancy Golden Bloater Smoked Halibut, Smoked Salmon, Smoked White Fish, Smoked Herring, Richelieu Cod Fish, Fresh Halibut, Fresh Salmon, Fresh Hallibut, Fresh White Fish, -Fresh Cat Fish, Fresh Oysters, Fresh Mackerel. AT Graaf Hay ward Erccers, Butchen aid Biken. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 4. WEATHER FORECAST.

tonight and Thursday. TOWN TALK. An ideal spring day. W. O.

Coogler Co. have Tenewea their insurance license for twelve months. Miss Guadalupita Martinez is quite sick with la grippe on the west side, as is also Lucio Duran. Antonio Sena, the erstwhile typo graphical artist, is now an employe in the local round house. O.

G. Schafer and the Montezuma Brewery planked down the wherewith yesterday to continue their business Teodoro Gonzales of Encierro has taken out a license for three months conduct a merchandise business down there. Brakeman W. E. Flarherty is al most himself again after his sqcu tumble and will probably report for duty in a few days.

The McSchooler-Maes chicken stealing case will be argued before Judge Wooster, tomorrow, it having been continued over a day. Mr. Halden, the singing evangelist, arrived In the city on an afternoon train, and will take part in the song service at tho Methodist revival this evening. Troop had their, ticket committee out today, disposing of the necessary billets required to gain admission to taeir grand ball at the Montezuma on the 17th. Before tho" adjournment yesterday the board of county commissioners ordercu Sheriff Romero to remove a fence from across the public road between Kearney's gap and Jaramlllo-ville.

News from Mesa Aragon, dated Feb. 28, nays tSere Is lots of snow and it is Aiil falling. It also conveys the reformation that the cold was not intense and that the loss of sheep would be only nominal. E. Sanner.

the second hand man, has taken it on himself to fix a crossing for the pedestrians through the mud to his place of business. This wvather should be an incentive to the city fathers to remedy the lack ol good street crossings. Some little stir and considerable craning necks was' grated at the opera house last night during the performance by the ejectment by the police of a couple of individuals who wished to sit in reserved seats without paying for them. Lucio Duran, at one time a local round house empluye, but for the past three months employed in a like capacity with the Rock Island company at Santa Rosa, has returned to Las Vegas with the intention of remaining here permanently. airs.

D. T. xwry entertained twelve couple at progressive euchre in the beautiful parlors of the Lowry residence on Ninth street last evening. After several sets had been played the guests were regaled with the lu ions light refreshments. Ben Vooster did not return from Santa Rosa with Chas Wells, he having found work with the Rock Island road.

Wells came home last night and says the snow has been awful down there, road running about one train a week dur. the storm. A special train, consisting of the special cars of General Manager II. V. Mudge, General Superintendent Kane and Division Superintendent F.

C. Fox, arrived in Las Vegas this afternoon ahead of No. 1 and was side tracked near the round house. In the case of the complaint of Anna Valdez against J. A.

Baca for the guardianship of Maria Valdez, a minor, the court dismissed the case for lack of jurisdiction, the child having been placed in the care of Baca by the probate court of Mora county. A. Adler and Ben Lewis will leave on No. 8 tomorrow -for New York to purchase a big stock of gents' furnishing goods for their new store. Mrs.

Lewis and son imon will accompany tftem as far as St. Louis, where she wiU leave TAiem and go to Vicksberg, on a visit to rela tives. J. A. Maloney and Ed Henry got in from Ft.

Stanton last night, overland, where they have been engaged on the mason work of the government sanitarium. They report one of the toughest trips they ever had, fourteen 7ays having been consumed in the undertaking. The snow in the Patos mountains and on the plains between Pinos Wells and Pedernal was drifted in tbree feet deep and it was a fight for passage from start to finish. MAMA KNOWS SheSaya Ferndell Preserves are the best because careful selection of fresh, good fruit and clean cook-lng have rendered them superior to all others. There pore fruit taste appeal to every one.

I carry complete Una, Three-fourth pound Jars S3o Two pound Jars CSe Three pound Jars C. D. DOUCIIEn. A IT (T. THT IP.

jnx ix IFOR. BOYSI1 75 cts 85 cts S1.00 $1.25 Gio.ra.nteed. At: liiuuiiiiiuuiiiiiuaiuiuiiiiu THE WHITE BROKERAGE CO. The above is thename of a new brokerage firm which is composed of D. T.

White of El Paso, H. T. Unsell and J. P. Earlckon this city.

White was the junior member of the firm of Wardenburg White and had headquarters In this city for eight years. has been connected with Browne Manzanares wholesale grocers for over 12 years! Mr. Earickson was salesman for Gross, Blackwell for ten years, and has had charge of the office of Wardenburg White in this city for-the past year. Mr; White remains in charge of the El Paso office. Mr.

Earickson remains In Las Vegas "While Mr. Unsell goes to Trinidad to take charge of the office there. All the members of the firm are A No. 1 Las Vegas trained young business men, and that means something exceptional, and will make a strong combination that will invade very nook and corner of the field where business can be found. The Optic predicts unbounded success for the new firm.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Weekly report -ending February 28, 1903. Deeds. Robert K. N.

widower and sole heir of Annie E. Cullen, to Mary J. Winn; deed dated Feb. 3, 1903, Cons. Conveys lots recorded Feb ruary 25, 1903; Scottish Mortgage and Land Iinvestment to Jefferson Reynolds, appointment of agent, dated Feb.

12, 1903, recorded Feb. 27, 1903; power to act. Bonifacio Lucero and Rachael E. Lucero and Literary and Mutual Aid Society, agreement dated May 19, 1902, Cons. $5, recorded May 19, 1902, easem*nt for passageway across lots THE GRIM REAPER.

William Vaughn of Racine, Wisconsin, who came here a few weeks ago. died at the ladies Home about noon today. He was a man apparently forty-five years old. The news of his death has been telegraphed to his Don't Practice False Ma. sonic Temple wife and instructions are awaited us to the disposal of his remains.

C. A. Whitten of Halnesville, Alabama, died at his room on the west side yesterday afternoon oi pneumonia, contracted a week ago. The young man came here last April and had recovered to such an extent that he had concluded to return home soon, hut Providence willed otherwise and he contracted the disease which caused his death. The remains will be shipped to the home of the deceased.

BARBARA FnlETCHIE." Last night's refidiCton of the popular war drama. "Barbara Frietchle," by Mary Elizabeth Forbes, at the DunPSn, was all that the fastidious Las Vegas public expected. She carried part, as the dash-southe'rn belle, through in true southern style while the support given by the rest of the cast was excellent in every particular. Bessie Bacon as Sue Boyce, Jennie Weidman as Mammy Lou and Royal D. Trace as Jack Neg-ley were especially fine in their specialties.

Mrs. Phil Doll gave an enjoyable card party to a number' of her friends at her home on Seventh street yesterday afternoon." Oh, those crossings will they ever be fixed, -f For furniture packing, picture framing, and: upholstering, bo to M. Biehl's, 514 Douglas avenue. Colorado 'Phone 219. 65-tf Wrappers and shirtwaists, plain sewing, children's clothes a specialty at 923 Jackson Ave.

82-lmo The City laundry guarantees a beautiful finish to all work. Phones, Colorado 89, Vegas 156. 1122 National street 77-tf. For Rent Six room house with bath room, toilet and "all modern Improvements, located', on Eleventh street, near National avenue. Enquire of Veeder Veeder.

97-tf ft INVEST $100 i jMAjivaiiu lviaueaDie iron ana steel range I will last a life time, properly handled, and vuu ii say aner using- one tnat tne price paid was the best investment ever made. The first cost of a Majestic Malleable Iron and Steel Range is just a little more than cast iron or a cast iron and steel rano-e. hut there mA reasons for it. When you buy a cast iron range or cast iron and steel ranee, vour p-ettincv at best. tmnnrarv Kaffair, and a range that will I A nuuu.c auu cApciisc.

ixidjcaui; ixiaueaoie iron ana. Steel range is a permanent fixture and a saving bank in fuel, food and repair bills. See them at the Bridge Street Hardware Storo Mm in iaauuiuuiiisiuiuiiuaiiiiis G.A. R. OFFICERS PASS THROUGH The following delegation of the Grand Army of the Republic came in on No.

2 from the south last evening, and after taking supper at the Castaneda continued their journey eastward. Gen. Thomas J. Stewart, commander-in-chief G. A.

and Mrs. Stewart, Norriston, Comrade Chas. Burrows, quarter general G. A. and Mrs.

Burrows, Rutherford, N. J. Executive committee. National Coilncil of Administation: Comrade Wm. H.

Armstrong and Indianapolis, Comrade Taos. G. Sample and wife, Alleghany, Comrade A. A. Taylor and wife, Cambridge, Ohio; Comrade S.

C. James, Centervllle, Iowa; Comrade J. Cory, chief of staff, and wife, Troy. Ohio; Comrade Robert B. Beath, past commander in Chief G.

A. Philadelphia, Comrade C. A. Partridge, A. A.

u. Dept. of Illinois, G. A. and Mrs.

Partridge, Chicago, Comrade J. G. Everest, Chicago, Mrs. L. J.Taylor, national president Womans Relief Corps, Le Sieux, Minnesota; Mrs.

Florence McClelland, W. R. Chicago, A. Anna Hall, national president Ladies of the G. A.

Wheeling, W. Va. A QUIET WEDDING. The residence of Mrs. McCaddon.

at 920 Tilden street, was the scene of a quiet but happy wedding last evening, when Miss Grace McCaddon and Dan iel Strawmatt were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. A few intimate friends gathered at the resi dence and witnessed the ceremony as perrormea by Rev. A. C. Geyer.

Re- iresnments were served to the guests. L. A. Myers, a brother-in-law of W. M.

Lewis, the undertaker, arrived yes terday for a visit of a few days. Mr, Myers is a merchant of Miami, Mo, which he left about the first of Janu ary for a rtip through Texasv Mexi co, California and Colorado, going the southern route and coming back the northern. He says that everywhere he went he was told the same story, "This is the coldest we have had lor twenty years." At Los Angeles he ran across half an inch o. ice. and it wasn't in an Ice factory, either.

The board of trade failed to muster a quorum last night sev eral important enterprises vital to the progress of the city and county will lie in statu quo until a more propiti Economy. in the matter of headwear. Remem ber, your hat is the prominent feature of your apparel and you don't wear $10 clothes. We are showing a special assortment of $4 hats both derbies and soft hats that are characterized not only by correct style but by finest quality. Sporleder Shoe Co.

ous time. Snow, mud, and meetings of other kinds weer so numerous that the people's attention was distracted Mrs. Charles Kohn last evening at the play took the place of Prof, Ehler's at the piano as accompanist for the orchestra It was a. wise step on the part of the management of the opera house to make the orchestra a regular feature of each prformance, and is duly appreciated by play-goers. Merchants, stockmen and citizens generally are over the pros pects for this year as a result of the recent heavy, snow fall followed by the warm weather.

The directors of the Business Men's association will meet this eve ning. Consaul Son, the contractors are at work on the building recently va cated by Phil Doll, getting it in shape for the new clothing firm. Flower festivals are held in California during April and May, Take the Santa Fe through tourist cars, Colonist rates April 1st to June 15th, 1903. 94-tf FOR SALE-Pcrtable Stem Boiler ui Engine, ten-horss pswar, in gscd condition, ktimt P. Trembltj, Box 133, Las M.

S32w Fresh, pure apple cider, sold at the place of manufacture. Fine; try it, Pete Basleer's on Bridge street 75-tf F. L. Oswalt pays cash and allows good prices for second hand goods. 1210 National avenue.

Colorado 'phone 176. Sltt J. H. Small teaches both piano and organ. For further particulars call at 714 Main avenue.

96-lw THAU THROW S60 ADAY be a source of constant H- 1 We are the exclusive agents for the famous Custom Tailor, A. GARLAND, Howell. Mich. Their Spring Line of samples is now on Display in our store and it will pay you to see them before you buy your spring suit. Carmlen Anderson, Men'a Shoes ekfid jurnishings.

6I0 DouglaLS Ave. PERSONAL, PENCILINGS. James Arnot is in return from a short trip to Albuquerque. Mrs. McKenna and daughter will leave for their Ohio home on No.

8 to night, i T. N. Steel, father of Mrs. Chas. Duran, went over to Santa Fe this afternoon, tk Henry Eseinger, knight of the grip, went up the road last night with his sample cases.

J. T. Winans and utto Lange, cat tlemen of the Watrous valley, visit the metropolis today. Mr. Condon and party, who have been stopping at the Castaneda, left for St.

Louis this afternoon. M. E. Serna, M. Nelson, D.

M. Clay ton, Calonias; S. H. Haynes, Albuquerque, put up at the New Optic. J.

A. Berryhill and wife, Topeka; J. A. Marlman, Lloyd Dunbolten, Los Animas, stop at the Central. Mr.

and Mrs. Payne have gone south, he to Phoenix, in com pany with Mr. Cox and Mrs. i'ayno to California. Clive Hastings, Mineral Hill; Ed H.

Lane, Topeka; A. Hewitson, Kan sas City; D. T. White, El Paso, book at the Rawlins house. Antonio Rioval Lucero, Juan Lu cero, San Geronimo; and Marcas Montoya, Tecolote, traded with local merchants yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Grinnell and Mrs. Johnson of Detroit, who enloy- ed several days' stay at La Pension have departed for California. Mrs.

C. T. Hockemeyer left last night for El Paso. She will join her husband at Socorro and trom mere they will Journey home together. Clive Hastings came up from a short trip to Albuquerque last even ing, and this afternoon departed through the mud for his Mineral Hill home.

wfJTiffiJil Pedro Montoya and Martin uarcia returned from La Liendre yesterday, where they had been as witnesses in the McSchooler-Maes chicken stealing case. Felipe Tapia and Marcas Maes journeyed up through the mud from La Liendre, yesterday, with pelts which were disposed of to ocal mer chants'. O. S. Hobbs passed through the city for Los Angeles this afternoon.

The gentleman is the father of little Mis Dora Hobbs who is visiting Mrs Chas. A. Spiess, and father and daughter had a happy meeting at the depot while the train stopped. S. J.

Butcher, a Colorado mining man who makes his headquarters in Denver, is in the city. He is very much interested in the Standish Lix- iaviating mill and thinks it is the most perfect method of treating low grade ores extant. R. C. Hammond, Tampa, Fla.

Hamilton, Kansas A. A. Flinn, El Pino; Andrew Warren, Watrous; E. Marlow, Kansas City; A. S.

Mar quest, Denver; O. E. North wood and wife, Wagon Mound; James A. Rolls, Watrous; F. McGuly, New York; J.

F. Otto Lang, Watrous; A. Laque, Albuquerque, are at the Castaneda. Simon Mares, who has been busi ness manager for El Independiente for several months has resigned his position and the management will be resumed by Henry Salazar. A Mr.

Lyons, of Denver will have charge of the job printing department. The special car "Meta," attached to No. 1 passed through the city this afternoon carrying Jay Morton and party, brother of Second Vice President Paul Morton. The party are traveling to California. Mrs.

J. E. Moore entertained the Ladies' Guild at La Pension yesterday afternoon. Where are the March winds? King Aeolus seems to be taking a vacation. The city wae visited by a slight shower about 9 o'clock last evening.

Livers, hearts, tongues, brains and all kinds of fresh meat. Vegas phone 105, Colorado phone 329. MARTIN BROS. 91-tf IiS VEGAS HEAT AND SUPPLY CO. 505 SIXTH STRXET Mas ARE DOVH to 3Cc a Dozen.

THEY ARE THE PRODUCT of UAe MEADOWBROOK FARM, TRY THEM. to Spcblty IS NEAT, POPULAR PRICES itt QUICK DELIVERY. "The Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets" You see them advertised in all the leading Journals; you can now see them in tnree(3) styles at our etore. No Kitchen Complete Without Them They have the Flour Bins and Sifters, the Sugar Bins, Bread Boards, Spice Boxes and all the necessary spaces for Kitchen Exclusive Sale For Los Vegas We sell them at popular prices. Buying In Car Lots enables us to save you considerable in freights.

Call and Inspect them whether you buy or not. nosontHcJ Furniture Company, R13-42J TVAILR.OAD A VENUS. All the Week PRICES ON SKIRTS $L50 $2.44 5.57 $4.15 $6.58 of taffetas, peau de soie and med. All are reduced. Worth $10 for $7.50.

Worth $20 for S15. There is a large assortment, five per cent, tor the week. ILFELD'S: 15e. Plaza t. .9.

It. 7 VW LEVY BRO, THE LEADERS A GREAT New Ixijft FOR In Early SPRING NOVELTIES At 50 cts Striped and Fancy Figured Madras. At 75 cts Black and white Fancy Striped corded madras. At S1.00 White mercerized basket weaves and Fancy Corded Ginghams. Sole Agents for There is none better and SIXTH STREET m.

rTTTT rTTTT TTTTTTTTTTn Moore ILvimber Co, Everything Used in Building Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated 1214 National Avenue Both 'Phones 150. We Buy Old Gold Gather up your Old Gold Jewelry And At PHIL H. DOLL'S Watch Inspector 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 twin 1 I E. ROSEN WALD SON, We a Comphte Stock of White Shirt Waists -in- India Linon, Fine Persian Lawn. Piques and Fancy Mercerized Pongee.

All in the very latest fashion and absolutely exclusive styles. Prices range from $1 to $5.50. Perfect tit guaranteed. See the new styles in Spring1 Wallcing Msts We Our stock of Ultra Shoes i boots and in oxfords. The market Everybody says so, it must be true.

The Brockport follow the Ultra in quality The Shoe Costs 3.00 and the Guaranteed genuine hand, E. Rosenwald mil 1 1 11 1 lit mil in It is not only economy to have your own note beads, letter heads and en velopes, but it is more business-like and much baedler. Order them from for two-dollar skirts in all colors. They are plain walking- skirts having" eight rows of stitching around bottom; bargain at 1.50. for $3.25 skirts ot meltons and kerseys.

The flounce has 15 rows of stitching; walking length. for $4.50 skirts of coverts, ladies' cloth and snowflake suitings in walking length with scalloped circular flounce all colors. The next grade worth $5. 75 reduced to 4.32. for $5.50 black cheviot dress skirts, the flounce trimmed in satin bands and silk buttons decidedly stylish and well made.

for $8. 50 skirts of fine quality broadcloth, blue or black, trimmed in silk braid and silk cord stitching; handsome garments. SILK SKIRTS lumineaux, all elegantly trim Worth $15 for $11.25 Worth $25 for $18.75 all cut down in price twenty- A TiiAilLAif. f. ifc.fc "1 VfT1' 'I' t1 VTTT VTTvTT'fTTT OF DRY GOODS.

MOVEMENT OF At $1.25 Fancy colored striped pique, black and white shepard plaid, white brocaded mercerized, white basket weaves mercerized. At $1.65 White silk striped mercerized. At $2.75 White brocaded mercerized, white basket weaves mercerized. CORSETS i made. Straight front Dip Hip, EAST LAS VEGAS trade it for New Jewelry 1 1 1 1 HIIHtfHHt SOUTH SIDE PLAZA I A Nice Selection of ShirtWaist Patterns i -IN- MaLdras.

Mercerized Oxfords, Plain and Fancy Canvas. Fleece Lined Piques, Etc. Only one of a kind We are showing a select lot of white wool and Silk mixed novelties for Shirt waists, in Grenadines, Etamines, Bedford Cord. Fancy French Crepes, Embroid- ered French Cashmere, etc. and Summer have a fine line of all styles.

19 complete, both in the Ultra is the best shoe on the Oxford $2.50 turned and Goodyear welts. Son, South Side Plaza. iMMniiiiitii What makes a more appropriate gift than a plate and a hundred engraved cards, In Gothic, Plain Roman, Fancy -Roman, Plain Old English, or Shaded Old Encash? Camples at Cb good clothes event of the season. We have arranged with the renowned tailoring house of Strauss Bros Chicago, to display their entire line of fine woolens in the piece at our store on Friday and Saturday March 6 and 7 The display will be made under the supervision of a special representative from Chicago; 500 newest patterns in the line; low prices. Even if you're not yet ready to order, call and let.

us "post" you. We can interest you. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE H'HtW'H'H 1 1 tin tii G.COORS Lumber Sash Doors (Si i Jpmlders Hardware Wall Paper. Sherwirt-WilliaLma' Paint. Varnishes, Enamels, Jap-a-Lac, Elaterite Roof-I lng.

Tar Building Papers. ES1IMATES FURNISHED. PHONE 56 tHHHMM 1 1 11 1 til Hm mi Ml I II 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 F. J. GEHRING Tinning, Plumbing a.nd Ha.rdwoLre Roofing, cornice, house furnishings, stoves and ranges.

Agent for steam and hot water heaters and furnaces. We carry in stock: Builders Hardware, Quick Meal and Bridge Beach ranges, full assortment of tinware and enamelled goods. Tin plates, sheet copper and iron, galvanized iron, barb wirej wrought iron pipe, All orders will have the promptest attention and we guarantee good work. PURE APPLE! CIDER, FRESH FROM THE MILL in the room in which it is sold. PETE BASLEER, Bridge Street Tp HE most commodious dining room and most excellent service in the city, is found at Center Street.

If you are to meet any friends at the depot, take them to Duval's for a good dinner E. CBITES, UUD 2nd Hand Dealer. Sells Ereryttim. Douglas ATeine it Rosenthal Bros, Special You'll learn more by coming in, whether you want to buy or not. Here are some of the good things OA a pair for.

Ladies' Qc pervardfor various black seamless hose kinds of dress goods Men's assorted colored worth double, hose. Children's seamless Qc each for heavy Ladies' white hand- Turkish Towels kerchiefs. Qq for 2 handkerchiefs Undermuslins for misses'and child- For Ladies ren. Ladies' Gowns at 79c, 89c, 9c 7ar" or laces all widths- and kinds, j' tV. i Ladies Corset Covers at worth as high as 19c.

9Cf 39Cf 59c 9c a yard for neck rib- Ladies' Drawers at 19c, bons, worth 15c. 29ci 59c. Qc for boysr collars and Ladies Skirts at 39c, 59c, cuffs, the 15c value. 89c GREEN TRADINQ STAMPS, on all Cash Sales 100 Other Itens atr? ROSENTHAL- BROS, Ect Lca Yqjcs 2 Minimum mini im CoaJ 8L Wood I EAST LAS VEGAS. N.

M. steam fittings, brass and Iron valves, lubricators and steam gauges, injectors, pipe and tube wrenches, rubber hose and packing, wind mills, pumps cylinders, well points, stock tanks reservoir tanks, smoke stacks, galvanized iron range boilers, bath tubs, sinks, water closets, cast iron soil pipe, ana uiungB. S. R. Dearth Undertaker AND Embalmer.

CUT FLOWERS AND MONUMENT BOTH 'PHONES. lOoer cent. Redaction. worth of $4.50 work for by using otna COUPON -i- BOOKS, and at any time yon wish we will buy back coupons not used, at cost. LAS VEGAS STEAL! LAUNDRY Colorado 'Phon 61.

Las Vegas 'Phon 17. 9c Sale Cents in thb Sale i 1.

Las Vegas Daily Optic from Las Vegas, New Mexico (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.