The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

1 PLAIN DEALER, SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1983- Continued from Pope 1 Div. Sales High Low Lost Cho. Chefint 915 134 1 11-16 ChLwn .40 ChmTrn 24 ChmLea CheryEl 180 1634 164- ChesUn 20 20 20 Childw 516 Chittend 16 Chomer 181 ChrOwt 217 20 Chyron 28 28. CinnFin 5812 Circinc 244 Cirfico CIz SoCD 1.80 1.24 2148 19 Cizins CitISF 82 50 Ctz Trst 1.06€ 16 CrU A 352 2812 CIzU 1.64 150 CityFd of 2.20 250 CrytrBcp 1.40 26 Clark .76 x270 210 ClowCo 276 CoastM 97 33 Cstint .100 286 10 Va 'CobRsc 5 CocaCol 135 CocaMia 100 Cocur Cogenic 599 Cognitrn 920 Coherent 714 37 34 ColabRs Colegen 385 1132 10 ColABsh .20 100 114- ColnBcp .80 220 21 21 ConGas 1.44 94 COlGE pf 1.80 22 13 13 13 .84 x280 21 21 ColNBn .00 986 ColuGen 32 6 ColuMill 31 Comair 271 10 Cmcst 981 Comdat x3105 3334 Comerca 2b 713 ComBsh 98 ComCIH 1.72 176 73 69 CmceUn 660 16 15 16 CmciBsh 113 23 23 CmiShr CmIDeci 6 6 ComBstk 23 23 CwNtFin 125 30 CmwRtY Cmw Tel 1812 Cmwth .600 ComCabl ComGrp 314 Comind .30 1009 33 32 33 CommSy 342 22 Cmp Compus Vid 1904 1688 4 CmpAsc 390 CmptAut 260 CmpD 543 15 13 15 CmpDev 1669 CmpEnt 705 CmpHrz 19 CmpMer CmptNet CompPd CmpTsk Cmputn Cmsrve 1762 12 Comshre 930 Comtech Cmtch Conair 22 Cncot Cacpt un ConcoIRs Condctrn Contir 1.80 33 Conna 160 ConnWIS 1.36 84 CCaPR 1.20 x817 CnCapSp 3.36a ConFibr 699 8 ConPap 231 ConTom 26 26 Consul 1992 ConsFnct ConWt 2.32 94 34 31 CHAir un 1975 Cntl8cp 2.04b 400 CUFSL 2023 CItHIt un 4276 Cntinf 1435 18 17 18 ContSt 744 1 11-1619-16 Continm .20 157 CILasr 572 Conwed 123 Cook Dta 274 CoprVis 976 221 22 Corcom 353 25 Cordis CntY Courier Twr 245 3 CousnP 105 Cornet 1630 2 9-16 2 3-16 2 Crkr Bri 478 261 26 CradTer 888 157 152 CrstBut 744 3 11-16-1-16 CrimeCt Cronus CrwnAm CrumpE 101 CulinFr Cullum 32 -21 CushEle Cutco 21 viCycltr Cycare 266 17 DBA 196 DST 2199 Dal El Danners 1012 DartDa .13 416 $2 68 76 DatArch 248 14 15 Daterd 950 DiaDes 842 18 18 Datal 2529 19 Data Pck 10 DISwtc 341 Datmar Datsco 410 21 Datum 1754 Dauphn 3.28 52 Davim DavdAn Dawson 103 .75 389 24 DBeer 8998 8 15-32 DebShp 4919 DecisSys 171 DelElec .15 Delta Dt Delta Dri DelINGs le Deltak DitaQn DenisM Depndl 12 DepGuar DetSy 10 10 DetecEl DetrexC 39 DetCanT x10 Devons 1341 Dewey 178 DiagPrd 29 29 DiagRt DiaCrys 1.20 274 37 Diasonic 12760 Dibret 1.04 224 DickenA DickenB Dickey .12 75 15 Dicmed 259 Digiog 16 15 16 DigtCom DigPrd DigSw 82 71 82 Dinnr Bel Dionex 27 27 DISCNY 6.65€ 215 80 Discon 15-16 13-16- Distrib DixnCru DoirGn .32 223 26 26 DomBsh 1179 DomnMig 97 Donovan DrchHug 322 12 DolLom 21 21 Drantz 17 DoYID8 339 Dres8k 1.28e 70 68 70 Dreshr 197 DrewN! 7882 2 9-16 Drew pi .70 1181 12 Drexir 1253 19 19 DreyGr 152 37 DriefCn 1.79€ 1761 Duck Al 529 Dunk 2320 Durith 172 11 Durham 2.00 101 39 Duriron 299 13 Dur Fil 621 DynRs 187 Dynasen 4930 Dyntch 453 20 27 EIL Inst 128 EIP 238 EMC ins 48e 129 EagiCit 1375 15 15 EarlyCol 496 Eastmet 840 Eastovr .400 18 Eatn 2.30 51 51 Div. Eat Vnc 70 Econo EdSault 1.360 EduCmo ico Eider be .200 Eldon Eidor8 ElcBio Cath EleNuci Elctmo Elod Colsr EkIMis Elecsoc .12 Elizww 2.32 Ellis8kg Elimans ElronE Eirn Elsent Co EmpAiri EmpCas 1.20 Emulx Engnth .96 EngConv EnRsv EnrVent EngMeas Enorph .26 Ensco Enz Bio Epsco EatBco 1.206 Eqilwab 1.28 EatloA 1.20 ErbLmb Erck Gid 2 EvalRsh Everod Excellns Exchint FM Nat FAFCO FMI FN Fin FabWhi .25 FairLn Falcli Falstaff Faradlb FarmFr FarmEd FarrCo Farm8r FoDvi 8 FedIPP Ferind Fidicor FIdOKI 1.80 Flog of Fincline Finlind Finigan FtMerc 1.20 Bk 1.80 F1AmBk 1.32 FIAB of ,99 FABKP8 A.200 FABKP8 B.206 FIAFin ,50 FlAm Tex FIATenn Bk 1.12 BcpBel FBnNH FIBnLa FIBKSC 1.60 FIBncTx FIBosta 1.20 2.30 FiCarin .40 FiCity FCtYFn 40 FICOIF 1.200 FtConn 1.60 FICnIRE 1.40 FIEstCo 2.60 FIEmps FtFrwst FIFdIVa FIFSLR FFinMgt FIFnWis FIFI8k FtHawai FIlICo Ft jerNI 1.60 Ftjer pf FIKYNt 1.76 FiLncFn FIMd8n 1.50 FIMatord FIMidwC FN1Alln FINBne FNINJ FINICin FINILa FINIWis FINMBK FIOh8n FIOkiBn FPCoNJ FIR FiSacCo FITulsa F1UnCo FIUBcp FIVally Frstbnep Fisons Flag8k Flare Flexsti Flicker Florafx FlaCsBk FlaCs8 FlaCom FlaCypr FlaGulf FlaNFla FiwSy Fiwr Tme Flurocb Fonar FdTwn FthilIG ForeAm Foresto FortunN FortnFd FortnS Forum Forum Foster FostMd FrihF Frnk8cp Frank Co FrankEl FrasrMt FredHer FreeSG FreesLn Fremnt Frosts FroznFd Fullp Fdsnet Funtime 1.52 2.20 1.60 2.60 1.12 1.04a 2.200 1.32 of 1.99 ,68 1.10 1.28 1.72 1.24 1.20 800 1.606 61e pf 2.48 of .16 1.24 32 un .10 1.650 .56 2.30€ .206 GK GAC Svc Lad 40 GOV GTI un GTS Galileo Gama8 .10 Gandit Garcia GnAutm GnBind 32 GnBuild GnEngy GnMag 04e GnMicro GnPhys GnShale GTel Spt GTel 45pf GenesB 8 GenetSy GenSy wt Geneve ,10 Genex Genova GeoWash .24 GeoFld GaBdF Geotel GerMd .100 GermFd GibrSv Gibson GibsHo GilbrIA 1.70 GlaxH GlenFNt 2.04 GlobNRs Godfrey GoldFid 3.68€ Goidale GoldCyc GoldEn Goodhtw GoodyPd Gotaas Sales High Low Last 14 13 2367 25 3819 1 1192 187 1 247 19 1423 26 68 1770 390 2635 11 71 3376 284 4a 4499 35 149 31 261 35 1387 38 242 23 11 18 11 11.

10 14 1234 14 534 534 12009 1071 171 187 51 50 3145 45-16 13-16 146 1534 26 1124 38 38 8 54 Ve 1010 62 11 13 13 13 1011 144- 2271 27 1126 131 30 158 29 118 1077 281 18 30 303 20 65 201 x60 35 35 Th 529 115 14 31 31 31 2774 35 35 35 39 39 17 1126 19 401 1934 1182 52 33 33 819 26 181 434 260 28 19 35 35 35 612 18 Va 265 600 1108 69 16 362 1205 423 1220 20 1891 35 1029 38 40 19 1690 111 26 233 946 3 1-16 111 300 718 264 15 1183 120 513 696 31 31 315 26 62 x350 1809 353 1844 150 50 440 30 1925 16 3512 250 69 x489 159 17 951 4735 308 108 2134 688 x11551 73 534 37 123 3 656 9 13 13 640 2743 1259 73 125 11 36 1598 104 200 13 146 243 80 25 29 442 4074 30 30 10700 64 304 89 57 590 351 526 11 3062 63 18 18 197 25 62052 .0 28 433 128 10 259 60 53 25 25 1528 Continued on Pace 10 LEE TREVINO ENDORSES TACO ED'S TACO ED'S MEXICAN FOOD PARTNERSHIP TACO MEXICAN ED'S RESTAURANTS. HACIENDAS IS WE ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING CHAINS Of CIPES OFFER UNIQUE AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RETO MEET THE TASTES OF EVERYONE. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BECOME PART OF THIS EXCITING VENTURE? PARTNERSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED INVESTORS. BROKER INQUIRES WELCOME. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: -TACO ED'S HACIENDA P.O.

BOX 309 GATES MILLS, OH. 44040 (216) 292-8699 Che. Va Mediation to soothe car owners' ire Continued from Page 1-E "I think a number of (auto manufacturers) have come up with the not-so-startling conclusion that the way 1 to increase their sales is to increase customer satisfaction," Grainer said. "And that really is what all this complaint handling initiatives are all about. If the customers are satisfied with the products, they will come back and they will buy again." Auto makers have learned that it costs far more money to get a new customer through multimillion advertising campaigns than it takes to hang onto someone who was already a customer, Lovell said.

"Really, I think the important thing is that these programs are not being entered into with an idea of simply being good guys. I think there is a very hard-headed appreciation of numbers and economics. I think it is a straight dollar and cents effort, a straight business decision," he said. Such arbitration panels are basically last-ditch efforts at breaking a deadlock without going to court. The same basic steps apply initially for solving consumer problems related to auto dealerships, according to consumer experts.

First, try to work out the problem with the dealership. If necessary, make sure the owner of the dealership is aware of the dispute. If that does not work, go to the manufacturer's representative responsible for the area. The name and telephone number should be available from the dealer, or it might be listed in a car's owner's manual or a telephone book. Should that fail, depending on the manufacturer, an arbitration panel can be tried.

This costs the consumer nothing. According to the national BBB, manufacturers involved include: General Motors a leader in the field, has a national program, including the Cleveland Better Business Bureau (BBB). Chrysler a through-the-mail type program nationwide, which for the Cleveland area is based in Detroit. Porsche-Audi and Volkswagen, also leaders in the movement, with a program with the Cleveland BBB. However, they are still finishing their national program.

Ford Motor Co. expects to have a nationwide program, including Cleveland, going by mid-summer. Nissan (Datsun) has a program with the Cleveland BBB and expects to have a nationwide program by June. A key to doing well in arbitration, or any related dealings, is to have complete repair and maintenance records, according to consumer advocates. For example, proof that the engine oil was changed regularly would help a great deal in a dispute several years later about serious engine problems, one said.

However, the coverage of each arbitration policy varies tremendously. For example, Chrysler covers only for the period of the vehicle's warrantly. Under Ford's program, there is no time limit. "Technically, I guess you could complain about a Model said Michael Davis, a Ford official from Dearborn, Mich. There are also differences in whether the panel's decision is binding on the consumer.

In GM's case, the dealer and the consumer must agree in advance to be bound by the decision. Under Ford's program, the dealer is bound by the final decision, but the consumer is not. That leaves the consumer the option of LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF STRONGSVILLE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS AND PUBLIC NOTICE CONSTRUCTION TESTING SERVICES The City of Strongsville, Ohio (hereinafter referred to as in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's interim final regulations effective May 12, 1982 governing grants for construction of treatment works is hereby notifying all interested licensed soil and concrete testing and inspection services that the Owner is receiving proposals tor services to be provided during the construction of: EPA prolect C390725-03 Expansion of Wastewater Treatment Plant and Appurtenances Plant, 14600 Mill Hollow Lane and Plant, 17449 Sprague Rood, Strongsville, Ohio The construction prolect includes expansion and upgrading of the Owner's and Wastewater Treatment Plants. Both plants will have 5.0 million gallons per day peak flow capacity.

The Plant average daily flow capacity will be 2.1 million golions per dav. The Plant average daily flow capacity will be 1.8 million gallons per day. The expansion and upgrading will include new treatment tanks and structures to house screening and grit removal, chemicol feed facilities, primary sedimentation, rotating biological contractors, secondary post clarification, gravity sand filters, chlorination, dechlorination, aeration, gravity sludge thickening, anerobic digestion, and belt press sludge dewatering and support equipment for a complete system. Administration, maintenance and laboratory facilities are a part of the project. Proposals for the inspection and testing services shall be delivered to: Honorable Mayor Walter Ehrnfelt City of Strongsville Service Center 16099 Foltz Industrial Parkway Strongsville, Ohio 44136 Attn: Mr.

Thomas Zammikiel, Budget Director The proposals shall be received before 4:00 p.m., current local time, April 26, 1983. The scope of services shall include Geotechnical Engineering, Inspection, and testing services related to carthwork, foundations, piling, caissons, paving, cast-in-place concrete, structural precast concrete, unit masonry work, structural steel, steel foists, metal roof decking, waterproofing and water repellant coating. The scope of services may also include the inspection of electrical tests performed by the Contractor. The proposals shall be evaluated 1. on the following criteria in order of importance: Qualification of the firm to perform services 2.

Depth of services and staff Financial responsibility Including financial statement, general liability insurance or protessional liability Insurance 4. Unit prices Not-to exceed price 6. Use of small, minority and women's businesses. Proposers not indicating that affirmative steps to assure that small minority and women's businesses are used when possible will be deemed nonresponsive. Selection of the firm to provide the services shall be made solely on the basis of the initial proposals.

Documents as prepared by Dalton-Dalton-Newport, 3605 Warrensville Center Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44122, may be reviewed at the office of the Architect-Engineer, or City of Strongsville, Engineering Department, Service Center, 16099 Foltz Industrial Porkway, Strongsville, Ohio 44136. The proposers shall be responsible for oblaining a more detailed Request-for-Proposals from: City of Strongsville, Ohio Engineering Department, Service Center 16099 Foitz Industrial Parkway Strongsville, Ohio 44136 Any proposals Contract or Contracts awarded under this advertisem*nt for U.S. are expected to be funded in part by a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency. Neither the United States, nor any of Its departments, agencies or employees is or will be a party to this advertisem*nt for proposals or any resulting Contract. This procurement will be sublect to regulations contained in CFR 33.265, 33.285, 33.290, 33.295, 33.710(A) and Part 33.

Subport G. By THOMAS ZAMMIKIEL, Budget Director p.d.opr. 10,17, 1983 SR D04855 Need a good part time job? Inquire about becoming a Plain Dealer carrier. Call 344-4600. 9-E.

going to court should he feel justice was not done. There are also differences in what expenses are covered. Some manufacturers will allow financial reparation only for actual repair costs, not money or time loss due to the car being sidelined for repairs. However, one thing common with all the programs is that most complaints are solved through mediation before they get to an arbitration panel, according to auto company officials. Since the first pilot programs in 1978 through December 1982, the BBB nationally has handled almost 32,000 arbitration cases.

About were settled in mediation in which BBB officials were able to negotiate a compromise, said Rick Granada, the Cleveland BBB's director of arbitration. Granada said about of the cases which had to go before an arbitration panel were settled in favor of the manufacturer and for the consumer. He believed it was because the manufacturer's representatives would usually attempt to settle before arbitration, unless they felt they had a good case. Another form of arbitration is handled by the Cleveland Auto Dealers Association (CADA)'S AUTOCAP Program. AUTOCAP is sponsored by 102 local dealers representing American Motors Alfa Romeo, BMW, Fiat, Honda, Isuzu, Jaguar-Rover-Triumph, Lotus, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Peugeot, Rolls Royce, Saab, Subaru, Toyota and Volvo.

AUTOCAP tries to resolve problems by mediation at first, said Gary Adams, a CADA official. However, if that does not work, a six-member panel, including only two auto dealers, will be convened to hear the case. The decision is binding on the dealer only. Life is more difficult, however, for the Career Opportunities Most managerial, professional, adminstrative and technical positions available in the Cleveland area, and throughout Central and Northern Ohio have never been advertised. If you are ready for a new position and have had at least two years work experience with earnings in the $20,000 to $125,000 range, let us help you find one of the non-advertised better jobs that are available.

Send us your resume now or call for a no cost JOB HUNTING appointment. CALL 621-7880 North Job America's Counseling leading and Corporate Outplacement service. 1300 1003 E. Bond 9th Street Court SINCE 1947 associates Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Atlanta Denver a Detroit Baltimore Ft. Boston Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Colorado Springs Dallas Morristown New Orteane Lauderdale New York Hartforde Kansas Los Angeles Minneapolis Portland Providence Riverside Newport Beach Philadelphia Phoenis Pittsburgh dan Diego San Francisco Seettie Sacramento Louis Paul San Antonie DC Tampa Walnut Creek Woodland Hills Vancouver, Washington, Toronto, Ontario London, England LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CALL FOR BIDS Seated bids will be received by the Mayor at his office at CIty May Hall, 2, 18688 Royalton Road.

Strongsville, Ohio, until 12:00 Noon, 1983, for the following: Police Vehicles Industrial Specifications are on file in the Finance Department at 16099 Foltz Parkway at the corner of West Lunn Road, Strongsville, Ohio. A bid bond or certified check is required in the amount of $500.00, payable to the City of Strongsville, as a guarantee that if the bid Is accepted a contract pursuant thereto will be entered into and the performance thereof properly secured. Checks or bonds of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned following the award of the contract or the relection of all bids, and the check or bond of the successful bidder will be returned upon the execution and securing of the contract. Each bid shall be sealed separately and labeled by name. The right is reserved by the City of Strongsville to reject any or all bids received.

The City of Strongsville Is an "Equal Opportunity Emplover." CITY OF STRONGSVILLE BY Authority of City Council THOMAS J. ZAMMIKIEL Budget Director p.d. apr. 17,24,1983 SRD14010 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 23, the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority has adopted a Minority Business Enterprise Program which includes the following goals for participation by minority-owned and female owned businesses in contracts with the Authority: Construction Controcts Minorities Women Service Contracts Minorities Women Supply Contracts I Minorities 1.5% Women A copy of the Program, including a description of the methodology used in setting the gools, will be available for Inspection during normal business hours in the office of the Minority Bustness Enterprise at RTA headquarters, 615 Superior Avenue, N.W., Cleveland, Ohio for 30 days from the date of this publication. Written comments, for informational purposes only, regarding the goals, will be accepted by RTA and the Department of Transportation for 45 days from the date of this publication.

Comments should be addressed to: Mr. George Abram Ms. Lula Greenhow Affirmative Action Civil Rights Regional Administrator Director Greater Cleveland Regional Urban Mass Transportation Transit Authority Administration 615 Superior Avenue, N.W. Region 5 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 300 S. Wacker Drive Suite 1740 Chicago, Illinois 60606 p.d.apr.

17,1983 SRD04857 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice Is hereby given that sealed BIDS will be received by George W. Jones, General Manager, SUMMIT RACING CLUB, THISTLEDOWN RACING RANDALL RACING CLUB, CRANWOOD RACING INC. (collectively hereinafter called the Emery and Northfield Roads (P. O. Box 7050), North Randall, Ohio, 44128, until 12:00 o'clock Noon E.S.T., Wednesday, April 77, 1983, for furnishing all equip ment, appliances, labor and material and perform all operations in conjunction with the installation of a two (2) year guaranteed (10 vear warranty) U.L.

class A and FM class 1 adhered elastic sheet roofing system, including all rigid insulation and membrane flashIng required for oll roof areas of grandstand and clubhouse bullding, in conformity with the specifications on file in the office of the General Manager at the racetrack. Each BID shall be accompanied by a BID bond or certified check, drawn on reputable surety licensed to do business in the State of Ohio or a solvent bank, in an amount equal to five percent of the BID as a guarantee that if said BID is accepted by the OWNER, a CONTRACT will be entered into and a surety bond satisfactory to the OWNER in on amount equal to one hundred percent of the total BID will be furnished. The specifications and BIDDING documents shall be obtained by the prospective BIDDERS only at the office of the racetrack General Manager for a ten dollar ($10.00) non-refundable charge. BIDS are to be in accordance with the three (3) sheets, titled "INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS" enclosed as part of the above package. Each BID must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside as "BID FOR RE-COVERING GRANDSTAND AND CLUBHOUSE The envelope shall also bear on the outside the name of the BIDDER and his address.

if forwarded by mail, the sealed enveloped containing the BID shall be enclosed in another envelope addressed to the OWNER at Thistledown Racetrack, P.O. Box 7050, North Randall, Ohio 44120. Any BID may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for opening of BIDS or authorized postponement thereof. Any BID received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No actual BIDDER date may withdraw a BID within thirty (30) days after the of the opening thereof.

Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by the mutual agreement between the OWNER and the BIDDER. Only contractors who con quality as to equipment, experience and financial responsibility will be considered and the OWNER re serves the right to require proof thereof. The OWNER reserves the right to reiect any and all BIDS and to award a contract to whomever he deems to be the lowest and best BIDDER. The OWNER reserves the right to waive any informalItles in the bidding process. GEORGE W.

JONES, General Manager Thistledown Racetrack P.O. Box 7050 North Randall, Ohio p.d.apr. 16, 17, 18, 1983 DRD42588 Janet Nose reports the latest in fashions from Paris de Parma in The Plain Dealer. consumer whose problem is with an independent repair shop. The formal arbitration procedures do not cover those shops.

However, the BBB will try and resolve disputes, particularly if the repair shop is a member. Another resource is the Cleveland Office of Consumer Affairs, which will handle and attempt to resolve complaints from anyone in Cuyahoga County, although it's clout is greater with dealers and businesses in Cleveland. The state Attorney General's office also has a consumer affairs section, although its duties are restricted to violations of the state's consumer laws dealing with unfair trade practices, advertising and a consumer's right to an estimate for car repairs. Career Opportunities Complete closing stock market reports daily in The Plain Dealer. Career Opportunities MBA LATE '30's with arta de administration service and uh.

trad recard of organizing grand o. 23637 Concord Dr. Westlake, Oh. 44145 Foreign owned U.S. company is entering the U.S.

market to sell (initially) a single product which has been sold successfully for many years abroad. We seek an individual to help us manage this sales effort. Our selling methods vary, though the most successful method is to sell to individuals at exhibitions, fairs, conventions, etc. and through many independent distributors or individuals. If you are experienced in these or similar sales methods, mail your resume to: JETAR CORP.

720 Hanna Building Cleveland, OH 44115 SALES GIANTS! Join the team that built the largest franchise organization in America. Our explosive growth demands we add top caliber, high energy, make happen, management-oriented sales people to our team. It you are a leader and a then we need to talk. Send resume to: MR. BUILD OHIO, INC.

6155 ROCKSIDE RD. INDEPENDENCE, OHIO SUITE 401 44131 MANAGER PRODUCTION Hard working individual with 20 years of diversified experience in all managementorial aspects and have first hand manufacturing capabilities. Have extensive knowledge in engineering and mechanical operations. Successfully scheduled my departments for maximum efficiency. Also have experience in same field.

Am aggressive, assertive, responsible and would be an asset to your company. These dynamic qualities capture your Interest and fill your job qualifications right. Reply to: PLAIN DEALER BOX KL 191 BANKING CONSULTANT We have been retained by small nationally recognized banking a service firm to recruit a college graduate with 4 years of banking experience. Full partnership potential. Must be outgoing, good with numbers and be able to communicate with top banking people.

Travel could be after training period. Salary is commensurate with your experience. Please forward your resume in confidence to Don Kennedy at: KENNEDY ASSOCIATES Management Consultants 1567 Kew Road Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 LEASING REPRESENTATIVE Career Position One of the nation's top ten major shopping center developers located in the Midwest is seeking a leasing representative. If you have shopping center leasing chain store real estate experience, send your resume to: PLAIN DEALER BOX KL 177 OPERATIONAL AUDITOR The growth of the internal audit function creates an outstanding career opportunity with the U.S. subsidiary of the leading international aluminum company.

We are looking for a dynamic individual with an MBA or CPA. Candidates will have ambition, strong interpersonal skills and 2 to 4 years business experience, including at least one year's auditing. Position involves operations audits at plants and divisions throughout the U.S., with travel about 50 percent weekdays. There is exceptional opportunity for visibility and career development, with potential transfer to further financial or functional responsibilities in 2 to 3 years. Excellent salary and benefits program, including educational support and savings plan.

Please send your resume and salary history to Charles E. Washington, personnel manager. ALCAN ALUMINUM CORPORATION 100 Erieview Plaza Cleveland, Ohio 44114 ALCAN An equal opportunity emplover LEGAL NOTICE Cleveland State University is soliciting bids for surplus porking lot controt equipment. To inspect contact Mr. Wilbur Waterson at 687-2023.

Pick up bid documents from C.S.U. Purchasing Fenn Tower Rm 207, 1983 E. 24th Cleveland, OH 44114. Sealed bids must be received by 2:00 p.m., Friday, April 29th, 1983. p.d.apr.

17,1963 SRD14032.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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