New Jersey Nightly News; 10/25/1982 (2024)

Do. Good evening I'm Kent Monaghan and I'm Rolonda Watts jobs and the economy dominated legislative action in the Senate and the assembly today. We'll have a report. And the fourth winner in last week's pick six millionaires lottery came forward today to claim her prize. And correspondent Michael Laird will begin a special series on major issues in this year's U.S. Senate race between Millicent Fenwick and Frank Lautenberg get jobs and the lack of jobs dominated statehouse talk today both the assembly in the Senate where in session British aid is here with a report read oh. OK can't. Get the assembly agenda was sidetracked this afternoon by a lengthy debate on a bill requiring New Jersey companies to report layoffs and close down months before they happen. The bill is aimed at protecting the worker and would apply to any company with 50 or

more employees. The Democratic measure encountered strong Republican opposition. But we were right there. On. This hill I want to tell anyone. That words were always with people a real stake a vote on the bill was finally squelched by the debate. Another bill was introduced today to help New Jersey's work force the administration formally introduced a jobs training bill that would use eight million dollars already appropriated in the budget. Governor Kaine says the job training program is needed to give the working poor an incentive to stay on the job rather than retreat to welfare now that incentives are all wrong those people will drop right off working and go on welfare without seeing something. This bill is designed to give them the necessary training and the necessary hope so that they can see an

improvement so they'll keep on working. Democrats have their own version to retrain unskilled workers and both sides see a quick compromise. And there's still no resolution to the state's Sixty two million dollar budget deficit after next week's election legislative leaders will sit down and map out a spending and taxing strategy. Democratic leaders said today they want the governor to make a special appearance before a joint session of the legislature. Cain says he doesn't see the need for it. He says the message is pretty clear. And tonight just a little while ago the Senate passed legislation which would require a mandatory six month prison term for anyone convicted of handing out poisoned candy at Halloween. The measure will be brought up before the assembly later tonight. Rolanda Thank you Rita. The gap between front runner Millicent Fenwick and Democratic challenger Frank Lautenberg seems to be narrowing in New Jersey's U.S. Senate race. And you want a new Lautenberg campaign poll shows him only six percentage points behind Fenwick or Mrs. Fenwick is not disputing the new numbers and she says she'll fight to keep her lead. SANDRA KING reports.

Just a few weeks ago the gap was 19 points Fenwick might have seemed an easy winner. But as Lautenberg put out more and more money he's picked up more and more support. Even the last Republican poll put him just 13 points away. But his latest effort shows he's gone more than half the distance. In closing that spirit I think people wouldn't spend as much money on TV and radio and. So you I've been warning people that this would happen. So her plan is to beef up spending in this final campaign week. So is this a shell match or opponent. Dollar for dollar to the tune of more than 300000. Most of that spending for television time. I don't like to be forced to do this but this is abuse what has happened to politics in the United States. And if you don't want to play the

game you can get into it. Aides say she'll also be stepping up her campaign schedule. So you couldn't have proved that by today she had only this one stop prior to tonight's big event with Vice President Bush. It had been billed as a meeting with the black media but only six participants showed up. Only two of those media types but family it does insist she's entitled to black support that she's earned it over the last 40 years. I don't believe the news. Separating people into these groups from my life that you know that most black voters are in fact Democrats who are always bad about the way that I leave you. That leaves me with many black friends. As for a lot in burbs record Fenwick says he joined the end of last year where always the star and I'm Sandra King. And Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Frank Lautenberg today lashed out at Republican tax and budget policies policies which he says are partly responsible for the state's projected budget deficit. Ottenburg made his comments after a meeting with

Democratic leaders at the State House earlier today in Newark Lautenberg picked up the endorsem*nt of three of the state's Democratic congressional candidates. Diane doctor reports. Frank Lautenberg got a table full of endorsem*nts from some popular Democratic voices Congressman Frank Borini who himself lost the Democratic nod for the U.S. Senate in 1070. Joseph Minissha 20 year veteran of the house. And Robert Rowe a 13 year veteran all represent heavily populated North Jersey districts and are considered likely to be re-elected. All say they will campaign for Frank Lautenberg as they campaign for themselves. He's a man who's sensitive to the needs of the people the people of our state. We work with Millicent Fenwick and she's a very charming lady. But they were here to talk about Frank Lautenberg. New Jersey needs Frank Lautenberg. Lautenberg was also endorsed by former Governor Robert minor and his wife former congresswoman Helen minor. The issues discussed today were the same as Lautenberg spent bringing up all

along unemployment and social security and Reaganomics. And there is the issue the media has been bringing up Lautenberg reference last week to Gerald Ford's description of Millicent Fenwick as eccentric Fenwick is branded that style as pathetic. I repeat President Ford if you want to if you want to see what he said on the phone you got Lautenberg says he does not think Mrs. Fenwick is eccentric or just ineffective in Newark. And I'm dying doctor. In the last. The fourth and final winner of last Thursday's record breaking pick six lottery who was too nervous to step forward last week finally claimed her prize today. Twenty eight year old Josephine Lomax of New York received a check for more than $70000 from Governor Kaine and that's only the first annual installment of payments which will total one point seventy nine million dollars over 19 years. Lomax who brought along her 11 year old son

Charles works as a medical claims examiner for a Newark insurance company while she described watching the lottery drawing at home on TV. The still shaky winner got a steadying hand from lottery director Hazel Gluck. I. Was dying. That's what. I was watching. And if they got blacked out on. Me. Oh Mack said she may buy a house with her winnings and that she won't quit her job. The four winners in the drawing will split a total of seven point one million dollars. The Coast Guard said today it will conduct an inquiry into yesterday's fishing boat accident near Point Pleasant five of the 22 passengers drowned when the boat sank. Eight and a half miles off the coast. Three others are missing and presumed dead.

Small craft advisories have been posted according to a Coast Guard spokesman. They warned of heavy winds and waves of up to six feet. Investigators excuse me will talk to witnesses survivors and the Marine inspector to determine the cause of the accident and whether the vessel was in compliance with regulation. The 45 foot boat was chartered by the Gaelic cultural society of Greenwood Lake New York. The hundreds of buses that carry casino customers to Atlantic City every day have prompted a lot of complaints from city residents. They say the buses disrupt traffic pollute the air and make too much noise. Tonight Dan Hodson takes a look at the other side of the issue and discovered that things aren't so rosy for the bus drivers either. Over three hundred thousand buses will come to Atlantic City this year. Most will stay only six or eight hours before leaving again. And during that time a lot of the bus drivers simply have no place to go. There are so many of them. They're not allowed they say even to park for five minutes on city streets. But we will get a ticket.

We can't even stop to get a pack of cigarettes. We are asked by the police department here so much it's pathetic. Ellison parks his bus at this county run lot just outside Atlantic City. He says the drivers are completely isolated here with nowhere even to get a sandwich. They don't even have a bathroom yet go to bathroom get to use a bathroom on a bus. If you want water you've got to bring you what I deal with. Don't make a phone call. We have no phones. You have no place you can even get a soda. The County Transportation Authority had promised bus companies it would put lounge facilities at its parking lots over a year ago. This lounges at a private life. The fact that county locks don't have any yet officials say it's not their fault. To move as expeditiously as we could to correct those problems. And in fact we were stopped either by was subtle. Governmental agencies for making improvements to the law which would have. Answered the complaints of the best operators. Many disputes with the city over who has jurisdiction over the busses have apparently prevented necessary improvements will reportedly be installed at one of the three county locks this

week. But many bus companies have already become disgruntled and established parking lots of their own. Only a few are big enough to be able to afford driver lounges like this one though. The result is that buses are once again traveling to lots dispersed all around the city. Thus defeating the county's original effort to consolidate the parking to minimize destruction to residents and to traffic and increasing the number of disputes between bus drivers and police in Atlantic City and then hearts. A U.S. district judge today voided the prison sentence of 82 year old Jacob Friedland the father a former State Senator David Friedman. The judge said Jacob Freeland's health was failing and there was a good chance he could die in prison. His term was reduced from two years in prison to five years probation. David and Jacob Freeland were convicted on federal kickback conspiracy charges two years ago. The elder Friedland a disbarred Jersey City attorney has remained free on bail since his conviction. Although crop yields this fall are excellent New Jersey grain farmers will face financial

hardship this winter when the plant again reports the problem boils down to the old economic theory of supply and demand. Walter Cortona and his father grow corn and soybeans on their farm in Burlington County. It's harvest time now and the owners predict a bountiful crop. But they don't expect a profit or net return breaker will probably be one of the lowest. Many of what much of what we're growing is a breakeven and somewhat below the price of wheat corn and soybeans currently runs about 25 percent less per bushel than last year. The demand for grain is low. Katana says that's because the world market can't or won't absorb the enormous supply produced by American farmers. And he blames that on bad foreign policy. We've had things such as grain embargo where we refused to sell grain to other countries or we didn't fully honor the contracts that we had. When you do this type of thing. The country seek other markets.

Last week President Reagan did offer to sell the Soviets 23 million metric tons of grain. But agriculture expert Jim Gibson says that won't be allowed to farmers this year. Gibson believes New Jersey grain farmers face a real crisis and some may be forced out of business. If we have another year like this year yes I do think so because we've had three bad years in a row. With high interest rates high prices for our imports into your grain producing forms and we've had a very small return to the former grain farmers like Cortona own half of New Jersey's farm acreage last year that land produced a net profit of over twenty nine million dollars this year. That profit considerably Caetano says the federal government can solve the farmers problem by actively cultivating a world market. If the U.S. seeks buyers and delivers grain shipments as promised he believes prices will rebound but he says if that action isn't taken soon many green farmers will have to sell their land to pay their bills. In Cross works Burlington County. I'm Brenda Flanagan.

Continue to trust Tylenol that's what the makers of the extra strength pain reliever are urging consumers to do in an effort to reintroduce Tylenol to the market. McNeil Consumer products maker of the pain reliever began a series of 60 second television commercials on the three major networks last night. Officials of the company which is a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson say Tylenol will eventually be packaged in tamper resistant containers JNJ spokesman in New Brunswick says the ads will continue through Wednesday and then the company will study consumer reaction. Tylenol capsules were removed from the market after seven deaths were reported in the Chicago area between September 29 and October 1st. Meanwhile police and local authorities across the state are so concerned about the recent rash of poisonings that have plagued the country that they're beefing up patrols for Halloween. Police in Vineland say city officials they're taking things a step further and banning trick or treating all together. Other South Jersey communities are establishing curfews for kids under 18. Authorities are

recommending that parents or adult friends accompany children on how we night trick or treat only in familiar homes preferably during the afternoon hours and carefully check all goodies to make sure they've not been tampered with. And now here's a look at the weather forecast it will be rainy windy and cool with lows in the mid 40s storm warnings have been posted along the New Jersey shore from Cape May to Manasquan tomorrow clearing with diminishing winds highs will be around 60 degrees and the outlook for Wednesday fair. And mild. OK.

Try. It. Tonight we begin a weeklong series of reports on the issues in the U.S. Senate race between Democrat Frank Lautenberg and Republican Millicent Fenwick. Here with the first of his reports is Michael Aron Rolanda. I spent over an hour with each of the candidates talking about many of this year's major domestic and foreign policy issues. All this week we'll show you excerpts from those interviews. Undoubtedly the dominant issue this year is unemployment or as Mrs. Fenwick says jobs jobs jobs. The unemployment rate has risen to its highest level since of the pression and candidates Fenwick and Lautenberg have a thin sparring over who is best suited to help them put New Jersey back to work. Lautenberg has put out a 29 page program containing his ideas on the unemployment problem and he talked with me about it. I don't think it's fair to the voters to suggest that any single thing is suddenly going to turn us from this problem

into a full employment society. But there are things that we can do fundamental things that we can do to start the process. Small business is the largest employer and therefore it's very obvious that we have to. Help small business make investment and get going that's where the innovation comes from. They're the people who are willing to move into the urban centers particularly the minority businessperson. They have to be able to borrow money at a decent rate and therefore I think something like a National Development Bank is critical and there is a proposal in Jersey I think is quite good to start the process that's more dealing with infrastructure but I think we should have one dealing with business in the country. I think it's very important that we get our people trained especially in New Jersey which does not have the technically trained workforce to encourage business to move your businesses follow where there is a decent pool of trained workers. You see that in Massachusetts and California and a couple of other states. So we have

to get our people trained. We have to make certain again that there is a program that encourages small business to get involved in the training I've recommended something like an employee voucher system or X-ray successfully in Germany where an employee particularly an older employ someone who has been on a job who's lost that job can take this latter into an employer if the program was approved under a government spec and have the government participate in the cost of training that worker. It's very helpful because then the work and I want to get strained but he also he or she has a job to look forward to at the end of the training period. So those are some of the things that I believe would be helpful in getting our society turned around. There's high unemployment in South Jersey. Cumberland County has just about the highest unemployment certainly in New Jersey the fifth worst unemployment county in the country possibly favor lifting the restrictions on development in the Pine

Barrens. As a job creating measure I don't think that's necessary. It's not a question of valuable space. It's a question of the vitality of the business sector. It's a question of the ability for a business to develop with the infrastructure that we have. With the highways and forcing our at the bottom of the bound terms and evaluation of a highway system that affects all kinds of businesses truckers don't like making investments in new equipment because they say wears out. Quicker than its normal life would otherwise. People who want to locate in good areas for investment real estate and rent wise don't want to do it because it's too high to bring the product to market. We have no problem with available places to develop business what we have a problem is how do we get the economy working in our state and of course getting jobs back.

Throughout the campaign Lautenberg has portrayed Fenwick as anti jobs. He sticks to that despite Mrs. Fenwick's insistence that she's voted for many job creating programs I've created private sector jobs he told me that's real job creation not simply the casting of a vote. Mrs. Fenwick however stands by her record and attacks some of the ideas in Mr. Lautenberg economic program. I think that if he's going to talk about jobs I'd like to talk about jobs. He says he has 4000 in New Jersey that he now is employing 20000 in New Jersey that I have voted to sustain and I'm now being employed. And there's another 20000 that I voted. And very soon will be operating in New Jersey as a result as a result of several programs that will be thought to say nothing of the 19 million jobs in training that I voted for and just recently another million people will be involved in the 800000 people will be involved in a jobs training and retraining program.

Your opponent has put forward here put out a 29 page economic agenda with a heavy accent on New Jersey. You in. Reply on your own. I have talked about economic goals that you want to see achieved and you have said look at my record but you haven't been particularly specific with proposals. Why not. Because the proposals are that what he's proposing in some cases what he's proposing for example these vouchers. That has been examined since 1964 by the national policy on on the National Commission on employment policy negative is a result of that. He just doesn't know. He says it worked well in Germany where a lot of things worked in Germany that aren't working. It would never work here. It was tried but the businesses or small businesses particularly didn't like it because they had to wait for the return on their vouchers from the government and the government's very dilatory in sending money out. And the people who were given the vouchers didn't like it because they said reduce

them to food stamp types. There was another one the domestic content bill. Well now this is part of his part the part of his proposals he advocate. Bill. It is a disaster. It is supposed to be aware of some foreign policy concerns and particularly in this regard business because of his worldwide business employee employs a number of people overseas. And yet he proposes the domestic content bill. Which violates two sections of the general agreement of tariffs and trade which Mr. Kennedy President Kennedy started a hope for an orderly way of international trade. And in addition would cost a hundred and fifty thousand American jobs according to the Congressional Budget Office which is not an arm of the Republican Party or anything. These are not then that infrastructure doesn't know you know him you know doesn't your hear doesn't he doesn't that he couldn't. It's not his fault. A lot of his mistakes I prefer to believe comes through this ignorance

rather than malice. But. The infrastructure bank that he proposes that Governor Kaine has proposed I'm not against that but the point is it's not new and it's not original and I don't have to write it down because I'm already in favor of it. Tomorrow night issues week will continue with a look at the candidates views on government spending and taxes and how they are affecting the economy. Rolanda. Thank you Michael. When we return Bill Perry will have sports. Oh. Yeah. Sports is next with Bill Perry. Bill thank you can't the nets are now four days away from their

season opener and Larry Brown has one more cut to make the toughest cut the nets now have 13 players on their roster after two players were let go today no surprise this third round pick Jimmy Black making the feed to Albert King right here is history black out of North Carolina. Also a fourth round pick Tony Brown out of Arkansas was cut you will see Brown coming up here from Dawn cook with the hoop. Brown taken it to the bucket while Larry Brown the Nets coach felt both black and brown could play in the NBA. He had no room for either on his roster and before that opener against Chicago Friday night. One more player has to go in college football a win for Rutgers and a loss for Princeton over the weekend first of all the Scarlet Knights beat Colgate 34 17 trailing 3 to nothing the Rutgers D came up with the big big play called it was looking for more but its safety bill Houston going the other way 94 yards for a touchdown Jim Dumont tipped the pass. This play turn the complection Colgate Steve Calibra the victim musters up 7 3 second quarter later in the second. But did it offensively going up top jackal Perry 41 yards to Andrew Baker to set up the touchdown toss the

prairie to Allen Andrews four yards 2:46 that was the Count at the half in the third quarter Coalgate made a challenge caliber of the 10 yard touchdown pass to Joe Kozak 14 10 but rector's right back left Perri great scramble here in the past Eric Johnson. Big play and it led to the three yard run by freshman Albert Smith made it 21 10 right here. Albert after Colgate again scored to make it close 21 17 in the third it was all records in the fourth quarter two touchdowns first here down and then Joe broke running from the seven Rutgers now four up and three down with a game at Richmond Saturday 34 to 17 winners over Colgate. Meanwhile in tiger town Saturday Princeton lost to Harvard and by doing so virtually fell out of the Ivy League race trailing 10 Nothing first quarter here is Brant woods to Brad Herschel big play 34 your pick up down to the Harvard thirty three and six plays way to Princeton back in the ballgame as Roland want one yard for a touchdown in the second quarter. 10:7 but it was all Harvard before intermission the crimson scored twice for 24 7 we'd have to have first of all Don our deported back to my Ranger 5 yard touchdown toss making at

6:43 then average will run one in from the 10. 6:36 Harvard leads in our own right ho get in at the half. Princeton made its third quarter challenge grant which to my company 14 your pick up then woods keeps it for a one yard touchdown run to make a 20 for 13 but from there it was just a safety for Princeton and a field goal for Harvard 27 15 in the final. They dominated the game today and they deserve a lot of credit. They we couldn't run the ball against them and we. Couldn't pass effectively. They forced six interceptions and they they did a good job today. Now just a few weeks ago it looks so bright for Princeton but after league losses to Columbia and Harvard Princeton is two and two in the Ivy League Two and four overall but two and two in the idea of Harvard is three and one Penn leads at FOREMAN Oh yes Penn comes to Princeton this Saturday and finally we have one of the giants the Giants remember them will have a team meeting tonight. Player up these we recess call the meeting to update his teammates on the NFL strike that's a meeting tonight so we'll update you tomorrow night.

That's our Sports and that's our news we've updated you. That's the news for Rita Shane Michael and Bill Perry. I'm Rolonda Watts and I'm can't Monahan from all of us here in New Jersey Nightly News have a good night. From which to watch coverage of the Jersey lady was brought to you important for your brand new jersey girl.

New Jersey Nightly News; 10/25/1982 (2024)
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