Stellar telescope deal: Save $230 on the Celestron Astro Fi 130 (2024)

Stellar telescope deal: Save $230 on the Celestron Astro Fi 130 (1)

The Celestron Astro Fi 130 Newtonian telescope is one of the best telescopes on the market, in our opinion, and now it comes with a considerable discount of $230. It's a great value telescope, it's beginner friendly and now, it's under $500.

Save $230 on the Celestron Astro Fi 130 telescope when you get it from Adorama today.

We reviewed the Celestron Astro Fi 130 and found that it's pretty good, both in terms of quality and value for money. With Summer all but here, skies are typically clearer which gives us more opportunity for a better stargazing experience. If you're unsure of how to take your first steps into astronomy, this is a pretty good option to start with. The 130mm aperture allows plenty of light to pass through the lens, giving you brighter, clearer images and the 650mm focal length means stars, galaxies and nebulas are all possible to view. Interestingly, Amazon and Walmart also offer the same price on this telescope.

For other great telescopes that won't break the bank, check out our guides to the best telescope deals and budget telescopes under $500.

Celestron Astro Fi 130mm: was $728.95, now $499 at Adorama.

This powerful telescope integrates with your phone for interactive stargazing, and offers SkyAlign technology to give you a tour of the skies.

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One of the key features of this telescope is its portable design. That means you're not restricted to your bedroom or backyard, you can take it with you to any open space you can find to start stargazing. Another key feature is the Skyportal app that this telescope works alongside. It's helpful for beginners as it can pick out night sky targets for you and take you on a night sky tour.

This telescope also comes with two eyepieces, an aluminum tripod and two eyepieces to enhance your experience. It's a crowd-pleaser for the family and a good choice for beginners. If you're looking for a telescope that doesn't break the bank, this could be the deal you've been searching for.

Key Specs:Sleek, portable design, Skyportal app has a database of over 120,000-night sky targets, auto tracking, 650mm focal length, 130mm aperture, tripod, 25mm and 10mm eyepieces.

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Consensus:The Celestron Astro Fi 130 is a top beginner-friendly telescope that works alongside an app and provides okay views. Purists might find this frustrating but newcomers will be pleased with the results, especially at this price.

Buy if:You want a telescope that does much of the work for you, with clever 'smart' features. It's also nice and easy to set up and move between locations

Don't Buy If: You want to stargaze the old-fashioned way - you'll need the app here for the most part.

Check out roundups of the best discounts and deals on telescopes, binoculars, cameras, star projectors, drones, Lego and much more.

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Stellar telescope deal: Save $230 on the Celestron Astro Fi 130 (7)

Alexander Cox

E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who.

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