The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 Tr Sunday Republican, June 18, 2000 STOCKS AND MUTUAL FUNDS NASDAQ NATIONAL MARKET AND OVER-THE-COUNTER 3,000 MOST ACTIVE 52-Work Wk 52-Week Chg High Low Name Last Chg High Low Name 3.66 149 50 4725 Sycarres 100.18 68 40.00 6.04 4.3 26.02 8.86 Tee lEurn 163. -06 2.19 10.63 14,63 1069 297 Spec 81 63 69 19 -231 55 00 2631 TC PCS A d12.00 14.00 1.75 384 1.38 TeleMexs 1525 32.75 7.88 Syria 10.13 2130 3.00 22.19 6.25 Symanc u1856 12.88 7.06 To 9 00 22 100 4369 725 TeleTech 6.50 213 46.13 75 13 275 SympaTn 3.00 100.00 18 38 Telgent 600 719 263 388 7786 41 51 34 88 17 86 400 5.00 16.00 4.13 17.88 713 200 238 -06 22.00 5.60 1125 21.30 464.75 Teton 11.69 5.13 81 Synergy8 138 32.00 100 6.63 7563 Synopsy 4363 28.25 644 Teton 956 10.38 113 7688 15.25 TenFodn d6.81 10.50 6.88 2.69 TeraGbin u1025 763 5.00 -31 14.9 15.43 Learns 20.88 6 38 288 Synthe 3.06 145 25 25 30 375 27.06 SyntroCon 24.13 L50 4.16 2100 391 63 1 44 44 28.25 10 50 11 19 28.38 1000 18 44 81 5725 22.75 Tevas d14.75 4 5.75 3.56 4.50 50 750 2.50 Texci 2 50 838 450 TBC 4.56 37 88 550 ThSrest u14 38 20.75 TC PpLo 16.0 2038 1.31 hegabe 375 900 122 TCSI Cp 219 4950 14.69 2.00 34.00 206 THOG 650 456 100 30.00 3925 763 THOs 10.38 -100 550 263 1481 419 100 Til nds 2.00 6 21.63 Thorac 575 50 50 5 89 TLC Laser 634 -16 119.75 2263 3am 35.00 2125 TAP 00.75 15 88 400 30 Sys 450 28 44 950 IRS 010.13 17.13 425 300 Co 919 548 TSR 5.94 16 69 6.63 25.50 51.50 150 27 472 10.50 275 30 313 64.88 12 08 TVGudes 31.75 -163 20 00 1363 360 net gn d3 13 7.56 106 TVG Tch 1.88 147.00 TibcoSt: 1475 1113 5.13 TacoCab 681 4738 13.88 7.19 1194 Two 12.3 3200 225 This. amn 9.31 29.00 1.50 TakCayn 188 12.38 12. Ich 5.75 46.13 13.88 400 Tier Tech 1100 21 675 16.38 15 63 750 TimberSis 16 63 18 50 38 TangEnt 231 19.80 TW Tel d73 71 13 11.38 16.00 4.03 88 Trantictn 91.31 54.31 24.75 25 775 15.75 mongo 491 125 10.94 1.86 47 TodayMan 756 1900 731 1188 750 9.25 250 56 106 2000 2.94 Toppos 18 00 19 50 406 9:3 -75 13.38 6.56 Topps 10 13 44.60 1800 Data 40 63 88 6.53 441 110.00 An 9.63 59 TownS 30.13 420 28 TechChm 84 1225 1.09 TrackDis d5.68 63 16.63 Tachdone 3.78 29.63 12.75 TracSup u10 63 38 10.13 38 TadSals 500 13.98 9.00 TmWEnt 149 113 525 TransAct 1013 60.00 3750 Tecum8 43 13 48.13 11.38 TmSyA 4.06 63 67.00 4031 TecurnA 4406 7.00 .19 Troller 14.88 200 Tagal 5.59 670 69 Trans Go 14.09 54.38 9.00 4019 -119 $7.00 22.50 Tmary 11.38 20 6.39 2.06 238 19 6.88 .75 TramAse 21.69 120.25 1706 3425 13450 23.00 MUTUAL investment categories. Funds ranked by 4-week percent return.

1 TOP GENERAL TALABLE BOND FUNDS Total Min Init Pct NAV Name 4-wk 5-yr Invt Load NAV 28.78 IDEX Funds AegincPA px 500 4.75 9.25 33.55 IDEX Funds AegincPB px NS 500 NL 9.25 46.20 Conseco Fd Grp: HiYidY NS 500,000 NL 9.36 9.28 Conseco Fd Grp: HiYldB 4.1/C NS 250 NL 9.29 57.95 Conseco Fd Grp: HiYIdA NS' 250 5.75 9.32 9.87 Transamer Premier: HiYldinst NS 1,000,000 NL 9.09 9.87 American Funds HI TrstA 1,000 4.75 13.15 9.87 Salomon Brothers: HYId2 500 NL 8.97 14.54 Salomon Brothers: 500 4.75 8.93 10.10 Salomon Brothers: HYIdB 500 NL 8.94 BOTTOM GENERAL NAV Name 4-wk 21.39 Dreyfus Premier: HiYIdA 8.50 PennCHiYld 10.01 SummitHY 10.01 Del Inv insti: IncDell 8.49 Delaware Invest DelchA 9.72 Morg St Dean Wit HiYIdC 9.71 Morg St Dean Wit HiYldB 6.62 Morg St Dean Wit HiYIdA 9.64 Delaware Invest DelchCt 9.87 Morg St Dean Wit HiYIdD 52-Week Wk 52-Week Wk 52-Wack High Low Name Last Chg High Low Name Last Chg High Low Name Last 1700 400 SOC.Com 634 -20 1231. 8.50 9.50 14 19 2.03 Some (244 2775 1761 SOGHin 21.06 -219 307 1400 Secrdb d13 91 4675 19 63 Skytiest 34 69 130.50 37.25 SOM R.00 225 Seccamp 13.00 2.31 30 50 6.63 13.75 3925 20 06 SCPPod 3288 2635 575 SagueSor 8.00 4.00 100 134 83.00 AN 5 89 108 Sebel 01.00 60.80 14 56 Smforce 4650 5.25 150 SEDI 400 38 919 2.47 03 06 09 67 50 12.56 Sm 23.34 14; 13 77.38 SElv 145 00 154 44 30.13 Selectcan 60.13 17 13 153 d1 50 14.5 256 SEMX Co 8.38 2250 1463 Settin 19 06 97.00 30.00 05.81 6.00 150 St Tech 213 13 1531 309 Semesn 469 86 37.50 16.13 2725 700 263 SOS 306 25 63 400 Sermicois 18.38 75 3200 63 731 34 38 1438 SPSS 2556 -156 AF 2213 5.19 SmutGrd 47 30 2.88 SAS Lbs 1175 -125 410 94 206 -25 1050 1.63 SmitMo (1 78 1113 406 SSC Tch 441 -05 1.50 25.75 12.25 SmutSine 1300 63 63 28.00 ST Asmn 34 88 -75 800 150 400 -2 20 00 319 Snowbalin 441 1500 2.19 4.88 126 91 31 63 Secracors 107 19 -931 661 44 Socrates 109 4100 13.25 SabaStn 23 63 191.25 17.00 Sequermn 4.63 553 .75 Solach 119 500 97 SalLok 128 16 123 5.53 Square San 10.13 50.25 1.3 11.31 44 58 18.00 2100 -225 50 00 5.38 SerenaSis 3644 31.03 15.31 Ten 47.00 7.83 15.75 -213 240 00 300C 724 San 50 54 -536 20 00 506 SomersOn 1272 681 81 294 2125 797 7-Eleven 13 81 19 738 113 Somant 4.13 450 d5.16 1250 322 Serolog 450 155 00 17 63 Stow omn 92.00 45.38 613 Sagentin d7 0750 -22 20 50 800 Shrpim 1275 06 650 1.25. 419 23.00 1300 13.23 -5 8 63 388 425 13 93 13 25 19 Soneran 5100 4125 1913 Sedary 129 00 70.00 2206 ShrePh 4763 33.98 22.81 SoncCorp 29.13 3113 6.13 SalemCmn 9.25 17 13 5.63 603 59 65.00 4.00 1650 5.06 3 1194 38 14.75 3.34 Shaphm.n 5.51 -75 25.00 15.00 Sonicann 1513 138 Salon on d1 63 50 72 09 Shopnel wit 25 1250 1.69 SoncSd 4.06 59 56 1375 Sanche2Cs 2056 -44 14 38 294 ShowCsen 488 19 1333 22.80 103.43 16.25 15.19 656 Shuts 1450 37 75 1550 2488 513 225 Santo 338 13.00 3.50 Sicor 8.19 116.75 3200 00 18.25 Sanction 12.50 -238 175.13 20.50 SebaSiss 157.06 2400 1044 Scent 14.88 48 13 14.44 2794 -181 3044 681 Secerfn 788 -59 21.94 475 SrceMiedn 550 7350 3163 u78.19 4925 26 50 42.50 -269 10.75 Southfnd 1433 35.88 400 SarCo 544 -38 28 00 294 Serra0s 419 16 17.00 11 53 12.75 69 913 Sardos 11 56 -31 1125 58 SgaTech 400 5.31 100 SmEH 12 22.00 506 Sapens 756 488 .78 SchRes d78 -25 475 144 SoPacPet 269 151 19 23.88 Saperts 110.81 14 25 350 447 34 41.31 20.88 Souter 2.8 625 209 5.56 3625 20.19 SignAl 20.51 12.80 3.06 Somal 1038 8 B8 544 713 981 400 22.38 19 21.75 14 88 01981 44.75 6.80 Satcon 22.63 441 28 SagE 0.38 -63 18.63 1036 13.75 113.00 7.50 Satanis 2663 725 d7 56 1288 5.53 731 975 4.31 SavorT 788 53 23 69 144 Scad 913 13 738 388 475 2800 10.63 SwcOmn: 14 88 13 132.00 2163 5613 4200 1394 Bdon 1900 50 2034 Saneks 63 38 10575 4531 SicnLabn 80 00 -363 656 375 Sparta 413 10.25 125 SedonaCp 3.47 28 108.75 4.75 SSIn. 05.05 475 338 d3.53 500 44 Scan0p d50 28 45.38 989 SAcviv8 5 3925 45.75 5275 19 81 ScanSrce 3494 3375 938 Skonvi 2631 3225 4.13 18.50 1538 153 ScarSat 306 13 166.00 1113 65 94 831 2.53 538 1225 5.63 Schickn 05 63 -50 1025 838 ScowAn 9 88 25 3038 738 23 00 7075 3900 ScholCp 56.50 206 94 SAN Std 141 -09 36 63 1050 Spectran 16.38 20.50 11.80 Schoolsp 14.50 132 00 2256 SherSen 34 00 944 160 SpcSig 400 2025 1063 Schumn 11.00 -06 3425 1825 Smfst d1881 29 88 8.63 16.13 2275 1.19 SaCione 11.31 675 400 SimmonTn 5.81 19 2475 313 Speeds 644 133.75 16.88 5475 -725 14 00 19 4.44 59 15.13 6.00 7.41 4100 12.00 Sal.m~p 172 63 12.63 7.13 Simpind 07.50 2725 12.56 12625 919 288 509 58 56 16.75 Snaconn 33.50 -363 19.00 5.38 8.06 91.63 10.50 2150 6.98 Snclar 9.00 06 5.50 298 4.19 1875 8.88 1131 88 900 2400 06 9.63 Spartan 14.75 2163 15.88 SCouT 16.94 -128 09.44 23 13 Sruss 39.63 625 188 12.00 1238 5.88 8.89 33.50 8.56 55ckn 938 96.25 9 Spygies 38.38 7600 8.63 21.75 -156 2550 13.75 1713 -119 17.13 913 13.63 Wk 52-Weak Chy High Low Name -4? 13.25 300 Stalls -75 12.38 4.44 247 47 SakeTc -22. 9.9 150 Sampan 1625 9.84 Surteen -200 1725 700 -31 3225 13.50 750 375 Star San 68 950 156 StarTee -259 17.13.

119 06 45 25 19 88 Staticks -31 70.00 14.13 Star 34.13 7 88 StartedG 1388. 713 06 1613 475 Sam 1900 8.25 Dyna 430 1525 500 -213 10.50 400 Stainint 13 34.75 12.75 -109 2000 53 StamCals 25.88 1156 Snovde 14.50 8 50 19 3250 14.06 37.19 1500 15.44 1 8.75 13 17.50 350 6.63 100 -1 19 46.50 16.63 941 SolOist, 10.19 350 38 3738 -3100 Stratac 525 350 Stats? -113 6.00 35.50 12 P8 Strayer 54 14 89 200 950 206 SachMo 20.00 29.50 2.88 19.13 500 -50 6.88 4.75 1663 850 Summa 88 2938 6.75 SumTe 1125 5.50 25 106 75. Sunlics 2450 3.75 SnoyCamn 56 1750 575 Sunges 17.75 6.86 Sunquest 3738 925 SunrAgent 20.38 272 Sunrise 20 Spied 7731 14.00 SuperGro 32.00 5.38 SupConal 1125 4.38 SupErgy 4506 10.31 Suprex 13.88 650 SupSod -22 1144 Surge Cm 19.00 1125 SuspEnc 24.00 11.01 SuRim -413 3100 9.13 Subase LEADERS AND LAGGARDS BY GROUP 10 funds in the most popular and General Taxable Bond. US BOND FUNDS Total Min Init Pct 12-mo 5-yr Invt (S) Load NS 2,500 NL 2,500 NL 2,500 NL 25.000 NL 2.500 NL 5,000,000 NL NS 5.000.000 NL NS 2.500 4.50 2,500 NL NA 3,000 NL US BOND FUNDS Total Min Init Pct 12-mo 5-yr Invt (S) Load 2.500 NL NA 5,000 NL 0 NL NA 0 NL 1,000 NL 2,500 NL NS 1,000 NL 1.000 NL 1.000 NL NS 2,500 NL 52-Week Wk 52-Week Chg High Low Name Last Chg High Low Name 31.75 51.1 1400 17.00 631 709 Ubquiln 1275 74 209 Trees 67. 3400 14.38 cann 319 1475 97 331 -31 3013.

1381 LEd 30 06 131 3225 450 Trendies 1400 81 1450 450 Va 2.59 13 25 650 TAZeton 1525 16.31 150 316 25 13 1488 TradGhy 2044 06 1956 11.30 Us 788 22.94 9.25 423 00 913 228 UnCmo 31 2725 488 TagePh 763 10 06 5.13 Untab 13 11.94 5.05 u11.63 37.50 5.13 2831 19 2275 228 Tacord 1375 -25 31.50 4.38 Uniryfics 65.31 16 44 6.88 Tactic 9.00 65.00 6.63 UnryTe 605 20.00 10.25 72 1700 UBM 750 997 2.30 Tamar 8.09 -09 11.13 550 UdOnty 347 50.00 9.00 46 25 -356 26 50 16.00 11.00 738 103 Tamed 197 09 10 30 3.00 1513 19 68 20 1375 Timers 57 94 83 350 UdinA 1988 -38 7.75 1.38 Tm8o 3.25 -13 23 10 15.75 UNEN 4300 -100 75.50 600 Tantech5 22.75 -131 2550 7.00 1413 350 TrPahl 6.25 7950 16.75 UP Eus 41 00 -338 135 50 1675 TrOuts 103.81 -994 15.31 7.00 4075 1975 Intel 28 88 -119 3825 1825 USan 2139 -142 7200 TraPS 4375 102 50 1150 udThp 55 63 32.25 10.13 16.75 114.63 29.50 7.00 50 11 75 859 Troyfrd 9.88 13 50 34.50 661 -70 6.00 TroyGrpn 11.89 3069 Unen 213. 2400 1738 018.38 -2 61.00 12.00 2325 15 44 1025 1075 5.13 138 UnNA AO 1.97 06 2450 15.25 Trusts 18 88 38 50 313 UnDispn 338 13 26.75 7.88 Tueshim 11.25 42.44 32.31 9.63 16.13 42.13 99 25 1700 Tuank 2594 -238 213 934 Unfor 48 88 -238 136 00 1025 53.13 775 119 1469 06 1025 3.56 TurboCi 456 35.00 6.75 Uproar 5.56 208.38 46.00 3: 06 9.00 8.B1 -31 7475 20.50 TESts 62.63 1125 213 369 75 4475 13.25 Twerter5 25 88 16.00 98 Uromed 16.81 247 Mad 14.83 24 06 3.00 Ursuste 44.31 1050 550 6.94 8 68 3.88 US8Pas 18.38 29.75 18.00 25.25 2.81 71.63 638 USerS 4.00 1.88 50 US Dag 88 844 244 411. 800 188 US ESsA 544 5.50 06 375 US Fish 447 -28 V-W-X-Y-2 750 56 644 2.06 USHmGd 294 16 00 1.88 VOneCo 06.50 $2.00 8.75 US 12.00 -275 320 00 2688 VALEn 113 -06 4800 18.00 USLEC 28 13 15.00 556 VDI MENd 3225 5.50 .75 US OkPh d. Ge 25 4038 4.00 Valfech 044 13 1281 303 US Oncol 450 20 13. 3.38 Valents 1650 300.

US Per 434 500 131 6.13 -63 1738 144 US 1.81 19 1313 10.50 66 16.00 950 US 956 2288 138 ValAmer 1600 991 US Uwdo 1466 -131 62.00 1725 ValVes A 72 52.50 2.00 US WreCo 18.25 24.00 7.50 VaCickn 141 -25 1125 513 US Xorss 6.86 1763 994 Vars 1419 -50 613 113 USA BC 2.50 15.00 100 10.94 63 684 163 USA Del 316 33.25 8.00 Vani-L Co 10.19 763 .64 USA Fin .75 50.00 00 10.38 Vanan 17.06 29.13 16.88 USA 22.81 7325 13.88 VarianS d19. -25 1950 2.75 USABSh 344 1313 66 Vars8ks d81 09 20.00 313 USData 731 20.63 10.00 35.00 52.00 2525 USFreight 27.19 14.19 78 Vasomed 300 15.50 325 USOL Hid 975 4.13 2938 1025 VarGenn 80.94 93.50 16.75 020 13 12225 24.44 Vascoins! FUNDS Wk 52-Wosk Wk 52-Week 52-Week Last Cho High Low Name Last Chg High Low Name Last Chg High Low Name Last -13. 69 50 1338 Ventana 36.63 -331 2050 6:9 1025 56 13 50 Wolch 10 50 5 24 88 44 1163 525 VervA 975 1200 241 400. -25 14 62 8 0131 63 218 -13 14.00 631 20.00 2.44 Wis 1.50 -125 23 344 Wry Ona 10,94 21.00 225 5.06 3475 1325 Vwanca 24 63 63 20.30 131 Wordhd 12044 11.80 516 88 Verdant d84 14.88 7.50 roxing 10.38 2850 2175 WOw 53 15.38 2200 18: venti 850 863 N4 16 16 3200 1075 Word d11.50 12 259 8434 5791 2.3 27.56 1750 0040 2031 660 413 5.00 713 250.50 24.00 850 330 WARP 475 27 50 900 1123 1: 9. 9.59 174:0 18.88 Vendas 5 13420 -16 900 213 WWF Gro 72.

888 250 50 84 13.44 7000 18 25 Venty 4309 41.75 WPP CO 22.00 -63. 2000 1 Versant 5.50 -2 1400 234 Wakht 406. -25 34 00 975 WWFENtO 1744 18.00 100.94 12.00 46.75 5.75 2125 663 20 50 64.50 35.44 41.00 6.38 13 7913 1025 VersaTeln 3700 $225 25 80 1463 WaFed 1900 575 1330 1850 1706 31 5194 106 Venel 17.75 3213 925 1700 338 50 819 -M 300 63 14.00 5.50 Verbortn 9.8 8 00 100 Was Sys 138 3.59 8t 138 594 -0 90 38 2163 Verth $6160 12536 1038 WonGdn 47.06 50.00 11 63 San 2988 -285 1775 19 144.38 13.63 Vitalists 450 50.75 7.53 1644 16 00 1.75 XCMA 463. 1425 14 7250 80 9.00 13.56 1738 -06 1025 1925 225 7.53 WebS wAg go 806 2.44 1325 575 :331 26.88 -50 11.00 Valet 4220 400 719 19 756 105 00 11.25 4831 8700 1336 Webinds 480 625 Xosed 12:3 4106 -106 3181 -06 64.81 7.13 Viador 13.94 70.25 7.50 10.63 43.75 325 Vialrk5 978 -22 18 81 197 Wethre 231 19 563 113 XeTeCo 219 BS 05 8 43.13 9.13 2725 430 1.58 -131 2575 15 06 Xakon 1638 4253 -275. 881 344 831 44,50 133.90 10 053 1.00 Xenovan 1.38 13 21.50 52 38 13.00 Wedsnee 27 38 -250 67 98 1100 34 75 -313 24.53 73.50 10.25 Vical 21.75 2925 19 Noon 21.

-144 .26.25 1.94 Xpor 688 241 03 76.25 950 Vanity 21 85 13 3400 4.38 631: 5 83 06 24.38 Xixs u8600 2213 45.75 16 13 Vicor 3175 4160 925 138 Weyerr 288 -31 2450 Kroon 45.75 218 4.06 5 88 150 Vidalon 194 16 2225 1108 1'256 34.75 936 Xpedorn 17 66 13 19 525 97 Vioeolab 488 30.25 18 86 Westenc 2400 29.97 Xytrnat 944 200 19 8.88 163 2.00 4094 2200 Weston 3713 250.13 $5.00 Yahoos 140.94 856 -38 100 63 700 40 00 -138 1438 650 lar 06 63 38 22.13 143 YelowCp 014.31 1081 225 NewCast 316 1750 938 CB d5 38 1000 -81 394 -13 1575 1 06 Visage 359 14 28 13 625 26 88 13 660 .84 As 15 238 -25 30.63 3.94 VionPhn 7.91 37 50 1994 26 53 -219 14.38 169 Youbet 3.84 PT 72 111.00 11.75 419 981 319 Westal 394 66 25 1738 22.38 d4 06 -16 406 1 56 613 15.25 -350. 32.00 4.91 Sm 5.56 -231 19 63 450 250 3.50 10.00 1.00 619 -119 50.00 10.69 2-TeTchn di1 431 111 63 686 VroPhm 1525 -150 3.75 16 53 22 22.06 1.50 Zambacp 5.99 1388 5.13 930 7527 25 5875 14 86 227 2.75 06 8 B1 131 Vr.Com d1 66 16 352 188 Weston 313 1375 181 Zach Con 3.06 19 475 88 11.50 114 Vrafd 2.53 63 28 88 9 88 We Seal 1075 -113 32.75 -325 11913 8 VisGene 3 4700 950 300 What 00 -113 7.31 350 7.63 900 50 Vs Amer 66 03 1838 138 WheElec 10 63 1.00 32.50 Zebra 45.38 15.00 19 11.88 150 Vistari 34 40.00 30.50 3456 1850 253 425 63 900 2113 275 VeData 456 55.63 30.25 33 60 14 44 400 Zevex 606 d1 88 06 87.50 25.50 Vishet 28 50 8 00 5 9.25 31 81 Cop -183 1913 103.58 14.00 VISX 3.31 156 169 8 00 263 Ze 400 4.13 153 13 30.00 14.50 d18.13 -228 17.50 1.25 6.50 7100 3200 Zion Bop 45 00 22.60 038 .75 ViCom 163 19 17.63 925 Wilsons 16 13 -72 24.00 200 ZpLrk 11.50 4.06 19 44 194 ViSton 2.13 -38 66.13 1338 Wnd 3906 38 96.50 2150 2519 50 13 88 12.88 438 VichAm 600 50 56.00 9.13 Winked 11.69 -106 10.50 150 d1 50 -31 1.75 13 .115 69 2963 7844 43.19 75.00 14.50 20.81 1075 7a Med 4813 11.36 106 00 7.75 Viras 45 06 56.50 2400 Wnstars 36 38 13.19 6.05 Zolek 7.50 36.25 19 11.25 194 ViS 668 -25 19 88 1338. Whist 1563 13 5150 50 5350 650 VietCon 1000 18.00 2.63 WireOnes 10.31 335 62 .1594 0131 169 06 53.25 800 VodTec 2250 161.50 30.63 46.50 1444 231 Zonagen 350 11.38 50 159.38 20.44 140.31 700 1.05 WissNcs 156 1894 400 Zoom 625 67 74 4.06 88 50 Volort u.81 20 88 1072 WeCT 1319 7813 102: Zorann 49 13 1788 06 3225 21 75 Volvo 022.19 38.00 638 8.50 74.31 8.50 Zygo 28.50 56.06 1325 66 Vorware 450 44.94 4.75 WinSysn 1938 638 1.64 Zyme Ta 200 BIGGEST FUNDS Assets Total Pct Name Obj (SMins) 4-wk 12-mo 5-yr Load. Vanguard Idx Fds: 500 SP 102.815 NIL: Fidelity Invest: Magellan LC 100.939 3.00 American Funds InvCoAA LV 56.466 5.75 American Funds WshMutA px LV 48.383 5.75 Janus Fund LG 44.152 Fidelity Invest. Contra XG 42.954 3.00 Fidelity Invest: Grolnc LV 41.905 NE Amer Century Inv: Ultra LG 39.676 NL Janus WridW GL 39.567 NL American Funds EupacA IL 35,702 5.75 American Funds A.

NewPerA GL 34.485 5.75 American Funds A. GwthFdA XG 34.149 5.75 Janus. Twenn LG 31.775 NG Fidelity Invest: GroCo XG 29,779 NE. PIMCO Funds Instl: TotRet 18 29,142 Vanguard Insti Fds. Instidx SP 29,082 NL Fidelity Invest: BlueCh LC 28.227 NO: Putnam Funds VoyA XG 24.266 575 Vanguard Fds: Wndsll LV 23.720 NL Vanguard Fds: Welltn BL 22.629 NL Term Bond Lc -Large- Cap Core Small Growth AU Oriented LG -Large-Cap Growth SM Term Muni-: BL -Balanced LT American SP 500 Index Et -Equity Income LU -Long- Term S.

30 EM -Emerging Markets L.V -Large-Cap Value Equity EU Region MC -Mid- Cap Core SS Single- State Muni GM -General -General U.S. Muni Taxable MT MP -Mortgage Blend. Sv Cap Value GL Stack 8 MG Mid-Cap Growth SU -Short-Term U.S. HB MV -Mid-Cap Value TK -Science Tech -High Yield Taxable NM -Insured Muni UT -Utility HM Yield Municipal NR Resources W8 Bond: 18 -Intermediate U.S. Bond PR -Short- -Pacific Term Region Bond XC Mutt-Cap Core 2.8.

-International Stock SC -Small-Cap Core XG -Multi-Cap Growth IM -Intermediate Muni SE XV Value Daily Wk Daily Wk Name NAV Chg Chg Name NAV Chg Chg MangdA 8.11 Expedition Fds: SmVaiA 8.57 -01 Eqtylnst 13.75 GrthincB 40.57 FMI Focusfd n33.49 MultiCapA 12.91 Bondinst 9.59 Enterprise CI TFInGr8di 10.19 95879 CapAppr8 35.39 FAM Vain 31.45 GwthB 21.49 FPA Funds: InternetB 27.45 Capit 31.00 MangdB 7.99 Newlnc 10.36 MultiCap8 12.84 -11 Parmnt 7.35 8.29 FTI Funds: Enterprise CI Bond 9.33 Gwth Ct 21.78 IntlEq 17.70 EquiTrust Series: LCapGrinc 10.46 ValGrwth 8.70 Muni: 9.53 Etrade Funds: SmCpEq 23.95 Fasciano 32.90 Techindx 15.03 Federated EComindx 14.56 Evergreen 36.53 MuniOppA 962 AggrGroA 27.55 AggGroA Stk Bond 18.11 BalanA 10.88 AmLdrAx 24.12 78 BlueChipA 35.40 BondA 8.80 CapGrA 26.43 CapAppA 29.57 DivrBdA 15.55 14.26 ComTechAp17.47 EqIncA 22.80 EvrgrnA 26.29 GISI A 8.43 FoundA 22.68 19.28 GrStratA 42.81 HilncBdA 9.70 30.73 IntlEgA 28.13 GwthA 23.48 38 IntlincA 9.26 11 GrolncA 31.38 IntSmCoA 32 58 HilncomeA 9.73 LrgCapGrAp15.46 HIYIdA 3.66 LtTrmA 9.36 Intrn8dA 8.33 LtdMunA 9.50 IntiGrA 9.30 Ml int 10.49 MastersA 13.12 MunSecA 9.90 MuniBondA 6.83 SCapSIA 19.67 OmegaA 38.70 StrincA 8.87 PerpGIblA 22.93 USGVSecA 7.55 02 PerintlA 18.57 UtIFdA 11.82 QincA 12.02 WidutIA 17.99 ShDurA 9.45 Federated SmCoGrA 10.01 AggrGroB 26.92 StrGrthA 13.10 AmLdr8 te 24.03 Strincat 6.08 Bond 8.81 Tx FreeA 8.47 29.14 TaxStraA 16.88 CapAppB CommTchB p17.39 9.27 EgIncB 22.79 UtilityA 14.35 GrStrat8 40.96 ValueA 20.92 HilnBd8 tx 9.70 Evergreen IntiEqB 26.59 AggGroB 35.04 IntSmCoB 31.45 BalanBt 10.87 L.rgCapGrB p15.35 BluChipB1 34.78 MunOppB 9.61 4.04 EvrgrnB 25.64 -20 MuSecBt 9.90 4.03 FoundB 22.53 SmCapStB 19.07 GILeadBt 18.74 -05 07 StrincB 8.87 GloOpB1 28.56 -27 US 7.55 Groinc8 30.72 UtilFdB 11.82 IncoGr8 21.63 Federated MastersB 13.00 AmLdrC 24.04 35.78 BondC 8.82 03 SmlCapVIB p15.16 9.82 07 Com 17.38 22.80 StrGrthB 12.83 HilnB0C 9.70 StrincB 6.10 IntlEqC 26.25 TxFreeB nt 8.44 IntSmCoC 31.42 TaxStraB 16.82 -01 MaxCapC 29.69 USGv1B 9.27 Federated UtilityB1 14.36 09 AdjRt 9 35 ValueBt 20.84 AmLdrF 24.09 Evergreen Bondf 8.82 CapGrC 24.74 EqincF 22.81 01 CapBal8 15.52 15 GISI 8.42 FoundC 22.52 MunOpp 9.62 GwthCt 22.44 UtiF 11.82 HilncC 9.73 Federated Insti: OmegaCt 35.87 Arm 9.49 PerpGIC 21.54 -22 GoralS 10.91 PerpintIC 18 15 Gov1-31 10.29 QincC 12.02 Gov2-51 10.39 Evergreen Select: GovBdn 10.04 EqtyindxA 55.14 .53 GovUtra 1.98 EqtylndxB 55.01 Hi Yid 7.67 Evergreen IncoTrS 9.91 CTMuBdY 6.01 Intincing! 9.52 EvrgrnY 26.60 20 IntMun I 10.02 FoundY 22.70 -08 LimDurlS 9.76 GrolncY 31.56 ModConGr 11.67 IncoGrY 21.85 04 MydGrwth nx14.92 IntiGrY 9.30 05 MgdGrSL nx 14.31 08 03 ShDurY 9.45 MgdincS 10 30 SIMuniY 9.77 MgdMGSL 13.23 StkSelY 20.32 ModModGr 13.25 -06 9.27 06 MaxCapl 29.89 -28 16 ValueY 20.93 MaxCapS 29.81 -27 Excelsior Funds: MadCap 19.29 Asia 10.06 -21 MiniCap 14.49 BiendEqty 49.62 Shtincin 854 Energy 16.20 10.03 01 01 IntModin 6.80 Stock Tr 35.10 IntiFd 18.27 06 UltraShort 1.98 IntTE 9.07 4.06 Fidelity Adv Foc LT TE 9.01 HealthCareA r21.87 LgCapGr 18.08 04 TechA 37.03 07 Madin 8.58 03 Fidelity Adv Foc NY TE 8.35 4.01 FinServB nr 16.83 PanEuro 15.37 17 HealthCareS p21.38+.15 SmallCap 14.08 TechB I 36.15 ValRestr 33.12 18 TelUtIGrB1 22.88 Excelsior Instl: Fidelity Adv Foc Exeter Funds: FinSvcT 17.07 55 Equity 16.92 Fidelity Adv Foc IntnEq 12.63 HithCareCt 21.38 Income 6.69 FindSvcCt 16.84 OptGrA 29.42 88389 TechnoCp 3621 ToRtnBd 7.02 05 TelUtIGIC nt 22.87 13.53 HitCarT 21.74 16 Tables show the top 10 and bottom Shown Below: Long-term US Bond Name 4-wk Amer Century Inv: Tar2025 Amer Century Inv: Tar2020 Amer Century Inv: Tar2015 Rydex Investor: USGvBd Amer Century Inv: Tar2010 PIMCO Funds Instl: LTUSG Funds Admin: L.TrmGvt PIMCO Funds TUSGvtA Dreyfus: UST Lng Vanguard Idx Fds: LTBond TOP LONG -TERM BOTTOM LONG-TERM Name 4-wk Flex Funds: USGovBd np Prudential Fds GvtincC Merc Asst Mgmt GovtSecC Merc Asst Mgmt GovtSec! PaineWebber USGvB UAM Funds: McKGov Concert Inv GvtB Seligman Group: US GovD Van Kamp Funds GvScCt PIMCO Funds LTUSGVC HOW TO READ THE MUTUAL FUND TABLES Here are the 4,000 biggest mutual funds listed on Nasdaq. Tables show the fund name, sell price or net asset value (NAV), daily net change and weekly net change: Name: Name of mutual fund and family. ABC NAV: Net asset value. Deity Wk Daily Chg: Net change in price of NAV for Name NAY Cho Chg last day of week. AAL Bond Mutual: 944 08 Wk Chg: Weekly net change in price: of Mu CaGrp Bd 14 10 52 44.

17 09 NAV. 23 Total return: Percent change in NAV for the time period shown, with dividends reinvested. If period longer than 1 year, return is cumulative, Rank: Fund's letter grade compared with others in the same group; an A indicates fund performed in the top 20 percent; an in the bottom 20 percent. Min Init Invt: Minimum dollar amount needed to invest in fund. Pct Load: Fund's sales charge, expressed as a percent of NAV.

Footnotes: Ex-capital gains distribution. 1 Previous day's quote: No-load fund. Fund assets used to pay distribution costs. Redemption fee or contingent deferred sales load may apply. Stock dividend or split.

Both and r. Ex-cash dividend. NA No Information available. NE Data In question. NN Fund does not wish to be tracked.

NS Fund did not exist at start date. Data based on NAVs reported to Lipper, Inc. by 6 p.m. Eastern. Source: Lipper, Inc.

and The Associated Press 8 MUTUAL FUND LISTINGS 4,000 MOST ACTIVE Daily Wk Daily Wk Daily Wk Dally Daily Wk Dally Wk Dally Wk Daily Wk Name NAY Chg Chg Name NAV Chg Chg Name NAV Chg Chg Name NAY Chg Chg Name Chg Chg Name NAV Cho Chg Name NAV Cha Chg Name NAV Chg Chg AAL Mutual 9.24 03 Alliance Cap GlobBond1 5.60 SCapVall 1538 BramweiG np30.18 20C 23.30 EmgLead 38.78 Balance 1264 ShUS 10.27 02 PrGrthC1 36.45 GlobGrth 9.63 TaxMgd1 np 1457 Brandywine Fds: CG Cap Mkt Fds: EmgMkt 14.53 Bond 9.40 4.06 US GMt 10.20 BalanC 15.03 Growth 53.33 TotAdd np 984 Fundn 48.59 Ballnv 10.78 FL Int nr 12.85 CapGro 39.56 ARK Funds: CpB0Ct 11.98 HiYld 4.29 Artisan Funds: Bremer Funde: EmgMkt 7.46 GNMA 14.05 Tr Eatyinc 1465 16 BlueChEqA p24.00 GovtCt 7.00 Ind! 12.55 Intl 30.16 Bond 9.66 4.06 High Yield 5.97 GnMuBd 13.21 HYBdA 7.38 Accessor Funds: GrthincC tx 3.79 Mutual 12.29 -08 MidCap 27.12 Growth 18.90 IntrFx 7.81 GibGrth np 39.67 Ind 14.37 4.04 Growth 35.27 GwthC1 42.46 49 NewD! 35.93 SmiCap Bridgesinn 43.00 IntiEq 13.95 17.52 AAL Mutual SmMidCap 26.28 QuasarCt 24.96 6.64 np 9.6 Equity 21.81 7.73 interm nr 13.13 MdCSt 17.44 12 IntEq 19.21 HiYdCt 8.32 7.62 SmCapVal 10.4 46.35 IntiFx 7.63 Grinc 19.38 14 MunBd 10.56 08 MortgSec 12.13 88951 9.86 Select 1 8.46 Atlas Funds: CCB Funds: LgGrw 27.58 Gwth0pn 11.17 SmiCap 15.34 02 12 NAGVCr 7.40 SmCpAdvB 5.94 GibGroA 21.3 LgVal 11.65 InsMun nt 17.13 Grwth8 38.53 4.30 Value 20.10. SelTechC 9.43 Stock 27.08 CGM Funds: MtgBkd 7.79 4.03 InterGrt 18.11 GutSecA Acorn Funds: TechCt 136.56 4.19 StAgt 29.86 GrolncA 23.8 28.8, CapDev 25.65 SmGrw 22.43 LrgCoVal 21.45 AARP Invat: Acom40 20.32 AmSouth Fds Utt 9.47 StrGroA Mutt 24.57 SmVai 10.12 LTGrincins 17.65 19.80 15 AcinFd 18.28 LargeCap 28.80 4.16 Amer StrincA np 4.5 4.02 Realty 12.36 Copley 35.70 LTGrR 17.76 Bdinc 13.84 Intl 34.02 3 AmBouth Fds Trust: NewD Express 37 01 -32 BBAT Funds: CRM Funds: LTGrinR 16.90 CapGrn 74.07 14 USAn 14.08 12.36 BalTrn 13.24 SmCapVal 15.95 CutlerCore 16.41 16 MA Tax nr 15.73 DivGr 19.07 Activa: Bond Balanced 12.59 10.55 Bond BlueChip 4.87 GrolncT 18.34 Calamos Funds: DLJ Winthrop: Midcp VI 25.57 DivincGr 16.02 14 intredBond 9.91 11.23 IntCorBaT 9.81 Convinc np 22.11 4.19 FxincD 9.71 4.02 MunBd 11.35 GenieM 14.54 4.05 Value 6.66 CapGron 14.93 15.29 Fedinc Discovery 4.66 IntGovT 9.64 4.07 California Trust: Grincat 23.67 33 NJ Intr 13.34 GbIG 21.36 4.09 Advance Capital Equitylnc 56.08 IntEqTn 13.91 29.72 GrwhAl 22.84 NwLdrs nr 53.17 Grwinc 50.92 Balanced np 17.57 -07 12.68 4.05 15.64 19.06 SmCoVAt 21.00 NYTEin 17.56 Govtinc 9.63 Growth HQSTBdn 15.60 Comer 13 61 10.69 NCint TB 9.88 Calvert Group: Davenport 13.52 ShinGv 10.43 Inti TxFBdn 17.61 Equity np 31.04 IntiEq SIGovT 9.5€ 06 32.66 ShTmHiY or 9.74 12.53 Mutual 12.41 US Stkidx 27.95 Retinc 9.28 LargeCap 27.37 SmGrT 33.74 12 Inco 16.57 NYVen A 30.94 ST Inc np 11.67 28.79 Select 8.47 CapAccuA Davis Funds ADN AMRO Funds: Advantus Funds: LtdBond 10.16 Stock VAintmTr 10.83 23.37 ShtintTE 12.80 BaiCorn 11.77 Cstone A 15.14 9.68 American Funds BT Investment NewVsnA 18.21 16 FinciA GrthOpA 31.40 SmCoVal 23.71 IntEgA 23.28 FixincCom 9.64 Horzn A 32.40 SmatiCap 13.02 AmBalA 14.73 LcyLRg 13.77 SocialA 32.82 RIEstA 20.19 UST Int 11.86 GwthCm 18.65 Spect A 20.12 4.31 TennTE 9.66 AmcapFA 20.06 LcyMRg 11.39 Soc8d 15.25 4.16 27.30 14 UST Lng 14.54 4.11 IntEgCom 23.00 Value 20.06 13 AmMutiA 23.52 Babson Group: SocEqA 32.83 CVSecA USTShn 14.22 SmCapC ValueCom 15.12 12.31 23 Grincat 14.75 Amer Advent 18.99 Plan: BondFdA CapinBIA 42.52 12.77 Bond Ln 1.48 TxFLid 10.67 NYVen 30.17 56 Dreyfus Founders: Aetna CIA: Davis Funds GrowthAt 24.35 CapWidA Enterp 13.27 Capstone: CvtSec8 26.99 BalF np 10.47 AIM Funds indPILgCA 19.05 Amer Century Adv: 14.67 Gwth 23.07 Grwth 18.44 Financial 30.36 DiscvF np 47.09 Agrsv 73.30 EqGrop 26.06 CapWGrA 30.40 Int 24.03 4.4 BalA 33.41 4.04 IntiAt 16.22 IncGro 33.20 Eupaca 41.71 Value 41.79-1.11 Centura Funds: RIEst 8t 20.09 22.87 np 7.28 BascValA 25.32 Aetna CI: IntiGrth 14.38 09 FundinvA 34.57 05 LCEqtyC 15.57 Davis Funds MidCapGrF np9.07 12 GrowthF np BIChipA 54.72 -21 Balanced 14.31 -04 Ultra 44.44 GovtA 12.65 7.53 -04 MCEqyC 14.72 4.06 FinciC 30.80 PassprtF np 20.68 3 CapDev 21.13 Growth! 24.85 Value 5.40 GwthFdA 33.91 10 IntEg 7.31• QualincomeC 9.61 NYVen 30.32 np 24.14 Chart 18.99 -07. Grwincml IdxPLgCap 19.19 14.82 Amer Century Inv: HilncMunAi 14.68 Barclays Glob Inv: CntryShr CharterLColdx14.71 FL Delaware InsdA Invest 10.57 Dreyfus Premier: 12 HI TrstA 13.15 35.34 Constip 44.53 Balanced 17.41 IncoFdA px 15.53 AstAR 13.01 -05 AggGro 12.40 10 DentTrdsAp16.19 Intll 16.28 -31 Bondinv 8.94 IntBdA 12.98 Bondidx 9.23 403 Chase Vista AmerGvt np 7.18 BaincdA 15.27 10.64 32 SmCol 16.22 CalnsTF 9.84 InvCoAA 33.25 LP2010 13.94 -02 Balance 15.68 DecElnA 15.97 08 Balnod8 15.23 EuropeA 21.55 17 Aetna 10.85 02 LP2020 16.85 -05 CapGro 45.67 DelawrBalA 18.43 BalncdR 15.27 -05 EuroDev 26 26 01 ProB 10.44 CaLtdTFn 10.26 14.28 LP2030 nf 18.76 -06 4.08 EuropeA 21.32 DelchA 4.48 CT MuAt 11.27 GbAgG 28.85 -23 ProilB 9.87 EmgMkt1 6.46 11 NwEconA 29.72 LP2040 21.72 -11 Grolnc 40.08 -22 DevonA 19.32: -24 CoreBondA 14.46 GIG A 27.68 Alger Funds EqGroinv 26.07 NewPerA NewWorldA 500 26.98 -25 LrgCap 16.76 18 GroincA 14.99 CoreVins 30.85 31.07 GIUtIA 27.82 CapApr 15.40 Eqinco 562 -06 26.44 Baron Funds: SmCapnp 26.62 -20 GrOppA 35.77 30.87 HYdA 7.12 Growth 15.50 Eqindex 5.85 SmCpWAp Asset 59.03 SmCapOppA p24.00+.28 IntiEgAp 16.46 GnmaA 14.42 40.16 Inco 7.21 9.94 GNMAI 10.24 11.55 Growth 31.63 -11 Chase Vista LidGovA 8.22 HiYdA 11.00 IntGovA 8.80 SmCap 10.29 Gift 42.59 WshMutA px 29.19 CapGrot 44 11 4.16 Natl HYL A 9.76 IntIEqA 25 17 4.16 GGoldEq nr 4.57 American Funds 5 8.76 -41 Groinct 39.49 SelGrA 37.14 53 IntiGrAt 19.86 Alger Funds 41.63 SmiCap 16.90 SmCpValA 25.03 LgStkA 26.18 JapanGrA 13.67 Balnedt 21.69 Gl Growth 9.85 SCapOpp8t 23.49 -26 LigStkBt 25.82 LgCapOp 12.48 Growthin 35.05 GrowthB1 33.85 Bear Stearns Fds: Chesapeake Funds: TrendA 26.55 CapApri 14.95 ICAB! 33.22 17 36.85 TxUSAp 10.58 LtdHincC 10.02 UmM Tr 9.96 GrowthBt 14.97 Heritagel 17.48 36.22 Agg Grwth 24.17 LtdHinA 10.02 -02 MidCEA 26.79 MidCpGrt 9.60 IncGro 33.22 NewPerspt 31.01 ChestnutS 400.75 USGrwA 20.02 10.02 3 MidCpGrA 15.40 07 SmCapt 9.98 IT TxF 10.10 4.02 Amer Gen Fds Grp: 36.20 CitiFunds Delaware Invest LtdMuniR 11.93 MidCpOppA 23.75 Alger Retire Instl: ITreas! 10.09 07 CoreBond 2 9.29 Berger Group: Balan 13.08 DecElnB1 15.88 11.86 MuB 7.77 CapAppr 20.66 IntEnd 10.20 American Indep: Balanced np 19.86 LgCpGrn 23.26 DelchB 4.48 MidCapStkR 19.91 SelGrth 30.41 Growth 20.65 IntDi9c 17.56 4.13 31 SktistS 10.06 Grinc np 20.58 NatfTFinc 10.72 DevonBt 19 08 23 MuniBdA 12.75 SmCpGrA 37.79 07 MidCpGr 17.26 14.42 09 API Gr pl 15.06 Growth 19.69 CitiSelect Funds: GroincB1 14.94 26 SmCoStR 19.86 10 SmCpOpp 25.82 SmCap 27.58 LT TxF 9.92 Am Perform: MidCapGrp 37.19 -31 Folio300 10.57 SelGrBt 35.44 TxMgdGAp 18.62 24 Summiti 23.40 Alleghany Funds: LTreas 9.82 Balanced 13.45 NewGen 35.26 Folio400 10.89 TrendBt 25.01 18.28 TF Int 10.71 9.65 NewOpp or 15.95 Equity 16.63 Select 23.72 Citizens Funds: USGrwB 18.84 18.27 Valu 49.26 17 CTBond inc 29.31 RealEstin 13.08 GroEqp 16 22 -02 SCVin 23.16 -26 Delaware Invest TechGroA 59.38 WeingA 32.52 -02 13.63 Selectin 54.16 IntBd 10.01 04 SinCoGr 7.22 03 CitEmGrStand33.00+.03 30.45 SelGrC 35.06 TechGr8 58.86 AiM Funds CTBal px SGov 9.21 Amer Skandia Berkshire Funds: CitilndexSt 32.62 DessGioEq 22.67 TechGroC 58.81 AgrsvGrB: 72.37 33 M8CGroN 18.93 32.43 StrAgg 8.67 JanCapA 25.78 Focus 51.18 67.61-1.41-1.26 Dische AssetM Inv: TechGrthR BatB1 33.28 4.16 StrConv 5.76 JanOvrA 20.12 -31 Bernstein Fds: Clipper Eq500index n182.89-1.74 ThirdCenZ 14.85 BasicVal8t 24.60 Ver AggGth 22.79 StrMod 7.38 01 JanSmCapA p20.60+.11 ShCAMu 12.47 Cohen Steers: EqtyApprec n23.94 Value A 20.75 BlueChpBt 53.50 22 Alliance Advisor CI: Tar2000 99.43 MarCGA 16.72 12.41 InstAlty 28.05 13 AntEaty 29 82 WWGrthA 39.62 CapDev8: 20.57 GrincAdvx 3.85 Tar2005 74.81 Amer Skandia ShNYMu 12.28 RityShrs 40.19 SmallCap 25.59 WWGrthB1 38.29 f. ChartB! .18.67 PrmGrAdv 39.14 Tar2010 57.95 GvShDu 12.41 Columbis Funds: Dtsche AssetM Pmr: WWGrC 37.96 ConstBt 43.39 QuasarAdy 28.30 Tar2015 46.20 17.81 ShtDur 12.23 Balance 26.07 43 25.77 19 Eaton Vance CIA: 12.97 DentTrnds8 116.09 TechAdv 146.64 1.96 Tar2020 33.55 ACSIBaB 13.40 IntDur 12.45 ComStk 31.22 Dimensional Fds: CapExch 593.25 EmMDbtB1 8.83 Alliance Cap Tar2025 28.78 4.12 8.62 Ca Mu 13.66 Fixed 12.47 4.04 11.36 4.07 BalanAf 7.70 EuroBt 20.72 Aliance 6.88 Ultra 44.64 Inv EgB 14.24 DivMun 13.39 4.06 Grtti 53.91 Diveralfied Funds: ChinaA 14.37 4.13 EuropDevB 25.79 -01 BalanA px 15.54 Util 16.97 JanCapB 22.82 NYMun 13.28 9.07 Balance 16.44 GrowthA 9.42 -01 GIAgGr8t 27 91 16 BondA 11.97 Valueinvn 5.41 11 JanOvrB 19.88 TxMgdintV1 21.31 IntiStk 20.03 EqGrow 30.37 Growthinct 13.67 GIG BI 27.71 26.78 08 GovtA GibSmAp 15.62 6.99 -31 4.04 Vista Veedot 24.10 6.60 JanSmCap8 (20.31 12 IntVal2 21.26 07 ReEEq 16.48 30.73 Eqlnc 21.06 HithSciAp 30.01 4.50 GIUtiB MarCGB 16.58 EmgMikts 18.45 GovCorp 12.20 HY MuniA 9.74 HYkBI 7.13 GroincA px 3.84 -06 Amer Express NBMCGB: 23.62 Bishop Street Fda: Specin 35.80 4.14 29.32 IncBosA 8.15 IncomeB1 7.21 GwthF 56 17 39 BlueChp 12.34 TotRetBd 10.02 Equity 17.79 Commerce Funds: High YidB 10.27 -02 NatiMun 10.10 IntGv8t 8.82 HiYdA 8.33 Bond 4.67 HighGrd 9.58 Balanced 26.27 AggrEqp 22.66 11 SpcEqtA 9.03 20 IntEgBt 24.31 InsMuniA 9.39 Discovery 11.18 Amer Skandia BlackRock Bond 18.19 4.14 EqValue 10.15 23 TxMgEmGr p17.32 JapanGrB1 13.02 IntiA 19.76 -06 DEI 8.84 -08 JanusCapC 22.78 BallnvA 20.68 Growth 40.58 HiQuality 11.47 02 TxMgdGrA 24.02 MidCapEqB :25.27 -01 MrtgA 8.12 4.06 EmgMkt 5.87 JanOv 19.92 SmCpGrAp 32.93 Groinci 23.12 27 invHorSA 12.69 01 Mun8dl 9.59 MidCpGr8: 15.31 MMS Ar 6.12 EqSelect 18 12 JSmCapCt 20.32 4.10 13 28.04 4.14 IntEg 29.99 IntEq 19.99 03 TradGvtA 9.65 MidCOo 23.66 MulICAA 13.28 EqtyVal 10.63 MarCGC 16.56 LgCGrA 24.76 61 MidCap 43.93 10.95 UtIA 11.43 -01 MunBt 7.78 N1MuniA 9.87 Extralnc 3.50 Amer Skandia MicCapA 43.39 STGovt 17.95 InvLHorSA 13.62 Eaton Vance CI SeiGnthB1 28.39 NEurA 21.94 Fedinc 4.66 JanCapX 22.85 SelEgA 21.53 4.32 Concert Alloc LongHorzSA 12.20 12.88 SmCGB! 36.54 NAGA 7.37 GlobBal 6.67 MarCGX 16.55 BlackRock GrthA 15.46 -01 SpecEq 25.38 4.07 40 CTMuniBt 9.94 SmCpOpp8 (25.47 PrGrthA 38.58 GlobalBond 5.60 Amerindo Funds: BalanceBt 20.50 HiGroA 17.39 Cox: GovtObiBt 8.31 StratB 9.69 QuasarA 28.04 GlobGrth 9.84 06 TechDn 23.03 IndxEqB 27.71 Conserv 11.88 Balan 64.73 HithSciBt 22.20 ValuBt 47.45 15 SelTechA 9.46 -22 Growth 55.68 AmeristckMF 35.61 IndxEqC: 27.71 BaincdA 13.18 Income 11.58 Hilnc8t 7.03 Weing8 31.05 -03 TechA 144.88 HiYield 4.29 Aon Funds: MicCapB 42.73 08 57 SocAwA 26.50 Stock 97.26-1.27 9.70 AIM Funds 13.51 Inst 5.27 AstAllo 17.45 MicCapC 42.72 58 Concert Alloc Domini Funds: IntoAgeB1 22.71 -48 AdvFlexC1 16.98 28 Alliance Cap Intl 12.67 GovSec 9.68 MCpGrB1 23.26 21 Balance 13.24 SocialEg 40.77 43 MAMunBt 9.89 AdintValCt 18.88 Allian I 6.17 13 ModAl 10.62 04 Aquinas Fund: Select8t 21.08 Grth8 15.49 -02 Dresdner RCM: NatMunB tf 9.43 AdvLgCpC pe14.83-7.14-7.10 Balanced8 tx14.98 Mutual 12.41 EgGrth 21.01 SmCpGr8t 31 62 HiGr8t 17.27 -07 BiotechNp 31.64 93 StrincB ft 8.44 -01 3 BalC 33.31 CpBoB 11.98 NewD 36.95 Ariel Mutual Fds: BlackRock Svc: SocAw8t 26.50 EuropeN 16.89 TxMgEmGr p16.97 BlueChipCt 53.49 22 GIDGvIB1 6.87 Prog 8.13 Apprec 32.04 BalancdS 20.71 Concert inv 1: Gib Tchl 68.25 I 23.34 CapDevCt 20.55 GibStrincBt 9.99 ReschOpp 7.88 Ariel 33.95 Govt 1 9.72 GlobTchN. 68.09 TxManintB1 13.65 CharterCt 18.72 07 Govt8 7.00 Select 8.46 06 Aristata Funds: IndexES 28.07 Groinc1 18.90 Intl 19.45 Ut B1 13.53 ConstI 43 38 GwthBt 42.43 SmCapAdv 5.99 4.04 9.60 IntEgS 24.91 15.14 02 Growth 1 27.37 10 Eaton Vance CI DentTrendsC116.08 Grinc8 px 3.79 SmColndex 8.85 EqtyFd LgCpGrS 14.40 Muni 13.06 Dreyfus: NatMCt 8.98 GiblGrC1 28 79 Grinv8 15.06 Stock 27.35 Armada LgCpVIS 9.79.

Concert Inv A Bond 13.61 TaxMgEmGr116.90 11 HiYdC 7.11 HealthCareB112.04 StrAg 31.60 EqtyGroAp 29.90 ManagedS 21.56 Groinca 18.89 AggVair 26.04 46.57 29 TaxManGC p22.42 13 08 intEgCt 24.32 HiYd8t 8.32 TE Bond 3.82 Armada CI1: SelEgS GrilA 27.28 Aprec Balanced 16.05 Hi IncC 9.25 MidCapOppC 123 1352 4.09 Utility 9.47 06 BalAllins np 10.64 9.53 -01 SCapGrS 1784 Fds: IntEgA 45.57 BasicintMn 12.71 Eclipse Funds: 33.31 01 Value 47.47 15 IntiB! 18.27 4.14 Amer Express 8: Bondi np Boston 07 PchtGrA 19.19 BasicMun 12.77 SmiCapVal 11.21 WeingrtnCt 31.07 MulnNat8 9.86 AXPMgdAlIB r10.53 CoreEqi np 15.07 CT TEnon 10.22 SmCapA 23.22 30.65 1838 Invst Adv Fds: AIM Global Theme: NEur8t 20.36 4.12 BucChipt 12.13 EqtyGrol np 30.04 GovMed 9.22 Concert Inv Calint or 13.41 Fxdinc 9.63 02 ConPrdA 29.06 28 NAGVB1 7.40 Bond 4.67 Eqini np 15.22 GroincB 18.60 CT Intr 1337 16.16 13 Growth 13.36 w. 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DisEqn 32.18 Eqldxin 28.29 Diverinti 24 51 Fxdinc 10.58 DivGth 31.23 33 Intinc 9.67 EmrgMktr 10.82 23 IntT 10.36 Equine 51.56 Intl 20 84 27 EQI 26.54 -42 Infidx 14.48 04 EurCapAp 21.36 LgCapGrn 21.94 Europe 38 64 LgCapVai 20.61 48. ExchFdn 271 37 Lidine 9.85 Export nr 22.58 02 MdCapVal 13.44 .24 FidelFd 41.63 MNintIF 9.68 Fifty nr 22.04 ORIn: TF I 9.67 FourinOne nr27.66 SmCapGrn 22.84 GNMA 10.49 SmCpVal 16.06 05 GloBal 1998 4.05 Stratinc 8.99 Govtine 9 50 Tech 50.77 GroCon 89 16 1 Grolnc 47.21 45 54 First Amer Strat: Grolncil 10.52 09 AggGrth 13 90 10.98 03 11.96 04 4.01 Highinc HKChina 17.67 Growth 13.14 IntBd 9.76 First Eagle: IntGov 9.33 03 4.06 FstEagY 19.42 25 24 IntiGri 28.61 First Eagle SoGen: InvGB 6.94 06 Gioba'A 25.08 03 18 Japan 22 39 98 OvseasA 14 20 03.

The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is a Republican newspaper? ›

There are several papers that lean conservative, but it is important to keep in mind some may be socially conservative and some may be fiscally conservative. The most popular would be the Wall Street Journal, but other good options are The Washington Times, New York Post, and the Chicago Tribune.

Who owns MassLive? ›

MassLive is owned by Advance Local, a unit of Advance Publications, which also owns American City Business Journals, the parent company of the Boston Business Journal, as well as Condé Nast, The Republican newspaper in Springfield and other media and entertainment companies.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

What do Republican Party believe in? ›

To this end, they advocate in favor of laissez-faire economics, limited government, free markets and free trade, tax cuts, reduced government spending, privatization, and the reduction of government run welfare programs in favor of private-sector nonprofits and encouraging personal responsibility.

Why is it called Republican? ›

At the first public meeting of the anti-Nebraska movement on March 20, 1854, at the Little White Schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, the name "Republican" was proposed as the name of the party. The name was partly chosen to pay homage to Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party.

What makes a Republican a Republican? ›

The Republicans advocate reduced taxes as a means of stimulating the economy and advancing individual economic freedom. They tend to oppose extensive government regulation of the economy, government-funded social programs, affirmative action, and policies aimed at strengthening the rights of workers.

Who owns the Springfield News Leader? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Who owns all the news stations? ›

The biggest media conglomerates in America are AT&T, Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, National Amusem*nts (which includes Viacom Inc. and CBS), News Corp and Fox Corporation (which are both owned in part by the Murdochs), Sony, and Hearst Communications.

Who is the owner of the Boston Herald? ›

Who owns Springfield City Utilities? ›

The utility is owned by the community and governed by an eleven-member Board of Public Utilities, nine of whom are customers inside the city limits and two who reside outside the city limits. Board members are appointed by City Council for three-year terms.

Is Springfield MO mayor a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Who owns Republican American? ›

Lathrop purchased it together. Pape became the sole owner of the Waterbury Republican in 1910, and in 1922 purchased the Waterbury American. Ownership of both papers has been retained in the Pape family until the present day, with the decision to merge them to form the Republican-American coming in 1990.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.