Oglethorpe University Bulletin, June 1942 (2024)





JUNE, 1942

VOL.. 2.6 NO. 1

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Published by

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(gleitjorpe lintiiErstly, (Heorgta

Entered at Post Office at Oglethorpe University, Georgia.
Under Act of Congress, June 13, 1898.


I believe in God:

Infinite intelligence, eternal love, immeasurable power;

Father and mother, creator and preserver and destroyer

Of all that was and is and will be;

Whether visible or invisible,

Audible or inaudible,

Tangible or intangible.

I love God with all my heart and mind and will.

I see and hear God at all times, in all places, in all things.

I study the Law of God in science, in literature, in religion.

I worship God in gratitude, in truth and in conduct.

I believe in Man:

In his glorious struggle upward out of the night of the past,

In his ability and willingness to accept and develop

The opportunities and duties of his present dawn,

And in the certainty of his eventual arrival

At the sublime noon of his highest ideals.

I believe in virtue, in justice, and in righteousness among men,

The faithful guides that illumine his path

Through the jungles of hates and greeds and fears

I love man, as a friend, as a brother, as myself.

I work for man, for his intellectual enlightenment, for his ma-
terial betterment, for his moral development.

I believe in myself:

In my courage, in my conscience, in my power.

I believe in strength through joy, joy through faith, and faith
through prayer.

I believe that the parenthood of God and the brotherhood of

Are above and around and within me.

I believe that the Will of God

Is revealed in me as in all things else;

Most clearly in my best thonghts, my noblest feelings, my fin-
est ambitions.

I believe in my Messiaship, and in that of all men who follow

The urge to live and die for the welfare of the world.

I believe in my future;

That the kind of power which led me through the eternity of the
past to this present good hour,

Without my knowledge or consent,

Will never withdraw his loving kindness from me

Now that I have learned to know and love and trust Him.

To this faith I commit my all.
Lead on, O God!

"(Elje ^rager of (gIetl|orpe ^ttiuerstty,


Calendar 1942-43
























































































11 12












































































































31 4



























10 11

















15 14









17 18





























24 25












1 1



















2| 3] 4


6 7

1 1



















6 7 8



















16 17 18


20 21





19 14















23 24 25





















1 1

1 1






































1 1


2| 3














4 5| 6| 7




5\ 6







































































30 81




28 29 30

1 1





































21 3







1 1


3 4
















21 3






71 8


















































21 22























81 1




































5 6







2 3






















7 8












































21 1


























27 1






28 1











May 11 Monday Senior Examinations

May 17 Sunday Commencement

May 25 Monday Spring Term Final Examinations

May 30 Saturday Spring Term Closes

June 2 Tuesday Last Day for Filing Spring Term

Grades with Registrar

June 15 Monday Summer Term Closes

August 29 Saturday Summer Term Closes

September 22 Tuesday Registration of New Students

September 23 Wednesday Registration of Old Students*

November 2 Monday Middle of Fall Term

November 26 Thursday Thanksgiving Day

December 14 Monday Fall Term Final Examinations

December 18 Friday Fall Term Closes

December 22 Tuesday (1696) Birthday of Gen. Oglethorpe

December 21 Monday Last Day for Filing Fall Term

Grades with Registrar


January 4 Monday Registrations*

January 21 Friday Founders' Day

February 3 Wednesday Middle of Winter Term

March 8 Monday Winter Term Final Examinations

March 13 Saturday ____ Winter Term Closes

March 15 Monday Registration for Spring Term*

March 16 Tuesday Last Day for Filing "Winter Term

Grades with Fegistrar

April 21 Wednesday Middle of Spring Term

May 7 and 8 Friday and Saturday Cosmic History


May 10 Monday Senior Examinations

May 24 Sunday .._ Commencement

May 25 Monday Spring Term Final Examinations

June 1 Monday Spring Term Closes

June 2 Tuesday Last Day for Filing Spring Term

Grades with Registrar

June 15 Monday Summer Term Opens

August 29 Saturday Summer Term Closes

*A charge of $1.00 per day is made for old students who
register after this date.

Board of Founders



John P. Kennedy
L. R. Simpson
W. C. Underwood

M. F. Allen

F. M. Smith

G. E. Mattison

L. W. Anderson
R. M. Alexander

E. D. Brownlee

F. D. Bryan
D. J. Blackwell

* Jacob E. Brecht
R. R. Baker
C. H. Curry

Irvin Alexander
R. L. Alexarder
R. L. Anderson
Jas. T. Anderson
Barnwell Anderson
A. H. Atkins
W. P. Beman
N. K. Bitting
J. M. Brawner
R. A. Brown.
R. L. Caldwell

*H. H. Foster
John Van Lear
T. A. Brown


*T. M. McMillan W. B. Tarner

*D. A. Planck A. C. Howze

Thos. E. Gray


S. E. Orr
C. H. Chenoweth
David A. Gates
H. E. McRae


Henry K. McHarg


B. M. Comfort
H. C. DuBose
R. D. Dodge
H. C. Giddens
J. E. Henderson
S. E. Ives
M. D. Johnson

C. L. Nance
W. R. O'Neal
Richard P. Reese
J. W. Furcell
Ernest Quarterman

D. A. Shaw
W. B. Y. Wilkie
W. W. Williams


C. M. Gibbs
J. T. Gibson
Joseph D. Green
A. J. Griffith
J. W. Hammond
J. Herndon
E. L. Hill
S. Holderness, Jr.
S. Holderness*
G. M. Howerton
Frank L. Hudson

J. E. Paton
A. L. Patterson
R. A. Rodgers, Jr.
W. M. Scott
J. R. Sevier
E. P. Simpson
Geo. J. Shultz
H. L. Smith
T. M. Stribling
T. I. Stacy


*The list on the following pages is corrected to March 1, 1942.


Oglethorpe University

GEORGIA (Continued)

*C. A. Campbell
T. Stacy Capers
W. A. Carter
W. L. co*k
*J. W. Corley
Claud C. Craig
Julian Cumming
J. C. Daniel
*A. W. Farlinger
Hamlin Ford
Wra. H. Fleming
H. J. Gaertner
Guy Gerrad
L. F. Gaertner

Geo. R. Bell

B. L. Price

C. A. Weis

A. Wettermark
*W. S. Payne
::< T. M. Hunter
J. L. Street

*W. S. Lindamod
R. F. Simmons

*J. R. Bridges
*Geo. W. Watts
Geo. W. Ragan
Thos. W. Watson

*B. I. Hughes
C. R. Johnson
M. F. Leary
Claud Little
L. S. Lowry
J. H. Malloy
*L. C. Mandeville
L. C. Mandeville,
E. S. McDowell
H. T. Mclintosh
*I. S. McElroy
J. H. Merrill
W. S. Myrick

G. G. Sydnor
W. T. Summers
D. A. Thompson
T. W. Tinsley
J. C. Turner
J. 0. Varnedoe
J. B. Way
Jr Fielding Wallace
Thos. L. Wallace
W. W. Ward
James Watt
Wm. A. Watt
Leigh M. White
Jas. E. Woods


*B. M. Shive
A. S. Venable


A. B. Isreal
E. H. Gregory
C. 0. Martindale
W. B. Gobbert
A. B. Smith
W. A. Zeigler
Sargent Pitcher


A. J. Evans
W. W. Raworth

H. C. Francisco


Wm. R. Hearst

*E. M. Green

R. P. Hyams
H. M. McLain
F. M. Milliken
J. A. Salmen
*J. C. Barr
F. Salmen

R. W. Deason
J. W. Young


J. W. McLaughlin
W. C. Brown
D. C. McNeill
J. M. Bell
J. N. M. Summerel

A. M. Scales
A. L. Brooks
L. Richardson
Melton Clark

* Deceased

Oglethorpe University


A. A. McLean

A. McL. Martin

B. A. Henry
*W. F. Jacobs
W. D. Ratchford
F. Murray Mack


John E. McKelvey


T. W. Sloan *E. P. Davis

Henry M. Massey Jos. T. Dendy

P. S. McChesney J. B. Green

*John W. Ferguson W. P. Anderson

L. B. McCord F. D. Vaughn

L. C. Dove E. E. Gillespie
C. C. Good

S. C. Appleby
L. W. Buford
*J. W. Bachman
*J. D. Blanton
T. C. Black
J. L. Curtiss
W. A. Cleveland
*N. B. Dozier


H. W. Dick
W. G. Erskin
*M. S. Kennedy
*J. T. Lupton
T. E. McCallie
L. R. Walker
C. L. Lewis

C. C. Hounston
P. A. Lyon
O. S. Smith
*J. I. Vance
J. B. Milligan
G. W. Killibrew
J. E. Napier
C. W. Heiskell

Wm. H. Leavell
R. D. Cage
A. F. Carr
D. C. Campbell


W. L. Estes
F. E. Fincher
R. M. Hall
David Hannah

Wm. A. Vinson
S. P. Hulbert
W. S. Jacobs
A. O. Price

W. S. Campbell
S. T. Hutchinson


: Geo. L. Petrie

F. S. Rovster
A. D. Witten


C. K. Ayer
Dr. G. D. Ayer
Dr. S. T. Barnett
Milton W. Bell
*G. H. Brandon
A. L. Brooke
Shepard Bryan
John A. Brice
C. P. Brvd
Dr. E. P. Calhoun
J. Turner Carson
S. W. Carson
W. D. Coleman

Jesse Draper
William Dunlop
J. Lee Edwards
B. M. Grant
J. R. Gray, Jr.
William Fisch
*W. R. Hamby
Henry C. Heinz
John Robert Dillon
*H. P. Hermance
A. O. Davis
Thomas H. Daniel
R. L. Cooney

*Dr. T. P. Hinman

B. Mufflin Hood
J. Wallace Hoyt
*Joel Hunter

T. N. Hutchinson
F. M. Inman
Henry A. Inman
J. Dillard Jacobs
Thornwell Jacobs
John Lesh Jacobs
R. H. Jones, Jr.
Harrison Jones

C. E. Kay



Oglethorpe University


*George E. King
C. V. LeCraw
*Dr. L. L. Knight
John A. Manget
*E. P. McBurney
H. McFadden
C. D. McKinney
H. W. Minor
C. D. Montgomery
J. L. Morrison
Wilmer L. Moore
J. R. Murphy
*Dr. G. H. Noble
*W. W. Orr

J. K. Ottley

F. J. Paxon

T. C. Perkins

C. I. Pirkle

J. Henry Porter

J. Russell Porter

*Dr. J. H. Powell

Hugh Richardson

*E. Rivers

John A. Sibley

Dr. Archibald Smith

*Hoke Smith

W. O. Steele

Dr. C. W. Strickler

W. A. Spear
M. W. Thompson
J. M. Tull
E. A. Thornwell
*C. J. Wachendorff
Edgar Watkins, Sr.
Edgar Watkins, Jr.
Sidney Wellhouse
*S. M. Weyman
*W. Woods White
H. M. Willett
*G. F. Willis
James T. Williams
J. J. Williamson


Chairman, Edgar Watkins, Ex-offieio
Vice-Chairman, Hugh Bancker

Thornwell Jacobs
Charles J. Haden

W. O. Steele
J. H. Porter

Archibald Smith
Robt. H. Jones, Jr.


Edgar Watkins W. 0. Steele

Thornwell Jacobs Archibald Smith

Cartter Lupton
Ormond Gould


Oglethorpe University 13


Thornwell Jacobs, Litt.D., LL.D.
President of the University

John Patrick, M.A.
Acting Dean of the University

Mary Feebeck, R. N.
Deon of Women and Resident Nurse

Frank B. Anderson, A.B.
Dean of Men and Director of Athletics

G. F. Nicolassen, Ph.D.
Dean of Liberal Arts

H. J. Gaertner, Ped.D.
Dean of Education and Director of Graduate School

Mark Burrows, Ped.D.
Dean of Commerce and Secretarial Preparation

John A. Aldrich, Ph.D.

Dean of Science

James Donovan Mosteller, A.B., M.A.

Acting Dean of Literature and Journalism

George North Morris

Dean of Fine Arts

B. E. Alward, A.M.

Superintendent of Buildings

Frank B. Anderson, A.B.


A. G. Marshall


Margaret Stovall

Secretary to the President

Russell Stovall

Student Secretary and Cashier

14 Oglethorpe University

The Faculty of the University

The Board of Directors of Oglethorpe University, real-
izing the responsibility upon them of selecting a faculty
whose spiritual and intellectual equipment should be cap-
able of satisfying the tremendous demands of a really
great institution of learning, have spared no effort or
pains in securing a body of men who would not only pos-
sess that first requisite of a teacher, a great soul, but
should also have those two other requisites of almost
equal importance: power of imparting their ideals and
knowledge, and intellectual acquirements adequate for
their departments. The most important element in edu-
cation is the creating in the student of an intense
yearning for and delight in the Good, the True, and the
Beautiful, and the first essential for the creation of such
a spirit is the example set before him by the faculty. The
object of an Oglethorpe education is to furnish the stu-
dent with deeper thoughts, finer emotions, and nobler
purposes to the end that he may more clearly under-
stand, more fully enjoy and more excellently behave
in the world. It has been the purpose of the Board of
Directors in making their selection of members of the
faculty to choose them from as many different sections
of America as possible, thus providing a representative
and cosmopolitan American corps of teachers.


A.B., Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Vale-
dictorian and Medalist; A.M., P. C. of S. C.,; Graduate
of Princeton Theological Seminary; A.M., Princeton
University; LL.D., Ohio Northern University; Litt.D.,
Presbyterian College of South Carolina; Pastor of Mor-
ganton, (N. C.) Presbyterian Church; Vice-President of

Oglethorpe University 15

Thomwell College for Orphans; Author and Editor;
Founder and Editor of Westminster Magazine; Author
of The Law of the White Circle (novel); The Midnight
Mummer (poems); Sinful Sadday (story for children);
Life of William Plumer Jacobs; The New Science and the
Old Religion; Islands of the Blest; Red Lanterns on St.
Michael's; Drums of Doomsday; Editor of The Oglethorpe
Book of Georgia Verse; Member Graduate Council of
the National Alumni Association of Princeton Univer-
sity; President of the University.


A.B., University of Virginia; A.M., University of Vir-
ginia; Fellow in Greek, Johns Hopkins University, two
years; Assistant Instructor in Latin and Greek in Johns
Hopkins University, one year; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity; Professor of Ancient Languages in Southwestern
Presbyterian University, Clarksville, Tenn., now South-
western at Memphis; Vice-Chancellor of the Southwest-
ern Presbyterian University; Member Classical Associa-
tion of the Middle West and South; Author of Notes on
Latin and Greek, Greek Notes Revised, The Book of Rev-
elation; Dean of the School of Liberal Arts, Oglethorpe


A.B., Indiana University; A.M., Ohio Wesleyan Uni-
versity; Ped.D., Ohio Northern University; Teacher and
Superintendent in the common schools and high schools
of Ohio and Georgia; Professor of Mathematics and As-
tronomy, Wilmington College, Ohio; Professor of His-
tory, Georgia Normal and Industrial College, Milledge-
ville, Ga., Member of the University Summer School

16 Oglethorpe University

Faculty, University of Georgia, six summers; Pi Gamma
Mu; Assistant in the organization of Oglethorpe Univer-
sity; Dean of the School of Education and Director Grad-
uate School and Adult Education, Oglethorpe Univer-


B.S., Stanbury Normal School; A.B., State Teachers'
College, Kirksville, Missouri; A.M., Oglethorpe Univer-
sity; Ped.D., Oglethorpe University; Teacher and Super-
intendent in the Public High Schools of Missouri; Direc-
tor Department of Commerce, State Teachers' College,
Kirksville, Mo.; Professor of Rural Education in Univer-
sity of Wyoming and in State Teachers' College at Kirks-
ville and Greely, Colorado; Editor, Rural School Messen-
ger and The School and the Community, and author of
tractates on Education; Member of National Education
Association and of National Geographic Society and
National Academy of Visual Education; Dean of the
School of Commerce and of Secretarial Preparation, Ogle-
thorpe University.


A.B., Albion College; M.S., University of Michigan;
Ph.D., University of Michigan; Member of Society of
Sigma Xi, of American Astronomical Society, of Am-
erican Association of University Professors; Fellow of
American Association for the Advancement of Science;
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Olivet College; Pro-
fessor of Physics and Astronomy, Washburn College;
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Oglethorpe Univer-
stiy; Dean of the School of Science, Oglethorpe Univer-

Oglethorpe University 21


\BSENCES Patrick, F. Anderson.

\THLETICS Patrick, F. Anderson.

:ATALOGUE Nicolassen, Aldrich, Burrows, C. Ander-
son, F. B. Anderson.

:URRICULUM Burrows, Nicolassen, Gaertner, Wood-
ward, Aldrich, Patrick.

EXAMINATION Burrows, Aldrich, Nicolassen, Davis,

Gaertner, F. Anderson.


HEALTH AND HYGIENE Miss Feebeck, Dr. Turk, B.
E. Alward.

LIBRARY Carper, Castellanos, Porohovshikov.

MEDICAL STUDIES Aldrich, Davis, Jones, Hunt.

PUBLIC OCCASIONS Aldrich, Nicolassen, C. Anderson

SOCIAL AFFAIRS Patrick, Feebeck.


THESES Burrows, Gaertner.


MARGARET STOVALL, Secretary to the President.
RUSSELL STOVALL, Student Secretary and Cashier.
L N. TURK, M.D., University Physician.
MRS. MILDRED SIBLEY, Cashier in Cafeteria.
WILLIAM JONES, Superintendent of Oglethorpe Uni-
versity Press.
MARTHA POPE BROWN, Field Representative.

22 Oglethorpe University


MRS. JOHN PATRICK, Assistant in Office of President.
JANE CANNON, Assistant in Office of President.
ROBYN WALL, Assistant in Office of President.
BETTE ROLLISON, Assistant in Office of President.
BARBARA BOZE, Assistant in Office of President.
MRS. CHARLES ANDERSON, Assistant Registrar.
KATHRYN BENEFIELD, Assistant in Office of Registrar.
MRS. HAROLD JONES, Assistant in Library.
MARGARET STEWART, Assistant in Office of Cashier.
MARGARET COCHRAN, Assistant in Office of Cashier.
MARGARET PARIS, Assistant in Office of Cashier.
FREDERICK GOSS, Public Speaking.
KEITH LANE, Chemistry.
JOHN MEACHAM, Ancient Languages.
LUTHER HARBIN, Assistant in Physics.
HAZEL JOSEY, Typewriting.
CORA JEANNE ABSTON, Secretary to Committee or


STUDENT BODY OFFICERS Paul Whaley, President-
Michael Kelly, Student Advisor.


STORMY PETREL Bob Rivenbark, Editor; Jane Calmes,
Business Manager.

GLEE CLUB Beatrice Nix, President.


PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Beatrice Nix, President-
Jane Aldrich, Treasurer.

BLUE KEY Paul Whaley, President.


Oglethorpe University 23

"O" CLUB Jack Mockabee, President.
duch*eSS CLUB Marian Gillooley, President.
SPANISH CLUB Keith Lane, President.
DEBATE SOCIETY Bob Rivenbark, President.
TREBLE CLEFF Beatrice Nix, President
YAMACRAW STAFF George Talbott, Editor-in-Chief

24 Oglethorpe University

Historical Sketch

The historical genesis of Oglethorpe University takes
us back to the middle of the eighteenth century when,
under the leadership of Presbyterian men, Princeton
College was founded in New Jersey and rapidly became
the institution largely patronized by the young men
from Presbyterian families all over the world. After
a while the long distance which must be traveled by
stage or horseback, suggested the building of a similar
institution under the auspices of Presbyterianism in the
South. The movement began with the spring meeting
of Hopewell Presbytery in the year 1823, and eventuat-
ed in the founding of a manual training school, and this
in turn, became Oglethorpe College in 1 835 when Mid-
way Hill, in the suburbs of Milledgeville, then the
capital of the state of Georgia, was chosen for the
location of the institution. Old Oglethorpe College was
thus the first denominational college or university be-
tween the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans south of the
Virginia line, and, of a right, claimed to be the Alma
Mater of all that brilliant company of institutions which
were born after her in this vast empire.

The facilities of the old Oglethorpe were adequate
for the time. The main building was probably the hand-
somest college structure in the Southeast when it was
erected, and "contained the finest college chapel in
the United States not excepting Yale, Harvard or

In the faculty of the institution may be found the
names of men who were world famous. Among these
were Joseph LeConte, the great geologist, James Wood-
row, the brilliant and devoted Christian and scientist,
Samuel K. Talmadge, the eminent administrator and
many others. It is, perhaps, the chief glory of old

Oglethorpe University 25

Oglethorpe that after three years of instruction she
graduated Sidney Lanier of the famous class of 1 860
and that he was a tutor to her sons until the spring
of '61 when with the Oglethorpe cadets he marched
away to the wars. Shortly before his death, Lanier, look-
ing back over his career, remarked to a friend that the
greatest intellectual impulse of his life had come to him
during his college days at Oglethorpe through the in-
fluence of Dr. Woodrow. Her other eminent alumni
include governors, justices, moderators of the General
Assembly, discoverers, inventors and a host of honest,
industrious and superb laborers for the highest ideals
of humanity.

Oglethorpe "died at Gettysburg," for during the war
her sons were soldiers, her endowment was invested
in Confederate bonds, and her buildings which were used
for barracks and hospitals, were later destroyed. An
effort was made to revive the institution in the '70's
and to locate it in Atlanta, but the evils of reconstruction
days and financial disaster made the adventure im-
possible, and after a year and a half of struggle the
doors were closed for the second time.

Only twenty-nine years have passed since the present
movement to re-found the university began and they
have been years of financial disaster and utter turmoil,
yet the assets and subscription pledges of the institution
have approached the sum of a million dollars as the
result of unusual and self-sacrificing liberality on the
part of over five hundred people.

The corner stone of Oglethorpe University was laid
on January 21, 1915, with her trustful motto engraved
upon it: "Manu Dei Resurrexit" (By the Hand of God
She Has Risen From the Dead).

26 Oglethorpe University

The Opening, September 20, 1916

Oglethorpe University opened her doors in the au-
tumn of 1916. After 50 years of rest beneath the gray
ashes of fratricidal strife she rose to breathe the airs
of a new day. Her first building, constructed of gran-
ite trimmed with limestone, covered with variegated
slates and as near fire proof as human skill can make
it, was ready for occupancy in the fall of 1916, when
the first class gathered on her beautiful campus on
Peachtree Road. A faculty equal to that of any cog-
nate institution in the country was formed. The work
of raising funds and new construction goes steadily
on. All of this has been done in the midst of financial
disaster that has darkened the spirit of the whole nation.

The Romance of Her Resurrection

The story of the resurrection of Oglethorpe reads
like a romance. Beginning only twenty-nine years ago
with a contribution of $100.00 a year for ten years from
her present president, it soon gathered with it a band of
great-hearted Atlanta men who determined to see that
their city had a university, as well as a band of far-seeing
educational leaders, who wished to erect a certain type
of institution in this splendid metropolis. The story of
how dollar was added to dollar during the campaign
of four years; of how no less than seventy Atlanta
men gave each $1,000.00 or more to the enterprise;
of how the story was told in 101 cities and towns all
over the South from Galveston, Texas to Charlottesville,
Virginia, and from Marshall, Missouri, to Bradenton,
Florida, each one of them giving $1,000 or more to the
enterprise; the splendid triumph of the Atlanta cam-
paigns; all this is well known. Since that time the same

Oglethorpe University 27

wonderful record has been maintained. There are now
something like five thousand men, women and children,
all of whom have contributed or promised from fifty
cents to $1,000. They are the Founders' Club which
is carrying the movement forward so splendidly.

Her Architectural Beauty

An idea of the quality of construction and design of
the institution may be gained from the illustrated
material accompanying this catalogue.

It will be seen that the architects and landscape
artists have spared no pains to make Oglethorpe one of
the really beautiful universities of America. The archi-
tecture is Collegiate Gothic; the building material is a
beautiful blue granite trimmed with limestone. All the
buildings are covered with heavy variegated slates. The
interior construction is of steel, concrete, brick and
hollow tile. The building given by Mr. and Mrs. Lup-
ton and their son, our beloved benefactors, is the one
with the tower just opposite on the left of the entrance.
Lowry Hall, the gift of Col. and Mrs. R. J. Lowry, stands
completed at the end of the main axis directly in front
of the entrance. The total cost of construction of the
buildings mentioned above with the land and the land-
scape work required, will be approximately $4,000,000.
The building plan will be followed out in its entirety.

The Oglethorpe Campus

By the generosity of Mr. William Randolph Hearst,
Oglethorpe is the possessor of one of the finest college
campuses in the entire world. In the summer of 1929
Mr. Hearst gave to the University the entire Silver
Lake Estates, four hundred acres of primeval forest

28 Oglethorpe University

surrounding an eighty-acre lake with something like
five miles of graded road winding through it. As this
property immediately adjoins two hundred acres already
possessed by the University, the completed campus
consists of a body of six hundred acres of land in one
tract in the immediate vicinity of Atlanta, on Peachtree
Road and on the main line of the Southern Railroad.
This gift of Mr. Hearst provides for the University ample
space for future development and protects its growth
from encroachment by urban Atlanta whose suburbs
are rapidly surrounding the campus.

Hermance Stadium

During the summer of 1929 the first section of
Hermance Stadium was erected at a cost of something
over $100,000. Like all the other Oglethorpe build-
ings it is constructed of granite, trimmed with carved
limestone. The seats are of reinforced concrete. This
first section which seats about five thousand, com-
prises approximately one-ninth of the total seating
capacity. When completed it will have cost something
like $750,000 and will have a seating capacity of ap-
proximately that of the Roman Colosseum, 45,000. It
is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Hermance,
Hal Hermance and Miss Helena Hermance, the donors.

Her Spiritual and Intellectual Ideals

But it is not so much the magnificent exterior of
the institution about which the men who are founding
Oglethorpe are most concerned, it is the spiritual and
intellectual life of their university. To that end they
have resolved to maintain a faculty and a curriculum
that will be of the highest possible quality, their thought

Oglethorpe University 29

being excellence in every department. They are taking
the superb traditions of the Old Oglethorpe and adding
the best of the present age to them.

Founders' Book

In the Founders' Room at Oglethorpe there will be
a book containing the name of every man, woman and
child who aided in the founding of the University, ar-
ranged alphabetically by states. That Book will be
accessible to every student and visitor who may want
to know who it v/as from his or her home that took part
in the doing of this, the greatest deed that has been
attempted for our sons and daughters in this generation.
The book is not yet complete, because the work is not
yet finished, and each month is adding many to this roll
of honor, whose names will thus be preserved in the life
and archives of Oglethorpe University forever. It will
be bound in a handsome metal and leather cover given
by J. F. Jacobs.

Clock and Chimes

In the tower of the building given by Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Lupton, is installed a clock and chimes, with three
dials, ten bells and night illumination, the gift of friends
of the University. It is interesting to note that this is
the only set of chimes on any college campus in Georgia.
Concerts are given daily.

Immediate Purpose and Scope

The purpose of Oglethorpe University is to offer
courses of study leading to the higher academic and
professional degrees, under a Christian environment,
and thus to train young men who wish to become spec-
ialists in professional and business life and teachers

30 Oglethorpe University

in our high schools and colleges, and to supply the
growing demand for specially equipped men in every
department of human activity.

Students who are looking forward to university work
are invited to correspond with the President in order
that they may prepare themselves for the advanced
courses which are to be offered.

Adequate library and laboratory facilities are provided.
Free use is made of the city of Atlanta, in itself a re-
markable laboratory of industrial and scientific life,
whose museums, libraries, and municipal plants are at
the disposal of our students for observation, inspection
and investigation.

Grounds and Buildings

The campus consists of approximately six hundred
acres of land including an eighty-acre lake which is
situated in the northwestern section of the campus.

Near the entrance to the campus is the term-
inus of the Oglethorpe University bus line, and
an attractive little stone station of the Southern Rail-
way main line between Atlanta and Washington. The
first building to be located on the campus, the Ad-
ministration Building, contains in the basem*nt a dining
room; on the ground floor, chemistry and physics lecture
rooms, and laboratories, the administrative offices and
lounging room for young ladies attending the college;
on the second and third floors, the hospital and dormi-
tories. Lupton Hall contains the library, the President's
office, class rooms, dormitories, an Assembly Hall seat-
ing approximately six hundred, equipped also as a the-
atre for the presentation of student dramats, and in the
basem*nt, basketball court,, swimming pool, lockers and
showers, and quarters of the University Press. The Uni-

Oglethorpe University 31

versity Press is equipped with a Babco*ck optimus press,
linotype machine and two job presses, with a number of
type stands and other printing equipment given by John
Dillard Jacobs.

Lowry Hall houses the Lowry School of Banking and
Commerce, and the Art Studios. It is largely a replica
of old Corpus Christi College, Oxford, the alma mater of
James Edward Oglethorpe. It contains class rooms and
dormitories, and will stand as a perpetual memorial to
the generosity of Colonel R. J. Lowry and Emma Mark-
ham Lowry.


In the Schools of Liberal Arts, Literature and
Journalism, Science, Business Administration,
Education, Secretarial Preparation, Fine
Arts, and Physical Education

The requirement for entrance to the Academic
Schools of Oglethorpe University is a certificate of
graduation from an accredited high school.* Or in
case of non-graduation, if the candidate has fifteen
units from an accredited high school he may absolve
his deficiencies by standing entrance examinations on
four subjects, two of which shall be English and Mathe-
matics. A student who has completed in a secondary
school two years of a foreign language will not receive
credit for a beginner's course in the same language. The
candidate must present at least three units in English

* Students coming from outside the State of Georgia may be
admitted on fifteen units without a high school . diploma and
without examination, but a certificate must be presented.

32 Oglethorpe University

and two units in Mathematics. A unit represents a
year's study in any subject in an accredited high school.
Prospective students are requested to bring their
High School certificates with them; better still, to have
them sent to the Registrar before applying for registra-

List of Entrance Units

Fifteen units may be selected from the following list:

Group I

English Grammer 1 I unit

Rhetoric I I unit

English Literature I or II 1 unit

Group II

Algebra (to quadratics) I unit

Algebra (quadratics and beyond) Yz or 1 unit

Geometry (Plane) 1 unit

Geometry (Solid) ]/2 unit

Group III

Trigonometry ]/2 unit

Advanced Arithmetic 1 unit

Latin 1, 2, 3, or 4 units

Greek 1, 2, or 3 units

German 1 or 2 units

French 1 or 2 units

Spanish 1 or 2 units

(Not less than one unit of any foreign language will
be accepted.)

Group IV
American History or American History and

Civil Government 1 unit

Ancient History (Greek and Roman) and Me-
dieval History to Modern Times 1 unit

Oglethorpe University 33

Modern History (General History may be
counted as a unit, but not in addition to

Ancient, Medieval and Modern History) 1 unit

English History 1 unit

Group V

General Science 1 unit

Physics 1 unit

Chemistry 1 unit

Zoology Vz or 1 unit

Botany Vi or 1 unit

Physical Geography ]/2 or 1 unit

Physiology, Zoology, Botany. Any two of

these may be counted together as 1 unit

Special Students

Students twenty-one years of age may be admitted
for special study upon satisfying the Factulty as to their
ability to do the work of the classes which they wish to
enter. Such students may become regular only by
absolving all entrance requirements.

Persons under twenty-one years of age desiring to
pursue special courses not leading to a degree may do
so as unregistered students upon the passage of an ex-
amination or examinations satisfactory to the Dean of
the department in v/hich the work is to be done.

The minimum number of subjects permitted is twelve
clock hours per week.

Standards for Georgia Colleges*

The following standards have been adopted by the
State Board of Education of Georgia. They are de-
signed to serve two purposes:

* These standards have been adopted by Oglethorpe Univer-
sity and are effective as of September 23, 1931.

34 Oglethorpe University

(a) A basis of granting charters to new or proposed
higher educational institutions under the provisions of
Section 14 of the Georgia Code. **

(b) A basis for preparing an approved list of teacher
training institutions for the State of Georgia.

It is not proposed that these standards should op-
erate to make it impossible for a worthy new enterprise
to be begun, nor for a worthy institution now in operation
to be denied a fair opportunity for development.

It is, therefore, agreed that:

(a) In the case of proposed new institutions of higher
learning, if the Board of Education is satisfied that such
institution has a reasonable possibility of meeting these
standards within three years a provisional charter for
three years may be granted, such charter to be made
permanent if and when such institution shall have met
the conditions of these standards.

(b) In the case of institutions now in operation, the
application of these standards shall not go into effect
until after the expiration of three years from the date
of the adoption of these standards.

Standards for Colleges

/. Definition:

A standard college, university, or technological in-
stitution designated as "college" in this statement of
standards is an institution:

**Section 14. No charter giving the right to confer degrees
or issue diplomas shall be granted to any proposed institution
of learning within the state of Georgia until the proper show-
ing has been made to the State Board of Education that the
proposed University, College, Normal, or Professional school
shall give' evidence of its ability to meet the standard require-
ments set up by the State Board of Education.

Oglethorpe University 35

(a) Which is legally authorized to give non-profes-
sional Bachelor's degrees;

(b) Which is organized definitely on the basis of the
completion of a standard secondary school curri-

(c) Which organizes its curricula in such a way that
the early years are a continuation of, and supple-
ment the work of the secondary school and at
least the last two years are shaped more or less
distinctly in the direction of special, professional,
or graduate instruction;

(d) Which is separate and distinct, both in faculty
and operation, from any high school.

2. Entrance or Admission:

A college shall demand for admission of candidates
for degrees the satisfactory completion of a four year
course (15 units from a four year high school or twelve
units from a three year senior high school) in a secon-
dary school approved by a recognized accrediting
agency or the equivalent of such a course, as shown by
examination. The major portion of the secondary
school course accepted for admission should be definite-
ly correlated with the curriculum to which the student
is admitted.

Persons over 21 years of age, who do not meet re-
quirements for admission, may be admitted to regular
college courses if the authorities of the college are satis-
fied that such persons can carry the courses satis-
factorily. These shall be classified as special students
and shall not be admitted to candidacy for bachelor's
degrees until all entrance requirements have been satis-

3. Graduation:

A college shall require for graduation the comple-
tion of a minimum quantitative requirement of 120

36 Oglethorpe University

semester hours of credit (or the equivalent in term
hours, quarter hours, points, majors, or courses) with
further qualitative requirements adapted by each in-
stitution to its conditions.

A semester hour is defined as a credit for work in
a class which meets for at least one sixty-minute per-
iod (including ten minutes for change of classes) weekly
for lecture, recitation, or test for a semester of eighteen
weeks (including not over two weeks for all holidays and
vacations). Two hours of laboratory work shall count
as the equivalent of one hour of lecture, recitation, or

4. Degrees:

Small institutions should confine themselves to one
or two baccalaureate degrees. When more than one
baccalaureate degree is offered, all shall be equal in
requiremnets for admission and graduation. Insti-
tutions of limited resources and inadequate facilities
for graduate work should confine themselves to strict-
ly undergraduate courses.

5. Permanent Records:

A system of permanent records showing clearly all
credits (including entrance records) of each student
shall be carefully kept. The original credentials filed
from other institutions shall be retained. As far as
possible, records of graduates should be kept.

6. Size of Faculty and Number of Departments:

A college of arts and sciences of approximately 100
students should maintain at least eight separate de-
partments with at least one professor in each devot-
ing his whole time to that department. The size of
the faculty should bear a definite relation to the type of
the institution, the number of students, and the number

Oglethorpe University 37

of courses offered. With the growth of the student body,
the number of full-time teachers should be correspond-
ingly increased. The development of varied curricula
should involve the addition of other heads of depart-

7. Training of Faculty:

Faculty members of professional rank should have
not less than one full year of graduate work, majoring
in the subject taught, in addition to a bachelor's degree
from a fully accredited college, and should have two
years of training in an approved graduate school.

The training of the head of each department shall
be that represented by two full years of graduate work
or its equivalent.

8. Faculty Load:

The number of hours of class room work given by
each teacher will vary in different departments. To
determine this, the amount of preparation required for
the class and the amount of time needed for study
to keep abreast of the subject, together with the number
of students, must be taken into account. Teaching
schedules, including classes for part-time students, ex-
ceeding 18 recitation hours or their equivalent per week
per instructor, will be interpreted as endangering edu-
cational efficiency. Sixteen hours is the recommended
maximum load.

9. Size of Classes:

Classes (exclusive of lectures) of more than thirty
students should be interpreted as endangering educa-
tional efficiency.

10. Financial Support:

The minimum annual operating income for an ac-
credited college, exclusive of payment of interest, an-

38 Oglethorpe University

nuities, etc., should be $30,000, of which not less than
$15,000 should be derived from stable sources, other
than students, such as permanent endowment, public
funds or church support. Increase in faculty, stu-
dent body and scope of instruction should be accom-
panied by a corresponding increase of income from
such stable sources. The financial status of each col-
lege should be judged in relation to its educational

A college that does not have such support from en-
dowment, church, state or public sources must show,
for a period of three consecutive years immediately pre-
ceding its application for accrediting, that its charges
and expenditures are such as to show a minimum average
annual net surplus of not less than $15,000 from non-
educational services, such as board, room rents, etc.,
which may be used to supplement tuition fees.

7 / . Library:

A college should have a live, well-distributed, ade-
quately housed library of at least 8,000 volumes, ex-
clusive of public documents, bearing specifically upon
the subject taught, administered by a full-time pro-
fessionally trained librarian, and with a definite annual
appropriation for the purchase of new books.

72. Laboratories:

The laboratory equipment shall be adequate for all
the experiments called for by the courses offered in
the sciences, and these facilities shall be kept up by
means of an annual appropriation in keeping with the

73. General Equipment and Buildings:

The location and construction of the buildings, the
lighting, heating and ventilation of the rooms, the nature

Oglethorpe University 39

of the laboratories, corridors, closets, water supply,
school furniture, apparatus, and methods of cleaning
shall be such as to insure hygienic conditions for both
students and teachers.

14. Proportion of Students Candidates for Degrees:
No institution shall be admitted to the accredited

list, or continued more than one year on such list, un-
less it has a college registration of at least 100 reg-
ular students. A notably small proportion of college
students registered in the third and fourth years will
constitute ground for dropping an institution from the
accredited list.

At least 75 per cent of the students in a college should
be pursuing courses leading to baccalaureate degrees;
provided, however, that this shall not apply to stu-
dents enrolled in extension, correspondence or other
similar departments, not in regular course for a degree,
in an institution which otherwise meets these standards.

15. Character of the Curriculum:

The character of the curriculum, the standards for
regular degrees, the conservatism in granting honorary
degrees, provision in the curriculum for breadth of
study and for concentration, soundness of scholarship,
the practice of scientific spirit including freedom of
investigation and teaching, loyalty to facts, and en-
couragement of efficiency, initative and originality in
investigation and teaching, the tone of the institution,
including the existence and culture of good morals and
ideals, and satisfaction and enthusiasm among stu-
dents and staff shall be factors in determining its

16. Extra-Curricular Activities:

The proper administration of athletics, student publi-

40 Oglethorpe University

cations, student organizations, and all extra-curricular
activities, is one of the fundamental tests of a standard
college, and therefore, should be considered in classi-

17. Professional and Technical Departments:

When the institution has, in addition to the college of
arts and sciences, professional or technical depart-
ments, the colleges of arts and sciences shall not be
accepted for the approved list of the State Department
of Education unless the professional or technical de-
partments are of approved grade, national standards
being used when available.

18. Inspection and Reports:

Filing of Blank No institution shall be placed on
the approved list unless a regular information blank has
been filed with the State Department of Education.
The blank shall be filed again for each of the three
years after the college has been approved, and trien-
nially thereafter, but the Department may for due cause
call upon any member to file a new report at any time.
Failure to file the blank as required shall be cause for
dropping an institution.

Inspection No college will be placed on the approved
list until it has been inspected and reported upon by
the agent or agents regularly appointed by the State
Department of Education. All colleges accredited by
the Department shall be open to inspection at any time.

Oglethorpe University was the first educational in-
stitution in Georgia to be inspected and fully accred-
ited by the State Board of Education after the adop-
tion of the above Standards, following the approval
of them by all the educational institutions in the com-

Oglethorpe University 41


The following regulations are made by the State
Board of Education for the protection of standards on
which teachers are certificated and on which the state
salary schedule is based. We request the full coopera-
tion of teachers, superintendents, principals, and col-
lege authorities in making them effective.

1. Regulation 15 of the last (1940) bulletin on cer-
tification is as follows:

"A teacher who is regularly employed may not re-
ceive credit for more than three courses (10 se-
mester hours, 15 quarter hours, 5 college hours)
begun or completed within the school year. No
regularly employed teacher may receive during any
year, including summer school, credit for more
than seven courses 23 1-3 semester hours)."

In the cases of all work done after September 1, 1941,
this regulation will be interpreted as follows:

a. During any three months in which he is regu-
larly employed, a teacher may not earn credit
for more than one course. Credits exceeding
one course during any quarter will not be car-
ried forward to be accepted the following year.

b. During any six weeks of summer school, not
more than two courses or 6 2-3 semester hours
of credit may be earned.

c. A teacher who is employed regularly for nine
months may thus earn a total credit of three

42 Oglethorpe University

courses during the school year, four courses in
a twelve weeks' summer school, or a total of
seven courses the calendar year.

2. Regulation 16 is as follows:

"Not more than one-fourth of the total credit re-
quired for any certificate may be earned by cor-
respondence or class extension. This regulation
will not be retroactive for the dates prior to Sep-
tember 1, 1939."

Oglethorpe University 43

General Information


1. Each student will first report to the Dean of the
school in which he wishes to register. With his course
and schedule approved by his Dean, the student will
present his schedule card to the Registrar. He will then
record his courses on triplicate cards.

2. A student is not considered registered until he
registers his subjects in the Registrar's office, has these
courses approved by the Registrar, secures a bill from
the Bursar, and pays the Cashier.

3. No student is to be admited to class without a
student card issued by the Cashier when he has set-
tled his financial obligations to the University.

4. At the beginning of each term, a few days after
registration, the Registrar sends to each professor
course cards for each student who has registered.
Should a student fail to appear in class before the ten
days allowed for changing, dropping or adding subjects,
the profesor is to notify the Registrar immediately.
Failure of the professor to do so does not excuse the
student from the financial obligation involved.

5. As soon as course cards are received from the
Registrar's office, each profesor must check his roll
and report to the Registrar immediately the names of
any students in his classes for whom he does not have
a card.

6. Subjects may be changed, dropped or added only
during the first ten days of each term and only upon
written permission from the Dean of the school in v/hich
the student is enrolled.

44 Oglethorpe University

7. Students are allowed to register up to one-third
of the term. It is necessary that a student attend at
least two-thirds of the term's classes if credit is desired.

8. Each student is required to register in person.

9. A fine of $1.00 per day (maximum limit one-
third of the duration of the term concerned) is charged
for any student who registers after the dates set aside
for registration as per college calendar.

1 0. As it is impossible to know how many hours of
work each student will register for at the beginning of
each term, no bills are sent out in advance. The stu-
dent is advised to get an estimate of his expenses before
the term begins.

11. Deans of departments can require delinquent
students to drop specific courses only at the beginning
of each term.

12. In the Summer School students must register
within six days of the beginning of each term.


A charge of $1 a day will be made for students who
register after the time set for registration at the begin-
ning of the winter and spring terms.


A penalty of $1.00 will be charged each student mov-
ing articles of furniture from one room to another with-
out permission from either the Bursar's office or the
Cashier's office. This fine will also be charged any stu-
dent changing his room without permission from the

A fine of $1.00 a day (up to one-third of the term)

Oglethorpe University 45

will be charged for late registration. Winter and Spring

A fine of $5.00 is charged if any student attends a
class or examination without registration, which in-
cludes payment of charges.


As a basis for determining the classes to which a stu-
dent shall belong, the following regulation is to apply:
a first year student must have fulfilled the requirements
for entrance to his classes by one of the methods
specified. In addition to his entrance units, a second
year student must have completed fifteen year hours; a
junior thirty year hours; and a senior forty-five year
hours. Special students will not be eligible for admis-
sion to either of the four college classes, or membership
in any of the social fraternities or sororities or the ath-
letic or forensic teams representing the University. A
student failing to receive sufficient credits during any
year to entitle him to enter the next higher class must
remain in the lower class until the deficiencies are ab-
solved. Back work in a required subject must be made
up within the next term; otherwise the student will be
excluded from the class to which he would naturally


The average number of hours a week for first year
students is sixteen to seventeen, and is uniform for
all schools of the University. The number of hours
a week for the upperclassmen differs. In order to avoid
errors in registration all students are required to arrange
their courses and hours with the Deans of the schools
which they wish to enter. This also applies to special

46 Oglethorpe University

Freshmen, Sophom*ores, and Juniors may not take
more than 1 8 hours a week unless they have made an
average of B with no grade below C in the previous
term. If a student wishes to make more than 20 hours,
the written consent of the Dean must be secured, re-
gardless of the average made. Seniors are not limited,
but the written consent of the Dean must be secured.

There must be 66 minimum year hours (198 term
hours) of regular standard work for every degree. One
hour per year may be selected by the student from
Music, Intramural Sports, Football, Debaters' Club,
Players' Club and work on the Petrel, not on the Yama-
craw. The student must register in advance and pay for
these, and they must be certified to by the professor
in charge.


For a supplemental examination, whether on account
of failure to pass or absence from the University, the
student is to pay a fee of $2.00, receipt for which must
be secured from the Cashier and presented to the pro-
fessor before the examination is given. The examina-
tion must be taken in the term following the regular
term. In case the student is out of school one or more
terms, he may take it in the term in which he returns.
If the grade is below 50, the student is not entitled to a
re-examination. A fine of $5.00 is imposed upon any
student taking a re-examination without having paid
this $2 fee in advance.


A student accumulating a total of ten unexcused
absences from all classes in one term will forfeit one
hour of credit and two quality points. A total of four

Oglethorpe University 47

absences in one term from the Tuesday morning As-
sembly carries the same penalty.

All absences concerning illness are to be referred to
and approved by the head of the infirmary. Absences
concerning college affairs are to be referred to and ap-
proved by Dean Patrick. Reports on absences are to be
filed in the Registrar's office, and students are not to
be excused by any other faculty member.

Excused absences are those caused by illness, ab-
sence from classes on account of college duties, or for
other reasons approved by the Dean.

Excuses for absences must be filed in the Regis-
trar's office by the Monday afternoon following the
week in which the absences occurred.

Continued and deliberate cutting of classes may in-
volve dismissal from the University.

Absences will be counted from the first regular class
session, whether the student is enrolled at the time or
not, unless excused by the Dean.


A student who is failing in any of his courses dur-
ing a term will be given personal warning, and a letter
will be written to his parents or guardian by the Dean
of his school or the Registrar. If a student be seriously
behind he may be required to withdraw from the Uni-

A student must pass at least 50 per cent of his work
each term; failure for two successive terms shall au-
tomatically cause the student to be dropped, provided

Unexcused absences will be counted against a student who is
in arrears on the payment of dues, dating from the time when
payment is due.

48 Oglethorpe University

however that if such student has registered for the
ensuing term he may continue until the completion
thereof, and if he shall have exhibited a marked im-
provement in his studies, the Dean of his department
may recommend to the faculty the continuance of such


No withdrawal from the University can be consid-
ered as duly authorized unless a student officially no-
tifies the Dean of the University at the time of with-
drawal. Mere absence from school or non-attendance
upon any class cannot be construed as definite with-
drawal. If the reasons for withdrawal are acceptable
to the Dean, the student's withdrawal is approved, re-
corded, and dated; and the student is entitled to "hon-
orable dismissal."

Courses of Instruction and
Requirements for Degrees

In the session of 1942-43 Oglethorpe University will
offer courses in the undergraduate classes of eight
schools leading to the customary academic degrees.
The degree of Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) in Liberal Arts
will be conferred upon those students satisfactorily
completing a four years' course as outlined below, based
largely on the study of the languages. The degree of
Bachelor of Arts in Science will be conferred upon
those students who satisfactorily complete a four years'
course largely in scientific studies. The degree of
Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Journalism will be
given to those students who complete a course including
work in languages, literature and journalism. The de-

Oglethorpe University 49

gree of Bachelor of Arts in Commerce will be conferred
upon those students who satisfactorily complete a full
four years' course in the studies relating particularly
to the business administration. The degree of Bachelor
or Arts in Education will be conferred upon those stu-
dents who complete the studies in the School of Edu-
cation. The degree of Bachelor of Arts in Secretarial
Preparation will be conferred upon those students who
complete the studies in that School.

The degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Fine Arts will
be given to those students who complete the require-
ments in the School of Fine Arts. A diploma, but not a
degree, is given to students completing a two-year course
in Art.

The degree of Bachelor of Arts in Physical Educa-
tion will be given to those students specializing in that

By a careful study of the courses outlined below, the
student will easily be able to make the choice most suit-
able to his taste and probable future life.

In general, it may be suggested that students pre-
paring to enter such professions as the ministry or law,
will choose the A.B. course in Liberal Arts; those look-
ing forward to medicine, dentistry, engineering and
other scientific work, the A.B. course in Science; those
expecting to enter the literary and journalistic field,
the A.B. course in Literature, and those who intend to
spend their lives in the business world, the A.B. course
in Commerce, or the A.B. course in Secretarial Prepara-
tion; those who expect to teach, the A.B. course in Edu-

While each of these courses is so shaped as to in-
fluence the student toward a certain end, colored
largely by the type of studies, yet each course will be
found to include such subjects of general culture as are

50 Oglethorpe University

necesary to the making of a life as distinguished from
a living.

Graduates of standard normal schools or junior col-
leges are admitted to the junior class.

Quality Points, Credits, Graduation

The following system of Quality Points has been

Superior A (90-99) 3 quality points for each year

Good B (80-89) 2 quality points for each year

Fair C (70-79) 1 quality point for each year hour.

Passing D (60-69) no quality points.

Condition E (50-59) re-examination.

Failure F (below 50) no re-examination.

Inc. Incomplete.

In the junior division of the college 30 quality points
must have been achieved before the student is recog-
nized as being in the senior dvision. The student lack-
ing the required 30 points will be required to remain
in the junior college until the needed quality points
have been achieved through further studies. For gradua-
tion in the senior college the student must have achiev-
ed 30 additional quality points for graduation and the
degree. Transfer students must achieve 15 quality
points for each year spent in study in Oglethorpe Uni-

No fractional credits made either in Oglethorpe Uni-
versity or by transcript from another institution will be
recognized for graduation in any freshman or sophom*ore

All transfer credits in order to be acceptable to Ogle-
thorpe University must come from standard institutions
of at least junior college or normal grade.

Oglethorpe University 51

Correspondence and extension credits combined will
be accepted to 25 per cent of the total requirements for
the degree.

In determining the rating of both high schools and
colleges for any year the university is governed by the
rulings of the department of Education of the State of

Definite official transcripts are required for admis-
sion both to the graduate and under-graduate divis-

A student who has had two years of a modern lan-
guage in high school cannot receive credit for Fresh-
man work in that language.

All diplomas and degrees of Oglethorpe University are
granted upon the basis of credits for regular class room
attendance and the successful passing of examinations.
No credits are given for any form of private instruction
nor for any course in which the student was not formally
registered. All courses for which credits are given
must be advertised in the catalogue or filed in advance
in writing with the Registrar by the Dean of the Depart-
ment in which they are offered and approved by the
President of the University, and must be announced by
bulletin as available to any and all students qualified
to take them under catalogue regulations. All classes
must be met in regular class rooms provided therefor by
the University. No credit for any form of work done,
other than as described above, will be granted.


Candidates for graduation must file with the Regis-
trar, at least a month before the time of graduatoin,
a written application, by filling out a blank form prepar-
ed for the purpose. The student is held responsible for
filing this application.

52 Oglethorpe University

University Expenses


No charges are made for the usual College fees such
as matriculation, laboratories, infirmary, contingent,
and use of library.

The charge for tuition is $80.00 per term, $240.00
per academic year of approximately nine months. For
this sum a student is entitled to take from 1 2 to 17 credit
hours of work per week. No student is permitted to take
less than 12 hours per week and those students who take
more than 17 credit hours per week are required to pay
for the extra hours at the rate of $15.00 per hour. These
sums are payable in cash in advance, at the beginning
of each term, but the Cashier is given the authority,
when a student has proven that his credit is good, to
allow that student to pay one half of the charges at the
beginning of the term and the other half on or before
a date which the Cashier will set and which will not be
later than the middle of the term. This means of paying
tuition fee is applicable also to charges for board and
room rent.

In the Adult Education Department, charges are
$13.50 for Vi course, subject to discount of one-third
to teachers, $9.00 per half course, r\e\. The summer
school charges for 1942 are the same as charges in
Adult Education Department. Room, $36.00 for the
entire summer term or $18.00 for each half. Board,
$90.00 for entire summer term or $45.00 for each half.
Relatives and friends who do not attend college classes
may board in the dormitories by paying the regular
"oom rent and board charges.

Oglethorpe University 53

Students holding self help positions are not allowed

liy additional discount on bills or permitted to hold

iny other self help job or scholarships. This does not

include N.Y.A. Scholarships.

Board and Room Rent

The dormitory facilities of Oglethorpe University are
among the safest and most comfortable of those of
cognate institutions in America. All permanent build-
ings of the University will be like those now finished,
which are believed to be entirely fireproof, being con-
structed of steel, concrete, and granite with partitions of
brick and hollow tile.

The rates named are based upon two grades of rooms.
The charge for rent is based on the size and conven-
iences of each room. The price charged includes first
class board, steam heat and electric lights, water and
janitor's service; all rooms are furnished adequately and
substantially. Every room in the dormitory contains
ample closet and |or wardrobe space. The rooms are
large, airy, safe and comfortable.

The furniture is of substantial quality and is ap-
proximately the same for all rooms, including chiffon-
ier, study-table, chairs, single beds, springs and mat-
tresses. Room linen, pillows and bed clothing are fur-
nished by the student. Application for rooms should
be made as early as possible. For reservation of room
inclose $5.00 reservation fee (non-returnable) to be
credited on first payment for room rent.

All students rooming in the dormitories are required
also to board at the college cafeteria and any student
not rooming on the college campus may take his or her

54 Oglethorpe University

meals at the cafeteria. Students employed by the Uni-
versity must board and room on the campus.

The charge for board and room rent per term is as

Board: The minimum charge for board is $90.00
per term. This is furnished in the form of meal tickets.
Additional tickets may be purchased by the student if
desired. No rebate is given on unused meal tickets,
and no transfer of use of meal tickets from one term
to another is allowed. The University assumes no re-
sponsibility for, and will not replace, any meal tickets
which may be lost or mutilated. All charges are pay-
able in advance by the term, of approximatetly eleven
weeks as per college calendar, and no rebate is allowed
for any reason. The particular attention of the student
is called to the fact that the issuance of these meal
tickets is for their convenience, solely; that they are
good only for meals taken during the term for which
they are issued and that the minimum charge for them
is $90.00 for each term, and is not subject to rebate of
any kind on account of failure of students to use the
tickets which are furnished them.

Room Rent: Minimum charge for room rent is $36
per term, two to a room.

Charges: The University reserves the right to raise
or lower any and all charges, to discontinue any and
all discounts and scholarships, to cancel any and all
contracts for self-help work and to lower or raise cafe-
teria prices at will, as conditions may require.

All charges are based upon and payable by the term,
in advance, not by the month or year. The lengths of
terms are specified in the college calendar. When
payments are permitted under special conditions the

Oglethorpe University 55

obligation of the student to meet deferred payments
is not thereby impaired. Such special privileges of
payment will be withdrawn in all cases where the stu-
dent fails to make settlement without previous billing
or notice. A penalty of $5.00 is assessed on all stu-
dents attending classes or any examination without
having settled their account in advance and $1 per day
for delayed registration of Winter and Spring terms.
If a student attends a single class, or occupies a dor-
mitory room for a single night or purchases a cafe-
teria ticket, the contract for that term is thus made
binding and no rebate of any kind will be allowed on
board (cafeteria meal tickets), room rent, tuition or
college fees for that term.

The minimum charges for board and room rent are
set at figures which years of experience have indicated
to be suitable to the average student. This is especially
true of board which is set low to suit many students who
so desire it. Those whose requirements are greater are
expected to purchase extra tickets.

The University discourages the occupation of one
room by more than two students and no reduction
in room rent is permitted on that account except in the
case of very large rooms furnished barracks style.

The University cafeteria furnishes a liberal assort-
ment of food at moderate prices, varying with the Atlanta


Upon petition of the Student Body, a special stu-
dent activity fee of $10.00 per term will be charged
for the session beginning September, 1942. The $30.00
fee will entitle the student to a subscription of the week-

56 Oglethorpe University

\y student paper, The Stormy Petrel ($1 .50 per year) and
The Yamacraw, (student year book), and to ten tickets
to each of the football games played at Hermance Sta-
dium during the autumn of 1942. These tickets, the
students are at liberty to sell or use for their friends
and guests.

In addition to the above, a season's pass will be given
to each student, admitting him or her, without further
charge, to all baseball, basketball and other athletic
contests played on the campus of the University during
the above mentioned session.


A penalty of $1.00 will be charged each student
moving articles of furniture from one room to another
without permission from either the Bursar's office or the
Cashier's office. This fine will also be charged any
student changing his room without permission from
the office.

A fine of $1.00 a day (up to one-third of the term)
will be charged for late registration. Winter and Spring

A fine of $5.00 is charged if any student attends
a class or examination without registration, which in-
cludes advance payment of charges.


The University maintains at all times an excellent
infirmary, with a nurse in attendance, for the prompt
treatment of accidents and of such cases of sickness
as may occur. By this means prolonged and serious illness

Oglethorpe University 57

can often be prevented. There is a University physician
who can be secured on short notice when his services
are needed. Students whose medical needs exceed the
facilities of the infirmary find every requirement satis-
fied by the hospitals of the city.

The University makes no charge to the students for
infirmary service, which includes also the attendance
of the college physician in the infirmary. In case of
special illness requiring operations or the services of
specialists, while the University frequently isabletosecure
reduced rates for students, yet" we assume no re-
sponsibility beyond such services as our college physician
and college infirmary are able to render. This includes
such accidents and injuries arising from participation in
inter-collegiate sports, as they may feel competent to
treat, in which case a special consideration is offered
as specified elsewhere.

Directions to New Students

Students coming to Oglethorpe University from a
distance should remember that Oglethorpe University
has its own station on the main line of the Southern
Railway between Atlanta and Washington. Tickets
may be purchased and baggage checked to Oglethorpe
University, Georgia, the station being immediately in
front of the campus. Students coming to Atlanta over
other lines may re-check their baggage to the University
station, or may have it delivered at a special rate by
the Atlanta Baggage and Cab Co. In using the latter
method mention should always be made of the special
students' rate at the time the order is given.

Students arriving at any of the Railway or Bus ter-
minals in Atlanta may board "Oglethorpe" street buses
at the points listed below. This method of trans-

5S Oglethorpe University

portation is much more economical than by taxicab.

Students arriving at the Terminal Station in Atlanta
may walk a distance of five blocks (down Mitchell Street
to Broad Street Street, up Broad Street to the southwest
corner of Broad and Walton Streets) and board the bus.

Students arriving at the Union Station may walk a
distance of three blocks, to Broad and Walton and
board the bus.

Students arriving at the Union Bus Terminal may
walk a distance of two blocks (up Carnegie Way to
Peachtree Street, up Peachtree Street one block to a
safety zone) and board the same bus at this point.

Fares on busses in Atlanta are ten cents for one
fare (cash) or two tokens for fifteen cents. These tok-
ens may be purchased from the bus operator.

Summer Session

The summer session of Oglethorpe University meets
the requirements of regular students who desire to speed
up their courses or to make up work that is unsatis-
factory. It also serves a large number of teachers
working toward degrees.

All summer courses are credited toward the attain-
ment of a degree, and afford a convenient way to speed
up the date of graduation. The work is given in courses
and half courses. One course is equivalent to one and
two-third year hours or three and one-third semester
hours. Write for bulletin of Summer Session.

Graduate School

It is the purpose of Oglethorpe University to de-
velop a thoroughly excellent Graduate School, offering

Oglethorpe University 59

courses in all departments leading to the Master's degree.
In supplying this need, the management of the Uni-
versity will be content only with the very highest grades
of work and facilities.

Courses leading to the Master's degree in certain
departments will be found outlined elsewhere in this
catalogue, under the appropriate department heading.
This degree is based upon that of Bachelor of Arts
of Oglethorpe University or of some other approved
institution. The candidate must carry an aggregate
of fifteen hours or nine courses of graduate work, with
at least two professors. A course is equivalent to one
and two-thirds year hours. One-half course equals
five-sixths of a year hour. Transfer credits (maximum
three and one-third year hours) will be allowed. The
work must be of graduate grade, and must be approved
by the Dean of the Graduate School and the Registrar.
In addition a thesis is required. But the degree is not
guaranteed at the end of a fixed period of time. A certain
amount of work must be accomplished, and the quality
of it must be such as to satisfy the professors concerned
and the whole faculty.

Students entering the graduate school in selecting
their major courses must be present not less than two
years (six year hours of 4 courses) of under-graduate
work in the same or closely related subjects evidenced
by official transcripts from standard institutions, rec-
ognized as such by the Department of Education of the
State of Georgia. In addition to this the student must
have had one year (three year hours or 2 courses) of
work in any subject selected as a minor.

A minimum of fifteen college hours or 9 courses and
a minimum of one year (nine months) of residence is
required for the Master's degree. A minimum of one
year or approximately nine months' residence is re-

60 Oglethorpe University

quired for the Bachelor's degree. Of the fifteen hours
or nine courses required for the Master's degree, not
less than nine year hours or five and one-half courses
shall be devoted to the major subject and the balance
selected by the advice and counsel of the Dean of the
department in which the student is working. In addition
a satisfactory thesis must be presented to the Faculty
Committee upon a subject approved by them and filed
with the Committee not less than ten days before the
date of graduation. Three additional hours may be
taken in iieu of a thesis.

The Registrar of the University will be pleased to
answer any inquires as to graduate courses to be offered.


It being the purpose of the University to offer its
services only to those students who by their appli-
cation and conduct show their appreciation of their op-
portunities and also to protect its patrons from the
demoralizing influences of indifferent and undesirable
students, the University will at its own discretion and
without further explanation, exercise the right to decline
re-registration at the beginning of any term to those
students who, in the opinion of the appointed officials
are not making satisfactory campus citizens.

In pursuance of this purpose, a complete list of the
student body is presented at the close of each term to
the deans of the University, to the dean of women, to
the librarian, to the bursar, matron, cashier, football
coach, superintendent, registrar and to the president of
the student body with directions that each of them
should canvass the list and set a mark opposite the
name of any student who, in their opinion, has definitely
failed in any of the following points:

Oglethorpe University 61

1 Continued failure to attend classes, including the
Tuesday assembly.

2 Continued failure in their classroom work and
inattention and misbehavior in the classrooms and at
assembly exercises.

3 Willful destruction of or damage to University

4 Disloyalty to the University and discoutesy to any
of the faculty or officials.

5 Evident dissatisfaction with rules and regula-
tions or discontent with facilities offered.

6 Ungentlemanly or unladylike behavior, includ-
ing cheating, stealing and drunkenness or continual
breach of good manners.

Should any student be marked adversely by as many
as four of the persons voting, he or she will not be re-
registered nor accepted as a student at a subsequent
term, this with no implication of expulsion but to meet
the standards adopted for our students.

The President of the University is directed to sup-
ervise the balloting and to warn all those taking part in
it to guard their votes against the influence of personal
prejudice. Only the best interests of the students and
the good of the institution are to be considered.

The appointed officials of the institution reserve the
right to suspend or expel any student whose conduct or
lack of proper application to his studies may, in the
opinion of said officials, warrant the suspension or ex-
pulsion. All contracts and agreements made with the
students by the University are subject to the above
conditions for continued attendance.

The Faculty and Administrative Officers of the Uni-
versity reserve to themselves the right to make any
changes in any of the rules or regulations contained

62 Oglethorpe University

herein or to change any of the textbooks or other
study material which they may deem advisable at any
time. Notice of any change posted on the regular Bul-
letin Board maintained by the University shall be suffi-

Oglethorpe University 63

School of Liberal Arts

Leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the
Liberal Arts

G. F. Nicolassen, Dean

This course of study is intended to encourage es-
pecially the study of languages, ancient and modern.

No Latin is required for entrance or for graduation.
But at least one year of Latin is very desirable for the
better understanding of English words and English gram-
mar. Such a course may be taken in college.

Considerable variety is possible in following the
curriculum on page 69, as there are two sections of
English 1, two in Spanish 1, and the languages may be
taken in almost any order. But this arrangement should
be followed in the main to avoid conflict of classes in
the later years. Each student in the Liberal Arts
course should consult the Dean at the very beginning and
have his work mapped out for the whole four years.

At least one year of German and one year of French
will be required either in High School or in College.

Any subject that has been taken in High School must
be replaced by an elective.

Latin 111-2-3.* For entrance into this class the stu-
dents are expected to have had at least three years of

Explanation of Course Numbers

*The numbering- system at Oglethorpe University is based on
the following principle: All one hundred numbers are fresh-
man subjects; two hundred numbers are sophom*ore subjects;
three hundred numbers are junior subjects, and four hundred

64 Oglethorpe University

high school Latin. They must be able to translate Eng-
lish into Latin with some facility. Livy and Horace
will be studied in this year. Prose composition, both
ora! and written, will be carried on throughout the year.
Elective. Three hours.

Latin 211-2-3. The studies in this class will be in
Tacitus and Juvenal. Twice a week throughout the
year. Elective. Two hours.

Latin 311-2-3. This class will take up such authors
as the class may need. This course may be arranged
for those who wish to teach Latin. Twice a week
throughout the year. Elective. Two hours.


Greek 111-2-3. Preparatory. This course is designed
not merely for those who have no previous knowledge
of the language, but also for those whose preparation
is inadequate. The most important subjects, both in
inflection and syntax, are presented early in the course
and then by a system of weekly reviews, are kept
constantly fresh.

Text-Books: White's First Greek Book, Xenophon's
Anabasis (Goodwin and White). Three times a week
throughout the year. Elective. Three hours.

Greek 211-2-3. The preparation for entrance into

numbers donate senior subjects. All courses above five hun-
dred are graduate courses.

The second figure in a course number denotes the sequence,
there being nine possible courses in each subject in the fresh-
man, sophom*ore, junior, and senior divisions. For instance,
English 121 is a freshman subject offered in the first term^
and is the second English course listed in the catalogue.
The last figure in the course number denotes the term one
signifying the first or autumn term; two signifying the second
or winter term, and three the spring or third term. For in-
the n firsf "frm 11 1U is a freshman course in English given in

Oglethorpe University 65

this class is not so much a matter of time as of tho-
-oughness. The student is expected to know the ordi-
nary Attic inflections and syntax, to have read about
3ne book of the Anabasis, and to have had consider-
able practice in translating English into Greek.

A part of the work of this class consists of the min-
ute study of the verbs, their principal parts, synopsis
of tenses, and inflection of certain portions.

Written translations of English into Greek are re-
quired once a week. On the other days a short oral
exercise of this kind forms a part of the lesson; so that
in each recitation some practice is had in translating
English into Greek. Elective. Two hours.

Text-Books: Xenophon's Anabasis (Goodwin and
White), Memorabilia, Adams's Lysias, Goodwin's Greek
Grammar, Pearson's Greek Prose Composition, Myers's
Eastern Nations and Greece, Liddell and Scott's Greek
Lexicon (unabridged.)

Greek 311-2-3. In the first term Demosthenes will
be read; in the second, Herodotus; in the third, Homer.
Elective. Two hours.

Graduate Courses in Latin and Greek

511-2-3. Those who are thinking of taking gradu-
ate courses are advised to write to the President or to
the Professor, that their preliminary studies may be so
guided as to fit them for the work. The requirements
for entrance into these courses are given elsewhere in
this catalogue, under the head of Graduate School.

In Latin the following course is offered for the A.M.,
degree: Vergil's complete works; Vergil in the Middle
Ages; History of Classical Scholarship; Textual Criticism.

66 Oglethorpe University


German 111-2-3. Elementary German, largely con-
versational and oral, developing reasonable fluency in
speaking. Elective for Freshmen. Fall, Winter and
Spring terms. Three hours.

German 21 1-2-3. Easy reading of a number of nov-
elettes, such as Storm's Immensee, Hillern's Hoeher als
die Kirche, etc., together with critical study of grammar
and exercises in composition, letters, etc. Elective
for Sophom*ores. Fall, Winter and Spring terms. Three

German 311-2-3. German Classics, mainly dramatic
writings of Schiller, Goethe and Lessing, together with
the elementary principles of language science and also
composition. Elective for Juniors and Seniors. Fall,
Winter and Spring terms. Three hours.

German 411-2-3. History of German Literature, ac-
companied by some anthology of the leading poets and
writers. Elective. Fall Winter and Spring terms. Three

German 511-2-3. Graduate course leading to the
degree of Master of Arts will be arranged upon demand.


French 111-2-3. A course for beginners in this lan-
guage. The student is given a sound foundation in
elementary grammar, and special emphasis is put upon
correct pronunciation.

Texts: Elementary French Grammar, newspapers
and magazines, and short novels. Prerequisite: None.

Three times a week throughout the year. Elective
Three hours.

Oglethorpe University 67

French 211-2-3. A rapid but comprehensive course
in French grammar, with extensive reading of con-
temporary French authors. Only French is spoken in
the classroom.

Texts: A French grammar and various works of
modern French writers.

Prerequisite: French 111-2-3, or two years of high
school French. Three times a week throughout the
year. Elective. Three hours.

French 31 1-2-3. This course is devoted to the study
Df the French novel and short play of the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. All discussion is in French.
Two hours.

French 311-2-3 alternates with French 321-2-3. Stu-
dents completing French 311-2-3 and desiring to con-
tinue French may elect either French 321-2-3 or French

Texts: Works of modern French novelists and short
story writers, periodicals.

Prerequisite: French 211-2-3 or three years of high
school French. Three times a week throughout the
/ear. Elective. Three hours.

French 321-2-3. This course is devoted to an inten-
sive study of the French drama and poetry of the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. All discussion is
in French.

French 321-2-3 alternates with French 311-2-3. Stu-
dents completing French 321-2-3 and desiring to con-
tinue French may elect either French 31 1-2-3 or French

Texts: Numerous works of French dramatists and

Prerequisite: French 21 1-2-3, or three years of high
school French. Three times a week throughout the year.
Elective. Three hours.

68 Oglethorpe University

French 411-2-3. This is a course devoted to the
history of French literature, which traces the evolution
of the French language and the development of French
literature through the Middle Ages to the present time.
Specimens of French of the various periods are read and
discussed in French.

Prerequisite: French 311-2-3 or French 321-2-3.

Two times a week throughout the year. Elective.
Two hours.

French 511-2-3. Graduate work in French may be


Spanish 111-2-3. A beginner's course in Spanish.
The aim of this course is to give the student a sound
foundation in elementary grammar, reading, writing
and conversation. Correct pronunciation is given em-

Texts: Elementary grammar, newspapers, short
stories, and histories of Spanish speaking countries.

Prerequisite: None. One hour three times a week
throughout the year. Elective. Three hours.

Spanish 211-2-3. This is a more advanced course,
giving special attention to conversation, with a tho-
rough study of Spanish grammar and rapid reading of
modern Spanish literature. The life, habits and cus-
toms of Spain, Mexico, Central and South America, and
Cuba are discussed in Spanish.

Texts: Advanced Spanish grammar, the works of
Spanish writers, newspapers and magazines, including
current periodicals.

Prerequisite: Spanish 111-2-3, or two years of high
school Spanish.

Oglethorpe University 69

Three times a week throughout the year. Elective
Three hours.

Spanish 31 1-2-3. This course is an attempt to com-
bine a critical examination of the Spanish novel of the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries with a comprehensive
yet intensive study of Spanish commerical correspon-
dence and business methods. Spanish is used altogether
in class discussions.

Spanish 311-2-3 is given in alternate years. Stu-
dents completing Spanish 311-2-3 and desiring to con-
tinue Spanish may elect Spanish 321-2-3.

Texts: Works of modern Spanish novelists, Span-
ish newspapers and magazines, and commercial texts.

Prerequisite: Spanish 21 1-2-3, or three years of high
school Spanish. Two hours.

Spanish 321-2-3. This course combines a study of
the Spanish drama with a study of Spanish commercial
correspondence and business methods (See Spanish
31 1-2-3 above). All class-room discussion is in Spanish.
Two hours.

Students completing Spanish 321-2-3 and desiring
to continue Spanish may elect Spanish 31 1-2-3.

Texts: Spanish dramas, Spanish periodicals, and
Spanish commercial texts.

Prerequisite: Spanish 21 1-2-3, or three years of high
school Spanish.

Two times a week throughout the year. Elective
when not required. Two hours.

Spanish 511-2-3. For graduate students. Careful
study and recitations of texts of Spanish Literature.
Research work carried on under the direction of the
professor. Three meetings a week.


Oglethorpe University


Italian I I 1-2-3. A complete course for beginners in
Italian. The aim of this course is to give the student
an early reading, writing and speaking knowledge of
the language, with a stud/ of elementary grammar.
Emphasis is put upon correct pronunciation. This
course is especially recommended to students of music.

Texts: Elementary grammar, newspapers and mag-
azines, short novels, plays and operas.

Prerequisite: None. One hour three times a week
throughout the year. Elective if not required. Three

Italian 211-2-3. Continuation of Italian 111-2-3.
Texts: Dante, D'Annunzio.

Curriculum for the School of Liberal Arts

First Year


English 111* 3

Mathematics 111 3

Physics 111, or

Biology 111 5

One Language 3

History 111 3


Third Year

Psychology 3

Two of the following:

History 311 or 411; So-
ciology; Economics 6

Mythology and Etymology 2

Two languages 4

Electives 2


Second Year


English 211 3

One of the following:
Mathematics 211; His-
tory 211 ; Latin

or Greek 2 or 3

Chemistry 111 5

Two languages 4

Bible 111 or 211 2

16 or 17

Fourth Year

Philosophy 3

History 311 or 411 3

Cosmic History 411 1

Two languages _. 4

Journalism 3

Electives : 2


Oglethorpe University 71

School of Literature and Journalism

J. D. Mosteller, Acting Dean

The work in the School of Literature and Journalism
is based upon two groups of courses, either one of
which leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Al-
though Latin is not required for entrance, two or three
years of Latin are desirable.

A small number of electives are permitted students.
However, these electives must have a definite relation
to the complete course which the student is pursuing
toward a degree.

The group of courses which centers in the study of
English has the two fold purpose of giving students
command over the use of their own tongue in both
speaking and writing, and of familiarizing them with
those aspects of English literature which are usually
treated in undergraduate courses. These courses also
constitute an excellent basis for the one-year speciali-
zation in English language and literature which leads to
the degree of Master of Arts.

The second group of courses features training in
journalism. Students who elect this group are expected
to pursue the basic courses in literature, history, econo-
mics, political science, and sociology.


English 1 1 1-2-3. Composition. This required fresh-
man course combines extended practice in writing with
the reading of modern prose and poetry. The chief
object of this course is to teach the student to arrange
his thoughts clearly and present them with force. Con-
tinual emphasis is laid on increasing the store of words.

72 Oglethorpe University

No student will be permitted to take advanced work in
English until he has made a satisfactory record in this
basic course. Three hours.

English 141-2-3. English Bible. Old Testament. A
survey study of the major books of the Old Testament.
Special emphasis is placed on the political development
of Israel as found in the Pentatetuch and the books of
history. The Poetical Books and Prophetic Books will
be studied not only as literature, but as links paving the
way for the life of Jesus, as recorded in the New Testa-
ment. Two hours.

English 21 1-2-3. Survey of English Literature. This
course comprises: an examination of the history of this
literature; the study in class and the reading of parallel
representative literary specimens of its entire develop-
ment; consideration of the various types of literature;
analysis of the various forms; study of the elements of
versification. This course is designed to complete the
student's general study of literature and to introduce
him to specialized literary subjects. Consequently, sat-
isfactory completion of this course is prerequisite to
courses offered for juniors and seniors. Three hours.

English 221-2-3. Technique of Journalism. A pro-
fessional course designed for students of journalism. It
is elective for juniors and seniors in other schools who
satisfy the dean of this school, in advance, concerning
their qualifications. In addition to editing, this course
will cover writing of the news story, the magazine ar-
ticle, and the special feature story. Five hours.

English 23 1 -2-3 . Theory and Practice of Public Speak-
ing. This course is designed primarily as a prepara-
tion for and an aid to practical speaking on all kinds of
formal and informal occasions. This course is re-

Oglethorpe University 73

quired in the School of Literature and Journalism. Two

English 251-2-3. English Bible. New Testament.
The study will include the mastery of the history con-
tained in the Bible, an analysis of each book and such
other matters as are required for the proper under-
standing of the work. It will not be treated from a sec-
tarian point of view, or as mere history or literature.
The aim will be to impart such a knowledge of the
subject as every intelligent man should possess, enab-
ling him to read his Bible with pleasure and profit. An
effort will be made to give students the proper defense
of seeming difficulties in the Bible, both for their own
benefit and in behalf of their ability to meet objections
of unbelievers. Two hours.

English 351-2-3. Mythology and Etymology. The
first two terms will be devoted to the study of Mythol-
ogy, so that readers of English literature may be able
to understand allusions to classical stories.

The third term of this course is designed to show the
origin of English words derived from Greek and Latin,
especially scientific terms. Students looking forward to
medicine will find this course particularly helpful. No
knowledge of either Latin or Greek is required for en-
trance. Two hours.

English 361-2-3. Shakespeare. A brief considera-
tion of the development of the English drama before
Shakespeare; an intensive study of at least five plays
of Shakespeare. Prerequisites, English 111-2-3 and
211-2-3. Three hours.

English 381-2-3. American Literature. Those as-
pects of our literature and its history which are covered
in this course are: the colonial writers and the develop-

74 Oglethorpe University

ment of early American literature; the literature of
the Revolution and of our national development; the
most prominent writers and movements in American
literature of the last two generations. Prerequisites,
English 1 1 1-2-3 and 21 1-2-3. Three hours.

English 421-2-3. Descriptive English Grammar. All
qualified students who propose to teach in the graded
schools or the high schools should elect this course.
Prerequisites, English 111-2-3 and 211-2-3 or the con-
sent of the dean. Three hours.

English 431-2-3. Argumentation and Debate. An
advanced public speaking course, this class emphasizes
the logical and factual presentation of speeches. In ad-
dition to a workbook on debate and discussion, a study
is made of such necessary subjects as: the proposition,
gathering material, refutation, the brief and outlining,
with a special study of formal debate. The winter term
consists of class debates on timely resolutions. Pre-
requisite, English 231-2-3. Two hours.

English 461-2-3. English Poetry of the Nineteenth
Century. After a brief survey of the pre-romantic writ-
ers and some consideration of the individual contribu-
tions to poetry by Blake and Burns, the chief attention
of this course will be directed to those poets who have
made the nineteenth century notable in English poetry.
Poets particularly emphasized are: Wordsworth, Col-
eridge, Byron, Keats, and Shelley. This course is re-
quired of all seniors who take the English major. It
should be elected by advanced, qualified students who
desire a distinctly cultural course or who expect to teach.
Prerequisites, English 111-2-3 and 211-2-3. Three

Oglethorpe University 75

Department of Drama

Play Production 7 7 7-2-3. Three hours.
Radio Play Production 7 7 7-2-3. Three hours.

Curricula for the School of Literature and Journalism
Group I: English Major

First Year

English 111 (Composition)
French, German or Spanish
History of Civilization 111
Science: Biology 121,
Chemistry 111, or Phy-
sics 111


. 5
. 3


Second Year

English 211 (Sur. Eng.
Lit. )

French, Ger. or Spanish
English 141 or 251 (Bible)
Education 211 (Gen. Fsy.)
English 231 (Pub. Speak.)

. 3


Third Year

English 381 (Am. Lit.) .___ 3
English 351 (Myth. & Ety.) 2
History 211 (European

History) 3

History of Art 2

English 361 (Shakespeare) 3

Typewriting 111 2

Elective 2


Fourth Year

English 461 (Poetry of

Nineteenth Century) 3

Cosmic History 431 1

Music Appreciation 511 3

History 411 (Am. History) 3

English 3

Elective 3



Oglethorpe University
Group II: Journalism Major

First Year

English 111 (Composition) 3

Economic Geography 111 3

History of Civilization 111 3
Science: Biol. 121, Chem.

Ill or Physics 111 5

Elective 3


Second Year

English 211 (Sur. Eng.
Lit.) 3

French, Ger. or Spanish 111 3
English 221 (Journalism) 3
Principles of Economics 211 3

Typewriting 111 2

Elective 2


Third Year

English 381 (Am. Lit.) __ 3

Political Science 211 3

French, Ger. or Spanish 211 3
History 211 (European

History) 3

English 351 (Myth. & Ety.) 2
Elective 3

Fourth Year

Sociology 421 3

History 411 (Am. History) 3

Cosmic History 431 1

Advertising 451 2

English 361 (Shakespeare) 3

English 231 (Pub. Speak.) 2

Elective 2



Oglethorpe University 77

The School of Science

Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Science
J. A. Aldrich, Dean

The School of Science is organized to help all stu-
dents who expect to make a living by exploiting nature.
It endeavors to build a solid foundation for future work
in such professions as Agriculture, Engineering, Medicine
and Dentistry, and to prepare for industrial occupations
not yet organized into professional groups.

It hopes, through the medium of its courses, to build
a true perspective and its corollary, a sane judgment of
relative values attainments which are basic in any
liberal culture.


Astronomy 111-2-3. A study of the solar and stel-
lar systems together with a consideration of the in-
struments used and methods employed. Two lectures
and one laboratory or observational period per week
throughout the year. Three hours.

Astronomy 121-2-3. Exercises and observations in
volving the fundamentals of the processes used in
practical Astronomy and Astrophysics. One period per
week throughout the year. One hour.

Prospective students are advised that first year
Mathematics and Physics 1 1 1 will be of great service
to them in these courses.

Stacy-Capers Telescope. A six inch refracting in-
strument with a focal length of ninety inches. It
was formerly the property of an alumnus of the old
Oglethorpe and is named in honor of him and of Dr.
James Stacy, the donor.

78 Oglethorpe University


Biology 1 1 1-2-3. General Biology. Open to all stu-
dents v/ithout previous training in science. An in-
troductory course in the principles of animal and plant
biology presenting the fundamental facts of vital struc-
tures and functions. Some conception of the evolution
of animals and plants is given by a laboratory study of a
series of types beginning with the lowest forms.

Three lectures or recitations and four hours of lab-
oratory work weekly throughout the year. Five hours.
(All Freshmen in Biology must take a course in Draw-

Biology 121-2-3. General Botany. This course cov-
ers in outline the entire plant kingdom, beginning with
the unicellular and ending with a study of the native
local wild flora. It includes a brief study of the prin-
ciples of plant biology with reference to the fundamental
facts of vital structure and function. Open to all stu-
dents without previous training in science.

Two lectures or recitations and four hours of lab-
oratory work weekly throughout the year. Four hours.

Biology 131-2-3. Physiology and Personal Hygiene.
This course is designed to acquaint the student with
the structure and physiology of Man in a very ele-
mentary and general way. Some of the more impor-
tant diseases will be taken up; hygienic measures are
considered with reference to each organ system. The
main problems of Community Hygiene are also con-
sidered. Prerequisite: No previous knowledge of Bi-
ology is necessary. Three lectures weekly throughout
the year. Three hours.

Biology 211-2-3. General Zoology. A systematic
survey course of the animal kingdom. The structure,

Oglethorpe University 79

development, and life histories of the major groups of
Invertebrates and Vertebrates will be considered. The
course will also take up the distribution of animals in
time and space.

Prerequisite: No prerequisite is necessary, but Bi-
ology 111-2-3 or the equivalent would be helpful.

Two lectures and four hours of laboratory work week-
ly throughout the year. Four hours.

Biology 221-2-3. Plant Morphology. A detailed
study of the structure and functions of the higher plants
together with a consideration of the principles and
methods by which plants are classified. Parallel read-
ing and reports are required. Prerequisite: Biology

Two lectures or recitations and four hours of labora-
tory work weekly throughout the year. Four hours.

Biology 231-2-3. Anatomy. A lecture course deal-
ing with the anatomy of the human being. This course
is designed to acquaint the student in greater detail
than is done in Biology 131-2-3 with the structures as
found in Man. Prerequisite: Biology 131-2-3. Three
lectures weekly throughout the year. Three hours.

Biology 241-2-3. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy.
This course is designed especially for medical students
and those who are interested in Animal Biology. This
course undertakes to consider the various organs in the
light of their phylogenetic development. Emphasis will
also be placed on the ontogenetic development of or-
gans, as well as on fossil forms. The laboratory work
will consist largely of the study and dissection of the
representative Vertebrates, such as the dogfish, Nec-
turus, turtle, the bird and the cat.

80 Oglethorpe University

Three lectures and four hours laboratory work week-
ly throughout the year. Prerequisite: Biology 1 1 1-2-3.
Five hours.

Biology 311-2-3. Mammalian Anatomy. This course
is designed for pre-medical students or those interested
in Zoology. It deals with the phylogeny and ontology
of each organ system with special reference to the Mam-
mal with a view to a better understanding of the organs
as they are found in the human. A detailed anatom-
ical dissection of a typical mammal will be undertaken
in the laboratory.

Prerequisite: Biology 111-2-3, and Biology 211-2-3
or the equivalent. Three lectures and four hours lab-
oratory work weekly throughout the year. Five hours.

Biology 321-2-3. Taxonomy. This course includes
a study of the systematic arrangement of plants in
categories according to their natural relationships; also
the laws and principles of such relationships. The
course begins with the highest division and follows in
regular sequence through the class, order, family and
genus. Much of the work will be carried on in the lab-

Prerequisite: Biology 121. Two hours of lecture
and four hours of laboratory work per week through-
out the year. Four hours.

Biology 411-2-3. Theoretical Biology. A lecture
course designed especially to acquaint the student with
the study of Heredity, Eugenics, and the theory of Or-
ganic Evolution, as well as the trend of modern biolog-
ical investigations. Introduction to some of the more
important sources of biological literature will also be
undertaken. Prerequisite: Biology 111-2-3, or Biology

Oglethorpe University 81

211-2-3. Three lectures weekly throughout the year.
Three hours.

Biology 421-2-3. Educational Biology (or Applied
Biology.) This lecture course will undertaken to ac-
quaint the student with biological problems and phe-
nomena in which Man is primarily interested, such as
Man's place in Nature, the development of the human
before birth and after birth, contributions of Biology
to civic welfare, Biology in relation to Public Health.
This includes the consideration of the more important
parasites, such as hookworm, malaria, yellow fever, tri-
china. A brief history of Biology will also be consid-
ered. Prerequisite: Biology 111-2-3. Three lectures
weekly throughout the year. Three hours.

Biology 511-2-3. Special Work in Botany. This
course involves the investigation of some problam con-
nected with botanical studies. The work requires the
maturity of a senior or graduate student, and in gen-
eral only such students will be admitted to the course.
Hours and credits are to be arranged. Prerequisite:
Eight hours of credit in Botany.

Biology 521-2-3. Special Work in Zoology. This
course includes the investigation of some problem. Pre-
requisite: Biology 111-2-3, or 211-2-3, also 241-2-3,
and 311-2-3. Arrangement should be made with the
Professor in charge as to hours and credits.

Biology 331-2-3. Kinesiology. This course is de-
signed especially for those who are interested in phy-
sical education. The course deals with the muscles of
the human body with special reference to their action
in producing movements. A consideration of exercises
as well as various games and sports are considered in
the light of their effect upon the muscles. Prerequisite:

82 Oglethorpe University

Biology 231-2-3. Two lectures a week throughout the
year. Two hours.

Biology 431-2-3. Physical Diagnosis. Prerequisite:
Biology 131-2-3 and 231-2-3. Three lectures weekly
throughout the year. Three hours.

Biology 441-2-3. Advanced Comparative Anatomy.
Three hours.


Chemistry I 1 1-2-3. Elementary Inorganic Chemistry.
This course consists of lectures, demonstrations, and
laboratory exercises. During the year, as the students
are studying the subject, the work of the laboratory is
closely co-ordinated with that of the text. In the spring
term lectures on industrial chemistry are given, illus-
trated by inspection of local manufacturing plants.

Three lectures and four laboratory hours a week,
three terms. Five hours.

Chemistry 211-2-3. Analytical Chemistry. The time
devoted to this course is equally divided between the
following subjects:

(a) Qualitative Analysis.

A study of the analytical processes, including the
separation and detection of acid and basic ions. Stu-
dents are expected to emphasize the science rather
than the art of qualitative analysis. Hence, the sub-
ject is presented in the light of the laws of mass ac-
tion, the ionic theory, etc.

(b) Quantitative Analysis.

Each student has his course arranged with reference
to his particular requirement in quantitative analysis.

Oglethorpe University 83

Two lectures and six laboratory hours a week, for
three terms, for combined courses (a) and (b). Pre-
requisite, Chemistry 111-2-3. Five hours.

Chemistry 311-2-3. General Organic Chemistry. A
study of the fundamental types of organic compounds,
nomenclature, classifications, reactions, and general ap-
plication. The time devoted to lectures and recitations
is about equally divided between the study of the ali-
phatic and aromatic series. Three lectures and four
laboratory hours a week, three terms. Prerequisite:
Chemistry 111-2-3. Five hours.

Chemistry 411-2-3. Physical Chemistry. This course
prescribes a systematic study of the important theories
and laws discovered in the general field of chemistry,
with the purpose of developing the philosophy of the
subject. Particular attention will be directed to the ap-
plication of fundamental principles and to new theories
in the light of old conceptions.

Two lectures and two laboratory hours a week. Pre-
requisite: Mathematics 231, Physics 221, Chemistry
311. Three hours.

Chemistry 521-2-3. History of Chemistry. This
course consists of lectures and collateral reading on the
development of the science from the earliest times to
the present. It endeavors to correlate the progress of
chemistry with the laws of physical science.

Three lectures a week, three terms. Two hours. Pre-
requisite, Chemistry 211, and accompanied with Chem-
istry 311.

A graduate course and limited to graduates in the
School of Science. Two hours.

84 Oglethorpe University


Geology 311-2-3. This elementary course consists
of lectures and occasional field observations in the vi-
cinity of the University. The content of the study will
include general dynamical and historical geology with
special emphasis on the geological formations in Geor-

Three lectures a week, three terms. Prerequisite: Bi-
ology 1 1 1-2-3 and Chemistry 1 1 1-2-3. Limited to third
and fourth year students. Three hours.


Geography 411-2-3. The Scientific Foundations of
Geography. A careful and detailed study of the as-
tronomical and physical principles underlying the sci-
ence of Geography, with particular reference to math-
ematical geography and climatology. Designed for
public school teachers of the subjects. Two hours.


Mathematics 1 1 1-2-3. A survey course. A review
of the essentials of high school mathematics followed
by an introduction to Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry
and Calculus. The course aims to put the student in
possession of the mathematical tools most useful in
other subjects, and to prepare him for any of the spec-
ial courses listed under Mathematics 21 1, 221 and 231.
Three hours.

Mathematics 121-2-3. Mathematics preparatory to
Statistics and Finance. A freshman course for students
in the School of Commerce. Two hours.

Oglethorpe University 85

Mathematics 211-2-3. College Algebra nad Theory
of Equations. Three hours.

Mathematics 221-2-3. Analytical and Spherical Trig-
onometry, more advanced topics in Plane Analytic Ge-
ometry and an introduction to Solid Analytic Geom-
etry. Three hours.

Mathematics 231-2-3. Calculus. A standard course.
Three hours.

Mathematics 311-2-3. Advanced Calculus and Dif-
ferential Equations. Three hours.

Mathematics 321-2-3. Modern Geometry. Three

Note: Courses 211, 221, and 231 will be offered in


Physics 1 1 1-2-3. Experimental. Three lectures and
four laboratory hours per week throughout the year.
Five hours.

Physics 341-2-3. Modern Physics. Lectuers, con-
ference periods and laboratroy work. Three hours.

Physics 311-2-3. Advanced Mechanics, Heat and
T her mo-dynamics. Three hours per week throughout
the year. Prerequisite, Elementary Calculus and Phy-
sics 1 1 1 or its equivalent. Three hours.

Physics 321-2-3. Electricity and Electrical Measure-
ments. Two lectures and three laboratory hours per
week throughout the year. Prerequisite: as in 311.
Three hours.

Physics 331-2-3. Light. Two lectures and three lab-

86 Oglethorpe University

oratory hours per week throughout the year. Prerequi-
sites: as in course 311. Three hours.

Physics 411-2-3. Laboratory Technique. Six labora-
tory hours per week throughout the year. Prerequisite:
at least two courses in Physics. Three hours.

Courses 311, 321 and 331 will be offered cyclically
so that a student may cover the entire field in his four
years' course.

Radio Theory 241-2-3. Production of electric cur-
rent measurement of current electric resistance
series and parallel resistance electromagnetism the
study of electromotive fields construction and appli-
cation of galvanometers, ammeters, voltmeters, and
wattmeters study of alternating current.

Electromagnetic waves telegraph and telephone
transmitters vacuum tubes and their applications
radio frequency amplifiers power supplies audio
frequency amplifiers crystal oscilator antennae ra-
dio receivers. Three lectures and two laboratory hours
per week throughout the year. Four hours.

Curricula of the School of Science
First Year

Hrs. Bible or Mechanical

Science 5 Drawing 2

Mathematics 3

Foreign Language 3 16

English 111-2-3 3

General Science Group
Second, Third and Fourth Years

Hrs. Hrs.

One Science, 2 years __ 8-10 Philosophy 421-2-3 3

One year in Each of Cosmic History 1

the other Sciences _ 10-15 Electives to make a total

A Social Science 3 of 66 hours.

Oglethorpe University 87

Special Science Group

Hrs. Cosmic History 1

Major Science Electives to make a

or Mathematics 12-15 total of 66 hours.

Supporting Minors 10 The group requirements in

A Social Science 3-5 Mathematics and Science in-

Philosophy 421-2-3 3 elude the work of the Fresh-
man year.

All electives must be chosen in consultation with the
Dean of the School of Science and the student's major
professor. They must form, with the required subjects,
a unified program to fit the student's individual needs.
When the program is completed, it will be signed by the
Dean, the registrar and the student and filed with the

Students who expect to go into graduate work, should
acquire a reading knowledge of French and German.
Those who intend to enter a professional school should
acquaint themselves with the specific requirements of
the school they intend to enter before planning their
college course.

Pre-Dental Courses
First Year

Biology 111 -
Chemistry 111
English 111 -

Hrs. Elective Hrs.

5 Once Course: French 111,

5 German 111, Mathemat-

__ 3 ics 111 or History 111 .. 3


Chemistry 311

Physics 111

History 111 _

Second Year

Hrs. Elective Hrs.

5 One Course: English 211,

5 French 211 or Ger-
3 man 211 3


Biology 211 .._
Chemistry 111
English 111

Mathematics 111

Oglethorpe University

Pre-Medical Courses

First Year

Hrs. Elective Hrs.

5 One Course: Physical

5 Education 121 or Psy-

3 chology 211 3




Second Year

Required Hrs. Elective Hrs.

Chemistry 311 5 One Course: French 111

English 211 3 or German 111 3

History 111 3

Physics 111 5 3


Recognizing the fact that adequate preparation for
medical studies is absolutely essential for their proper
prosecution, the Committee on Medical Studies, ap-
pointed by the President of the University, will recom-
mend, either personally or officially, to any medical
college for entrance only those students who have qual-
fied as follows:

1. At the beginning of their third (Junior) year at
college they must have registered as pre-medical stu-
dents under the guidance of the Dean of the School of

2. They must have been graduated from the School
of Science of the University after the completion of not
less than sixty-two (62) year hours of academic work
including the following subjects.

Oglethorpe University 89

Physics, two years 8 yr. hrs. Comparative Anatomy, one
Gen. Chem., one yr 5 yr hrs. year 5 yr hrs.

Organic Chem. 1 yr 5 yr hrs. Qualitative Analy-
Gen. Psychology, 1 yr 3 yr s j s


^VanTSSLS; 'of Quantitative Ana.y-

Latin, 6 yr hrs. -,-,, S1S ,' * . .

Math., 1 year-3 yr hrs. Etymology of Scienti-

Botany, 1 year-4 yr hrs. flc . W rd s.-1 yr hr

Gen. Zoology, 1 yr-5 yr hrs. Personal Hygiene,-3 yr hrs.

3. They must have made a general average on all
of the scientific subjects listed above of not less than
90 and they must have made no mark lower than 75.

Library Science

Library science courses are designed for training
teacher-librarians and will be offered only when there
is sufficient demand. Applicants for the courses must
have completed two years of college work together with
all work required on the junior college level. The titles
of courses are uniform in all colleges in the State of
Georgia offering courses in library science for teacher-

Library Science 311. Organization and Activities of
the School Library. Full course.

Library Science 321. Classification and Cataloging
for the School Library. Full course.

Library Science 33 1 . School Library as an Informa-
tion Laboratory. Full course.

Library Science 34 1 . Reading Guidance and Book
Selection for Young People. Half course.

Library Science 35 1 . Reading Guidance and Book
Selection for Children. Half course.

90 Oglethorpe University

The Lowry School of Banking and


Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Commerce

Mark Burrows, Dean

The aim of all instruction in the Lowry School of
Banking and Commerce is to furnish the general basis
of business facts, standards and theory which the be-
ginner finds it difficult or impossible to acquire in his
early business experience. It avoids any pretense of
covering fully the practical details and routine and the
special technique of the particular business or indus-
try which he will enter.

The Lowry School offers two regular courses of study,
the General Business Course and the Accounting course.
The aim is to concentrate upon the fundamentals of
business, and with this in view every student is re-
quired to obtain a thorough knowledge of the basic
subjects including accounting, finance, economics, and
business law.

Those intending to teach commerce subjects in pub-
lic high schools should take a sufficient number of
electives in the field of Education to qualify them leg-
ally for the Professional Teacher's Certificate. They
are also urged to take shorthand and typewriting.

Economic History and Geography 1 7 1-2-3. A sur-
very of the history and the distribution and character-
istics of the principal industries and their relation to
geography, resources, cultural development and racial
aptitudes. Special attention is given to the economic
development and future of western Europe, the British
Empire and the United States. Three hours.

Oglethorpe University 91

Business English 121-2-3. This course is intended to
be a thorough overhauling of the fundamental know-
ledge and skills involved in the use of English in Bus-
iness. It will include a business vocabulary with tests
in spelling, sentence structure, and composition. The
latter part of the course will give special attention to
business forms, and to the effective preparation and
successful use of business letters of all kinds. In the
Spring quarter the student must submit all exercises
and other work typewritten. Unless the student is al-
ready skilful with the typewriter, he should take con-
currently with this course Typewriting 111-2-3. Three

Principles of Economics 211-2-3. A Comprehensive
introduction to economic studies based upon a recent
text, lectures, assigned readings and student exercises.
Emphasis is placed upon the application of the funda-
mental principles of economics to the analysis of eco-
nomic problems. Prerequisites: Sophom*ore standing
with Economic History and Geography. Three hours.

Markets and Prices 221-2-3. The nature and value
of a continuous market; the discouraging function of
exchanges; the conduct of brokers; options and arbitra-
ting; the legal status and organizations of exchange;
listing; types of dealers and brokers; the short sale;
clearing houses; transfer and conversion of securities
and "rights"; the money market and security prices;
manipulation; the legal nature of speculative transac-
tions and principles pertaining to the re-pledging of
stock; commodity exchanges, their economic functions,
government and operation; futures, contracts in cot-
ton, wheat and other commodities; hedging; speculat-
ing; crop reports; grading and inspection. Prerequisite,
Accounting 1 1 1-2-3.

92 Oglethorpe University

Not offered 1942-43. In lieu take Introduction to
Business 231-2-3.

Introduction to Business 231-2-3. The purpose of
this course is to give the student in commerce a com-
plete, unified view of business organization and man-
agement, and some insight into the nature of the prob-
lems and methods of American industry. The course
will be based on a master text, but with supplementary
material on a problem basis that will afford some ele-
mentary research experience. Typical businesses, such
as the cotton industry, or the automotive industry, will
be selected as a practical approach to the problems
of business. Offered for the year 1942-43 in lieu of
Markets and Prices 221-2-3. Three hours.

Banking 31 1-2. The evolution and theory of money,
government paper money, including colonial bills of
credit, revolutionary bills of credit and greenbacks; the
function of the bank, a bank statement, the clearing
house system, and modern banking system, including
the commercial, trust, savings and investment func-
tions of banks; unit, chain and branch banking; for-
eign banking systems; the Federal Reserve, its estab-
lishment, fiscal functions and policies; foreign exchange.
Prerequisite, Markets and Prices 221-2, or Introduction
to Business 231-2-3 and Accounting 11 1-2-3. Fall and
Winter quarters. Two hours.

Insurance 323. This course gives to the student a
comprehension of the principles of insurance which are
of practical value to every business man. Special at-
tention is given to the advantages and disadvantages of
the various kinds of policies in the fields of life, prop-
erty, compensation, casualty, automobile and marine in-
surance and to the bases upon which the companies
draft their policies and contracts.

Oglethorpe University 93

Prerequisite, Junior or Senior standing in the Lowry
School. One hour.

Advanced Economics 331-2-3. A history of econom-
ic thought together with a more advanced study of
principles and problems. Prerequisite, Junior standing.
Three hours.

Business Low 341-2-3. Contracts, Agency and Part-
nership, Sales Corporations, Negotiable Instruments, Real
and Personal Property, Bailments, Carriers, Suretyship,
Debtor and Creditor, Insurance and Bankruptcy. The
course will embrace only those principles of law which
are of interest to the business man. Procedure and
practice will be ignored. A combination of lecture,
textbook, and case system will be used. Prerequisite,
Junior standing in Commerce. Three hours.

Corporation Finance 411-2. A study of the financial
organization and management of corporations; promo-
tion; the underwriting syndicate; securing new cap-
ital; sinking funds and refunding operations, the de-
termination of profit; the proper division of profit be-
tween surplus and dividends and the management of
the surplus; the various methods of consolidation with
special reference to the holding company; the causes
of bankruptcy; the practice of receivership and reor-
ganizations. Prerequisites, Accounting 111-2-3, Mar-
kets and Prices 221-2-3. Banking. Fall and Winter
terms. Two hours. (Not offered 1942-43. In lieu
take Principles of Advertising 451-2.)

Investments 413. The course aims to qualify the
student for that critical analysis of a security which
is necessary for a conservative estimate of its value;
analysis of current, local and national security flota-
tions; tests of investment, comparative analysis of gov-
ernment, municipal, railroad, public utility, industrial

94 Oglethorpe University

and investment trust securities. The students in this
course will prepare reports on a number of securities.
Prerequisites, Corporation Finance. Spring term. One
hour. (Not offered 1942-43. In lieu take Principles
of Selling, 453.)

Marketing and Marketing Problems 421-2-3. A
survey of our distributive organization and its functions
and explanation of present tendencies. The case sys-
tem is employed to develop the student's ability to ana-
lyze and weigh the factors involved in dealing with the
problems that confront the business executive. The
cases include problems of substitution, exclusive agency,
style risks, cost of doing a retail and wholesale busi-
ness, mark-up, mail order business, chain stores, liqui-
dation of inventories, etc.

Prerequisites, Junior or Senior standing in the Lowry
School, or its equivalent from other reputable institu-

Economic Seminar 431-2-3. The work of the Sem-
inar will consist largely in the training of the student
in research methods in economics. Studies in special
fields will be made by the members of the Seminar and
will be represented for discussion and criticism. Pre-
requisites, Advanced Economics with Senior standing.
Three hours.

Public Finance 441-2-3. The course has special ref-
erence to the requirements of executives and others re-
sponsible for the efficient management of the business
enterprises and determination of policies.

Among the topics of consideration are the following:
Sources of primary and secondary information, collect-
ing, editing and tabulation of data and interpretation
of results, diagrammatic and graphic representation, av-

Oglethorpe University 95

erages, dispersion and correlating; index numbers and
weighing of data; analysis of time series; secular trend;
seasonal variation, cyclical fluctuations, forecasting and
its limitations.

Prerequisite, Junior or Senior standing in the Lowry
School. Three hours.

Principles of Advertising 451-2. The scope and or-
ganization of advertising: its creation and functions,
its correlations with business aims, its psychology and
techniuqes. In addition to readings, problems and lab-
oratory materials, the city of Atlanta with its publica-
tions, signs, radio stations, displays and demonstrations
will furnish research and observation material for stu-
dents desiring to enter the field of commercial adver-
tising. Prerequisites, completion of the first two years
of the Commerce curriculum and Business Law. Fall
and Winter quarters. Two hours.

Principles of Selling 453. A study of the basic prin-
ciples of personal selling. A sympathetic appreciation
of the problems of the student in salesmanship with
the recognition that modern economic conditions re-
quire approach in terms of projecting the problem ra-
ther than exploitation of the customer. Prerequisite,
Principles of Advertising 451-2. Spring quarter. One


Accounting 1 1 1-2-3. A complete system in account-
ing with an ample supply of study questions and prob-
lems, with the principles emphasized and ability de-
veloped to analyze accounting situations. The course,
beginning with 1940 will be presented in four double-
period lecture-laboratory hours each week. Four hours.

96 Oglethorpe University

Intermediate Accounting 211-2-3. Fall, Winter and
Spring. Two lectures and two laboratory hours. The
problems are more comprehensive, and require a thor-
ough knowledge of elementary accounting. In the fall
term problems and statements of liquidations are em-
phasized. Three hours.

Advanced Accounting 311-2-3. Fall, Winter and
Spring. Two lectures and two laboratory hours. Em-
phasis is placed in the winter terms on problems of bal-
ance sheet valuations, and in the spring term, on the
preparation of consolidation statements. Three hours.

Mathematics of Accounting 413. Three lectures per
week. Simpler subjects of mathematics of accounting
are presented the first half of the term, the more in-
volved subjects the last half. One hour credit.

Auditing 421-2-3. Fall, Winter and Spring. The
theory and practice of auditing are surveyed, together
with the working papers of actual audits. An Audit
report and the solution of special problems form a
large part of the year's work. Given alternate years.
Three hours.

Cost Accounting 411-2. Fall and Winter. Theory
and practice of cost accounting, dealing mainly with
manufacturing costs, and treating cost accounting as
an instrument of executive control. Given alternate
years. Two hours.

Oglethorpe University 97

Curricula for Lowry School of Banking and Commerce

First Year


Accounting 111-2-3 4

Economic Geog. 111-2-3 ...... 3

French, German or

Spanish 111-2-3 3

Business English 121-2-3 _ 3

Typewriting 111-2-3 2

Elective * 2


Second Year

Introduction to Bus-
iness 231-2-3 3

French, German or

Spanish 211-2-3 3

Economics 211-2-3 3

Political Science 211-2-3 3

Electives * 4


Third Year


Banking 311-2 2

Insurance 323 1

Business Law 311-2-3 3

History 411-2-3 or 421-2-3 3
Electives * 8


Fourth Year

Prin. of Advertising 451-2 2

Prin. of Selling 453 1

Sociology 411-2-3 3

Cosmic History 431-2-3 1

Electives * 9


If the student desires to major in accountancy he is advised
to take the third and fourth years according to the following
schedules :

Third Year


Banking 311-2 2

Insurance 323 1

Business Law 311-2-3 3

Adv. Accounting 311-2-3 . . 3
History 411-2-3 or 421-2-3 3
Electives * 5


Fourth Year

Prin. of Advertising 451-2 2

Prin. of Selling 453 1

Cost Accounting 441-2 2

Auditing 421-2-3 3

Cosmic History 431-2-3 1

Electives * 7


* Electives should be chosen with advice of the Dean of the
School of Commerce. In general they should be such as will
broaden the student's education. Science, Literature, Lang-
uages, Secretarial Preparation subjects, and History are some
of the fields in which choice can be made.

98 Oglethorpe University

School of Secretarial Preparation

Mark Burrows, Dean

Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Secretarial

The secretarial course of study is designed for the
following: (a) Persons who wish to enter the business
world in the capacity of skilled assistants to those in
executive positions; (b) Teachers of commercial sub-
jects in high schools; (c) Office managers and the like;
(d) Young ladies who are preparing for work of a lit-
erary nature, or as social secretaries.

For those preparing to teach in high schools it is rec-
ommended that from the electives nine hours of Edu-
cation be taken, as this will qualify graduates for the
State Professional Teacher's Certificate.

Stenography and Typewriting

Typewriting 1 1 1-2-3. The first term is devoted to
a mastery of the standard keyboard by the touch meth-
od, with considerable attention to proper technique,
and a knowledge of the mechanism of the typewriter.
If the student's work is satisfactory the first term, he
or she receives a grade, but no credit; for the second
term a net speed of 30 words per minute must be at-
tained after deductions have been made for errors,
using the national standard. For a passing grade and
credit for the third term a minimum net speed of 40
is required. Five times per week. Two hours.

Stenography 211-2-3. A study of the principles of
Gregg shorthand with dictation practice. The require-
ment for a passing grade for the third term is demon-
stration of ability to write 100 words per minute in new

Oglethorpe University 99

matter. The testing is in accordance with standard na-
tional usage. In addition to acquiring skill, methods
of teaching are given considerable attention, as many
taking this subject are preparing for teaching commer-
cial subjects. Students deficient in their English are
advised not to take up this subject until the English
deficiency is removed. Five times per week. Four hours.

Stenography and Office Practice 421-2-3. This course
is open to those who have attained a speed of 100 in
shorthand and 40 or more in typewriting, either in high
school or college. Dictation during the year should
bring the speeds up to 120 or better in shorthand and
60 or more in typewriting. Mimeograph work will be
presented. Prerequisites are shorthand, typewriting and
accounting. Three times per week. Three hours.

100 Oglethorpe University

Curriculum for the School of Secretarial Preparation
College Division

First Year


Accounting 111-2-3 4

English 111-2-3 3

Modern Language* 3

Typewriting 111-2-3 2

Electives *** 5


Second Year


Stenography 211-2-3 4

English 211-2-3 3

Political Science 3

Modern Language ** 3

Electives *** 3


University Division
Third Year Fourth Year

English 3

Business Law 341-2-3 3

Psychology 211-2-3 3

History 311-2-3 or 411-2-3 3
Electives *** 5



Sociology 441-2-3 3

Cosmic History 431-2-3 1

Stenography and Office

Practice 421-2-3 3

Electives *** 9


*French, German or Spanish.
**A continuation of the first year election.
*** Selected with the approval of the Dean of the Department.

Oglethorpe University 101

The Social Science Group

A History of Civilization 11 1-2-3. An orienting
course showing the early origins of modern civilization,
and furnishing a background for the present current
of thought and progress of knowledge. For first year
students. Three times a week. Three hours.

The Modern History of Europe 21 1-2-3. A study of
continental Europe and Great Britain from the Dark
Ages to the present time. Emphasis will be placed on
such topics as the Renaissance; the councilor move-
ment for reform; the Protestant revolution and the Cath-
olic reformation; the development of political ideals; the
social and industrial revolution; the spirit of national-
ism and some of its later consequences; the growth of
internationalism. For second year and third year stu-
dents. Three times a week. Three hours.

Contemporary History 311-2. A course in contem-
porary American and European history designed to put
students in touch with present trends in scientific, in-
dustrial and international problems. Three times a
week for two terms. Two hours.

A History of the British People 321-2-3. A course
in English history in which a minimum amount of at-
tention is given to dynastic and military affairs, and
more than the customary amount to social, religious,
literary and industrial matters. This course should be
taken before the one in American history. Three times
a week throughout the year. Three hours.

A History of Georgia 332. A course designed to give
a larger understanding of economic possibilities in the
state and an interpretation of the social and political
life of the people. Three hours a week in alternate
Winter terms. One hour.

102 Oglethorpe University

American History 411-2-3. An account of the so-
cial, political and economic development of the Amer-
ican people. Such topics will be emphasized as the
development of the American ideal of democracy, or
self-government in freedom; the westward moving fron-
tier with its influence on social and economic problems,
such as land tenure, agriculture, manufacturing and
transportation; the rise of the great industries and
trusts; the effort of labor to better conditions; the im-
migration question; colonial expansion, and our proper
relation to the other nations of the world. Open only
to third and fourth year studentts. Three times a week
throughout the year. Three hours. (Not offered in

American History 421-2-3. A course in recent Amer-
ican history from 1898 to the present time, dealing
mainly with the economic, political, social, and culture
problems of the last forty years. Open only to third
and fourth year students. For 1 942-43 it is offered
in lieu of the requirement for American History 41 1-2-3.
Three times per week throughout the year. Three hours.

Political Science 211-2-3. A study of the scientific
principles underlying the structure and workings of the
world's representative free governments. The organi-
zation and activities of the federal administration, with
special analytical study of the United States govern-
ment, national, state and local. Considerable atten-
tion is given to lectures and discussion of the leading
national and international problems confronting the
citizens of today. Special subjects for outside reading
assigned from time to time. Three times a week. Three

Political Science 311-2. American State Government.
This course is designed to introduce the student to the

Oglethorpe University 103

problems and questions that arise in relation to the
American States, and to explain the functioning of that
unique political body. Open only to those who have
had Political Science 21 1 or by special permission of
the instructor. Fall and Winter terms. Two hours.

Political Science 313. A study of the organization and
working of the leading European nations, with consid-
erable attention to the experiments in government in
Russia and China. A good deal of study will be given
to the problems of internationalism, such as the World
Court, the League of Nations. Prerequisite: At least
two years of history and one in Political Science. Of-
fered each Spring term. One hour.

Sociology 421-2-3. A comprehensive outline of the
subject embracing such topics as the evolution of the
more important social ideals and institutions and their
present status; socialism and social control; social path-
ology and methods of social investigation, and an es-
timation of progress. An examination of the principles
of the subject with some attempt to give the student
a first hand insight by means of visits to institutions,
exercises, questions for debate and the preparation of
special studies in social problems. A required course
in the School of Education, Commerce and Secretarial
Preparation. Elective to others. Open only to third
and fourth year students. Three times a week through-
out the year. Three hours.

Social Psychology 441-2-3. Three hours.

Cosmic History 431-2-3 by President Jacobs. In the
endeavor to give the graduates of the University a
course that will co-ordinate the knowledge they have
obtained on such subjects as Biology, Geology, Paleon-
tology, etc., with their work in Bible, Ethics and Phi-

104 Oglethorpe University

losophy, the President of the University will meet the
Senior Class one hour per week, Thursday at 1 1 :30 in a
seminar covering the story of human life following the
broad outlines of Astronomy, Geology, Paleontology,
Embrylogy, Anthropology and Archaeology. The course
closes with a study of the first ten chapters of Genesis
in relation to modern discoveries. It is especially de-
signed to give the graduates of Oglethorpe University
a conception of the harmony between religion and mod-
ern science and is required of all fourth year students.
It is believed that this work of co-ordination of modern
science with religion can best be done in the fourth
year class, to the end that in harmonizing the truths
learned their faith may not be unsettled. One hour.

Sociology 501-2. Marriage; The Family and its In-
stitutions. Not a sensational course. Presentation of
the proper relationships in life, and in inquiry of the
institutions growing out of family life. (Not offered in

Appreciation of Music 511-2-3. An inquiry into the
evolution of music from the earliest times to the pres-
ent. The plan contemplated is a combination of his-
tory, musical form, and appreciation. While the his-
torical phase is interesting, and an understanding of
musical form appeals to the intellectual and scientific,
the main object is to cultivate increased appreciation
of its beauty and of its power as an instrument of ex-
pression. The course will introduce simple and prim-
itive forms with explanations and illustrations. This
will be followed in proper sequence by the folk songs,
the dance form, the suite, grand opera, oratorio, and
the symphony. Attention will be given to instrumenta-
tion and the development of the modern orchestra. Il-
lustrative material will be supplied by the living voice,

Oglethorpe University 105

the piano, and the recently perfected forms of electri-
cal recording. The course will be semi-laboratory in its
presentation. Those taking the course for college credit
may present it as an elective for any degree, if ap-
proved by the dean of the school.

Music 52/ -2. A course designed for teachers to
aid the teachers in presenting new songs. It will pre-
sent an elementary study of the instruments used in
bands and orchestras. The course is for teachers who
have but slight knowledge of music, but wish to begin
preparation for introducing music into their schools.
Offered only in the summer session to the students in
adult education. Six times per week for the entire ses-
sion. Credit two hours or two courses.

106 Oglethorpe University

The School of Education

H. J. Gaertner, Dean
Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education

The school of Education is both an undergraduate
and a graduate school. A number of graduates from
such schools in Oglethorpe University as well as other
colleges have entered the teaching profession. Much
of the work being psychological and humanistic, the dis-
cipline of this school is a preparation for various lines
of work beside that of teaching. The school is a good
preparation for dealing with all forms of human con-
tact sides of like work. We especially recommend
the courses in shorthand and typewriting to be taken
as part of the electives in the third or fourth year or
earlier by students preparing for secretarial careers, or
commercial teaching in high schools.

Students in the Department of Education upon en-
tering the University Division (third and fourth years)
or previously thereto, are required to designate the sub-
ject which they expect to teach, which thereby becomes
their major subject. From nine to twelve year hours of
college work are required of them in said subject for
graduation, or, by special permission of the Dean of
the School of Education in two closely related subjects.


Education I I 1-2-3. Orientation in Education. In
this course the historical and philosophical background
of the American School System wiil be studied. A de-
tailed study of the needs and opportunities in the Geor-
gia School System will be made. Three times a week.
Three hours.

Oglethorpe University 107

Education 211-2-3. General Psychology. This is
the basic course for any type of education. It is mod-
ern in treatment, but we adhere to the "Middle of the
Road" point of view. Three hours.

Education 31 1-2-3. Educational Psychology. A study
of the mind in the Acts of Learning; its varied Func-
tions, Stimulation, Reactions and Processes, Laws of
Mental Activity. Purpose of the Course: to understand
more fully the application of Psychology to the problem
of education. Third year. Three hours.

Education 341-2-3. Secondary Education. A study
of the historical development of the secondary school
with reference to purposes and curriculum; objectives
of secondary education; relation of the high school to
the community; adaptation of curricula and subject
matter to individual differences; organization and su-
pervision; school management; school law; education
and vocational guidance; extra-curricular activities.
Elective in third and fourth year. Three times a week.
Three hours.

Education 441-2. Educational Tests and Measure-
ments, in this course the entire new method of men-
tal surveying and testing, both intelligence tests and
educational tests, will be studied. The student will be
required to carry on some practical exercises in test-
ing classes in near-by schools. The modern methods
of tabulating results and interpreting statistical pro-
cedure will also receive attention. Two hours.

Education 481-2-3. School and Social Order. A
study of the activities and needs of children, youths
and adults in the social order, and the function of the
school in society. Three hours.


Oglethorpe University

Requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Education
First Year Second Year


English 111-2-3 3

Science 5

Foreign Language 3

History or Math-
ematics 111-2-3 3

Elective 3



English 211-2-3 3

Science 5

Foreign Language 3

* Orientation 111 (1 term) 1
Psychology 211-2 (2 terms) 2
Electives 3


Senior Colleqe Division


* School and Social

Order 481-2-3 3

* Educational Psy-

chology 311-2 (2 terms) 2

Tests and Measure-
ments 441-2 2

History 311-2-3 3

History 411-2-3 3

Appreciation of Mu-
sic 511-2-3 or History of

Art 311-2-3 3

Sociology 421-2-3 3

Cosmic History 431-2-3 ___ 1
Electives 12


* These are required for Georgia Certification.

The electives in the Senior Division should concentrate on
one or more than two fields which are selected for future
teaching. In choosing electives the student should consult with
the Dean of the School of Education.

Oglethorpe University 109

Adult Education Division

The School of Adult Education has been and is giv-
ing a variety of courses to meet the needs of teachers.
These will vary v/ith the needs and wishes of the stu-
dent. In each case, the student's course will be plan-
ned by the Dean of the School and the Registrar.

In order to conform to the measurement of most
schools of this type, Oglethorpe University in Septem-
ber, 1939, adopted the "course system". A course is
equivalent to 1 2-3 year hours, 3 1-3 semester hours,
or 5 quarter hours.

Most of the subjects are given in half courses, for
the convenience of the students. The time consumed
by each half course is two clock hours per week. By
taking two half courses each term a teacher will earn
the three courses or five year hours allowed by the State
Department of Education to teachers in service. To
earn this amount of credit (3 courses) she will spend
four clock hours per week in the classroom for three

For the A.B., in Education degree, the student must
fulfill the following requirements:

Education 6 courses (10 year hours)
English 3 courses ( 5 year hours)
Foreign Language 3 courses ( 5 year hours)
Science 3 courses ( 5 year hours)
Social Science 3 courses ( 5 year hours)
(History, Sociology, Eco-
nomics, Geography, and
Political Science)
Electives 18 courses (30 year hours)

Total 36 courses or 60 year hours

To meet our residence requirement, a minimum of
nine courses or fifteen year hours must be taken with
Oglethorpe University. No exception is ever made to
this requirement.

There are two very important rules to which all Aduit

110 Oglethorpe University

Education students must conform. They are as follows:

1 . Not more than one-fourth of the credit required
for a degree may be secured by extension or corre-
spondence work. The total amount of credit allowed
on an A. B. degree by extension and correspondence
work combined is nine courses or fifteen (15) year

2. Teachers in service are allowed only three courses
(5 year hours) per year during the time they are ac-
tually engaged in teaching. Therefore, no student in
the Adult Education Division of the University will be
given credit for more than three (3) courses or five
year hours for the scholastic year unless he or she has
filed with the Registrar a written statement that ex-
empts the student from the enforcement of this rule.
Unless written proof that they are entitled to addition-
al work has been filed in the Registrar's office, Adult
Education students will automatically receive credit for
only three courses during the scholastic year, and only
the three courses will be transferred to the Certifica-
tion Department. This, of course, does not apply to
summer school work.

Requirements for Master of Arts Degree

The Master's degree is based on the Bachelor's de-
gree. To enter our graduate school, a student must
have received a Bachelor's degree from a standard in-
stitution. A formal application for entrance to the
graduate school must be filled out and filed in the
Registrar's office before any graduate courses can be

The minimum requirement for the Master's degree
is nine courses or fifteen year hours, together with an
approved thesis. If the student prefers, however, he
may take two full courses in lieu of a thesis. In that

Oglethorpe University 111

case, he must complete eleven (11) full courses for the
M. A. degree.

Of the nine courses required for the M. A. degree,
five and one-half courses must be in the major subject,
and three and one-half may be elective. If the student
chooses two additional courses in place of a thesis, these
courses may be elective.

All work for the Master's degree must be of senior
college or graduate level; that is, courses numbered
three hundred or above. Students taking senior col-
lege courses along with undergraduate students will be
required to do additional work for graduate credit.

Two courses (3 1-3 year hours) of graduate level may
be transferred from other standard institutions.


Charges for tuition will be at the rate of $9.00 per
half course, or $18.00 for a full course. All charges
are payable in advance. However, arrangements can
be made to divide this into two payments per term.

Summer School

Oglethorpe University offers a summer quarter di-
vided into two terms of five and one-half weeks each.
Classes meet six days per week.

Two courses each term or four courses during the
quarter of eleven weeks is the regular amount of cred-
it earned. A course is equivalent to 1 2-3 year hours
or 3 1-3 semester hours. By these plans teachers com-
bining the year's work and summer school attendance
will be able to receive their degree in a reasonable length
of time.

For further information address Mr. Frank B. Ander-
son, Registrar, Oglethorpe University, Ga., or Dr. H. J.
Gaertner, Oglethorpe University, Ga., telephone CH-
erokee 2968.


Oglethorpe University

Subjects Taught in the Adult Education Division


Public School Art

Commercial Art

Other courses on demand


Sociology 531 Ed. Sociology-
Education 481 School and

Social order
Education 331 Men. Hygiene
Education 441 Tests and

Education 401 School Ad-
Education 351 Psychology

of Elementary School

Education 601 Administx-a-

tive Supervision
Education 361 Curriculum
Education 111 Orientation

in Education
Education 541 Visual Ed.
Education 561 Remedial



English 421 Col. Grammar
English 361 Shakespeare
English 341 Prose Fiction
English 251 Bible, New Tes-
English 351 Mythology

Foreign Language

German 111 Beginners
German 211 Advanced
French 111 Beginners
French 211 French Gram.

and Reading
Spanish 111 Beginners
Spanish 211 Advanced


Biology 421 Ed. Biology
Biology 321 Taxonomy
Biology 121 General Botany
Geography 411 Scientific

Foundations of Geog.
Chemistry 111 Inorganic
Chemistry 311 Organic
Health 451 Health Ed.

Social Science

Economics 211 Eco Prob.

History 431 Foundations of

History 331 Georgia History

History 441 Economic His-
tory of South

Sociology 421 Social Prob-
lems of today

Philosophy 391


Music 511 Music Apprecia-

Penmanship 221

Manuscript Writing 231

Music 311 Form & Patterns
in Music

The majority of the above subjects were taught for one-half
course credit each term.

Oglethorpe University 113

Special Notice



The minimum requirement for a degree of Bachelor
of Arts is sixty year hours, or thirty-six courses. No
reductions from this figure are allowed. If the student
lacks any fraction of an hour or course, he will be re-
quired to take more work in order to make up the de-

A maximum of three courses* is allowed during the
nine months beginning with September 1st and end-
ing with June 1st. No student will be allowed to take
more than one course per term of approximately three
months each.

A maximum of four courses is allowed for the sum-
mer months, June 1st to September 1st.

The residence requirement of Oglethorpe University
for an A.M., degree is fifteen hours or nine courses,
taken on the campus, together with an approved thesis.
If the student prefers, however, he may take two full
courses in lieu of a thesis, making a total of eleven full
courses. These additional two may be taken by exten-
sion or transfer from other standard institutions that
award a Master's degree.

No student can take more than seven courses in any
calendar year.

The residence requirement of Oglethorpe University
for on A.B., degree is fifteen year hours, or nine courses,
taken on the campus of the University. This work is
to be taken over a period of three terms, approximately
nine months. No extension work may be included in
said fifteen hours.

'A "course" equals 1 2-3 year hours

114 Oglethorpe University

The School of Fine Arts

George N. Morris, Acting Dean
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art Education

Drawing 7 / 1-2-3. A study of the elements of draw-
ing in various media.

Creative Composition 1 1 1-2-3. An analysis of the
fundamentals of abstract two- and three-dimensional

Pictorial Composition 211-2-3. Abstract and con-
crete two-dimensional composition in black and white

Pictorial Composition 311-2-3. Composition in color.

Life Drawing 211-2-3. Study of the human figure
from the nude. Fee $5 per term for Fine Arts stu-
dents, $2.50 for others.

Anatomy 211-2-3. Study of the human figure from
an analysis of the skeleton and muscular system.

Nature Drawing 111-2-3. An analysis of the organ-
ization of natural forms such as trees, flowers, and an-

Modeling and Sculpture 111-2-3. An elementary
study of three-dimensional design in clay and plaster.

Modeling 211-2-3. Modeling from life.

Watercolor Painting 21 1-2-3. Still-life and landscape
painting in watercolor.

Still-life Painting 111-2-3. An elementary study of
color and form in oils.

Still-life Painting 211-2-3. A more thorough inves-

Oglethorpe University 115

tigation into color and form through the medium of

Life and Portrait Painting 31 1-2-3. Oil painting from
the nude.

Mural Painting 41 1-2-3. Tempera and oil techniques
are studied.

Landscape Painting 311-2-3. The elements of land-
scape painting in oil.

History of Art 211-2-3. A study of the relationship
of the visual arts, architecture, sculpture, and painting,
to one another and to contemporary life from the dawn
of civilization to the present day.

History of Painting 311-2-3. A detailed investiga-
tion into the techniques of the masters of painting up
to the present day.

Fashion Illustration 311-2-3. A study of fashion
drawing and rendering of textiles and other materials.

Illustration 311-2-3. A specific study of the compo-
sition of the human figure in relation to its surround-

Commercial Art 311-2-3. A thorough study of vari-
ous reproduction media and of the requirements of the
commercial world.

Commercial Art 411-2-3. Advanced study for sen-
iors in the School of Fine Arts.

Mechanical Drawing 1 1 1-2-3.

Advertising Layout 1 1 1-2-3. An elementary study of
newspaper and magazine advertising.

Thesis 411-2-3. All seniors in the School of Fine

116 Oglethorpe University

Arts are expected to do a project outside of class time
without instruction or criticism. The student's thesis
should prove his capabilities as an artist.

The School of Fine Arts offers two curricula, both
of which lead to degrees.

One curriculum leads to the degree of Bachelor of
Arts in Art Education and is designed for prospective
teachers of either fine or commercial art. Electives
are allowed so that the student may either specialize
further in the field of art or prepare himself to teach
a subject in addition to art, should he be called upon
to do so.

The other curriculum leads to the degree of Bach-
elor of Fine Arts and is designed especially for students
who wish to become professional painters or commer-
cial artists.

The student is at all times encouraged to be truly
creative, whether he is studying painting or commer-
cial art. In this way the student learns to solve the
problems of art according to his own way of thinking.

The School of Fine Art deserves the right to keep
any work done by a student during class hours.

All theses become the property of the School of Fine

Oglethorpe University 117

Bachelor of Arts (Degree in Art Education)

First Year


English 111-2-3 3

History 111-2-3 3

Biology 121-2-3 4

Drawing 111-2-3 4

Creative Comp. 111-2-3 _.._.. 3


Second Year


English 211-2-3 3

Language 3

Education 111-2-3 (Or-
ientation) 2

History of Art 211-2-3 2

Life Drawing 211-2-3 3

Still-life Painting 211-2-3 3

Art Anatomy 211-2-3 1


Third Year


Education 311-2-3 3

Language 3

Music Appreciation 511-2-3 3
Life and Portrait Paint-
ing 311-2-3 3

Pictorial Comp. 211-2-3 1

History of Painting 311-2-3 1

Art Elective 1


Fourth Year


Education 481-2-3 3

Cosmic History 431-2-3 . 1

Life and Portrait

Painting 411-2-3 4

Art Electives 4

Academic Electives 3

Thesis 511-2-3 2


Bachelor of Arts (Commercial Option)

Third Year


Education 311-2-3 3

Language 3

Music Apprecia-
tion 511-2-3 3

Life and Portrait

Painting 311-2-3 3

Pictorial Comp. 211-2-3 1

Commercial Art 311-2-3 .... 2

Fourth Year


Education 481-2-3 3

Cosmic History 431-2-3 1

Commercial Art 411-2-3 4

Art Elective 4

Academic Elective 3

Thesis 511-2-3 2




Oglethorpe University
Bachelor of Fine Arts Painting

First Year


English 111-2-3 3

History 111-2-3 3

Drawing 111-2-3 4

Creative Comp. 111-2-3 2

Modeling 111-2-3 2

Nature Drawing 111-2-3 _ 1
Still-life Painting 111-2-3 2


Second Year


Academic Elective 3

History of Art 211-2-3 _ 2

Life Drawing 211-2-3 4

Watercolor 211-2-3 1

Still-life Painting 211-2-3 3

Art Anatomy 211-2-3 1

Pictorial Comp. 211-2-3 _ 1

Art Elective 1


Third Year


History of Painting 311-2-3 1

Music Appreci-
ation 511-2-3 3

Life and Portrait

Painting 311-2-3 4

Pictorial Comp. 311-2-3 _ 1

Art Electives 7


Fourth Year


Academic Elective 3

Cosmic History 431-2-3 .... 1

Thesis 511-2-3 2

Life and Portrait

Painting 411-2-3 4

Mural Painting 411-2-3 4

Art Elective 3


Bachelor of Fine Arts Commercial Option

Third Year

Art Elective 3

Music Apprecia-
tion 511-2-3 3

Life and Portrait

Painting 411-2-3 3

Fashion Illustration 311-2-3 1
Advertising Layout 111-2-3 3
Commercial Art 311-2-3 _ 3

Fourth Year


Academic Elective 3

Cosmic Historv 431-2-3 1

Thesis 511-2-3 2

Commercial Art 411-2-3 .... 9
Art Elective 2



Oglethorpe University 119

The School of Physical Education

John W. Patrick, Dean


It is a generally accepted fact that physical educa-
tion has a definite function in education. It has to do
largely with the building of character and the ability of
the individual to find himself, to make the proper social
adjustments in the world of which he is a part. To in-
still these principles into the youth of this nation should
be the primary objective of all physical educators.

The acceptance, however, of the idea that physical
education is a part of education and the constant at-
tempt to interpret its aim, objectives, and results in
terms of educational worth lead physical educators to
measure their methods in relation to current practices
in the general field.

Physical education moves forward, and with the rap-
id growth of health interest in the United States of Am-
erica, there is a distinct need for leadership in order
that the movement in Health and Physical Education
may be made effective by proper guidance. Teacher
training in physical education is being emphasized by
every leading college and university in the United States,
by giving the right kind of instruction through well
rounded curricula, and for producing trained leaders
with the highest ideals and objectives.

The School of Physical Education at Oglethorpe Uni-
versity realize that there is a great demand for phy-
sical educators in every community, in elementary and
high schools, colleges and universities, and the United
States Armed Forces. We have outlined a splendid
curriculum, offering courses in every phase pertaining
to professional study in the field of physical education,

120 Oglethorpe University

the completion of which will lead to a degree of Bach-
elor of Arts in the School of Physical Education.

The purpose of the School of Physical Education is
two-fold: To train, protect, and develop the bodies
of all the students of the university, and to offer a
special training, equipping for positions as phyysical di-
rectors and coaches in other schools, colleges and uni-
versities, the United States Navy and Army, and in Y.
M. C. A.'s.

A regular curriculum has been arranged offering in-
struction in specific subjects for the special preparation
of students for positions as physical directors and as
coaches in high schools, prep schools and universities,
the completion of which will lead to a degree of Bach-
elor of Arts in the School of Physical Education.

The science courses are designed especially for stu-
dents of Physical Education. The courses are planned
to awaken in the student an interest that shall be more
compelling than that of a prescribed course. To this
end instruction is based in so far as possible on direct
observation made in demonstration. Each organ is
studied with reference to its development, anatomy,
and physiology. Bones, muscles, viscera, etc., have
meaning when introduced in the light of their develop-
ment. The facts observed are discussed in lectures
and quizzes. Free use is made of charts, models, an-
atomical preparations and microscopic slides. Weekly
quizzes are supplemented by written tests given upon
the completion of some general division of the subject.

We strive to attain the following objectives in phy-
sical education: To teach health fundamentals. The
promotion of normal physical growth and development,
and the building up of physical efficiency, strength,
and endurance by means of carefully chosen exercises
formal gymnastics, games, sports, etc. To correct

Oglethorpe University 121

faulty posture and to prevent abnormalities due to bad
posture. To develop the mental, moral, and social val-
ues; such as obedience, subordination, co-operation,
self-control, self-confidence, loyalty, friendliness, per-
severance and aggresgsiveness. To develop neuromus-
cular control. To develop the desire for activity and to
instill the desire for recreation, by stimulating an in-
terest for academic and physical efficiency by occupy-
ing one's unoccupied time through wholesome games
and exercise.

English 1 1 1-2-3. Composition. This required fresh-
man course combines extensive practice in writing with
the reading of modern prose and poetry. The chief
object of this course is to teach the student to arrange
his thoughts clearly and present them with force. Con-
tinual emphasis is laid on increasing the store of words.
A vocabulary test is given near the beginning of the
fall term, to determine what progress each student has
made. All freshmen will be placed in sections in which
the work corresponds to their degree of development.
To this end all freshmen will be given a test on the day
preceding date of matriculation for the first quarter.
This test is a prerequisite to entrance to any section of
Freshman English. No student will be permitted to
take advanced work in English until he has made a
satisfactory record in this basic course. Three hours.

History and Principles of Physical Education 121-2-3.
Three lectures weekly throughout the year. This course
deals with the history of physical education in Europe
and the Orient. The course also deals with the history
of physical education in America. Primarily the aim
of this course is to relate the story of physical education
from the earliest times to the modern. The political,

122 Oglethorpe University

social, and religious conditions which determine the
presence or absence, or the character of physical edu-
cation are discussed at length. Three hours.

Biology 131-2-3. Physiology and Personal Hygiene.
History, principles, and foundations of health. Three
lectures weekly throughout the year. Three hours.

Varsity Coaching 111-2-3. Football, Basketball,
Baseball and Track. Three lectures weekly throughout
the year. Classes conducted by varsity head coaches in
respective departments. Fundamentals, strategy, psy-
chology pertaining to athletics, the art of coaching and
the uplifting of character are stressed. Three hours.

English 231-2-3. The Theory and Practice of Pub-
lic Speaking. This course is designed primarily as a
preparation for and an aid to practical speaking on all
kinds of formal and informal occasions. This course
is required of freshmen in the School of Physical Edu-
cation. One hour.

English 21 1-2-3. A Survey of English Literature. This
course comprises: an examination of the history of this
literature; the study in class and the reading in parallel
of representative literary specimens of its entire de-
velopment; consideration of the various forms; study
of the elements of versification. This course is designed
to complete the student's general study of literature
and to introduce him to specialized literary subjects.
Consequently, satisfactory completion of this course is
prerequisite to courses offered for juniors and seniors.
Three hours.

Biology 231-2-3. P. E. Anatomy. Prerequisite Bi-
ology 131. Three lectures weekly throughout the year.
A study of the bones, muscles, and various organs of
the human body. Three hours.

Oglethorpe University 123

Organization and Administration of Physical Educa-
tion 2 7 1-2-3. Two lectures weekly throughout the year.
The course deals with physical education in the elemen-
tary and high schools. Two hours. Organization and
administration of athletics in school systems.

Education 1 1 1-2-3. Orientation in Education. In
this course the historical and philosophical background
of the American School System will be studied. A de-
tailed study of the needs and opportunities in the Geor-
gia School System will be made. Three lectures week-
ly. Three hours.

Gymnastics and Calesthenics 221-2-3. Three hours
every week. A practical course given in the university
gymnasium. Three hours.

Community Recreation 241-2-3. Three lectures each
week throughout the year. This course deals with or-
ganizing programs for various community recreations.
A study is made of the different sections of the na-
tions and their needs pertaining to health and recre-
ation. Three hours.

Psychology and Athletics 321-2-3. Three lectures
weekly throughout the year. A detailed study of psy-
chology pertaining to athletics and athletes. A study
of developing the neuro-muscular control, and the men-
ral, moral, and social values. Three hours.

Biology 331-2-3. Kinesiology. Prerequisite: Biology
231-2-3. Three lectures weekly throughout the year.
A study of fundamental anatomical and pathological
considerations and corrective exercises and positions.
Three hours.

AAinor Sport Coaching 311-2-3. Two lectures weekly
throughout the year. A fundamental study of all minor
sports and technical teaching. Two hours.

124 Oglethorpe University

Educational Psychology 311-2-3. A study of the
mind in the acts of learning; its varied functions, stimu-
lations, reactions and processes, laws of mental activ-
ity. Purpose of the course: To understand more ful-
ly the application of Psychology to the problem of edu-
cation. Third year. Three hours.

Economics 211-2-3, Principles of Economics. A
comprehensive introduction to economic studies based
upon recent texts, lectures, assigned readings and stu-
dent exercises. Emphasis is placed upon the applica-
tion of the fundamental principles of economics to the
analysis of economic problems in physical education.
Three hours.

Methods in Physical Education 331-2-3. A study of
methods, materials, and curriculum of physical edu-
cation for the elementary schools. Three lectures each
week throughout the year. Three hours.

Education 481-2-3. School and Social Order. A
study of the activities and the needs of children, youths
and adults in the social order, and the function of the
school in society. Three lectures weekly throughout
the year. Three hours.

Directed Teaching and Physical Education 411-2-3.
A study of supervision of physical education, efficiency
in instruction, discipline, training for leadership, tech-
nical teaching, and tests and measurements in health
and physical education. Three lectures weekly through-
out the year. Three hours.

Coaching and Practice Teaching 421-2-3. An ex-
tensive study of the fundamentals and psychology of
teaching and coaching, and practical work on field and
floor. Three hours weekly throughout the year. Three

Oglethorpe University


Biology 431-2-3. Physical Diagnosis. A study of
the body as a whole; the head and neck, the chest, the
abdomen, the extremities and the spinal column, and
methods of examination. Three hours weekly through-
out the year. Three hours.

Public School Physical Education 421-2-3. Methods
and instruction of health and physical education in
senior high schools and colleges. Intramural athletics
for girls and boys are studied. Three lectures weekly
throughout the year. Three hours.

Curriculum for the School of Physical Education

First Year

English 111-2-3 3

His. & Principles of

Physical Ed. 121-2-3 ___ 3

Mathematics 111-2-3 3

Physiology and Personal
Hygiene, Biology 131-2-3 3

Varsity Coaching, Foot-
ball, Basketball and
Track 111-2-3 3

Public Speaking 1


Third Year

Psychology of

Athletics 321-2-3 3

Biology 331-2-3

Kinesiology 3

Minor Sport

Coaching 311-2-3 2

Educational Psychology

311-2-3 _ 3

Economics 211-2-3 3

Methods in Physical

Education 331-2-3 3


Second Year


English 211-2-3 3

Biology 231-2-3, Anatomy 3
Organization and Admin-
istration of Phy.

Education 211-2-3 2

Orientation in

Education 111-2-3 3

Gymnastics and

'Calesthenics 211-2-3 3

Community Recreation

231-2-3 3

Fourth Year

School and Social

Order 481-2-3 3

Directed Teaching in

Physical Edu. 411-2-3 ...... 3

Cosmic History 1

Coaching and Practice

Teaching 431-2-3 3

Biology 431-2-3 Physical

Diagnosis . 3

Public School Physical

Education 421-2-3 3


126 Oglethorpe University

Scholarships for Athletics

We are constantly receiving inquiries from prospec-
tive students concerning "athletic scholarships." The
only scholarships offered by the University are given as
rewards for exceptional high school and college attain-
ment. The only way in which a football or baseball
player can receive aid at Oglethorpe is in the same way
that other students are aided, by such self-help jobs as
it may be possible for him to fill consistent with their
week-end absences. These positions pay from twenty
to forty cents per hour and if occupied industriously
and efficiently will cover the student's college expenses
in large part. The university must necessarily assign
self-help students taking part in inter-collegiate ath-
letics to such self-help positions as their engagements
may permit them to hold.

Our endeavor and policy is to treat all students ex-
actly alike, neither favoring nor discriminating against
a boy who happens to be a fine football player.

Rules -for Eligibility of Players in Inter-Collegiate Sports
at Oglethorpe University

1. All students engaging in inter-collegiate sports
must be fully registered and qualified under the en-
trance requirements of the University as published in
the catalogue.

2. All students engaging in inter-collegiate sports
must carry at least twelve hours (24 semester hours)
of standard college work.

3. All students engaging in varsity inter-collegiate
sports must have passed not less than twelve hours of
work during the preceding year.

4. No student at Oglethorpe University shall be
shown any preferences financially or academically be-

Oglethorpe University 127

cause of engaging in inter-collegiate athletics but the
fact that the student engages in inter-collegiate sports
shall not prejudice his selection in self-help positions
open to all members of the student body.

5. Oglethorpe University will not under any circum-
stances permit the payment of any moneys for the ser-
vices of athletes, either by alumni, friends, or by the
college itself.

Historiogrophic Museum

This museum is now being established at Oglethorpe.
It is the first photographic museum in the world. It is
devoted entirely to the history of the United States as
illustrated by still, sound, and motion pictures. The
collection is already started at the University, and a
building will be built to house it and an organization
set in motion to carry on its work permanently. This
will provide the greatest collection of contemporary
American history available anywhere.

12S Oglethorpe University

A Tabular Statement of Requirements and Electives in
the Schools of the University


, ^5

h H? C 3 2

0) i 3 o o rt

II 5 S S 8 ^

g J, J, T3CS a> q, rt

qj & ccS - sSgccc
g S S S P >> 5 .2 .2 .2

Accounting 4 12 4 4

Art 31

Bible & Philos 5 3 2 .... 3 3 ....

Biology 5 5 ....

Chemistry 5 5 ....

Commerce 21 21

Cosmic His. 11111111111

Economics 3 3

Education 9 3 17 12 3 3

English 693365129339

Myth. & Ety 2

History 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 3

Library Eco

Mathematics 3 3 3 3 3 ....

Physics 5 5 ....

Political Sci 3 3 3 3 3 3

Phys. Ed 15

Psychology 3 3 3 3 3

Sociology 3 .... 3 3

Stenography 7

Typewriting 2 2 2

Foreign Lang. 615 6 6 5 6 6 3 3

Sci. Group. 510 10 8 5 31010

Soc. Sciences .... 6 6 3 10 8 6 3 3 ....

Electives 5 4 21 17 13 13 28 14 14 20

Oglethorpe University 129

Athletics Hermance Field

The magnificent generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
P. Hermance in giving to Oglethorpe an Athletic Sta-
dium, makes feasible the development of all forms of
field sports, including not only the great games of
football and baseball, but also vaulting, jumping, dis-
cus and javelin throwing, track work, etc. Physical
culture for all students in required.

A sanely encouraging attitude is taken by the Uni-
versity toward intercollegiate athletics, and Oglethorpe
University is acquitting herself well in that sphere of
her educational life.

The policy of Oglethorpe University includes the
care of the physical life of our students as a matter
of large importance. Regular instruction, looking to
symmetrical development of the entire man will be giv-
en in the Athletic Department of the University, under
competent medical guidance. Special attention is at
present given to outdoor athletics. Adequate provision
is being made for football and baseball grounds, ten-
nis courts, etc. Work on Hermance Stadium has be-
gun and a section is finished providing accommoda-
tions for five thousand spectators and participants.

Lake Phoebe

Besides having those sports common to all well equip-
ped colleges in the South, Oglethorpe University is the
fortunate possessor of a beautiful lake covering eighty
acres located conveniently to the University campus,
with a part of its shores set aside for a university boat
house. This will enable the institution to add a crew
to its list of athletic sports. The lake is admirably suit-
ed for boating, rowing, swimming and fishing.

130 Oglethorpe University

Moral and Religious Atmosphere

The ability of a college or university to develop worthy
character in its students depends largely upon that in-
definable quality called college atmosphere. As a
mother, she breathes her own soul into her boys. They
inherit all she has been through, all of her labor and
strength and faith and prayer. If her judgments have
been bought out with money, they inherit that; if with
blood, they inherit that. Every storm through which
she has passed strengthens them for their own conflicts
in the days that are to come.

Oglethorpe is a daughter of battle and faith and
prayer. God alone built her, touching the hearts of
multitudes of His children at the voice of her call.
Alone of all the prominent ante-bellum universities she
died for her ideals, and her alone of all the universities
of America, God raised from the dead.

By her every battle, her every faith, her every tri-
umph, she has learned what things are really worth
while and what hand really to lean upon. She will tell
her children of Him.


By the generosity of many friends, so great as to
be almost unparalleled, and by purchase from special
funds provided, the university received during the first
year of its life approximately fifty thousand volumes
for the library. These consist of standard works of Lit-
erature, History and Science, with many valuable ref-
erence works in special departments. The private li-
braries of Dr. Aldrich in Science; of Dr. Nicolassen in
the Classics and of Dr. Burrows in Education are all
available for the use of the students in these depart-
ments. The policy of the institution is to let no year

Oglethorpe University 131

go by without the enlargement of the library. A com-
petent librarian is in charge, and the rooms will be
open during the year of 1942-43 from 8:30 A.M., to
9:30 P.M. The Carnegie Library of Atlanta is also
available for the use of our students.

King Library of English

By the splendid generosity of Dr. Cheston King the
university has a library of English with some seventeen
thousand books and pamphlets.

Special Religious Services

Regular assembly exercises which the students are
required to attend, are conducted by each of the mem-
bers of the faculty in turn. During the last three years
daily preaching services have been held for one or two
weeks in the Oglethorpe Auditorium.

Oglethorpe Coat-of-Arms

Among the unique honors offered at the university
is the presentation of a sweater with the Coat-of-Arms
blazoned thereon, which will be awarded in the future
under the terms of the following resolution unanimous-
ly adopted by the Faculty of the university, upon rec-
ommendation of the President:

"Resolved, that on and after September 1st, 1922,
the Coat-of-Arms of Oglethorpe University shall be giv-
en to those students carrying a minimum of fifteen
hours weekly, of excellent personal character and con-
duct, whose general average for all the courses taken
during five preceding consecutive terms shall have been
not less than 93, or who, in lieu of said general average,


Oglethorpe University

shall have so distinguished themselves in some intel-
lectual, creative, or constructive accomplishment as to
entitle them thereto in the judgment of the faculty."

Winners of the Coat-of-Arms

J. R. Murphy
W. R. Carlisle

M. F. Calmes
L. M. McClung

A. M. Sellers
T. L. Stanton

Gladys Crisler

J. 0. Hightower, III

R. O. Brown
Christine Gore
J. M. McMekin

N. F. Antilotti
E. E. Bentley
W. V. Braddy
Esther Cooper

Fay Bowman

Leila Elder

E. Hollingsworth

L. C. Drake
Helen Farish

Bryant Arnold
Harold Coffee

Clarence Krebs


E. C. James, Jr.
L. N. Turk, Jr.


E. E. Moore
L. W. Hope


Martha Shover

J. B. Kersey


F. M. Boswell
R. F. Hardin

J. B. Partridge


Grace Mason
W. C. Morrow, Jr.
Mary B. Nichols
J. K. Ottley, Jr.


Nettie Feagin
Marvin Rivers


Olive Parish
Stanley Pfefferkorn


Thyrza Perry
Charles Pittard


Mary Williamson
Zaidee Ivey


Marie Shaw

W. C. Johnson
J. R. Terrell, Jr.

D. B. Johnson
J. H. Price

P. B. Cahoon
M. M. Copeland

Al. G. Smith

L. G. Pfefferkorn

J. D. Chestnut
O. M. Jackson
R. G. Pfefferkorn

Virginia O'Kelley
B. H. Vincent
J. H. Watkins
E. H. Waldrop, Jr.

Earl Shepherd
Wayne Traer
Mary Watkins

Madge Reynolds
J. E. Tanksley

William Powell
Eloise Tanksley

Harold B. Wright

Oglethorpe University


Irwin Langenbacher

Jones C. Holbrook
Herman Lange

Lloyd Davis
Louise Evans

Fuessel Chisholm
Thomas Ewing
William N. Eason

Joffre Brock
Janie Millwood

Bessie Silverboard

Charles Parris
Martha Keys


Reavis O'Neal


Thornwell Jacobs Jr Ed. G. Reder
Sara Inell Mitchell Mary Steadwell
Nellie J. Gaertner


Samuel Gelband


Sarah Lefkoff


James Pearson Creighton Perry

Francis Scott Key Ralph Thacker

Wyatt H. Benton


J. D. Mosteller
Alan Peterson

Roll of Honor

Students who make an average of 90 in any term are plac-
ed on the Roll of Honor, and their names are announced in
the Tuesday Public Assembly.

The Oglethorpe Idea

Quality is the word that expersses the Oglethorpe
idea quality in location, in climate, in campus, in ar-
chitecture, in student character, in college life, in ath-
letics and sports, in faculty, in curriculum and in re-
ligion and morals. Every one of these we offer at Ogle-

Located in the commercial and educational capital
of the South, with an unrivaled climate, on the most
distinguished street in that city, on a most beautiful
campus of over six hundred acres of woodland and
meadow, including an eighty acre lake which belongs

134 Oglethorpe University

to our students for swimming, boating and fishing,
the physical advantages offered by Oglethorpe Uni-
versity are unsurpassed anywhere in the section.

One by one a splendid body of buildings is being
erected on its campus. Every one of them will be of
granite trimmed with limestone and covered with va-
riegated slates. All of them v/ill be as fire proof as
human skill can make them, and as commodious and
comfortable as our architects can plan them. They
will be like the first buildings already erected, which
are believed to be the safest, most beautiful and most
efficient college or university buildings in the South-

The Oglethorpe Site Atlanta

The attractions of the city of Atlanta as an educa-
tional center are fast making it one of the great in-
tellectual dynamos of the nation. Gifted with a soft
Southern mountain climate, convenient of access to
the entire nation over its many lines of railway, known
everywhere as the center of Southern activities, she
draws to herself as to a magnet the great minds of
the nation and the world. Hither come lecturers, mu-
sicians, statesmen, evangelists, editors, teachers and
officials of the United States. An intellectual atmos-
phere created by such conditions and the frequent op-
portunity of contact with these leaders in all branches
of human activity, offered frequently to our students,
give Oglethorpe University an advantage of position
and of opportunity which she will cultivate to the ut-
most. Facilities for hearing and meeting the great mu-
sicians and authors and public speakers and the leaders
in all spheres of intellectual activity are offered our
students. The tremendous influence of such contact

Oglethorpe University 135

upon the young lives committed to us will be felt in
their increased ambition and redoubled determination
to perform, themselves, their duty to their race and
their God.

Silent Faculty at Oglethorpe

It is not going too far to say that the aesthetic tastes
and home habits of many young men are ruined at
college by the cheap and unattractive furnishing of
their rooms and the ugly forbidding architecture of the
buildings, whose walls often deface their campus. The
architecture of an institution of learning should be a
constant source of delight and inspiration to its stu-
dents, teaching quietly but surely the highest ideals of
life. Indeed all those qualities of soul we know as hon-
esty, solidity, dignity, durability, reverence and beauty
may be expressed in the face of a building and are so
expressed on the Oglethorpe campus.

Not less important are the personal surroundings of
the student's room. Cheap, ugly and ill-equipped
apartments have exactly the same influence on the
soul of a boy that cheap, ugly and ill-equipped human
companions have. That is why the rooms at Ogle-
thorpe are entitled to the information and inspiration
such surroundings offer, and the sons of the rich will
deteriorate without them.

In brief the college education that does not teach a
love of beauty and tidiness and what is popularly call-
ed decency is essentially and dangerously defective.

This is the special work of the silent faculty at Ogle-

The Crypt of Civilization

Something new in the history of the world has taken
place at Oglethorpe University. This is the conception

136 Oglethorpe University

and inauguration of the most unique archeological pro-
ject in the history of mankind. It is also the integra-
tion and correlation of all known facts regarding our
civilization today, and the preservation of the result
of this research for the people who inhabit this world
sixty centuries hence.

As we look back into history, throughout the whole
known world, at no time in any country or in any civili-
zation has there been a conscious attempt to preserve
all the known facts regarding any nation or people so
that it may be passed on to posterity. Even if any
person had conceived of a project of this kind prior
to the last fifty years it would have been impossible to
have carried it out. Only modern advancement in
science has made this possible, and only one person in
the known history of the world ever visioned this stu-
pendous task.

It v/as not until in 1935 that Dr. Thornweil Jacobs,
the president of Oglethorpe University, while teaching
his Cosmic History class suddenly realized the above
fact. At first he put it aside as impracticable of ac-
complishment owing to the tremendous labor involved,
but the idea grew upon him, and he finally decided to
carry it out. In 1936 in consultation with Orson Munn,
of the Scientific American, a beginning was made, and
the Scientific American announced the project and in-
vited suggestions from scientists and laymen for carry-
ing out the work.

The Bureau of Standards at Washington was con-
sulted immediately for details of procedure. Dr. Ja-
cobs decided to place the time for the opening of the
"Crypt of Civilization", as he named it, as far in the
future as our written records go into the past, namely,
6,177 years, which would have made the time for the
unsealing A. D., 81 13.

Oglethorpe University 137

The Literary Digest, then edited by Mr. Pendray,
also announced the project and gave considerable space
to the story, which so impressed Editor Pendray that he
later "sold" the idea to the Westinghouse Company
for the "Time Capsule", which was a miniature edi-
tion of the Oglethorpe Crypt idea and which was buried
under the Westinghouse Building at the World's Fair.

Active preparation was commenced by Dr. Jacobs
to begin a collection of material for the Crypt. At
this time the New York Times published an article on
the Crypt idea and this came to the notice of a scientist
living in Salem, Ohio, T. K. Peters, who wrote Dr. Ja-
cobs, making some suggestions in regard to material
that should be included in the Crypt, and in regard
to the microfilming of books, which was his particular
hobby. Dr. Jacobs invited him to pay a visit to Ogle-
thorpe, which he did, and in conference at the Univer-
sity Dr. Jacobs decided he was the man to take over
the work.

As a result, Peters brought his microfilm camera
down to Oglethorpe and, working with Dr. Jacobs, he
began a collection of books and other material. Dur-
ing the two years which have elapsed since that be-
ginning, a complete and scientific plan of procedure
has been adopted and has been carried out. With
the assistance of the American Library Association a
list was prepared of all of the most authoritative books
in the world, anticipating in a measure Well's World
Encyclopedia, for it is a compendium of everything that
civilized man knows today.

These microfilmed books, records, pictures, etc., are
preserved in glass containers in which inert gases have
been substituted for the air. These glass containers
are, in turn, placed inside transite (asbestos) and stain-
less steel cases. The crypt was sealed on Saturday,
May 25th, 1940 to remain inviolate for 6,166 years.

138 Oglethorpe University

The Exceptional Opportunities of Our
Persona! Atftention

Young men who desire to enjoy the daily personal
contact and instruction of the heads of departments
will note with interest that Oglethorpe offers excep-
tional opportunities of that nature. It is well known
that in all our large institutions only the upper class-
men come into any close contact with the full profes-
sors, who as heads of departments occupy their time
in other matters than in educating freshmen.

We believe in giving our freshmen the best we have,
and they will be taught by men who have taught in or
had offered them, chairs in the greatest universities
of America. This will be a permanent policy at Ogle-

Public Utilities

Oglethorpe University has the double advantage of
being located in the suburbs of Atlanta, so far out as
not to be subject to the distractions of city life, yet
so near in as to enjoy all the public utilities of a great
city. Among these are city water, electric lights, city
trolley line, telephone and telegraph service, and in
addition thereto the University has its own postoffice,
express office and railway station, all known as Ogle-
thorpe University, Georgia.

Woman's Board

One of the most remarkable gatherings, even in this
city of remarkable gatherings, was the assembling of
approximately two hundred of the representative wo-
men of the city of Atlanta at the home of President

Oglethorpe University 139

Thornwel! Jacobs, Saturday afternoon, November 25,
1916, to organize a Woman's Board for Oglethorpe

The purpose of the Board is to aid the University
in every v/ise and efficient way, with counsel of, and
guidance by the proper authorities of the institution.
Already more than four hundred women of the city have
offered their services and joined the organization. Their
activities are directed toward the support and develop-
ment of Oglethorpe in every phase of its growth and
activities. Each of the ladies is assigned to the com-
mittee on which she feels she is best able to serve.
These committees cover the various departments of the
University. They are: Ways and Means, Finance, Press,
Grounds, Entertainment, Hospital, Music, Library, Arts,
Refreshments, Transportation, and such other commit-
tees as it may seem wise to the Board from time to
time to appoint.

The authorities of the University welcome the for-
mation of this organization with the greatest joy.

The mere fact that they have promised a devoted
allegiance to the enterprise has its own genuine value,
but those who know the women of Atlanta, with their
marvelous capacity for earnest and consecrated work
directed by a swift and accurate intelligence, will realize
what must be the results of the efficient aid which
they are giving to the institution.

The Woman's Board has established a permanent
endowment fund, and has been incorporated under the
laws of Georgia in preparation for handling funds do-
nated or bequeathed to the University through the Wo-
man's Board.


Oglethorpe University

Commencement May 21, 1941

Doctor of Laws Eugene Talmadge, Joseph Patrick Kennedy,

Jesse Holman Jones.
Doctor of Divinity Francis Lloyd Ferguson Wood.
Doctor of Pedagogy Ernest E. Cole.
Doctor of Public Service Thomas Jessup Pancoast.
Doctor of Letters Archibald Rutledge.
Doctor of Commercial Science: Fitzgerald Hall.


Bachelor of Arts in Education

Esther Gould Ashley
Annie Berry Hinton Avrett
Blanche Clack Bickers
Barbara Johnson Brooke
Frank Castelluccio
Iven Benjamin Collins
Martha Sandifer Davis
Mrs. C. C. Fleming
Helen Thompson Harbig
Mrs. Bernie H. Hardman
Margaret Rankin Harris
Evelyn Pearl Harris
Gordie DeShong Haynie
Mrs. Gussie Carey Hilton
Irene Dye Howell
Arva Johnston Jackson
Minnie Kate James
Nellie E. Johnson

Paralee Malinda Kemp

Margaret Helen Kilgore

Mrs. Katherine Mauldin

Julia Willene Morrison

Eileen Page

Annye Lizzie Peebles

Ancel Poole

Thomasine Vickers Romines

Very Davenport Simpson

Ruthe Bates Sistrunk

William Troy Thomason

Elise Wall

Ida Mae Waters

Buford Williams

Lillian Cable Williams

Ruth Wolcott

J. Hugh Yeats

Bachelor of Arts in Science

Milton Chauncey Austin
Harold White Powers

Marcus Hixon Wilson
Anthony Stephen Zelencik

Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education

Samuel W. Worthington, Jr.

Herbert Philip Beckett
Ernest O. Sheffield

Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts

Reva Kathryn Murphy Martha Louise DeFreese

Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Journalism

Betty Benefield
Harriette Deas Hamilton
Anna McConneghey
Mildred Evelyn McKay
Frances Anderson Maloney

Robert Taber O'Dell
Jacqueline Fartain
Charles Philip Scales
Charles Ross Wyrosdick

Oglethorpe University


Bachelor of Arts in Banking and Commerce

George Hopkins
James Henry Pope, Jr.
James Pressley

Albert Benjamin Sprouse

Jackson Stephens

Lonnie Thompson Lawson

Bachelor of Arts in Secretarial Preparation
Anna Gene North
Master of Arts in Education

Lois Ann Flaum
John Lemuel Hames
Arva Johnston Jackson

Elbert Newton Mullis
Lucile Wells
Lucy Jane Bellows

Master of Arts in Science
Louis Edward Leskosky
Miaster of Arts in Literature and Journalism
Marion Brooks James Donovan Mosteller


Bachelor of Arts in Education

Letha B. Adams

Eleanor Bell

Bonnie K. Brownlow

Ilah Faye Burch

Helen Carter

Ruth Clayton

Dorothy Collier

Elizabeth Turner Crumbley

Bobbie Chandler Dodd

Jetta Leigh Dowis

Caribel Driskel

Nolan Wesley Evans

Sarah F. Greene

May Wilson Harber

Eleanor Johnston Hatcher

Dorothy Luvenia Higgins

Celotes W. Howard

Mae Nell Jones

Essie Kelly

Ethel Smith Kerlin
Francis Etheridge Lanier
Alice K. Mathis
Julia Mitchell
Lucile Watson Morse
Dorsey Everette Nalley
Esther Emeline Paddock
Mrs. Clarice Fraser Pass
Miss Cutie Peebles
Ruby Matthews Roberson
Pauline Allen Roberts
Mrs. C. E. Smith
Arthur Monroe Sosebee
Blanche Norton Thomason
Martha Janette Tillman
Willie C. Townsend
Grace Waggoner
Evelyn Cora Watkins
Frances N. Young

Bachelor of Arts in Science
John Mark Cown

142 Oglethorpe University

Master of Arts in Education

Maude Thornton Baker Mrs. Lola Liddell Milam

Donnie Mullinax Bennett Orrill Hayes Morris, Sr.

Evelyn Nilwon Blanton A. Wayne Patton

Lorraine G. Byrnes Robert D. Powell
Mrs. Mary Holbrook Carithers Pearl Hanks Raoul

Katherine Davidson Mrs. Maud B. Wiley

Elsie Delaney Lulua Davidson Willis

Frances Williamson Good Lillian R. Johnson
Albert David Jones

Master of Arts in Science

Bernard Henry Stevenson

AAaster of Arts in Fine Arts

Mary Huntington Waddey

Honorary Degrees


Doctor of Divinity Rev. C. I. Stacy, Rev. Henry D. Phillips.
Doctor of Laws Hon. Woodrow Wilson, Rev. Clarence W.


Doctor of Literature Corra Harris

Doctor of Engineering Thomas J. Smull

Doctor of Laws Thomas F. Gailor, J. T. Lupton


Doctor of Divinity Rev. Charles Campbell

Doctor of Pedagogy Miss Nannette Hopkins

Doctor of Laws Dr. Michael Hoke, Rev. J. W. Bachman


Doctor of Pedagogy W. A. Sutton, B. P. Gilliard
Doctor of Commercial, Science Joel Hunter
Doctor of Music Charles A. Sheldon, Jr.
Doctor of Laws N. P. Pratt, Rev. Geo. L. Petrie


Doctor of Pedagogy Carlton B. Gibson
Doctor of Science Harold R. Berry
Doctor of Literature Mary Brent Whiteside
Doctor of Laws Gutzon Borglum
Doctor of Letters John G. Bowman

Oglethorpe University 143


Doctor of Science Willard Newton Holmes
Doctor of Laws Charles Edwin Mitchell


Doctor of Commercial Science: Harry Putnam Hermance
Doctor of Divinity Rev. Henry William Block, Rev. John

Fairman Preston
Doctor of Laws Benjamin Newton Duke, Henry Morrell At-
kinson, William Adger Law, Rev. Meredith Ashby Jones


Doctor of Pedagogy Lawton B. Evans, E. A. Pound
Doctor of Letters Roselle Mercier Montgomery
Doctor of Science Warren K. Morehead
Doctor of Laws William Randolph Hearst


Doctor of Laws Royal S. Copeland, Morris Brandon, Clark

Howell, Crichton Clarke
Doctor of Commercial Science: Thomas R. Preston, John

K. Ottley, William J. Bailey, Hoke Smith
Master of Commercial Science Haynes McFadden


Doctor of Divinity Rev. Louie D. Newton

Doctor of Letters Nathan Haskell Done, Mrs. Joseph Mad-
ison High

Doctor of Commercial Science Rudolph S. Hecht

Doctor of Pedagogy Mark Burrows

Doctor of Laws Chief Justice Richard Brevard Russell,
Bishop H. J. Mikell, Rev. Russell Henry Stafford


Doctor of Divinity Wilbur A. Cleveland, Homer Thompson

Doctor of Letters Victor H. Hansen

Doctor of Commercial Science Percy Selden Strauss

Doctor of Science Lenix Craig Sleesman, Theodore Swann

Doctor of Laws Lamartine Griffin Hardman

Bachelor of Arts Zadock Daniel Harrison


Doctor of Divinity Joseph Terrell Dendy

Doctor of Letters Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer

Doctor of Commercial Science Fowler McCormick, Barron

Doctor of Laws Albert Edwin Smith, Harlow Shapley


Doctor of Commercial Science Archibald Wellington Taylor
Doctor of Letters Wilfred John Funk

Doctor of Laws Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Clande Gernade

144 Oglethorpe University


Master of Public Service Albert Reynolds Rogers

Doctor of Pedagogy M. D. Collins

Doctor of Letters Amos Ashbach Ettinger, Archibald Hen-

Doctor of Commercial Science Edwin Walter Kemmerer,
Paul Block

Doctor of Laws Philip Weltner, Bernard M. Baruch, Her-
bert Henry Lehman


Master of Public Service Walter Earl Hopper, Cator Wool-

Doctor of Science: Charles H. Herty, Francis Gladheim

Doctor of Laws Samuel Hale Sibley, Homer Cummings

Doctor of Letters "Walter Lippman

Doctor of Commercial Science Henry Bedinger Rust

Doctor of Public Service William Green


Doctor of Laws Helen Rogers Reid, Caroline Goodwin 0'-
Day, Clara Mildren Thompson

Doctor* of Letters Caroline Miller

Doctor of Science Florence Rena Sabin, Annie Jump Can-

Doctor of Public Service Martha McChesney Berry, Cora
Smith Gould, Mrs. Sidney Lanier, Jr., Amelia Earhart

Doctor of Commercial Science Ruth Blair


Doctor of Letters Margaret Ayer Barnes, Thomas Sigis-
mund Stribling, Charles Edgar Little, Clayton Sedgwick

Doctor of Science Orsnrt Desaix Munn, Robert Horace Baker

Doctor of Pedagogy Thomas Jackson Lance

Doctor of Laws John Francis Neylan


Master of Commercial Science Joseph Rogers Murphy
Doctor of Public Service John Golden, John Harvey Kellogg
Doctor of Letters William Watts Ball
Doctor of Laws Marion Smith, George L. Shearor


Doctor of Divinity Robert Whitehall Burns

Doctor of Pedagogy Colin English

Doctor of Public Service Charles J. Haden

Doctor of Letters Frank Richardson Kent

Doctor of Science: John Oliver LaGorce, James B. Murphy

Doctor of Commercial Science David Sarnoff

Doctor of Laws J. Robert Rubin, James Adams Colby

Oglethorpe University 145


Doctor of Commercial Science Charles R. Hook, Preston

Herbert, Thomas John Watson
Doctor of Laws John Marshall Slaton, Frank Ernest Gannett,

Sterling Price Gilbert, Frank N. D. Buchman
Doctor of Pedagogy Sidney Bartlett Hall
Doctor of Divinity Rufus William Oakey


Doctor of Public Service Thomas Kimmwood Peters, Ivan

E. Allen, Glenn Stewart
Doctor of Pedagogy Albert Hamilton Collins
Doctor of Divinity Albert Rhett Stuart
Doctor of Laws Robert Marvin Nelson, James A. Farley


Doctor of Divinity Francis Lloyd Ferguson Wood
Doctor of Pedagogy Ernest E. Cole
Doctor of Public Service: Thomas Jessup Pancoast
Doctor of Letters Archibald Rutledge
Doctor of Commercial Science Fitzgerald Hall
Doctor of Laws Eugene Talmadge, Joseph Patrick Kennedy,
Jesse Holman Jones

National Oglethorpe Alumni Association

President, Mrs. F. E. Garnett; 1st Vice-President,
James M. Stafford; 2nd Vice-President, Dr. L. N. Turk;
3rd Vice-President, Miss Gertrude Corrigan; 4th Vice-
President, Miss Dahlia Baker; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss
Mary Corley; Directors, Mrs. R. B. Whitworth, Dr. Jack
Lance, Thornwell Jacobs, Jr., Mrs. Agnes DeFoor, Mr.
Roy Brewer.

Atlanta Chapter President, Mrs. R. S. Osterhout;
Secretary, Mrs. Opal T. Shaw.

Graduates of 7920 Duncan Campbell McNeil, Jr.

Neill Smith McLeod

Newton Thomas Anderson, Jr. Robert Allen More

Henry Mason Bonney, Jr. Thomas Powell Moye

Wiliam Johnson Boswell Joseph Rogers Murphy

William Rhodes Carlisle Robert Gilliand Nicholes

Chester W. Darrow Morton Turnbull Nicholes

Nathan Meredith DeJarnette Benjamin Franklin Register

Albus Durham James Render Terrell, Jr.

Martin Augustine Maddox Charles Sper Tidwell

Warren Calvin Maddox Lucas Newton Turk

Claudius Chandler Mason Joseph Porter Wilson


Oglethorpe University

Graduates of 1921

Sylvester Cain, Jr.
Marquis Fielding Calmes
Wiliiam Ray Conine
Franris Yentzer Fife
Lucien Welborn Hope
Edward Carroll James
Dwight Barb Johnson
Lester McCorkle McClung
Ernest Everett Moore
Thomas Edward Morgan
Malcolm Mosteller
Thomas Powell Moye
Carl Ivan Pirkle
Joel Hamilton Price
Preston Bander Seanor
Harold Calhoun Trimble
Justin Jesse Trimble
Justin Thomas Trimble
Lucas Newton Turk
Isreal Herbert Wender
America Woodberry

Graduates of 1922

Richard Harold Armstrong
James Hanum Burns
Parker Hurlburt Cahon
William Charles Hillhouse, Jr
Bennette McKinnon
William Lee Nunn
Julius Jackson Price, Jr.
Martha Shover
Cliford Sims
Walton Bunyan Sinclair
Elise Caroline Shover
Marion Adolph Gaertner
Sameul Herbert Gikeson
James Hedges Goff
John Hedges Goff
Solomon Isaac Golden
Sidney Holderness, Jr.
Edward Carroll James, Jr.
William Carlisle Johnson
Israel Lefkoff
Ted Logine Staton
Charles Horace Stewart, Jr.
John Randolph Smith
Edith Lyle Swinney
James Edward Waldrop
Wiliam Earl Wood

Graduates of 1923

William Adolph Aleck

Nelson Burton

Murray Marcus Copeland

Oer McClintic Cobb

William Conn Forse

Royal Cooke Frazier

Bert Leslie Hamack

James Osgood Hightower, Jr.

Sidney Edwin Ives, III

John Lesh Jacobs

James Earle Johnson

Joel Buford Kersey

Charles Frederick Laurence

Louise Elizabeth McCammon

William Peen Selmon

George Ernest Talley

Jane Leeone Tribble

John Arthur Varnadbe, Jr.

Edgar Watkins, Jr.

Robert King White

Graduates of 1924

Margart Elizabeth Ashley
Thomas Arnold Bartenfield
Elizabeth Hawes Broughton
James David Chestnut
Gladys Field Crisler
Edgar George Davis
Dorothy Elizabeth Foster
John Brown Frazier
Nellie J. Gaertner
Paul Courtney Gaertner
Walter Fred Gordy
Christne Gore
James Varnadoe Hall
James Henry Hamilton
Aaron Monroe Hollingsworth
John Carlton Ivey
Otis Maholn Jackson
Mattie White Kellam
Oscar Augustus Lunsford
Luther Thomas Mann
William Dougherty Mallicoat
Ralph Augustus Martin
James Meriweather McMekin
John Toliver Morris
co*ke Wisdom O'Neal
Lucy Allen Pairo
Lawrence G. Pfefferkorn
Robert Gillimer Pfefferkorn

Oglethorpe University


Ralph Adair Sinclair
Finch Thomas Scruggs
Alfred George Smith
Raymond Weather Stephens
Harry Eugene Teasley
Henry Quigg Tucker
Mark Burrows
William Louis Roney
John Word West

Graduates of 1925

Thomas Lee Aaron
Alfrd Newton Adams
John Wesley Agee
Everett Bagwell
Evlyn Elizabeth Bentley
Mitchell Charles Bishop
Samuel Preston Boozer
Milledge Hendrix Brower
Thomas Lee Camp
Gibson Kelly Cornwell
Peyton Skipwith Coles
Wendell Whipel Crowe
Wiliam Robert Durham
Charles Elliott Ferguson
Marcellus Edwin Ford, Jr.
Miller Augustus Hamrick
Henry Melvin Hope
John Ross Kemp
Grace Evelyn Mason
Hugh Dorsey McMurray
Archie Thompson McWhorter
Theodore Virgil Morrison
William Cosby Morrow, Jr.
Abram Orowitz
John King Ottley, Jr.
James Bugg Partridge
Benjamin Franklin Pickett
Sameul Burney Pollock
William Thomas Porter
Ralph Franklin Quarles
James Marion Stafford, Jr.
Weyman Hamilton Tucker
Erie Houston Waldrop, Jr.
Eva McKee West
Sameul Maverick Whitehead
James Paul Wilkes
William Leanord Willis
Herbet Chapman
Mary Elizabeth Watkins

Graduates of 1926

John Davil Baxter
Mary Elliatt Bogle
Wm. G. Broadhurst, Jr.
Esther Coper
James Edwin Crabb
Thelma Elizabeth Doyal
Lelia Elder
Netti Simpson Feagin
Ernest Lee Ficqutt
Earl Carlton Gray
James Peyton Hansard
Ernest R. Holland
Wakeman Lamar Jarrard
Holmes Dupree Jordan
Winifred Hugh Kent
William Atkinson Lee
Robert Edward Lee
Roy Moncrief Lee
Tyler Bruce Lindsey
Lamar Howard Lindsey
Harry Clifford Lyon
Adrian Harold Mauer
Pete Twitty Kackey
Nelle Martin
Robert Frank McCormack
Dixie Merrill McDaniel
Walter Lee Morris
Harry Walthal Meyers
Mary Belle Nichols
Marvin Alenaxder Nix
George Harrison O'Kelley
William Hewlett Perkson
Elizabeth Louise Ransome
William Askew Shands
Mary Louise Smith
Calhoun Hunter Young
James H. Watkins
Thomas Edward Walsh
William Benton Wimbish

Graduates of 1927

Jeff Turner Anderson
Emil Harry Banister
Emmett A. Barksdale
Emmett Lee Barlow
Joseph Lowry Bigham
Leroy Jordan Bone
Carie Boker

Katherine Eve Bosworth
John Franklin Boyd


Oglethorpe University

Kenneth A. Campbell, Jr.
Wiliam Owen Cheny
I. W. Cousins
Louis Florence Daniel
Thomas Erskine Dendy
Bernard Sameul Dekle
Raymond Hunter Dominick
Robert Clifton Dorn
William Stephens Evans
Frank Chappell Everett
Mrs. F. E. Garnett
C. Lovelace Ginn
Sue Green

Wesley Turnell Hanson
Julian Stephen Havis
Ralph Talmadge Heath
Albert Dozier Hering
Elsie K. Hogan
Ralph Milton Holleman
Elizabeth Catherine Hope
Dorothy Beatrice Horton
Karl Lester Icenogle
J. Lamar Jackson
Florence Elaine Josel
Henry Dewey Justus
Hattie Lee

Frank Alexander Kopf
James Daniel Lester
Harriet Estelle Libby
James Eugent Lindsey
Joseph E. Lockwood
Jessie Hardman Lowe
William Parum Lunsford
Edward Oscar Miler, Jr.
George Moffett McMillan
William Edward Mitchell
Theolore Virgil Morrison
George Arthur Murphy
Julius Pete Nation
S. Luke Petit
Jesse Luke Poole
Harry Clifton Savage, Jr.
J. A. Smith

Thomas Jefferson Stacy
Fannie Mae Symmers
John Edward Tanksley, Jr.
India Nowlin Teaggue
Sarah lone Thompson
Holt Elihu Walton
Joseph Hood Watkins
Thompson Paul Wells
William Paul Whitehead
Will Horton Williams

Luther David Wright
Clarence Edward Betts
Virginia Wade Bolden
Howard Beecher Cheny
Ward Beecher Golden
Francis R. Hammack
William A. Jackson
Martha Shover
Joseph Hood Watkins

Graduates of 1928

Edna Baker

Charles Henry Beuchler, Jr.
Ruth Louise Blodgett
Brantley Jewett Boswell
LeFayette H. Bowman
Edward Lee Brantley
Mary Emily Busha
Robert Clayton Carroll
William Franklin Chestnut
Angello Marie Clarke
Mary Clary
Willie Clements
LaFon Dancey
Agnes Duffay Defoor
Robert Thomas Defoor
Joseph Brayton Dekle
Leonard Chapman Drake
Dudley Sanford Dennard
Ernest P. Enis
Wilhelmina Lowe Gilissen
Mary Tennyson Fletcher
John Fitten Goldsmith
John Franklin Gordy
Authur Gottesman
Fred Stuart Goud, Jr.
Hattie Clarke Gurr
Louise Martin Hobgood, Jr.
Hoyt Ray Hoover
Evelyn Pearce Hollingsworth
George Augustus Holloway
Robert Spencer Howell
Theodosia Hunnicutt
Mable Goodrich Hunter
Mary Bob Huson
Waverly Jodelle Huson
Ira Jarrell

Mrs. Enid G. Johnston
Rosa Mae King
Lula La Roche Kingsberry
John Dekle Kirkland
Alton L. Knighton

Oglethorpe University


Ella Parker Leonard

Rosa Mae Lovett

Willie Lunsford

Louise Madden

Ralph Anton Mahan

William Nathan Nunn

James Liggorn O'Kelley

Helen Rand Parish

Olive Slade Parish

Elizabeth Ruth Patterson

Mrs. Arthur Pew

Ralyph Olmutz Powell

Madge Reynolds

Robert Frank Richardson

Margaret Mae Richardson

Luther Marvin Rivers

John D. Self

Wyeth Calvin Steel, Jr.

Yeola Brown Stitt

Carroll Summer

Frank Taylor

Thomas B. Taylor

Wayne S. Traer

Thomas Preston Tribble

William Wilson Tye

Madye Forrester Tyler

William F. Underwood

Thomas Walters, Jr.

Charles Clifton White

Julia Croom Whtifield

Charles Clark Willis, Jr.

Hannah Wilson

Stratford Gilham Woodberry

Rosa Woodberry

Louise Moody Wood

Edwina Mary Wray

Edith O. Wright

Alfonso Alfred York

Mrs. Frank S. Garrett

Martin A. Maddox

Ethel Purcell

Lowry Arnold Sims

George Hilev Slappey

Mrs. P. S. Woodward

Graduates of 1929

Marion Brown Anderson
Angel Allen
Ruth Antionette Brown
Hilary Elsberry Bryson
Adele Johnson Bussey
Sameul Earl Blackwell, Jr.

David Meade Btake
Haywood M. Clements
Floyd C. Cooper, Jr.
John Will Crouch
Luther M. Davenport
Elizebeth Collier Dodd
Robert Wilson Emery
Leola Wallace Frost
Louis Gilman

Homer Thomas Gramling
Fred Griffin
Mary X. Gunter
Eaton Bass Hill
William Wilson Hill
Leonard Withington Hill
James B. C. Howe
Joseph Freeman Hutson
Robert Beverly Irwin
Morris Kemsler Jackson
Elliece Johnson
William Marshall Jones
Hubbard Hale Kellog
Margaret C. Kendrick
Ethel Anderson King
Lydon B. Knighton
Mary Belle Laney
Joseph Howard Lawson
Evelyn Linch
Charles Brannon Lindsey
Edna Erie Lindsey
Mary Neal Lumpkin
Emory Souther Lunsford
Paul Thomas Madden
John Francis Murphy
Nellie Kate Noel
Edward E. O'Kelley
Asa O'Kelley
Thyrza Pauline Perry
William Crossly Perkins
Charles C. Pittard
William More Powell
Dorothy Trammell Pomeroy
Stanley G. Pfefferkorn
Jane Calahan Rees
Henry J. Reynolds, Jr.
Elizabeth Riely
John William Rogers
Mrs. Charles S. Sanders
Evelyn C. Silverman
Azile Simpson
John Robert Shaw
Cammie Lee Stow
Mary Doris Taylor


Oglethorpe University

LeRoy Patterson Tebo

Ray Upshaw Todd

James Erskine Thompson

Carroll Ttelia Thompson

Haywood Martin Thompson

Alan Watkins

Walter M. Welles

Elizabeth Cowles Werner

Ada McGraw West

Henry C. Whitesell

Annie Bell Wills

Donald Winifred Wilson, Jr.

Edna Baker A.B. (History)

Adele Johnston Bussey

Therese A. Edwards

Thelma Laura Edwards

Anne England

Louise Madden

Mrs. Etta H. Mitchell

Dottie McLendon

George Harrison O'Kelley

Maduie Paulk

Ralph Olmutz Powell

Woodfin Rampley

Carroll Alva Summer

Nannie May Williams

Graduates of 1930

Dorothy Moses Alexander
Wade Bryant Arnold
Aura Elizabeth Baird
Robert Benson
Evelyn Fitzgerald Bird
Mildred Frances Bradley
Mrs. Norman Brown
William Clifford Bull
Curry Jeff Burford
Catherine Fisher Carlton
Helen Irene Clapp
Ethel B. Clark
Haywood Monk Clement
Mrs. Ethel Taylor Cooper
William Harold Coffee
Mary Laura Davis
Mary Collier Dodd
Lyman Bernard Fox
Mary Elizabeth Hamilton
Cleophas Martha Hicks
Ethel Hill

Mrs. Lodowick J. Hill, Jr.
Laura Houk
Lamar Jeter

Mrs. Annie Sawtell Johnson

Margaret Alice Kilian

Ruth Kinnard

Mrs. J. deBruyn Kops

Dona Lower

Claude L. Lynn, A.B.

Mrs. Marvin A. Maddox

Amos Augustus Martin

Henrietta Masseling

Annie Elizabeth McClung

Neola McDavid

Mary Evelyn Megahee

Virgil Winifred Milton

Lydia Pearl Moore

Margaret Neuhoff

Rufus William Oakey

Mary Lee Price

Emma Virginia Prichard

Colene Reed

Viola Reed

Judith Rice

Earl Lenward Shephard

Fred Richard Snook

Eloise Chable Tanksley

Richard Henry Taliferro

Frances Byrd Temple

Mary Tucker

Lindsey C. Vaughn

May A. Walker

Frances Newberry

Asa Patrick Wall

Ada McGraw West

Otto Leroy Amsler

Willie H. Clements

Kenneth B. Edwards

Harriet C. Gurr

Mary Turner Holder

Edna Erie Lindsey

Warren Calvin Haddox

Mable Morrow

Virgina B. Nickoloson

Ella Calahan Rees

Janie Thorpe Solomon

Mrs. R. B. Whitworth

Viola Wilson

Hannah B. Wilson

Graduates of 1931

James W. Anderson
Elizabeth Hunt Arnold
Paul Brown Bacon

Oglethorpe University


Hoke Smith Bell

Pearl Isadore Bennett

Helen Mary Boardman

Thelma Margaret Brogdon

Annie Edna Callaway

Emily Bealer Calhoun

Robert Edgar Carroll

Gertrude Corrigan

Mary Coley

M. D. Collins

Maude Bryon Curtis

Thomas Henry Daniel, Jr.

William John S. Deal

Ella Dickson

Frank Gardner Dillard

Claudia Clyde Dumas

Lester Elsberry

Edward Duncan Emerson

Ruth Fleming

Ruth Elizabeth Frost

Annie Mary Fuller

Abraham H. Germain

Margaret E. Greenwood

Ernest A. Golden

Vera Hyde Hall

Donald W. Heideecker

Frank Martin Inman, Jr.

Zaidee Elizaebth Ivey

Zenith F. Jamerson

Ruth Kinnard

Harry Last

Miriam Steinberg Levy

Clyde C. Lunsford

Frank Mckay

Laura Massey

Anne Dye McElheny

Harry Lee McGinnis

Charles L. McKissack

Frances Elizabeth Merritt

Archie Guy Morgan

Gertrude Pane Murray

Ina Harris Norman

Mrs. Mar S. Beacon

Martha Jean Osborne

Beulah Edna Phillips

Alan Sedgwick Ritz

Olin Paul Rogers

Mrs. Haze W. Seavey

Gladys Seguin

Benjamin Ivey Simpson, Jr.

Mary Evelyn Standard

William C. Bull

Mary Clary

Thelma Clements

Mildred B. Converse

Alma W. Davis

Eloise Young Edwards

Lamar Ferguson

Gordon Fort

Leila Wallace Frost

Lutie Pope Head

Rebie H. Hill

Ira Jarrell

Elliece Johnson

Enid Graham Johnston

Margaret C. Kendrick

William B. Kimble

Rosa May King

Nancq B. Wilson

Elizabeth H. Arnold

Auro E. Baird

Helen I. Clapp

William I. Jeter

Ruth Kinnard

Albert A. Lacour

John W. Rogers

Albert N. Shaffer

Eearl L. Sheppard

Margaret A. Vardeman

Ruth Spiller

Thomas Cora Sweet

John PierceTurk

John Pierce Turk

Margaret Alice Verdeman

Zelan Theodore Wills

Willie Woodall

Bety Smiley Whitaker

Sadajiro Yoshinuma

Eugenia G. Patterson

Faith Walton Porch

Lillian Herring Purcell

Geradine E. Reeves

Mary C. Rowland

Ray S. Sewell

Marie C. Shaw

Alma S. Southerland

Alice M. E. Staples

D. Ford Staples

Richard F. Stone

Virginia De W. Templeman

Roy L. Warren

Marion M. Whaley

Edna Mae Whitehead

Gordon N. White

Mary K. Williamson

Anne E. K. co*k


Oglethorpe University

Elizabeth A. Crandall
Milton F. Davenport
Frank G. Dillard
Harrison K. Grifin
Emory Hammack
Edward L. Harney
Burke O. Hedges
Lawrence C. Height
Claude W. Herrin
Glenn James
Allen M. Johnson
Amy Silkks Knight
H. B. Kristman
William A. Lee
Vera Estelle Lindsey
Edith B. Marshall
Hallett A .MacKnight
Jefferson Davis McMillan
Lillian B. Mac Rae
Frank J. Meyer
Rounelle B. Middlebrooks
George C. Nicholson
John F. Oakey
Reavis O'Neal, Jr.
Mary Belle Laney
Nathan Mann
Henriette M. Masseling
Mrs. C. M. Neal
Stanley Mathews Oliver
Louis L. Perry
Elizabeth H. Pew
Kathleen H. Pitman
Emma V. Prichard
Golden A. Pirkle
Katie Jones Sameul
Carl T. Sutherland

Graduates of 1932

Frank B. Anderson, Jr.
Hewlett Bagwell
Evelyn L. Baugh
Lee Bennett
Christine E. Bost
Charles J. Bourn
Gladys Adair Bridges
George P. Brinson, Jr.
Carl B. Brooks
Pai'ker Lewis Bryant
Gladys Mapp Cannon
Ace L. Carter, Jr.

Graduates of 1933

B. E. Alward

Mrs. Ethel T. Cooper

C. M. Hicks
Wilard P. Allison

H. Vernon Anderson
Evelyn Bailey
Ruby W. Walker
Lewis C. Bell
John H. Biting
Grady H. Blackwell
Louise H. Bode
Mary Muldrow Brown
Bertha Mae Bowen
Annie Chapman
Carl N. Coffee
Sidney H. Davies
Lawrence Daniel Drake
Jean England
Paul B. Fite, Jr.
George S. Gailliard, Jr.
Cheston Gardner
Rose Goldstein
Jesse Douglas Hansard
Mildred Heard
Herman F. Lange
E. Houston Lundy, Jr.
Ray H. Walker
Walter R. Masengale, Jr.
Marie A. Mauldin
Andrew F. Morrow
Donald H. Overton
John W. Patrick
Forrest C. Poole
Almon R. Raines
Eli F. Rainwater
Edward G. Reder
Robert T. Higins
Catherine Shaw
John Statham
Mary R. Steadwell
Elizabeth J. Steele
Sam Tarentino
Benjamin Hill Vincent
Vera Estelle Lindsey
Mrs. Lucile H. Maddox
Theodore R. Moore
Harriet C. Rainwater
Ruth W. Sanders
Nancy Byron Wilson
Edith O. 'Wright

Oglethorpe University


Graduates of 1934

Harold Aaron
Ana Marie Annaberg
Edwin Warren Anderson
Nannie Stephens Broadwell
Florence Jackson Bryan
Dorothy Hansel! Carlton
Emory Austin Chandler
George Horace Coleman
John Clayton Compton
Samuel Reed Craven
Louis Lloyd Davis
Percy Hall Dixon
Mildred Eaves
Lena Floersch
Max Sidney Flynt, Jr.
Nellie Jane Gaertner
Emma Elhura Gates
Jay Powers Glen
Asa Jack Harison, Jr.
Julian Clarence Heriot
Philip Luther Hildrith
Eloise Hogan
Sara Lee Hogan
Elizabeth Elis Hyatt
Thornwell Jacobs, Jr.
Jess Ray Johnson
Lucille Dunn Jones
David S. Lashner
Jane Madelaine Lewis
Ruth Elizabeth Lewis
Martha Jeanette Linch
Rachel May Maddox
Sara Inell Mitchell
Genevieve Nephoff
Vera Holcombotta Patelli
Lizzie Lvon Pritchett
Albert Seagraves Riley
Leon Rubin
Adelaide Reynolds Setz
Sara Alice Sharpe
Lindsey Rudolph Shouse
Josie Claire Slocumb
Robin Leroy Thurmand
Charls Monroe Walker
Elmer Walls
Ina Reeves Worthy
Thomas Christian Wooten
Gilbert George Wood
Charles Spencer Worthy
Harry Paul Wren
Christine Clarette Wright

Hildrith V. Anderson
Clara F. Bright
John Kenneth Brown
Gladys Mann Cannon
Cora L. Carter
Virginia P. Claire
Louis Lloyd Davis
Robert D. England
Max Sidney Flynt, Jr.
Nellie J. Gaertner
Emily B. Gregory
Jesse Douglas Hansard
Harold S. Jones
Julia Edwards Maxwell
Enrichetta C. Pattelli
Anna E. B. Phillips
Emma G. Pollard
Hazel W. Seavey
Arnold B. Smith
Wesley Lane Stokes

Graduates of 1935

Stinson M. Adams, Jr.
Fairis Bagwell
J. Marvin Bentley
Mrs. J. C. Brown
Avery Hewitt Coffin
Thelma Brock Coley
James Garland Darracott
Clarence Deaver
Mrs. Gladys Dukes
Lou Allen Evans
Novelle S. Fleming
Clark Garner
Samuel Gelband
Jacquelyn Emily Gordy
Grace New Goss
James Wilson Head
Lois Hollingsworth
James Mikell Holmes
Mary McWilliams Huey
Ruth Ingram
Carol Virginia Jeffares
Carie Leonaro Johnson
Opal A. Kittinger
Sarah Lefkoff
Samuel Boyd Leslie
Elise Margaret Martin
Eugene Leontes McDuffie
Hoke Smith McGee
John Oliver McNeely
Sarah Louise Mitchell


Oglethorpe University

Frank Martin Mitrick
Edith Moss
Carrie Lee Murrah
Jean Annette Noel
Elizabeth Carter O'Brien
Rufus Knox Pitts, Jr.
Hazelle Powell
Willie Belle Robinson
Lucy Maden Suttles
Howard R. Thranhardt
Franklin L. B. Wall
Joseph Arthur Walls
Pearle Wallis
Lucile Wells
Mrs. W. W. Wells
Cora Price Welch
Ruth Whitehead
Franklin D. Whitmore
Bell Cady Aldrich
Virginia S. Ballard
Ruth L. Blodquett
Annie M. Fuller
Henry Grady Jarrard
Neola McDavid
Anne Dye McElheny
John Wililam Patfick
Garland D. Purdue
Lizie L. Prichett
Mary E. Standard
Elizabeth J. Steele
T. L. Walker
William L. Walker

Graduates of 1936

Lillian W. Allison

Mrs. Mary S. Atcvhison

Lucy Jane Belows

L. L. Bennett

Jack Biown

Sarah Ann Bradshaw

Emma Burnett

Martha Lee Careker

W. Paul Carpenter, Jr.

James Edwin Copeland

Kothryn W. Cochran

James Dawkins Crmoer

Rose Crosby

Eva Carolyn Dodd

Margaret L. Donaldson

John Luther Ferguson

Lexie J. Floyd

Robert Henry Frieman

Christine George

Joel Erby George
Wilie Boyce Happoldt
John Mcllwane Holcomb
James Mikell Holmes
Ida Hurtel
Leona Ingram
Mildred Harris Kelley
Miss Clebe Merze Kemph
Martha E. Kendrick
Ruth Kehrer Kirkpatrick
Lois B. Kohke
Louise Pirkle Langford
Hannah Goldgar Luntz
Mrs. Melrose Lynch
Myrta Florrid McClure
Hillard B. McCullough
Joseph M. McGahee
George R. McNamara
Herman Cecil Moon
Paula Mildred Ross
Anna Emilie Senkbeil
Opal Taylor Shaw
Francis Palmer Smith
Alva H. Thompson
Ralph Arthur Tolve
Lawrence W. Wade
Mrs. D. W. Watson
Mae Williamson
Fred Wood
Mary C. Atchison
Lena Floresch
Robert H. Frieman
Anne Schorb Gaines
Laura L. Houk
Jessie H. Kitchens
Cleveland H. King
Mary N. Lumpkin
Carrie L. Murah
Agnes S. McCaskill
Bess Ellison Matthews
Rounelle Middlebroks
Kate Williamson Poole
Viola Reed

Thomas Carra Sweet
Howard R. Thranhardt
Annette N. Vincent
Lawrence W. Wade
Aranna Martha Watson

Graduates of 1937

Ava Claude Ammons
Donnie M. Bennett

Oglethorpe University


Minie G. Carrol
Homer S. Carson, Jr.
Wilie Fincher Cates
F. Fuessel Chisholm
Julia Norton Clifton
Ernest Perry Clyburn
Troy Drew
Thomas E. Ewing
John Hoyt Rarmer
Pinky Jewell Gates
Alice George
Alice Ellis Hart
Lucia Harvville
Edwin Cherry Hester
Mrs. J. W. House
Mrs. Clara Belle Isle
Mrs. Ola Hicks Jones
Lilian R. Johnson
Duane Hansen Kunde
Lelia Livingston
Mrs. Melrose Lynch
Emily B. McCay
Velma M. Merritt
Elizabeth S. Miller
Mary Belle Mitchell
Marjorie Murphy
Ira Floyd Osterhout
James A. Pearson
Creighton I. Perry
Jack Puryear
Wiliam H. Reynolds
Mack Albert Rickard
Mary Adamson Roberts
Margaret E. Roark
Ruth H. Satterfield
Ann Jarrett Shimp
Fanny A. Spahr
Rebie Workman Stewart
Heyl Gremmer Tebo
Ralph W. Thacker
B. R. Turnipsed, Jr.
Alma Wade
Richard K. Wallace
Hassie Mae Whitmire
Irene Hanco*ck Young

Pearl I. Bennett
Sarah A. Bradshaw
Thelma E. Brown
Clyde M. Carpenter
W. Paul Carpenter, Jr.
Noel M. Cawthon
John Hoyt Farmer

Esther R. Fincher
Willie Boyce Happoldt
Martha E. Kendrich
Mary R. Ivy
Pearl Moore
Lyndell M. Nelson
Beulah E. Phillips
Dorothy T. Pomeroy
Edna K. Pounds
Fannie C. Symmers
Frances B. Temple
Mae Williamson


Beulah Mosley Adamson
Bernice Anderson
Pauline Anderson
Dorothy Austin
Sue Bailey

Margaret Louise Bible
Martha Wyly Carmichael
Helen Lorena George
Jamhes Ralph Hampton
Carolyn Virginia Jeter
Corena Salley Kerns
Gladys Pauline Lindsey
Melrose Hamilton Lynch
Lucile Merritt
Mary O. Russell
Virginia Sauls
Beatrice Bird Stegall
Myrta Thomas
Alma Elizabeth Suttles
Elizabeth Ramey Thompson
Mary Ellen Ramey
Emilie Binion Rogers
Samuel McKibben Rosser
Ruth McLaughlin Rosser
Louise Seaborn Roquemore
Mayme Alexander* Webb


Loyce Furman Cargile
Effie Estelle Davis
John Luther Ferguson
Mrs Leon D. Hall
Edwin C. Hester
Minie S. Howell
Ida Hurtel
Rose Lovette
Jettie B. McCoy
Anna E. Senkbeil
Elizabeth Silvey


Oglethorpe University

Graduates of 1938

Mrs. Leemon R. Akin
Dahlia R. Baker
Marion Brooks
Bertha Bunn
Jessie Carson
Pauline Cash
Hugh Knight Clements
Samuel J. Clinkscales
Frank Gardner Dillard
Martha Eubanks Falls
Lois Ann Flaum
Ola Garner
George Walace Gasque
Christine P. Hankinson
Bety Howard
Mrs. Conway Hunter
Dollie Dial Johnson
Bertha McCurdy
Katharine L. Patterson
Ruby Pool

Marye Power McClesky
Kimsey R. Stewart
Margaret Stipe
Sara Frances Tomlinson
Roy Willis Twiggs
Ruth Odessa Tanner
Loren Peruchi Thomas
Lillian Bell Thrasher
Helen Camp Richardson
Eula Roark

Martha Louise Watkins
Maud Barrett Wiley
Kate Ozmer Wike
Lyman Cady Aldrich
Clyde Eugene Bays
Wyatt Hill Benton
J. Hubert Elliott, Jr.
S. Leon Finklea, Jr.
Vivian G. Wicenbaker
Herbert E. Atkins
Lonnie R. Bennett
Franklyn Cauthen, Jr.
Wilis Parrish Denny
William Norfleet Eason
Francis Scott Key
Ernest Winn Stephenson
Edward Weems
Jeanette E. Bentley
Christoher Piaago
Thomas H. Fallaw, Jr.
Mary Emma Tanner


Emma Burnett
Mae Fountain
R. H. Harris
Lois Bedford Kohke
William Nathan Nunn
Howard Pool
Richard C. Simonton
Fany Ann Spahr
Mary Ruth Spiller
Mrs. D. W. Watson
F. Fuessel Chisholm
Myrta Thomas Carper
Gerald Young Smith


Kittie Huie Aderhold

Pauline Baker

Clara Ward Belle Isle

Eva Cleveland

Mrs. Nellie Hamrick Cooper

Sallie Dorrian

Cora Blanche Fraser

Mary Amanda Garner

Avery Anderson Graves

Virginia Payne Haire

Hatra Eugene Harville

Jewell 0. Holcombe

Mary Jane Husley

Ozie Hutchins

Mrs. C. L. Ivey

Mrs. Palmer Johnson

Maud King

Mrs. L. D. Maxey

Mariema Miller

Jonie Lee Moore

Jean Walace Mozley

Marjorie Murphy

Byron M. Paden

Gwen Robertson

Tessie Smith

Mattie Downs Thomas

Mrs. G. R. Rucker

Harold Ross Turpin

Frank Wp+son

Fannie Powel Wheeler

Thelma Williams

Anne R. Gaertner

Sara Frances Keller

Deborah Steelman
Melville Doughty

Oglethorpe University


Lillian Bloodworth MacRae

Anne D. Bennett

J. L. Bickers

Evelyn Fitzgerald Bird

Roy Vincent Brewer

Mrs. Emily Bealer Calhoun

Alice M. Sutton

M"5. Fannie V. Collier

LeRoy Harper Fargason

Christine Park Hankinson

Leona Ingram

Lelia Livingston

Adelaide Reynolds Setze

Eunice Hill McGee

Velma Marab Merritt

Nelle Phillips

Emma Elizabeth Plaster

Emilie Binion Rogers

Mrs. Frances W. Seaborn

Mary Kathleen Taylor

Teachers Certificates in

Manuscript Writing

Mrs. G. R. Tucker

Lou Reeta Barton

Eunice Ball

Miriam Beers

Lililan Perlman

Mrs. L. T. Blackwell

Mrs. H. H. Hubbard

Ora Frost

Mary Tyner

Johnnie Moore

Pauline Baker

Ozie Hutchins

Mrs. C. H. Hutchins

Mrs. C. L. Ivey

Dorothy Smith

Gene Harville

Caroline Hall

Ethie Alexander

Mrs. A. R. Glover

Mrs. J. L. Cooper

Mrs. E. Jackson

Mrs. Arthur Moore

Mamie Locke

Mrs. R. B. Middlebrooks

Donie Bennett

Mrs. C. G Russell

Mrs. T. G. Linkous

Alma Boswell

Lucile Scarborough

Mrs. Mattie Walker

Betty Morse
Fayne Boyd
Mrs. Neva Hawkins
Alice S. Robinson
Mrs. Joe H. Estes
Katherine Mouldin
Mrs. J. H. Baskin
Mrs. Pat Greer
Ina Lou Juhan
Nina Hendirck
Mrs. J. R. Beville
Martha Kendrick
B. C. Jackson
Grace Hadaway
Bess Wingo
Mrs. L. D. Maxey
Thelma Williams
Sarah Bradshaw
William H. Faver
Mrs. J. Troy Buice
Marie Mauldin
Byron M. Paden
Lillian Bryant

Graduates of 1939

Lou Reeta Barton
Ida Lorena Black
Fayne Boyd
Wilburn B. Bramlett
Ethel Delia Brock
Mantie Louise Braselton
James H. Branyan
Essie Belle Brockman
Lillian Lucile Bryant
Herman L. Campbell
Hattie Lou Carroll
John Malcolm Chesney
George Perl Clay
Jean Thelma Clyburn
Annie Houze Cook
Anne Davis
Mrs. Louise Lott Davis
Jim Creswell Decker
Sara Ellen Dunbar
Nora Belle Emerson
Mrs. Katherine M. Felker
Ben S. Forkner, Jr.
Wilson P. Franklin
Ora Frost
Mary Elsie Garner
Lillian Taner Golightly
Elenor Glenn Ivey
Ethlyn Gross Jackkson


Oglethorpe University

Sylvester B. Jones
Ellen Mackey Jones
Morris Newton Jones
Sara Frances Johnson
Mary Elizabeth Josey
Ralph Henry Keith
Frances Law Kennedy
Charles C. King
Ralph H. King
James Fargo Lanier
Mary Eugenia Latta
Van A. Lingle
Louise Darnall Martin
Maurese Estelle Martin
Carolyn V. Matthews
James Otis McNeal
William D. Meredith, Jr.
Eula Landers Milam
Norman H. Mitchell
Elbert Newton Mullis
Avaleen Morris
Charles Byrd Newton
Glenn Cotter Owens
Delia M. Raines
Margaret LaVerne Partain
Ansel William Faulk
Jack Perry
Louis R. Piazza
Margaret DuPree Powell
Panl E. Rainwater, II
Mrs. Pearl Hanks Raoul
Lois Reed

Alice Speight Robinson
Maclay J. Salfisberg
Taine Anne Saunders
Francis E. Schwabe
Audrey Scarborough Shaw
Evelyn Purcell Showalter
Beatrice Hamlett Simons
Elizabeth W. Sinclair
Mary Virginia Skinner
Joseph Lawrence Slay
John McLeod Smith
Adolph Flatauer Spear
Dessie H. Stephens
Lena Still

Clifford V. M. Sutcliffe
J. Turner Swanson
Sadie Humphrey Talley
Frederick S. Thranhardt
Francis M. Tillman
Mrs. John Lewis Turner
Marjorie Leigh Upshaw

Ruth Vannerson
Perrin Walker
Alice Rutledge Wheler
James Russell Young
Frank M. Zelencik


Jessie Van Allen
Jewel Theresa Bird
Willie Fincher Cates
Hattie Lou Carroll
J. Milton Cochran
Jewelene Audrey Epps
Marian Stuart Fargason
Helen Lorena George
Margaret E. Greenwood
Janie Frances Hall
Micajah David Harper
Ruth Ingram
Juan Marcus Jarard
Nellie Bernice Jones
Lucille Dunn Jones
Ruth Elizabeth Lewis
Hannah Goldgar Luntz
Margaret McWhorter
Evamaie Willingham Park
Margaret Esther Roark
Paula Mildred Ross
Ruth Hewin Satterfield
Carl Calvin Seagroves
Jasper Brabham Sojourner
Heyl Gremmer Tebo
Lilian Bell Thrasher
May A. Walker

Graduates of 1940

Gertrude Thomas Avrett
Ivanora Wood Baker
Mamie Albertine Barnes
John Hai*old Besozzi, Jr.
Alma Downing Blodgett
Nell Smith Body
Adalee Burrow
James Hubert Collins
Katherine Davidson
Oleeta T. Cleveland
Dorothy Bray Dorsey
Lina Garner
William Elmer George
John Lemuel Hames
Florence Delia I?rael
Mrs. Minnie K. Jarrard

Oglethorpe University


Inez Johnson
Chester Daniel Kemp
Marjorie Bowles Jones
William Charles Kavanaugh
Harriet Isabel Lester
Lula Belle Wingo Millians
Josephine Newberry
Robert Lee Osborne
Erin Carroll Penn
Laura Elizabeth Pierce
Mrs. Channing Pope
Berdie Norman Proctor
Edna Brandon Rainey
Mrs. Lillian Gross Rayfield
Lillian Russell
Beulah Scarborough
Jimmie Shackleford
Helen Shankin
D. T. Smith, Jr.
Louisa Cloud Sullivan
Mary Huntington Waddey
Eula Mae Warren
Myrtle Snell Watkins
Gus Ripley White
Olivia Williams
Lula Davidson Willis
Mrs. Jas. Cleaburne Wilson
Mary Belle Woodfm
Frances Dickson Bone
Marian Oliver
Albert Frank Fornarotto
Homer Frederick Kelleyy
Jack L. Russell
Stephen John Schmidt
George Robert Mills, Jr.,
Louis Edward Leskosky
Guerrnat Heath Perrow
Lloyd Everett Stein
John Stoer Barnett
William Terry Bacham
Marvin Brooks Chesser
Hal C. Jones
John C. Morenc
John N. Petosis
Charles Richard Tomlin
John Craig Williams
Howard Axelberg
Latham Denning
Medora Duncan Fitten
James Donovan Mosteller
Margaret Miller
Janie Mae Millwood
Jane Alger

Helen Margaret Brooks

Jessie Henderson Cary

Louise Malloy Cooper

Carrie Mary Logan

Lora Lee De Loach

Josephne Maette Jones

Morris Newton Jones

Wm. Franklin McGlamery

Lucile Reeve

Evelyn Galloway

Timoxena Sloan

John Joffre Brock

Moody E. Smith

Irene Hanco*ck Young

Lloyd Everett Stein

Louise Allison

Henry Arvel Berrong

Mrs. Wade Hampton Baggs

Eva Goss Brewton

Tillie Bell Brooks

T. Carl Buice

Eunice Chestnut

Lois Chestnut

Edna Wiggins Clay

Emma M. Adamson DeFoor

Julius B. Driskell

Ora Estep

Corinne Suddeth Estes

Edna Wing Estes

Bertha Hopkins Ferguson

Eva Gardner

Leila Gardner

Mrs. Alice Hornbuckle Gouge

Mrs. Frances Smith Green

Grace Hadaway

Magdalene Hindsman Haaines

Lois McDaniel Hansard

Florence T. Hopkins

Clyde Almon Hill

Augustus R. Housley

Erma Loyce Hutchins

Sara Hilliard Jackson

Mrs. Louise T. Laudermilk

Mrs. Emily Bsowell Martin

Mrs. Addie Mae Pinkston

Myrtle Strickland Pittard

Reba Ramsey

Annie Mae Robertson

Ethel Brinson Smith

Eloise Stephens

Lucille Tatum

Beulah S. Thompson


Oglethorpe University

Mrs. Ruby Hadge Tucker
J. Ralph Westbrook
Margaret Callawayy Wright
Edna Harris Wood
Kathleen Williams
Florrie B. Still
Erlene Scarborough Seeger
Katherine Eoline Moon
Irma Foster Matthews
Mary Ruth McLeod
Bertha Brown Faircloth
Mrs. Jean Hurst McDonald
May Bellee H. McGarity
Mrs. Nannie H. Coley
Dorothy Crumbley
Louise Beall Freeman

Mrs. Sara Williamson Price
Ruth F. Weegand
Annabel Bayley Haley
Marguerite McKinney
Alice Mary Etta Staples
Valerie Evelyn Truman
William E. Love
Ethel Delia Brock
Jessie Carson
Lillian S. Ford
Era Mae Furr
Eloise Hogan

Desseuseurre Ford Staples
Mary Alice Thompson
Agnes Lynn Jones
Jameson Truett Brooksher

Oglethorpe University 161

The proper form for using in making a bequest to
Oglethorpe University is as follows:

"/ hereby give and bequeath to Oglethorpe

University, a corporation of Fulton County,

Georgia, $


If you desire to leave property, in addition to, or
instead of money, describe the property carefully un-
der the advice of our lawyer. Time and chance work
their v/ill upon us all. Now is the hour to attend to
this matter. Do now for your university what you
would have done.

Charter of Oglethorpe University

Oglethorpe University was chartered May 8, 1913. This
charter was amended February 23, 1925, August 1, 1932 and
October 20, 1939.

The following charter takes from all prior charters the
power now existing:


To the Superior Court of said County:

The petition of Jas. W. English, Sr. : Frank M. Inman,
John K. Ottley, Thornwell Jacobs, Edgar Watkins, Hoke Smith,
W. L. Moore, Hugh K. Walker, E. G. Jones, James R. Gray,
and Hugh Richardson, all of Fulton County in the State of
Georgia, and George W. Watts of Durham, North Carolina;
J. T. Anderson, Cobb County, and J. W. Hammond of Spald-
ing County, Georgia, respectfully shows:

That they desire for themselves and their associates and
successors to be incorporated and made a body politic under

162 Oglethorpe University

the name and style of OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY for
a period of Fifty Years, from and after October 20, 1939,

with the right within or at the end of said time to obtain
further extensions as now or may be authorized by the laws

of the State of Georgia.


(A) The purpose of this corporation is educational and
its principal place of business and corporate home shall be in
the County of Fulton and the State of Georgia, but it prays
the right and power to extend its oprations and hold prop-
erty in different Counties of this State.

(B) No Board, Committee, or other authority of Ogle-
thorpe University shall ever have the power by any form of
contract to create a lien on the real properties of the Univer-
sity now or hereafter owned. Provided, however the Board
of Trustees may extend, renew or otherwise secure by appro-
priate lien any indebtedness now constituting a lien on any
of the properties of the University and on any property here-
after acquired on which there is a lien at the time of acquisi-

That said corporation shall be granted the power to re-
ceive by gift, donation, purchase or bequest property of what-
soever kind of character and whatsoever situation; to receive
and hold funds as trustee, such funds to be used in such man-
ner as may be provided in the trust granting same; to estab-
lish and conduct a University for the purpose of promoting
education of such kind and character as may be desirable
and desired and as may be determined by the appropriate
Governing Board as provided in paragraph 4 hereof; to en-
force good order, receive donations, make purchases, and ef-
fect all alienations of realty and personalty, not for the pur-
pose of trade and profit, but for promoting the general interest
of such establishment; to grant diplomas and confer degrees,
literary, scientific, professional and clerical, and such other
degrees and honors as are usually conferred by universities,
in such manner and at such times and under such circum-
stances as the Governing Board may determine; to hold, use
and invest such funds as may belong to it or be purchased
by or granted, given or bequeathed to it, and to hold as trust
funds any property that may be placed in trust for scholor-
ships to have corporate powers as may be suitable and not
inconsistent with the laws of this state, nor violate of private


The governing authorities of the Corporation shall be
(1) a board of Founders; (2) a Board of Directors, and (3)
a Board of Trustees.

(A) The Board of Founders shall consist of all who are
now members of the Board of Directors, for which provision
is hereafter made, may from time to time elect.

Oglethorpe University 163

The President of the University shall be ex officio a
member of this Board. The officers of this Board shall be
a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treas-
urer, and the present officers shall continue in office until
their successors are elected by the Board. To be eligible for
election to this Board, one must have given or had given in
his behalf to said University not less than the sum or value
of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars.

Said Board shall meet regularly at least once each year
at such time as may be determined by its President, or fail-
ing such determination, by the President of the University;
and it may meet oftener on the call of either of such Presi-
dents. Notice of all meetings must be given in writing, mail-
ed or delivered to the member's last known addres, at least
ten (10) days theretofore.

(B) The Board of Directors shall have general authority
over all the affairs of the University, except as authority is
specifically herein given another Board.

Such Board of Directors shall consist of not more than
twenty-one (21) members, seventeen (17) of whom shall be
elected by the Board of Directors from the members of the
Board of Founders. The Presidents of the Founders and of
the University, and the Secretary and Treasurer of the Foun-
ders shall be ex offico members. The Borad of Directors
shall have as its officers a President, a Vice-President, a Sec-
retary and a Treasurer. Vacancies on the Board of Directors
shall be elected by such Board and hold office at the will of
the Board. The elective members of the Board shall be elected
approximately one-third (1-3) each from Fulton County, the
Southern States and from outside the Southern States. The
Secretary and Treasurer shall be those who respectively hold
such offices on the Board of Founders. The members of the
present Executive Committee shall constitute the Board of
Directors until by-law or resolution the Board of Direc-
tors otherwise provide. The Board of Directors shall, through
its President, report annually, or at its option oftener, its ac-
tions to the Board of Founders.

The Board of Directors shall meet regularly once each
quarter, at dates to be fixed by by-law. Special meetings may
be called by its President, or by five (5) or more members.
Five (5) days notice of all meetings shall be mailed of other-
wise given to each member.

The Board of Directors shall choose an Executive Com-
mittee composed of its President, the President of the Univer-
sity, and not less than one (1), nor more than three (3)
other members of the Board of Directors. Such Executive
Committee shall have the right and duty to perform all the
functions of the Board of Directors when such Board is not
in session. It shall report its actions to the next meeting of

164 Oglethorpe University

such Board. Upon reports being made the Board of Directors
may, at its next meeting, if any member of the Executive
Committee has objection to any action of the Committee, re-
view and aprove, set aside or change such Committee ac-

(C) The Board of Trustees shall be the present Trustees
and their respective successors when elected by the Board of
Directors. The Directors shall have power to elect the Trus-
tees and prescribe by by-law their tenure of office and the
numbr of not less than five (5) nor more than nine (9), of
which number the President of the University, the President
and Secretary of the Board of Directors, shall be ex officio
members, the President of the Board of Directors being ex
officio Chairman.

The Board of Trustees shall meet upon the call of its
Chairman, upon tive (5) days notice. Such notice may be
given orally or in writing. No one shall be eligible to mem-
bership on the Board of Trustees unless he is a member of
the Board of Directors and also a member of a Presbyterian

The Board of Trustees shall have sole power over the
sale and purchase and to fix the terms thereof of real prop-
erty, used or for use by the University as a campus or build-
ing, not held as endowment, and to authorize the execution
of mortgages or other liens.

All contracts of the University shall be executed by the
President or Chairman of the authority having control over
the subject-matter and countersigned by its Secretary in the
name and under the seal of the corporation.


The OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY has no capital stock
and all property owned or hereafter acquired by it is to be
held for the purpose of an educational universitv. Petition-
ers desire that the OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY when in-
corporated shall have the right to sue and be sued, to plead
and be impleaded, to have and to use a common seal, to make
all necessary by-laws and regulations; and to do all other
things that may be necessary for the successful accomplish-
ment of its purpose as a university; with the right to execute
notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred or which
may be incurred in the conduct of the affairs of the corpora-
tion, and to secure the same, except as limited above, by
mortgage, security-deed, bond or other form of lien under ex-
isting laws as well as under any other laws that may here-
after be passed.

They desire for said corporation the power and authority
to apply for and accept amendments to its charter of either
form or substance by a vote of a majority of its Board of

Oglethorpe University 165


They desire for the said corporation the right of renewal
when and as provided by the laws of Georgia, and that it
have all such rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are
incident to like corporations or permissible under the laws of

WHEREFORE, petitioner prays for amendments of its
charter as hereinbefore stated and that petitioner have all tme
powers in its original charter and amendments thereto except
as changed by this amendment, and all the powers contained
in this amendment and in the laws of the State of Georgia,
or that may hereafter be in force.


Attorneys for Petitioner.

I, Archibald Smith, Secretary of the Board of Directors
and of the Board of Trustees of Oglethorpe University, here-
by certify that the above and forgoing petition for amend-
ments to the charter of Oglethorpe University was duly and
Board of Directors of Oglethorpe University on the eleventh
legally passed at a lawful called and held meeting of the
day of October, 1939.



The petition of Oglethorpe University to amend its char-
ter as herein stated, read and considered. It appearing that
such application is legitimately within the purview and in-
tention of the laws of that State, it is ordered that the ap-
plication be and the same is hereby granted and the charteT
amended as prayed.

In Open Court, this 20th day of October, 1939.

Judge, Superior Court, Fulton County.


Oglethorpe University


Allen, James d'Arman

Anderson, Bernice

Anderson, Jane Goodwillie

Anderson, Pauline

Aurandt, Audrey LaRue'

Ausband, Mrs. P. E.

Austin, Mrs. Lucile Watkins

Avers, Martha

Baggs, Martha

Baker, Maude T.

Baker, Ruby Wells

Bashinski, Mrs. Helen M.

Beane, Nellie

Bell, Eleanor

Bennett, Mrs. Donnie M.

Blanton, Evelyn Nilwon

Bohanan, Bura

Boling, Mrs. Cecil

Bowen, Mrs. Bertha M.

Boze, Barbara

Bradley. Henrietta S.

Bragg, Mrs. Bessie N. (Fla.)

Bramblett, Weldon

Brooks, Jimmie Lou

Brown, Mrs. Katye H.

Brown, Mary Sue Darby

Brownlow, Bonnie

Bryant, Mrs. F. M.

Buice, J. Troy

Buice, Mrs. J. Troy

Burel, Dorothy

Burkhalter, Edward H.

Burrows, Mrs. Lucile B.

Byrnes, Mrs. L. G. (Fla

Callaway, Blanche

Callaway, Sarah

Cannan, Ann

Capps, Mrs. Clifford L.

Carithers, Mrs. Mary

Carnes, Frances

3arr, Frances

Carter, Helen

Castleberry, Mrs. G. D.

Cheek, Jewell

Clark, Ernest M., Jr.

Claxton, Mrs. Marie S.

Clayton, Ruth

Clippinger, Margaret R.
Collier Dorothy
Cooper, Geraldine
Cown, John M.
Craig, Mrs. Daisy W,
Crumbley, Dorothy
Crumbley, Mrs. J. T.
Cunnard, Lucile B.
Davidson, Katherine
Davis. Mrs. Martha S.
Davis, Mrs. Thelma W.
Delaney, Mrs. E. Ray (Fla)
Dorsey, Dorothy B.
Dowis, Jetta L.
Drake, Joseph P.
Driskell, Caribel
Evans, Nolan W.
Foster, Mrs. Kate (Fla)
Gailey, Mary
Gailey, Sarah M.
Gates, Mrs. Philip C.
Goldthwait, John (La)
Good, Mrs. Frances W.
Goss, Frederick, (Vt)
Greene, Judson J.
Greene, Mrs. Judson J.
Gregory, Annie Laurie
Gregory, Mrs. Irene
Grimsley, Dorothy L.
Guy, Mrs. Edyth
Hair, Mrs. Mary M.
Harber, Mrs. Mary Wilson
Harwell, Frances G.
Hastings, Jerry
Hatcher, Eleanor J.
Helton, Mrs. Gussie C.
Henderson, A. P.
Highnote, Miriam
Kiggins, Dorothy L.
Hingst, Ruth L.
Hosch, Mrs. Corinne R.
Howard, C. W.
Huntress, Kath. S. (Ore.)
Jackson, B. C.
Jackson, Loraine
Jenkins, Camille G.
Johnson, Alice

Oglethorpe University


Johnson, Lillian R.

Johnston, Rubye Joel

Jones, Mrs. Eloise S.

Jones, Glenn, C.

Kelley, Essie

Kelly, Martin

Kerlin, Mrs. Ethel S.

King, Dora M.

Knight, Victor H.

Lam, Mrs. C. O.

Lane, Keith (N. Mex)

Lanier, Frances E.

Lee, Mrs. Julia

Lewis, Mrs. Vera Hall

Linkous, Mrs. T. G.

Locke, Mamie M.

Lowe, Mrs. C. C.

Lowry, Mrs. Judith R.

Luck, Olivia 0.

Lunn, E. H.

McCorkle, Mary

McDonald, Mrs. Jean Hurst

McMinn, Mrs. Thomas E.

Marchman, Sara

Mathis, Mrs. T. H.

Meacham, John W. Jr., (Miss)

Medcalf, Mrs. Martha W.

Milam, Laree

Milam, Mrs. Loy

Mitchell, Joan

Mitchell, Julia

Moon, Herman Cecil

Morris, O. H.

Nalley, D. E.

Nipper, Mrs. H. S.

Oliver, Jane A.

Olvey, Mrs. E. W.

Orr, Loyce

Overstreet, Evelyn G.

Paddock, Esther E.

Page, Eileen

Papot, Mrs. Annette M.

Paris, Margaret

Pass, Mrs. Clarice

Patton, A. W.

Pearson, H. C.

Peeble, Amye

Peebles, Cutie

Peebles, Janie T.

Penn, E. B.

Phillips, Nelle

Powell, Robert D.

Prescott, Elizabeth K.

Price, Mrs. Sara Williamson

Puckett, Ama Lou B.

Purse, Mrs. Miriam

Raoul, Mrs. Pearl H.

Reagan, Kate 0.

Reed, Mrs. Eunice McArthur

Reese, Mrs. J. J.

Richardson, Mrs. Bernice S.

Roberson, Ruby V.

Roberts, Pauline A.

Robinson, Mrs. Louise Y.

Rymer, Sara I.

Sanders, Leo

Smith, J. Alvin

Smith, Mrs. Ruby Watson

Smith, Sara M.

Sosebee, Arthur R.

Spiva, J. H.

Stinchcomb, Wilbur R.

Suttles, Lucy A.

Suttles, Mrs. Nelle H.

Tatum, Lucille

Taylor, Mrs. Sue

Thomason, Mrs. Troy

Thompson, Mrs. L. N.

Tillman, Janette

Timms, Eliza Mae

Tolleson, Mrs. Elizabeth G.

Townseiid, Mrs. Willie Conner

Tyner, Mrs. Mary

Vallette, Edgar (Tex.)

Vann, Mrs. Ruth H.

Vickery, Ruth J.

Wade, Carlotta

Waddey, Mary

Waggoner, Mrs. Maurice E.

Wallace, Mrs. Frank

Warren, Gloria

Watkins, Evelyn C.

Watson, Annie Mae

Weegand, Ruth

Whitaker, Trevalu

Wiley, Maud

Williams, Audrey A.

Williams, Niza Lee

Williamson, Mrs. Douglas B.

Willis, Mrs. Lula D.

Willoughby, Lillian

Wingo, Louise

Woodburn, Chrystine


Oglethorpe University

Woodward, Mrs. H. A.
Wootton, Mrs. A. L.

Wright, Lois L.
Young, Frances N.


Abston, Cora Jeanne, 111.
Adamson, Ray, Ga.
Aldrich, Jane, Ga.
Allen, J. d'Arman, Ga.
Anderson, Jane G., Ga.
Anderson, Jeannette, Ga.
Arnold, Richard E., Fla.
Bagley, Franklin, Ga.
Baldwin, Emma Jean, Ga.
Barton, Margaret, Ga.
Benefield, Kathryn E., Ga.
Black, W. Edward, Fla.
Blackman, Herman, N. C.
Blankenship, Alyce, Ga.
Blash, Bruno, Ind.
Bollinger, Mary Lou, Ga.
Boze, Barbara, Ga.
Brackett, John, Ga.
Bunch, Herbert, Ga.
Burgess, France's, Ga.
Calmes, Jane, Hawaii
Cannan, Ann, Ga.
Cannon, Jane, Ga.
Cantrell, Thomas, Ga.
Cantwell, Florence, Ga.
Carr, Frances, Ga.
Chapman, Clyde, Ga.
Chapman, Eloise, Ga.
Chapman, Wilton, Ga.
Chastain, James M., Ga.
Clark, Betty, Ga.
Cochran, Martha, Ga.
Cone, Rodney, Ga.
Cook, Ronald, Ga.
Cowles, Elizabeth, Ga.
Crisp, William T., N. C.
Crowell, Billy C, Ga.
Cunningham, Paul, Mass.
Davis, Shirley P., Ga.
Dillard, Robert, Ga.
Dodd, Larry, Ga.
Douglass, Daniel, S. C.
Doyal, Eugene, Ga.
Drake, Joseph P., Ga.
Drinkard, John, Ga.

Elliott, Robert, Fla.
Ergle, Evelyn, Fla.
Eskridge, Jack, Ga. .
Farris, Henry T., Jr., Ga.
Ferrario, Angelo, Mass.
Floyd, Hugh, Ga.
Gasaway, John, Jr., Ga.
Gaston, Max, Ga.
Gillooley, Catherine, Ga.
Gillooley, Marian, Ga.
Goldthwait, John, La.
Goss, Frederick, Vt.
Gottenstrater, Ellen, Ga.
Greene, Dorothy, Ga.
Greene, Frank, 111.
Harben, Luther A., Ga.
Harris, Eugene, Ga.
Hastings, Jerry, Ga.
Hill, William, Ohio
Hinton, Douglas W., Ga.
Hooks, Joseph, Fla.
House, Thomas, Ga.
Hunter, Thomas M., 111.
Hurt, Harold, Ga.
Ivey, Max, Ga.
Johnson, Claudie, Ga.
Johnson, Jean, Ga.
Johnson, June, Ga.
Jones, William, Ga.
Josey, Hazel, Ga.
Juliana, Joseph R., N. J.
Kanthak, Mrs. Augusta, Ga.
Keeler, Barbara, Ga.
Kelley, John J., Mass. .
Kelly, Martin, Ga.
Kolbas, James D., Ind.
Lane, Keith, New Mex.
Lehner, Kenneth A., 111.
Lennox, Virginia, Mass.
Link, Edward, Jr., Ill
Liptak, George D., Conn.
LoCascio, Patsy, 111.
Lorenz, Ben, Ga.
Lyda, Louis, Ga.
McGrory, James W., Pa.

Oglethorpe University


Maman, Pete, Ind.
Mathews, Eleanor, Ga.
Mays, William H., Ga.
Meacham, John W., Jr., Miss.
Melton, Wayne M., Ga.
Mockabee, Jack, Ga.
Monsour, Charles, Jr., Ga.
Moore, Audrey, Ga.
Moore, Earle J., Ga.
Morris, Margaret, Ga.
Mosteller, Mrs. Iris, Ga.
Mueller, Tommye, Ga.
Nations, James O., Ga.
Newton, Charles E., Ind.
Nix, Beatrice, Ga.
Norvell, Edwin, Ga.
Oates, Billy, Jr., Ga.
Palma, Antonio M., Mass.
Paris, Margaret, Ga.
Patrick, Millard, Fla.
Patrick, Milton, Fla.
Pinkard, Elizabeth, Ga.
Popa, Nick W., Ind.
Pratt, Joyce, Ga.
Prescott, Elizabethe K., Ga.
Ptacek, Louis J., Fla.
Queen, Maurice E., Ga.
Ray, Bettye, Ga.
Ray, Cliff, Ga.
Reid, Ruth, Ga.
Rivenbark, Robert E., Ga.
Roberti, Ernest W., Mass.
Rollison, Elizabeth A., Ga.
Saenz, Joanne, Ohio
Schilling, Otis, Ga.
Sexton, Alton, Fla.
Sheffield, Frances, Fla.
Shelby, Joseph, Ga.
Shepard, Bette E., Ga
Sigman, Charles William, Ga.
Silverman, Jerome, Fla.
Singer, Frank S., Ga.
Smailes, James G., Ohio

Smith, Charles H., Ga.
Smith, Dale, Ga.
Smith, Gus, Ga.
Smith, Hamrick, Ga.
Smith, Victor, N. C.
Smoljan, Charles, Ind.
Steele, Hilliard T., Ga.
Stevens, Dewey, Ga.
Stewart, Margaret, Ga.
Stubbs, Cliffton, Jr., Ga.
Suttles, Lucy, Ga.
Talbott, George M., Va.
Templin, Virginia K., Ga.
Timberlake, Jamie, Ga.
Tosches, Joseph N., Mass.
Vallette, Edgar M., Tex.
Vance, Helen, Ga.
Verdi, Betty, Ga.
Vihlen, Fred, Fla.
Vocalis, Jimmy, Ga.
Voth, Richard, Fla.
Waite, Barbara, Ga.
Waite, Madeline, Ga.
Walker, Alice, Ga.
Wall, Robyn, Ga.
Wallace, Anne, Ga.
Waller, Charles F., Ga.
Ward, Donald E., Ohio
Ward, Sherman C, Ohio
Warren, Gloria W., Ga.
Watson, John J. A., Ga.
Weatherly, Adeline, Ga.
Weatherly, Dorothy, Ga.
Welbaum, Quentin, Fla.
Whaley, Paul, Ga.
White, Jesse Otis, Ga.
Williamson, Marion, Ga.
Willoughby, Lillian, Ga.
Wilson, Harry, Ga.
Wofford, Brad, Ga.
Wood, Norman, Tenn.
Wright, Kathryn, Ga.
Wright, Lois, Ga.


Abney, Fredia Roberta, Ga.
Abney, Walter, Ga.
Adamson, Beulah, Ga.
Addison, Mrs. Irene, Ga.
Agan, L. M., Jr., Ga.

Aiken, Aileen, Ga.
Alexander, Isabelle, Ga.
Allen, Jessie, Ga.
Arnold, Lucile, Ga.
Arnold, Zenobia, Ga.


Oglethorpe University

Athon, Mrs. Anne C, Ga.
Atkinson, Mrs. W. Clyde, Ga.
Areys, Martha, Ga
Baggett, Mrs. Miles, Ga.
Baggett, Mrs. S. G., Ga.
Baggs, Martha, Ga.
Bailey, Mrs. Elizabeth M., Ga.
Baker, Mrs. Ivanora, Ga.
Ballard, Virginia, Ga.
Banister, W. F., Ga.
Baskin, Mrs. J. H., Ga.
Baxter, Ruby, Ga.
Bell, Mary E., Ga.
Bell, Mildred, Ga.
Bellows, Lucy, Ga.
Benson, George J., Ga.
Bettis, Mrs. Howard, Ga.
Blissitt, Mrs. W. P.. Ga.
Boling, Mrs. Cecil, Ga.
Bowen, Ralph, Ga.
Bowen, Mrs. W. G., Ga.
Bowers, Mrs. L W., Ga.
Bowers, Mrs. R. L., Ga.
Bradshaw, Sarah, Ga.
Bramblett, Kate, Ga.
Brannon, Mrs. Ruth C, Ga.
Bridges, Delia, Ga.
Brockman, Essie Belle, Ga.
Brooke, Mrs. Barbara J., Ga.
Brooks, Marion, Ga.
Brooks, Ruby, Ga.
Brown, John Gennett, Ga.
Buchanan, Mrs. Ella, Ga.
Buice, J. Troy, Ga.
Burson, Josephine, Ga.
Burton, Edna, Ga.
Burton, William Ellis, Ga.
Cahoon, Mrs. R. L., Ga.
Callaway, Blanche, Ga.
Callaway, Sarah, Ga.
Camp, Mrs. G. B., Ga
Camp, Mrs. R. T., Ga.
Campbell, H. L., Ga.
Cantrell, Mrs. Mary Lou, Ga.
Carnes, Frances, Ga.
Castleberrv, Mrs. G. D., Ga.
Cates, Mrs. Thelma E., Ga.
Chandler, Margaret, Ga.
Cheek, Jewell, Ga.
Cheely, Georgia, Ga.
Cheely, Mary, Ga.
Clark, Mrs. Emma F., Ga.

Claxton, Mrs. Marie S., Ga.
Clifton, Mrs. Julia N., Ga.
Cline, Mrs. Ruby Lindsay, Ga.
Cofer, Lillie Maye, Ga.
Coley, Mrs. Thelma B., Ga.
Collett, Samuel T., Ga.
Compton, Mrs. Harriet, Ga.
Cook, Ernest W., Ga.
Cook, Mrs .Guy, Ga.
Cooper, Mrs. Ethel, Ga.
Cooper, Geraldine, Ga.
Copeland, Martha H., Ga.
Cox, Leona Brooks, Ga.
Craig, Mrs. Daisy W., Ga.
Craven, Mrs. Acca, Ga.
Craven, Billie, Ga.
Craven, Delia, Ga.
Crow, J. O., Ga.
Crowder, Tom, Ga.
Crumbley, Dorothy, Ga.
Crump, J. H., Ga.
Crump, Mrs. J. H., Ga.
Crump, Sara Lee, Ga.
Danield, Eula B., Ga.
Darnell, Mrs. T. C, Ga.
Davidson, Katherine, Ga.
Davis, Anne, Ga.
Davis, Christine, Ga.
Davis, Mrs. J. D., Ga.
Davis, Mrs. Martha S., Ga.
Davis, Mrs. Myrtle, Ga.
Davis, Mrs. Thelma W., Ga.
DeFoor, Mrs. Marlin, Ga.
Dickey, Mrs. E. M., Ga.
Dickson, Corrie, Ga.
Dodd, Bobbie C, Ga.
Dorsey, Dorothy B., Ga.
Drew," Mrs. J. 6., Ga.
DuBose, Jane, Ga.
Duckett, Sherman, Ga.
Dyer, Mrs. S. H., Ga.
Edwards, Tom, Ga.
Erckmann, Norman S., Ga.
Etheridge, William D., Ga.
Eubanks, Clara Gregg, Ga.
Everson, Mrs. B. L.. Ga.
Everson, Mrs. Cero, Ga.
Evitt, Mrs. Bill, Ga.
Fargason, Marion, Ga.
Faver, Mary, Ga.
Fleming, Bartie, Ga.
Formby, Alma O., Ga.

Oglethorpe University


Forrist, Mrs. Paul, Ga.
Fort, Eakes G., Ga.
Fountain, Mae, Ga.
Fouts, Thelma, Ga.
Freeman, Mrs. Allene M., Ga.
Freeman, Mrs. Louise B., Ga.
Freeman, Mrs. Minnie G., Ga.
Gable, Pauline, Ga.
Gailey, Mary, Ga.
Gailey, Sarah, Ga.
Gardner, Eva, Ga.
Gentry, Jewell, Ga.
George, Christine, Ga.
George, Helen L., Ga.
Gill, Wilma, Ga.
Gilstrap, Margaret, Ga.
Glover, Mrs. A. R., Ga.
Good, Mrs. Frances W., Ga.
Goodwin, Mary Elizabeth, Ga.
Gordon, Elva, Ga.
Gorman, Mrs. Clara C, Ga.
Green, J. H., Ga.
Green, Mrs. Myna F., Ga.
Green, Mrs. Vernon, Ga.
Green, Mrs. W. L., Ga.
Green, Mrs. W. J., Ga.
Green, Wilson, Ga.
Greene, A. B., Ga.
Greene, Mrs. J. J., Ga.
Greene, Judson J., Ga.
Greenwood, Peggy, Ga.
Gregory, Annie L., Ga.
Griffith, Anphia W., Ga.
Griffith, Mrs. Willie Lee
Grimslev, Dorothy, Ga.
Gum, Hilda, Ga.
Gunter. Alton P., Ga
Guy, Mrs. Edyth M., Ga
Hair, Mrs. Mary, Ga.
Halev, Annabel B., Ga.
Hall, Caroline E., Ga.
Hall, Mrs. Eugene, Ga.
Hall, Janie 1 , Ga.
Hamilton, Mrs. Louise B., Ga.
Hamilton, Susie, Ga.
Hammond, Mrs. J. L., Ga.
Harber, May Wilson, Ga.
Harris, Elbert C, Ga.
Harrison, Mrs. Selma S., Ga.
Harvey, Mrs. Alma R., Ga.
Harville, Lucia C, Ga.
Harwell, Frances, Ga.

Hatchett, Marjorie H., Ga.
Hawkins, Margaret, Ga.
Hearn, Mrs. Velma, Ga.
Helton, Clara, Ga.
Henderson, A. P., Ga.
Henderson, Mary Marsh, Ga.
Hill, Theresa E., Ga.
Hodges, Mrs. J. V., Ga.
Hoirue, Madeline, Ga.
Holcombe, Mrs. C. I., Ga.
Hood, Mrs. Z. S., Ga.
Housley, Mrs. Grace, Ga.
Houston, Anne. Ga.
Howard, Mrs. Betty, Ga.
Howard, Mary S.. Ga.
Howard, W. J., Ga.
Howell, Mrs. Irene, Ga.
Hudgins, Mrs. Edith, Ga.
Hughes, Carrie, Ga.
Hulsey, Lucille, Ga.
Huston, Mrs. W. L., Ga.
Hutcheson, Cathryn, Ga.
Hutcheson, Mrs. Tom, Ga.
Ingram, Lucy, Ga.
James, Arthur Lee, Ga.
Jenkins, Doris, Ga.
Jeter, Montie' W., Ga.
Johnson, Alice, Ga.
Johnson, Annie S., Ga.
Johnson, Dcllie Dial, Ga.
Johnson, Jack D., Ga.
Johnston. Rubye, Ga.
Joiner, Mrs. Grace K., Ga.
Jones, Mrs. Ada R., Ga.
Jones, Elma, Ga.

Jones, Mrs. Eloise, Ga.

Jones, Glenn C, Ga.

Jones, Mrs. Julian M., Ga.

Jones, Mrs. Lola B., Ga.

Jones, Nelle E. M., Ga.

Jones, Percy P., Ga.

Keen, Mrs. Thelma, Ga.

Kelley, Arthur C, Ga.

Kelley, Mrs. Emma, Ga.

Kelly, Freddie M., Ga.

Kemp, Mrs. C. T., Ga.

Kendrick, Martha, Ga.

Kerlin, Ethel S., Ga.

Kesler, Nelle, Ga.

Kilgore, Mrs. Eunice, Ga.

Kilgore, Louise, Ga.

King, Dora, Ga.


Oglethorpe University

Kline, Mrs. Cleo, Ga.
Knight, Frank, Ga.
Knight, Mrs. Frank, Ga.
Knight, Victor EL, Ga.
Knight, Mrs. Victor H., Ga.
Kohke, Mrs. Lois B., Ga.
Lane, Mrs. Lillian C., Ga.
Lane, Sybil G., Ga.
Laney, Mary Belle, Ga.
Leach, Mrs. Louise T., Ga.
Leathers, Ena Mae, Ga.
Lee, Gladys, Ga.
Lee, Grace, Ga.
Lee, Mrs. Julia, Ga.
Lee, Mrs. W. J., Ga.
Lee, Mrs. W. J., Ga.
Lesley, Sister A., Ga.
Lester, Harriet, Ga.
Levy, Mrs. Bertha W., Ga.
Lindsey, James M., Ga.
Lindsey, Mrs. Kathryn, Ga.
Linkous, Mrs. T. G., Ga.
Little, Ruth Hunt, Ga.
Locke, Mamie Maud, Ga.
Love, Mrs. J. L., Ga.
Love, Jeffferson L., Ga.
Loveless, Mrs. B. S., Ga.
Lovin, Agnes, Ga.
Loworn, Mrs. Ruth, Ga.
Lowe, Mrs. C. C., Ga.
Lowry, Mrs. Judith, R., Ga.
Luck, Olivia, Ga.
Lummus, Opal M., Ga.
Lyle, Mrs. Douglas, Ga.
McBrayer, L. B., Ga.
McBrayer, Mrs. Leonard, Ga.
McCorkle, Mary, Ga.
McCormack, Elsie, Ga.
McDaniel, J. L., Ga.
McDaniel, M. T., Jr., Ga.
McDonald, Sister M. J., Ga.
McFail, Mrs. Odelle, Ga.
McGarity, S. S., Ga.
McKown, Mrs. Ermine, Ga.
McLaughlin, Bertha M., Ga.
McMillan, Mrs. Honora, Ga.
McMillan, M. C., Ga.
Macrae, Mrs. Lillian B., Ga.
Mahan, Elma, Ga.
Mahone, Isla, Ga.
Manning, Mrs. R B., Ga.
Marlin, Mrs. Julia E., Ga.

Martin, Mrs. Euna, Ga.
Martin, James, Ga.
Matheson, Lenore Hey, Ga.
Mathis, Jessie Dean, Ga.
Mathis, Mrs. T. N., Ga.
Matthews, Mrs. Mary F., Ga.
Matthews, Mrs. Walter, Ga.
Mattox, Mrs. Helen W., Ga.
Mauldin, Mrs. Katherine, Ga.
Maxwell, Mrs. Ben, Ga.
Maynard, Tommy, Ga.
Mays, Emma T., Ga.
Medcalf, Mrs. Martha, Ga.
Middlebrooks, Mrs. R. G., Ga.
Milam, Mrs. Loy, Ga.
Milner, Vera, Ga.
Minter, Grace, Ga.
Minter, Sara, Ga.
Mitchell, Ernestine, Ga.
Mooney, Mrs. M. H., Ga.
Mooney, Melvin Hoyt, Jr., Ga.
Moore, Mrs. Arthur, Ga.
Morgan, Ruby, Ga.
Morgan, Mrs. S. L., Ga.
Morgan, Waymond, Ga.
Morgan, Mrs. Zelma, Ga.
Morris, Mrs. Irene, Ga.
Moss, Mrs. Cleburn, Ga.
Murphy, Sister R. J., Ga.
Musgrove, Prudence, Ga.
Nelson, Alice, Ga.
Neville, Mrs. Thelma H., Ga.
Newberry, Mrs. J. M., Ga.
Newton, Mrs. Maggie J., Ga.
Nipper, Mrs. H. S., Ga.
Nix, Mrs. Louise, Ga.
Norman, Ina, Ga.
Nuckolls, Mrs. A. B., Ga.
Oliver, Jane A., Ga.
Osterhout, Mrs. R. D., Ga.
Overstreet, Mrs. Evelyn, Ga.
Overton, Mrs. Julian, Ga.
Owens, Mary Sue, Ga.
Parker, Mahala, Ga.
Parker, Mrs. W. A., Ga.
Parker, Weldon, Ga.
Parks, Anna Belle, Ga.
Pearson, H. C., Ga.
Peebles, Amye, Ga.
Peebles, Janie, Ga.
Peebles, Mrs. R. H., Ga.
Penn, E. B., Ga.

Oglethorpe University


Ferry, Mrs. L. L., Ga.
Philips, Beulah Edna, Ga.
Phillips, Antionette, Ga.
Poarch, Jennie Mae, Ga.
Pomeroy, Dorothy, Ga.
Poole, Mrs. George, Ga.
Price, Mae Bessie, Ga.
Price, Mrs. Sara W., Ga.
Price, Sterling, Ga.
Radway, Mrs. Julia C, Ga.
Ragle, Mrs. Mary D., Ga.
Ragsdale, Mrs. Bernice, Ga.
Ragsdale, J. D., Ga.
Ragsdale, Louise, Ga.
Rankin, D. Louise, Ga.
Ransom, Mrs. George C., Ga.
Raoul, Mrs. Pearl H., Ga.
Reed, Mrs. Eunice McA., Ga.
Reese, Mrs. J. J., Ga.
Reisman^ Lillian, Ga.
Rhyne, Mrs. A. H., Ga.
Rhyne, Joyce A., Ga.
Richardson, Mrs. Bernice, Ga.
Ridgley, Margaret, Ga.
Roberts, Christine, Ga.
Rogers, Betty, Ga.
Rogers, G. W., Ga.
Rogers, Mrs. Lena E., Ga.
Romines, Thomasine V., Ga.
Ross, Paula M., Ga.
Rountree, Inez Lovern, Ga.
Russell, Agnes, Ga.
Russell, Mrs. Velma H., Ga.

Rymer, Sara, Ga.

Sanders, M., Madison, Ga.

Sanders, Mrs. W. T., Ga.

Satterfield, Mrs. Ruth EL, Ga.

Scarborough, Lucile, Ga.

Schell, Sara, Ga.

Scott, Effie C., Ga.

Sells, Mrs. Mae, Ga.

Sewell, Katherine, Ga.

Shackleford, Mrs. J. D., Ga.

Shamburprer, Helen, Ga.

Shimp, Mrs. C. D., Ga.

Simonton, Mrs. Carl, Ga.

Smith, Iva, Ga.

Smith, Norene, Ga.

Smith, Sara M., Ga.

Smith, Thomas L., Ga.

Smith, Thomas Walter, Ga.

Snyder, Mary, Ga.

Spiller, Ruth, Ga.
Spiva, La Forest M., Ga.
Stancil, Mrs. Lela, Ga.
Stancil, Rosmond, Ga.
Starr, Mrs. C. L., Ga.
Stein, Mrs. Helen Eplan, Ga.
Street, Mrs. Jessie L., Ga.
Strickland, Octavia, Ga.
Suttles, Lucy M., Ga.
Suttles, Nelle H., Ga.
Symmers, Mrs. Fannie C, Ga.
Tatum, Lucille, Ga.
Taylor, Mrs Sue Maxey, Ga.
Thacker, Mrs. E. L., Ga.
Thomason, Troy, Ga.
Thomason, Mrs. Troy, Ga.
Thompson, Mrs. Hoyt, Ga.
Thompson, Mrs. Joe, Ga.
Thompson, Mrs. L. N., Ga.
Thornton, W. D., Ga.
Thrash, Mrs. J. P., Ga.
Thrasher, Lilian B., Ga.
Thurman, Mrs. F. W., Ga.
Timmons, N. S., Ga.

Timms, Eliza, Ga.

Tompkins, Mrs. Bess M., Ga.

Tracy, Mrs. Elizabeth, Ga.

Travis, Mrs. Kathleen, Ga.

Tribble, Helen, Ga.

Trippe, Elsie, Ga.

Truelove, Mrs. Jessie, Ga.

Tupper, Mrs. Noland, Ga.

Turpin, Harold R., Ga.

Turpin, Mrs. Mildred, Ga.

Tyner, Mrs. Mary, Ga.

Tyree, Mrs. Masie, Ga.

Upshaw, Mrs. Ann H., Ga.

Uram, Mrs. Sarah, Ga.

Waddell, Mrs. Dewey, Ga.

Waddey, Mary, Ga.

Wade, Carlotta, Ga.

Waldrop, Eva Mae, Ga.

Walker, Mrs. T. E., Ga.

Wallace, Mrs. Frank, Ga.

Warf, Pauline R., Ga.

Watson, Mrs. D. W., Ga.

Weegand, Ruth, Ga.

West, Mrs. A. A., Ga.

West, Ada McG., Ga.

Wheeler, Alice, Ga.

Wheeler, Fainie, Ga.
Whelchel, E. M., Ga.


Oglethorpe University

Whelchel, G. Marelle, Ga.
Whelchel, Mrs. Gertrude, Ga.
Whisnant, Cleo, Ga.
Whitaker, Trevalu, Ga.
Whitfield, Mrs. Dorothy, Ga.
Whitworth, Mrs. H. V., Ga.
Williams, Audrey, Ga.
Williams, Mrs. Carter, Ga.
Williams, Martha B., Ga.
Williams, Niza Lee, Ga.
Williamson, Mrs. D., Ga.
Williamson, Nell, Ga.
Willis, Mrs. Lula, Ga.

Willis, Mrs. W. M., Ga.
Wilson, Mrs. Lawton, Ga.
Wingo, Mrs. E. W., Ga.
Wingo, Louise, Ga.
Wood, Elsie, Ga.
Woodburn, Chrystine, Ga.
Woodfin, Mary Belle, Ga.
Woodruff, Thelma, Ga.
Woodward, Mrs. H. A., Ga.
Wootton, Mrs. A. L., Ga.
Wright, Mrs. Mary B., Ga.
Wynne, Anne B., Ga.

Summer School Students for 1941 202

Regular Students for 1941-1942 176

Adult Education Students for 1941-1942 425

Total 830


Absences 46

Academic Hours - 4

Accounting ^5

Activities Fee - 55

Administration, Officers of 13

Adult Education 109, 112

Alumni Association l 4 ^

Art Courses - 1 ~*

Astronomy J 7

Athletics io

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts 63, 70

Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Journalism 71, 76

Bachelor of Arts in Science 77, 86

Bachelor of Arts in Commerce 90

Bachelor of Arts in Education 106

Bachelor of Arts in Secretarial Preparation - 98

Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education 119

Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts H 4

Bible 72, 7c!

Biology - 7

Board 5 ^

Charter Z 100

Chemistry 2

Classification , 4 5

Clock and Chimes 29

Coat of Arms 131

Commencement 1 4

Commerce, See School of Banking and Commerce 90

Committees :

Executive 12

Faculty 21

Conditions for Continued Attendance 60

Cosmic History 1^

Creed 4

Crypt l f

Degrees ~

Directors, Board of *

Directions to New Students 57

Drama 4 7?

Education, Department of - - L YJ<>

English -- 7 j

Entrance Requirements j

Etymology 7 *

Examinations, Credits, Graduation 4 , w

Exceptional Opportunities 138

Expenses '-

Extension Division (See Adult Education) 109

Faculty _. - ------ J 4

Failure in Studies - 4 '

Fees - - - 2, 55

Fines 44, 56

Form of Bequest 160

Founders 9

By States 9

Executive Committee 12

Officers 9

Trustees 12

Founder's Book 29

French 66

Geography 84

Geology 84

German - J 66

Graduate School ., 58

Greek 64

Hermance Field and Stadium 28, 129

Historical Sketch 24

Historiographic Museum , 127

History 101

Honor, Roll of 133

Honorary Degrees 142

Hours, Year and Term 45

Infirmary ., 56

Italian 70

Journalism 72

Lake Phoebe 129

Late Registration 7, 44

Latin 63

Libraries 130

Library Science 89

Lists of Students .. _ 165

Master cf Arts 59

Mathematics 84

Museum, Historiographic : 127

Music, Appreciation of 104

Mythology and Etymology ^ 73

Nomenclature of Courses (foot note) 63

Oglethorpe University:

Activities, Student 22

Architectural Beauty 27

Calendar 7

Campus .; j ^ 27

Courses of Instruction and Requirements for Degrees 48

Entrance Requirements .. 31

Exceptional Opportunities of Personal Attention 138

Faculty J . 14

Field Representatives 21

Graduate School 58

Grounds and Buildings - 30

Idea 133

Laboratories t 30

Laboratory Assistants 22

Libraries _. a 130

Moral and Religious Atmosphere 130

Officers of Administration 13

Opening 26

Purpose and Scope 29

Prayer 5

Press - 31

Railway Station and Postoffice 138

Resurrection 26

Silent Faculty 135

Site . 134

Schools or Departments .. 48

Spiritual and Intellectual Ideals ._ 28

Stadium 28

Pedagogy (See Education) - 106

Physical Training 119

Physics 85

Pre-Dental Course 87

Pre-Medical Work 88

President's Course 103

Psychology 107

Public Speaking 74

Quality Points 50

Radio Theory 86

Registration _ 43

Registration, Late 7, 44

Room Rent 53

School of Liberal Arts 63

School of Literature and Journalism 71

School of Science 77

School of Banking and Commerce 90

School of Education 106

School of Secretarial Preparation 98

School of Physical Education _ 119

School of Fine Arts 114

Scholarship ... 126

Silent Faculty at Oglethorpe 135

Silver Lake (Lake Phoebe) 129

Social Sciences 101

Sociology 103

Spanish 68

Special Religious Services 131

Special Students 33

Stadium ^ 28

Standards for Georgia Colleges 38

Stenography 98

Student Activities 22

Student Regulations 41

Summer Session ., 58

Tabular Statement of Requirements and Electives 128

Trustees . 12

Tuition . 52

Typewriting __ 98

Visual Education 112

Withdrawals . 48

Woman's Board 138

Year Hour ,_ 45


Oglethorpe University, Ga.

Students applying for admission to the University should
fill out and mail to the President the following form:

I hereby apply for matriculation in Oglethorpe University.

I last attended School (or Col

lege), from which I received an honorable dismissal. I am

prepared to enter the Class in

Oglethorpe University.

I shall reach Atlanta on the of

Signed .



Room Reservation Blank

Date 194

Oglethorpe University,
Oglethorpe University, Georgia.

It is my intention to enter Oglethorpe University next
Term and I hereby wish to make application for

the reservation of room No. on the floor of

the Building.

The sum of $5.00 (Five Dollars) is enclosed to show my
good faith in regard to this, same being applied on my first
term's room rent after entering. My failure to enter will
forfeit this amount to the University.


Address .

Oglethorpe University Bulletin, June 1942 (2024)
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