The Changing Value of $1 | (2024)

The Changing Value of $1 | (2)

The Changing Value of $1 | (3) Money The Changing Value of $1 | (4) The Changing Value of $1

The one-dollar bill is one of the world’s most powerful pieces of paper. In 2021, due to the pandemic, inflation hit a 30-year high highlighting the changing power of the dollar for most. And while a single buck isn’t going to buy you your first home, or a brand new set of wheels, it is crucial for your weekly groceries or gassing up those wheels.

We wanted to know how the power of the dollar has changed over time so we analyzed historic pricing and cost of living data to show you what your $1 would get you at the grocery store in 2021, compared to every decade going back to 1900.


  • Key findings
  • The Value of $1 in 1900-1910 vs 2021
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Butter
  • Lemons
  • Toilet paper
  • Soap
  • Gasoline
  • Rice
  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Methodology
  • Sources

Key findings

  • You could buy the most chocolate for $1 between 1910-1920 at 2.1 lb, in the 2020s you can expect 0.1 lb for the same amount.
  • The 1920s were the most cost-effective decade for toilet paper where you could buy 30 rolls with $1, 2,400% more than in 2021.
  • With $1 you could buy 125 lemons in the 1910s, the most in the 20th century. Since 2010, $1 can’t even buy two lemons.
  • Between 1900-1910, one dollar could buy 14.3 gallons of gas, the best value in the 20th century, now the same amount would get you around 0.3 gallons.
  • For milk, the best decade was the 1930s, where one dollar could buy 3.8 gallons.

The Value of $1 in 1900-1910 vs 2021

Overall, across the goods we analyzed, we found that one dollar purchased approximately 94% less in 2021 compared to 1900-1910.

Below is a breakdown of what one dollar could purchase in 1900-1910 compared to the 2020s.

Item Amount per dollar (1900-1910) Amount per dollar (2020s) Change (%)
Chocolate 1.25 lb 0.1 lb -92%
Coffee 3 lb 0.18 lb -94%
Butter 4 lb 0.26 lb -93.50%
Lemons 80 lemons 1.8 lemons -97.75%
Toilet paper 12 rolls 1.2 rolls -90%
Soap 20 bars 0.78 bar -96.10%
Gasoline 14.3 gallons 0.3 gallon -97.90%
Rice 14.2 lb 1.4 lb -90.10%
Bread 14.2 loaves 0.5 loaves -96.50%
Milk 3.6 gallons 0.3 gallon -91.70%

While our data goes back to 1900, it’s considered that the power of the dollar was actually at its peak in the 1910s after the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, which was designed to alleviate the damage caused by financial crises, primarily brought on by the financial panic of 1907.

You can see the power of the 1910s dollar (1910-1920) in some grocery items in our analysis, for example, chocolate peaked in the decade at 2.1lb/$1 as did lemons at 125 lemons/$1.

However, some other items were at their most cost-effective in the 1920s during this period of financial security and before the financial crash in 1929. For example, a 1920s American could buy the most coffee (3.7 lb/$1) and toilet paper (30 rolls/$1) per dollar in this decade than any other.

Below is a breakdown of each item over time and how much one dollar would be able to purchase in each decade from the 1900s to today.


The Changing Value of $1 | (5)

Between 1900-1910, $1 would get you an average of 1.25 lb of chocolate, this peaked higher at 2.1 lb in the next decade only to come crashing back down to 1.25 lb in the 1920s. Since the 2000s began, you can expect to get an average of 0.1 lb (1.6 oz) of chocolate for $1, and this is still true today.

Decade Chocolate (lb per $1)
1900s 1.25
1910s 2.1
1920s 1.25
1930s 1.8
1940s 1.8
1950s 1.25
1960s 1.25
1970s 0.37
1980s 0.27
1990s 0.18
2000s 0.1
2010s 0.1
2020s 0.1

The Changing Value of $1 | (6)


The average coffee lover drinks over 3 cups a day! How far can a dollar get you toward your caffeine fix now? To analyze this we looked at historic prices of coffee grounds over time. See the results in the GIF below.

The Changing Value of $1 | (7)

The most coffee you could get for your money was in the 1940s, at 4.1lb/$1.00, and now you can get an average of just 0.17lb for $1.

Decade Coffee (lb per $1)
1900s 3
1910s 3
1920s 3.7
1930s 2.5
1940s 4.1
1950s 1.15
1960s 1
1970s 1
1980s 0.5
1990s 0.4
2000s 0.34
2010s 0.18
2020s 0.18

The Changing Value of $1 | (8)


Essential for your morning toast or home-baked goods, butter is a staple in our grocery shopping - but how many blocks could you get with one dollar over time? We’ve worked out the numbers below.

The Changing Value of $1 | (9)

Between 1900-1910 you could get an average of 4lb butter per dollar, and it has decreased fairly consistently each decade since, although there was a slight rise in the 1930s, where $1 could buy 2.7 lb of butter - that’s enough for over 3 carrot cake recipes! The purchasing power of the dollar did increase in the 30s due to the stock market crash in 1929, so such fluctuations could be expected.

Decade Butter (lb per $1)
1900s 4
1910s 3.2
1920s 2.2
1930s 2.7
1940s 2.3
1950s 1.4
1960s 1.7
1970s 1.4
1980s 0.5
1990s 0.5
2000s 0.67
2010s 0.18
2020s 0.26

The Changing Value of $1 | (10)


It’s highly unlikely you would have spent a dollar on lemons in the 1910s because that single buck would’ve bought you around 125 individual lemons. This is up from 80 lemons in the decade before. Here’s how many lemons one dollar can buy the average person over time.

The Changing Value of $1 | (11)
Decade Lemons (lemons per $1)
1900s 80
1910s 125
1920s 60
1930s 60
1940s 21
1950s 24
1960s 25
1970s 12
1980s 10
1990s 10
2000s 2.6
2010s 1.8
2020s 1.8

The Changing Value of $1 | (12)

Toilet paper

Today, a dollar will buy you an average of 1.2 toilet paper rolls. Naturally, you can’t purchase 0.2 of a roll but in our visuals, we used this to show to the sheet just how much paper you can get for your money and it’s nowhere near the pyramid of 30 rolls you could have purchased in the 1920s.

The Changing Value of $1 | (13)

Importantly, even if we analyzed the sheet count of toilet paper over time, we have no reliable way of understanding the change in sheet size over time. Toilet paper sheets have shrunk from around 4.5 inches to 4 in the last decade and this probably happened many other times since the 1900s. Ultimately, this means the dollar has bought many fewer wipes and cleanups as well as fewer sheets over time.

Decade Toilet paper (rolls per $1)
1900s 12
1910s 28
1920s 30
1930s 15
1940s 6.6
1950s 8
1960s 11
1970s 6
1980s 3.6
1990s 3.4
2000s 2.4
2010s 2.6
2020s 1.2

The Changing Value of $1 | (14)


If you wanted to stay clean back in the 1900s, one dollar would get you 20 soap bars - that’s enough for one person for about two years worth of regular cleaning!

The Changing Value of $1 | (15)

Interestingly, when looking at the price of soap bars over time, we can see that $1 would have got you around 12 bars in both the 1910s and 1950s. It’s possible that the two world wars and the 1929 stock market crash impacted this, but it is hard to say for certain.

Decade Soap (bars per $1)
1900s 20
1910s 12.5
1920s 15
1930s 15
1940s 7
1950s 12
1960s 9
1970s 16
1980s 2.5
1990s 5
2000s 1.3
2010s 1.8
2020s 0.78

The Changing Value of $1 | (16)


In the 1900s you could get an average of 14.3 gallons for one dollar, fast forward to the 2020s and you can expect around 0.3 gallons per dollar. This is of course a nationwide average and would vary greatly in each state but here’s how much gas one dollar could’ve bought you over time.

The Changing Value of $1 | (17)
Decade Gasoline (gallons per $1)
1900s 14.3
1910s 6.6
1920s 4.7
1930s 5.2
1940s 4.3
1950s 4.3
1960s 3
1970s 1.75
1980s 0.9
1990s 0.87
2000s 0.43
2010s 0.3
2020s 0.3

The Changing Value of $1 | (18)


Between 1900-1910, you could buy an average of 14.2 lbs of rice for one dollar, that's over ten times more than a buck will get you now (1.4 lb/$1). Despite this, using an inflation calculator, we can see that one dollar in 1900 would be worth around $33 in 2021.

The Changing Value of $1 | (19)

In the 1910s, 30s, and 40s, you could consistently buy over 11 lbs of rice with one dollar, except for the 1920s where historic grocery ads indicate you could only buy around 5.8 lbs for the same price.

Decade Rice (lb per $1)
1900s 14.2
1910s 11.6
1920s 5.8
1930s 11.1
1940s 11.1
1950s 5.8
1960s 5.2
1970s 4.5
1980s 2
1990s 2
2000s 1.9
2010s 1.4
2020s 1.4

The Changing Value of $1 | (20)


Most people are unlikely to need more than one or two loaves of bread, but in the 1900s and 1910s, you could buy over 14 with one dollar if you wanted. Since the 2010s, a dollar can buy an average of half a loaf of bread, up from an eighth of a loaf in the 2000s.

The Changing Value of $1 | (21)
Decade Bread (loaves per $1)
1900s 14.2
1910s 14.2
1920s 10.7
1930s 11.1
1940s 10
1950s 8.3
1960s 4.5
1970s 4
1980s 2
1990s 1.4
2000s 0.8
2010s 0.5
2020s 0.5

The Changing Value of $1 | (22)


From 1900 until the 1930s, one dollar could buy 3.6 gallons of milk consistently, and then you could get even more (3.8 gallons) in the 30s for the same amount. After this, one dollar would buy less milk each decade as the cost of living increased leading to around 0.3 gallons from the 2000s onwards.

The Changing Value of $1 | (23)
Decade Milk (gallons per $1)
1900s 3.6
1910s 3.6
1920s 3.6
1930s 3.8
1940s 1.92
1950s 1.2
1960s 1
1970s 0.76
1980s 0.45
1990s 0.4
2000s 0.31
2010s 0.34
2020s 0.3

The Changing Value of $1 | (24)


We took historic food and gasoline prices from a range of sources to plot the average price per decade per item focusing solely on how much one dollar could buy of that item.

Where possible average retail prices were used, however, the prices were dictated by what historical data exists. Where there was enough data across multiple years, we took a mean average price for the decade for the products analyzed. For some decades, data was only available for one year.

2021 prices were taken from Walmart’s online grocery prices on the 1st October 2021. Average costs were taken from the ten most popular products in that category based on the ‘Best selling’ filter functionality.

Data shows how much of a product you could have bought for $1 in that decade. Products like bread for example, were analyzed as if you could buy portions of a loaf to show exactly what $1 could purchase.

Also it should be noted that the data does not, and cannot, account for a societal shift in the size of non-weighted products like soap bars which are simply priced per bar and not in oz.


The Changing Value of $1 | (2024)


How has the value of the dollar changed? ›

Value of $1 from 1800 to 2024

This means that today's prices are 24.88 times as high as average prices since 1800, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index. A dollar today only buys 4.019% of what it could buy back then.

What would $1 buy in 1920? ›

Three Gallons of Gas

In the 1920s, a gallon of gas cost about $0.30, so you could get three gallons for about a dollar. If you drove a Ford Model T, that meant you could drive about 75 miles, since the cars got about 25 miles per gallon.

How much was $1 worth in 1900? ›

One dollar in the 1900s would be worth over $33 today, according to an inflation calculator. In 2021, $1 can only buy about half a loaf of bread or about 75% less bread than it could in the 1980s, according to data from Self Financial.

How to make one dollar in change? ›

For example, you can make a dollar using four quarters, or 10 dimes, or 100 pennies. You can also make a dollar using a 5 dimes and 10 nickels.

What will $1 be worth in 30 years? ›

Real growth rates
One time saving $1 (taxable account)
After # yearsNominal valueReal value
7 more rows

Is the U.S. dollar losing value in 2024? ›

In 2024, the dollar has regained some ground, though it's somewhat lower now compared to earlier in the year. Changes in valuations between the two currencies have been less volatile recently than earlier in the past decade. Calculated based on data from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

How much is a 1865 dollar worth today? ›

According to the NGC Price Guide, as of May 2024, a Seated Liberty Dollar from 1865 in circulated condition is worth between $575 and $4250. However, on the open market 1865 Silver Dollars in pristine, uncirculated condition sell for as much as $77500.

How much was $1 worth in 1880? ›

What was a dollar worth in 1880? $1 in 1880 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $27.56 today, an increase of $26.56 over 142 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.36% per year between 1880 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 2,656.35%.

How much was $100 worth in 1925? ›

What was $100 worth in 1925, in terms of today's dollars. Why was it so valuable? $1,367.21 Because the price level was much lower. The value of a dollar is determined by what it can buy.

How much is $1 million in 1990 worth today? ›

How much was a million dollars worth in 1990? - Quora. Over the last 31 years, there has been approximately a 104.3% cumulative rate of inflation to the value of $1,000,000.00 USD in 1990. At today's current value, that quantity back then is worth about $2,043,259.37 USD.

How much was $1 dollar in 1983 and today? ›

$1 in 1983 has the same purchasing power as $3.02 in 2024. Over the 41 years this is a change of $2.02.

How much is $100 in 1900 worth today? ›

One hundred dollars in 1900 had the purchasing power of about $3000 today, so if you were careful to follow the advice of Michael W. Rickard II, and take the appropriate currency, you could live modestly for about 2 months.

How much is a penny? ›

0.01 U.S. Dollar

How much is dimes? ›

A dime is worth 10 cents.

How many dimes make $1? ›

In short, the answer is that 10 shiny dimes make up a whole dollar. To help kids remember how many dimes make a dollar, try this explanation: Since a dime is worth 10 cents and there are 100 cents in a dollar, you can use simple addition, division, or multiplication to show that 10 dimes fit perfectly into a dollar.

Is the dollar losing or gaining value? ›

Despite uncertain macro conditions, the dollar has continued to demonstrate strength — largely thanks to sticky inflation, a resilient U.S. economy and year-to-date highs in yields. Indeed, in a display of U.S. exceptionalism, the greenback has gained against just about every other major currency in 2024.

How has the value of money changed over time? ›

The value of money has been subject to change throughout history. From the rise and fall of gold standards to fixed to managed floating exchange rates, the value of currency has been and continues to be, shaped by economic and political forces.

What makes the US dollar go up or down? ›

Like any other fiat currency, the dollar's value depends on the economic activity and outlook of the United States. In addition to supply and demand and market factors, sentiment influences the dollar's value on the global market.

How much has the dollar value decreased over time? ›

Inflation decreases a dollar's value over time. This effect relates to the time value of money, which is a concept that describes how the money available to you today is worth more than the same amount of money at a future date.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.