The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (2024)

Chapter 1: The cursed book

Chapter Text

The Cuphead Show! | Recording the Music of Carn-Evil | Composer Ego Plum Behind The Scenes (

One upon a time, in a magical place called Inkwell Isles, there were two brothers named Cuphead and Mugman. They lived without a care under the watchful eye of the wise Elder Kettle. The three of them lived together in a little house lost in the middle of the forest, sheltered from the hustle and bustle of the capital, Inkwell City.

This morning is like any other. The sun is shining, and the flowers are dancing happily in the garden. Inside the house, Elder Kettle is working on breakfast, as usual. Concentrating on his stove, he carefully pours pancake batter onto the grill and throws them back without even looking once cooked. He knows that Cuphead and Mugman, seated at the table behind him, will have no trouble catching them with their plates. The two brothers gobble down their pancakes as soon as they're served while Elder Kettle leaves his stove to go to the bookshelf. The old kettle freezes in front of the books, obviously looking for something specific, then finally moves away with an air of annoyance. Cuphead and Mugman watch their guardian curiously, but before they can ask him anything, he turns to them with a look they know well. A look that means "Boys, I'd like to ask you a small favor".

- Kettle : Cuphead ! Mugman !

- Cuphead and Mugman: Yes, Elder Kettle ?

- Kettle : Boys, I'd like to ask you a small favor.

- Cuphead: If he asks us to paint the fence again, I’m gonna have a heart attack.

- Kettle: I want you to take a walk around town and stop by the library. I need a cookbook. I've got an idea for a dessert for lunch but...I seem to be having a bit of a memory lapse.

- Cuphead: Going to town now ?! Do you really need a recipe book to make a cake properly ?

- Kettle : Well, that depends on whether you want a successful cheesecake or not, my boy.

That's all it took to pique Cuphead's interest. He can't even remember the last time he had a cheesecake. At least, it was long enough ago to convince him to carry out his mission and hope to obtain the famous cake as a reward.

- Cuphead:...Let's go, Mugsy !

- Kettle : All right. Here's fifty bucks, that should be enough. Take this opportunity to grab something extra, my little heroes.

- Mugman: Elder know it bothers me when you call us that.

- Cuphead: Not me. We're heroes, after all. We kicked the Devil's butt. So we've got bragging rights.

- Kettle : Heh heh...absolutely. You're brave heroes. But heroes must also be modest, Cuphead. Don't you forget it. Come on, enough bumping gums, shake a leg, boys.

- Cuphead and Mugman: See you later, Elder Kettle !

Without wasting any more time, the two brothers left their home, heading for Inkwell City, while Elder Kettle admired their departure, a nostalgic smile on his face. His two boys are all grown up now that they've triumphed over the Devil and put an end to his schemes. Since then, they've lived happily ever after, and the brothers promised to never wander into trouble again.

But for how long ?

Cuphead OST - Inkwell Isle One [Music] (

After crossing the forest, Cuphead and Mugman finally reach Inkwell City, the capital and only large town of the Inkwell Isles, populated by a host of colorful characters, from the smallest apple to the largest giraffe. Many people greet them as they cross the street, and they gladly return the greetings. Everyone knows the two brothers who bravely battled the Devil and his right-hand man King Dice to free their debtors from their influence and save their souls. It was an epic adventure that earned them the respect of all, and made them heroes.

On their way to the library, Cuphead smells something delicious. When he spots an ice-cream stand run by a penguin on the opposite sidewalk, he grabs his brother by the handle and takes him along to admire all the flavors on offer.

- Cuphead: Ooooh ! Ice cream !

- Ice Cream man : Well, if it isn't Cuphead and Mugman ! Come and refresh yourself, boys ! And I'll throw in an extra scoop of ice cream ! On the house.

- Mugman: Cuphead ! We just had breakfast ! We're not having ice cream !

One minute later...

- Mugman: Hmm, these ice creams are so good !!!

In the end, it didn't take much for Mugman to be convinced by Cuphead to have an ice cream. Everyone knows he's always been the most cautious, but unfortunately also the most easily enticed of the twins. While the brothers are enjoying their ice cream, the ice cream man takes the opportunity to chat.

- Ice Cream man: How are things going, boys ?

- Mugman: Quiet !

- Cuphead: Yeah. Too quiet even sometimes.

- Ice Cream man: Come on, don't complain ! The Devil hasn't shown up since you vanquished him, so people don't have to worry about their souls, and we can all live our lives peacefully !

- Cuphead: Well that’s the problem ! It’s the same old stuff everyday ! I kinda miss the adventure ! At least when we were fighting to collect soul pacts, it was fun ! We got knocked down a lot of times, but it was fun.

- Mugman: Well as far as I’m concerned, I don't miss it at all ! I'm just glad to be done with all this and to be back to a carefree life with Elder Kettle.

- Ice Cream man: You should listen to your brother, Cuphead. He's got a point.

- Cuphead: Yeah, yeah, if you say so...

- Mugman: Speaking of Elder Kettle, we've gotta get his book ! Thanks for the ice cream !

- Ice Cream man: See you around, boys !

Cuphead and Mugman suddenly remember their mission and set off again, waving goodbye to the ice cream man. Fortunately, the library is only a few steps away. Before entering, the two brothers hurry to finish their ice cream and wipe the chocolate off their fingers as best they can, without much success, knowing that they risk being thrown out if they take any food inside.

Stop Music

The constant hubbub of the city center disappears as soon as the two brothers enter the library. There's only room for silence and calm here. Everything Cuphead hates. Cuphead strides noisily through the corridors of the library, watched by those who have come to read in peace.

- Cuphead : Well, where's that book ?!


- Cuphead : Sorry ! That's why I hate going to the library. “whisper” So, where's that book ?

- Mugman: In the kitchen section, probably. But we've still got to find it.

Cuphead and Mugman venture into the library, this time taking care to keep their voices down. They observe the signs above the shelves, proposing books on a variety of themes, until at last they come across the kitchen section. But this same section is also divided into several categories, making the search for the famous recipe book more complex than expected.

- Mugman: Ah ! Pastries, that's a good start ! But how are we gonna find a cheesecake recipe in here...?

Mugman immediately sets off in search of a book containing the famous cheesecake recipe, unaware that Cuphead has already moved away to leave him search on his own. He never had the patience for that sort of thing. Just being in the library gives Cuphead an unbearable sense of boredom that he needs to eliminate as soon as possible. Indeed, as he told the ice cream man, things really were different when he and his brother were battling the Devil's debtors for their soul pacts. A time he sometimes regrets, when there was no room for boredom, but for action. Cuphead does his best to put the thought out of his mind and looks around to distract himself. Suddenly, a remote corner of the library caught his eye. A doorway with a sign reading "No entry".

- Cuphead: "No entry", eh...?

Of course, the "No Entry" sign encourages Cuphead to do exactly the opposite of what he reads and discreetly heads for the door. But as expected, it's locked. But that doesn't stop him. Cuphead has the idea of using his straw as a key to open the door.

- Mugman: Cuphead ! I've got it !

Meanwhile, Mugman has finally found a book containing a cheesecake recipe. But when he turns to show his brother, the mug finds he's no longer standing next to him. He discreetly enters an No entry room, unseen by anyone.

- Mugman: Cuphead ?! What are you...?! Come back !

Mugman immediately drops his book to catch up with Cuphead, but he's already out the door. Mugman also enters the room undetected to join his brother. Once inside, he takes care to close the door so as not to get caught and discovers a dark room, barely lit by a dim lamp. It's not a very reassuring atmosphere, and it's enough to worry him.

- Mugman: Cuphead ! What part of "No entry" don't you understand ?!

But Cuphead pays no attention to his brother's remarks. Cuphead is far too obsessed with a shelf full of dust-covered books, which at first glance look no different from those on display in the public area. Clearly, no one has touched them in a long time.

- Cuphead: Have you seen all these books ? Why do you think they're forbidden ?

- Mugman: Don’t know, don’t care ! Let's get out of here before someone find us !

- Cuphead: Wow, this one's HUUUUUUGE !

The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (1)

Looking more closely at the books, Cuphead notices one with a bright red cover and curious designs, and one that's so imposing that he can hardly hold on to it. After removing all the dust that covers it, making him cough in the process, he begins to leaf through it, while Mugman grabs his arm to push him out of the room.

- Mugman: Okay, Cuphead, we've had enough fun for today, can we go now, please ?!

- Cuphead: Hey, there's a weird formula here ! "Expeditous Apparata ! Read these words out loud and you're gone"?

- Mugman: NO, DON'T READ IT... !

Too late. Once again, Mugman couldn't stop his brother from doing something completely stupid. Suddenly, as he read the formula, the book emitted a bright light, and Cuphead dropped it in surprise. But as the book glows brighter, so do they. In a panic, the two brothers instinctively hug each other without taking their eyes off the book.

- Mugman: Cuphead ! What's going on ?!

- Cuphead: I don't know !

Blinded by the light, Cuphead and Mugman cover their eyes, unaware that they are disappearing along with her, as if by magic. The book, meanwhile, returns to its normal state and is left on the floor of the room, on the same page containing the formula Cuphead read.

Without really knowing why, Cuphead and Mugman no longer feel the ground beneath their feet and realize that they are falling from the air, only to land hard on rock. The two brothers struggle to their feet, their first instinct being to check their fragile porcelain bodies for damage.

- Mugman: mug...well, at least nothing's broken !

- Cuphead: Uh...Mugsy...I don't wanna worry you, but...

Mugman comes to stand next to his brother, and discovers with him a completely bewildering landscape. No more books, or even a library, but an expanse of black volcanic rock, with a few rivers of lava running through it, and a stormy sky invaded by clouds. The two brothers have faced some strange situations in their lives, but this one surpasses them in terms of absurdity.

- Cuphead: Uh...well...the library's changed.

- Mugman: Good Gosh ! How is that possible ?! This book has taken us somewhere else ! Where have we landed ?!? I don't recognize this place, Cuphead !

- Cuphead: Don't worry, Mugsy ! We'll get out of here as fast as we came in !

- Mugman: And how do we do that ?! You don't have the book anymore !!! You left it in the library !

- Cuphead: Never mind ! You just have to repeat the formula without the book and it'll work ! Let me try ! Hum, hum..."Expeditous Apparata ! Read these words out loud and you’re gone !

Cuphead recited the formula so loudly that his voice echoed across the stormy volcanic sky. With a broad smile on his face, Cuphead waits for him and his brother to disappear from this place just as they arrived. But nothing happens. After a long, awkward silence, Cuphead simply nods, while Mugman stares at him with horrified eyes.

- Cuphead: Um...yup. We need the book.

- Mugman : WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO ?!?

- Cuphead: We'll start by calming down. We're not gonna get out of this mess by panicking !

Seeing his brother distressed as usual, Cuphead puts his hands on his shoulders to reassure him. But at the same moment, something whizzed past them and crashed into a rock just behind, narrowly missing them. A hammer, thrown by some kind of strange turtle equipped with a helmet. They'd never see a turtle dressed as a soldier in Inkwell Isles. The turtle leapt in front of them, followed by two acolytes.

- Hammer Bro 1: Freeze, intruders ! You'll see what it costs to...?!

- Hammer Bro 2: Wait...they’re CUPS ?!

- Mugman: Can we panic now ?!

- Cuphead:...Yes. RUUUUUUUUUUN !!!

Cuphead and Mugman take advantage of the apparent confusion caused by their presence to make a run for it, until the Hammer Bros finally pull themselves together and set off in pursuit. During his run, Cuphead turns to observe his assailants and points his finger at them, pistol-style.

- Cuphead: I'm gonna make mincemeat of those turtles !

- Mugman: Cuphead ! The potions we were given are no longer working, remember ?!

- Cuphead: Ah yes. Well...RUUUUUUUUUUN !!!

Brought to his senses by his brother, Cuphead gives up on his idea and quickens his pace. How could he forget that he and Mugman had lost the weapons conferred by the potions of Elder Kettle and Porkrind ? Yet they would have come in handy. Under normal circ*mstances, the two brothers would have fought, but with no means of defending themselves, they have no choice but to flee.

Cuphead and Mugman run in all directions without the slightest idea of where they're going, followed a few meters behind by the Hammer Bros, who don't let them out of their sight. As they run, the Koopas throw their hammers incessantly to try and stop them, provoking nothing but chain reactions of lava geysers shaken by the impact. Terrified by the deafening explosions, the two brothers speed up, so much so that after a while they no longer see their attackers. But just when they thought they'd lost them, one of them suddenly leaps out from behind a rock and pounces on them. Taken by surprise, the two brothers are held down by the three Hammer Bros, still stunned by the unusual appearance of their captures.

- Hammer Bro 1: Gotcha !

- Hammer Bro 2: We were right ! They REALLY are cups !

- Cuphead: Do you have a problem with us, turtle face ?!

- Hammer Bro 3: Talking cups ?! I've never seen that before !

- Mugman: Please, let us go ! We've done nothing wrong ! We're lost !

- Hammer Bro 2: Well, what do we do ? We can't let them get away !

- Hammer Bro 1: We'll take them to Master Bowser and the Doctor. They'll decide what to do with them.

- Cuphead: What if we don't wanna follow you ?

Faced with Cuphead's insolence, the Hammer Bros immediately respond by threatening him with their weapons. Strangely enough, this is enough to make Cuphead much more docile.

- Cuphead: That said, in life, you should never say no right away, right ? Hey...hey hey...

Cuphead and Mugman finally let themselves be taken away by the three Hammer Bros, and together they make their way along the path now strewn with a labyrinth of lava rivers created by the geysers. How could they have ended up in such a situation ? Where will these turtles take them ? And above all, where could they have landed ?

The brothers promised to never wander into trouble again after their conflict with the Devil. In the end, it didn't take them long to break their promise.

After a short walk, the Hammer Bros finally arrive at their Masters' lair in the heart of the volcano, with their prisoners. Here the group enters the huge building, where hundreds of soldiers, Bowser's minions and Eggman's robots, train for battle. Inside the lair, the group crosses the long, dark corridor leading to the HQ, decorated with torches and statues bearing the effigies of the building's owners.

- Mugman: I don't like this, Cuphead. I don't like this AT ALL...

The oppressive atmosphere of the lair, coupled with the menacing glances from all its residents, terrorizes Mugman to the point where tears well up in his eyes. Cuphead immediately notices his brother's distress and takes his hand. This simple gesture is enough to soothe Mugman, who takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. Once the group has reached the end of the corridor, the metal door opens, revealing the lair's headquarters. The Hammer Bros make their way to the back of the room, where Bowser and Eggman are deep in serious discussion, their noses buried in complex, secret plans. It's only by deliberately clearing his throat that the first koopa finally manages to attract the attention of the two villains.

- Hammer Bro: Master Bowser, Doctor Eggman, we're back.

- Bowser: How goes the round ? No sign of Mario or any of his stupid friends ?

- Hammer Bro: No. But we found something much weirder.

Seeing that he's aroused their curiosity, the Hammer Bro steps aside to allow Bowser and Eggman to discover their prisoners, and is relieved to see that they both have the same surprised reaction as he and his acolytes did when they encountered the cups. Cuphead and Mugman feel their breath catch at the sight of the two imposing individuals standing before them, just as they did on their first encounter with the Devil. Plus, the two companions don't look any more sympathetic than the demon does.

- Eggman: Well...I have to admit, it's quite unusual.

- Bowser: Cups ?! Where did you two come from ?! No one's allowed near our secret lair !

- Cuphead: And you're not allowed to capture us for no reason, you ugly turtle guy !

- Bowser: Who do you think you are, kid ?! Has anyone ever told you what it costs to stand up to the great and famous Bowser ?!?

- Eggman: And Eggman. Don't forget I'm here.

- Bowser: Oh, why did you cut me off, Doc ?! You ruined my scene !!!

- Cuphead: "Great and famous"?! bet ! We've never heard of you ! And just so you know, me and my brother have been up against guys way bigger than you ! So we're not impressed !

- Mugman: Cuphead, watch your mouth ! These fellas look pretty tough to me !

- Eggman : Wait...don't you know who we are ? You've never heard of us ? We've tried to conquer the world so many times it's almost boring ! You've seen our faces somewhere, haven't you ?

- Cuphead: You remind me of Doctor Kahl, that's all I can say. Are you cousins or something ?

- Eggman :...I have no idea of who this guy is.

- Cuphead: You don't know Dr. Kahl ? What kind of backwater do you live in ?

- Mugman: Uh...speaking of backwater...could you tell us what part of the Inkwell Isles we're in right now...? Please...?

- Bowser: What Isles ? What the heck are you talking about, you porcelain-headed brats ?! I don't know any isles named like that !

- Eggman :'re saying you're from a place called Inkwell Isles ?

- Cuphead : Well, duh ! Where do you want us to come from, old Jasper ?

Faced with the brothers' incoherent words, Eggman takes a moment to think silently. He's been in this kind of situation before. That of coming across an atypical-looking person, who looks nothing like what he's used to seeing, and who claims to come from another world. Not a limbless being from the Glade of Dreams this time (Sonic and Rayman: Crossroads of Worlds), but two other equally absurd-looking characters, obviously from yet another world.

- Eggman: Ah, right, I get it. Guys from another world again.

- Cuphead: "From another world"... ?

- Bowser: "Again"? What are you talking about, Eggy ?

- Eggman: I'll explain later. Okay, you mugs, I don't know how you did it, but I want you to know that you're no longer at home. You're on Earth, a freshly renewed Earth, and more precisely in the Volcanic Zone. And you're gonna stay here for a while.

- Mugman: A freshly renewed...Earth ?

- Cuphead: What the heck are you talking about ?! And what do you mean by "you're gonna stay here for a while"?!

- Eggman : It means you're our prisoners, until we decide what to do with you. Guards, take these two to the dungeons. In separate cells. We don't want them plotting to escape !

- Cuphead and Mugman: WHAT ?!?

As soon as Eggman gives his order, the three Hammer Bros seize Cuphead and Mugman, who grab each other by the hands before they can separate them. For the worst thing for them is not to be locked up, but to be forcibly separated from each other.

- Cuphead: Hey ! Get your hands off my brother !!!

- Mugman: NO !!! CUPHEAD !!!

- Cuphead: MUGMAN !!!

Cuphead and Mugman struggle to stay together, but the Hammer Bros finally manage to get them to let go. The group rushes down the stairs to the dungeons under the satisfied gaze of Bowser and Eggman, unmoved by the brothers' distress. Cuphead is the first to be thrown into one of the many cells, and despite the lightning speed with which he gets to his feet, his door is already locked, and his brother has already disappeared down another corridor to be taken to another cell.

Chapter 2: The encounter

Chapter Text

A few minutes pass before the Hammer Bros return from the dungeons where they have locked up Cuphead and Mugman at their Masters' request. After confirming to Bowser and Eggman that their two prisoners are indeed sequestered separately and under guard, they leave headquarters to join their comrades in the training room. Once the trio have left, Eggman and Bowser look at each other thoughtfully. It is good to have two prisoners, but you still have to find the best use for them.
- Bowser: So, what are we gonna do with these two brats ?
- Eggman : Sell them ?
- Bowser: Wow. Chill out, Eggy. In any case, I don't wanna keep them here forever ! I've already got a pair of brothers who spend their time bugging me, I don't need a second one !
- Eggman : We could make them our minions. But the last time I tried to control a guy from another world, it didn't end well. By the way, I was just thinking ! The last thing we need is Mario and Sonic discovering them ! They'll take them home and make them their allies ! That's what happened last time with the palm tree head ! And now that I think about it, they mustn't find out...”you know what”.
- Bowser: So what do we do ?!
- Eggman: Well, I'll start by studying our guests. You don't find cup-headed kids every day. They may have properties we could use to our advantage.
- Bowser: I'm with you. Just dumping hot milk on Mario might be a good idea !
Bowser and Eggman are already laughing as they imagine using their two prisoners to dump milk on their worst enemies. But to imagine doing much more, they'll need to learn more about the brothers. They could be hiding interesting powers. Suddenly, the two villains are interrupted in their enthusiasm by the sudden arrival of Orbot, who comes to his master, visibly overcome by panic.
- Orbot: Uh...boss...
- Bowser: WHAT ?! Can't you see we're sharing an evil laugh ?!
- Orbot: Sorry to interrupt but...we've got a big problem...
Immediately, Bowser and Eggman follow Orbot to the central computer, where the robot is usually on guard with his ever-present sidekick Cubot. On the screen are images transmitted by surveillance cameras placed throughout the lair. Bowser and Eggman think they're hallucinating when they see Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails bursting out of the front door then shaking off all the minions trying to block their way and racing towards headquarters.
- Cubot: Sonic, Tails and the two mustachians have infiltrated the lair, Boss !
- Eggman: WHAT ?! Is this a joke ? Just as I was talking about them !!! Orbot, hide the you-know-what plans, quick !!!
- Bowser: Do you think they already know about the cupheads ?!
- Eggman: I don't know, but...!

But before Eggman can finish his sentence, a huge explosion sounds in the H.Q., prompting Orbot and Cubot to retrieve the plans as ordered by their master before taking refuge in the stairs leading to the dungeons. The explosion is triggered by Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails, who simply smash through the metal door. Sonic, always up for a joke, pretends to knock on the downed door, grinning mischievously.
- Sonic: Knock, knock ! We let ourselves in, I hope you don't mind !
- Eggman: You know that you always bother me, no matter what the circ*mstances, you horrible blue cactus !!!!
- Bowser: May we know why you've come here to destroy everything, before I do the same to you ?!
- Luigi: Tails, would you do us the honor of answering our charming hosts ?
- Tails: Of course. An hour ago, G.U.N warned us that an unusual seismic reaction had taken place at the volcano, caused by the sudden explosion of several geysers. So they asked us to investigate.
- Mario : Since your lair is so close by, we naturally thought you might know something, or even be behind all this...? Um...?
Bowser and Eggman stare at each other, inwardly hiding their relief. Unfortunately, their enemies are already aware of the commotion near their lair. But they still don't know that it was caused by their soldiers when they were hunting Cuphead and Mugman, so they don't know that the two brothers are currently their prisoners. Bowser and Eggman seem to understand each other perfectly through their exchange of glances: the heroes must not discover that they are holding prisoners and must do everything in their power to convince them to leave.
- Bowser: It's nothing! I just ordered my minions to train outside. They must have gotten carried away, and that's what caused the geysers to explode ! That’s it !
- Eggman : Yes, that's it ! No need to worry ! You can go home in peace and we'll be more careful next time ! Happy now ?
- Mario : Outdoor training ? Is that so ? Then why were your minions still training INSIDE the lair when we arrived ?
- Bowser: What do you think, Mario ? My minions never stop !
- Eggman : You think it's easy to manage an army ?! The slightest slackening and BAM, you’re done for ! Training 24 hours a day is the only way to win !
- Luigi:'re always losing.
- Eggman: So, have you come to put us down, or to do a little investigation ? Because if you're done, you can go !
- Sonic : Wait a minute, egghead ! We're not done ! We're the ones who decide when to leave !

Convinced that their enemies are plotting something fishy, Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails continue their interrogation, while Eggman and Bowser look for any possible argument to get them to leave. Meanwhile, in the dungeons, Cuphead is holed up in his cell, glaring at every guard who passes in the corridor. Cuphead rants and raves, knowing that Mugman is in another cell, certainly terrorized. He'd do anything just to find out where his brother is and if he's all right. Technically, he could reach him,, he can’t. He can't use his powers. If the guards find out, it's the end of him.
As he lets out a long sigh, Cuphead thinks he hears a discussion coming from the corridor, but too distant to be understood. As if on cue, Cuphead circles the cell and approaches the bars. He still can't see who's talking, but is close enough to finally hear. If he can glean any information, especially if it concerns his brother, he must do so. In a nearby corridor, Orbot and Cubot, who have fled to the dungeons following the arrival of the heroes, have told one of the many Goomba guards, horrified by what he has just learned, of the situation their masters are currently in.
- Goomba: What ?! Mario's here ?! This is terrible ! We've all gotta get out of here !
- Orbot: Let's try to stay calm. We can't really hear what they're talking about, but for the moment, there's no fighting. With a bit of luck, Doctor Eggman and Bowser will be able to get them to leave without anything going wrong !
- Cubot: Well, I'm not going back ! At least we won't end up in pieces here ! The bosses just have to deal with them !
- Orbot: Let's warn the rest of the guards. If anything goes wrong, we have to be ready !

Orbot and Cubot put an end to the discussion and hurried across the corridor together to find the other guards, watched by Cuphead, who hadn't missed a beat. No information on his brother, but another just as interesting. People had apparently infiltrated the lair. People who could potentially help him and his brother escape from here. So, why not give it a try ? Is this really a good idea ? What if these people are even worse than those who locked them up here ? Cuphead feels a thousand questions tumbling around in his cup, and doubts what he should do. However, his philosophy of life soon catches up with him. When in doubt, there's only one thing to do: double down.
- Koopa: HEY ! Will you shut up ?! It's no use shouting anyway, no one will hear you !
Despite the risk, Cuphead screams like he's never screamed before, immediately provoking the anger of a Koopa guard passing by. The turtle taps violently on the bars to frighten the cup into silence before walking away. From the depths of his soul, Cuphead stares at the ceiling, hoping his call will be heard.
On the top floor, Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails finally give up after a long debate for lack of evidence, much to the relief of Bowser and Eggman. But as the four friends head for the exit, they think they hear a distant voice coming from the stairs, more precisely a cry of distress. They immediately turn back to the two villains, who have suddenly tensed up.
- Luigi: Is it me, or is there a voice coming from these stairs ?
- Mario: What does that mean ?! You've got prisoners ?!
- Eggman : Wh...what ? No, you must have been dreaming ! Sometimes there are strange echoes in the lair, you know ?
- Sonic : Oh yeah ? Then you won't mind if we go down and check it out, will you, egghead ?
Not convinced by Eggman's explanation, the heroes head for the staircase leading to the dungeons to find out for themselves. Desperate to prevent this, Bowser decides to finally take action and jumps in front of them to block their way.
- Bowser: Well, I've had enough of this little game ! This is as far as you go !
- Mario : I knew it would end like this from the start ! All right, if you wanna fight, let's fight !
- Eggman : Well, when it comes to fighting on the ground, I'll leave you to it, Bowser !

The moment he realized that the discussion would end in combat, Eggman rushed into his Eggmobile to assist Bowser from the air. No sooner had he climbed aboard than the doctor fired at will in the direction of the four heroes, who ran to avoid the shots, as well as the flames spat out by Bowser. Sonic is the first to launch a Homing Attack at the Doctor, but Bowser catches him in mid-air and throws him at Tails. Mario and Luigi take advantage of the fact that Bowser isn't looking at them to hit him together with a hammer blow, knocking him back. In return, the koopa hits the ground, which the two brothers avoid in time. Just as they are about to strike again, Eggman fires a missile, the explosion of which ejects them next to Sonic and Tails, who have just risen to their feet. The four friends stare at their two enemies in annoyance. They don't want to waste their time fighting these two.

- Sonic: Well, we're not gonna spend the all day on this ! Mario, can you give me a little boost ?

- Mario : Got it ! Let's give them a flight they won't soon forget !

Determined to get rid of their enemies as quickly as possible, Mario and Sonic prepare to execute their special move. As Bowser charges towards them, Sonic performs a Spin Dash, then Mario hits him with his hammer like a baseball. The hedgehog flies like a rocket at Bowser, who is propelled into the air, taking Eggman with him. The two villains fly through the ceiling of H.Q., creating a huge hole in the process, and disappear into the stormy skies of the Volcanic Zone, as the four heroes look on in delight.

- Luigi : Hasta la vista, baby !!!

- Sonic : Good job, Mario ! Now that's what I call a boost !

Proud of their teamwork, Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails high-five with big smiles. But just as the heroes are celebrating their victory, an alarm goes off and reverberates throughout the lair, forcing them to get serious again. Without further ado, they head for the staircase leading to the dungeons, hoping to quickly find the presumed prisoners captured by Bowser and Eggman.

Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails make their way through the dungeon corridors at breakneck speed, still followed by the deafening sound of the alarm. All the guards who were there fled as soon as the alarm was sounded, but they could return at any moment.

- Mario : There are no guards ! I hope they didn't take the prisoners with them !



- Sonic: I'm on it !

The heroes are finally relieved to hear a voice answer their calls, obviously the same one they heard earlier. Sonic rushes into the cell and smashes down the door with a Homing Attack. To the heroes' surprise, they discover a child with a cup for a head, cowering in a corner to narrowly avoid the door.

- Mario : It’s okay, you’ve got nothing to feaaaaaaaaaaaa...?!

- Sonic : Wow. I must admit...I wasn't expecting that.

- Tails : we agree it’s a cup ?

- Cuphead: Yeah, so what ? What do you all have against cups here ? You're cuphobics or something ?

- Luigi: No, not at all ! It's just that...we're not used to seeing talking cups around here. Anyway, where are you from ? And how did you end up here ?

- Cuphead :'s a long story...

- Mario : Well, you can explain it to us later ! We'd better get out of here before they come back !

- Cuphead: Hey, wait ! There's no way I'm leaving without my brother !

- Tails: Your brother ? You've got a brother ?

- Cuphead: Of course I've got a brother !

- Luigi: How are we supposed to know that ?!

- Sonic: And where's your brother ?

- Cuphead: I don't know ! We got separated ! Please, help me find him !

- Mario : Don't worry. He can't be far. Let's go !

Immediately, the four heroes, accompanied by the little cup, resume their race through the corridors. They can't afford to linger here too long and must find the second prisoner as quickly as possible. At the other end of the dungeons, sitting at the back of his cell, Mugman is curled up, shaking like a leaf. A few minutes ago, an alarm went off for no reason, and all the guards left the premises in a flash. What's going on here ? Why has everyone gone and left him here ? And above all, where could his brother be ? Suddenly, Mugman is jolted from his thoughts by a metallic noise coming from the door of his cell, which has fallen to the ground. When he raises his head, four strangers are standing in front of him, which is enough to terrorize him more than he already was.
- Mugman: Please, don't hurt me ! All I want is to find my bro...Cuphead ?!
- Cuphead: Mugman !
Mugman thinks he's dreaming when he sees Cuphead appear, pushing Mario and Luigi aside, then running towards him to throw himself into his arms. The two brothers embrace with all their might, as if reunited after years of separation.
- Cuphead: Mugsy ! Good gosh, you’re okay !
- Mugman: Of course I am ! You’re here now !
After making sure the other was okay, the two brothers continue their embrace, enjoying their reunion. Behind them, the four heroes watch the scene with fondness, but the incessant alarm still ringing in the lair quickly brings them back to reality.
- Luigi : I hate to interrupt this very emotional reunion, but shouldn't we leave ?!
- Mario : You're right. Bowser and Eggman could come back at any moment. Let's get out of here !
Now that the two prisoners have been freed, the group can finally begin their race towards the exit of the lair. Fortunately for them, no soldiers have yet returned, allowing them to leave without fear.

Once outside, the group continues to run until they are far enough away from the lair. Now that they're at a safe distance, they can finally take a breather. Catching their breath, Cuphead and Mugman observe the volcanic landscape around them, and their saviors. They can hardly believe it, but they're finally free.
- Tails: It's okay, we should be safe here.
- Mugman: Phew, finally outside ! We're dying of heat, but it's still better than the hoosegow.

- Tails: The hoose…gow ?
- Cuphead: Thanks a lot for your help, uh...but by the way, I don't even know what your name is !
- Mario : Ah, sorry, in the rush we didn't even introduce ourselves. I'm Mario, this is my brother Luigi, and our friends Sonic, and Tails.
- Cuphead: I'm Cuphead ! And this is my brother, Mugman.
- Sonic : Cuphead...? And Mugman? Well, yeah, of course.
- Luigi: So, Cuphead in red, and Mugman in it !
- Tails: It's true that you two look a lot alike. Are you twins ?
- Cuphead: Yep !
- Luigi: Join the club.
- Mario: Let me guess: Cuphead, you're the elder and Mugman the younger, right ?
- Cuphead: Well, yeah ! How'd you know ?
- Mario: A hunch.
Mario didn't really have to think hard. One brother in red, the other in blue, is exactly the same as him and Luigi, in red and green. This simple detail was enough for the plumber to realize that he and Luigi were likely to get on well with this other pair of brothers. After the joy of freedom, Cuphead and Mugman soon lose their smiles and look to the horizon with concern. What are they going to do, lost in a world they know nothing about ?
- Mugman: Cuphead...what do we do now ?
- Cuphead: I don't know, Mugsy, I'm as lost as you are ! We've got nowhere to go !
- Mario: Why don't you come with us ? You'll be safe at home, and you can meet all our friends. You'll see how nice they are ! What do you think ?
- Mugman : Anyway, anywhere is always safer than here...I'm not staying another minute in the middle of this volcano !
- Cuphead : OK, we'll follow you, fellas ! How far is your house ?

- Tails: Normally, it would take several hours' walk, but thanks to our teleporter, we'll be home in no time. It's a good thing Eggman and Bowser haven't yet discovered the beacon we placed in the Volcanic Zone.
- Sonic: It's so well hidden, I don't see how they could find it.
- Mugman : A tele...what ?
- Mario : You'll see, it's very convenient. Let's get going. Well, now that we're in the clear, why don't you boys tell us how you got here ?
- Cuphead: Well, it's because of this book ! Me and Mugsy were in the library and then...!
Cuphead and Mugman start telling their saviors about their misadventure in the library, while walking with them to the famous teleporter. The two brothers wonder what kind of place they're going to take them to, but one thing's for sure: it can’t be worse than here. The brothers' only priority at the moment is to get to a safe place, where they can finally recover from their emotions.

Chapter 3: Two cups at home

Chapter Text

Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails, accompanied by Cuphead and Mugman, finally arrive at the House of Heroes thanks to the beacon they recently placed in the Volcanic Zone. The two cups are stunned to discover this machine capable of transporting them instantly from one place to another.

- Cuphead: Wow, you're right, it's so convenient ! I want the same at home !

- Mario : Right ? Well, let's get going. The others must be waiting for us.

The group leaves the teleporter room and enters the living room where all the other heroes are sitting at the table, a glass of juice in hand, no doubt relaxing until their friends return from their mission. Pup, the house's faithful ghost dog, is lying on Daisy's round belly, being petted tenderly in his sleep. All eyes turn to them as they enter the living room, unaware that Cuphead and Mugman are hiding behind Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails. The brothers are surprised to see so many people living together under the same roof. Seeing his master back, Pup leaves Daisy's lap to leap into Luigi's arms.

- Peach: Oh, you're back ! Perfect, just as I was serving fresh juice to everyone !

- Daisy: So, about that volcano earthquake ? I hope it wasn't another one of Bowser and Doctor Eggman's tricks ?

- Mario : Nothing serious, don't worry. But we'll be back with guests. Please, try not to be shocked.

Seeing their friends perplexed, Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails don't keep them waiting any longer and step aside to reveal Cuphead and Mugman, frozen in place, a big forced smile and visible drops of sweat dripping down their faces. On discovering the two cups, all the heroes have exactly the same reaction: dropping their glasses of juice, their jaw wide open. Pup, on the other hand, sniffs the two brothers curiously then jumps for joy when Cuphead strokes his head. Peach is the first to come out of her stupor when she feels the juice spreading on the floor at her feet and sees the many pieces of glass everywhere.

- Peach: Oh, dear ! Now I'll have to clean it all up! !

- Mario: ...I thought we said we weren't supposed to be shocked ?

- Knuckles:...Of course we're shocked, you've come back with LIVING CUPS !!!!

- Cuphead: Ah, I was right ! You're all cuphobics !

- Luigi: No, I swear, we’re not !!!

- Mario: It's just that there are no anthropomorphic objects like you in our world. That's why everyone has that reaction.

- Sonic: Yeah, you're not likely to come across a bowl on the street here, that's for sure.

- Cuphead: We've got one at home ! His name's BowlBoy !

- Mugman: Don't talk about BowlBoy.

- Sonic: Hey, by the way, I'm thinking about something...You, on the other hand, don't seem shocked to see animals talking !

- Luigi: And a ghost dog.

- Cuphead: Well, no ! We've got plenty of talking animals and ghosts ! Well, except for a two-tailed fox and a blue rat. I've never seen those before.

- Sonic: I'm not a rat, I'm a HEDGEHOG !!! Have you ever seen a rat with quills ?!

- Rouge : Hey, we're still here, boys ! Are you gonna tell us where you got those two ? Does this have anything to do with what happened at the volcano ?

- Tails: Yes, it does. They landed not far from Bowser and Eggman's lair and were captured. When we went there to interrogate them, they were locked up in their dungeons.

- Amy: Oh, poor kids...wait, did you say "landed"? What do you mean, "landed"?

- Tails: They're from another world. And they had the misfortune to land in the Volcanic Zone.

- Knuckles: Again ?! Why do all the weirdos from other worlds have to land in our world ?

- Sonic: Rayman wasn't a weirdo.

- Knuckles: I'm talking about his looks.

- Sonic: Oh, right. My bad.

- Vector: But how did you guys end up here ? And where are you from ?

- Cuphead: Uh...can we just sit down before we tell it ? Between running through the lava to escape the turtles and our little prison break, I'm exhausted.

- Peach: Please sit down ! And forgive us for being scared when we saw you. I'll make some juice. Well, once I've cleaned up the one on the floor...

- Yoshi: Yoshi Yoshi ! (I can suck up all the juice, if you like !)

- Pup : Woof, Woof !!!

- Yoshi: Yo Yosh ! (Hey, I suggested it first !)

- Luigi: Forget it, you two are gonna hurt yourselves with the shards of glass. Don't worry. With my Poltergust G-00, it'll be done in no time !

Luigi prefers to spare Peach the tedious task of cleaning up all the juice spilled on the floor, or simply licking it off for Yoshi and Pup, and runs to his room to fetch his famous ghost vacuum cleaner before returning. The power of the machine makes the broken glass and juice disappear in the blink of an eye, allowing Cuphead and Mugman to sit down at the table without risk of injury. Despite a somewhat tense initial exchange, the two brothers now seem a little more at ease in this house, which is much more welcoming than the cold den where they were locked up. As Peach makes her way into the kitchen, all the heroes curiously pull their chairs up to the two cups to get a closer look, and above all to hear what they have to say.

- Blaze: So, tell us how you ended up in our world.

- Cuphead: Well, it's simple ! My brother and I were in the library, I went into a room where I shouldn't have been, picked up a book, read a strange formula and BAM ! We found ourselves lost in the middle of the volcano !

- Shadow: Wait, let me get it straight. You went into an No entry room, picked up a random book and read a formula without knowing what it was gonna do ? Is it just me, or you’re not the brightest bulb in the box ?

- Cuphead: Well no, since I’m a cup and not a bulb.

- Shadow:...O.K. I wasn't expecting that answer. Well done, cuphead.

- Cuphead: Hey, how do you know my name ?

- Shadow: What ? I don’t, I just…!

- Peach: Here's the juice !

The conversation is suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Peach, a jug full of juice in one hand and two glasses in the other. As the princess places the glasses on the table and prepares to fill them, Cuphead taps her on the shoulder and points to his own head.

- Cuphead: Straight into the cup.

- Peach: Oh...alright...

Although confused, Peach complies without further question, and pours the juice into Cuphead and Mugman's cups, which are already full of a white, milk-like liquid. Once served, the two brothers grab their straws to drink the liquid from their own heads, under the bewildered gaze of those around them, and after a few sips, lick their lips.

- Mugman: Mmm, this juice is delicious !

- Peach: Oh my...

- Silver: You've gotta admit, it looks practical. So, you were saying ?

- Cuphead: My name's Cuphead ! And this is my brother Mugman.

- Shadow: Oh...well, well done me.

- Vector: Cuphead and Mugman ? Are you serious ? Either your parents have a great sense of humor, or they have no imagination !

- Cuphead: I can't tell you, we never knew them.

Suddenly, a long silence fills the living room, as everyone stares sadly at Cuphead and Mugman, shocked by this revelation. Many questions run through their minds: how could the brothers have become orphans ? Had their parents abandoned them ? Or...are they dead ? But out of respect, they refrain from asking the children questions they may not even know the answers to. Charmy can't help but tap Vector on the shoulder. For once, when he's not the one doing something stupid, he wants to make the most of it.

- Charmy: Well done, Vector. You broke the mood !

- Vector: How was I supposed to know ? Uh...sorry, guys...

- Cuphead: Oh, that's okay. We've got our Elder Kettle, so it's all good.

- Vector: Ah, so your grandfather raised you ! How nice.

- Cuphead: No, he's not our grandfather, he's our guardian ! Even if he is a bit like our grandfather...

- Vector: Well...I think I'll shut up,'s better...

- Mugman: Elder Kettle always took care of us, ever since the day he found us on his doorstep when we were babies...Oh, Holy Toledo ! Elder Kettle ! He doesn't know we're here ! Cuphead, we have to warn him !!!

- Sonic: Holy...Toledo ?

- Shadow: Wow, I haven’t heard that in ages.

- Cuphead: Well, I'd like to, you have any ideas ?

- Mario : Look, I understand you're worried about your guardian, but there's nothing you can do right now. The only solution is to bring you back home. But how ?

- Rouge : With the Chaos Emeralds, the question wouldn't have arisen, but...

- Cuphead: The Chaos Emeralds ?

- Julie: Very powerful relics that allow you to manipulate space and time. But...

- Knuckles: ...we can forget it. They used all their energy to stabilize the Twilight Dimension (Episode 3), just like the Master Emerald. In my opinion, they won't reform for a looooooong time.

- Mario : Then we'll find another solution. Tomorrow, we'll go to the Science Complex. Maybe they'll have an idea. In the meantime, if you don't mind, you're gonna live here. Is that all right with you ?

- Cuphead: Anyway, it's either this or we end up on the streets. Don’t really wanna be a bum. I'd rather stay here.

- Mugman: don't mind putting us up ?

- Amy: Of course not ! At least you'll be safe with us !

- Charmy: We don't look like it, but we're super-strong heroes with super-stylish powers !

- Espio: He's a bit over the top, but it's true that we're used to dealing with the unexpected. If Eggman or Bowser ever come back to capture you, we'll protect you.

Hesitant at first, Cuphead and Mugman are eventually convinced and nod to the heroes that they agree with their proposal. They still have no idea what kind of world they're in, or how they're going to get home. But at least they're happy to have a roof over their heads, and to have met people willing to help them. Their hosts don't know it yet, but they too have more than one trick up their sleeve.

- Mugman: Well...thanks. I...I feel a little more reassured now.

- Cuphead: So you're saying you're heroes with super-stylish powers, huh ? Well so are we !

- Mugman: Cuphead ! Are you sure you wanna show them ?

- Cuphead: What ? If we're really gonna live with them, we'd better be honest !

- Silver: You know, we all have our share of quirks. So nothing can surprise us !

The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (2)

Seeing that he's succeeded in capturing everyone's attention, Cuphead gets up from the table and prepares for his little demonstration, despite Mugman's hesitant gaze. The next moment, a pink heart emerges from his body, which remains upright but inert. A strange shape forms around the heart, revealing what still appears to be Cuphead, but with a ghostly blue appearance, his straw transformed into a halo.

- Cuphead: TA-DAAAA!

But as soon as his soul leaves his body, Cuphead suddenly feels himself being sucked in and dragged along by force, until he finds himself trapped. In Luigi's Poltergust G-00, which he used the moment he saw the ghost, as his comrades looked on in bewilderment. Immediately, Mugman pounces on the plumber and snatches his vacuum cleaner out of his hands, horrified by the knowledge that his brother's soul is inside.


- Mario: LUIGI !!! What are you doing ?!?

- Luigi: I see a ghost, I suck it up !!! It's a reflex, okay ?!?

- Shadow: Just say you panicked.

- Cuphead: GET ME OUT OF HERE !!!

Inside the Poltergust G-00, Cuphead struggles to free himself and kicks the device until Luigi rushes in to open it. The plumber realizes from the black smoke that his vacuum cleaner is out of order, while Cuphead's soul coughs its way out of the device. It's only at this point that the heroes can finally take the time to observe Cuphead's soul in detail, but more importantly, to become aware of its terrifying power. Pup, for his part, seems excited to see another ghost in the room.

- Luigi: My Poltergust !!! You destroyed it from the inside !

- Cuphead: Well, you didn't have to suck MY SOUL inside !!!

- Peach: can take your soul out of your too, Mugman ?

- Mugman: Yes, but I'm not gonna do it !!! I don't want my soul to get sucked out too !

- Luigi: Anyway, given the state of my Poltergust, there's no risk of it sucking up anything...

- Silver: Well...we all have weird powers here, but this one...I've never seen that kind of power before !

- Mario: It's called astral projection. What an interesting power...

- Knuckles: Uh...have you always been able to do that, or...?

- Mugman: No, it's thanks to the Legendary Chalice. She granted us powers to enable us to defeat the Devil and prevent him from taking our souls.

- Tails :...What ? The Devil ? Take your souls ?

The heroes go from surprise to surprise with their guests, first with their strange powers, and now with this Devil story. Cuphead seems delighted to have piqued their curiosity yet again and returns to his body.

- Mugman: Oh...maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that...

- Cuphead: Yeah you should ! That way, we'll prove to them that we're heroes too ! So, do you wanna know our story ?

- Silver: Oh yes ! You've either said too much or not enough !

- Cuphead: You REALLY wanna know ?

- Everyone : YES !

- Cuphead: Okay, fellas ! Pay attention !

- Shadow: What...? Wait...are they really gonna sing ?!

- Sonic : Let them ! I feel it's worth it !

I could just imagine the two brothers telling their little story with this song XD

Cuphead OST - Don't Deal With the Devil [Music] (

Well, Cuphead and my pal Mugman

We like to roll the dice...

By chance, we came ‘pon Devil's game

And gosh, we paid the price...

Paid the price...

And we fought for our lives on

A mission fraught with dread

And if we proceeded but didn’t succeed...


The Devil would take our heads !!!

Just as the heroes seemed seduced by the two brothers' song, with a charming nostalgia they couldn't explain, they're taken aback when they finish it with a big smile despite the sordid ending, to the point where Luigi faints. Everyone stares sadly at the plumber on the floor, except Shadow, who is more amused than saddened by his distress.

- Shadow: My bad, Sonic. Totally worth it.

- Cuphead: What's wrong with him ?

- Daisy: Oh, don't worry. First the ghost, then the ending line...It was too much for him.

- Shadow: Aren't you supposed to be the one with hormonal imbalance ?

- Peach: What a...charming story. Perhaps it deserves a little clarification ?

- Cuphead: Well, long story short, one day Mugsy and I went to the Devil's Casino, and he challenged us: if we won, all the riches of the Casino were ours. But if we lost, he'd take our souls.

- Knuckles: Wait, you went to play at the Casino ?

- Cuphead: Yup !

- Knuckles: ...How old are you ?

- Cuphead: Ten.

- Knuckles: I've got a question: How did two ten-year-olds cups get into a casino ?

- Cuphead:...You ask too many questions. Anyway, so, we accepted his challenge...

- Mugman: YOU accepted his challenge. I didn't want to do it.

- Shadow : Of course, I can smell a trap. You'd have to be stupid to be tempted.

- Cuphead: I PLAYED...and I lost.

- Shadow : VERY stupid.

- Sonic: Like you've never made mistakes before, Mr. I Nearly Destroyed The World.

- Shadow: Shut up, faker.

- Silver: So...did he take your souls ?

- Mugman: No, we begged him not to. So he made us a deal: if we could bring him all the soul contracts of his runaway debtors, he'd spare our souls. We didn't really want to do it, but...

- Cuphead: It was their souls or ours.

Cuphead and Mugman come to an abrupt halt, as if afraid of their hosts' judgment. But the latter simply look on with empathy. After all, who are they to judge ? If they'd been faced with the same situation, they'd certainly have done the same.

- Vector: So ? What happened next ?

- Cuphead: Elder Kettle gave us something to fight with, and we began our hunt. At first, I'm not gonna lie, we’ve been busted up. A LOT. But we never gave up, and made our way to the Casino.

- Mugman: The powers granted to us by the Legendary Chalice helped, too.

- Cuphead: True. Anyway, in the end, we managed to collect all the soul contracts, got to the Casino and beat the Devil's right-hand man, King Dice. Then we finally came face to face with him, and he offered us to join him if we gave him the soul contracts !

- Sonic: And you refused !

- Mugman: Of course ! I can't even imagine what would have happened if we'd said yes...

- Cuphead: The Devil’s got angry, we got into a tussle and kicked his hairy butt !

- Knuckles: Nice. And how did it end ?

- Mugman: The Devil forfeited, and we burned all the soul contracts. I still remember the moment we announced to everyone that they no longer had to fear the Devil ! All our enemies became our friends ! It was neat !

- Charmy: What a story ! So you freed everyone ? Cool !

- Blaze: You made mistakes, but in the end, you fixed them. You did the right thing.

- Mario: Yes, you really are heroes. I really think we're gonna get along, boys. I hope we'll soon find a way to get you back to your friends and your guardian. But in the meantime, we'll do our best to make you feel at home here.

- Cuphead: Thank you ! I have a feeling we're gonna get along just fine too !

A few hours later, Cuphead and Mugman enjoyed their first meal with their hosts, who each took the time to introduce themselves and talk about themselves. Despite initial misgivings on their arrival, the two brothers already feel at home in the company of the heroes, and hope that their understanding will improve with each passing day.

With their stomachs full, Cuphead and Mugman soon felt the fatigue creeping up on them. Not surprising after the exhausting day they'd had. The two brothers followed Tails to his room so that the fox could lend them pyjamas for the night. A real liberation for them, particularly relieved to leave their usual garb for something more comfortable.

It's now the middle of the night. All the heroes have gone to bed, and the House is plunged into an almost soothing silence. Everyone is fast asleep. Everyone except Mugman. For hours now, Mugman has been tossing and turning in his new bed, hoping to fall asleep, in vain. No matter what he does, he doesn't feel at all reassured in this room, this house he doesn't know. If only he'd confessed that he didn't want to sleep alone when his brother and he were offered a room each, if not bunk beds like in their own room at home. But he didn't want to annoy Cuphead, who had no problem with them sleeping in separate rooms, so he didn't object. Which he now regrets.

Finally, fed up with the insomnia, Mugman decides it's time to act.

A few rooms down. In his new bed, Cuphead stares wide-eyed at the ceiling. There's no way he's gonna sleep. Yet he usually falls asleep very easily, so why not this time ? Suddenly, Cuphead is drawn from his thoughts by a blue shape passing through his door. The soul of his brother, who has left his body to join him discreetly and avoid waking their hosts.

- Mugman: Cuphead...are you asleep ?

- Cuphead: Well, no, dummy, you can see I'm awake ! What's the matter ?

- Mugman : Can...can I come with you ?

- Cuphead: What ? No, Mugsy ! We're not babies anymore !

- Mugman: But I can't sleep in my room ! I'm scared...and I'll have you know you can't sleep either.

- Cuphead : Fair enough. Well, you can come, but...

- Mugman: Swell !

No sooner had Cuphead given his consent than Mugman's soul hurriedly left his room, leaving him rather annoyed. But how could he say no ? After all, he wasn't sleeping any more than he was, and in a way, he was reassured to see that his brother was struggling to sleep too. A few seconds later, Mugman enters the room again, this time opening the door, since he's gone to retrieve his body in the meantime.

- Mugman: I'm sorry, Cuphead...but...

- Cuphead: Forget it. Come here.

Mugman climbs into bed to join Cuphead, who instinctively takes him in his arms to reassure him. Cuphead can tell from his twin's embrace that something is troubling him.

- Cuphead: What's wrong, Mugsy ?

- Mugman : Well...this is the first time we've slept away from home...

- Cuphead : Ah that you mention it...that must be why I'm having trouble catch some winks too.

- Mugman : Elder Kettle must be looking for us everywhere...

- Cuphead: Probably. And we swore we'd never get into trouble again. He'll probably give us a hard time when we get back.

- Mugman: If we come you think we can go home ?

- Cuphead: Eh, I ain't too worried about it. We'll find a way. We've always done all right, haven't we, Mugsy ? Besides, we've met some really nice fellas. This is our chance to have fun in a new world, don't you think ? So stop worrying. There's nothing to be afraid of, okay ?

- Mugman: I'm not afraid. As long as I'm with you, everything's fine. Good night, Cuphead.

- Cuphead: Good night, Mugsy.

No sooner has Cuphead said good night to Mugman than he's already asleep in his arms. Cuphead releases a sigh of relief, then settles his head comfortably in his cushion, waiting for sleep to overtake him. Fortunately, his words were enough to reassure his brother. But not him. He says they'll find a way back to the Inkwell Isles, he really sure of it ?

Chapter 4: Bosses Meeting

Chapter Text

One upon a time, in a magical place called Inkwell Isles, there were two brothers named Cuphead and Mugman. They lived without a care under the watchful eye of the wise Elder Kettle. The three of them lived together in a little house lost in the middle of the forest, sheltered from the hustle and bustle of the capital, Inkwell City.
But this morning, the house is very quiet. For the first time, this morning is unlike any other. Not even the flowers outside the window are dancing. Inside the house, Elder Kettle isn't making breakfast. Because his two boys aren't here to enjoy it. Old Kettle sits alone at the table, sadly observing the two empty chairs in front of him, then the clock on the wall, and the hands moving far too slowly for his liking.
- Kettle : What's taking them so long ? I hope they got the message...
Unable to stand waiting any longer, Elder Kettle decides to go out into the garden, thinking it will make his guests come faster. But there's still no one there. Surely they wouldn't have declined his invitation ?
Elder Kettle sits on his doorstep in despair, letting out a long sigh. Suddenly, a bright light from the sky drew him from his thoughts. One star, then two, then dozens. A shower of stars covers the entire garden with their intense light.
There's only one person who can bring the stars with her.
- Kettle : Hilda...
- Indeed, here I am ! It’s been foretold by the stars !
Far up in the sky, a female figure appears, stretched out on her cloud, then descends to land right in front of Elder Kettle, who doesn't hide his surprise. Of all the people he's invited, he never thought Hilda Berg would be the first to arrive.
- Kettle: Hello, Hilda. Don't tell me you're the only one who came ?
- Hilda: I hope not. Given the seriousness of the situation, the others had better show up !

But just as Hilda criticizes the other guests for their lack of punctuality, she and Elder Kettle almost fall over backwards due to violent tremors. These jolts are caused by the arrival of the Root Pack, a trio of vegetables made up of Sal, Ollie and Chauncey, who spring straight from the ground. Not surprising for vegetables. Seconds later, they're joined by Cagney Carnation. Judging by the look on their faces, the trio had no idea they were being followed. But then again, not very surprising for a flower to emerge from the ground.
- Chauncey: Ah, so that's where that pollen smell came from.
- Cagney: Nice to see you too, fellas. Sorry in advance about the allergic rhinitis.
The Root Pack prefer not to respond to Cagney's jab. Surely, they'll have pimples on their faces in no time because of pollen. Suddenly, all four are thrown forward by a powerful gust of wind from the forest. Or rather by the blast caused by the arrival of the slime Goopy Le Grande and the two frog brothers Ribby and Croaks. When these three have their boxing gloves on, nothing can stop them.
- Sal: Hey, youse walking boxing gloves ! Warn us before youse pounce on us !!!
- Goopy: With a face like mine is it a crime to be bouncing all the time ?
But before Sal can say anything back to Goopy, the latter is crushed by the proud Captain Brineybeard, who fell from the sky screaming as only a good pirate knows how, armed with his saber. Stunned by the impact, the poor blue slime struggles to regain his senses, much to the satisfaction of Sal, who couldn't stand his narcissism any longer.
- Brineybeard: Arrrrr ! Now that's what I call a boarding !
- Hilda : Well, just in time, Captain. Where did you fall from, anyway ?
- Brineybeard: From the dragon's back, of course ! It doesn't look as good as me trusty ship, but if ye want to cross the Inkwell Isles in the blink of an eye, there's nothing better !

Looking up, the group sees a gigantic green dragon, Grim Matchstick, speeding through the clouds, and sitting on its back are actress Sally Stageplay and mermaid Cala Maria. Both decide to imitate the captain and leap from the dragon's back to join the other guests below, with all the grace that characterizes them: Sally descends slowly from the sky with the help of her umbrella, and Cala Maria can't help but strike a pose, raising her octopus hair as soon as she lands to draw attention to herself. As Grim cautiously approaches the ground, he is quickly joined by other guests from the sky: Wally Warbles and his son Willy, barricaded inside their cuckoo clock, the queen bee Rumor Honeybottoms, temporarily transformed into an airplane, and then Dr. Kahl aboard his automaton.
- Dr. Kahl: There you go ! I had the perfect equation for a perfect landing !
- Sally: I agree. That deserves a standing ovation !
- Ribby: Well, tough luck, we ain't in the theater. Well, some bozos are missing ! Where are they ?!
- Rumor: Something tells me they're not far away.
Indeed, the guests already present recognize a distant cry in the forest, which seems to be getting a little too close for their liking, until they see a strange tin-can-shaped contraption hurtling unchecked through the trees towards them. On board was the mechanical genius Werner Werman, and at his side was the merchant Porkrind, who would give anything to leave this vehicle. Not far behind, Beppi the clown arrives in a bumper car with Baroness Von Bon Bon on board. The genie Djimmy the Great and the ghostly Blind Specter, who represents the entire Phantom Express, fly alongside them, and stop at the same time as the vehicle. They all look on in horror at the damage caused by Wermen's tank, who is delighted with his machine's performance.
- Werner: Objective achieved ! Zis tank iz ze ultimate veapon !
- Porkrind: Hey, rat ! You didn't have to charge like a maniac !
- Von Bon Bon: It's a good thing I didn't come in my castle, then. Believe me, it would have been something else !
- Blind Specter: The past is the past...we must the future...everyone is present...just as I predicted...
Indeed, they're all here. All the Devil's former debtors. Everyone Cuphead and Mugman fought, then freed, then befriended. With the exception of Porkrind, who nevertheless sold many charms and weapons to the two brothers to help them on their mission.

The whole troupe, strange as it is, is now gathered in Elder Kettle's garden. The old kettle lets out a big sigh of relief. Everyone has answered his call. Hilda, who arrived well before the others, doesn't hide her annoyance.
- Kettle : Ah, finally, everyone's here ! I'm so relieved !
- Hilda: Finally, indeed, that's the word ! Do you really think we have time for epic entrances ?
- Kettle: That's okay, Hilda. Everyone's here, that's the most important thing. made quite an entrance yourself, by the way.
- Hilda: Oh, really ? My apologies. Some old habits die hard.
- Ribby: Yeah, well, sorry we’s late, folks ! We took longer than expected to close the Club.
- Croaks: You’re sayin’ it is my fault ?!
- Ribby: So what if I am ?!
As usual, Ribby and Croaks miss no opportunity to fight, and immediately come to blows, despite what their late Ma might think. All around them, the other guests are flabbergasted by their attitude.
- Grim: N-No ! D-Don't fight !
- Werner: Zat it ! Here ve go again, guyz !
- Goopy: Stop that ! With all this dust, you're gonna mess up my beautiful face ! It's already all smashed up !
Alas, Ribby and Croaks pay no attention to the other guests' remarks and continue their brawl. Cala Maria decides to do it the hard way. With her piercing gaze, the sublime mermaid instantly freezes the two frog brothers, turning them to stone. Fortunately, they return to their normal state almost immediately, but at least that was enough to put an end to their quarrel.
- Cala Maria: Say, cuties, I'm sorry it had to come to this, but this is no time to be arguing We've got more important things to worry about !
- Kettle : Exactly ! I remind you that Cuphead and Mugman have disappeared ! So let's get serious ! And another thing, there are rules here, and one of them is NO FIGHTING !!! IS THAT CLEAR ?!?

Exasperated by Ribby and Croaks' futile quarrelling, Elder Kettle feels obliged to intervene and call them to order, just as he would Cuphead and Mugman. Immediately, the two frogs, and even the other guests, lay low in the face of the old kettle's fury, but also in the face of this terrible revelation. For yes, the reason Elder Kettle has brought them all together is to discuss the sudden disappearance of their friends Cuphead and Mugman.
- Ribby and Croaks:...Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.
- Ollie: That’s so sad !!! If you only knew how upset I was when I heard the news ! I’m...I’m…!
- Sal: NO !!! Don't start cryin’ ! If you peel and we all cry because of you, I'll smack you !
- Chauncey: Yeah. We really don't need this.
- Ollie: Okay...I'll...I'll hold it. But...the poor little cups !
- Beppi: Hey, speaking of cups, I've got a good one ! How does it feel when two cup brothers disappear ? It BROTHERS us !
Beppi thought he was going to get a round of applause for this joke of his own. But he didn't. Instead, all he gets is a long, awfully awkward silence and dismayed looks from all the guests.
- Beppi: ...Bad time for a joke ?
- Hilda: ...So, now that we're all together, would you care to explain ? What do you mean by "disappeared"?
- Kettle: Yesterday morning, I sent the boys to the library to buy me a book. And they haven't been back since. I was hoping one of you might have seen them...
- Brineybeard: Since yesterday morning ? No need to worry about that, matey ! It's no big deal !
- Von Bon Bon: The Captain's not wrong. Maybe they just got distracted wandering around ? Or were they in the wrong place ?
- Porkrind : I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I once asked them to fetch a package for me. But these two idiots misread the map and went to Mount Eruptus ! I just wanted them to pick up my laundry at the Mount Eruptus Cleaner !
- Kettle: No, my boys can be distracted, but not to the point of disappearing without a trace. I went to the library myself earlier in the day when they didn't come home. The staff told me they'd seen the boys come in, but not leave. They must have missed them. And that was the last we saw of them. So I called you to ask for help. Does anyone have any idea what might have happened to them ?

The whole assembly thinks silently. Everyone is asking the same question: what could have happened to Cuphead and Mugman to make them disappear overnight ? After a few seconds' thought, the first hypotheses begin to emerge.
- Dr. Kahl: First, let's take stock of what we know. If they were last seen in the library...
- Willy: ...that would mean something happened to them on the way back here ! Brilliant ! We really do have the same brain, Doc !
- Djimmi: You two may be geniuses, but the only genie here is me. Your hypotheses don't help us find out what happened to them. Here's a REAL idea. Hey Blind Specter, maybe with your vision of the future, you could find out where they are ?
- Blind Specter: Maybe...let me try...I...I can't see...everything's're...far away...but...why...? Why would a tap dance ?!
- Everyone :... ?
- Willy: Bravo Djimmi the "Great". Great idea.
- Wally: Come on, son, don't be rude. Does anyone else have an idea ?
- Grim: What i-i-if it was a-a move by t-the...Devil ? After his defeat, h-he...must be v-v-very angry...
- Sally: He would have captured them ?! What a tragedy !!!
- Rumor: I don't think so. If the Devil had succeeded in taking the souls of Cuphead and Mugman, he would have let everyone in the Inkwell Isles know. You know how boastful he is.
- Hilda: I often fly over the Casino. There's not a soul around. If there was anything fishy going on, I'd have seen it.
- Cagney: Besides, Cuphead and Mugman managed to beat us all, including the Old Scratch himself. I'd be surprised if they were captured so easily.
- Kettle : Let's start by looking for them. If we can't find them after circling the Inkwell Isles, it's time to start wondering if the Devil is behind all this. Of course...I hope with all my soul that he isn't...

Elder Kettle’s suddenly silent, while all around him, his guests stare uneasily at each other. The mere thought of Cuphead and Mugman's souls in the Devil's clutches terrifies them. But...what if that's the cause of their disappearance ? Suddenly, the whole assembly is jolted from its thoughts by a whistle blowing across the garden. Werner Werman stands at attention, drawing attention to himself.
- Werner : Alright, folkz !!! I'll take over from here ! Ve'll divide up the taskz ! Each of uz will explore a different plaze of the Inkvell Izlez ! Ve're not gonna find zem by just ztanding zere !
- Sally: Yes !!! Now that's what I call a coup de théâtre ! Time to make our entrance, fellas !
- Rumor: I'm gonna deploy my subjects all over the Isles. And don't anyone dare steal our honey while we're gone !
- Von Bon Bon: I'll spread the word to my subjects too. They're so appetizing, Cuphead and Mugman won't be able to resist them !
- BrineyBeard: Me and Cala Maria will be sailing the oceans ! Her unparalleled beauty will be more appealing than candy !
- Blind Specter: The Phantom Express...will explore...the Land of the Dead...hoping...that Cuphead and Mugman...aren't already part of it....
- Porkrind: I've got a couple of contacts through my black mar...hum, I mean, my perfectly legal market. Maybe they can give us some information. These two are fricking, fracking, lousy cups, but...they're some of my best customers.
- Werner: Everybody know what to do ? Perfect ! Zen let'z ztart the zearch ! Deploy the troopz ! Auf Wiedersehen !
- Ribby: Hey, calm down, you rodent ! This ain't war, ya know !

Although extreme, Werner Werman's leadership got the whole assembly to pull together and calm their worries. Following his instructions, everyone split up and abruptly left Elder Kettle's garden with a single thought in mind: to find Cuphead and Mugman as quickly as possible. Once they've all left, only Elder Kettle and Hilda remain, amused by the hasty departure of all the guests.
- Hilda: At least they're motivated. I suppose you'll be searching on your own too ?
- Kettle : Of course. I'm not gonna stand idly by while my boys may be in danger ! But...It’s good to know I'm not alone. Thank you all for your help.
- Hilda: It's the least we can do. We owe it all to Cuphead and Mugman. Without them, our souls would be part of the Devil's collection by now. So we'll do anything to find them ! I'll search the whole sky if I have to !
- Kettle : I couldn't have said it better myself, Hilda. I don't care how much time and energy it takes ! I'll find my boys safe and sound, whatever it takes !!!

Chapter 5: Stage fright

Chapter Text

The next morning. As he had suggested the day before, Mario got up with the idea of taking Cuphead and Mugman to see Natsuko at the Uniocity Science Complex. When the plumber went to wake them up and opened Cuphead's room first, he was surprised to discover that Mugman had joined his brother during the night. Actually, he wasn't all that surprised. He understood that Mugman didn't want to sleep alone, even if he tried to hide it. After gently mocking them, Mario obviously reassured them that there was no problem with them sharing a room, if it meant they could sleep more peacefully. After breakfast, Mario and Sonic offered to take them to the complex, and the four of them left the House. All the other heroes were waiting impatiently for them, and the questioning only increased with each passing hour. Will Natsuko find a way to get the brothers home, even without the Chaos Emeralds ?

Finally, in mid-afternoon, Mario, Sonic, Cuphead and Mugman finally return home, and all the heroes gather in the living room when they hear the front door slam.

- Amy: Well ? Did your visit to the complex go well ?

- Silver: Judging by their head, I'd say no...

- Sonic: Good point. Natsuko couldn't find a way to get Cuphead and Mugman back to their world.

- Mugman: She kept staring at us and asking a lot of questions...that was horrible !

- Peach: Don't hold it against her, she's a scientist. A little too passionate, but a brilliant scientist. She must have been excited to see two children from another world. Especially cup children.

- Mario: Excited, that's the word. Anyway, she said she'd think of a solution with her team, and she also warned the G.U.N. Commander. In the meantime, Cuphead and Mugman will stay here, and we're responsible for them.

- Knuckles: Basically, we haven’t made any progress.

- Mario: No. Besides, I'm afraid some people noticed them on the way to the complex. Since Cuphead had the BRILLIANT idea of looking out of the car window in the middle of the street...

- Cuphead: I just peeked ! I couldn't wait to see the city ! And I was sick of hiding under the seat !

- Sonic: Ah, I can't blame you for that, I can't stay in one place either. Still, I hope nobody saw you...

- Cuphead : Eh ! I ain’t too worried about it.

Suddenly, everyone's attention is diverted by the ringing of the landline telephone. Since he's the closest, Sonic decides to answer.

- Sonic: Hello ? Ah, it's you ! Uh-uh...uh-uh...uh-uh ? Ah. Uh...indeed, that's a problem. You want them to do WHAT ?! Uh...O.K ! I'll tell them ! Yeah...goodbye.

All the heroes stare at Sonic throughout the call, watching his face decompose as the conversation progresses. When the hedgehog finally hangs up, they can tell from his forced smile that they're not going to like what he has to say.

- Sonic: Uh,'re gonna laugh !

- Shadow : From the look on your face, I don't think we will. Who called ?

- Sonic: The Commander. Apparently, a lot of people went to the G.U.N. to tell them they'd seen some cup-headed kids as Mario and I were driving by...

- Everyone :...

- Cuphead: Ah well. Guess they saw me after all.

- Mario : Holy Mushroom. What a surprise. Then ? Is it panic ?

- Sonic: A bit, yes. So, the Commander wants Cuphead and Mugman to appear tonight, at the end of Shadow's concert at the Unistadium, to reassure the population.

- Everyone : WHAT ?!

- Mugman: A...Appear... ?!

- Shadow: But why at the end of my concert ?! He's got some nerve !

- Rouge: I'm not surprised to hear it from the boss. He knows there'll be thousands of people there, so this is the best way to keep everyone informed.

- Cuphead: Are you singing, Shadow ?! When we sang yesterday, you made such a fuss about it !

- Shadow: Because I sing for concerts, not randomly to tell my backstory ! This isn't Disney, dammit !

- Cuphead : Well, that's fine by me ! When it's done, we won't have to hide anymore and we'll FINALLY be able to enjoy it to the full ! Right, Mugsy ?

- Mugman: front of THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ?!?

Mugman pays no attention to his brother. In fact, he hasn't listened at all to the entire conversation. The only thing on his mind is that he's going to have to present himself. In front of an audience. Thousands of people watching him.

And he freezes in terror. Literally. And with all the stunned looks on his face, it doesn't get any better.

- Yoshi: Yo...Yoshi ? (What’s...what's wrong with him ?)

- Vector: it normal for your brother to have a tense face like that ?

- Cuphead: Oh right, there's something I forgot to tell you...Mugman's got terrible stage fright. But I don't understand, he usually makes this face when he's IN FRONT of the audience !

- Vector: So you’re saying he's nervous just imagining himself in front of an audience ? Well, that's promising...

- Luigi: Wow...he looks like me in front of a ghost.

- Peach: And...there's no way to get him out of this state ?

- Cuphead: Mugsy ? Come on, wake up ! Mugsy ! MUGMAN !!!

Cuphead screams at Mugman, but he remains frozen in place. The cup then decides to do something drastic. Without warning, he grabs his brother's head, detaches it from his body and shakes it in all directions, as all the heroes look on in bewilderment. Finally, Cuphead sees his brother's face return to normal and places the head back on his body just as easily as he detached it.

- Cuphead: Are you with us now ?

- Mugman: Yes...I...sorry, Cuphead...

- Knuckles: Did he have to rip his head off like that ?!

- Sonic: Oh, I'm not shocked. You did rip Ray's head off once, remember ? (Sonic and Rayman 1).

- Knuckles: Ah that you mention it...

- Shadow: I'll be honest. Before I sang at my first concert, I wasn't at ease either. But I've never seen anyone so nervous !

- Blaze: Well, he'll have to overcome his fears. If the people of Uniocity see a mug petrified with fear, they'll be petrified too.

- Mugman: But...I can't ! Just imagining myself in front of so many people terrifies me !

- Espio: Indeed, we've noticed that.

- Daisy: You won't have a choice, Mugman ! This is just one bad time ! And afterwards, you and your brother can go for a walk without anyone getting annoyed !

- Mugman: But...but...!

- Mario : Well, forget it, guys. I'll take care of this. Come with me, Mugman.

Seeing Mugman completely overwhelmed, Mario decides to take him aside and leads him to the back door leading to the garden. Once through the door, Mario and Mugman find themselves alone. The plumber hopes it will be easier to give him advice and appease him.

- Mario: Mugman, I understand how difficult this is for you. A lot of people get stage fright. But I've got a few tips that might help. First, take a deep breath.

- Mugman : But...

- Mario : Do as I say ! And then take a deep breath out. Breathing is the key to calm.

Although sceptical about Mario's advice, Mugman decides to listen anyway. He has nothing to lose by trying, after all. Mugman forces himself to breathe more slowly and consciously for several seconds, and begins to feel the effects. Rarely has he felt such a sense of well-being.

- Mugman : really does feel good.

- Mario : See ? Well, now imagine you're in front of an audience...

- Mugman : EEEEEEEE- !!!

- Mario : I said IMAGINE ! You're not there yet !

- Mugman : I know !!! But I'm already scared just thinking about it !

- Mario: Come on, Mugman, you've gone up against some very mad debtors to get their soul contract ! You've taken on the Devil himself ! And yesterday, you sang in front of us all ! And you had no stage fright ! How do you explain that ?!

- Mugman: I DON'T KNOW !!!

Realizing that Mugman has reached his limit, Mario resolves not to insist any further. At the far end of the garden, the sun is slowly setting, covering the sky in a sublime blend of red and orange. Mugman lets out a long sigh and drops his arms, literally and figuratively. The concert is about to begin. And his stage fright isn't going to magically disappear between now and then.

- Mugman: I'm not gonna make it, Mario. Too bad for me. Cuphead will just have to present himself and I'll stay hidden. That's what I do best.

- Mario : Don't be silly. If you've overcome all these trials, you'll overcome this one too. You've got to trust me. If you don't believe in yourself, I do.

- Mugman : Okay...I'll...I'll do my best. Thanks, Mario.

Despite this setback, Mario forces himself to remain optimistic, and walks Mugman back to the House. He hasn't yet found the right way to deal with his stage fright, but he's sure he will when the time comes. To reassure the people of Uniocity, but above all to help Mugman build up his self-confidence.

The Greatest Showman Cast - This Is Me (Official Audio) (

Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me !

That evening, at the Unistadium, the crowd goes wild as Shadow sings his last song of the evening on stage. All the heroes watch the concert from the backstage area. It's the best seat in the house. They're all delighted to hear their friend sing, but above all, they're delighted to see him enjoying himself. Cuphead and Mugman are also enjoying the concert with them. The two brothers have been listening for over an hour. They're discovering new musical styles, new instruments, a wild concert atmosphere, nothing like they've ever experienced in their own world. But they don't seem to mind all the novelty, especially Cuphead, who can't stop hopping to the beat of the music.

Mugman, on the other hand, finds it harder to relax. As the concert progresses, the time approaches when he and Cuphead will have to introduce themselves to the audience. A moment he dreads more than anything. How is he going to speak in front of all those people, given his terrible stage fright ? In fact, listening to the lyrics of Shadow's song, the mug has the impression that they describe him. Being frightened, afraid of being seen by everyone, then finally overcoming your fears and taking the stage as you are. He even wonders if the hedgehog chose this song on purpose to subtly send him a message ?

STOP Music

Mugman is suddenly drawn out of his thoughts as the song ends. Judging by the thunderous applause, everyone had a great time.

- Cuphead: Wow, that was swell ! I'd never have imagined that grumpy grump Shadow could sing like that !

- Sonic: If you only knew !

Unlike Sonic, Cuphead doesn't know how long Shadow has been singing in public (Episode 2). Knowing that it's partly thanks to him that this has been possible, the blue hedgehog is particularly proud. When Shadow takes a quick look at his friends, who are telling him the time, he realizes that it's time for him to step aside.

- Shadow: Thank you, everyone. I'd have gone on a bit, but my boss decided otherwise. If you want to complain, I suggest you pay him a visit at G.U.N. In the meantime, I'll let Mario and Sonic take over.

After gently mocking his boss, Shadow can now leave the stage without regret and hands over the microphone to Mario and Sonic. The presence of the two heroes on stage intrigues the audience.

- Sonic: Thanks, Shad. Good evening, everyone ! And if you're wondering, no, Mario and I aren't gonna sing. We're just here to make an announcement.

- Mario: We've heard the rumors. That several people in town have seen cup-headed children in our company. Well, just so you know... !

- WOW !!! That's a lot of people ! Neat !

Mario's speech is suddenly cut short by the arrival of Cuphead on stage, who didn't even wait to be called. Immediately, the entire audience is stunned by this strange child with a cup for a head. Cuphead, on the other hand, seems in no way intimidated by all these people staring at him. Unlike his brother, he's always loved the attention.

- Mario: Well, you can see, these aren't rumors, they're the truth ! Since yesterday, we've had some very special guests living under our roof. Meet Cuphead, and his brother, Mugman ! By the way...Cuphead, where's Mugman ?

Cuphead looked around. He was sure his brother had followed him, but no. Mugman is still backstage, shaking like a leaf, while the other heroes are doing their utmost to convince him to join the stage, where everyone is waiting for him.

- Silver: Come on, Mugman ! Join them !

- Mugman: NO ! I don't wanna go !!!

- Luigi: We shouldn't force him if he doesn't want to !

- Charmy: Too bad ! You've got no choice ! Here goes nothing !!! ♪

- Vector: Charmy, wait !!!

But before Vector can stop him, Charmy pushes Mugman with all her might towards the stage. Even if the young bee has only good intentions, it wasn't the best thing to do. Because the moment Mugman steps into the spotlight, in front of thousands of people, he instantly freezes. His stage fright is much stronger than he is. He tries to follow the advice Mario has given him, but he can't even breathe properly because of stress. The audience is even more confused when they see a second cup appear, even more so in such a state of paralysis.

- There's a second one ?! Where did those two come from ?!

- Why is the blue one frozen like that ?

- It's so suspicious ! He's definitely hiding something !

- Sonic : Uh, Mario, I've got a bad feeling about this...what should we do ?

Unable to answer Sonic, Mario thinks while staring at Mugman, who is about to cry because of the hubbub coming from the audience. The plumber thinks back to the point he made earlier. Mugman had accomplished many feats without letting his fears dominate him. So, what made the difference ? Suddenly, the answer was obvious. Cuphead. If Mugman was able to accomplish all this, it was because his brother was with him. If there's one person who can help him overcome his stage fright, it's Cuphead.

- Mario: Cuphead ! Talk to Mugman ! Try to reassure him !

- Cuphead: I'd like to, but I don't know what to do !

- Mario: Just do something !!! You're his brother !!!

Cuphead understands from the look on Mario's face that he's counting on him. But he doesn't know how to reassure his brother. Yet he can't leave him like this. He's got to do something.

It's when he looks down at his shoes that he finally gets an idea. A completely crazy idea, but one that just might work.

I'll leave you to admire and then imagine this very good tap dance number :-)

"Cups" Tap Dance - Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect) @ChrisRiceNY - YouTube

Suddenly, without warning, Cuphead taps his feet rhythmically on the floor. Taken aback by this unexpected act, it takes the whole audience a while to figure out what the cup is doing. Tap dancing. But is it really time to tap dance ?

- Mario: What's he...?!

But when he looks beside him, Mario is surprised to see that Sonic is no longer there. The hedgehog has rushed to a speaker to connect his cell phone, hoping to help Cuphead. In his playlist, he finds the song Cups by Anna Kendrick. A song called "Cups" must be a sign of destiny. In the middle of his dance, Cuphead hears music coming from behind, and sees Sonic reassuring him with a thumbs-up. Cuphead thanks the hedgehog with a smile and continues to tap dance, perfectly in tune with the song. In fact, listening to the lyrics, he feels as if he knows this song. But where did he hear it ?

Cuphead quickly puts this question aside to concentrate on his steps. During his dance, he slowly approaches Mugman, still petrified with fear, his eyes riveted on his brother.

- Mugman: Cup...Cuphead...what are you doing ?! Are you nuts ?!

- Cuphead: Come on, Mugsy ! You know the steps !

Cuphead holds out his hand to Mugman to encourage him to join in the dance, and after a long hesitation, he reluctantly agrees to let himself be drawn into his brother's crazyness once again. It wouldn't be the first time, after all. The two brothers perform the choreography in perfect synchronization, without taking their eyes off each other, so much so that Mugman ends up forgetting the audience in front of him. Stunned at first by this surreal scene, the audience eventually embraces the frenetic rhythm of the tap dance and cheers on Cuphead and Mugman with clapping hands, just like the heroes backstage. Seeing the two brothers tap dance with big smiles on their faces gives them an inexplicable sense of joy, and an uncontrollable urge to dance with them, right to the end of the number.

STOP Music

Once the song is over, the two brothers strike a pose to the applause of the audience. Mugman can't believe it. He's really managed to dance in front of everyone. And they loved it.

- Mugman : I...I did it !

- Cuphead: Yeah you did ! I'm proud of you, Mugsy !

- Mugman: ...Thank you, Cuphead.

Very grateful to Cuphead, Mugman can't help but hug him to thank him. If he's been able to overcome his stage fright, it's entirely thanks to him. Very happy with their performance, the two brothers waved to the crowd, who continued to applaud as the heroes looked on in delight.

After their tap dance, Cuphead and Mugman were finally able to present themselves properly to the people of Uniocity, with the support of Mario and Sonic. With the misunderstanding cleared up, the two brothers are finally free to go wherever they please, and will be treated as guests until they return home. All the heroes leave the Unistadium at the same time as the crowd. Cuphead and Mugman get into the same car as Mario and Sonic, and all the others hit the road with smiles on their faces.

- Mugman: Finally, I'm glad we don't have to hide anymore !

- Cuphead: You said it, bro !

- Sonic: There's lots to see ! I can't wait to show you around the world ! And for you to show me some tap dancing. I love that old-school style !

- Mario : By the way, I was wondering...who taught you to dance like that ?

- Mugman : A very popular actress back home. She's a professional tap dancer. And a Dramatic Fanatic.

- Mario : Anyway, congratulations, you've won them over.

- Mugman: It's all thanks to you, Cuphead ! You had a brilliant idea !

- Cuphead: It's called turnin’ up the charm.

Mario and Sonic can only smile at Cuphead's outspoken pride. But they have to admit, it's thanks to their natural charm that the two brothers have managed to pull off this evening. Cuphead suddenly remembers a detail that struck him during his tap dance routine, concerning Sonic's choice of song.

- Cuphead: By the way, Sonic, that song you played just now reminds me of another song that came on the radio at my house not so long ago ! It was practically the same lyrics ! What was the title again...?

- Mugman : Ah, I remember it too ! Well, it was called When I'm Gone, I think ! Makes sense to me !

- Sonic : Oh yeah ? Probably just a coincidence. But I'll look it up on the Internet anyway, just for fun !

Judging by their quizzical looks, Cuphead and Mugman don't know what the Internet is. As Mario and Sonic had already seen on their morning visit to the science complex, the two brothers are completely unfamiliar with modern technology, asking numerous questions along the way and using old slang. Although there's very little chance that a song from another world seemingly very different from their own would have anything to do with the song on his playlist, Sonic nevertheless takes out his laptop to do some research, out of curiosity.

But to his surprise, he finds a match.

- Sonic: Tell me Cup, the song you're talking it this one ?

Yes, I made some amusing discoveries while writing this chapter: 'D The Carter Family - When I'm Gone (1931) (

- Cuphead: YES ! That's the one ! How did you find it ?

- Sonic: Actually, the song you played's a cover of that song ! And you say you heard it on the radio not long ago ? But then...does that mean that...YOU'RE BOTH FROM THE 30'S ?!?

- Mario: Or their world must be inspired by that era. Anyway...that explains a lot !

- Sonic: know what ? Some nostalgia won't do us any harm !

Mario and Sonic get it now: Cuphead and Mugman's lack of knowledge of modern technology, the barbershop song they sang when they first arrived, the old slang, the tap dancing...almost a hundred years separate the brothers' time from theirs. In the end, that's the difference between their two worlds. Their two guests never fail to surprise them. But that's not to their displeasure, quite the contrary. To prove it, Sonic turns up the volume on his mobile and sings along to the song, followed by Mario, then Cuphead and Mugman, delighted to see that their hosts seem to appreciate the musical styles of their own world. All four sing along like a Barbershop quartet, as the car leaves Uniocity under a star-filled sky.

Chapter 6: Pancakes War

Chapter Text

A beautiful morning. Cuphead and Mugman are awakened by the sun's rays streaming through the window, forcing them to get up. The two brothers leave their room and make their way down the dormitory stairs, yawning, to join their hosts in the living room. When they arrive, most of the heroes are already at the table, enjoying a leisurely breakfast.

- Peach: Good morning, you two !

At the same moment, Peach emerges from the kitchen, carrying Rosalina in her arms. Seeing the princess with her adorable little girl, Cuphead and Mugman have exactly the same reaction: their pupils turn into hearts and they let out an "Aww!" to express their tenderness. A facial expression that amuses the heroes and makes them laugh every time.

- Peach: Are you really gonna make that face every time you see Rosalina ?

- Knuckles: Yeah, you should see an ophthalmologist about your eye problem, by the way.

- Sonic: I never get tired of it, it's just too much fun !

- Mugman: But she's so cute♥ ! How can you remain insensitive to this little beauty ?

- Cuphead: And she's not trying to kill us by setting the house on fire like a certain Baby Bottle.

- Sonic : What ?

- Mugman: Another one of our little stories. But we'll tell that later. Right now I just want to tickle this little angel ! Hi, Rosalina ! It's Mugman !

- Rosalina: Mug...Mugs !

- Cuphead : Me, me ! Hello, it's Cuphead !

- Rosalina: Cup ! Cup !

- Cuphead: No, Cuphead ! Cup-head ! Come on, you can do it !

- Mario: Rosalina is too young to pronounce your names properly. Don't blame her.

- Sonic: Hey, at least we've got your official nicknames now ! Thanks to whom...? Thanks to Rosie♥ !

- Mario: Look at that, Peach. Our daughter's barely a year old and she's already popular.

- Peach: That’s what I see. Okay, I know everyone would like to cuddle Rosalina all day, but it's breakfast time !

- Cuphead: Yeah, breakfast ! I've been dreaming about it all night !

Hearing his tummy rumble, Cuphead quickly remembers that it is indeed breakfast time and heads for the kitchen, while Mugman is too busy making faces at Rosalina to follow. But he's not surprised. Mugman has always loved babies. Even if he's more wary now with this Baby Bottle business.

Cuphead walks over to the fridge, already imagining himself eating his lunch. Especially since he'd deliberately kept some of the pancakes Peach had made the day before. They were so delicious that he held back from eating them all to have some more this morning. But when Cuphead opened the fridge, all he found was an empty plate. Cuphead lets out a huge sigh of weariness. He feels as if he's seen this scene a million times before. For him, the culprit is obvious.

- Cuphead: ...Mugman ?

- Mugman: What's the matter, Cuphead ?

- Cuphead: Did you eat my pancakes ?

- Mugman: Why do you say that ?

- Cuphead : Because they're no longer inside the fridge ! Admit it, you ate them !

- Mugman: Why would I do that ?! I'd saved some pancakes for breakfast too, remember ?! It’s not my fault if you're not careful enough to...?!

In the meantime, Mugman has finally abandoned Rosalina and gone to the fridge to get his own pancakes, while his brother rolls his eyes at his disparaging remarks. But when the mug approaches the fridge, he also discovers his own empty plate. Not a trace of pancakes. He too feels as if he's been through this scene before. And for him too, the culprit is obvious.

- Mugman: Hey, my plate is empty ! Where are my pancakes ?! Did you eat them ?!

- Cuphead: No, I didn't ! You ate mine !

Cuphead and Mugman glare at each other. They both know exactly how this is going to end. From the living room, Luigi joins Mario after sensing the tension between the twins, and the two stare at each other uneasily. As brothers themselves, they know better than anyone what that look means.

- Luigi: Oh know that look ?!

- Mario and Luigi: FIGHTING !!!

So you have to imagine the fight exactly as in this scene that's become a meme except you replace the radio with Shadow XD

The Cuphead Show - No Fighting (

Suddenly, Cuphead and Mugman throw themselves at each other and disappear in a cloud of smoke created by their fight. This same cloud moves at full speed through the house, bumping into walls, knocking over furniture and jostling the heroes, who are stunned by this particularly violent argument. But when they get to the table, where Shadow is watching the scene with pity as he drinks his coffee, Cuphead and Mugman stop just in time to avoid him and pass gently by. The two brothers know better than to mess with the irascible black hedgehog, lest he join the fray and slaughter them. With disaster averted, Cuphead and Mugman resume their quarrel, quickly plunging the house into total chaos.

- Mario: Cuphead !!! Mugman !!! Are you crazy ?!? Stop that !

- Peach : We've got to do something ! I don't want Rosalina to see this !

- Sonic: I’m on it ! Hey guys ! Stop right there or...!

Fed up with the argument, the heroes decide it's time to intervene. Sonic tries his luck first, positioning himself in front of the cloud of fighting. But before he can act, the hedgehog is swallowed up inside, finding himself in the middle of the blows, and emerging in a pitiful state.

- Sonic :...O.K, that’s impossible.

- Shadow : Amateur. I’ll take care of it. Silver, give me a hand.

Shadow decides to take matters into his own hands after Sonic's total failure, and gets up from the table at the same time as Silver. Silver uses his telekinetic powers to stop the two brothers and levitate them, allowing Shadow to grab them by the handle and slam them together before dropping them to the ground. Cuphead and Mugman are immediately calmed by this sudden and brutal intervention, and rub their heads to relieve the pain.

- Mario: Shadow, what are you doing ?! You could have broken them !

- Shadow: You wanted to stop them, I stopped them. Can I drink my coffee in peace now ?

His mission accomplished, Shadow sits back down at the table and resumes his cup of coffee as if nothing had happened. Mario is kinda annoyed by his attitude. But there's something else that annoys him even more. Now that their fight is over, the plumber turns to Cuphead and Mugman, glowering at them and ready to reprimand them for their unacceptable behavior.

- Mario: What's the matter with you two ?! Do you realize you're fighting over pancakes ?!

- Cuphead: We've already fought over less than that, you know.

- Mario : Come on ! Two brothers don't fight over such trivial things !

- Luigi: Uh, big bro...we used to do the same thing when we were kids. Don't you remember the time you didn't talk to me for a week because I'd eaten the last cookie ?

- Mario : Ah ! Yes...sweet memory. Anyway ! Look, this is ridiculous. You two love each other. So you have to settle this conflict !

- Cuphead: I don't wanna argue with that filthy pancake thief !!!

- Mugman : I didn't eat your pancakes !!! And even if I did, that's no reason to be a jerk !

- Cuphead: If I'm such a jerk and you're so smart, so tell me why my pancakes disappeared !!!

- Now that's a job for TEAM CHAOTIX !!!

Despite Mario's reprimands, neither Cuphead nor Mugman seems determined to put an end to this feud until one of them admits the fault. When Vector's sudden intervention leaves everyone dubious, including his own colleagues Espio and Charmy.

- Mario : Um...what exactly do you mean by that ?

- Vector: Very simple ! Obviously, we're dealing with a pancake theft ! So the only way to settle this dispute is to find the culprit !

- Espio: Vector...I hope you're joking.

- Charmy: Yeah ! We're awesome detectives, we deal with burglaries, kidnappings, world destruction ! And you want us to solve a pancake robbery ?! Lame !

- Vector: You've got it all wrong, Charmy ! This case is as important as any other ! As detectives, it's our duty to solve it !

- Sonic: You don't have any other cases right now, do you ?

- Vector:...No, not really.

- Cuphead: Do you think you gumshoes can get Mugman to admit he ate my pancakes ?

- Mugman: I didn't eat your pancakes.

- Charmy: Hey, who do you call gumshoe ?! And my shoes aren't gum, they're cool sneakers, okay ?!

- Vector:…Gumshoe is an old slang term for detective, dummy.

- Charmy: Oh, uh…my bad ! ♪

- Sonic: You can trust them, Cup ! Whoever did it, they'll find him ! They're the best detectives I know !

- Espio: We're the only detectives you know.

- Sonic: ...So you must be the best detectives I know.

- Mario: He's got a point. Well...why not, after all. Cuphead, Mugman, what do you think ?

- Cuphead: Fine by me ! If it's the only way to get Mugman to admit he ate my pancakes !

- Mugman: I DID NOT eat your pancakes ! You ate mine !

- Vector: STOP ! You'll be free to pursue your accusations at the interrogation ! But before that, we're gonna do a little inspection of the premises. Everyone to the kitchen !

Determined to solve the case, Vector storms into the kitchen, followed by the less enthusiastic Espio and Charmy, then Cuphead and Mugman, who are still glaring at each other. Mario and Luigi look at the group with the same worried expression.

- Luigi: Do you really think they'll be able to reconcile those two ?

- Mario: The way things are going, I must admit I'm a little worried. Cuphead and Mugman look ready to go for each other's throats. In fact, I'd better get involved and make sure everything runs smoothly, before the stolen pancakes case becomes a fratricide case.

Mario hurries off to join the others, while Luigi leaves him to his own devices. He has no doubt that his brother will be able to handle the situation. Mario, Cuphead, Mugman and the Chaotix enter the kitchen at the same time. Vector immediately signals them to stay at the entrance. The detective wants to get a good overview of the room.

- Vector: Here we are ! The scene of the crime.

- Mario: Well...eating pancakes, can you really call that a crime ?

- Vector : Mario, I have to tell you, you'd make a terrible detective.

- Mario : Alas, I can't be good at everything.

Vector simply replies to Mario's remark with a blasé look, while the plumber can't help smiling with pride and Espio lets out a slight laugh. Admittedly, Mario's retort, while at the same time highlighting his own talent, is bound to amuse. Vector begins his investigation without further ado. From the very first glance, the detective is struck by several details.

- Vector: Right, let's have a closer look at this room, gentlemen ! What do you notice ?

- Charmy: From the smell of it, we'll be having paella for lunch.

- Vector: Well, let me rephrase the question: What do you notice that's IMPORTANT ?

- Charmy: Hey, lunch is important ! So is dinner ! And breakfast !

- Espio: Forget it, Vector. He's unmanageable.

- Mario: Well...there are footprints on the floor.

- Vector: Exactly ! Let's take a closer look !

The first thing you notice when you enter the kitchen are the footprints on the light-colored tiles. Armed with his magnifying glass, Vector approaches the tracks to examine them carefully. Almost immediately, however, he shows his disappointment.

- Vector: Ah, dang it.

- Cuphead: What’s the matter ?

- Vector: Look at these tracks and describe them to me.

- Cuphead: Well...they're both the same, not very big, the feet have four toes... ! Ah uh...they're ours, actually.

- Vector: Exactly. You must have left them when you both went to open the fridge this morning.

- Espio: So, if there were any footprints before you left, you've wiped them off. If it isn’t just great.

- Cuphead: When I went into the kitchen to get my pancakes, there were no footprints, I'm sure of it !

- Vector: Hmm...interesting. Well, let's see if we can find anything else.

Vector decides to leave the question of footprints aside and concentrate on other potential clues. As he approaches the fridge and kitchen, another element disturbs the crocodile.

- Vector: Did either of you use the salt shaker ?

- Cuphead: Well, no ! Why would anyone put salt on pancakes ?

- Mugman: Oh, I don't know...for a joke, like you did for me once?

- Cuphead: Oh, Banana Oil ! You're not gonna bother me with that story again, Mugman ! Besides, you've finally got your revenge, since you ate my pancakes !

- Mugman: I DID NOT EAT YOUR... !!!

- Charmy: You're not gonna fight again! They're just pancakes !!!

- Mario: Charmy's right, stop it, both of you ! Vector, why do you ask ?

- Vector: Because there's salt on the floor. But the salt shaker's in the right place. So someone must have picked it up after dropping it.

- Cuphead : Well, it wasn't me !

- Mugman : It wasn't me either !

- Espio: And they say children and fools always speak the truth...

- Vector: Right, let's move on to the final stage !

Vector keeps this new clue in mind and heads for the fridge, while behind him, Cuphead and Mugman keep ignoring each other. Charmy stares at the two angry brothers with concern, while Mario's expression is one of annoyance. They've had enough of this tension. Vector opens the fridge and comes face to face with the plates containing the famous pancakes.

- Vector: Here are your empty plates. I'd like to know what was on your pancakes.

- Cuphead: Well, honey !

- Mario: I don't see how that's vital information.

- Vector : Everything has its importance ! Honey pancakes, then.

- Cuphead: Yeah...they WERE honey pancakes...At least I hope you enjoyed yourself, Mugman the Pancake Thief !

- Mugman: How many times do I have to tell you ?! I didn't eat your pancakes ! The only thief here is you !

- Charmy: Stop it, you guys ! It's not worth fighting over pancakes ! Who cares who ate them ? Let's just make some more and call it a day !

- Vector: No way, Charmy ! Once we start a job, we finish the job ! That's our policy ! And that's the only way they'll get to the bottom of it ! Especially as I've already got a pretty good idea of who's responsible !

- Mario : Really ? You've already figured it out ?

- Espio : Don't underestimate Vector, Mario. He knows what he's doing.

- Vector: Perfect ! Come on, it's time to put an end to this case ! Off to the Chaotix Detective Agency !

- Charmy: What, we're going to the Agency now ?! But it's right downtown !

- Espio: Besides, do we really need to go to the Agency to solve a pancake case ?

- Vector: Yeah...well, uh, we'll go to my room, it'll be easier.

The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (3)

A few minutes later, in Vector's room, everything is in place for the final denouement. The crocodile is sitting at his desk, looking serious, as if he's in charge of a murder case, with Espio and Charmy at his side to assist him in his task, despite what they still think deep down about this pancake case. Opposite them, Cuphead and Mugman sit on the bed with their arms folded and their backs turned to each other, preferring not to speak to each other. Leaning against the door, Mario observes the scene, always ready to intervene if anything goes wrong.

- Vector: Good. Following my investigation, I'm honored to announce that I'm able to tell you who the culprit is. And if there's one thing I can say for sure, the culprit is in this room. However, I'm gonna give him one last chance to come forward. So, I'll wait for the confession.

- Cuphead: There's no need for a confession !!! Mugman's obviously guilty ! You've no idea how many times I've discovered the fridge empty at home because he'd eaten everything ! One time he even gobbled up my whole tub of chocolate ice cream !

- Mugman: First of all, it was strawberry ice cream, not chocolate, and secondly, we were FIVE YEARS OLD !

- Cuphead: It was MY ice cream !!! Just like it was MY pancakes ! So stop making everyone think I'm a liar when you're the liar !

- Mugman: No, you're the liar ! You're the one who ate my pancakes !

- Cuphead : No, you !

- Mugman : No, you !

- Mario : ENOUGH !!!

Once again, Mario is forced to play referee. Clearly, neither Cuphead nor Mugman seems ready to come forward. Faced with this impasse, Vector makes a radical decision and rises from his chair in all seriousness.

- Vector: Nobody wants to come forward ? Right, then. In that leave me no other choice. I'll have to do it the hard way.

- Charmy: What...what are you gonna do to them, Vector ?

- Vector: Very simple. I'm gonna use the worst kind of torture. Tickling.

When Vector's proposed punishment is announced, everyone present is stunned. Mario and Espio weren't expecting such a punishment. Cuphead and Mugman, however, hold their breath in terror, and even Charmy seems totally horrified for them.

- Mugman: wouldn't dare.

- Cuphead: No !!! Not the tickling !!! Anything but that !!!

- Charmy: You're not gonna do that to them, Vector, are you ?! It''s too cruel !!!

- Vector: Well, whoever did it better come forward ! It's your only chance !

- Cuphead: But it's not me !

- Mugman : It's not me either !!!

- Vector : Too bad for you. Espio, you take the feet, Mario the arms.

- Mario and Espio: Works for us.

Despite what they think of this ridiculous punishment, Mario and Espio manage to catch Cuphead and Mugman before they can escape and pin them to the bed. If this is really the only way to find the culprit and finally put an end to this pancake business, then so be it. The two brothers struggle and scream as if condemned to death, while Vector approaches them, beckoning Charmy to follow.

- Vector: Charmy, I'll leave you to it.

- Charmy: What ?! me ?

- Vector: Because you're the best at tickling. I know all about that. Go on, treat yourself !

- Charmy: But wait ! Can't we...can't we...?!

- Vector: Come on, Charmy, do it !

Realizing he has no choice, Charmy unwillingly places himself next to Cuphead and Mugman, ready to tickle them. As the young bee comes dangerously close to them, the two brothers flail about, and although he's not the one about to be tickled, he has the same desperate look on his face as they do.

- Mugman: Good gosh, no !!! Please, don't !!!


- Charmy: I...I...!!! NO, I CAN'T !!! IT'S ME !!! IT'S ME, O.K ?!?

At the last second, Charmy gives up and takes a giant leap backwards, confessing his fault to the world. Shocked by this revelation, Mario and Espio drop Cuphead and Mugman, even more stunned than they are. With all eyes on him, Charmy has no choice but to explain.

- Charmy: I can't take it anymore ! I confess, I'm the one who ate your pancakes ! I woke up early this morning because I was REALLY hungry so I went to the fridge and I saw some honey pancakes and I ate them but I didn't know they were yours ! And I didn't say anything because I was too afraid of being grounded ! I'm sorry !!!

Having confessed his guilt, Charmy can't help sobbing, as everyone looks on in bewilderment. None of them had any idea that the young bee was responsible for the famous disappearance of the pancakes. Except Vector. Unlike his comrades, the crocodile doesn't seem surprised and flashes a smile of satisfaction.

- Vector: FINALLY. Took you long enough, but you finally got it all out, Charmy.

- Charmy: knew it was me all along ?!?

- Vector: Of course. Did you really think you'd escape my powers of deduction ?

- Espio: So it was you, Charmy. Hm. The worst thing is, I'm not even surprised. Tell me, how did you guess, Vector ?

- Vector: Very simple. At first I had my doubts when Charmy made it clear that he didn't want us to get involved. Charmy's always up for leading an investigation, no matter what it's about. He never misses an opportunity to have fun. But this time, he didn't want us to get involved, supposedly because a case of pancakes sucks ? No, there was a specific reason. And the reason, as I suspected at the time, was quite simply that he was the culprit and didn't want us to find out. But I investigated anyway, and the clues I found only confirmed my suspicions. First, Cuphead said there were no footprints when he arrived in the kitchen. Makes sense, since Charmy flies. Second, the salt shaker on the floor. Charmy accidentally dropped it because of the air produced by his wings, and picked up the salt as best he could. Then I realized that the pancakes were made with honey. Charmy could have taken anything else from the fridge, but he chose the honey pancakes. Not surprising for a bee. But I wanted Charmy to denounce himself, so that he would understand that he shouldn't have lied. But when he didn't, I thought I'd teach him a lesson, so I asked him to "torture" Cuphead and Mugman. Knowing they were innocent, I knew he'd eventually feel bad and confess.

After Vector's explanation, Charmy looked away in shame, while Espio stared at his colleague with an amused smile. Of course he knew the culprit all along. Vector has always been a genius detective and no case stands up to him. Mario, for his part, is stunned by Vector's talent. Cuphead and Mugman stare at each other for a long moment, before glowering at Team Chaotix.

- Charmy: You fooled me, Vector. You're so cool. I'm sorry, guys. I should have said everything from the start. I won't do it again, I promise !

- Vector: Perfect. Once again, the truth has triumphed !

- Mario : Wow. I had my doubts about you, but I've got to hand it to you, you've got real talent, Vector.

- Cuphead: So you knew who did it all along ?! Why didn't you say so ?! Are you happy, Charmy ?! I had a fight with my brother because of you !

- Mugman:'re not mad anymore, Cuphead ?

- Cuphead: Of course I'm not mad anymore ! I'm sorry, Mugsy ! I shouldn't have accused you !

- Mugman: I'm sorry, too !!! I shouldn't have accused you either !!!

Now that they finally know the truth, Cuphead and Mugman feel no resentment and hug each other, much to Mario's relief. It didn't look good, but the two brothers finally reconciled. The trio is then intrigued by the sniffles of Vector and Charmy, visibly moved by this moving scene.



- Espio: Oh boy...

Vector and Charmy both burst into tears, while Espio covers his face, very embarrassed by the behavior of his two colleagues. Cuphead and Mugman, at first disconcerted, pay no further attention to the detectives and continue their embrace. Suddenly, Mario is forcibly pushed through the opening door, only to discover that it's none other than Peach, who has come to check on the investigation. The princess doesn't hide her confusion when she sees Vector and Charmy in tears.

- Peach: Sorry to disturb you, I...! Oh, what's going on here ?

- Mario : Oh nothing, never mind. And don't worry, the case is solved.

- Peach: That’s what I see ! I'm glad to see you boys have made up ! Just in time, I've just made some new pancakes ! I couldn't bear to see you mad at each other, so I made some more !

- Mugman: Really ?! Thank you, Peach ! We'll be sharing these, won't we, Cuphead ?

- Cuphead: You said it ! Hey, guys ! Stop crying and come eat pancakes with us !

- Charmy: Really ? Are we still friends ? Do you forgive me ?

- Cuphead: Of course we forgive you ! Let’s say...we're even.

- Charmy: Great ! Wait..."we're even" ? Hey, what do you mean ?!

- Espio: Hmm. If I were you, I'd check the pudding you left in the fridge, Charmy.

- Vector: Don't bother. When I inspected the fridge earlier, I didn't see any pudding. It's called karma, Charmy !

- Charmy: Hey, that was MY pudding !

Charmy immediately goes after Cuphead and Mugman and hounds them with questions, furious that they've eaten his pudding. But the two brothers are content to answer the bee with laughter and mischievous smiles. They have no desire to quarrel with anyone today. All that matters to them is that they've made up, and that they'll soon be feasting on more pancakes, this time making sure to share them.

Chapter 7: Boos ain't real - Part 1

Chapter Text

Early afternoon, Uniocity. It's a day like any other downtown. Inhabitants frolic in the streets under the sweltering heat of the summer sun. Suddenly, a blue silhouette whizzes past them, causing a gust of wind in its path and pulling them from their thoughts. But they're not worried, because they know there's only one person capable of running so fast. Sonic races through the skyscrapers of Uniocity without stopping. During his run, the hedgehog passes the Chaotix Detective Agency, where the three are hard at work on new cases, without noticing their blue comrade at the window.

On leaving Uniocity, Sonic reachs the House of Heroes in no time and opens the door with his characteristic enthusiasm. The hedgehog is accompanied by Cuphead and Mugman, whom he carried on his back as he ran. The trio made a grand entrance and startled their few comrades in the living room. Well, to be more precise, Sonic and Cuphead make a grand entrance. As for Mugman, he hurried off Sonic's back, his face turned green and his balance precarious. The three of them had left home early this morning for a trip around the world, as Sonic had promised Cuphead and Mugman, and everyone is curious to know where they've been.

- Sonic and Cuphead: WE'RE BACK !!!

- Amy: Sonic ! Couldn't you just gently open the door ?

- Knuckles: What did you expect from him ?

- Amy: "Sigh"...Put it this way, you're right. Anyway. So, this little excursion ? Where did you go ?

- Sonic: First I took them to Apotos, then we went to Spagonia, and we just got back from Mazuri !

- Mario: Wait a minute, you visited three cities ? In one morning alone ?

- Sonic: Yep ! I didn't do too bad.

- Knuckles: I'll say it again, but what did you expect from Sonic ? You really don't know him, do you ?

- Mario: What can I say, even after all this time, he never ceases to surprise me. So Cuphead ? Mugman ? Did you enjoy the trip ?

- Cuphead: That was swell ! We ate pasta at Spagonia, an exotic fruit salad at Mazuri, but most of all, we had the best ice cream in the Universe, the Sundae Supreme at Apotos ! And I'm not kidding. It really was the best ice cream I've ever had in my life.

- Knuckles: Basically, you spent the morning stuffing your face. Great. Is that why Mugman looks like he's about to throw up ? Because of his stomach ?

- Sonic: Well, that and...he didn't handle the race very well. Unlike Cuphead, who was screaming in my ears because he was so into it.

- Mugman: Don't take this the wrong way, Sonic, but...I don't wanna ride around the world on your back EVER again ! You're running way too fast ! I'm nauseous ! Besides, how do you keep from throwing up at that speed ?!

- Sonic: Sorry, Mugs, but that's a secret I can't tell anyone. So I guess you won't be joining us on the next trip ?

- Mugman: No way ! I don't wanna get sick ! Do it without me !

- Cuphead: Never mind ! I can have fun without you, Mugsy ! I'm up for a new excursion, Sonic !

- Sonic: Anytime, Cup !

Cuphead and Sonic give each other a high-five, grinning from ear to ear as the other heroes look on in amusem*nt. It seems they've found each other: two eternal optimists who love adventure. Cuphead was particularly excited at the prospect of exploring this new world, and can't wait to discover even more new places in the company of the supersonic hedgehog. Not so his brother. As much as he enjoys the city tours, Mugman simply can't stand Sonic's speed. And although he tries to hide it, he also can't stand his brother teasing him about his lack of bravery.

A few minutes after Sonic, Cuphead and Mugman arrive, another hero bursts into the living room. With his Poltergust G-00 on his back, Luigi descends the stairs to the dormitory to join his comrades, clearly ready to leave, and notes the trio's return.

- Luigi: Ah, you're back ! Well, you can tell me all about your trip later ! Gotta go !

- Sonic: O.K., have fun ! Just one question: where are you going ?

- Luigi: To Professor E.Gadd's lab to repair my Poltergust. Because a CERTAIN cup destroyed it from the inside !

- Cuphead: Hey, it was self-defense ! You shouldn't have sucked out my soul !

- Luigi: Well, it was self-defense too ! If you only knew all the problems I've had with ghosts ! Anyway, I really hope the Professor can do something about it.

- Daisy: You'll have to go through the Boo Woods to get to the Professor's laboratory ! And it's not called the Boo Woods for nothing ! What if you're attacked ? You have no weapon to defend yourself against ghosts ! And I really don't wanna be a widow when we're expecting a baby !

- Luigi: Don't worry, honey, I've still got my flashlight, and the woods looks pretty quiet at the moment ! Well...I hope it still is. I have to admit, I'd feel better if I had someone with me. Is anyone up for that ?

- Mario : I'd come with you, but given my bad luck with ghosts, I'd rather not. I don't want you to rescue me from another haunted mansion.

- Knuckles: I'm not a fan of ghosts either. I fought a big one once and that was enough for me.

- Tails: Uh...well...I've got some work to do back at the workshop and uh...but I'd have come, otherwise ! I'm not afraid of ghosts !

- Luigi: Yeah, right. And then they call me a coward ! And you, my dog, don't you wanna come ?

Faced with all these refusals, Luigi tries his luck with his faithful Pup. He's more likely to accompany his master. But he receives no reply. The little dog sleeps soundly on Daisy's lap, who looks at him with a smile before shrugging her shoulders.

- Daisy: Don't count on him. You know Pup won't let me out of his sight. I think he'd rather look after the baby.

- Luigi: The way he snores, I think he's just lazy...Well, never mind, I'll go on my own !

- I...I'M COMING !

While Luigi had decided to go it alone, one of the heroes finally volunteers at the last minute. Mugman. The group is surprised by this unexpected decision, especially on the part of Mugman, who up to now has been more known for his cowardice than his courage.

- Luigi: Is it true ? Are you sure, Mugman ?

- Mugman: Yes ! I've decided to go with you !

- Yoshi: Yoshi...Yoshi Yosh ! (Uh, if I were you, I'd think twice. Boo Woods is easily one of the top 10 most not-at-all-reassuring kind of place !)

- Knuckles: Yeah, and honestly, I don't know if two chickens are better than one.

- Julie: Knuckles ! That's very offensive !

- Knuckles: Yeah, sorry, but I can't help thinking that's what Shadow would have said if he was still with us...But since he's at G.U.N. with Rouge, I'll say it for him.

- Mugman: Well, that's still very offensive ! I can be brave too, you know !

- Luigi: Exactly ! Please don't underestimate us!

- Daisy: Well, you two go ahead then. Just be careful !

- Luigi: Prudence is my middle name, you know that, Daisy.

- Mugman: You see, Cuphead ? I'm going on an adventure ! I can have fun without you too !

- Luigi: Exactly ! So don't wait for us ! See you soon !

Luigi and Mugman make their way to the teleporter room together, under the puzzled gaze of all their comrades. Mario and Cuphead look confused at first to see their two brothers so confident, but then shrug. If they feel so strongly about it, they should just go for it. And hope for the best.

Luigi close the door than he lets out a long sigh, then walks over to the computer to start the teleporter. Judging by the aggressive way he taps the keys, the plumber is particularly annoyed.

- Luigi: I can’t believe it…Just because I'm supposed to be a coward, something's got to go wrong ? Why do I always have to...! Anyway...thanks for coming with me, Mugman. It's much more reassuring to be in pairs. And we'll show them what we can do ! So, Boo Woods...O.K, the teleporter will take us to the edge of the Woods. It's a long walk to the lab, but nothing too bad. You ready, Mugman ? Mugman ?

- Mugman: I'm not brave at all ! What on earth made me say that ?! All this to go to a forest full of ghosts ?! I don't wanna go !!!

Just as Luigi was feeling more determined than ever to accomplish his mission, his smile fades as he discovers Mugman's decomposed face. In a moment of panic, the mug stands ready to leave the room, but Luigi barely holds on to him, grabbing him by the handle.

- Luigi: Hey, wait a minute ! Don’t let me down ! You said you were coming with me ! And now you're chickening out ?!

- Mugman: Sorry, Luigi, it's just that...I wanted to show off in front of Cuphead because he'd made fun of me and...what a moron ! How do I look now ?!

- Luigi: ...You look like someone who couldn't stand being teased by his brother. Believe me...I know what it's like. But this is our chance to prove to our big brothers that we can get along just fine without them, don't you think ?'re not alone. I'm here, okay ? So, shall we go ?

- Mugman: Luigi...I...okay...yes, let's go.

In a show of mutual support, Luigi and Mugman shake hands and both step into the teleporter. Mugman felt like giving up, but Luigi's encouragement was enough to allay his fears. With a confident smile on their faces, the two of them disappeared into a beam of light, heading for the Boo Woods.

Music: FOREST AT NIGHT - Crickets Owls Rain Wind in Trees - Relax Study Sleep De-Stress 🎧 100% RELAX (

In the blink of an eye, Luigi and Mugman are transported to their destination by the teleporter. In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere changes completely. The Boo Woods, as its name suggests, is the woods where the Boos made their home long ago. The sun is nowhere to be seen in the inky-black sky, even though it's early afternoon. A light breeze rushes through the trees and gently shakes the dead branches, causing ominous creaking noises to echo through the forest. All these details are enough to worry Mugman, who realizes that the place is indeed haunted.

- Mugman: this is the Boo Woods ?

- Luigi: Yeah.

- Mugman:'s aptly named, isn't it ?

- Luigi: Yeah. Well, shall we go ?

Despite Mugman's trembling voice, Luigi pays no further attention and leaves the platform for the path, turning on his flashlight. Still petrified by his first glimpse of Boo Woods, Mugman reacts belatedly to the plumber's departure, until he finally comes to his senses and joins him at top speed. The duo set off in the direction of Professor E.Gadd's laboratory, in the ominous silence of the forest, following the path barely lit by the flashlight. Mugman gazes anxiously at the dead trees, keeping close to Luigi, who advances confidently, as if he'd walked this path a thousand times. He seems disconcerted by the plumber's attitude, which seems too relaxed for his taste despite the circ*mstances. Unable to stand the silence any longer, Mugman can't help but reopen the discussion.

- Mugman: So...what you call the Boos here are ghosts, right ? And they live in this forest?

- Luigi: That's right.

- Mugman: And so...that means we can...potentially come across them ?

- Luigi: I hope not, but yes, it's possible.

- Mugman: Am I wrong, ain’t too worried about it ? Gee...I'm starting to sound like my brother...

- Luigi: Oh, sorry, that's because I'm used to it. You've no idea how many times I've had to go to creepy places to hunt ghosts. It's kind of become my thing.

- Mugman: You hunt ghosts ? How do you do ? This place alone gives me the heebie-jeebies ! You've got a lot of courage !

- Luigi: Really ?! I mean...thanks. I...I'm not very used to compliments.

- Mugman: So you catch them with your vacuum cleaner ?

- Luigi: That's it ! The Poltergust is no ordinary vacuum cleaner ! It was created by the Professor specifically to hunt ghosts ! It's the only effective weapon against them ! As long as we've got it with us, we're untouchable !

- Mugman: Great ! But since it's unusable, what do we do if we run into Boos ?

- Luigi: Well, that's simple !'ll just have…

Suddenly, Luigi stops in the middle of the road. Mugman's questions have finally made the plumber have doubts. After all, what would he do if they came across a ghost when his Poltergust was unusable ? Sure, the flashlight could still scare them, but it wouldn't be enough to get rid of them. Luigi didn't want to feel this sense of doubt. The plumber felt his old demons return in a flash. Without his weapon, he feels vulnerable, and doesn't know how he's going to deal with his fear of ghosts.

As Luigi feels a thousand questions racing through his head, his gaze meets that of Mugman, who is still desperately awaiting an answer from him. Still overcome by panic, Luigi grabs Mugman by the shoulders and finds only one thing to say to reassure him, and himself in the process.

- Luigi: know what ? We're not gonna run into any ! We're...we're gonna pretend Boos ain’t real ! That's it ! Boos ain’t real ! If we convince ourselves of that, I'm sure it'll bring us good luck !

- Mugman: ...That's the most illogical thing I've ever heard.

- Luigi: Well, that's all I've got, isn't it ? So we're gonna move on, and we're not gonna come across any Boos ! Because they ain’t real ! Boos ain’t real ! Say it, Mugman ! SAY IT !!!

- Mugman: Uh...Boos ain’t real !

- Luigi: What ain’t real ?!

- Mugman: Bo...uh...I don't know !!!

- Luigi: Perfect ! Let's go, then, and everything will be fine !!!

Although he finds Luigi's reasoning rather dubious, Mugman resolves to enter into his delirium, which finally causes the plumber to drop his shoulders and look away. He tries as best he can to hide his shame at his behavior, but Mugman isn't fooled. He thought Luigi wasn't scared at all, but he realizes that he was just pretending, and when it comes down to it, he's just as terrified as Luigi is.

- Mugman: In're just as scared as I am, after all...

- Luigi: Yes, maybe ! So what ? Are you gonna make fun of me, like all the others ? I'm...sorry, it's's always been like's tiring...

- Mugman: No, I'm not gonna make fun of you, on the contrary ! It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who's scared ! It's a change from my brother ! He's afraid of nothing !

- Luigi: Really ?! Mine's the same! He's always taking me on crazy adventures where I'm always risking my life ! All I want to do is stay at home and watch TV !

- Mugman: Me too ! Well...except for the TV, since that doesn't exist in our world yet, but I really understand what you mean !

- Luigi: Really ?! You do ?!


Suddenly, Luigi and Mugman embrace, crying their eyes out, so much so that they can be heard at the other end of the woods. They both realize how much they have in common. They feel as if they've experienced a kind of friendly love at first sight, that they understand each other without needing to speak, that they're destined to get to know each other sooner or later.

- Luigi: MUGMAN !!! Why haven't we met before ?!?

- Mugman: I don't know !!! But I'm so happy to have finally found someone like me !

- Luigi: Me too ! You're my brother from another world ! You're my mug brother !

- Mugman: Your...mug brother ?

- Luigi: Well, think about it ! We both have big brothers who are the complete opposite of us ! But the two of us, Mugman, are the same ! So from now on, you'll be my mug brother ! Do you agree ?

- Mugman : Yes, of course ! I'm fine with having a sort of second brother !

- Luigi: Me too. So, Mugman, why don't we get on with it ?

- Mugman: Yes ! I was afraid, but I'm feeling much better now.

- Luigi: Same here. Come on, let's go ! We're not gonna find the Professor standing here !

Having comforted each other, Luigi and Mugman finally find the courage to set off again with much greater confidence. The two continue to chat lively as they walk, and find they have even more in common. They even forget that Boos even exist, which seems to be a good thing for them, as they don't come across any.

Half an hour later, Luigi and Mugman spot a building standing out among the dead trees. It's Professor E.Gadd's laboratory, a bunker bearing the effigy of its owner.

- Luigi: Here we are !

- Mugman: You were right ! It really brought us luck to say that Boos ain’t real !

- Luigi: Huh ? Boos ? What are you talking about ? Never heard of them ! Come on, let's go in, I'm sure the Professor will be delighted to make your acquaintance !

Luigi and Mugman look at each other with a smile, then head for the laboratory. The duo still can't believe their walk in the forest went so well. Their little trick must have really brought them luck. Or so they think.

- So, we ain’t real, uh ?

Talking with Ghosts Theme - Luigi's Mansion (

As Luigi and Mugman knock on the laboratory door and step inside, they don’t notice three menacing figures in the distance, watching them from behind some trees. Three Boos, who often hang around the laboratory, have just noticed their presence: Boomer with his resplendent moustache, Boodin with his chubby face, and Boolina with her pretty pink bow. All three Boo glare at Luigi. None of the Boo like Luigi since he's been chasing them with his Poltergust, and especially since he defeated their Master, King Boo.

- Boodin: He's got guts ! He's sucked in many of our brothers with his evil machine, including our King, and he dares to say we ain’t real ! That loser will regret saying that !!!

- Boomer: Revenge is a dish best served cold, Boodin. We can't do anything while Luigi's in the Professor's laboratory. Let's wait until he's out, then we can finally make him pay for everything he's done.

- Boolina: But he's got the Poltergust ! There's nothing we can do against that stupid vacuum cleaner ! Do you really think it's a good idea to attack him ?

- Boomer: I understand your fear, Boolina. There's always a risk. But we can outsmart Luigi. We just have to wait for the right moment. And when that time comes...dear Luigi will have a long night...from which he'll never wake.

The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (4)

Chapter 8: Boos ain't real - Part 2

Chapter Text

Luigi's Mansion Outdoor Music w/Rain 3 Hours (

A few hours later, the Moon rises in the rainy sky over the Boo Woods, plunging the area into an even more ominous atmosphere. Mugman and Luigi have just emerged from Professor E.Gadd's laboratory, grinning from ear to ear. As they walk away from the building, Luigi takes a moment to examine his Poltergust G-00, just refurbished by the Professor.

- Luigi: There you go ! Sorry to have kept you in the lab so long, Mugman.

- Mugman: That's okay, the most important thing is that your vacuum cleaner is fixed ! I still can't believe how you caught those ghosts in the test !

- Luigi: Well, they weren't too bad, just to make sure the Poltergust worked properly. But I'm relieved to see I haven't lost my touch. If even the Professor told me it was perfect, I've got a lot to be proud of.

- Mugman: Oh, by the way...thanks for not telling the Professor about my powers.

- Luigi: He was already asking you a lot of questions, but if I'd told him you were able to take your soul out of your body, he'd have gone crazy. You've probably guessed it, but he has a...slight obsession with the paranormal. He could have locked you up with the other ghosts to study you.

- Mugman: I'd rather not think about it. So you really did capture all his ghosts ? And how did you come to be hunting ghosts anyway ?

- Luigi: Wow, that's a long story ! It all started when I won a mansion in a competition I hadn't even entered. I called Mario so we could celebrate on the spot. But when I arrived...

And so Luigi launches into the story of his very first adventure in a haunted mansion, not without a certain nostalgia. The plumber seems amused as he recalls this life-changing event. Mugman listens attentively, quickly becoming absorbed in his story and asking many questions, which Luigi gladly answers. The duo set off for home with as much enthusiasm as on the outward journey, with no fear of the forest or the Boos who live there. Not far away, however, Boomer, Boodin and Boolina are lying in wait. The three Boos look at each other, nodding, then disappear, a mischievous grin on their faces. Luigi and Mugman chatter quietly along the path, unaware for a moment of the danger around them. Suddenly, the sound of sinister laughter draws them out of their discussion.

Ghost Theme 1 - Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon OST (

Luigi and Mugman react immediately and look around. But they see nothing. Then another laugh, even more disturbing than the first, catches their attention. The duo look at each other uneasily, as if to make sure they've both heard the same thing.

- Mugman: Did...did you hear thar ? What was that noise ?

- Luigi: I don't know...maybe just the wind ?

- Mugman: No, I'm sure I heard a laugh ! What if it was a Boo ?

- Luigi: Hey, remember what we said about the existence of Boos ?

- Mugman: What if there really are here ?! We have to check !

- Luigi: Okay, let's go ! Just to prove to you that it was just the wind ! Because Boos ain’t real !

Urged on by Mugman's insistence, Luigi resolves to head for the source of the noise, so that they can both be reassured and get on their way. Flashlight in hand, the plumber shines his light on anything that looks suspicious, until he reaches a small group of dead trees on the edge of a cliff.

Still nothing. Clearly, they've been dreaming. What worries Luigi most now is the dizzying altitude of the cliff, and the immense void that separates its summit from the ground.

- Luigi: Not only is there nothing, but we're right on the edge of the cliff now ! I don't like this ! Let's go back to the main path and...!


STOP Music

Just as Luigi and Mugman turn to return to the path, three Boos appear before them in the most brutal fashion imaginable. The howls of the three ghosts echo through the forest, and throughout the bodies of their prey. Luigi and Mugman are so frightened that they feel their heart stop beating.

In their terror, they take a step backwards. They fall off the cliff. They tumble into the void, while the Boos look on, bursting into laughter. Luigi and Mugman scream like they've probably never screamed before, as they come dangerously close to the ground. Then Luigi gets an idea, and manages to catch Mugman in the air with one hand, then his Pultergust with the other.

- Luigi: Hang on, Mugman ! It's gonna be bumpy !

Immediately, Mugman does just that, holding Luigi with all his might. Luigi presses a button on his Poltergust for a long time, then releases it at the last second. Just before the duo reach the ground, the machine suddenly expels an enormous quantity of air, which ejects them in a rather brutal manner, but also cushions their fall in a thick cloud of dust.

After a few seconds of dizziness, Luigi finally finds the courage to stand up. It's hard for him to realize that he's still alive. Without his flash of genius, the fall would undoubtedly have been fatal. On the other hand, he's more worried about his porcelain partner, fearing he'll end up in a million pieces. Fortunately, he's relieved to see that Mugman has also escaped this impressive fall unscathed.

- Luigi: Are you okay, Mugman ?! Nothing broken ?!

- Mugman: No, I'm fine ! What the heck was that ?! Boos ?!

- Luigi: Yes ! They must have been watching us for a while ! I didn't see that one coming ! Holy mushroom, what a fright !!!

- Mugman: But I thought you were used to seeing ghosts !

- Luigi: Just because I'm used to them doesn't mean I'm not afraid of them anymore ! Besides, you were just as scared as I was !

- Mugman: Of course I was scared ! They're terrifying !!! And they're sure to be back !!! What are we gonna do ?!?

- Luigi: Don't worry ! I've got my Poltergust, remember ? First we use the flashlight to scare them, and then…!

Certain that the Boos will be back, Luigi reaches behind his back for his Poltergust. But his hand catches nothing. Luigi is horrified to discover that his vacuum cleaner is no longer on his back and searches all around him.

- Luigi: My Poltergust ! Where did it go ?! Dang it ! It must have slipped off my back because of all the air I let out !

- Mugman: He can't be far ! We've got to find him fast, before the Boos...!

- Are you looking for us ?! The famous Boos who supposedly ain’t real ?!?


One of the Cuphead Show's best songs (along with the Devil's), sung this time by the Boos, Luigi and Mugman. Here are the VO and VF (for the curious ones ;-) links.

I Don't Believe In GHOSTS SONG - The Cuphead Show ( VO

The Cuphead Show - Ghosts Ain't Real (French) ( VF

- Boomer: Don’t believe what you heard, ‘cause here is the deal...

- Boolina: There is no need to panic ‘cause…!

- Boomer, Boodin and Boolina: BOOS AIN’T REAL !!!

Alas, the Boos joined Luigi and Mugman earlier than expected, much to their dismay. And to make things worse, the trio come up with the idea of singing a song to terrorize them. This works quite well, as Luigi and Mugman scream in fright before taking off, closely followed by the Boos, who don't intend to let them escape.

- Boomer: I don't believe in Boos...

- Boolina: They don’t give me a fright !

- Boodin: I don't believe in anything that bumpity-bumps in the night !

- Boomer: If you see things that you can’t explain...

- Boolina: Best to ignore them...

- Boodin: Or go insane !

As Luigi and Mugman run for their lives, the Boos have fun appearing before them without warning. In the end, their denial of the Boos' existence won't bring them much luck.

- Mugman:You said they ain’t real ! They seem pretty real !

- Luigi: Listen Mugman ! We’re caught in a jam ! Pipe down ‘cause we gotta scam !

Determined to escape this catastrophic situation, Luigi takes Mugman in his arms and runs off before the Boos catch up. The plumber flies through the woods like a rocket, not even looking where he's going, while dead trees come to life and bats take flight, as if roused from their slumber by the Boos' terrifying song.

- Boos: I don't believe in Boos! They don’t give my a fright ! I don't believe in anything that bumpity-bumps in the night ! I don't believe in spooks ! But when I'm all alone...I’ve heard mysterious things that bang and clang and…!

STOP Music

Luigi feels fear getting the better of him. The whole Boo Woods is literally after him. Taking advantage of a brief moment when he's managed to outrun the Boos, the plumber ducks into the hollow of a fallen tree trunk at the edge of the path and beckons Mugman to keep quiet. Boomer, Boodin and Boolina notice a little late that their prey has disappeared. They were too involved in their song. The trio look around, but there's no sign of Luigi or his companion.

- Boodin: Hey, where'd they go ?

- Boolina: We've lost sight of them ! Shoot ! I still wanna have fun !

- Boomer: We can't let Luigi get away with this ! Let's find them ! They can't be far away !

Without wasting any time, Boo's trio split up to find Luigi, with the firm intention of avenging all the other Boos he's captured. From his hiding place, the plumber sees the Boos drifting away and lets out a sigh of relief. But this moment of respite may be short-lived.

- Luigi: Phew...lucky we managed to hide...but those daredevils are still after us, and on top of that I've lost my Poltergust. I must admit I've had a better weekend.

- Mugman: Boos ain’t real, Boos ain’t real, Boos ain’t real !

- Luigi: Mugman, listen... I'm a coward too. So I'm used to being in denial. But I have to be honest here. Boos ARE real, and they're after us. Well mostly after me.

- Mugman: Oh no...what are we gonna do ?! If only Cuphead were with me ! He'd know what to do !

- Luigi: Don't say that ! You don't need your brother ! You're doing just fine on your own !

- Mugman: Oh yeah ?! Then why am I here, holed up in a tree trunk, shaking like a leaf ?! It's easy for him, he's afraid of nothing ! No wonder he laughed at me this morning...

- Luigi: Well he was wrong ! They're all wrong ! They say you're just a coward, that you'll never be a hero like your brother, but it's not true ! You're as strong as him ! You're as strong as Mario !!!

In his desire to comfort Mugman, Luigi lets his own emotions get the better of him without even realizing it. It's only when the young mug stares at him in confusion that he realizes his revealing slip of the tongue.

- Mugman: Huh ? But...what are you talking about, Luigi ? Why are you talking about Mario ?

- Luigi: I...I mean...Cuphead !'re as it...I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to bring you into this,'s just that I'd like to be more like my brother too. He's so strong, so brave, and everyone looks up to's always been that way. But matter how hard I try...I'll never be like him.

A long silence hovers in the hollow of the dead tree. Luigi looks down in shame, while Mugman looks at him with empathy. Luigi had shared some of his doubts with him, but he'd never imagined that the plumber was actually suffering from a real inferiority complex compared to his brother Mario. A complex that has dogged him for years, and one that he's never been able to shake off, despite his own achievements. Mugman thinks of a way to comfort his friend by comparing his own relationship with Cuphead. But unlike Luigi, he's never felt the need to be like his big brother, and for good reason.

- Mugman: So what ? You don't have to be like him, and I don't have to be like Cuphead ! We're different from our brothers, and that's a good thing ! O.K., my brother's brave, but he never thinks before he acts, and he always ends up in crazy situations ! Luckily, I'm here to stop him from doing stupid things !

- Luigi: Me too ! I've had to rescue Mario because he'd been kidnapped by the Boos three times ! THREE TIMES ! Even though he knows I'm scared to death of them ! It's like he does it on purpose !

- Mugman: Me too ! It was Cuphead who accepted the Devil's challenge, even though I told him it was a bad idea ! As a result, we had to fight to get our souls back and prevent the Devil from taking ours ! A lot of people told me that I should have left him to it, that it was his mistake, but I could never have done that ! Because...!

- Luigi: Because he's your brother and you'll always be by his side, no matter what !!!

- Mugman: Yes, EXACTLY !!! Do you understand ?!

- Luigi: Of course I do !!!


Once again, Luigi and Mugman hug each other, crying their eyes out. Once again, they're surprised at how much they understand each other. Both are seen as eternal cowards. However, it's also thanks to their cautious nature that they've been able to protect their brothers on several occasions, and become heroes in the process. Luigi and Mugman eventually calm down and stare at each other in amazement. They're still wondering why they didn't meet sooner.

- Luigi:...Wow...Mugman, we REALLY are brothers from another world.

- Mugman: No, we're mug brothers, remember ?

- Luigi: You're right. And as such, we also have to support each other and fight side by side as we would with our real brothers !

- Mugman: Exactly ! But we're not gonna get out of here by hiding in this tree trunk !

- Luigi: You're right, it's time to get moving ! Come on, Mugman, we've gotta get out of this mess ! Step one, get my Poltergust !

- Mugman: Step two, find the Boos and show them what we're made of !

- Luigi: And last but not least, go home to our brothers ! And if they still call us cowards...

- Mugman: ...who cares ? Ready, mug brother ?

- Luigi: Ready, mug brother.

For the second time, Luigi and Mugman find the strength to fight thanks to their mutual support. They now have only one thing in mind: to leave the Boo Woods unscathed. The duo cautiously leave their hiding place, after making sure that the Boos are still not around.

- Luigi: Perfect, no Boo on the horizon. We've gone deeper into the woods, but I think I know where we were earlier. Follow me, and if you see anything suspicious, let me know !

- Mugman: Got it !

For Luigi and Mugman, it's now or never. The only way out is to find Luigi's Poltergust, and to do that, they have to retrace their steps. The duo walk with light steps towards the cliff, hoping to find the spot where they landed earlier, and hoping above all that they won't attract the attention of the Boos. Luigi and Mugman reach the bottom of the cliff after a few minutes' walk, and walk cautiously along the edge. Finally, they recognize the spot where they've landed thanks to a huge hole in the ground, created by the air spat out by the Poltergust.

- Luigi: There it is ! Now, where's my Poltergust ?

Luigi and Mugman search the area at top speed. The Poltergust must be here. However, not far away, Boomer, Boodin and Boolina also had the idea of turning back in the hope of finding them, and approached the cliff, until they caught sight of the duo.

- Boolina: There they are !!! You were right, Boomer ! Good thing we came back !

- Boomer: I knew Luigi would try to find that pesky vacuum cleaner ! He can't have it back !

- Boodin: Well, what are we waiting for ?! CHARGE !!!

Delighted to have finally found their still defenseless prey, the Boos charge in their direction. When Mugman thinks he hears laughter, he finally sees with horror the three ghosts ready to attack him and Luigi, and hurries to warn his comrade, obviously too concentrated in his research to notice anything.

- Mugman: Uh...Luigi ?!

- Luigi: What, you've found the Poltergust ?!

- Mugman: No, the Boos found us !


Run by the Boos, Luigi and Mugman have no choice but to flee again. They've seriously had enough of running around, but for now, it's the only way to stay alive. The two heroes are speeding along the cliff when, suddenly, Mugman catches sight of a striking red object in the midst of the trees. The Poltergust.

- Mugman: HERE !!! OVER THERE !!!

- Luigi: Ah, finally !!!

Luigi and Mugman find the strength to run up to the Poltergust, thrown far away by all the air it has expelled. Luigi jumps on his vacuum cleaner and quickly puts it on his back, ready to counter-attack.

- Luigi: Perfect ! Now that I've got my baby back, I can finally get down to business ! Hey Boos, did you have fun scaring us ? Well, now it's your turn to be scared !!! TAKE THIS !!!

As he hears the Boos closing in, Luigi waits until the last second before turning around abruptly and activating his flashlight to stun them, a big smile on his face. At last, after too long on the run, he's going to get his revenge. But the moment the flashlight emits light, the three Boos protect themselves in-extremis by covering their eyes. Alas, having seen many of their comrades sucked away, it's become harder to take them by surprise.

- Boodin: Sorry, mate ! But we're starting to get the hang of the flashlight ! Ah, and to answer your question...indeed, scaring you is pretty hilarious !!!

First Ghosts Theme - Luigi's Mansion (

Luigi has no time to react as Boodin pounces on him, grabbing his flashlight between his teeth and hurling him against a tree. As he struggles to get up, Boomer and Boolina attack in turn, leaving him no chance of escape. The plumber can feel the hatred the Boos feel for him with every blow.

- Boodin: Tell me Luigi...did you have fun sucking up all our mates and our King ?!

- Boolina: As far as we concerned, It didn't make us laugh at all !

- Boomer: It's time we took our revenge on you, Luigi ! In the name of all Boos !!!

- Mugman: S...stop ! Leave him alone !

- Boodin: Go away, you ! We're not interested in you !

Seeing Luigi in danger, Mugman rushes to his aid, but is immediately knocked backwards by Boodin and crashes to the mud. The three Boos, having taken their frustrations out on the exhausted Luigi, are ready to deliver the fatal blow.

- Boos: GOOD NIGHT !!!

- Mugman: Don't...don't touch my MUG BROTHER !!!

The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (5)

Suddenly, Boos felt an indescribable force behind them. Just as they turn around, Mugman uses his power of astral projection to send his soul out of his body. But this time, his soul is much larger than usual, very intimidating, and muscular. This unexpected change comes as a surprise to the Boos, who hadn't paid the slightest attention to the mug until now.

- Boolina: What's all this about ?!

- Boomer: Wait, he’s a ghost too ?!

- Mugman: Wow, it's been a long time since I used Super Art III !

- Boodin: It doesn't matter ! It's just a cup !

- Mugman: Well, look what the cup can DO !!!

King Boo Battle (Phase 3) - Luigi's Mansion 3 (

Stung to the core, Mugman punches Boodin right in the face before the horrified eyes of the other Boos, who realize that they are no longer untouchable faced against another ghost. Boodin regains his composure despite the blow and is quickly joined by his comrades, all three of them very wound up.

- Boodin: Who the heck do you think you are ?! You’ll pay for that !

The fight is on between the trio of Boos and Mugman, and to say the least, they don't pull any punches. Meanwhile, at the foot of the tree, Luigi is struggling to regain consciousness. As he swims through the fog, the plumber sees Mugman fighting alone against the Boos in his giant ghost form.

- Luigi: Mug...Mugman ?!'re so COOL !!! Punch them !!!

Luigi doesn't really know how Mugman got in such a state, but it doesn't matter: he has to encourage him, and quickly rescue him. For his part, Mugman fights fiercely against the Boos, but the longer the fight goes on, the more his strength diminishes. Unfortunately, Super Art III is limited in time. Punching the Boos won't be enough. He needs to strike hard, and fast. As the Boos close in to strike, Mugman dodges and takes the opportunity to grab all three by the tail, raise his arms and slam them to the ground, leaving them completely stunned. The next moment, Mugman's soul is back to normal.

- Mugman: Sorry Luigi...! I can't...!

- Luigi: Don't worry, it’s perfect ! Now it's my turn !!!

Luigi's Mansion 3. ( Final Boss Catching King Boo Theme ) (

Realizing that Mugman can no longer fight, Luigi takes over and activates his Poltergust. Still stunned, Boomer, Boodin and Boolina only react when the vacuum cleaner grabs them by the tail and sucks them in.

- Boolina: Hey !!! Let us go !!!

- Luigi: Oh no you don’t !!!

The three Boos struggle to get away, but Luigi has no intention of letting them. Despite the power of the ghosts, the plumber manages to keep control, then swings them from side to side against the ground to weaken them with all his rage.

- Luigi: THIS is for scaring Mugman ! THIS is for beating me up ! THIS is for all the times you've kidnapped Mario ! And THIS is for all the times you gave me a hard time !!!

As if in revenge for everything the Boos have done to him, Luigi throws all his forces into the battle, before Boomer, Boodin and Boolina are sucked into the Poltergust for good.

Area Boss Defeated - Luigi's Mansion Music Extended (

With the Boos gone, a strange calm descends over the woods. Luigi stares longingly at his Poltergust, before turning to Mugman, who is just as bewildered as he is. Suddenly, the duo embrace, realizing that they have triumphed over the Boos and their haunted forest.

- Mugman: We did it, Luigi !!!


Back to the House of Heroes. It's now past 9 p.m., and everyone's at the table with a full plate. While almost everyone is eating with an appetite, Cuphead is simply stirring his mashed potatoes with his fork, looking worried. It's been hours since his brother left for the Boo Woods with Luigi. Like Mario and Daisy, Cuphead seems preoccupied by this prolonged absence.

- Cuphead: What's taking them so long ? Say Mario, when are they coming back ?

- Mario : It's hard to say, Cuphead.

- Daisy : I hope nothing's happened to them...I must admit I'm starting to worry...

- Shadow: What did you expect ? Letting Luigi and Mugman go off alone into the Boo Woods wasn't the best idea. I don't know if two chickens are better than one.


Suddenly, all the heroes jump out of their chairs when they hear the front door open suddenly. When they turn around, they discover Luigi, covered in bruises and scratches, with Mugman in his arms, covered in his milk, which has obviously spilled a lot. Yet, despite their pitiful state, both are smiling with pride and glory. Happy to see his master back, Pup rushes to his feet, while everyone else stares at the dismayed duo.

- Knuckles: Uh...yeah ! Two heroes! That's...exactly what we were saying.

- Mario: Holy mushroom, what happened to you two ?!

- Luigi: Oh...let's just say we ran into a few unforeseen circ*mstances. Nothing too serious.

- Daisy: What do you mean, “nothing serious” ?! You're hurt, you know that ?! Who did this to you ?

- Luigi: Three angry Boos. But we gave them the beating of the century !!! You should have seen it !

- Cuphead: The beating of the century ?! Really ?! How did you do that ?!

- Mugman: I used Super Art III to knock them out, and then Luigi caught all three of them in one go with his Poltergust. I'd forgotten what it felt like to let off steam like that !

- Luigi: Then we went back to the Professor's lab to entrust the three of them to him. Just so they don't cause any more trouble ! Hence our delay.

- Shadow: Hm...not so chickens after all.

- Silver: Wait a minute ! You say you managed to knock them out with your powers, Mugman ? Then why didn't you just use it when you were being chased by the Hammer Bros ?

Following Silver's pertinent question, the other heroes stare at Cuphead and Mugman in dismay. The two brothers think back to when they first arrived in this world and were pursued by Bowser's minions. They suddenly realize that even if they had no weapons, they could have indeed defended themselves with their Super Arts. The two brothers simply shrug their shoulders with an embarrassed smile at this realization.

- Cuphead and Mugman: Oooooooh...oh well.

- Shadow : Wow...they're even dumber than I thought.

- Mugman: our defense, it's been a while since we used our Super Arts. I kinda activated it on instinct in the Boo Woods. Heh heh...

- Daisy: Anyway...the most important thing is that you managed to get away with it, whether with the Hammer Bros or the Boos !

- Cuphead: You're the best, Mugsy ! I'm so proud of you !

- Mario : Same here, Luigi. You did a great job. But I'm not surprised. When it comes to ghost-hunting, you're second to none.

Luigi and Mugman can't help but blush at their big brother's praise. Both of them were already very proud to have escaped their crazy adventure on their own, but to receive praise from their brothers only confirms that they are heroes indeed.

- Luigi: Thank you, big bro. Well, after all these adventures, all I wanna do is eat !

- Mugman: And I wanna fill my mug. I feel drained.

- Luigi: Your mug is almost half empty. We'll fix that, mug brother !

- Everyone : What brother ?

- Luigi: Don't mind me. It's just between us.

Despite the insistent glances of their friends and brothers, Luigi and Mugman simply reply with an amused smile, then join them at the table.

This adventure, this special bond they've created, they want to keep to themselves.

Chapter 9: Homeschooling but not really

Chapter Text

- Cuphead: I hope you're ready to suffer the most humiliating defeat of the century, fellas !

- Charmy: You’re messing with the wrong bee, buddy ! We're gonna slaughter you !

A beautiful afternoon at the House of Heroes. Like almost every day since the start of summer, the sun is beating down, but on this day, a breeze is blowing in to bring a pleasant coolness. Most of the heroes have therefore decided to take some fresh air in the garden and rest in the cool grass, in a hammock or at the foot of a tree. They rarely get the chance to relax, so they might as well make the most of it.

Inspired by the weather, Cuphead suggested playing dodgeball, a game he particularly enjoys. Here he is in his own camp with his brother Mugman, facing Charmy and Tails, posted in their own camp, surrounded by the other heroes watching them. After a few provocations to destabilize the opposing team, the game finally begins. Tails is the first to possess the ball. The fox soars through the air, while Cuphead runs into his zone. Mugman, on the other hand, looks lost int thoughts and barely moves. Cuphead shows off too much for Tails' taste, so he decides to throw the ball at him. But to his surprise, Cuphead perfectly catches the projectile in mid-air despite the speed of the throw and deftly sends it back at Tails, hitting him on the first try and making him prisoner.

- Tails: Oh no ! I've lost ! How can you aim so well ?

- Cuphead: You know, when you fight monstrous beasts to save your soul, you end up with good reflexes.

- Tails: Put it this way...

- Charmy: Don't worry, Tails ! I'll save your honor ! Fire at will ! BANZAAAAAAAI !!!

As Tails goes into the "prison" at the back of his camp, Charmy energetically grabs the ball with one idea in mind: to avenge his fallen comrade. Opposite him, Cuphead resumes his run, while Mugman doesn't budge an inch. The perfect target. Charmy puts all his strength into his throw as if his life depended on it and hits Mugman in the head. The poor mug is thrown backwards. Seeing that his brother isn't getting up, Cuphead comes and stands in front of him, motioning for everything to stop.

- Cuphead: Time out !!! Time out !!!

- Tails: I didn't get a time-out when I got hit !

- Cuphead: Yeah, but you're not made of porcelain.

Tails can't think of anything to say. Cuphead has a point. And above all, he's been much less brutal in his throwing than Charmy has been. So the two team-mates agree to stop the game for a while. Cuphead immediately reaches out to Mugman to help him up. After noting with relief that nothing was broken, Cuphead can't help but stare at his brother in confusion. Ordinarily, he would have avoided this attack with no problem. As Cuphead pointed out, with all the fighting they've done, they've had plenty of opportunities to develop their reflexes.

- Cuphead: What the hey-hey, Mugs-Mugs ? You can dodge fireballs sent by the Devil but not a regular ball ? I'm a bit disappointed in you !

- Mugman: Sorry,'s just that...

- Cuphead: Oh, I know that face. What's on your mug ?

- Mugman : long have we been here ?

- Cuphead: I don't know. A week ?

- Mugman: So we haven't been to school for a week ! Can you imagine what we've missed while we've been away ?!

As Mugman expresses his concerns to his brother, he is flabbergasted to see him simply reach for his straw and noisily sip the liquid from his cup, staring at him indifferently. Although, on reflection, it doesn't surprise him that much. Cuphead never liked school. But he still hoped his brother would take the matter more seriously.

- Cuphead: Well, shall we get back to the game ?

- Mugman: Cuphead, I'm serious ! We'll be months behind on homework !

- Cuphead: So what ?

- Mugman : Oh, you're getting on my nerves !!!

- Cuphead: Ah, Banana Oil ! You're the only one here who cares about school ! I don't care !

- Well, I do !

Suddenly, both brothers are surprised to see Mario intruding on the conversation. Cuphead glares at his brother. He wished the plumber hadn't interfered. He's certainly the most conscientious of the group, and he's not about to turn a blind eye.

- Cuphead: Well that’s just great ! Couldn't you just shut up ? He heard everything !

- Mario : I don’t have Rouge’s ears, you know ? I got worried when I saw Mugman on the floor and came over to check on him. Then I heard that you didn't care about school and that worried me even more.

- Cuphead: Eh, I ain’t too worried about it ! It's no big deal !

- Mugman : Yes, it is ! If you don't practice your maths regularly, you'll soon lose the plot !

- Mario : Your brother's not wrong, little cup. So you're working on your maths right now ? In that case, I might be able to help you.

- Cuphead: ...What do you mean ?

- Mario: Well, since you can't go to school right now, I can homeschool you. What do you say ?

- Mugman: Would you do that ? Thanks, Mario !

- Cuphead: But wait...since we're away from home, it's not really homeschooling, is it ?

- Mario: You're playing with words. Then...let's say it's homeschooling but not really. So you agree ?

- Mugman: Yes ! It would be nice not to be too behind our homework !

- Cuphead: Yeah...that would be SUCH a shame...

- Mario: Well, let's get started then !

- Cuphead: Now ?! What about our game ?

- Mugman: Never mind ! We'll pick it up later ! I won't be able to concentrate until I've done some maths exercises anyway.

- Tails: It's just as well. I can get back to work in the workshop ! See you all later !

- Charmy: Well, I'm off to see Vector and Espio ! Ciao !

While Tails and Charmy go their separate ways, Mario and Mugman head for the house. Seeing everyone scatter, Cuphead realizes that he's going to have to give up his dodgeball game and stick to "homeschooling but not really".

- Cuphead:...aww shucks.

Half an hour later. Mario circles his room, carrying Rosalina in his arms and rocking her gently. After making sure his daughter is sound asleep, he places her gently in her crib, tucks her in with his blanket, then looks at her sympathetically, though he can't help letting out a sigh. It hadn't been all fun and games. As he had feared, his little star was proving particularly difficult in the absence of her mother, who had returned to the Mushroom Kingdom for some time. But he finally managed to calm her down, and that's the most important thing. With Rosalina now napping, Mario hurried from his room back to the living room to find Cuphead and Mugman seated at the table. The plumber had given the two brothers some math exercises and left them alone to do them while he looked after his daughter.

- Mario: I'm back. How did the exercises go ?

- Mugman : I've finished them ! Can you check if everything's right ?

Mario nods in response to Mugman's question and looks at his multiplication worksheet to correct it. But after observing it, he realizes that there's nothing to correct, since there's not the slightest error. Mario already suspected that Mugman was pretty smart, and his results only confirm it.

- Mario: It's...perfect, Mugman. Good job !

- Mugman: Oh, it wasn't too difficult. I memorized the multiplication tables.

- Mario: Well, since you're done with multiplication, I’ll give you some subtractions. I've printed out some more exercises.

- Mugman: Perfect ! I'll get right on it !

- Mario : What about you, Cuphead ? How you’re doing ?

Mario leaves Mugman to get on with his new exercises, since he obviously doesn't need his help. Which is certainly not the case with his brother. Given his lack of enthusiasm, Mario was worried about letting Cuphead do his exercises on his own. And he was right. Cuphead wasn't at all focused on his work, but on his pen, which he enjoyed twirling between his fingers. And Mugman was far too focused on his own exercises to notice anything.

- Mario: Cuphead ? Haven't you done anything since today ?

- Cuphead:...Huh ? Uh...yes ! Yes, I've finished !

- Mario : Really ? Then why is your paper all white ?

- Cuphead :...It's invisible ink.

- Mario : Stop taking me for an idiot ! If you need help, just ask me instead of making excuses !

- Cuphead : What for ? It's no use ! I'm stupid anyway !

- Mario : What ? What did you just say ?

- Cuphead: I'm stupid ! No matter how hard I try to concentrate, I can't ! So it's no use !

- Mugman : Stop talking nonsense ! You're not gonna get any better with that attitude !

- Cuphead : It's easy for you ! You're the best pupil in the class !

- Mugman: Maybe you would be too if you worked harder !

- Cuphead: Here we go again, you can't stop lecturing me ! You think you...!

- Mario: Oh no, you two aren't gonna argue again !!! Mugman, continue your exercises, I need to talk to your brother. Come here, cuppy boy.

Mario immediately stops the argument between the two brothers before it turns sour. The plumber prefers to take Cuphead aside and invites him to follow him into the living room to sit on the sofa. Judging by his disgruntled look and long sigh, he understands that he's going to have a hard time calming the cup.

- Mario: Come on, Cuphead, relax. Your brother was just trying to help.

- Cuphead: But he just...he doesn't know how lucky he is ! He's the smartest person I know !

- Mario: Let's say Mugman has an easier time learning. Maybe you don't, but that's okay !

- Cuphead: But I don't understand ! We're twins, so how can he be so smart and I'm so stupid ?

- Mario : First of all, being twins doesn't mean being identical. Just as Luigi and I are different, so are you and Mugman. And secondly, stop saying you're stupid !

- Cuphead: But I am ! Everyone knows it !

- Mario : Did someone tell you that ? It wasn't your teacher, was it ?

- Cuphead: No, but...I'm sure that's what he thinks. The others are doing well, and I'm the only one with bad grades ! Because-I'm-STUPID.

Cuphead suddenly withdraws into himself, under Mario's sympathetic gaze. The plumber is appalled by the cup's attitude and convinces himself that he's stupid. But it's not his fault, it's the fault of the school system. The kind of system that makes you believe that when you get the best mark, you're absolutely brilliant, and when you get a bad mark, you're hopeless. The kind of system that makes you believe that if you take longer to learn than the others, there's something wrong with you. If this kind of system still works today, he'd rather not even imagine what it must have been like in the 1930s. Mario nevertheless tries to keep his strong opinion on the matter to himself. His priority at the moment is to help Cuphead in any way he can. He thinks he understands what his problem is, but to be sure, he'll have to investigate.

- Mario: Mmh...tell me a little about your teacher, Cuphead. What's he like ?

- Cuphead : My teacher ? He's brilliant.

- Mario : I see, you mean he's very intelligent.

- Cuphead: No, he's literally brilliant. He's a light bulb. But he's very smart too.

- Mario : Ah, right. And what's his name ? Bulbhead ?

- Cuphead: No, his name's Lucien.

- Mario : Oh ! hum...alright...

- Cuphead: Hey! Just because my name's Cuphead doesn't mean that everyone in my world with an object for a head has a name ending in "head", you know !

- Mario : Okay, Okay ! I'm sorry...

Despite his apology, Mario can't help laughing. Rarely has the plumber felt so out of place. But how could he not, with dialogue like this ? Plus, Cuphead's response amuses him. Despite his young age, the child has a great response. Mario finally manages to regain his seriousness when he sees Cuphead staring at him with annoyance.

- Cuphead: Hey, what are you laughing at ?

- Mario : Nothing ! Hum ! he nice to you ?

- Cuphead: Yes, he's long as I don't upset him. As soon as I do something stupid, he sees red !

- Mario : I see. And you get into mischief in class because you're bored, is that it ?

- Cuphead: Well, yeah ! I swear, I try to concentrate on my work, but it doesn't interest me, so I drop out in two seconds ! It bores me to sit at my desk for hours learning useless things when I could be out playing ! But I don't see why I'm telling you all this. You can't understand.

- Mario : Oh yes I do, Cuphead. Because I was just like you when I was your age. I couldn't stand still. Every stupid thing I could do, I did.

- Cuphead: You Mario ?! No way ! I don’t believe it !

- Mario : Oh yes, you do ! I've done some stupid things ! Like the time I turned the school kitchen upside down looking for cookies, or when I unleashed a horde of Scaredy Rats in my classroom, or when I accidentally catapulted my gum at the teacher...


Mario and Cuphead leap from the couch as the sudden scream behind them startles them. When they turn around, Luigi, who has just come back from the garden and has obviously overheard their conversation, rushes towards his brother, his face taut with anger, as if he's ready to strangle him.

- Luigi: I can't believe it ! It was you and you didn't say anything ?! The teacher thought it was me and I got punished ! I had to clean the classroom after class for a week and...!!!

- Mario : Hey, Luigi. You can see I'm in the middle of a serious discussion with Cuphead. So we'll talk about it another time, okay ?

- Luigi: ...All right. We'll talk later.

Luigi really wants to talk to Mario about this gum thing. He can't believe he learns that he was wrongly punished for something his brother did more than twenty years ago, and that he obviously has no remorse. However, he somehow manages to contain himself and walk away. If things ever get out of hand between Mario and himself, he'd rather Cuphead and Mugman didn't witness it. With his brother gone, Mario turns to Cuphead with an extremely embarrassed smile, while the cup stares at him empathetically. Suddenly, both of them can't hold back their laughter any longer. Not only because of Luigi, who looked really furious, but also because of Mario's amusing anecdotes. Sure, it’s wrong to do stupid things, but it makes for good storytelling.

- Cuphead: Wow ! You must have been really bored at school !

- Mario : Yes, I was. Anyway...what I'm trying to say, Cuphead, is that just because you're impulsive or energetic doesn't mean you're not intelligent. And above all, just because you get bad grades at school doesn't mean you won't succeed in life ! There are so many possibilities, so many different fields in which you can reveal your full potential ! And come to think of it, you already have ! You and your brother fought to protect your soul and the souls of others ! You defeated the Devil ! Do you think all kids are capable of that ? No ! And you did it alone, you made progress without anyone's help ! Because in the end, fighting isn't that different from maths. At first, it's hard to beat your opponent, but with practice, you'll eventually triumph. Believe me, I know. And everyone in this house will tell you. Well...I got a bit lost, you understand what I mean, Cuphead ?

- Cuphead: ...Yes.

- Mario: Ah, good. I was afraid I hadn't made myself clear.

- Cuphead: No, no, it was...Wow ! At least you speack like a REAL teacher...

- Mario : No. I speak like a friend. There's a difference.

Mario was worried that his speech might sound too complicated for Cuphead. But clearly, Cuphead understood. It's almost as if the little cup is drinking in every word the plumber says, as if he's always needed them. The kind of reassuring words that only a friend can give you, someone who understands you. Cuphead thanks Mario with a smile, until his doubts catch up with him and make him disappear.

- Cuphead : But...none of this changes the fact that I'm no good at school...

- Mario : It's not you that's bad. It's just that the method isn't right. You're being asked to concentrate on tasks that, let's face it, aren't very exciting. Most children, like your brother, can cope perfectly with this system, but others, like you, can't ! Firstly, because you need help to stay focused, and secondly, because you need a different way of learning ! I'm sure you could make progress if we could make it fun for you !

- Cuphead: But do you have any ideas on how to make maths fun ?

- Mario : Let me think...yes, I do. But I'm gonna need some time. You know what ? It'll give you and your brother a chance to take a break. Well, go and tell him. The way he's concentrating on his work, he won't hear me.

- Cuphead: O.K !

Cuphead has no idea what Mario has in mind, but decides to trust him and tell his brother as he asked. Just as Mario is about to go out the back door into the garden, Sonic opens it before him and enters the house. Perfect. He was just wondering how to keep Cuphead and Mugman inside while he worked out his idea.

- Mario : Ah, Sonic, you're just in time ! Will you keep the boys busy for a while ? I'm gonna prepare a little surprise for them in the garden.

- Sonic: Yeah, no problem ! And I know exactly what they'll like !

When Mario asked Sonic to keep the boys occupied while he prepared a surprise for them in the garden, the blue hedgehog immediately came up with THE right idea. For half an hour now, the three of them have been sitting comfortably on the sofa, watching a movie. A film about monsters working in a factory to harvest energy through closet doors to scare the children. But when a little girl accidentally wanders into this world, two monsters will do anything to get her home. A child lost in an unfamiliar world. Curiously, it's a story they can easily identify with.

Cuphead and Mugman seem totally hypnotized, while Sonic looks on, holding back a laugh. Of course, for him, it's perfectly normal to watch a movie at home, but for Cuphead and Mugman, who come from a more distant era, it's a total discovery.

- Sonic : So ? How cool is it to watch a movie at home ?

- Cuphead: It's neat ! When we wanna see a movie, we have to go to the pictures show ! And we don't even have colors !

- Sonic: Welcome to the modern world, guys.

Cuphead and Mugman smile back at Sonic, then continue watching the movie. They don't know how soon they'll be able to return to their world, but in the meantime, they're looking forward to taking advantage of all the technology it has to offer. Suddenly, the trio is surprised by the arrival of Mario, who returns from the garden wiping his sweaty forehead.

- Mario:'s ready ! Cuphead, Mugman, you can go into the garden !

- Cuphead: Oh, already ? But the movie's not finished yet !

- Sonic : That's okay. I'll pause it and we'll continue watching later.

- Cuphead: Wait, you can stop the film wherever you like ?!

- Sonic: Yeah baby, and I can even go forwards or backwards by as much time as I want. This is what happens when you have POWER.

- Mario : Or a DVD player.

- Cuphead and Mugman: Wow...future...

- Cuphead: O.K. Mugman. When we get home, we'll have to invent TVs and DVDs !

- Mario: Well, start by doing your maths exercises, that'll be a good start ! Come on, let's get going !

Cuphead understands from Mario's insistence that he'll have to wait to see the end of the movie. Even though it annoys him a lot, Cuphead is still curious to see what Mario has prepared for him, because until proven otherwise, he can't see how to make maths fun. Cuphead and Mugman leave the living room accompanied by Mario, who puts his hand on the handle of the back door but doesn't open it immediately to create the element of surprise.

- Mario: TA-DA !

When Mario finally opens the door, Cuphead and Mugman are surprised to discover what he's been hiding in the garden. Four propeller-equipped targets flying above the ground, and not far away, a table with a basket full of balls and a tablet. Sitting on the grass, Tails stares intently at the propellers while fiddling with buttons on a joystick - no doubt the one that controls the flight of the targets. The two brothers certainly weren't expecting an impromptu shooting range. Cuphead admires the game with stars in his eyes, to the point of forgetting its main purpose: to help him learn math. But he doesn’t care. He just wants to play.

- Cuphead: Wow ! A shooting range ! Swell !

- Mario: From what I saw earlier, you're pretty good at aiming, aren't you ? So I thought if we combined maths with a shooting game, it might make it easier for you to learn !

- Mugman: That's not a very conventional way of learning maths...

- Mario : For you, maybe. But for your brother, I think this is exactly what he needs !

Immediately, Mario grabs a ball from the basket and throws it to Cuphead, who catches it with a big smile on his face. Cuphead strides off towards the stand, under Mugman's dubious gaze. No matter how hard he tries, he just can't believe people can learn this way. So Mugman decides to observe in silence, while Mario comes over to Cuphead's side to pick up the touchpad from the table.

- Mario : Okay, let me explain. With my tablet, I'm gonna choose a multiplication, and the four targets in front of you will display answers. Only one will be correct. If the target lights up green when you touch it with the ball, it's the right answer, otherwise it lights up red.

- Mugman: Did you really set this up by yourself in half an hour ?

- Mario : Oh, it was child's play...because Tails helped me. I explained to him what I had in mind and we set everything up together.

- Tails: Your idea for the game was really great, Mario, but when it came to the mechanics, it was best to leave it to me ! All right, I've finished my settings ! Ready when you are !

- Mario : Ready, little cup ?

- Cuphead : Born ready !

Cuphead's enthusiasm seems to delight Mario. The plumber is happy to see that his game idea appeals to the little cup. It's already a first victory. At his signal, Tails uses his joystick to make the targets move randomly through the air. An additional challenge that doesn't seem to impress Cuphead.

- Mario: Ah, and the targets move, of course. It'd be too easy otherwise.

- Cuphead : Fingers in the nose !

- Mario : We'll see about that ! First multiplication...7x6 !

As Mario types the multiplication on his tablet, numbers appear on each of the four targets: 40, 42, 46 and 48. Cuphead immediately gets ready to shoot, but just as quickly stops in his tracks. 7x6 ? What the result could be ? Cuphead looks at the four numbers one by one, but has no idea what the right answer is. The urge to take out the target quickly makes it hard for him to concentrate.

- Cuphead: Ah, I don't know !!! I hate the table of 6 ! And 7 ! And 8 ! And 9 !

- Mario: Calm down. Think about it. Do you know how much 7x5 is ?

- Cuphead: Er...yes, 35 ! Table of 5 is easy, it either ends in a 0 or a 5 ! I know that !

- Mario : Right. So, if 7x5 is 35, how much is 7x6 ?

Cuphead stares at Mario in confusion, not understanding why he's talking about 7x5. But after some explanation, it all becomes clear to him. If 7x5 is 35, just add 7 to find 7x6. This gives...

Now that he knows the answer, Cuphead launches his ball without hesitation towards the moving target showing 42. Once again, the cup hits the bull's-eye on the first try, and to his surprise, the target lights up green.

- Cuphead: AH AH !

- Mario : Well done ! Next up...9x8 !

- Cuphead: Hey, I told you I don't like tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9 ! Are you doing that on purpose ?

- Mario : What do you think, dummy ?

Cuphead gives Mario a blasé look, to which the plumber replies with a mischievous grin. Of course he's doing it on purpose. It would be too easy and counterproductive to give him simple multiplications to solve. Cuphead remains frozen in front of the targets. He tries to add 8 until he's done it nine times, but he always ends up getting confused. And he boils with anger. Literally.

- Cuphead : Ah, it takes too long to calculate !!!

- Mario : Stop getting angry or all your milk will boil over. There's always a simple way to find the answer, like the one we did earlier. How much is 8x10 ?

- Cuphead : Well, 80 !

- Mario: So, if you want to find 8x9, what do you have to do ?

Cuphead finally calms down and listens to Mario's advice. And once again, his method is exactly right. Instead of bothering to add everything up, it's better to simply subtract 8 from 80, which gives 72. And one more target hit. It's so much easier that way than learning by heart like he does at school !

- Cuphead: Yeah ! Right again !

- Mario : You see ! Let's get on with it !

- Cuphead: Don't help me this time ! I wanna do the next ones on my own !

Mario continues on his way and chooses a new multiplication. But this time, he refrains from helping Cuphead, since he's the one asking for it. Cuphead throws again and again, applying Mario's advice to the best of his ability, sometimes giving the right answers, sometimes the wrong ones. Even so, it's clear that he's having the time of his life, so much so that in the heat of the moment, he accidentally shoots Tails, nearly knocking him unconscious. However, the fox quickly gets back up and reassures him with a thumbs-up, despite the bump that appears at the top of his head.

After twenty throws, Mario decides it's time for a tune-up and stops Cuphead in his tracks. Cuphead was so into the game, it could have gone on for quite a while.

- Mario: STOP ! We're up to twenty !

- Cuphead: Already ? That went by fast !

- Mario: Glad to see you had fun. Let's see, you got...twelve correct answers !

- Cuphead: Twelve correct answers ? Really ? I can't believe it ! I've never had such a good mark !

- Mario : Yes, you did ! I told you you can do it !

- Cuphead: Did you see that, Mugsy ?! I'm not stupid !

- Mugman: Of course you're not ! I've always known that !

- Cuphead: Tails ! I'm not stupid !

- Tails : Great ! head...

- Cuphead: I AM NOT STUPID !!!

Cuphead screams at the top of his lungs for the whole world to hear. He didn't get a perfect score. But that doesn't matter. He's made progress. He's capable of learning. He's not stupid. That's all that matters.

Mario can't help but feel pride as he watches Cuphead jump up and down with joy. He's just happy to have been able to help him. Suddenly, the plumber almost falls over backwards when Cuphead jumps on him without warning to give him a hug with a big smile.

- Cuphead : Thank you thank you thank you Mario !!!

- Mario : But...why are you thanking me ?

- Cuphead : Well, because you helped me ! Thanks to you, I've finally made some progress ! No one's ever done this much for me before ! You can homeschool me but not really when you want !

- Mario : You’re welcome, little cup. And when you come back, you can play the same game again to practice and get even better ! And I think you should have a little chat with your teacher too. Will you do that ?

- Cuphead: Of course I will !

- Mario : Well, that's enough for both of you for today. You can watch the rest of your movie now !

- Cuphead: Oh, we'll see about that later. I wanna keep on playing !

- Mugman: Actually...I'd like to try it too. It does look a lot more fun to learn this way ! Would you mind ?

- Mario : Sure, go ahead ! I didn't create this game just for your brother !

- Tails : Can I play too ?

- Mario : You, Tails ? Do you really need to do this kind of maths exercises ?

- Tails: No, I just wanna play ball. I've got it all set up, I've got a right to enjoy it !

- Mario : Of course you're right. Enjoy it !

Having thanked Mario, Cuphead leaves the plumber's arms for another game of shooting. To his surprise, his game seems to be a great success, as Mugman and Tails join Cuphead in trying their luck. As he watches the three kids having fun, Mario is greeted by a hand patting him on the shoulder, and discovers Luigi right behind him.

- Luigi : Hey, Mario.

- Mario: Hey, Luigi ! You wanna play too ?

- Luigi: No. I've come to talk about that gum thing. I haven't forgotten.

- Mario : Ah ! er...yes...about that...

Chapter 10: I ain't too worried about it - Part 1

Chapter Text

- ???: Cuphead ? Cuphead ! Hey, wake up !!!

Cuphead feels a hand shaking him. But he can't get out of his deep sleep, as if his mind were drowned by all the liquid in his cup. It's only when he hears a familiar voice calling his name that he finally finds the strength to wake up. Cuphead opens his eyes, struggling to believe what he sees. He realizes he's slumped at the foot of a tree, and easily recognizes the forest that surrounds his home. Next to him, Mugman sighs with relief to see him awake at last.

- Mugman: Ah, wake at last ! Come on, get up, you sloth !

- Cuphead: Mugsy ? But...what are we doing in the forest ? Where are Mario and Sonic ?

- Mugman : Huh ? What are you talking about ? Come on, everyone's waiting for us !

Mugman doesn't pay any attention to his brother's strange words and grabs his hand to force him to get up before leading him down the path. Cuphead is very confused. Last time he checked, he and his brother were stranded in another world, staying with Mario, Sonic and their friends until they could find a way home. So how can they be back home ? And above all, how could Mugman not know anything about them ? Distracted by all these questions, Cuphead let himself be dragged along by his brother until they reached their home, where Elder Kettle was eagerly awaiting them, as were their friends behind him. Cuphead can't believe it. He's really home, and everyone's there. Maybe all that other world thing was just a dream after all.

- Kettle: Ah, there you are, boys ! You can't keep your friends waiting like this !

- Mugman: Sorry, Elder Kettle. Cuphead decided to play Sleeping Beauty today !

- Cuphead: Elder Kettle ! Guys ! Am I glad to...!

But as Cuphead rushes towards Elder Kettle, the cup is ejected by a monstrous arm sprouting from the ground right in front of his guardian to rip out his soul. The arm leaves as suddenly as it came, trophy in hand, leaving the old kettle pale and inert. Then a score of arms simultaneously emerge from the ground, ripping out every soul they can find, one by one, as Cuphead watches in despair as all his friends are stripped of their souls.

- Cuphead: Guys ?!? Elder Kettle ?!? NO !!! We've gotta help them, Mugman !...Mugman ?

But when Cuphead turns around, Mugman is gone. As he searches the garden for his brother, a sinister laugh prompts him to look back in the direction of the house. In front of all his inert friends, Cuphead discovers his brother in a completely different guise, his clothes and straw turned indigo, his teeth razor-sharp, flames shooting from his head, and above all, blood-red eyes.

- Cuphead: Mugman ?! What's the matter with you, pal ?! Mugman !!!

Despite his brother's pleas, Mugman remains motionless, just staring at him with a sad*stic grin, as if possessed. As Cuphead approaches his brother, a bolt of lightning suddenly rips through the sky above the house. Black clouds appear, gradually gathering to form a huge, menacing silhouette. A figure Cuphead immediately recognizes. A figure that terrorizes him.

The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (6)

- Cuphead: !!!


The Devil's intimidating voice echoes as darkness and flames invade the forest. Cuphead wants to react, but he's petrified with fear. Opposite him, Mugman pulls his straw from his head to hold it as a weapon and brutally approaches his brother, still wearing that same evil smile. Cuphead screams at the top of his lungs for Mugman to stop, to come to his senses, but nothing happens. Cuphead sees his brother's straw fall on him and closes his eyes. Then everything is plunged into darkness.

Cuphead feels an intense pain run through his cup, as if it were breaking into pieces. But when he opens his eyes again, there's no home, no friends, no Elder Kettle, no Devil, no evil brother. He recognizes the ceiling of the room in the House of Heroes, where he's been sleeping for over a week now. And if he can see the ceiling, it's because he's fallen out of bed and is sprawled on the floor.

- "yawn..." Cuphead ? Wha...what are you doing on the floor ?

While still on the floor, Cuphead sees Mugman sit up, rubbing his eyes, barely awake, roused from his sleep by the sound of his fall. Discovering him at the foot of the bed, his brother stares at him with eyes closed in confusion.

It had all been a horrible nightmare. He's still stuck in that other world. He hadn't returned to the Inkwell Isles. There never was a Devil. Mugman's fine. His brother's fine. But Cuphead inwardly hides his relief. He mustn't let it show. Mugman can't know about this.

- Cuphead: Ah, er...well nothing, I...I just fell, that's all. I guess I got a little itchy. Sorry Mugsy.

- Mugman: That's all right, but...are you okay ? You didn't hurt yourself, did you ?

- Cuphead: No, don't worry ! I just fell out of bed ! No need to make a fuss.

- Mugman: Well...if you didn't break anything, that's the main thing. If you needed more room, just let me know...I'll push myself over a bit. Why don't we "yawn" go back to sleep ?

- Cuphead:'re right. Thanks, Mugsy.

With a reassuring smile on his face, Cuphead climbs into bed as Mugman shifts to give him more room. Once he's found a comfortable position, Mugman goes back to sleep in a flash. The cup sighs with relief to see his brother sound asleep. Fortunately, he didn't suspect a thing. But he won't be able to sleep for a while. For this nightmare is disturbing him far more than he'd like to admit.

Morning, nine o'clock. As usual, Cuphead and Mugman wake up at the same time and leave their room together for the living room. But unlike other mornings, Cuphead feels exhausted, although he hides it very well. After all, he's hardly slept all night. How can he get back to sleep after such a nightmare ?

When Cuphead and Mugman descend the stairs from the dormitory to the living room, they find the house quite empty. Only Mario, Luigi, Daisy Sonic and Tails are at the table, already having breakfast. That's when it dawns on them: the day before, they've been told that Shadow and Rouge, who have been in increasing demand at the G.U.N for some time now, have finally been given a rather perilous mission away from Uniocity. The mission seemed dangerous enough for the Commander to ask for additional help from other heroes. Silver, Blaze, Amy and Yoshi volunteered to accompany them. Clearly, they won't be back for a long time. As for Knuckles and Julie, they're on Angel Island keeping an eye on the Emeralds, while the Chaotix manage their investigations at their Detective Agency.

The few heroes present are surprised when they see the two brothers arrive. They don't usually get up before ten. Admittedly, an hour isn't much, but it's enough to surprise them.

- Mario : Well, hello boys ! What's going on today ? Did you fall out of bed ?

- Cuphead: Huh ?! How do you know that ?!

- Mario: What do you mean "how do I know" ? Wait, you mean you really fell out of bed ?!

- Cuphead: Well, yeah ! Hence my question, how do you know ?

- Mario: I had no idea ! When I said "fall out of bed", I meant you got up earlier than usual !

- Cuphead: AAAAH ! Okay.

- Tails: That's the strangest morning greeting I've ever witnessed.

- Sonic: I don’t get it, did they really fall out of bed or not ?

- Mugman: In the sense that we got up earlier than usual, yes. And in the sense that Cuphead really did fall out during the night, yes too.

- Cuphead: It's all right, Mugsy, there's no need to make a big deal of it !

- Sonic: If it makes you feel any better, Cup, it happens to me all the time. Since I can't stay in place day or night...

- Daisy: How surprising.

- Luigi: Well, if you didn't hurt yourself, that's the most important thing ! Come on, let's put it aside and have lunch with us !

Yes, please, let's put it aside. Cuphead just wants everyone to forget about it. No one must know the reason for this fall. He's had enough of Mugman worrying for no reason - he doesn't need his guests as a bonus. As the two brothers settle down at the table, Peach emerges from the kitchen at the same time, a plate full of buns in her hand, and smiles broadly at their presence.

- Peach: Ah, hello, boys ! Just in time, the buns are coming out of the oven !

- Mugman: Hmm...smells delicious !

Cuphead and Mugman lick their lips at the smell of buns fresh from the oven. Peach doesn't torture them any longer and places the tray on the table so that everyone can help themselves to the buns. As the princess passes Cuphead to sit down at an empty chair, something seems to catch her eye.

- Peach: Hey...Cuphead ! You've got a crack on the back of your head ! Is that normal ?

On hearing this, Cuphead immediately look behind him. But of course, he can't see a thing. On the other hand, everyone else can see a small crack just beside his handle when he turns around.

- Mugman: She's right, Cuphead ! I hadn't even noticed !

- Cuphead: Oh yeah ? Well, it's nothing. I must have done it when I fell out of bed.

- Daisy: I thought you didn't hurt yourself ?

- Cuphead: I didn't ! The proof is, I didn't even notice !

- Luigi: it serious ? I mean, won't your head explode or something ?

- Cuphead: No, it's nothing ! I've been hit a lot harder than that, and I'm still in one piece ! I ain’t too worried about it.

- Mugman: It's true that our battles with the Devil's debtors have often left us in a pitiful state...

- Tails: No wonder, with your porcelain bodies. You must break easily !

- Mugman: You said it. But our wounds have always healed quite quickly. Thanks glue !

- Sonic: Practical. Well, guess being made of porcelain can also have its advantages.

- Mugman: Well, it's only a crack now, so it should normally disappear on its own ! Well, normally...

- Mario : Anyway, we'll check it tomorrow. The last thing we need is for it to get any worse.

- Cuphead: It won't get any worse !!! I told you I’m okay ! It's just a little crack ! Tomorrow, it'll be gone and everything will be back to normal ! Well, can we have breakfast now ?! Because I'm hungry !

In a hurry to move on, Cuphead pounces on buns and gobbles up several in one go. Skeptical at first, Mugman and the other heroes finally decide to leave him alone and help themselves to something to eat, much to his relief. He's sure there's nothing to worry about: tonight, he won't have any nightmares, he won't fall out of bed, his crack will disappear, and everything will be back to normal.


Later that night. Cuphead wakes with a start, breathless, heart racing, palms sweaty. Another nightmare. Exactly the same as the night before. Still the same horrible vision of his friends, his Elder Kettle and his brother threatened by the Devil. But at least this time, he didn't fall out of bed, and so, thankfully, Mugman didn't wake up.

Cuphead sweated so much during his nightmare that he's drenched in sweat. He's suffocating. He needs to get some fresh air. Cuphead grabs the flashlight on his bedside table and carefully climbs out of bed so as not to wake his brother. After closing the bedroom door as quietly as possible, he turns on his flashlight and tiptoes across the silent, darkened dormitory to the stairs, whose creaky treads are a little too much for him. Now alone in the living room, Cuphead can finally take a breather and pay less attention to his movements. He takes the opportunity to glance at the clock: four o'clock in the morning. With a bit of luck, he should be able to go back to sleep and get some rest. But he's still sweating. So before that, he's got to deal with this problem. The cup heads into the kitchen, barely lit by the moonbeams coming through the window, in the hope of finding something fresh that will make him feel better. In the fridge, he spots a glass bottle filled with orange juice that will do the trick perfectly. But just as he closes the fridge door and is about to pour the orange juice into his cup, Cuphead briefly catches sight of his reflection through the kitchen window. And what he sees horrifies him to the point of dropping the bottle on the floor, which shatters into pieces.

Hearing the bottle shatter on the floor, Cuphead realizes his mistake and freezes for several seconds, staring at the ceiling. But nothing happens. Clearly, no one was awakened by the noise. Having ascertained this, Cuphead climbs over the sink to the window and takes a closer look at his reflection in the glass. He wants to be sure of what he's seen. And he's sure, now. His head is indeed covered in cracks. Realizing his condition, Cuphead rushes down from the sink and away from the window. He doesn't understand. He didn't fall out of bed this time. So where are all these cracks coming from ? But that's another problem that worries him more.

- Cuphead: Why...why do I have...?! Oh no...there’s no way the others notice this !!!

- Notice what ?

Taken by surprise by this voice coming out of nowhere, Cuphead suddenly turns around and discovers Mario at the entrance to the kitchen. Both of them panic. Mario notes with horror Cuphead's alarming condition. Cuphead, for his part, would do anything to make Mario forget what he's seen. But he knows the plumber won't let him out of his sight, especially as he approaches him in a whisper so as not to wake the whole house.

- Mario : Cuphead ?! What are all those cracks on your head ?!

- Cuphead : Ma...Mario ?!’re awake ?

- Mario: When you see a light go under your door, hear the stairs in front of your room creak, think you might have been dreaming, but then hear glass shattering, it's hard not to be awake, indeed ! But you didn't answer my question: What are all those cracks on your head ?

- Cuphead: Oh that ?'s nothing, don't worry !

- Mario: What do you mean, "it's nothing" ?! Yesterday you only had one, and the next night you're covered in them ! Did you get that again when you fell ?

- Cuphead: No, I didn't fall this time ! They just appeared ! But it's okay, I've got a few more, so it's no big deal ! I ain’t too worried about it.

- Mario : You don't seem to be worried about anything, little cup. Tell me, does it hurt ? Is that why you got up ?

- Cuphead: No, I swear ! It's just that I...I was thirsty, so I went down for a drink. And that's when I saw my cracks in the glass. Proof that it doesn't hurt !

- Mario : What does your brother think of that ?

- Cuphead: Mugman doesn't know anything, he's still asleep !

- Mario: that case, we'd better wake him up. Maybe he can come up with an explanation for...

- Cuphead: NO !!!

Just as Mario is about to leave the kitchen, Cuphead's desperate cry, followed by an ominous creak, causes him to turn around. He soon realizes that the cracking is coming from the cup, whose cracks are widening even further.

- Cuphead: Please don't tell him !!! I know Mugman, he always worries about nothing !!! If he sees me like this, he'll panic and...and...!

- Mario: All right, all right !!! Calm down !!!

Concerned about Cuphead's condition, Mario rushes over to him and places his hands on his shoulders in the hope of stopping his panic attack. Cuphead eventually calms down as the plumber gives up on his idea of warning his brother, and the cracking stops immediately. But unlike the times before, he's felt them, and just by touching his face, he knows the cracks have widened.

- Cuphead : Mario, what's happening to me ?!

- Mario : I...I don't know. I've got a good grounding in medicine, but this is way out of my league. But I do know someone who might be able to help. Do you remember Natsuko, the person who took us in at the science complex ?

- Cuphead: Uh...the creepy lady who asked us all those questions and said she'd do everything she could to get us home ?

- Mario: Yes. She has more knowledge and more resources. I'm sure she'll find a solution.

- Cuphead: But...we can’t disturb her in the middle of the night just for that...

- Mario : We won't bother her, she often works nights. And it's not "just for that", Cuphead. What's happening to you isn't normal, and we've got to put an end to it. So let's go.

- Cuphead: won't tell Mugman, will you ?

- Mario : Why not ? I think he should know.

- Cuphead: If you tell him, I'm not going !!!

- Mario : All right, fine. I won't tell him. Well, you wait here, Cuphead. Peach was waiting for me upstairs, she's probably worried. I'll just tell her I'll take you to the complex and we'll go.

Mario hurries out of the kitchen to inform Peach of his decision, leaving Cuphead alone to await his return. Cuphead lets out a long sigh. He doesn't really want to go back to the complex, but he has no choice. If he'd been more discreet, no one would have noticed a thing. But at least Mario's sworn to secrecy. He hopes he'll keep his word. Mugman mustn't find out. Hopefully, wherever Mario takes him, they'll find a solution to his problem, and he'll have nothing to worry about.

- Mario : I'm sorry to disturb your work, Natsuko, but this is an emergency.

- Natsuko : So I see. Don't worry Mario, you know you and your friends never bother me.

4h45. After a quick drive to Uniocity, Mario and Cuphead arrived at the science complex, hoping that the person in charge, Natsuko Nasakawa, was present. Fortunately, as Mario had guessed, the scientist was working that night. And fortunately, she agreed to receive them and picked them up herself at the entrance to the complex. It's not as if she could refuse the heroes anything.

Mario and Cuphead follow Natsuko through the complex, until she stops in front of her office door and invites them in. The room is like the rest of the complex: white, perfectly clean and impeccably tidy. A purity that continues to surprise Cuphead, who has never seen a building like this in his own home. As on his first visit, Cuphead feels uneasy as Natsuko's big blue eyes scrutinize him from head to toe - well, this time, more specifically, his crack-covered head.

- Natsuko: So, how did it happen ? I guess he received a violent shock ?

- Mario: No, not at all. He just fell out of bed the night before, but that doesn't seem to be where it came from. Just now, the cracks were getting bigger for no apparent reason. So I thought it would be wiser to come and see you.

- Natsuko: You did the right thing. I'll see what I can do.

- Cuphead: Say uh...Na...Na...

- Natsuko: Natsuko.

- Cuphead: Na...tsuko. Sorry, but...that's a really weird name !

- Natsuko: An amusing remark from someone literally called "cuphead".

- Cuphead: Uh...since the last time we came, have you found a way to get Mugsy and me home ?

Mario and Natsuko don't hide their surprise at Cuphead's question. Given his situation, they had rather expected him to ask about his condition. But clearly, that's not what concerns him most. Despite this, Natsuko agrees to answer him honestly.

- Natsuko:, not yet.

- Cuphead: But...why ? Mario told me you were able to merge two worlds together ! So why can't you take us home ?!

- Mario : Cuphead, calm down. Don't make things worse.

- Natsuko: Well, because this time it's different. We no longer have the Chaos Emeralds or the Master Emerald at our disposal. As Mario and his friends must have explained to you, these are very powerful relics capable of manipulating time and space. It's largely thanks to them that we've been able to accomplish this miracle.

- Mario: Knuckles has been watching over the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald almost every day since they lost their energy (Episode 3). So far, no change to report. And he says that, apart from waiting for them to reform on their own, there's nothing we can do.

- Natsuko: Alas, Knuckles is telling the truth. After the Twilight Dimension incident, our teams tried to regenerate their power. But nothing worked. It was to be expected. The power of the Emeralds is completely beyond us, despite our many technological resources. We immediately concluded that it was best to return them to their guardian, and follow his advice: let them reform on their own. So, to sum up Cuphead...for the moment we don't know how to send you home.

- Cuphead: So...does that mean...we're stuck here forever ?

- Natsuko: Not forever. You've arrived in our world, so there must be a way to leave, with or without the Emeralds. I can assure you that our teams are working on it every day. But it may take some time. I'm sorry, Cuphead, but you and your brother have to be patient. Tell me...are you very worried about being stuck here ?

- Cuphead: What ?! No ! I ain’t too worried about it. I was just asking.

- Natsuko: Really...? Hmm. Anyway, we'll have to postpone the question of returning to your world. The priority right now is to find out where these cracks are coming from.

- Mario : Well, Cuphead, I think I'll leave you with Natsuko.

- Cuphead :'re…you’re not leaving, are you, Mario ?

- Mario : No, I'm not, don’t worry ! I'll just wait for you in the corridor. Listen carefully to what Natsuko says, okay ? I'm sure everything will be fine.

- Natsuko: Let me come with you, Mario.

Mario decides to leave Cuphead in Natsuko's capable hands, despite the worried look the cup gives him, and leaves the office, accompanied by the scientist. Now out of the room, Mario takes the opportunity to express his true thoughts to Natsuko.

- Mario: you really think you can do something for him ? Even though...I can't believe I'm saying these words...he’s a cup ?

- Natsuko: Cup or no cup, it's not that different from Sonic and his friends, or the Toads, or any other anthropomorphic creature. His body remains similar to a human body. Which means we can run tests. Of course, the fact that he's from another world won't make it any easier, but there's no harm in trying. As for you, Mario, you should go home.

- Mario : No way. I promised Cuphead I'd wait for him. Besides, I wanna know what's going on with him.

- Natsuko :'ve become very attached to him, haven't you ?

- Mario: Well...yes. Everyone at home likes Cuphead and Mugman.

- Natsuko: I'm not talking about the others. I'm talking about you. You seem particularly worried about Cuphead. Otherwise, you wouldn't have brought him here.

- Mario:...I...yes, it's true, I have to admit it. He reminds me of myself when I was his age. It's the same with Luigi and Mugman. They may be rambunctious, well, especially Cuphead...but they've got big hearts. what you can to help him.

- Natsuko: I will. See you later, Mario.

Reassured, Mario can sit back in a chair with peace of mind. Once again, he's impressed by the scientist's insight. She was quick to see his special affection for Cuphead. He can only hope that this same insight will also help him understand what's wrong with the cup.

So Natsuko leaves Mario alone and returns to her office where Cuphead is waiting. The scientist immediately grabs a notebook and pen and starts taking notes.

- Natsuko: Good, Cuphead. To find out what's wrong with you, we're gonna run a few routine tests first. After that, we'll give you an X-ray and an MRI.

- Cuphead: Uh...what's that ? Does it hurt ?!

- Natsuko: No, it doesn't ! You've never...? Ah, that's right ! You and your brother come from a distant era. Well, you see, with X-rays and MRIs, we'll be able to take a detailed look at your skeleton and organs, and see if anything's wrong. All you have to do is wait for the machine to take the images.

- Cuphead: Is that really possible ?

- Natsuko: Yes. Thanks to modern medicine. So, that's noted and...ah yes, before we change rooms, I've got a question to ask you. Can you tell me what the liquid in your cup is ? It's not just milk, is it ?

- Cuphead: Oh, that ? It's the essence of my soul.

- Natsuko: Your's also true that you have the power to manipulate it as you please. But what do you mean by "the essence" of your soul ?

- Cuphead: I don't know...that's what Elder Kettle always told us.

- Natsuko: So...I guess it's still in your head ?

- Cuphead: Yes, except if I get hit, I can lose it. And then I feel drained.

- Natsuko: I see...Cuphead, do you mind if I take a little ?

- Cuphead: Uh...why ? You think there's something wrong with my liquid ?!

- Natsuko: Well, maybe. That's where the cracks in your head could be coming from after all. So I'd like to have it analyzed. Anything we can use, we must.

- Cuphead: Uh...okay, but...not much, then !

Despite his hesitation, Cuphead accepts Natsuko's request. Even if he finds it very strange, it could also help solve his problem. The scientist opens one of her desk drawers to take out a test tube, then stands next to Cuphead to dip the tube into his cup and take a little liquid. Having done this, she places the sample in the pocket of her lab coat, picks up her notebook and invites Cuphead to follow her out of the office.

Chapter 11: I ain't too worried about it - Part 2

Chapter Text

After taking Cuphead into the medical section of the complex, Natsuko begins by performing a complete check-up. Using a stethoscope, she listens to his heartbeat, then his breathing, but notices nothing abnormal. Natsuko then prepares for radiology and MRI, having asked her team to analyze Cuphead's liquid in parallel. The X-ray goes well, although it has to be repeated twice as Cuphead struggles to keep still. And things don't get any better with the MRI. At first, Cuphead categorically refuses to enter the gigantic machine until Natsuko manages to convince him that he's safe. Once again, it takes a considerable effort to keep still, not only because the machine makes terrifying noises, but also because the examination lasts so long.

Some time later. Cuphead and Natsuko are back in the latter's office, sitting face to face. The scientist is ready to present the results of the examinations. Admittedly, they were tedious, but also revealing, from the look on her face as she concentrates on her notes.

- Natsuko: Okay, Cuphead, let's review. I'll be brief. First of all, regarding the liquid in your cup...well, the essence of your soul...the analyses yielded nothing. Well, to be more precise, it doesn't look like anything we know. In our world at least. So nothing to go on.

- Cuphead: Oh...sorry...

- Natsuko: Don't apologize. I was expecting it. To be honest, I find it quite fascinating. I'd love to study it in depth, but unfortunately I don't have the time right now. Let's move on to what we're interested in, the X-ray and MRI.

Without further ado, Natsuko turns the screen of her computer to Cuphead. Two images are visible. One shows her complete skeleton, similar in every way to that of a human, with the obvious exception of the head, and the other shows a complete view of the organs. Cuphead is surprised to discover such precise images of his own body, however, he doesn't really know what to make of it.

- Natsuko: There. You can see your skeleton on one side, and your organs on the other.

- Cuphead: Uh...O.K. So ?

- Natsuko: So...everything's normal. No fractures or other alarming problems. Nothing.

- Cuphead: "Nothing"? Uh…have you noticed the cracks on my head ?

- Natsuko: Wait, let me continue. Just because there's "nothing" in the picture doesn't mean there's really nothing. On the contrary, it allowed me to draw a hypothesis. A hypothesis that I had already established from the outset, and which the examinations enabled me to confirm. If the problem isn't physical...then it must be psychological.

- Cuphead: Psycho...what ?

- Natsuko: To cut a long story short, it's probably all in your head. That would explain why the cracks only appear there. Besides, if the liquid in your head really is the essence of your soul, then it proves that your soul is suffering. When the body is subjected to intense stress, it can react in different ways. Yours has found this way of letting you know that you're not well. Because're not well, Cuphead, are you ?

- Cuphead : Uh...well...yes, you're wrong ! I'm just fine ! Why wouldn't I be ?

- Natsuko: Well, earlier you seemed more worried about being stuck in our world than about your cracks. Mario also said you'd fallen out of bed the night before. Did you have a nightmare, by any chance ?

- Cuphead: ? Well, maybe...but it wasn't that bad.

- Natsuko: Really ? Do you want to tell me about it ?

- Cuphead: Well, at first I wake up in the forest near my house...and then my brother and I find Elder Kettle and all our friends at home !...and then Elder Kettle has his soul ripped out right in front of me...and all my friends too...and then I see Mugsy possessed by the Devil, threatening to take our souls...and then Mugsy attacks me and...and...that’s all.

At first, Cuphead recounts his nightmare with a smile. But as he remembers what happens next, his smile gradually fades, without him noticing. The images return to his mind, inspiring the same unbearable sense of dread. With his story finished, Cuphead struggles to return to reality, and meets the dismayed yet compassionate gaze of Natsuko, who suddenly rises from her chair while taking notes. It's only then that he realizes he's said too much.

- Cuphead: But I said, it's not that bad !

- Natsuko: This many times have you had it ?

- Cuphead: Last night and the night before, that's all ! Nothing to worry about.

- Natsuko: When you have exactly the same nightmare twice in a row, there's already something to worry about. During your first visit with your brother, I remember that you told him you owed your soul to the Devil, a terrifying being, after losing a game. To save yourself, you had to recover the soul contracts of his other debtors, and consequently, confront them. I imagine that must have been a difficult experience for you.

- Cuphead:, it was kinda fun ! Well, getting beaten up and dying a bunch of times was less fun, but...apart from that, we had a lot of fun ! Besides, it ended well, because we freed everyone !

- Natsuko: "Fun"? But tell me, if it was so much fun, how do you explain the fact that you're still having nightmares about it ? How do you explain the fact that you're obviously still worried about your friends and your brother, despite the fact that you've vanquished the Devil ?

- Cuphead: It was just a silly dream, that's all ! I don't care about the Devil, and I don't care that I'm still in this world ! I ain’t too worried about it.

For long, seemingly endless seconds, Natsuko's office is suddenly plunged into silence. The scientist stares at Cuphead, shaking her head, before letting out a sigh. "I ain’t too worried about it". This phrase, which Cuphead repeats over and over again, perfectly illustrates the situation. Despite everything she's been able to point out, the child remains in total denial. Natsuko decides it's time to be more direct with her words.

- Natsuko: long has this been going on ?

- Cuphead: What are you talking about ?

- Natsuko: Your attitude. How long have you been repressing your feelings like this ? If it's been going on for so wonder your head's in such a state.

- Cuphead: Uh...I don't get it...

- Natsuko:...Do you know what toxic positivity is ?

- Cuphead:

- Natsuko: Normally, staying positive is a great quality. But when that positivity is taken to extremes, it can become destructive. This is called toxic positivity. In short, it means concentrating solely on positive emotions, and rejecting all negative ones, such as sadness, anger or fear.

- Cuphead: Well...that's a good thing, isn't it ?

- Natsuko: No, Cuphead. Being optimistic is one thing. But pretending that everything's fine when it's obviously not is quite another. When we reject our negative emotions, when we simply ignore them, we only make them stronger, to the point where they become more and more difficult to bear. Our head becomes a sort of time bomb, ready to explode at any moment. And in your case...that's literally what's happening. Because if all this time you've been content to deny all your feelings despite the traumatic experiences you've been through, then I'm surprised these cracks haven't appeared sooner !

Cuphead's face breaks down as Natsuko progresses through her speech to the end, leaving him in a state of shock. He can't believe he's been found out so easily. Indeed, Cuphead has always made a point of downplaying his problems, despite the fact that he almost lost his soul to the Devil, had to fight his debtors, most of whom were transformed into monstrous creatures, and experienced death countless times. But then why...

- Cuphead: Then why are they only appearing now ?!

- Natsuko: I can think of only one explanation. As I said, your head has become a time bomb. So, for it to explode, you must have recently experienced something that particularly worries you. In this case...!

A particularly difficult recent experience. Cuphead sees only one thing. His arrival with his brother in his world. Suddenly, he thinks back to the way it happened. The completely stupid way it happened. And as he thinks about it, the cracks on his head crack violently, so much so that the liquid inside begins to leak everywhere.

- Natsuko: What the...?!

The crack is so brutal that it startles Natsuko and cuts her off. But as the scientist approaches Cuphead, its cracks crack further. The pink heart representing her soul appears on her chest along with a blue aura, so powerful that it sweeps through the office, including Natsuko, who is thrown against the wall near the front door.

In the next corridor, while waiting for Natsuko and Cuphead to return, Mario finally let fatigue get the better of him and fell asleep in his chair. Suddenly, the plumber is jolted from his slumber by a deafening noise from Natsuko's office, and rushes to the door. Inside, he's shocked to discover Natsuko on the floor, but especially to discover Cuphead holding her cracked head firmly in his hands, with an expression of extreme pain on her face.

- Mario: Natsuko, what's going on ?! What's happening to him ?!

- Natsuko: I don't know ! I understood that his cracks were caused by stress, and so I wanted to know how worried he was about his arrival in our world, but...!

- Mario : He looks like he's in so much pain ! We've got to help him !

Mario helps Natsuko to her feet, before heading for Cuphead. Cuphead is completely curled up, breathing hard, oblivious to what's going on around him.

- Cuphead: I'm sorry !!! I'm so sorry !!!

- Mario : Don't apologize, little cup ! Natsuko's fine, you didn't hurt her !

- Cuphead: If only I hadn't opened that stupid, STUPID BOOK !!!

- Mario:...Huh ? What are you talking about ?!

- Cuphead: It's all MY FAULT !!!

The blue aura around Cuphead intensifies. His eyes occasionally glow blue, but it's too brief to be noticeable. The office bulb suddenly burn out, making the light unstable. Outside the office, all the windows inside the complex gradually crack. Objects fall. The scientists panic. Mario and Nastuko watch in horror as these sudden and frightening events unfold.

- Mario: What's causing this ?! Is it his powers ?!

- Natsuko: His soul must be in so much pain that his powers are out of control !

- Cuphead: AAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!

- Mario : LOOK OUT !!!

Suddenly, the aura surrounding Cuphead intensifies exponentially, as he lets out a horrible cry of pain. Mario has just enough time to grab Natsuko and force her into a crouch, just before a powerful blue wave invades the entire complex and destroys everything in its path. The glass explodes into a thousand pieces. Everyone present is thrown backwards. The alarm goes off. A violent tremor plunges the building into total chaos. Mario and Natsuko can't even get up, while Cuphead is in the worst possible state of distress.

- Mario: We've got to do something !!!

- Natsuko: But I don't know what to do !!! I can't help him under these conditions !!!

- Mario: But if things go on like this he...he !!!


As Mario and Natsuko feel totally helpless, they recognize a voice in the midst of this cataclysm. Cuphead recognizes it too. He would recognize this voice among a thousand others. It's the voice of Mugman, who appears at the entrance to the office. His brother's sudden arrival allows Cuphead to regain a semblance of calm. The blue aura that had invaded the complex disappears, and the cracks on his head finally stop widening.

- Cuphead : Mugman ?!

- Mugman: Cuphead !!! I'm here !!!

Mugman rushes towards Cuphead without a care in the world, as Mario and Natsuko look on in amazement, wondering how Mugman could have come all the way to the complex and known that his brother was there. Seconds later, it's Peach's turn to arrive in a panic. She discovers Cuphead's condition, as well as her husband and Natsuko still crouched on the ground.

- Peach: Mario ! Natsuko ! Are you all right ?

- Mario : Peach ?! What are you doing here ?

- Peach : I'm sorry, Mario ! When Mugman woke up and realized his brother wasn't here, he pestered us with questions...I couldn't hide the truth from him anymore ! Then he begged me to bring him here and...!

- Mario : know what ? It's perfect. I think this is exactly what he needs.

With Peach's help, Mario finally gets to his feet and lets out a sigh of relief when he sees Mugman next to Cuphead. At the latter's insistence, he had sworn not to say anything about his crack problem, but in hindsight, he's delighted that Peach broke her promise for him. After all, Mugman may be the only one who can help his brother.

- Mugman: Good gosh, Cuphead, what happened ?! Why is your head covered in cracks ?! What's wrong ?!

- Cuphead: I’m...I'm fine, Mugsy ! I'm fine ! You're always making a big deal out of nothing ! There's nothing to worry about, I swear !

- Natsuko: I don't understand...why does he insist that everything's fine ?

Mario, Peach and Natsuko look on in dismay, while Cuphead continues to convince his brother not to worry, always with a smile on his face. Why does he continue to act in this way, when his condition is critical and he has turned part of the science complex upside down in his distress ? Mario looks first at Cuphead, then at Mugman. That's when he understands. All this time, Cuphead has been trying to keep everything to himself, with one aim: to preserve his brother. But it's all the pain he's taken on himself that's left him in this state. And he needs to understand that, at all costs.

- Mario :...I know why. Cuphead ! Talk to your brother ! You can share your pain with him ! He's been with you all this time ! He can understand how you feel !

- Cuphead: But I...I don't want you to worry about me...

- Mugman: I AM worried !!! Look at you !!!

- Natsuko: Cuphead...this has to stop. You have to be honest with your feelings and stop keeping them buried deep inside. That's the only way you'll get better. It's the only way to heal your soul.

- Peach: Cuphead...please...

Be honest with his feelings ? All this time, Cuphead has been content to play down his problems, not to think about them, so as not to worry, but above all, so that others, especially his brother, don't worry. But when he sees the saddened looks on Mario's, Peach's, Natsuko's and Mugman's faces, he realizes it's not working. All this time, he's done his best not to let worry get the better of him. But for the first time, he finally allows himself to do so. He allows himself to let them rise to the surface, to feel them, and to accept them.

And he begins to cry. A fountain of tears flows from the cup's eyes. All the tears he'd been holding in all this time. Despite all the sadness he feels, Cuphead finally finds the strength to speak to his brother.

- Cuphead: I...I'm sorry, Mugsy !

- Mugman: But...why are you apologizing ?

- Cuphead:'s my fault we're here ! If I wasn't so stupid and impulsive...this wouldn't have happened ! Now...because of me...we may be stuck here forever ! Maybe we'll never get home ! I miss our much...Inkwell Isles too...and Elder Kettle...and our friends...I'm afraid I'll never see them again...or that the Devil will attack them while we're gone...But the worst thing of that I always drag you into my had to fight with me to get the soul pacts back because I lost at the had to die lots of times...I didn't mind dying all the time...but you, it was unbearable ! Every time I had to resurrect you, I prayed from the bottom of my soul that it would be the last ! And even after we've finally come through this, I'm still putting your life in danger ! Now you're stuck here because of me ! And even when I try to do everything so that you don't worry, I mess up everything ! I'm the worst brother ever !!!

Mugman listens attentively to his brother, discovers his real worries, and gradually feels tears welling up in his eyes. Behind them, Mario, Peach and Natsuko are just as upset by Cuphead's words, and can't believe he's been able to keep all these fears to himself for so long, to the point of ending up broken. Cuphead bursts into tears, crushed by the weight of his guilt, and doesn't even dare look his brother in the eye. But to his surprise, his brother comes to him to wipe the tears from his cheeks.

- Mugman: Don't say that ! On the contrary, you're the best brother I could have dreamed of ! Can you imagine if you hadn't been there ? My life would have been so boring ! If I've been able to take risks and overcome my fears, it's thanks to you !

- Cuphead: But...I put your life in danger...

- Mugman: Danger is part of adventure. It wouldn't be fun otherwise. And it doesn't matter what the danger is. As long as we both come out of it safe and sound, that's all that matters. And don't worry about our friends. I'm sure they're fine. Let me remind you that they all escaped the Devil, and they made mincemeat out of us. So they can defend themselves without us, right ?

- Cuphead: That's...that's true...but...what if we can never go home ?

- Mugman: We'll find a way. Remember what you said the night we got here ? We've always done all right. I don't know how yet, or how long it'll take, but we'll get home. But above all, don't blame yourself for what happened. And don't say you're stupid. You're fine just the way you are. And I'll always be there for you, whatever happens.

The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (7)

After assuring him that he'll always be there for him, Mugman takes Cuphead in his arms. Cuphead cries unceasingly, overwhelmed by his brother's words. Mario, Peach and Natsuko watch the scene with such emotion that tears well up in their eyes too.

- Peach: Oh, look !

Suddenly, Peach notices something extraordinary. All the cracks covering Cuphead gradually fade away, until they disappear completely, as does the pink heart representing his soul on his chest. The next moment, he lets out a long sigh of relief, as if all the pressure weighing on his shoulders had finally lifted. As if his soul were at last at peace. Cuphead and Mugman continue their tender embrace, watched by Mario, Peach and Natsuko, who wouldn't spoil the moment for the world.

- Daisy: Eat as much as you like, Cuphead. You need to get your strength back !

- Peach: Do you need another cup of hot milk ? You've lost so much !

- Cuphead: No, I'm fine, I swear !

After making sure Cuphead's cracks had healed and thanking Natsuko for her help, Mario and Peach took him and his brother home. The couple immediately told the rest of the heroes what had happened at the complex, unaware of the distressed state the cup was in. Since then, they've all been taking good care of him, and all he has to do is sit at the table next to his brother while he's being looked after. Daisy has prepared pancakes for him to regain his strength, and Peach hot milk to refill his cup, half-emptied because of the cracks in it. Cuphead is amazed by his hosts' extreme kindness towards him, but more importantly, he's grateful.

- Cuphead: Look, I'm sorry I worried you. But I'm feeling better now !

- Mario : We believe you, Cuphead. But if you still need to talk, don't hesitate. We're your friends, and we'll do everything we can to help you.

- Sonic : He's right ! It's good to be positive in life. "Positive" is my middle name. But saying nothing when things aren't going well isn't being positive, it's just stupid. So don't do it again, okay, Cup ?

- Cuphead: Yeah...I've learned my lesson. Thanks, fellas.

- Knuckles: Well...but then, we still don't know how we're gonna do it. I get them home.

- Julie: Knuckles, don't stress them out with this.

- Knuckles : Yeah but...I can't help feeling guilty. If I'd been able to give the Emeralds back their energy, they'd probably have gone home long ago. And if even Natsuko hasn't found a solution, then they might be here for a while !

- Cuphead: That's true. But it doesn't matter ! I've got new friends I can count on ! And best of all, I've got the best brother in the all Universe looking out for me !

- Mugman: Thanks, Cuphead.

Cuphead takes his brother in his arms, as if to thank him once again for being there for him. Whatever difficulties they may face, he knows he'll always have his support, whatever happens. Around the table, the heroes can't help but be touched by their brotherly love.

- Vector: Wow...if anyone had ever told me I'd be moved by two cups, I'd never have believed it.

- Charmy: Oh, you're jealous ! Admit it, you're jealous !

- Vector: What ?! Stop talking nonsense, Charmy !

- Charmy: If you want a hug too, just ask ! COME HERE !!! ♥

- Vector: Move over, Charmy !!! You're crushing my face !!!

Once again, Charmy doesn't miss a chance to tease Vector and lunges at him to grab his face. The crocodile struggles to get rid of the bee, while the other heroes burst out laughing. At the end of the table, Cuphead and Mugman, still in each other's arms, watch their hosts with big smiles. They realize how lucky they are to have stumbled upon such a wonderful group. They've only been here for almost two weeks, yet they feel fully integrated and supported.

- Mugman: You see, Cuphead ? It may take us a long time to get home. But with friends like that, I'm sure we'll find a way.

- Cuphead: ...I ain’t too worried about it.

The Mario, Sonic and Cuphead Show ! - Alex230691 (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.