The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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A DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS RIDAY OCTOBER 1 1926 PRfNGIE 'H 1 i WESTIELD i NORTH ADAMS ADAMS the City Clerk Hesitates on Ques NEW MAHLBOKO and Wyben 330 WILLIAMS COLLEGE marriage license HELD TV ORONO CO Westfield Mrs William Gorham and BLANDORD 1 Hall to residence at All Bride is Daughter of ormer SOUTHWICK same DALTON all Dresses triking styles are here! with Rev HINSDALE It is now and HOUSATONIC of New Colors and new filed SPORT COATS IS ATHOL LEE Other Attractive Sport Coats $1675 to $39 STOCK IiKIDG OBITUARY NOTICES case iSBawnfiiam A rc (Music Store bird loor) ORBES WALLACE Inc 51 richest and most printer is here for a few now' lives near raming 17 of this interest to at the Dra at 6 Chair presided to Silvernail today for College of of Pleasant street Book Shoppe on Mrs Charles IL open it has of speed and it is alleged that he failed to stop at the signal of ah officer with was rate re nt has and The city make a few IMrson of $20 for in tho products be the country Rev Winfield Holland of Roslin dale to whom a call as jiastor of the irst Congregational church was is sued last Sunday visited Adams yes terday It is" expected that Mr Hol land will give a definite answer with in a fine of $10 for speeding in Hadley Steven Banasfeski of ley was given a suspended fine for speeding on Bridge street and William Cameron second prizes Louis Existe Iebrode and Alfred Conte misses ana women The Crusaders ill meet in the home of their leader Miss Elizabeth Vin ing tomorrow' evening at 730 o'clock ined for Speeding James erguson was fined speeding on ranklin street district court this morning The case against Ernest arquhar for cruelty to animals was continued one week At a juvenile session three boys living in the East Mountain section were ad judged neglected and given into the Blandford Sept 30 The Daughters of North Blandford met with Mrs Healey of Chester road for a work meeting Wednesday afternoon Mrs George Blackburn and daugh ter have returned to Agawam after spending a few' days with Mrs Mecum of North Blandford Mrs Samuel Barber of Bloomfield is spending a days with her fa ther George Gibbs of North street' Postmaster and Mrs Robinson are spending their vacation on a trip to Washington and other places of in terest Mrs A Glidden of Islington is visiting Mr and Mrs Haley Woronoco Sent 30 The Exchange club dined at the Strath more inn last night after which a business meeting was held The club decided to meet at the Strathmore each Wednesday night during Octo ber for social evenings The officials of the Westfield Val ley baseball league met last night at Russell for the purpose of making plans for the first banquet to be held at the Hotel Kimball Springfield Oc tober 11 when a gathering of all the players of the league will be held as well as umpires who served during the season A number of invited guests are also expected to be present rank Smith left today on a two vacation to be spent at New York and Pennsylvania freshman The re so that with fra congenial sc offer all the facilities free for the evening and arrange ments have been made merriment to all The trimming effects in IELD EQUITY BILL IS SETTLED NORTHAMPTON SCHOOL OPENS TODAY New York a college whose Miss Martha graduate of whose subject Smart new plaids checks and mixtures tailored and fur trimmed models WORLD WAR MEMORIAL COMMITTEE NAMED Great Barrington Sept 30 Leo Hayes has sold his trucking business to Bert Johnson who has been in his employ for several years The business was established more than HOMES WITHOUT WATER AS TWO MAINS BREAK given $1057 Amidon Dead Sept 30 Edward Amidon at Phillipston today He find one son and tlie will be held on Sunday at ELD' Marlboro Sent Rev Mrs uller will be absent Sunday on their vacation which will be spent at Northfield and Peru Vt Mr and Mrs Charles Scrimgeour are returning to Great Barrington after speeding the summer at the home of Mrs Scrimgeour's father II A Cook They left this morning for a motor trip to Mrs Lizzie Norton of New Haven is visiting Mrs A Hawley Everett Gaines Read Everett Gaines 62 of Guilford Vt diedljiis morning at arren hospital after a short illness He leaves his widow one son Sidney and a daugh ter The funeral will be held at Ber nardston Sunday afternoon at 2 with burial in Center cemetery Bernards ton Complete Violin Outfits Tao Special Groups at Lenox Sept 30 The Chamber of Commerce today awarded prizes for the best kept places nt Lenox The following prizes have been awarded for this season: irst prizes John Curtin West street John Kilby west street i Christian hill: Malone airview Housatonic street Housatonic street third prizes John Ala gee Christian pont High street ing bait view CHAUNCEY ALLEN PARK NEARS COMPLETION AUGUSTINE ESLEECK DIES AT GREENIELD spreadins and the smudge was soon out men used burn holes apparently smouldered Lenord Rtidnick of 65 Spring Street was arrested early tonight by man Leo Muidowney and later re leased on bail for' appearance in court tomorrow morning Rtidnick is charged witlj violating the automobile laws and is alleged to have driven through the streets of the city the niuffier of the machine he driving open and at an excessive Southwick Sept 30 Rev John Theodore a native of Armenia who i i rrnrppiv i rnp 'state committee on the Near East re i lief will speak at Southwick Metho dist church Sunday morning the 3d He will tell the story of the work and needs of the Near East relief The people of Southwick and vicinity are I invited to be present Dr A AV Myers will Homer Varner Hired Tuio But ailed to Return Robes North Adams Sept 30 Homer Va nier arraigned in district court this morning on a charge of larceny of two robes from the Pattison Phelps Auto mobile Livery company pleaded guil ty and the case was continued for sen tence to October 14 during which time 1 it is understood that mutual settlement I will be made According to Chief AV Conlon the defendant hired an automobile the 6th and returned the car but not the robes I The robes had been soiled anil the de fendant planned to have them cleaned but did not return them His arrest followed Haul Di Lego of Syracuse charged with operating an automobile without proper license or registration i pleaded guilty and on the former tine ot $10 The second Inspector Kletch Iego on the state road city and Williamstown ago thief Conlon told he had learned that the ear had been changed hill Madame Du and Burrill ield Two inspections were made during the summer by the committee appointed and two addi tional prizes were given by two mem be rs of the Chamber of Commerce who are much interested in this work 1 Mrs William Lahazt of School street entertained last1 night with a Qalton Sept 30 The Congregation al woman's Missionary society had the pleasure of listening this after noon to Mrs Theodore Richards of Honolulu who spoke to them on "A Cinema View of Mrs Rich ards is president of the Board of Missions of the Pacific is lands The abiola Bible class of the Meth odist church met tonight with Mr Phifip Emern Mrs Pratt Jr helped to entertain the class Dalton people are invited to at tend the observance at se tomorrow eve The management of the house of the house di vision reported the largest number to day bp ving secured 18 Mr and Mrs Dennis Murphy of Westfield have announced the engage ment of their daughter Elizabeth for merly of this city to Clifford Carrig non of New Haven Ct Miss Murphy was formerly employed by the Pro phylactic Brush company and the Cor ticelii Silk company and lived in the home of Mr and Mrs Bartholomew Bresnahan A gift shower was extended last night by the choir girls of St John Cantius church to Miss Josephine Slesinski whq is soon to be married The marriage intentions of John A Lynch of lorence and Bertha I Jeker of Bay State have been filed at the of Chamber of Commerce Will Allow Use of It or oot ball or Baseball Westfield Sept 30 Development of Chauncy Allen park is rapidly being completed and it is expected that the plot will be ready for seeding next spring A great deal of work has been done by tjie donor Albert Steiger who has had a large force of men at work during the summer Mr Steiger who is in Europe has placed Percy Hhll secretary of the Chamber of Commerce in charge of the work and has author ized Mr Hall to offer the use of the park for baseball ou football this fall Any organization desiring to make use of the park for such a purpose will be granted permission by Air Housatonic Sept 30 Miss Anna Sullivan is at the Long Island City hospital Long Island City for treat ment Mr and Mrs A Montague are taking a motor trip to Lake George and Montreal AV Seeley is moving his portable saw' mill from the north end of Monu ment mountain to the Richmond Iron works where he will do a sawing job for Turners of this village Mr Seeley is shipping several thousandeet of lumber to New Haven Our village can furnish some of the oldest members of the Housatonic Agricultural society on records Sam uel Pixley has been an active member for 64 years and Brown and rench can claim a mem bership for 68 and 82 years having been enroled by tliqir fathers when small children Dr and Mrs Luchsiqger and Mr and Mrs Sauer will visit the Sesquicentennial exposition at Philadelphia next week Dr AV Cobb of' Corning is visiting his brother Dr Cobb of this village ton and Mrs Other equipment includes bow chin rest resin and extra strings The instrument can be selected in half three quarter or full size The orest Park Country club will close a most successful season Satur day night with a supper in the club house at 630 A dance program will follow GREAT BARRINGTON eral Electric Co Pittsfield works is chairman ot tho New York section Charles Payne who has been under treatment for several weeks at tlie House of Mercy hospital left to day for his home at Rye has sold tq on Thomas benefit club will be held home of Miss Lucy Gil Court street will be held riday afternoon at 230 There Case Will Be Heard Monday on Restraining Truck Driv ers Ji Pittsfield Sept 30 1 1 is'ufitlersto'od that thfi bill in equity brought by the Inhabitants of the town of Sandis fleld through its selectmen against Robert Ward John Avery Tif rtny James Burr Alvin Johnson and John Nelson has been settled It had been assigned ns tli6 llirjt jqrx jvfii' ejl case (or Monday 1 On the 11th the petitioners a temporary restraining order from Judge Burns which prevented the respondents from hauling loads weigh ing more than 10000 pounds over the following seven roads at Sandisfleld: irom Winsted Center Winsted Snndisfield "Winsted to Boston and Montville Sandlstield Center to South Sandis field West Otis ti? Montville and to New Boston Montville to Otis West Otis to Cold Spring Otis The court set hearing for tlie 18th and on that date Judge Burns ordered tho temporary restraining order dissolved and assigned the Case as the first one to be heard Monday rsing at the Univer i open nigh iinneapolis Mr Mark the Community hous i I nine: The manaem JIEB In this city the 27th Win Jtfed Bertha Crossman 32 xvife Kn sbin Crossman of Cambridge slryt rnnrHl at thtr parlors of the IMekinsfin Streeter company 3O5 3o7 Statu street ri tiiy at 4 Burial in Oak Grove com MISS MARION BROWN WEDS MAURICE MARK Maj BailloU Chairman To Study Memorials in Other Towns Adams Sept Maj Alfred Baillot has been named chairman of tho World war memorial committee which is now studying plans for the erection ot a memorial to Adams war veterans Dennis A Murphy is treas urer and Walter Donovan is sec retary of the committee It has been decided to look over memorials in other New England towns and tlie committee is giving serious consid eration as to tlie sort of memorial to eroctSin Adams CARD or THANKS Wf wish to thank ill our neighbors and i nls 'or their kindness and sympathy curing our recent bereavement mgs moiov BOOTH Kreslck Desek Event Miss Anna Katherine Kresick of this town and Joseph A Desek of Turners alls were married on Mon day of this week at Sacred Heart church by Rev A Nowak Mr and Mrs Desek are now on a wedding trip and on their return will make their nomc on Newton Marriage returns have been with the town eJerk of Harold New ton and Miss Beulah Jackman both of Munson street this town They were married Saturday by Rev George Carter of the irst Congregational church Horis Hudson of Charlc morit has been engaged to teach in the kindergarten school of this town! She is a graduate of Miss training school and has taught at Brunswick Me One Way Traffic on New RoadHinsdale StfYt 30 One way traffic has been started on the piece of state road now being built across the south meadows under the direction of Daniel Walsh contractor A rock base is being placed one one half of the road from the residence of Mrs Marion Cobb to the new bridge which is be ing built by David Dwyer of Dalton Air Walsh states that the work has progressed well and is slightly ahead of his specifications and this part of it will be finished this fall The fill ing process was unusually hard call ing for "4000 square yards of filling 26000 square yards of which has al ready been placed Edward Alcombrigbt of Stockbridge has bought the business of Winfred of Main street and will take possession tomorrow Iij addition to the stock which Mr Clark has car ried Mr Alcombright may also start a small restaurant business having been vefy successful in this line at Stock Mrs Dennett Addresses Rally Dinner Preliminary to Campaign North Adams Sept Mrs Dennett secretary and treasurer of the North Adams club advisory board gave a short address at a rally dinner at the organization rooms to night Nearly 50 girls attended the dinner preparatory to a drive for members which will be launched Oc tober 5 Miss Marie Bowers president of the club outlined the present con dition ot the organization and Miss lorence Jeanton past president talk ed of the future and the possi bility of increasing its membership Miss Catherine Hines is chairman of the new membership committee which hopes to bring in ft total of 300 mem bers Registration of 53 More Than Double That of Two Years Ago Northampton Sept 30 Tlie North ampton School for Girls will open tomorrow for 'the fall term of tho third year witli a registration of 53 Tlie number is 4 8 more than that ot last year and more than double the numbei of the first year There will lie lour new teachers Dorothy Robotham of graduate of Wellesley subject will be Latin Carr of Worcester a Mount Holyoke college will le English Miss Lucy Baker of Templeton a graduate of Mount Hol yoke college who will teach mathe matics Miss Catherine Hall Jamai ca Plain a graduate of Boston univer sity who will teach rench and Eng lish The hew residence house at 59 terrace will be in charge of Mrs Agnes Harland Small Blaze in Kimball Building Smoke issuing from between the iron girders under tho Berkshire club rooms in tho Kimball buildinc on i Main street where alterations for a new store arc being made called out members of tlie tire department about 930 tonight There was no fire dam girders kept the blazo from Hand chemicals were used Work torches this afternoon to through the girders and heated the wood which until later CITY WILL OBSERVE IRE PREVENTION WEEK Land Westfield Sept 30 The city clerk has requested of City Solicitor lor ence AV Burke an opinion as to whether or not the taking of the Bey site on ranklin street for a new high view of tlie ac the bal appears general Local Notices Telephone subscribers In Westfield Please read tno advertisem*nt on page paper It contains matter ot you A has been spending a Berkshire county and is guest of Mrs Carl Pierce of Taylor street Mrs Thompson returns to Northampton tomorrow Daniel Hickey official secretary rtf the Boston Automobile association and wife are at the Roy place while attending various meetings and banquets of the association held In this jiart of the state a service at at 9 Burial cemetery the case ot State Detective Stokes who has been working on the Roraback murder case has been in town for a few days Mrs Carlton A Roraback is going to Brooklyn this fall where she will teach school Maj and Mrs Harmon have gone to Eastern Pennsylvania for a visit with their daughter Edward oote a former resident and local days He ham Mr and Air and Mbs Van A'ast will leave in a few days for Philadelphia A lourant lineman for the Western Union has returned from a two vacation in Buffalo Connors who has been substitut ing for him has returned to Water bury James Conwell has returned to Bos ton after a few days with Mr and Kirs Edward Larkin State road Mr and Mrs Edward Bunting hate returned to North Adamfl pfter a few days' with Mr and Mrsr Larkin of Elm street? Rev William Smith assistant pastor at St church will leave riday for Greenfield where he has been assigned He has for the past year and a half The stores will all close at noon morrow which will be observed Barrington day at the fair manufacturing plants have closed and business will be nt a standstill until the close of the event The stores in Housatonic will also close at noon Joseph McCormick of Pittsfield is spending the week with his parents on East street Lee Sept 30 The Home Economics chili will meet with Mrs George Miller of AA'est Park street tomorrow afternoon This will be ths annual meeting Mr and Mrs Stockett of AVashing ton have leased John new cottago on Housatonic street They will take possession at once Mr Stockett is the new chemist at tlie Lee Lime company Tlio annual meeting of the Greenock Country club will be held tomorrow night at tlie clubhouse Sunday at St church there will be three masses 7 830 and high mass at 1030 red Connor of Becket and Rena Gateau of Huntington were married last evening at the Lee district court room ry Charles II Pease justice of tho peace In tills elty 29th Miss Mary EUzubeth Ijunleavy I'utK'tal at the late home 99 Marble street riday at 815 a in Solemn requiem high mass following at Kt cathedral at 9 a in riends in ti ted N'EIPEI In this elty 2thh Theodore Neldel 61 of 64 Hornes sli et uneral sjH vIces at funeral home 681 Stalo street Saturday afternoon at 3 Burial in ink Grovn cemetery In this city red erick Boscnburgh 57 of Ij Sunapeestreet uneral services in Christ Episcopal church riday afternoon at 2 Bur ial In Hillcrest cemetery In this city 'loth rederick Sturgis 16 son ot Mrs Ruth Sturgis ot 180 Oakland street uneral at the parlors ot leklnsou Ht reefer company 307 Stat street Saturday at 2 in Burial In Springfield i enwlep Plans for A treasury department architect Ims drawn pions tor a 40 foot addition to the postofiico pn the east side to cost $175000 In this addition it iS proposed to have mail trucks load and unload in tlie basem*nt There will bo a garage for the trucks and the jiareel post division wiU be moved" from the Howard block TTenn street to the new basem*nt More space will be given to lock boxes and 3u feet will bo added to the lobby The reg istry also will lie enlarged Alost of tho proposed changes were suggested by Postmaster James 1L Butler In 10 years the 'tdfieo rereipts nave grown 100 per iqt and in the past six months the increase' nas been 12 per cent as a nation wide average of 645 per cent iles Divorce Libel Sara Hansen of Pittsfield has filed in probate court a libel for divorce from Carl Hansen of Millerton YA for neglect to provide Site seeks ali mony and asks that property of the be attached for $2000 in order to secure suitable support for herself They were married at Bennington A't November 19 1921 Afrs AVailliant Head Mrs Mal tha Wadham' widow rank Wadham died Tuesday San Diego Cal She was a daughter 1 the late James A and Jane Al Bridges of Pittsfield and had lived at San Diego since her marriage Jstnuary 28 1890 Tbd survivors are a daughter Airs A of San Diego: two brothels Samuel and Ed ward Bridges of Pittsfield and two sisters 'Mrs Nelson Lawton of this city and Mrs Harriet Kelly ofcHad don Hights AVeldlng Society Meets orty members of the American Welding society "held a meeting at tlie General Electric company audi torium last night Harry Tobey of 2 i Taylor street was the speaker Robert Wagner assistant man ufacturing suptM iufentlent of the Gen Airs Beliveau Dead Airs Josephine (AIcnard) Beliveau 57 wife of Germain Beliveau died last night at her home on Bridge street Besides her husband she leaves her father Alitchell Menard of Amherst three brothers Henry Nel son and Ray Alenard of this city and five sisters Airs Delia Marin Airs Suprenant Airs A Paquette and Aiiss Corinne Alenard all of this city and Sister Alary De Paul of St Jo seph's order The funeral will be held at the honie Saturday morning at 81a followed Dy Sacred Heart church will be in St Mary's A sealed verdict in Napoleon Rogers of lorence charged with driving when under the influence of liquor was opened in the superior court this morning and found to con tain an acquittal The case of Doris Johnson of Amherst charged with keeping a disorderly house went to the jury at 4 this afternoon and a sealed verdict will be returned to morrow RUSHING SEASON WILL BEGIN TODAY Athol 70 died leaves a funeral noon with burial in Webster Alartin Burke died today at the home of his daughter Mrs Robert Phelan ot AIale street after a long illness Air Burke was one of the old est Athol residents amt for many years had been one of tho leading landscape men in this section He had done much work all over Athol Airs George Paige observed her Tilth birthday on 'Monday at the home of her daughter Airs Charles rizzell of Crescent street A social afternoon was enjoyed by relatives and friends I and also in tlie evening and Airs Paige received many cards flowers and other gifts James Cosgrove and Timothy Paige liave returned to Dartmouth college Air and Airs Wil lia ox of the Pequoig hotel have returned frofn a visit to Alontreal where they were guests of Air and Airs Joseph Riddell Tho latter is a daughter of Air and rs 1' ox Air and Mrs Barrus have turned from a J0 vacation all River and Alanchestgr If Air and Airs Higgins have turned from a week's vacation The official inspection of Themis cha liter Order of the Eastern Star will be held tomorrow at Alasonic hall Tlie chapter will open at 430 supper att 6 and inspection at 730 MRCELLE SHOP Stradivarius model Violin and imported shaped for a time of hours will be from 730 to 12 Dancing will be the pleasure the last few hours for the evening The price of gasoline has dropped two cents per gallon today 21 cents Alilton Bolster of the pharmacy Union block left Albany to enter the Pharmacy hall on Wednesday the It is especially re a otrnrum be present articles are of interest extension of the electric I light line and the closing of Conga mond lakes for winter Ashing 1 A free clinic for the examination of chest will be held in the town hall on 1 I Monday the 11th from 2 to 4 I bv Dr Henry Chadwick and the' i staff of the Westfield state sanato rium co operating with the Hampden County Tuberculosis and Public Health association of Springfield The clerk haq received appli 1 cation blanks for certificates to be given every person who served in the army navy or marine corps during the war The first meeting of the Southwick club will open with a lunch eon on Tuesday at 1 o'clock In the Congregational church house Mrs Edward Gillett and Rev Dockham and Mrs Dockham have re turned home after a summer spent at their camps at Lake Winnepesaukee WHY SUER CVlth Rheumafism Neuritis or Par alysis when Vlt Net Electro Mag netic Blanket makes permanent cure or information call Wm Alderson Wai 1315 i Valve Gives Way in Large Mam and Small Pipe Bursts North Adams Sept Homes north of River street and on upper I Union street are without water sup ply today owing to two serious breaks in the low pressure water system The breaks occurred about 1030 last night when it was discovered that a valve had given way in a 2 1 inch main at the corner of Marshall and River streets ailure of an automatief high I pressure valve to operate properly is believed by city officials to have caus ed 100 feet of six incli pipe above the first bridgo on Union street to burst a short time later City officials were unable to determine tonight the quan tity or water which escaped Tlie city water supply lias been reported low and the public lias been asked to co operate in using less water ElizabethAf Collins William Goetz a lot island Onota lake Pittsfield so far has toward tho lorida relief fund and Lenox has contributed $1066 Alary Gertrude Alorton 75 widow of William Alorton died suddenly Tuesday at St Louis Alo Congressman Alien Treadway is to addrerts tho Pittsfield College club at White Tree inn Alednesday at on "Contact with Uncle I school should be recorded in the fact that the question of ceptancc(of the site will go on lot at the city election There to be a conflict between the law and the city charter in the city mind The general law requires a taking of land by a City council iobe filed within 30 days ailure to do so nullifies the taking In case tlie taking were filed in ac cordance with the general law and tlie vote of the city was against the tak ing of the site the city probably would I be responsible for damages to the owner In case the taking is not filed the taking is null and the referendum would not lie necessary It is Under In Sunt of $500 or Grand Jury On stood that this is the first time piassacnusetts tnat a rererenaum I been asked on the taking of land the situation is very confused city clerk will be governed by the advice iri the matter Three Lessons To be given by a recognized professional teacher are included without charge Everything in Band and Orchestra Instruments aLEAti I1OJIE 2703 Main Street ritono River 452 4V Aiiss Alma Haydock chairman of the local Red Cross society has re ceived $72 in voluntary contributions toward the fund for the lorida dis aster The women of St Patrick's parish on the east side of the railroad track will hold a food sale at O'Leary's store on Main street on Saturday starting at noon Airs Ruth Thompson of Northamp ton field secretary for the AV week in now tlie of the state department of public welfare Mrs Alexander Thomas formerly Miss Thelma Chambers was given a shower at her home on Provln terrace last night by mothers of her dancing class pupils She was presented with a dinner set The annual harvest supper and fair conducted by the Aid society or vvyhen will be hew at the chapel October 29 The Kiwanian whist for the of the at the lett on on have been 30 tables secured and hos tesses are asked to bring covers and cards There will be music by the girls of the Court street school Aiiss Ruth Wood has puhehased the Court street from West Application for a has been filed at the city clerk's office by James Clayton Stevens of 38 Brad ford of Springfield street and Beatrice Dorothy Kazie of 56 Otis street Patrick McAIahon of the civil service commission will hold an ex amination at the city hall tomorrow for the position of sealer of weights and measures of the city of Pittsfield CLUB TO HAVE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE 8 failed to return to At tne same time of Pittsfield was subscrjntion man agar and Dwight Little '29 of Brooklyn was made a merhber ot the editorial board of the publication Two new trails have just been ed bv the Williams Outing club been announced for the use of the public A trail has been run up est mountain running from the Williams town to the top of Pine Cobble and anothen from Blackinton to (he Vermont state line by way of the Lookout" and joining the Long Trail of the Green Mountain club of whirh run? tn trw Cnjlnd border The first issue of The Purple Cow the Williams college comic monthly will appear at the time of the Aliddle bury football game on October 16 it was announced today It will ba known as the freshman number David all '28 of Evanston Ill was elected vice president of the Pur ple Key sophom*ore and junior hon orary society at Williams nt their last meeting in Order to fill the vacancy left when Soby '28 who held that of fice last spring did not return to col lege this fall To Be UnveildH October 8 By Mrs Jarrics Savery ormer Regent Pittsfield Sept 30 A bronze tablet Stockbridge Sept 30 Congressman and Mrs Allen Treadway enter tained 10 members ot the Tuesday club and their friends at their bunga low at Lake Mahkeenac at tlie open ing meeting of this organization Con gressman Treadway gave a resume of tho inside workings ot various of the governmental departments at Wash ington and of the imany benefits of these departments felt by citizens in general Tea was served Th Stockbridge grange wm award ed tlie blue ribbon yesterday at the Great Barrington fair for the best col lection of garden farm and domestic produce fruits and flowers This is the fourth consecutive year that the local grange has won the firgt award in this class Thomas Moxon organist and choir director of Trinity church at Lenox has been chosen choir director of St Paul's Episcopal church His duties in this capacity will begin Saturday of this week Miss Olga Al Wilcox was re elected librarian of the public library at the recent annual meeting of the Stock bridge Library association and Aiiss Rosalie Ellis was re elected assistant librarian Mrs John Cooney was chosen librarian of the Interlaken branch and Mrs George Warner of the Glendale branch fflarsElle 1474 MZ 4 ST CITY IN LEGAL TANGLE ON BEY SCHOOL SITE New Hartford road to sanuisneia to South West No About 70 Per Cent of resh men Expected to Be Taken Into raternities Williamstown Sept 30 The 15 fra ternities oA the Williams college cam pus will begin their annual rushing week tomorrow when members of the freshman class will be invited from house to house so that both tlie fresh men and the fraternities may look each other over and decide who shall compose the respective freshmen dele gations Contrary to the in vogue in many colleges throughout the country interfraternitv agreement St Williams has restricted tlie so called "rushing'' to a system so that each 'fraternity and each may have a fair chance stricted rushing instituted freshmen may be affiliated ternities where they will lie and so that the fraternities may cure freshmen of the type and quality which they desire has been in prac tice for many years Williams having been one of the first to adopt the plan The rushing week is divided up into each of Which is in turn divided up into No fraternity matters may be discussed until the third period when each house nttemps tn £nr tho mpn It wnnts to Aoront its pledge and promise to be initiated later in the year It is expected that about Th per cent of the freshman I class will lie pledged by next Thurs day night corner of Last street "nlid Wendell avenue now Unity church rectory on the morning of October at 11 as a feature of the program of tho cate convention ot Daughters ot the Amer ican Revolution which is to be he'd the 7th ami Sth with headquarters nt the tablet which is to be placed the nytheast coN nor of the hmi facing East street will mark the te of the peace party which was to ceiebra the clo I'onary war vity jatms JL i tlett avenue former co qhapter is to Airs James state regent will iT mi and Joseph th street willle il address Ti)e tablet will be by John Alun sic of 133 Ei't'a in behalf of the Unity chuveh present owner of the ir onrr The committee in charge of ths tablet ami Savery Mrs il Visiting delegates of whom 250 are expected will be the guests of Airs William Moulton Peace Party regent nt an informal reception at her home 29 Commonwealth avenue on the night of the Cth Morning and afternoon sessions Thursday will be devoted to business of the state chap ter and in the evening at 630 there will be a reception at the Alaplewood followed by a banquet The annual meeting will be held oil I 'riday morning at930 to be followed by the unveiling of tho tablet I Larceny Charge I Northampton Sept Theodore Yezewski of Southampton charged in the district court today with break ing entering and larceny of a moto meter and radiator cap in the night time waived examination and was held in the sum of $500 for the grand I jury Theodore Schorer of Spring i field was charged with speeding on tho Easthampton road and his case was continued to October 7 for hear red Balihazan of Chicopee paid South Had of $10 wk in mi kitchen shower "Miss Mary I day and speeches were made by Stanley who is to be united in mar I Alayor William JI Welch Clement riage October 11 to John A Carroll I Taylor of Springfield and en nisi was piayeu aiiss Marjorie nebresque James It Mansfields aiananna won nrst prize and Miss Grace etors tlie consolation John Johnson for tlie last six years superintendent of Courtlandt ield estate at Lenox has resigned to take effect November 1 Michael foreman on estate has also resigned Death of One of oremost Citizens Occurs Suddenly 1 Greenfield Sept 30 Augustine AV Eslecck 78 a leading citizen of Green field and for 55 years connected with the paper industry of the Connecticut valley died this morning at his home on Highland avenue following an ill ness of some three months Air Eslecck had not been in good health for several years but had been able to attend to his large interests at Turners alls and each year spent much of his time in travel and main i tamed A winter home in lorida Just before 'his illness lie spent a vacation witli his daughter at her home at the Air Esleeck's death while expected came suddenly at the end and was a shock to the community where lie had be come greatly loved through his many philanthropies and liis quiet and un assuming ways He was born Aiarch 28 1848 at Galveston Tex the son of John Read and Ruth erry Esleeck the father having followed the busi ness of a builder and contractor AVhile Air Esleeck was an infant the family moved North and his first employment was with a boot shoe establishment as a clerk at New York city In 1871 he went to Holvoke and entered the employ of tlie Valiev Paper company later becoming its treasurer In 1888 he bought an in terest in the Beebe Holbrook mill and became treasurer of the company and remained with the company for 10 years In 1900 he served one year in the state Legislature and at" the conclusion of this service bought tlie Nmiotuck Paper com pan which he sold two years later to the American Writing Paper company In Julv 1906 Air Esleeck bought the Marshall Paper company of Turners alls and later moved with his family to Green neiu aner a au years Holyoke He rapidly developed his uf property ana tne came known all over He was a successful bidder for many government contracts and the high standard ot his goods made "Esleeck" a standard in the paper market Hbs'1 relations with his employes were at I an limes me irienctnest and of a most cordial nature due to his unvarying fairness and generous deeds His residence at Greenfield has been conspicuous by his constant public service He has been identified witli every progressive movement and no cause of a community nature has ever appealed to him in vain He was a leader ami heavy contributor in the raising of war funds being head of the united drive for funds at the time He was greatly interested in the A oung Christian association had been its president at Holyoke and was prominent in the county associa tion He was a member of the Second Congregational church and active in all work of that church and was deeply interested in religion He was for many years deacon at the church He was one of the directors of the ranklin County Trust company He I also served on the school board He is survived by his widow Airs I Martha Robbins Esleeck a daughter urs ijorinc 11 Dodd of wife of a member of the faculty of Clark university The funeral will be held Alonday at 2 at the Second Con gregational church services being conducted by Rev Dr A Pratt and burial will be in orestdale cemetery Holyoke Air Esleeck's death is re gretted by every citizen of this com munity agd Turners alls Mayor Dr Wallace Brown North Adams Sept Miss Alar ion Brown daughter of Dr and Mrs lAAaliace Brown former! of this I city was married this afternoon to I IrtUriCO ADlrlc fit tllO hnma dioii'i parents at Alinneapolis Minn ae aitenuants were Airs AVallaee I Brown Jr Airs Margaret Goldsbor lough of Denver Col and Wallace "Brown Jr of Denver brother of the bride The bride was born at this city and graduated from the Alargaret ahne stock School of Nursing of the New York Post Graduate hospital She has Mtru ivitviiinir inns sity hospital at Alinneapolis Air Mark graduated trom Williams college in in 1911 He is a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity and is associated with the Minnesota Loan Trust company of Alinneapolis conduct the Sunday morning service in the Con gregationalchurch at 1045 the sub i ject of the discourse being Be I lieve In The Sunday school I 1 will start on the new schedule at 945 I I frtr the children The mixed adult! class will be at A Kilmer will occupy the I pulpit in the Alcthodist Episcopal church Sunday morning at 1045 The dedication service of the Swe dish Congregational church will take place this week The riday evening service will be conducted by Rev I Peterson On Sunday there will be th: ce services the first at 10 a Peterson of Sprmg I fleld in charge T(ie dedication serv i Will uu 111 utnn uvi uv Rev Dr Soule of Hartford Ct and Rev Peterson of Springfield The I evening service will be at 730 I A special town meeting will be held the town 6th at 8 quested that so of the si: ns the PEACE PARTY CHAPTER TO DEDICATE TABLET I Undertaken) Personal Service rank inslow Warren I Undcrwnnd Charles 1 load st rand II GRAHAM Corp 37 IIOWAKD ST RIVER 112 Day or Night 49 Al ore Members The force of workers in the Cham ber of Commerce membership cam paign reported 49 additional new mem bers at the daily luncheon at the Dni eper hotel tpday bringing the total of new members to 101 The final reports will lie made at a supper per hotel tomorrow night man William Cochran ire Station Will Be Open to Public Lectures in the Schools North Adams Sept 30 Alayor "Wil liam Johnson this morning approvrtd plans of ire Chief John Saulnier for tire prevention week at this city beginning October 3 The program is an extensive one and promises to be one of the largest campaigns ever conducted in this city Open house will lie observed during the week at each of the three fire stations and the public is cordially invited to inspect tho fire department A lecture course will bo given each day of tlie week in all schools of this city and the town of Clarksburg A display window at the Hardware store on AInJn street has been arranged by Chief Saulnier and will show fire ap pliances and warning signs The chief and four captains will address the school pupils PLEADS GUILTY LARCENY ROBES fice of the city clerk The Hampshire County Public Health association has obtained from the county tlie use of a tract of 40 acres on high ground north of the county sanatorium prop erty for a camp for underweight chil dren Che work of clearing off the brush is now in progress The Y'oung Christian associa tion has secured Leslie Mann of the Boston Braves for principal speaker it the banquet of the Amateur Athletic association to be held Alonday jiight Air Mann will illustrate his talk with moving pictures of prominent athletes in action Hieh'nrd Herberieh '2S of Ak The change was made for a was chosen to till the posit laii'xif assistant business manager of the Williams Graphic the Williams col lage literary monthly at its last meet ing it was announced today Her berich will fill the position left vacant wien LeBlanc college this fall Robert Acly elected assistant I um jntLU ji i case was filed I ka stopped Di (between this a few nights 'the court that plates bn the during the wedding of tlie defendant's er The chai joke but the wedding took an other machine and the parties who in tended tlie prank did not change the plates again The defendant is said to have had no knowledge of the change iling Taking i I i I a 2 I LOSE! I wis $1tP5 I i I 5 I 3( I sizes i 1 I Li 2' or the Beginner i $1350.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.