Not Always Tax-Free: 7 Municipal Bond Tax Traps (2024)

Investors often think of municipal bonds, which are sold by local and state governments to sometimes help fund public projects like building new schools and repairing city sewer systems, as being totally tax-free—but that's not always the case.

While the interest payments on munis are usually exempt from federal income taxes, other taxes may apply. It's important to know the rules, because municipal bonds are one of the few investments available to income-oriented investors looking to reduce their income tax bills. Here are seven types of taxes that could apply if you buy muni bonds.Although municipal bonds may not be totally tax-free, we generally don't suggest investors hold them in tax-advantaged accounts, like IRAs, because the interest income they pay is generally exempt from federal income taxes.

1. De minimis tax

The de minimis tax applies to munis that you acquired at a market discount. The de minimis rule says that for bonds purchased at a discount of more than 0.25% for each full year from the time of purchase to maturity, gains resulting from the discount are taxed as ordinary income rather than capital gains. The ordinary income tax rate is generally greater than the capital gains rate, which could result in a greater bite out of your yield.

For example, take a bond that matures in 10 years with a face value of 100. The de minimis "breakpoint" on this bond is 97.5 (100 – [0.25 × 10 years]). If you bought this bond for less than 97.5, you would be required to pay ordinary income tax on the discount.

De minimis thresholds for a $10,000 face value muni

Years to maturity Acquisition threshold Years to maturity Acquisition threshold Years to maturity Acquisition threshold
1 $9,975 11 $9,725 21 $9,475
2 $9,950 12 $9,700 22 $9,450
3 $9,925 13 $9,675 23 $9,425
4 $9,900 14 $9,650 24 $9,400
5 $9,875 15 $9,625 25 $9,375
6 $9,850 16 $9,600 26 $9,350
7 $9,825 17 $9,575 27 $9,325
8 $9,800 18 $9,550 28 $9,300
9 $9,775 19 $9,525 29 $9,275
10 $9,750 20 $9,500 30 $9,250

Schwab Center for Financial Research. The example is hypothetical and provided for illustrative purposes only. It is not intended to represent a specific investment product.

What you can do: To avoid the de minimis tax rule, consider purchasing bonds priced at par or at a premium to their face value. Paying a premium may mean having to make adjustments to your tax filing, but the associated tax benefits more than offset the added complication, in our view. In addition, if a bond is selling at a premium, it's likely because it is offering a high coupon rate.

However, due to the increase in yields since 2021, roughly one-third of all coupon-bearing investment-grade munis are trading at a discount. Bond yields and prices move opposite one another. This means it's more difficult today to find a muni that's trading above par than it has been in recent history.

What you can do: To avoid the de minimis tax rule, consider purchasing bonds priced at par or at a premium to their face value. Paying a premium may mean having to make adjustments to your tax filing, but the associated tax benefits more than offset the added complication, in our view. In addition, if a bond is selling at a premium, it's likely because it is offering a high coupon rate.

However, due to the increase in yields since 2021, roughly one-third of all coupon-bearing investment-grade munis are trading at a discount. Bond yields and prices move opposite one another. This means it's more difficult today to find a muni that's trading above par than it has been in recent history.

What you can do: To avoid the de minimis tax rule, consider purchasing bonds priced at par or at a premium to their face value. Paying a premium may mean having to make adjustments to your tax filing, but the associated tax benefits more than offset the added complication, in our view. In addition, if a bond is selling at a premium, it's likely because it is offering a high coupon rate.

However, due to the increase in yields since 2021, roughly one-third of all coupon-bearing investment-grade munis are trading at a discount. Bond yields and prices move opposite one another. This means it's more difficult today to find a muni that's trading above par than it has been in recent history.

2. Alternative minimum tax

There are two parallel income tax systems in the United States: ordinary income tax and alternative minimum tax (AMT), which disallows a number of deductions that are allowed in the ordinary income tax code. Taxpayers must calculate their tax under each system, then pay whichever is higher—ordinary or AMT.

Income from some municipal bonds—for example, those that fund stadiums, airports or more businesslike enterprises—might be subject to AMT. If you have to pay AMT and hold such a bond, your interest income would generally be taxed at the applicable AMT rate—which could be 26% or more, if you're in the AMT exemption phase-out range. Effectively, that means the yield on a municipal bond paying 3.50% would drop to roughly 2.6%. The 2017 tax law increased theAMT exemption as well as thephase-out thresholds, meaning fewer filers will be subject to AMT under the new tax laws. The phase-out threshold is $1,218,700 for2024for married filing jointly.

Although the phase-out limits are high now and have substantially reduced the number of filers who are subject to AMT, they are set to fall substantially unless Congress extends them or makes them permanent. The implication is that if you own a muni that's subject to AMT, you may not have to pay the AMT tax on it now but that could change in the future.

What you can do: For bonds held at Schwab, you can find out if a municipal bond is subject to AMT by accessing the "Research" page after logging into, searching for a municipal bond and viewing its "Security Description" page. You can also contact a Schwab Fixed Income Specialist.

What you can do: For bonds held at Schwab, you can find out if a municipal bond is subject to AMT by accessing the "Research" page after logging into, searching for a municipal bond and viewing its "Security Description" page. You can also contact a Schwab Fixed Income Specialist.

contact a Schwab Fixed Income Specialist." role="dialog" aria-label="

What you can do: For bonds held at Schwab, you can find out if a municipal bond is subject to AMT by accessing the "Research" page after logging into, searching for a municipal bond and viewing its "Security Description" page. You can also contact a Schwab Fixed Income Specialist.

" id="body_disclosure--media_disclosure--115921" >

What you can do: For bonds held at Schwab, you can find out if a municipal bond is subject to AMT by accessing the "Research" page after logging into, searching for a municipal bond and viewing its "Security Description" page. You can also contact a Schwab Fixed Income Specialist.

3. Increase in taxation of Social Security benefits

Although municipal bonds generally aren't subject to federal taxes, the IRS does include income from such bonds in your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) when determining how much of your Social Security benefit is taxable. If half of your Social Security benefit plus other income, including tax-exempt municipal bond interest, amounts to more than $44,000 for a joint return ($34,000 for individual), up to 85% of your Social Security benefits may be taxable.

What you can do: If you are receiving Social Security benefits, we suggest reviewing IRS Publication 915, "Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits," or this page from the Social Security Administration, which both discuss the taxation of retirement benefits, to determine how this might apply to your individual situation.

What you can do: If you are receiving Social Security benefits, we suggest reviewing IRS Publication 915, "Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits," or this page from the Social Security Administration, which both discuss the taxation of retirement benefits, to determine how this might apply to your individual situation.

IRS Publication 915, "Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits," or this page from the Social Security Administration, which both discuss the taxation of retirement benefits, to determine how this might apply to your individual situation." role="dialog" aria-label="

What you can do: If you are receiving Social Security benefits, we suggest reviewing IRS Publication 915, "Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits," or this page from the Social Security Administration, which both discuss the taxation of retirement benefits, to determine how this might apply to your individual situation.

" id="body_disclosure--media_disclosure--115976" >

What you can do: If you are receiving Social Security benefits, we suggest reviewing IRS Publication 915, "Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits," or this page from the Social Security Administration, which both discuss the taxation of retirement benefits, to determine how this might apply to your individual situation.

4. Increase in Medicare premiums

If you're covered by Medicare, the federally tax-exempt interest from municipal bonds may increase the amount you pay for Medicare Part B or Medicare prescription drug coverage. If you're married and filing jointly and your MAGI is more than $206,000 ($103,000 for single filers), you will be required to pay an additional amount for Medicare Part B and Medicare prescription drug coverage.

Income to determine monthly Medicare premiums may include municipal bond interest

Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) - individuals
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) - married couples
Part B monthly premium amount
Prescription drug company monthly premium amount
Less than $103,000 Less than $206,000 2024 standard premium = $174.70 Your plan premium
$103,000 up to $129,000 $206,000 up to $258,000 Standard premium + $69.90 Your plan premium + $12.90
$129,000 up to $161,000 $258,000 up to $322,000 Standard premium + $174.70 Your plan premium + $33.30
$161,000 up to $193,000 $322,000 up to 386,000 Standard premium + $279.50 Your plan premium + $53.80
$193,000 up to $500,000 $386,000 up to $750,000 Standard premium + $384.30 Your plan premium + $74.20
Equal to or above $500,000 Equal to or above $750,000 Standard premium + $419.30 Your plan premium + $81.00

Social Security Administration. Data obtained on 2/20/2024.

To determine your Medicare premiums, the Social Security Administration generally uses your most recent federal tax return. For example, to determine2024 monthly adjustment amounts, the Social Security Administration would use your tax return for tax year 2022 that was filed in2023. You can learn more about Medicare premiums in the Social Security Administration publication "Medicare Premiums: Rules For Higher-Income Beneficiaries."

What you can do: We don't believe paying an additional Medicare premium justifies not investing in municipal bonds. Given that your MAGI will also include income from other sources, such as dividend income and interest income from taxable bonds, avoiding municipal bonds will not necessarily allow you to avoid the increase in Medicare premiums. Also, investing in zero-coupon bonds likely won't allow you to avoid paying higher premiums, because the part of the increase in the zero-coupon bonds' value may be included in the calculation to determine your Medicare premiums.

What you can do: We don't believe paying an additional Medicare premium justifies not investing in municipal bonds. Given that your MAGI will also include income from other sources, such as dividend income and interest income from taxable bonds, avoiding municipal bonds will not necessarily allow you to avoid the increase in Medicare premiums. Also, investing in zero-coupon bonds likely won't allow you to avoid paying higher premiums, because the part of the increase in the zero-coupon bonds' value may be included in the calculation to determine your Medicare premiums.

What you can do: We don't believe paying an additional Medicare premium justifies not investing in municipal bonds. Given that your MAGI will also include income from other sources, such as dividend income and interest income from taxable bonds, avoiding municipal bonds will not necessarily allow you to avoid the increase in Medicare premiums. Also, investing in zero-coupon bonds likely won't allow you to avoid paying higher premiums, because the part of the increase in the zero-coupon bonds' value may be included in the calculation to determine your Medicare premiums.

5. Capital gains tax

We generally suggest individual investors hold a bond until maturity. However, if you need to sell earlier and you receive a price greater than your cost basis—your acquisition price after adjusting for any premiums paid or discounts received—the gain will be subject to capital gains tax.

What you can do: Determining cost basis for an individual bond can get complicated, as there are special reporting rules that govern the adjustments to a bond's acquisition price. For bonds held at Schwab, you can find your adjusted cost basis on the "Positions" page after you log into

What you can do: Determining cost basis for an individual bond can get complicated, as there are special reporting rules that govern the adjustments to a bond's acquisition price. For bonds held at Schwab, you can find your adjusted cost basis on the "Positions" page after you log into

" role="dialog" aria-label="

What you can do: Determining cost basis for an individual bond can get complicated, as there are special reporting rules that govern the adjustments to a bond's acquisition price. For bonds held at Schwab, you can find your adjusted cost basis on the "Positions" page after you log into

" id="body_disclosure--media_disclosure--115946" >

What you can do: Determining cost basis for an individual bond can get complicated, as there are special reporting rules that govern the adjustments to a bond's acquisition price. For bonds held at Schwab, you can find your adjusted cost basis on the "Positions" page after you log into

6. State income tax

If you purchase a bond from your home state, generally the interest payments you receive will be exempt from state income taxes. However, interest paid on bonds from outside of your home state typically will be subject to state income tax. Interest payments on some in-state munis may also be subject to state income taxes.

What you can do: If you live in a state with low tax rates or one that issues a minimal amount of municipal bonds, we would suggest looking outside your home state. The added benefits of diversification and potentially higher yields might make up for the hit you would take by paying state income taxes.

What you can do: If you live in a state with low tax rates or one that issues a minimal amount of municipal bonds, we would suggest looking outside your home state. The added benefits of diversification and potentially higher yields might make up for the hit you would take by paying state income taxes.

looking outside your home state. The added benefits of diversification and potentially higher yields might make up for the hit you would take by paying state income taxes." role="dialog" aria-label="

What you can do: If you live in a state with low tax rates or one that issues a minimal amount of municipal bonds, we would suggest looking outside your home state. The added benefits of diversification and potentially higher yields might make up for the hit you would take by paying state income taxes.

" id="body_disclosure--media_disclosure--115956" >

What you can do: If you live in a state with low tax rates or one that issues a minimal amount of municipal bonds, we would suggest looking outside your home state. The added benefits of diversification and potentially higher yields might make up for the hit you would take by paying state income taxes.

7. Taxable municipal bonds

Some munis are taxable. For example, roughly 10% of recently issued munis were taxable.1 Taxable muni bonds generally yield more than tax-free bonds to make up for the difference.

What you can do:For investors in lower tax brackets and investing in taxable accounts, or those investing in either Roth or traditional IRA accounts, we believe taxable municipal bonds can make sense compared to other taxable bonds because, historically, munis have exhibited stronger credit characteristics than corporate bonds of comparable ratings.2

What you can do:For investors in lower tax brackets and investing in taxable accounts, or those investing in either Roth or traditional IRA accounts, we believe taxable municipal bonds can make sense compared to other taxable bonds because, historically, munis have exhibited stronger credit characteristics than corporate bonds of comparable ratings.2

What you can do:For investors in lower tax brackets and investing in taxable accounts, or those investing in either Roth or traditional IRA accounts, we believe taxable municipal bonds can make sense compared to other taxable bonds because, historically, munis have exhibited stronger credit characteristics than corporate bonds of comparable ratings.2

The bottom line is that municipal bonds offer significant tax advantages and could make sense in the portfolios of many income-focused investors. However, the details matter. If you are highly tax-sensitive and would like to invest in these securities, you will want to make sure you understand how the tax traps mentioned above might affect your portfolio. Additionally, municipal bonds are subject to similar risks as other fixed income investments like credit and interest rate risk.

If you have questions about your portfolio, you could consult IRS Publication 550, "Investment Income and Expenses," or check in with your tax advisor.

1 Source: Bloomberg, as of 2/23/2024.

2 Source: Moody's Investors Services, "US Public Finance: US municipal bond defaults and recoveries, 1970-2022." As of 7/19/2023.

Not Always Tax-Free: 7 Municipal Bond Tax Traps (2024)


Are tax-free municipal bonds really tax-free? ›

Although municipal bonds generally aren't subject to federal taxes, the IRS does include income from such bonds in your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) when determining how much of your Social Security benefit is taxable.

What does it mean when a municipal bond is tax-exempt? ›

Municipal Bonds

Most bonds issued by government agencies are tax-exempt. This means interest on these bonds are excluded from gross income for federal tax purposes. In addition, interest on the bonds is exempt from State of California personal income taxes.

Should I have municipal bonds in my IRA? ›

It's all about asset location. For instance, Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax dollars and grows tax-exempt. It would thus be redundant to fund that account with tax-free municipal bonds. Instead, bonds with high yields (interest rates) should be put in a Roth IRA where the interest income will never be taxed.

Which taxpayer would benefit the most from a tax-free municipal bond compared to a taxable bond? ›

In general, tax-exempt municipal bonds (munis) are more attractive to those in higher tax brackets. To compare municipal bonds to taxable bonds, you need to determine the tax-equivalent yield of the muni.

What are the disadvantages of municipal bonds? ›

Municipal bonds, like all bonds, pose interest rate risk. The longer the term of the bond, the greater the risk. If interest rates rise during the term of your bond, you're losing out on a better rate. This will also cause the bond you are holding to decline in value.

Is now a good time to invest in municipal bonds? ›

Attractive absolute yields

Like most other fixed income investments, municipal bond yields have risen significantly since late 2021 and are now at levels that largely haven't been reached during the past decade.

Are all municipal bonds exempt from federal income taxes? ›

Income from bonds issued by state, city, and local governments (municipal bonds, or munis) is generally free from federal taxes. * You will, however, have to report this income when filing your taxes. Municipal bond income is also usually free from state tax in the state where the bond was issued.

Does muni bond interest count as income? ›

Capital gains on municipal bond investments are taxable as short- or long-term capital gains, depending on how long you have held the investment. Income from certain private-activity bonds must be reported as taxable income if you are subject to the alternative minimum tax.

What if the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds was eliminated? ›

Answer and Explanation: If the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds were eliminated, then they become less attractive to investors which means they are less willing to supply funds to local governments at each interest rate. This causes the interest rate of municipal bonds to rise which increases the interest rate.

Why do retirees invest in municipal bonds for income in retirement? ›

Retirees are often advised to shirt over to safer investments, like bonds. Municipal bonds offer the benefit of interest that's exempt from federal taxes. In some cases, state and local taxes won't apply, either.

Are municipal bonds a good investment in 2024? ›

The fundamental backdrop for the municipal bond market remains strong. Rising yields since the start of 2024 could mean a potentially attractive entry point for investors, particularly given the tax-free status of munis.

Are municipal bonds better than annuities? ›

Annuities have longer durations, but bonds can be reinvested as they mature, so both financial products can be used for the long-term. In general, bonds pay a higher yield than annuities—but not always.

Which states do not tax municipal bonds? ›

Bonds issued by California public agencies are also exempt from State of California personal income taxes regardless of the federal income tax treatment.

How safe are tax-free municipal bonds? ›

Municipal bonds – or “munis” – are generally considered a lower-risk investment compared to stocks and corporate bonds. Governments have a strong incentive to repay their debt, and historically, the default rates on municipal bonds have been relatively low.

Do you pay capital gains on municipal bonds? ›

Tax on capital gains

If, however, you purchase a municipal bond in the secondary market at a discount to the revised issue price, you can be taxed as either a capital gain or ordinary income, depending on the size of the discount and the years to maturity of the bond.

How are zero coupon municipal bonds taxed? ›

Zero-coupon municipal bonds, which are bought at a discount because they do not make any interest or coupon payments, don't have to be taxed. In fact, most aren't. As long as you're investing in a local municipal bond, taxes won't be a concern. This provides a big advantage over taxable bonds, even with lower interest.

Which bonds are completely tax-free? ›

Income from bonds issued by state, city, and local governments (municipal bonds, or munis) is generally free from federal taxes.

How are discounted muni bonds taxed? ›

Original Issue Discount (OID)

If the bond was issued at a price less than par, then the discount is treated as interest. For a tax-exempt municipal bond, the discount would not be taxed. Zero coupon bonds represent common examples of bonds that have an OID, but there can be an OID for coupon-paying bonds as well.

How to avoid paying taxes on savings bonds? ›

You can skip paying taxes on interest earned with Series EE and Series I savings bonds if you're using the money to pay for qualified higher education costs. That includes expenses you pay for yourself, your spouse or a qualified dependent. Only certain qualified higher education costs are covered, including: Tuition.

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