Driving abroad - general advice (2024)


Driving abroad - general advice (1)

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    Documents to take and things to check

    A driving offence abroad can spoil a good holiday and the rules of the road, including speed and drink-drive limits are often different from what you're used to at home

    Before you venture across the channel in your own car or hire one further afield, get to know the rules of the road in the countries you're visiting so you don't get caught out.

    Wherever you're heading, you'll find our general advice below. But first some advice on what Brexit means for UK drivers venturing across the channel.

    Documents for driving abroad in Europe

    As of 2 August 2021, a Green Card (or International Motor Insurance Card) is no longer required for travel in the European Economic Area, which includes all the European Union countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. You also don't need a Green Card for Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Switzerland.

    You do still need to take:

    • Your Certificate of Motor Insurance.
    • The log book (V5C) for the vehicle.
    • Your driving licence.

    If you're a car insurance customer with the AA, the Republic of Ireland is within our territorial limit, so policyholders get the same level as cover there as they do in the UK all year round.

    Find out about driving in Europe after Brexit

    Documents for driving abroad

    You may be asked to show your documents at any time and could be fined or even have your car taken away if they're not in order.

    You must carry:

    • Your valid full (not provisional) driving licence.
    • A copy of your DVLA driver record and a licence check code if needed.
    • Your vehicle's registration document (V5c - the original, not a copy).
    • Your motor insurance certificate. Your insurer may ask to be told when you're going abroad and only provide third party cover when you do.
    • An International Driving Permit when necessary.
    • A Green Cardfrom your insurer when necessary (from 2 August 2021, you no longer need a Green Card when driving in the European Economic Area).
    • Your passport(s).
    • Your travel insurance documents.
    • You may need a visa for certain countries too.

    If you're taking a boat or going in a vehicle other than a car or motorcycle you may need additional documents.

    Borrowed, hired or leased

    If you're taking a company-owned, hired or borrowed vehicle you'll need a letter of authorisation from the registered keeper as well as the original vehicle registration document (V5c) or a Vehicle on Hire Certificate (VE103).

    Low emission zones and urban restrictions

    Many cities across Europe now operate low emission zones, congestion charge schemes and other restricted access schemes, many of which affect foreign-registered vehicles. Some require registration before you travel.

    Travel insurance

    It's always a good idea to take out travel insurance so that you're covered for accidents and emergencies.

    EHIC and GHIC health insurance cards

    If you’re visiting the EU, take your EHIC card if you have one that's still valid, or apply for a new GHIC card free of charge. A UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) gives you the right to access state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in the EU.

    The rules differ slightly in Spain, Ireland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. The cards aren't a replacement for travel insurance so you should always have insurance as well.

    Check the full rules at gov.uk.

    Credit cards

    UK-issued credit cards aren't always accepted at stores or petrol stations in other countries. It's wise to check with the card company before you go, particularly if you're going to rely on using the card.


    If you're planning to travel with a pet, make sure you're familiar with official rules and advice.

    Safety tips for driving abroad

    Wherever you're headed, check the latest crime and personal safety advice from the Foreign Office Travel Unit before you go.

    Emergency number

    You can call 112 anywhere in the European Union in case of an accident, assault or any other distress situation.

    Drinking and driving

    Legal limits vary and are explained in our country-by-country guides. But there's only one safe rule – if you drink, don't drive. Laws are strict and penalties severe.

    Mobile phones

    Using a hand-held mobile while driving is against the law in most countries.

    Glasses for driving

    If you need glasses for driving, take a spare pair with you - especially if you're the only driver.

    Think right

    It's easy to forget to drive on the right, particularly after doing something familiar, such as leaving a petrol station or car park. Roundabouts can be tricky too, and some drivers find it helpful to stick something on the dashboard or windscreen as a reminder.

    Rules of the road, country by country

    What to take in your vehicle

    UK sticker

    As of 28 September 2021, you'll need to use a UK sticker.

    You currently need a UK sticker on your car if your number plate has any of these:

    • The Euro symbol.
    • A national flag of England, Scotland or Wales.
    • Letters and numbers with no flag or identifier.
    • A Union flag with a GB marker

    The UK sticker must be have black letters on a white, elliptical background. They must be at least 80mm high with a stroke width of 10mm.

    In some countries like Spain, Cyprus or Malta, or countries outside the EU, you must display a UK sticker no matter what's on your number plate.

    If you have a number plate with a Union flag marker that includes the UK symbol, you do not need to display a separate UK staicker

    Reflective jackets

    Many countries require all drivers, including visitors, to carry reflective jackets and wear them as soon as anyone gets out of a vehicle in an emergency or breakdown. We recommend carrying at least 2 in the passenger compartment of your car - one for the driver and one for a passenger.

    • Our country-specific guides include national requirements.
    • Bear in mind that car hire companies don't always provide reflective jackets, or other compulsory equipment, as standard.

    It's the law 'not cause dazzle to oncoming drivers', rather than specifically to adjust your headlamp beams for driving on the right.

    You can't always predict delays and bad weather. So even if you're only going for a short trip and don't expect to drive at night, it's a good idea to carry headlamp beam converters with you, just in case. You don't need to if your lights can be adapted without them.

    • Don't leave it to the last minute to find out what you need to do – you might need to get a dealer to make an adjustment for you.
    • Beam converter kits may not be suitable for all types of headlight so check carefully.
    • Make sure you remove headlamp converters as soon as you return to the UK.
    Warning triangle
    Rear-view mirrors

    A door or wing-mirror on the left-hand side is very helpful when driving on the right. We recommend getting one fitted if your vehicle doesn't have one.

    Servicing and tyres

    Get your vehicle serviced well in advance to reduce the chance of a breakdown while you're away.

    • If you've got a long road trip ahead of you and drive a new diesel that uses diesel exhaust fluid (AdBlue), it's a good idea to carry a top-up can with you.
    • Check your tyres for condition, pressure and tread before you go.
    • Most countries have the same minimum tread depth requirement as the UK (1.6mm). But tyres do wear out quickly when they get down to 3mm, so if they're this worn, think about new tyres before you go.
    • Depending on the time of year and where you're going, you might have to get winter tyres fitted.
    Snow chains

    Snow chains are important for any winter trip and are compulsory in some countries, even if you've got winter tyres fitted.

    Find out more about snow chains and winter tyres in Europe.

    Radar detectors
    • Using or carrying a police speed trap detection device is illegal in most European countries and penalties can include a fine, driving ban, or even imprisonment.
    • Some countries also ban you from using a sat nav system that can show fixed speed camera locations so you might have to disable the function before you go.

    Updated 30 August 2021

    Related advice
    • Picking the right hire car
    • What do you have to carry?
    • Rules of the road country by country
    • Driving in Europe for the first time
    • City driving restrictions
    • Winter driving in Europe
    • Driving offences abroad
    • Using your blue badge abroad
    • Hiring a car abroad
    • Safety in long road tunnels
    • International Driving Permit (IDP)
    • Advice for driving in Europe
    • All driving abroad advice

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    Driving in Europe

    Travel kits, headlamp converters, high vis vests, emergency triangles and more

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  • Driving abroad - general advice (2024)


    What is the best advice for driving? ›

    Driving tips
    • always wear your seat-belt.
    • continuously move your eyes and observe all traffic.
    • look for vehicles that enter the highway from curbs, driveways and businesses.
    • be alert for parked cars, pedestrians and cyclists.
    • frequently check both your inside and outside rearview mirrors.

    Do you need a GB sticker to drive in Europe? ›

    From 28 September 2021, you'll need a UK sticker instead of a GB sticker on your vehicle to drive abroad. You do not need to carry a green card to drive in the EU (including Ireland), Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, or Switzerland.

    Do all passengers need hi-vis jackets in France? ›

    Yes. Hi-vis or reflective jackets for each occupant of the car are mandatory in France. They must be within easy reach inside the vehicle. You must also have a warning triangle in case you have an accident.

    How does driving in another country work? ›

    Not all countries accept a U.S. driver's license, but most accept an International Driving Permit (IDP). You can get an IDP from the AAA (American Automobile Association) before you leave. IDPs have limited validity and may need you to also have your U.S. license with you.

    What is the 3 to 4 second rule in driving? ›

    It should take at least three seconds for your vehicle to reach the same landmark. This means there is sufficient space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you, and you should have plenty of time to slow down or stop if the driver in front of you suddenly applies their brakes.

    What is the best advice for driving test? ›

    Now that you've got a general idea of what to expect, let's look at a few tips that could help improve your chances of success.
    1. Being familiar with your vehicle. ...
    2. Getting plenty of real-world practice. ...
    3. Remembering the basics. ...
    4. Paying attention to the road. ...
    5. Not driving too slow or too fast. ...
    6. Being gentle with braking.

    Do I need anything extra to drive in Europe? ›

    Depending on the country you're visiting you may need: extra equipment - for example, you need a reflective jacket and a warning triangle in many countries. emission stickers (permits) in some European cities - you may need to buy these weeks before you go abroad. headlight converter stickers.

    Can I drive in Europe with a US license? ›

    If you're American or Canadian, your passport and driver's license are all you need in most European countries. However, some countries also require an International Driving Permit (IDP). An IDP is an official translation of your US license (making it easier for a local police officer to write out a ticket).

    Do you have to adjust headlights for driving in Europe? ›

    Adjust your headlights for driving in Europe

    Before you head to Europe, you will need to adjust your car's headlamp beam pattern for driving on the right-hand side of the road, so that the dipped beam doesn't dazzle oncoming drivers. This is a compulsory requirement in most countries.

    What does rappel mean on French road signs? ›

    It means "Remember". Normally this word is added to warning signs that are repeats of previous ones. For example, if you have already driven past the 50 kph sign at the beginning of a speed restriction, another 50 kph sign might have "rappel" with it to remind you 'We've already told you this once scheissekopf'!

    Can you turn right on red in France? ›

    There is no “right turn on red” in France. A yellow flashing arrow means that you can drive in the arrow's direction, with caution, even though the other lights may be red. Headlights are mandatory when it is raining. On multi-lane roads and highways, slower traffic always stays to the right.

    Do I need a fire extinguisher to drive in France? ›

    A vehicle first aid kit and fire extinguisher is not legally required when driving in France, Spain, Italy, Germany and other Central European countries however it is still recommended. For driving in France, the Czech Republic and some Yugosphere countries vehicles are required to carry spare light bulbs.

    What countries don't accept US drivers' licenses? ›

    International Driving Permits are Required* in the following countries for US Licensed Drivers: Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Japan, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, and Thailand.

    Can you drive in France with a US license? ›

    You may drive with a valid U.S. driver's license if it is accompanied by a notarized translation in French. It is strongly recommended that you carry an International Driving Permit. You must be 18 years of age or older to drive in France. (More information may be found here).

    How do you plan a drive across the country? ›

    How to Plan a Road Trip Across the Country
    1. Choose your route. This is the first and most important part of your road trip. ...
    2. Choose the duration of each stop. ...
    3. Reserve your camping spots. ...
    4. Choose your vehicle. ...
    5. Make your packing list. ...
    6. Double-check everything. ...
    7. Plan ahead for national parks. ...
    8. Make a budget.
    Jan 27, 2022

    What advice would you give to a new driver? ›

    Take it steady. Perhaps the most important tip as a new driver is to make sure you take it steadily. Only drive at the speed you feel comfortable at – within the law, of course – and remember speed limits are just that, and not a target. You do not want to become another statistic.

    How can I feel better about driving? ›

    These tips and tricks will help boost your confidence and keep everyone in the vehicle safe.
    1. Rely on Passengers. Friends don't let other friends drive distracted! ...
    2. Stay Cool, Calm, and Collected (Push Playlist) One of the best ways to build a zero crash future? ...
    3. Know Your Vehicle–and Keep it Safe. ...
    4. Pre-Start Routine.

    How to get over fear of driving? ›

    9 tips to help you overcome driving anxiety
    1. Identify what triggers your driving anxiety. ...
    2. Try relaxation techniques before you drive. ...
    3. Exercise regularly. ...
    4. Try visualization before you drive. ...
    5. Repeat affirmations to boost your confidence. ...
    6. Meet yourself with patience and compassion. ...
    7. Seek professional help.
    Oct 31, 2023

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    Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.